public static function hash($key_column, $value_column, $conditions = array(), $paging_params = false) { $colquote = db_params('column_quote_char'); $query = "SELECT {$colquote}" . $key_column . "{$colquote}, {$colquote}" . $value_column . "{$colquote} FROM " . get_called_class() . sql_where($conditions); if ($paging_params) { $query .= sql_orders_limits($paging_params); } return query_to_hash($query); }
function submitModifiedTitle($objid, $title, $comment, $mature, $forClub, $folder = 0, $collab = 0, $gift = 0, $forClub2 = 0, $forClub3 = 0) { $oldCollab = 0; $collabConfirmed = 0; $objCreator = 0; $sql = "SELECT `objCollab`, `objCollabConfirmed`, `objCreator` " . "FROM `objects`, `objExtData`" . dbWhere(array("objid*" => "objEid", "objid" => $objid)); $objResult = sql_query($sql); if ($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($objResult)) { $oldCollab = $objData["objCollab"]; $collabConfirmed = $objData["objCollabConfirmed"]; $objCreator = $objData["objCreator"]; } mysql_free_result($objResult); if ($forClub2 == $forClub) { $forClub2 = 0; } if ($forClub3 == $forClub || $forClub3 == $forClub2) { $forClub3 = 0; } sql_where(array("cloObject" => $objid)); sql_delete("clubObjects"); if ($forClub > 0) { sql_values(array("cloObject" => $objid, "cloClub" => $forClub)); sql_insert("clubObjects"); } if ($forClub2 > 0) { sql_values(array("cloObject" => $objid, "cloClub" => $forClub2)); sql_insert("clubObjects"); } if ($forClub3 > 0) { sql_values(array("cloObject" => $objid, "cloClub" => $forClub3)); sql_insert("clubObjects"); } $values = array("objTitle" => $title, "objMature" => $mature, "objForClub" => $forClub, "objForClub2" => $forClub2, "objForClub3" => $forClub3, "objFolder" => $folder); if (!$collabConfirmed || atLeastSModerator()) { $values["objCollab"] = $collab; } $values["objForUser"] = $gift; $sql = "UPDATE `objects`" . dbSet($values) . dbWhere(array("objid" => $objid)); sql_query($sql); $values = array("objComment" => $comment); if ($collab == 0 && atLeastSModerator()) { $values["objCollabConfirmed"] = 0; } $sql = "UPDATE `objExtData`" . dbSet($values) . dbWhere(array("objEid" => $objid)); sql_query($sql); updateSearchCache($objid); updateObjCount($objCreator); updateObjCount($collab); if ($collab != $oldCollab) { updateObjCount($oldCollab); } }
function recountTagReferences($tagid) { sql_where(array("hfmTag" => $tagid)); $count = sql_count("helpdeskFAQTagMap"); if ($count > 0) { sql_values(array("hftCount" => $count)); sql_where(array("hftid" => $tagid)); sql_update("helpdeskFAQTags"); } else { sql_where(array("hftid" => $tagid)); sql_delete("helpdeskFAQTags"); } }
$_asset_out[ "gen_time" ] = round(( $secdiff * 1000000 + $usecdiff ) / 1000000, 3 ); */ asset_write_json($_asset_out); } else { echo "{ _kind: 'error', message: 'There is no handler for asset: " + $kind + "' }"; } if (0) { // Store profiler information. $time_start = $_stats["startTime"]; $time_end = gettimeofday(); $secdiff = $time_end["sec"] - $time_start["sec"]; $usecdiff = $time_end["usec"] - $time_start["usec"]; $generationTime = round(($secdiff * 1000000 + $usecdiff) / 1000000, 3); $page = "asset::" . $kind; sql_where(array("prfPage" => $page)); if (sql_count("profiler") > 0) { sql_query("UPDATE `profiler` SET `prfCount` = `prfCount` + 1, " . "`prfTime` = `prfTime` + '" . $generationTime . "' " . "WHERE `prfPage` = '" . addslashes($page) . "'"); } else { sql_values(array("prfPage" => $page, "prfCount" => 1, "prfTime" => $generationTime)); sql_insert("profiler"); } } } echo "]"; return; /** * Writes a Javascript object containing specified asset data. * * @param assetData Asset data (can write either request or result data). */
// Adds club $_cmd[ 1 ] to the current user's watch list. // watCreator in the `watches` table is the club that we watch. // watUser is the user who is watching the club. if ($_auth["useid"] && !$_config["readOnly"]) { // Check if this club exists. $result = sql_query("SELECT `cluid`,`cluCreator` FROM `clubs`,`cluExtData` " . "WHERE `cluEid` = `cluid` AND `cluid` = '" . intval($_cmd[1]) . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($cluData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // Check if the club is already +watch'd. $result = sql_query("SELECT `watid` FROM `watches` " . "WHERE `watUser` = '" . $_auth["useid"] . "' " . "AND `watCreator` = '" . $cluData["cluid"] . "' " . "AND `watType` = 'clu' LIMIT 1"); if ($watData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // +watch'd already? remove them from the watches. if (!isset($_GET["disableUnwatch"])) { sql_query("DELETE FROM `watches` WHERE `watid` = '" . $watData["watid"] . "' LIMIT 1"); } } else { // It's not watch'd? add it to the watches then. sql_query("INSERT INTO `watches`(`watCreator`,`watUser`,`watSubmitDate`,`watType`) " . "VALUES('" . $cluData["cluid"] . "','" . $_auth["useid"] . "',NOW(),'clu')"); // Notify the club's owner about the +watch. addUpdate(updTypeMessageWatchClub, $cluData["cluCreator"], $cluData["cluid"], $_auth["useid"]); } // Recalculate club watcher-count sql_where(array("watType" => "clu", "watCreator" => $cluData["cluid"])); $watcherCount = sql_count("watches"); sql_where(array("cluEid" => $cluData["cluid"])); sql_values(array("cluWatcherCount" => $watcherCount)); sql_update("cluExtData"); } } redirect(url("club/" . intval($_cmd[1]))); // Get back to the club page.
