コード例 #1
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: shadowhome/synxb
function sshiconn($cmd, $pass, $ip, $sshp = 22)
    $ip = $_REQUEST['ip'];
    $pass = $_REQUEST['pass'];
    $sshp = $_REQUEST['sshp'];
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['sshp'])) {
        $sshp = '22';
    $connection = ssh2_connect($ip, $sshp);
    if (!$connection) {
        throw new Exception("fail: unable to establish connection\nPlease IP or if server is on and connected");
    $pass_success = ssh2_auth_password($connection, 'root', $pass);
    if (!$pass_success) {
        throw new Exception("fail: unable to establish connection\nPlease Check your password");
    $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, $cmd);
    $errorStream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);
    stream_set_blocking($errorStream, true);
    stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
    $output = stream_get_contents($stream);
    ssh2_exec($connection, 'exit');
    return $output;
コード例 #2
ファイル: PhpSshAdapter.php プロジェクト: vertexvaar/falsftp
 public function connect()
     $this->ssh = ssh2_connect($this->configuration['hostname'], $this->configuration['port']);
     $username = $this->configuration['username'];
     switch ($this->configuration[SftpDriver::CONFIG_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD]) {
         case static::AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD:
             ssh2_auth_password($this->ssh, $username, $this->configuration['password']);
         case static::AUTHENTICATION_PUBKEY:
             $publicKey = $this->configuration['publicKey'];
             $privateKey = $this->configuration['privateKey'];
             if (!file_exists($publicKey) || !file_exists($privateKey)) {
             $password = $this->configuration['privateKeyPassword'];
             if (empty($password)) {
                 $password = null;
             ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->ssh, $username, $publicKey, $privateKey, $password);
     $this->sftp = ssh2_sftp($this->ssh);
     $this->sftpWrapper = 'ssh2.sftp://' . $this->sftp;
     $this->sftpWrapperLength = strlen($this->sftpWrapper);
     $this->iteratorFlags = \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS | \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS;
     return true;
コード例 #3
 public function Authenticate($uid, $pass)
     $this->AuthResult = false;
     // Connect
     $con = ssh2_connect($this->RemoteHost, $this->RemotePort);
     if ($con === false) {
         return ulLoginBackend::ERROR;
     // Check fingerprint
     if ($this->RemoteFingerprint != '') {
         if (ssh2_fingerprint($con, SSH2_FINGERPRINT_SHA1 | SSH2_FINGERPRINT_HEX) != $this->RemoteFingerprint) {
             return ulLoginBackend::ERROR;
     // Test if server supports password-based authentication
     $auth_methods = ssh2_auth_none($con, 'user');
     if (!in_array('password', $auth_methods)) {
         return ulLoginBackend::ERROR;
     // Connect again, because we can only try to authenticate once on a connection
     $con = ssh2_connect($this->RemoteHost, $this->RemotePort);
     if ($con === false) {
         return ulLoginBackend::ERROR;
     // Try to authenticate
     if (ssh2_auth_password($con, $uid, $pass)) {
         $this->AuthResult = $uid;
         return true;
     } else {
         return ulLoginBackend::BAD_CREDENTIALS;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SSH.php プロジェクト: unionbt/hanpaimall
  * Connect to host
  * Connects to the host.  Throws exception if the host is unable to be connected to.  Will automatically
  * verify the host fingerprint, if one was provided, and throw an exception if the fingerprint is not
  * verified.
