コード例 #1
 * Respond to a custom menu deletion.
 * This hook is used to notify modules that a custom menu along with all links
 * contained in it (if any) has been deleted. Contributed modules may use the
 * information to perform actions based on the information entered into the menu
 * system.
 * @param $menu
 *   An array representing a custom menu:
 *   - menu_name: The unique name of the custom menu.
 *   - title: The human readable menu title.
 *   - description: The custom menu description.
 * @see hook_menu_insert()
 * @see hook_menu_update()
function hook_menu_delete($menu)
    // Delete the record from our state setting.
    $my_menus = state_get('my_module_menus', array());
    state_set('my_module_menus', $my_menus);
コード例 #2
ファイル: cron.php プロジェクト: serundeputy/backdropcms.org

 * @file
 * Handles incoming requests to fire off regularly-scheduled tasks (cron jobs).
 * Defines the root directory of the Backdrop installation.
 * The dirname() function is used to get path to Backdrop root folder, which
 * avoids resolving of symlinks. This allows the code repository to be a symlink
 * and hosted outside of the web root. See issue #1297.
define('BACKDROP_ROOT', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));
// Change the directory to the Backdrop root.
include_once BACKDROP_ROOT . '/core/includes/bootstrap.inc';
if (!isset($_GET['cron_key']) || state_get('cron_key') != $_GET['cron_key']) {
    watchdog('cron', 'Cron could not run because an invalid key was used.', array(), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
} elseif (state_get('maintenance_mode', FALSE)) {
    watchdog('cron', 'Cron could not run because the site is in maintenance mode.', array(), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
} else {
コード例 #3
  * Asserts that the most recently sent e-mail message has the given value.
  * The field in $name must have the content described in $value.
  * @param $name
  *   Name of field or message property to assert. Examples: subject, body, id, ...
  * @param $value
  *   Value of the field to assert.
  * @param $message
  *   Message to display.
  * @return
  *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
 protected function assertMail($name, $value = '', $message = '')
     $captured_emails = state_get('test_email_collector', array());
     $email = end($captured_emails);
     return $this->assertTrue($email && isset($email[$name]) && $email[$name] == $value, $message, t('E-mail'));
コード例 #4
 * Return an array of tasks to be performed by an installation profile.
 * Any tasks you define here will be run, in order, after the installer has
 * finished the site configuration step but before it has moved on to the
 * final import of languages and the end of the installation. This is invoked
 * by install_tasks().  You can have any number of custom tasks to perform
 * during this phase.
 * Each task you define here corresponds to a callback function which you must
 * separately define and which is called when your task is run. This function
 * will receive the global installation state variable, $install_state, as
 * input, and has the opportunity to access or modify any of its settings. See
 * the install_state_defaults() function in the installer for the list of
 * $install_state settings used by Backdrop core.
 * At the end of your task function, you can indicate that you want the
 * installer to pause and display a page to the user by returning any themed
 * output that should be displayed on that page (but see below for tasks that
 * use the form API or batch API; the return values of these task functions are
 * handled differently). You should also use backdrop_set_title() within the task
 * callback function to set a custom page title. For some tasks, however, you
 * may want to simply do some processing and pass control to the next task
 * without ending the page request; to indicate this, simply do not send back
 * a return value from your task function at all. This can be used, for
 * example, by installation profiles that need to configure certain site
 * settings in the database without obtaining any input from the user.
 * The task function is treated specially if it defines a form or requires
 * batch processing; in that case, you should return either the form API
 * definition or batch API array, as appropriate. See below for more
 * information on the 'type' key that you must define in the task definition
 * to inform the installer that your task falls into one of those two
 * categories. It is important to use these APIs directly, since the installer
 * may be run non-interactively (for example, via a command line script), all
 * in one page request; in that case, the installer will automatically take
 * care of submitting forms and processing batches correctly for both types of
 * installations. You can inspect the $install_state['interactive'] boolean to
 * see whether or not the current installation is interactive, if you need
 * access to this information.
 * Remember that a user installing Backdrop interactively will be able to reload
 * an installation page multiple times, so you should use state_set() and
 * state_get() if you are collecting any data that you need to store and
 * inspect later. It is important to remove any temporary variables using
 * state_del() before your last task has completed and control is handed
 * back to the installer.
 * @param array $install_state
 *   An array of information about the current installation state.
 * @return array
 *   A keyed array of tasks the profile will perform during the final stage of
 *   the installation. Each key represents the name of a function (usually a
 *   function defined by this profile, although that is not strictly required)
 *   that is called when that task is run. The values are associative arrays
 *   containing the following key-value pairs (all of which are optional):
 *   - display_name: The human-readable name of the task. This will be
 *     displayed to the user while the installer is running, along with a list
 *     of other tasks that are being run. Leave this unset to prevent the task
 *     from appearing in the list.
 *   - display: This is a boolean which can be used to provide finer-grained
 *     control over whether or not the task will display. This is mostly useful
 *     for tasks that are intended to display only under certain conditions;
 *     for these tasks, you can set 'display_name' to the name that you want to
 *     display, but then use this boolean to hide the task only when certain
 *     conditions apply.
