コード例 #1
ファイル: adodb.functions.php プロジェクト: rasomu/chuza
 * A method to re-initialize connections to the CMSMS configured database.
 * This method should be used by any UDT's or other plugins that use any other method
 * than the standard CMSMS supplied database object to connect to a database.
function &adodb_connect()
    global $gCms;
    $config =& $gCms->GetConfig();
    $dbinstance =& ADONewConnection($config['dbms'], 'pear:date:extend:transaction');
    $dbinstance->raiseErrorFn = "adodb_error";
    $conn_func = isset($config['persistent_db_conn']) && $config['persistent_db_conn'] == true ? 'PConnect' : 'Connect';
    if (!empty($config['db_port'])) {
        $dbinstance->port = $config['db_port'];
    $connect_result = $dbinstance->{$conn_func}($config['db_hostname'], $config['db_username'], $config['db_password'], $config['db_name']);
    if (FALSE == $connect_result) {
        $str = "Attempt to connect to database {$config['db_name']} on {$config['db_username']}@{$config['db_hostname']} failed";
        trigger_error($str, E_USER_ERROR);
    $dbinstance->raiseErrorFn = null;
    if ($config['debug'] == true) {
        $dbinstance->debug = true;
    if ($config['dbms'] == 'sqlite') {
        $dbinstance->Execute('PRAGMA short_column_names = 1;');
        sqlite_create_function($config['use_adodb_lite'] ? $db->connectionId : $db->_connectionID, 'now', 'time', 0);
    } else {
        if (!empty($config['default_encoding']) && $config['default_encoding'] == 'utf-8' && $config['set_names'] == true) {
            $dbinstance->Execute("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
    $db =& $dbinstance;
    return $db;
コード例 #2
function _sqlite_add_function(&$sqlite, &$f, &$r)
    if (_sqlite_is_version(3, $sqlite)) {
        isset($r[1]) ? $sqlite->sqliteCreateFunction($f, $r[0], $r[1]) : $sqlite->sqliteCreateFunction($f, $r[0]);
    } else {
        isset($r[1]) ? sqlite_create_function($sqlite, $f, $r[0], $r[1]) : sqlite_create_function($sqlite, $f, $r[0]);
コード例 #3
  * register sql standard functions for a connection
  * @param   db handel conn
 public function registerCallbackFunctions($conn)
     sqlite_create_function($conn, 'cast', array($this, '_cast'), 2);
     sqlite_create_function($conn, 'sign', array($this, '_sign'), 1);
     sqlite_create_function($conn, 'dateadd', array($this, '_dateadd'), 3);
     sqlite_create_function($conn, 'locate', array($this, '_locate'), 3);
     sqlite_create_function($conn, 'nullif', array($this, '_nullif'), 2);
コード例 #4
  * load the sqlite helper
 function _getDB()
     $db =& plugin_load('helper', 'sqlite');
     if (is_null($db)) {
         msg('The data plugin needs the sqlite plugin', -1);
         return false;
     if ($db->init('data', dirname(__FILE__) . '/db/')) {
         sqlite_create_function($db->db, 'DATARESOLVE', array($this, '_resolveData'), 2);
         return $db;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: db.sqlite.php プロジェクト: jphpsf/gregarius
 function DBConnect($dbpath, $dbuname, $dbpass)
     if (defined("DBDEBUG")) {
         $this->debug = constant("DBDEBUG");
     $this->dbpath = $dbpath;
     $this->db = @sqlite_open($dbpath, 0666, $msg_err);
     if (!$this->db) {
         die("<h1>Error connecting to the database!</h1>\n" . "<p>Have you edited dbinit.php and correctly defined " . "the database path?</p>\n");
     sqlite_query($this->db, "PRAGMA synchronous = FULL");
     //we emulate via callback some missing MySQL function
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "year", "__cb_sqlite_year", 1);
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "month", "__cb_sqlite_month", 1);
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "day", "__cb_sqlite_dayofmonth", 1);
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "dayofmonth", "__cb_sqlite_dayofmonth", 1);
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "from_unixtime", "__cb_sqlite_from_unixtime");
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "unix_timestamp", "__cb_sqlite_unix_timestamp");
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "now", "__cb_sqlite_now");
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, "md5", "__cb_sqlite_md5");
コード例 #6
ファイル: Db-sqlite.class.php プロジェクト: ahrasis/tools
  * Initializes a database connection.