 public function connect()
     //Attempt to connect to host
     $link = ssh2_connect($this->_config['host'], $this->_config['port']);
     //If host connection fails, throw exception
     if (!$link) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Unable to connect to :host on port :port', array(':host' => $host, ':port' => $port));
     } else {
         //Assign the connection link to the class property
         $this->_conn_link = $link;
         //If host fingerprint is not NULL, attempt to verify fingerprint
         if (!is_null($this->_config['host_fingerprint'])) {
             $verify = $this->verify_host_fingerprint();
             //If the fingerprint is not verified, throw exception
             if (!$verify) {
                 throw new Kohana_Exception('Unable to verify host fingerprint');
     //Attempt to login user
     if ($this->_config['authentication_method'] == 'KEY') {
         $this->_connected = $this->login_key();
     } else {
         $this->_connected = $this->login_password();
     $this->_connected && ($this->_sftp = ssh2_sftp($link));
コード例 #5
ファイル: DeployProject.php プロジェクト: pckg/framework
 public function handle()
      * Estamblish SSH connection,
      * put site under maintenance,
      * pull chamges from git,
      * install composer dependencies,
      * execute migrations,
      * put site online
     $remote = config('pckg.framework.' . DeployProject::class . '.remotes.default');
     $path = $remote['root'];
     $commands = ['cd ' . $path => 'Changing root directory', 'php ' . $path . 'console project:down' => 'Putting project offline', 'php ' . $path . 'console project:pull' => 'Executing project:pull', 'php ' . $path . 'console migrator:install' => 'Installing migrations', 'php ' . $path . 'console project:up' => 'Putting project up', 'php ' . $path . 'console cache:clear' => 'Clearing cache'];
     $this->output('Estamblishing SSH connection.');
     $sshConnection = ssh2_connect($remote['host'], $remote['port']);
     $this->output('SSH connection estamblished.');
      * Authenticate.
     if (!ssh2_auth_password($sshConnection, $remote['username'], $remote['password'])) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot estamblish SSH connection to remote');
     foreach ($commands as $command => $notice) {
         $stream = ssh2_exec($sshConnection, $command);
         $errorStream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);
         stream_set_blocking($errorStream, true);
         stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
         $errorStreamContent = stream_get_contents($errorStream);
         $streamContent = stream_get_contents($stream);
         $this->output($errorStreamContent . "\n" . $streamContent);
コード例 #6
ファイル: brocadessh.class.php プロジェクト: klaver/peerlist
 function _connectandexecute($hostname, $port, $fingerprint, $user, $pass, $command)
     // connect via ssh2
     $ssh = ssh2_connect($hostname, $port);
     if (!$ssh) {
         die("connection failed!");
     $theirfingerprint = ssh2_fingerprint($ssh, SSH2_FINGERPRINT_MD5 | SSH2_FINGERPRINT_HEX);
     if (strtoupper($theirfingerprint) != strtoupper($fingerprint)) {
         die("fingerprint mismatch!");
     if (!ssh2_auth_password($ssh, $user, $pass)) {
         die("authentication failed!");
     // shell, as Brocade really doesn't seem to like exec
     if (!($sock = ssh2_shell($ssh, 'vt102', null, 80, 40, SSH2_TERM_UNIT_CHARS))) {
         die("failed to establish shell!\n");
     fwrite($sock, "terminal length 0" . PHP_EOL);
     fwrite($sock, $command . PHP_EOL);
     // seems to be a magic trick...
     stream_set_blocking($sock, true);
     $data = "";
     while ($buf = fread($sock, 4096)) {
         if (preg_match('/SSH@.+#$/', $buf)) {
         $data .= $buf;
     return $data;
コード例 #7
ファイル: SSHConnection.php プロジェクト: weelrs8/ssh
 public function open($hostname, $port = 22)
     $this->resource = ssh2_connect($hostname, $port);
     if (!is_resource($this->resource)) {
         throw new \Exception("Não foi possível estabelecer a conexão!");
コード例 #8
function get_list($myhost, $usern, $passw, $mypath, &$data)
    if (!function_exists("ssh2_connect")) {
        die("function ssh2_connect doesn't exist");
    if (!($conn = ssh2_connect($myhost, 22))) {
        echo "fail: unable to establish connection\n";
    } else {
        if (!ssh2_auth_password($conn, $usern, $passw)) {
            echo "fail: unable to authenticate\n";
        } else {
            if (!($stream = ssh2_exec($conn, "ls -1 " . $mypath))) {
                echo "fail: unable to execute command\n";
