/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $producer_id = Auth::user()->producer_id; $stmt = statement("DELETE FROM Product WHERE product_id = :id AND \n member_id = :pid", ['id' => $id, 'pid' => $producer_id]); return redirect('/listings'); }
<?php include_once '../functions.php'; checklogin(); $conn = opendb(); if ($loggedin == 1) { $account = sanitise('account'); $sd = sanitise('sd'); $sm = sanitise('sm'); $sy = sanitise('sy'); $ed = sanitise('ed'); $em = sanitise('em'); $ey = sanitise('ey'); $value = sanitise('value'); $order = sanitise('order'); $field = sanitise('field'); $perpage = intval(sanitise('perpage')); if ($perpage == 0) { $perpage = 20; } $offset = intval(sanitise('offset')); checkAccount($user, $account, 0); $startdate = strtotime($sm . "/" . $sd . "/" . $sy) - 1; $enddate = strtotime($em . "/" . $ed . "/" . $ey) + 1; if ($enddate < $startdate) { $enddate = $startdate + 2; } statement($perpage, $user, $order, $account, $offset, $value, $field, $startdate, $enddate); } else { loginform(); }
<?php paymentForm($user); echo $msg; echo "<br>"; echo "<div id='statementcontrols'>"; accountPicker($user); numperpage(); statementdatepicker(); echo "</div>"; echo "<div id='statementhold'>"; statement(20, $user); echo "</div>"; budgeter($user);
$query = "UPDATE repeats SET PairedID='{$repeatid}' WHERE RepeatID='{$repeatinsertid}'"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . " addpayment#008-4"); } $time = $time + $rf * 86400; $i = 2; while ($time < time() + 604800 && $i <= $rt) { if ($insertid != 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO payments (UserID, AccountID, Timestamp, PaymentName, PaymentDesc, PaymentAmount, PaymentType, ToAccount, RepeatID, LabelID) VALUES ('{$user}', '{$toaccount}', '{$time}', '{$theotherparty}', '{$desc}', '{$toamount}', '{$type}', '{$account}', '{$repeatinsertid}', '{$label}')"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . " addpayment#009"); $insertid = mysql_insert_id(); } $query = "INSERT INTO payments (UserID, AccountID, Timestamp, PaymentName, PaymentDesc, PaymentAmount, PaymentType, ToAccount, PairedID, RepeatID, LabelID) VALUES ('{$user}', '{$account}', '{$time}', '{$otherparty}', '{$desc}', '{$amount}', '{$type}', '{$toaccount}', '{$insertid}', '{$repeatid}', '{$label}')"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . " addpayment#010"); if ($insertid != 0) { $paymentid = mysql_insert_id(); $query = "UPDATE payments SET PairedID='{$paymentid}' WHERE PaymentID='{$insertid}'"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . " addpayment#011"); } $i++; $time = $time + $rf * 86400; } } $msg = "Added!"; } } else { $msg = "All fields are required and the amount must be a number!"; } statement($perpage, $user, $order, $accsel, $offset, $recvalue, $field); } else { loginform(); }