  * It returns the connection, if successful.
  * @param string $db_server
  * @param string $db_name
  * @param string $db_user
  * @param string $db_passwd
  * @param string $db_prefix
  * @param array $db_options
  * @return resource
 static function initiate($db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_options = array())
     global $db_in_transact, $sqlite_error;
     if (substr($db_name, -3) != '.db') {
         $db_name .= '.db';
     // initialize the instance... if not done already!
     if (self::$_db === null) {
         self::$_db = new self();
     if (!empty($db_options['persist'])) {
         $connection = @sqlite_popen($db_name, 0666, $sqlite_error);
     } else {
         $connection = @sqlite_open($db_name, 0666, $sqlite_error);
     // Something's wrong, show an error if its fatal (which we assume it is)
     if (!$connection) {
         if (!empty($db_options['non_fatal'])) {
             return null;
         } else {
     $db_in_transact = false;
     // This is frankly stupid - stop SQLite returning alias names!
     @sqlite_query('PRAGMA short_column_names = 1', $connection);
     // Make some user defined functions!
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'unix_timestamp', 'elk_udf_unix_timestamp', 0);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'inet_aton', 'elk_udf_inet_aton', 1);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'inet_ntoa', 'elk_udf_inet_ntoa', 1);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'find_in_set', 'elk_udf_find_in_set', 2);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'year', 'elk_udf_year', 1);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'month', 'elk_udf_month', 1);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'dayofmonth', 'elk_udf_dayofmonth', 1);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'concat', 'elk_udf_concat');
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'locate', 'elk_udf_locate', 2);
     sqlite_create_function($connection, 'regexp', 'elk_udf_regexp', 2);
     return $connection;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Subs-Db-sqlite.php プロジェクト: Kheros/MMOver
function smf_db_initiate($db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_options = array())
    global $smcFunc, $mysql_set_mode, $db_in_transact, $sqlite_error;
    // Map some database specific functions, only do this once.
    if (!isset($smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']) || $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc'] != 'sqlite_fetch_array') {
        $smcFunc += array('db_query' => 'smf_db_query', 'db_quote' => 'smf_db_quote', 'db_fetch_assoc' => 'sqlite_fetch_array', 'db_fetch_row' => 'smf_db_fetch_row', 'db_free_result' => 'smf_db_free_result', 'db_insert' => 'smf_db_insert', 'db_insert_id' => 'smf_db_insert_id', 'db_num_rows' => 'sqlite_num_rows', 'db_data_seek' => 'sqlite_seek', 'db_num_fields' => 'sqlite_num_fields', 'db_escape_string' => 'sqlite_escape_string', 'db_unescape_string' => 'smf_db_unescape_string', 'db_server_info' => 'smf_db_libversion', 'db_affected_rows' => 'smf_db_affected_rows', 'db_transaction' => 'smf_db_transaction', 'db_error' => 'smf_db_last_error', 'db_select_db' => '', 'db_title' => 'SQLite', 'db_sybase' => true, 'db_case_sensitive' => true, 'db_escape_wildcard_string' => 'smf_db_escape_wildcard_string');
    if (substr($db_name, -3) != '.db') {
        $db_name .= '.db';
    if (!empty($db_options['persist'])) {
        $connection = @sqlite_popen($db_name, 0666, $sqlite_error);
    } else {
        $connection = @sqlite_open($db_name, 0666, $sqlite_error);
    // Something's wrong, show an error if its fatal (which we assume it is)
    if (!$connection) {
        if (!empty($db_options['non_fatal'])) {
            return null;
        } else {
    $db_in_transact = false;
    // This is frankly stupid - stop SQLite returning alias names!
    @sqlite_query('PRAGMA short_column_names = 1', $connection);
    // Make some user defined functions!