            } else {
                stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
                // allow command to finish
                $data = "";
                while ($buf = fread($stream, 4096)) {
                    $data .= $buf;
    ssh2_exec($conn, 'exit');
コード例 #9
class SFTPConnection
    private $connection;
    private $sftp;
    public function __construct($host, $port = 22)
コード例 #10
ファイル: Connection.php プロジェクト: brabijan/ssh
  * @return resource
 private function connect()
     $connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, $this->port);
     // @todo overovat, jestli authenticator existuje
     return $connection;
コード例 #11
ファイル: sftp.php プロジェクト: rpringle/transfer
  * Connect operation
 public function connect()
     if ($this->_ssh2 != null) {
         // Already connected
     // Connect to server
     $host = isset($this->_config['hostname']) ? $this->_config['hostname'] : 'localhost';
     $port = isset($this->_config['port']) ? $this->_config['port'] : 22;
     $username = isset($this->_config['username']) ? $this->_config['username'] : '';
     $password = isset($this->_config['password']) ? $this->_config['password'] : null;
     $this->_ssh2 = ssh2_connect($host, $port);
     if ($this->_ssh2 === FALSE) {
         throw new Kohana_Transfer_Exception(Kohana::message('transfer', 'fail_open_connection'), array(':host' => $host, 'port' => $port));
     // Check fingerprint if it is specified
     if (isset($this->_config['fingerprint'])) {
         if (strtolower(ssh2_fingerprint($this->_ssh2)) != strtolower($this->_config['fingerprint'])) {
             throw new Kohana_Transfer_Exception(Kohana::message('transfer', 'fail_fingerprint_validation'), array(':key' => ssh2_fingerprint($this->_ssh2)));
     // Connect with certificate if it is specified
     if (isset($this->_config['pubkeyfile']) and isset($this->_config['privkeyfile'])) {
         if (!@ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->_ssh2, $username, $this->_config['pubkeyfile'], $this->_config['privkeyfile'], $password)) {
             throw new Kohana_Transfer_Exception(Kohana::message('transfer', 'fail_authentication'));
     } else {
         if (!@ssh2_auth_password($this->_ssh2, $username, $password)) {
             throw new Kohana_Transfer_Exception(Kohana::message('transfer', 'fail_authentication'));
     // Enable SFTP mode
     $this->_sftp = ssh2_sftp($this->_ssh2);
コード例 #12
ファイル: install.model.php プロジェクト: rhymix/rhymix
 function getSFTPList()
     $ftp_info = Context::getRequestVars();
     if (!$ftp_info->ftp_host) {
         $ftp_info->ftp_host = "";
     $connection = ssh2_connect($ftp_info->ftp_host, $ftp_info->ftp_port);
     if (!ssh2_auth_password($connection, $ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info');
     $sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection);
     $curpwd = "ssh2.sftp://{$sftp}" . $this->pwd;
     $dh = @opendir($curpwd);
     if (!$dh) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_path');
     $list = array();
     while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
         if (!is_dir($curpwd . $file)) {
         $list[] = $file . "/";
     $this->add('list', $list);
コード例 #13
ファイル: remote.php プロジェクト: 0151n/vichan
 public function __construct($config)
     foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
         $this->{$name} = $value;
     $methods = array();
     if (!isset($this->auth['method'])) {
         error('Unspecified authentication method.');
     // Connect
     $this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, isset($this->port) ? $this->port : 22, $methods);
     switch ($this->auth['method']) {
         case 'pubkey':
             if (!isset($this->auth['public'])) {
                 error('Public key filename not specified.');
             if (!isset($this->auth['private'])) {
                 error('Private key filename not specified.');
             if (!ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->connection, $this->auth['username'], $this->auth['public'], $this->auth['private'], isset($this->auth['passphrase']) ? $this->auth['passphrase'] : null)) {
                 error('Public key authentication failed.');
         case 'plain':
             if (!ssh2_auth_password($this->connection, $this->auth['username'], $this->auth['password'])) {
                 error('Plain-text authentication failed.');
             error('Unknown authentication method: "' . $this->auth['method'] . '".');
コード例 #14
 protected function ssh2_connect()