 *   - type: A string representing the type of task. This parameter has three
 *     possible values:
 *     - normal: (default) This indicates that the task will be treated as a
 *       regular callback function, which does its processing and optionally
 *       returns HTML output.
 *     - batch: This indicates that the task function will return a batch API
 *       definition suitable for batch_set(). The installer will then take care
 *       of automatically running the task via batch processing.
 *     - form: This indicates that the task function will return a standard
 *       form API definition (and separately define validation and submit
 *       handlers, as appropriate). The installer will then take care of
 *       automatically directing the user through the form submission process.
 *   - run: A constant representing the manner in which the task will be run.
 *     This parameter has three possible values:
 *     - INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED: (default) This indicates that the
 *       task will run once during the installation of the profile.
 *     - INSTALL_TASK_SKIP: This indicates that the task will not run during
 *       the current installation page request. It can be used to skip running
 *       an installation task when certain conditions are met, even though the
 *       task may still show on the list of installation tasks presented to the
 *       user.
 *     - INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_REACHED: This indicates that the task will run on
 *       each installation page request that reaches it. This is rarely
 *       necessary for an installation profile to use; it is primarily used by
 *       the Backdrop installer for bootstrap-related tasks.
 *   - function: Normally this does not need to be set, but it can be used to
 *     force the installer to call a different function when the task is run
 *     (rather than the function whose name is given by the array key). This
 *     could be used, for example, to allow the same function to be called by
 *     two different tasks.
 * @see install_state_defaults()
 * @see batch_set()
 * @see hook_install_tasks_alter()
 * @see install_tasks()
function hook_install_tasks(&$install_state)
    // Here, we define a variable to allow tasks to indicate that a particular,
    // processor-intensive batch process needs to be triggered later on in the
    // installation.
    $myprofile_needs_batch_processing = state_get('myprofile_needs_batch_processing', FALSE);
    $tasks = array('myprofile_data_import_form' => array('display_name' => st('Data import options'), 'type' => 'form'), 'myprofile_settings_form' => array('display_name' => st('Additional options'), 'type' => 'form'), 'myprofile_batch_processing' => array('display_name' => st('Import additional data'), 'display' => $myprofile_needs_batch_processing, 'type' => 'batch', 'run' => $myprofile_needs_batch_processing ? INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED : INSTALL_TASK_SKIP), 'myprofile_final_site_setup' => array());
    return $tasks;
コード例 #5
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the daily and weekly processing tasks as needed.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$now = time();
// Figure out if it's been 24 hours since our last daily processing.
if (state_get('project_usage_last_daily', 0) <= $now - PROJECT_USAGE_DAY) {
    state_set('project_usage_last_daily', $now);
// We can't process the weekly data until the week has completed. To see if
// there's data available: determine the last time we completed the weekly
// processing and compare that to the start of this week. If the last
// weekly processing occurred before the current week began then there should
// be one (or more) week's worth of data ready to process.
$default = $now - config_get('project_usage.settings', 'life_daily');
$last_weekly = state_get('project_usage_last_weekly', $default);
$current_week_start = project_usage_weekly_timestamp(NULL, 0);
if ($last_weekly <= $current_week_start) {
    state_set('project_usage_last_weekly', $now);
    // Reset the list of active weeks.
// Wipe the cache of all expired usage pages.
 * Process all the raw data up to the previous day.
 * The primary key on the {project_usage_raw} table will prevent duplicate
 * records provided we process them once the day is complete. If we pull them
 * out too soon and the site checks in again they will be counted twice.
コード例 #6
    // Timestamp for beginning of the oldest available data.
    $oldest_time = (int) db_query("SELECT MIN(timestamp) FROM {project_usage_raw}")->fetchField();
    $oldest_day_end = project_usage_daily_timestamp($oldest_time, 1);
    $daily_timestamp = project_usage_daily_timestamp($oldest_time);
    // Process all days up until the current one.
    while ($daily_timestamp < $start_of_current_day) {
        // Increment the timestamp to the next day.
        $daily_timestamp = project_usage_daily_timestamp($daily_timestamp, 1);
    state_set('project_usage_last_daily', $daily_timestamp);
    $tables_updated = TRUE;
// Process the weekly data up until the current week. Data for the current
// (partial) week is not calculated.
$last_processed_weekly_timestamp = state_get('project_usage_last_weekly', REQUEST_TIME - PROJECT_USAGE_YEAR);
$start_of_current_week = project_usage_weekly_timestamp();
if ($last_processed_weekly_timestamp < $start_of_current_week) {
    // Start with the week following last processed one.
    $next_weekly_timestamp = project_usage_weekly_timestamp($last_processed_weekly_timestamp, 1);
    // Process all weeks up until the current one.
    while ($next_weekly_timestamp < $start_of_current_week) {
        // Increment the timestamp to the next week.
        $last_weekly_timestamp = $next_weekly_timestamp;
        $next_weekly_timestamp = project_usage_weekly_timestamp($last_weekly_timestamp, 1);
        state_set('project_usage_last_weekly', $last_weekly_timestamp);
    // Reset the list of active weeks.
    $tables_updated = TRUE;