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'unix_timestamp', 'smf_udf_unix_timestamp', 0);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'inet_aton', 'smf_udf_inet_aton', 1);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'inet_ntoa', 'smf_udf_inet_ntoa', 1);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'find_in_set', 'smf_udf_find_in_set', 2);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'year', 'smf_udf_year', 1);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'month', 'smf_udf_month', 1);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'dayofmonth', 'smf_udf_dayofmonth', 1);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'concat', 'smf_udf_concat');
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'locate', 'smf_udf_locate', 2);
    sqlite_create_function($connection, 'regexp', 'smf_udf_regexp', 2);
    return $connection;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SQL.php プロジェクト: huluwa/zz_atmailopen
 function SQL()
     global $pref;
     $this->type = $pref['sql_type'];
     if (DB::isError($this->dbh)) {
         // display custom error message if have problems with dbserver
         if (!$this->dberror($this->dbh->getMessage())) {
     $this->debug = 0;
     // Set some DB engine specific function names
     if ($pref['sql_type'] == 'sqlite') {
         $this->NOW = "datetime('now', 'localtime')";
         $this->CURDATE = "datetime('now', strftime('-%H hours', 'now', 'localtime'), strftime('-%M minutes', 'now', 'localtime'), strftime('-%S seconds', 'now', 'localtime'), 'localtime')";
         // Register some custom functions for sqlite
         // that will emulate some MySQL functions that we use
         sqlite_create_function($this->dbh->connection, 'CONCAT', array('SQL', 'concat'));
     } else {
         $this->NOW = 'NOW()';
         $this->CURDATE = 'CURDATE()';
コード例 #9
ファイル: sqlite2.inc.php プロジェクト: jaketay/raspberry_pi
function sqlitem_create_function($dhb, $function_name, $callback, $num_arg = null)
    return sqlite_create_function($dhb, $function_name, $callback, $num_arg);
コード例 #10
ファイル: MarkCallable.01.php プロジェクト: exakat/exakat

array_map('callableString', $array);
call_user_func($array, 'nonCallableString');
//array_map($array, $nonCallableVar);
array_filter($array, array('string', 'string'));
array_reduce(array('string', 'string'), $array);
preg_replace_callback('a', 'b', 'MyClass::myCallbackMethod');
sqlite_create_function('MyClass::myNonCallbackMethod', $b, $c);
sqlite_create_aggregate($a, 'MyClass2::myNonCallbackMethod', $c);
コード例 #11
ファイル: phpsql.php プロジェクト: SandyS1/presentations

$db = sqlite_open(dirname(__FILE__) . "/db2.sqlite");
/* arguments:
 * 1 database resource
 * 2 sqlite function name
 * 3 php function name
 * 4 number of arguments (optional)
sqlite_create_function($db, "my_date", "date", 2);
 * The above function makes PHP date() avaliable 
 * from SQLite as my_date() and for highest 
 * performance indicates that it requires 
 * exactly 2 arguments 
$res = sqlite_array_query("\n\tSELECT title, \n\tmy_date((SELECT time_format FROM profile WHERE login='******'), timestamp) AS date\n\tFROM messages", $db, SQLITE_ASSOC);
foreach ($res as $v) {
    echo $v['title'] . " was posted on " . $v['date'] . "<br />\n";
コード例 #12
ファイル: zcallbacks.php プロジェクト: jenalgit/roadsend-php

require 's_common.inc';
$db = makedb();
$data = array(array("one", "uno"), array("two", "dos"), array("three", "tres"));
sqlite_query("CREATE TABLE strings(a,b)", $db);
function implode_args()
    $args = func_get_args();
    $sep = array_shift($args);
    return implode($sep, $args);
foreach ($data as $row) {
    sqlite_query("INSERT INTO strings VALUES('" . sqlite_escape_string($row[0]) . "','" . sqlite_escape_string($row[1]) . "')", $db);
sqlite_create_function($db, "implode", "implode_args");
$r = sqlite_query("SELECT implode('-', a, b) from strings", $db);
while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($r, SQLITE_NUM)) {
$r = sqlite_close($db);

コード例 #13
ファイル: sqlite.php プロジェクト: 469306621/Languages
    $sql = 'SELECT md5rev(filename) FROM files';
    $rows = sqlite_array_query($dbhandle, $sql);
} else {
    echo 'Error opening sqlite db: ' . $sqliteerror;
$rows = sqlite_array_query($dbhandle, "SELECT php('md5', filename) from files");
class sqlite_function
    function md5($value)
        return md5($value);
$dbhandle = sqlite_open('SQLiteDB');
sqlite_create_function($dbhandle, 'md5', array('sqlite_function', 'md5'), 1);
// From now on, you can use md5 function inside your SQL statements
$dbhandle = sqlite_open('mysqlitedb');
$query = sqlite_query($dbhandle, "UPDATE users SET email='*****@*****.**' WHERE username='******'");
if (!$query) {
    exit('Error in query.');
} else {
    echo 'Number of rows modified: ', sqlite_changes($dbhandle);
$dbhandle = new SQLiteDatabase('mysqlitedb');
$query = $dbhandle->query("UPDATE users SET email='*****@*****.**' WHERE username='******'");
if (!$query) {
    exit('Error in query.');
} else {
    echo 'Number of rows modified: ', $dbhandle->changes();
コード例 #14
ファイル: SPSQLite.class.php プロジェクト: michaelprem/phc
  * This method expand the SQLite ability
  * The functions added with this method, can be used in the sql query.