     if (!($this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, $this->port, $this->methods, $this->callbacks))) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Could not connect to SftpProtocol remote: ' . $this->host . ':' . $this->port);
     return $this;
コード例 #15
ファイル: CopyTest.php プロジェクト: cullylarson/ssh-copy
 public function setUp()
      * Create source connection
     $sourceSsh = ssh2_connect(getenv("SOURCE_SSH_HOST"), getenv("SOURCE_SSH_PORT"), array('hostkey' => 'ssh-rsa'));
     if (!is_resource($sourceSsh)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("Could not connect to source.");
     if (!@ssh2_auth_agent($sourceSsh, getenv("SOURCE_SSH_USER"))) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("Couldn't authenticate on source. You might need to: eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-add");
     $this->sourceSsh = $sourceSsh;
      * Create destination connection
     $destSsh = ssh2_connect(getenv("DEST_SSH_HOST"), getenv("DEST_SSH_PORT"), array('hostkey' => 'ssh-rsa'));
     if (!is_resource($destSsh)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("Could not connect to destination.");
     if (!@ssh2_auth_agent($destSsh, getenv("DEST_SSH_USER"))) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("Couldn't authenticate on destination. You might need to: eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-add");
     $this->destSsh = $destSsh;
コード例 #16
ファイル: SSH2.php プロジェクト: chajianku/admin_eXtplorer
 function connect($host, $port = 22)
     $this->connection = @ssh2_connect($host, $port);
     if (!$this->connection) {
         return $this->raiseError("Could not connect to {$host} on port {$port}.");
コード例 #17
ファイル: Ssh.php プロジェクト: Cydev2306/Nao-App
 public function ssh()
     if (!function_exists("ssh2_connect")) {
         die("function ssh2_connect doesn't exist");
     // log in at server1.example.com on port 22
     if (!($con = ssh2_connect("nao.local", 22))) {
         echo "fail: unable to establish connection\n";
     } else {
         //try to authenticate with username root, password secretpassword
         if (!ssh2_auth_password($con, "nao", "nao")) {
             echo "fail: unable to authenticate\n";
         } else {
             // allright, we're in!
             echo "okay: logged in...\n";
             // execute a command
             if (!($stream = ssh2_exec($con, "ls -al"))) {
                 echo "fail: unable to execute command\n";
             } else {
                 // collect returning data from command
                 stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
                 $data = "";
                 while ($buf = fread($stream, 4096)) {
                     $data .= $buf;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Sftp.php プロジェクト: nicevoice/yhtx
 public function connect()
     $methods = array();
     if ($this->use_pubkey_file_) {
         $methods['hostkey'] = 'ssh-rsa';
     $conn = ssh2_connect($this->conf_['host'], $this->conf_['port'], $methods);
     if (false === $conn) {
         $this->setErr_(-1, sprintf('failed to connect [%s:%d]', $this->conf_['host'], $this->conf_['port']));
         return false;
     if ($this->use_pubkey_file_) {
         $rc = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($conn, $this->conf_['user'], $this->conf_['pubkey_file'], $this->conf_['privkey_file'], isset($this->conf_['passphrase']) ? $this->conf_['passphrase'] : NULL);
         if (false === $rc) {
             $this->setErr_(-1, sprintf('failed to auth with[%s:%s,%s,%s]', $this->conf_['user'], $this->conf_['pubkey_file'], $this->conf_['privkey_file'], $this->conf_['passphrase']));
             return false;
     } else {
         $rc = ssh2_auth_password($conn, $this->conf_['user'], $this->conf_['passwd']);
         if (false === $rc) {
             $this->setErr_(-1, sprintf('failed to auth with[%s:%s]', $this->conf_['user'], $this->conf_['passwd']));
             return false;
     $this->conn_ = $conn;
     return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: SetBannerGroup.php プロジェクト: josmel/movistar
 function coneccionSshImg($ids, $mBanner, $config)
     $porciones = explode(",", $ids);
     foreach ($porciones as $value) {
         $dataBanner = $mBanner->select($value);
         $avanzado = ROOT_IMG_DINAMIC . '/banner/avanzado/' . $dataBanner["ImgAvanzado"];
         $basico128 = ROOT_IMG_DINAMIC . '/banner/basico128/' . $dataBanner["ImgBasico128"];
         $basico240 = ROOT_IMG_DINAMIC . '/banner/basico240/' . $dataBanner["ImgBasico240"];
         $basico360 = ROOT_IMG_DINAMIC . '/banner/basico360/' . $dataBanner["ImgBasico360"];
         if (!function_exists("ssh2_connect")) {
             die("function ssh2_connect doesn't exist");
         if (!($con = ssh2_connect($config['app']['server'], $config['app']['puerto']))) {
             echo "fail: unable to establish connection\n";
         } else {
             if (!ssh2_auth_password($con, $config['app']['user'], $config['app']['pass'])) {
                 echo "fail: unable to authenticate\n";
             } else {
                 ssh2_scp_send($con, $avanzado, $config['app']['rutaImg'] . 'banner/avanzado/' . $dataBanner["ImgAvanzado"], 0644);
                 ssh2_scp_send($con, $basico128, $config['app']['rutaImg'] . 'banner/basico128/' . $dataBanner["ImgBasico128"], 0644);
                 ssh2_scp_send($con, $basico240, $config['app']['rutaImg'] . 'banner/basico240/' . $dataBanner["ImgBasico240"], 0644);
                 ssh2_scp_send($con, $basico360, $config['app']['rutaImg'] . 'banner/basico360/' . $dataBanner["ImgBasico360"], 0644);
             ssh2_exec($con, 'exit');
コード例 #20
ファイル: Sftp.php プロジェクト: telldrak/codeigniter-sftp
  * sFTP Connect
  * @access  public
  * @param   array    the connection values
  * @return  bool
  * @version 1.0
 public function connect($config = array())
     if (count($config) > 0) {
     if (FALSE === ($this->conn_id = @ssh2_connect($this->hostname, $this->port))) {
         if ($this->debug == TRUE) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($this->method == 'auth') {
         if (!$this->_login_keys()) {
             if ($this->debug == TRUE) {
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         if (!$this->_login_pass()) {
             if ($this->debug == TRUE) {
             return FALSE;
     $this->sftp = @ssh2_sftp($this->conn_id);
コード例 #21
ファイル: ssh2.class.php プロジェクト: ngorchilov/lgr
 function __construct($cfg)
     // set default options if missing
     static $defaults = array('port' => 22, 'user' => 'root');
     if (is_object($cfg)) {
         $cfg = json_decode(json_encode($cfg), 1);
     foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) {
         if (!isset($cfg[$k])) {
             $cfg[$k] = $v;
     // connect ssh2
     $this->ssh2 = ssh2_connect($cfg['host'], $cfg['port']);
     if (!$this->ssh2) {
         throw new \Exception("can't connect trough ssh2\n");
     // authorize
     if (isset($cfg['key'])) {
         // private/public key authentication requested
         if (!ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->ssh2, $cfg['user'], $cfg['key']['pub'], $cfg['key']['pvt'], isset($cfg['key']['pass']) ? $cfg['key']['pass'] : NULL)) {
             throw new \Exception("can't authorize via key");
     } elseif (isset($cfg['pass'])) {
         // username & password authentication
         if (!ssh2_auth_password($this->ssh2, $cfg['user'], $cfg['pass'])) {
             throw new \Exception("can't authorize via user & pass");
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("not enough authentication information provided");
     $this->sftp = ssh2_sftp($this->ssh2);
コード例 #22
ファイル: SFTP.php プロジェクト: heesey/LeePHP-Socket
  * 连接 SSH 主机。
  * @throws NetworkException
 function connect()
     $this->sess = ssh2_connect($this->_host, $this->_port);
     if (!$this->sess) {
         throw new NetworkException('连接 SSH 服务器失败。');
コード例 #23
ファイル: SshConnection.php プロジェクト: fiunchinho/plumber
 public function connect($host, $port)
     if (!$this->connection) {
         if (false === ($this->connection = ssh2_connect($host, $port))) {
             throw new SshException(sprintf('Cannot connect to server "%s"', $host));
コード例 #24
ファイル: Connection.php プロジェクト: jwderoos/ZyXEL
 private function openConnection(Config $config)
     $connection = ssh2_connect($config->getIpAddress(), $config->getPortNumber());
     if ($connection === false) {
         throw new ConnectionFailed('ZyXEL could not be reached');
     return $connection;
コード例 #25
ファイル: SSH2.php プロジェクト: radmiraal/PHP-Gerrit-Tools
 public function connect()
     $this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->settings['host'], $this->settings['port']);
     if (!$this->connection) {
         throw new \Exception("Could not connect to remote server.");
     ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->connection, $this->settings['user'], $this->settings['publicKey'], $this->settings['privateKey']);
コード例 #26
 public function __construct(FtpConfig $config)
     $this->_config = $config;
     $this->_session = ssh2_connect($this->_config->getHost(), $this->_config->getPort());