  * The functgion of PHP, they can be called with the sintax:
  * php('functionName', param, param, ...)
  * @param	string		$name				name of SQLite function
  * @param	string		$originalFunction	name of the original funtion to call
  * @param	int			$args				number of aguments
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 function addFunction($name, $originalFunction, $args)
     sqlite_create_function($this->_conn, $name, $originalFunction, $args);
コード例 #15
 static function connect($dsn, $debug = false, $die = true, $prefix = null, $make_global = true)
     $gCms = silk();
     $persistent = false;
     if ($dbms == '')
     	$config = cms_config();
     	$dbms = $config['dbms'];
     	$hostname = $config['db_hostname'];
     	$username = $config['db_username'];
     	$password = $config['db_password'];
     	$dbname = $config['db_name'];
     	$debug = $config['debug'];
     	$persistent = $config['persistent_db_conn'];
     if ($prefix !== null) {
         self::$prefix = $prefix;
     $dbinstance = null;
     $_GLOBALS['ADODB_CACHE_DIR'] = join_path(ROOT_DIR, 'tmp', 'cache');
     require_once join_path(SILK_LIB_DIR, 'adodb', 'adodb-exceptions.inc.php');
     require_once join_path(SILK_LIB_DIR, 'adodb', 'adodb.inc.php');
     try {
         $dbinstance = ADONewConnection($dsn);
         $dbinstance->fnExecute = 'count_execs';
         $dbinstance->fnCacheExecute = 'count_cached_execs';
     } catch (exception $e) {
         if ($die) {
             echo "<strong>Database Connection Failed</strong><br />";
             echo "Error: {$dbinstance->_errorMsg}<br />";
             echo "Function Performed: {$e->fn}<br />";
             echo "Host/DB: {$e->host}/{$e->database}<br />";
         } else {
             return null;
     $dbinstance->debug = $debug;
     if (isset($dbms) && $dbms == 'sqlite') {
         $dbinstance->Execute("PRAGMA short_column_names = 1;");
         sqlite_create_function($dbinstance->_connectionID, 'now', 'time', 0);
     if ($make_global) {
         self::$instance = $dbinstance;
     //Initialize the CMS_DB_PREFIX define
     return $dbinstance;
コード例 #16
  * Registers a User Defined Function for use in SQL statements
 public function create_function($function_name, $callback, $num_args)
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, $function_name, $callback, $num_args);
コード例 #17
ファイル: fSQLTranslation.php プロジェクト: mrjwc/printmaster
  * Adds a number of math functions to SQLite that MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL have by default
  * @return void
 private function createSQLiteFunctions()
     $function = array();
     $functions[] = array('acos', 'acos', 1);
     $functions[] = array('asin', 'asin', 1);
     $functions[] = array('atan', 'atan', 1);
     $functions[] = array('atan2', 'atan2', 2);
     $functions[] = array('ceil', 'ceil', 1);
     $functions[] = array('ceiling', 'ceil', 1);
     $functions[] = array('cos', 'cos', 1);
     $functions[] = array('cot', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteCotangent'), 1);
     $functions[] = array('degrees', 'rad2deg', 1);
     $functions[] = array('exp', 'exp', 1);
     $functions[] = array('floor', 'floor', 1);
     $functions[] = array('ln', 'log', 1);
     $functions[] = array('log', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteLogBaseFirst'), 2);
     $functions[] = array('ltrim', 'ltrim', 1);
     $functions[] = array('pi', 'pi', 0);
     $functions[] = array('power', 'pow', 2);
     $functions[] = array('radians', 'deg2rad', 1);
     $functions[] = array('rtrim', 'rtrim', 1);
     $functions[] = array('sign', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteSign'), 1);
     $functions[] = array('sqrt', 'sqrt', 1);
     $functions[] = array('sin', 'sin', 1);
     $functions[] = array('tan', 'tan', 1);
     $functions[] = array('trim', 'trim', 1);
     if ($this->database->getExtension() == 'sqlite') {
         $functions[] = array('current_date', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteDate'), 0);
         $functions[] = array('current_time', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteTime'), 0);
         $functions[] = array('current_timestamp', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteTimestamp'), 0);
         // If SQLite was compiled with ISO-8859-* string handling, we override as best we can
         // with custom functions that return the correct values. We can't fix LIKE and GLOB
         // but they don't matter as much since the encoding only affects case transformations.