     if (!ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($this->_session, $this->_config->getUser(), $this->_config->getPublicKey(), $this->_config->getPrivateKey())) {
         throw new \Exception("Could not connect to Ftp server with provided configuration");
コード例 #27
ファイル: Sftp.php プロジェクト: acassan/remoteserver
  * @inheritdoc
 public function connect()
     $this->setFtp(ssh2_connect($this->getFtpHost(), $this->getFtpPort()));
     $result = ssh2_auth_password($this->getFtp(), $this->getFtpUser(), $this->getFtpPassword());
     if (false === $result) {
         throw new \Exception("Can't log in to " . $this->getFtpHost());
コード例 #28
 public function connect($host, $port)
     if (!empty($this->connection)) {
         return $this->connection;
     $this->connection = ssh2_connect($host, $port, null, array('disconnect', array($this, 'disconnect')));
     return $this->connection;
コード例 #29
ファイル: RunQueue.php プロジェクト: pckg/queue
  * @param Queue $queue
 public function handle(Queue $queueService)
     $waitingQueue = $queueService->getWaiting();
      * Set queue as started, we'll execute it later.
     $waitingQueue->each(function (QueueRecord $queue) {
         $this->output('#' . $queue->id . ': ' . 'started (' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ')');
     }, false);
      * Execute jobs.
     $waitingQueue->each(function (QueueRecord $queue) {
         $this->output('#' . $queue->id . ': ' . 'running (' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ')');
         $this->output('#' . $queue->id . ': ' . $queue->command);
         $output = null;
         $sha1Id = sha1($queue->id);
         try {
             $timeout = strtotime($queue->execute_at) - time();
             $command = $queue->command . ' && echo ' . $sha1Id;
             $lastLine = null;
             if (false && $timeout > 0) {
                 exec('timeout -k 60 ' . $timeout . ' ' . $command, $output);
             } else {
                 if (strpos($command, 'furs:')) {
                     $command = str_replace(['/www/schtr4jh/derive.foobar.si/htdocs/', '/www/schtr4jh/beta.derive.foobar.si/htdocs/'], '/www/schtr4jh/bob.pckg.derive/htdocs/', $command);
                     $connection = ssh2_connect(config('furs.sship'), 22);
                     ssh2_auth_password($connection, config('furs.sshuser'), config('furs.sshpass'));
                     $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, $command);
                     $errorStream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);
                     stream_set_blocking($errorStream, true);
                     stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
                     $errorStreamContent = stream_get_contents($errorStream);
                     $streamContent = stream_get_contents($stream);
                     $output = $errorStreamContent . "\n" . $streamContent;
                     $lastLine = substr($streamContent, -41, 40);
                 } else {
                     exec($command, $output);
                     $lastLine = end($output);
             if ($lastLine != $sha1Id) {
                 $queue->changeStatus('failed_permanently', ['log' => 'FAILED: ' . (is_string($output) ? $output : implode("\n", $output))]);
                 throw new Exception('Job failed');
         } catch (Throwable $e) {
             $queue->changeStatus('failed_permanently', ['log' => exception($e)]);
         if (!$output) {
             $queue->changeStatus('failed_permanently', ['log' => 'No output']);
         $this->output('#' . $queue->id . ': ' . 'finished (' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ')');
         $queue->changeStatus('finished', ['log' => is_string($output) ? $output : implode("\n", $output)]);
     }, false);
コード例 #30
ファイル: vmware_class.php プロジェクト: catding/w3esxi
 public function connect($host, $port, $skiperror = false)
     $this->host = $host;
     $this->port = $port;
     if ($this->lib == 'phpext') {
         try {
             $this->con = @ssh2_connect($this->host, $this->port);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     } else {
         try {
             $this->con = @new Net_SSH2($this->host, $this->port);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($this->lib != 'phpext') {
         if (!$this->con || !$this->con->fsock) {
             if ($skiperror) {
                 return false;
             die("Connection failed !");
     } else {
         if (!$this->con) {
             if ($skiperror) {
                 return false;
             die("Connection failed !");
     return true;