         if (strtolower(sqlite_libencoding()) != 'utf-8') {
             $functions[] = array('length', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteLength'), 1);
             $functions[] = array('substr', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteSubstr'), 3);
     foreach ($functions as $function) {
         if ($this->database->getExtension() == 'pdo') {
             $this->database->getConnection()->sqliteCreateFunction($function[0], $function[1], $function[2]);
         } else {
             sqlite_create_function($this->database->getConnection(), $function[0], $function[1], $function[2]);
コード例 #18
 public function registerRegex()
     sqlite_create_function($this->db, 'REGEX', 'sqlite_regex_match', 2);
コード例 #19
ファイル: helper.php プロジェクト: stretchyboy/sqlite
  * Registers a User Defined Function for use in SQL statements
 function create_function($function_name, $callback, $num_args)
     if ($this->extension == DOKU_EXT_SQLITE) {
         sqlite_create_function($this->db, $function_name, $callback, $num_args);
     } else {
         $this->db->sqliteCreateFunction($function_name, $callback, $num_args);
コード例 #20
  * Registers an user defined function for use in SQL statements.
  * @param  string  function name
  * @param  mixed   callback
  * @param  int     num of arguments
  * @return void
 public function registerFunction($name, $callback, $numArgs = -1)
     sqlite_create_function($this->connection, $name, $callback, $numArgs);
コード例 #21
ファイル: dibi.min.php プロジェクト: nosko/socialSearch
コード例 #22
ファイル: rcube_mdb2.php プロジェクト: npk/roundcubemail
  * Add some proprietary database functions to the current SQLite handle
  * in order to make it MySQL compatible
 private function sqlite_prepare()
     // we emulate via callback some missing MySQL functions
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, 'unix_timestamp', array('rcube_mdb2', 'sqlite_unix_timestamp'));
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, 'now', array('rcube_mdb2', 'sqlite_now'));
コード例 #23
ファイル: database.class.php プロジェクト: nsuan/shimmie2
 public function init($db)
     ini_set('sqlite.assoc_case', 0);
     $db->execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;");
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', '_unix_timestamp', 1);
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'now', '_now', 0);
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'floor', '_floor', 1);
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'log', '_log');
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'isnull', '_isnull', 1);
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'md5', '_md5', 1);
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'concat', '_concat', 2);
     @sqlite_create_function($db->_connectionID, 'lower', '_lower', 1);
コード例 #24
ファイル: rcube_mdb2.php プロジェクト: shishenkov/zpanel
  * Add some proprietary database functions to the current SQLite handle
  * in order to make it MySQL compatible
  * @access private
 private function _sqlite_prepare()
     include_once 'include/rcube_sqlite.inc';
     // we emulate via callback some missing MySQL function
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, 'from_unixtime', 'rcube_sqlite_from_unixtime');
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, 'unix_timestamp', 'rcube_sqlite_unix_timestamp');
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, 'now', 'rcube_sqlite_now');
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, 'md5', 'rcube_sqlite_md5');
コード例 #25
  * Adds a number of math functions to SQLite that MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL have by default
  * @return void
 private function createSQLiteFunctions()
     $function = array();
     $functions[] = array('acos', 'acos', 1);
     $functions[] = array('asin', 'asin', 1);
     $functions[] = array('atan', 'atan', 1);
     $functions[] = array('atan2', 'atan2', 2);
     $functions[] = array('ceil', 'ceil', 1);
     $functions[] = array('ceiling', 'ceil', 1);
     $functions[] = array('cos', 'cos', 1);
     $functions[] = array('cot', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteCotangent'), 1);
     $functions[] = array('degrees', 'rad2deg', 1);
     $functions[] = array('exp', 'exp', 1);
     $functions[] = array('floor', 'floor', 1);
     $functions[] = array('ln', 'log', 1);
     $functions[] = array('log', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteLogBaseFirst'), 2);
     $functions[] = array('ltrim', 'ltrim', 1);
     $functions[] = array('pi', 'pi', 0);
     $functions[] = array('power', 'pow', 2);
     $functions[] = array('radians', 'deg2rad', 1);
     $functions[] = array('rtrim', 'rtrim', 1);
     $functions[] = array('sign', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteSign'), 1);
     $functions[] = array('sqrt', 'sqrt', 1);
     $functions[] = array('sin', 'sin', 1);
     $functions[] = array('tan', 'tan', 1);
     $functions[] = array('trim', 'trim', 1);
     if ($this->database->getExtension() == 'sqlite') {
         $functions[] = array('current_date', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteDate'), 0);
         $functions[] = array('current_time', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteTime'), 0);
         $functions[] = array('current_timestamp', array('fSQLTranslation', 'sqliteTimestamp'), 0);
     foreach ($functions as $function) {
         if ($this->database->getExtension() == 'pdo') {
             $this->database->getConnection()->sqliteCreateFunction($function[0], $function[1], $function[2]);
         } else {
             sqlite_create_function($this->database->getConnection(), $function[0], $function[1], $function[2]);
コード例 #26
ファイル: callbacks.php プロジェクト: jenalgit/roadsend-php

require 's_common.inc';
$db = makedb();
sqlite_create_function($db, 'md5rev', 'md5_and_reverse', 1);
sqlite_create_aggregate($db, 'max_len', 'max_len_step', 'max_len_finalize');
// generic php callback
$rows = sqlite_array_query($db, "SELECT php('md5', my_string) from mytable");
$rows = sqlite_array_query($db, "SELECT php('max', my_float, 2) from mytable");
// callback error
$rows = sqlite_array_query($db, "SELECT php('unknown', my_string) from mytable");
function md5_and_reverse($string)
    echo "in callback, original string is {$string}\n";
    return strrev(md5($string));
$sql = 'SELECT md5rev(my_string) FROM mytable';
$rows = sqlite_array_query($db, $sql);
/// aggregate
$data = array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten');
sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE strings(a)");
foreach ($data as $str) {
    $str = sqlite_escape_string($str);
    sqlite_query($db, "INSERT INTO strings VALUES ('{$str}')");
function max_len_step(&$context, $string)
コード例 #27
ファイル: DoSqlite.php プロジェクト: albertobraschi/toad
 public function sqliteCreateFunction($function_name, $callback, $num_args = false)
     if ($num_args === false) {
         sqlite_create_function($this->_connection, $function_name, $callback);
     } else {
         sqlite_create_function($this->_connection, $function_name, $callback, $num_args);
コード例 #28
ファイル: rcube_mdb2.php プロジェクト: DavidGarciaCat/eyeos
  * Add some proprietary database functions to the current SQLite handle
  * in order to make it MySQL compatible
  * @access private
 function _sqlite_prepare()
     include_once 'include/rcube_sqlite.inc';
     // we emulate via callback some missing MySQL function
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "from_unixtime", "rcube_sqlite_from_unixtime");
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "unix_timestamp", "rcube_sqlite_unix_timestamp");
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "now", "rcube_sqlite_now");
     sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "md5", "rcube_sqlite_md5");
コード例 #29
ファイル: adodb-sqlite.inc.php プロジェクト: teddywen/cacti
 function _createFunctions()
     @sqlite_create_function($this->_connectionID, 'adodb_date', 'adodb_date', 1);
     @sqlite_create_function($this->_connectionID, 'adodb_date2', 'adodb_date2', 2);
コード例 #30
 function create_function($function_name, $callback, $num_arg = null)
     if (DEBUG) {
         return sqlite_create_function($this->connId, $function_name, $callback, $num_arg);
     } else {
         return @sqlite_create_function($this->connId, $function_name, $callback, $num_arg);