<div class="header"> Request Details </div> <div class="notsowide"> <?php sql_where(array("hlpid" => $_cmd[2])); if ($hlpData = sql_row("helpdesk")) { putRequestData($hlpData, true); } ?> </div> <form action="<?php echo url("helpdesk"); ?> " method="get"> <button class="smalltext"> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/nav-prev.png"); ?> Return to list </button> </form>
function putTagList($title, $order) { ?> <div style="margin-left : 2em;"> <?php echo $title; ?> : </div> <ul style="margin : 0.3em 1.2em; padding : 0; padding-left : 2em;"> <?php sql_order($order); sql_where(array("hftCount>" => 0)); $tagResult = sql_rowset("helpdeskFAQTags"); while ($tagData = sql_next($tagResult)) { $url = url("helpdesk/faq/tag", array("tag" => $tagData["hftName"])); ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "><?php echo $tagData["hftName"]; ?> </a> (<?php echo $tagData["hftCount"]; ?> )</li><?php } sql_free($tagResult); ?> </ul> <?php }
$tagName = $_GET["tag"]; ?> <div class="header"> <?php echo $tagName; ?> <div class="subheader"> All articles tagged with '<?php echo $tagName; ?> ' </div> </div> <ul> <?php sql_where(array("hftName" => $tagName, "hfmTag*" => "hftid", "hfmArticle*" => "hfqid", "hfqCategory*" => "hfcid")); $result = sql_rowset("helpdeskFAQ, helpdeskFAQCats, helpdeskFAQTagMap, helpdeskFAQTags"); if (sql_num_rows($result) == 0) { ?> --<?php } else { while ($data = sql_next($result)) { $url = url("helpdesk/faq/" . $data["hfcIdent"] . "/" . $data["hfqIdent"]); $title = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/^.*\\|/', "", $data["hfqTitle"])); ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "><?php echo $title; ?>
?> </a><?php $tags[] = $tagData["hftid"]; } sql_free($tagResult); if (count($tags) == 0) { echo "--"; } ?> </div> <?php if (count($tags) > 0) { ob_start(); $processedIds = array($faqData["hfqid"]); foreach ($tags as $tagid) { sql_where(array("hfmTag" => $tagid, "hfmArticle*" => "hfqid", "hfqCategory*" => "hfcid")); $result = sql_rowset("helpdeskFAQ, helpdeskFAQCats, helpdeskFAQTagMap"); while ($data = sql_next($result)) { if (in_array($data["hfqid"], $processedIds)) { continue; } $url = url("helpdesk/faq/" . $data["hfcIdent"] . "/" . $data["hfqIdent"]); $title = preg_replace('/^.*\\|/', "", $data["hfqTitle"]); ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($title); ?> </a></li><?php
/** * Functions reads the POST data and adds a new comment to the database. */ function processCommentReply($objid, $objType) { global $_auth, $_config; $noEmoticons = isset($_POST["commentNoEmoticons"]) ? 1 : 0; $noSig = isset($_POST["commentNoSig"]) ? 1 : 0; $noBBCode = isset($_POST["commentNoBBCode"]) ? 1 : 0; $root_objid = $objid; $root_objType = $objType; $parent_objid = $objid; $parent_objType = $objType; if ($objType == "com") { $comResult = sql_query("SELECT `comRootObj`,`comRootObjType`,`comObj`,`comObjType` " . "FROM `comments`" . dbWhere(array("comid" => $objid))); if ($comData = mysql_fetch_row($comResult)) { $root_objid = $comData[0]; $root_objType = $comData[1]; $parent_objid = $comData[2]; $parent_objType = $comData[3]; } mysql_free_result($comResult); if ($parent_objid != $objid && $parent_objid != $root_objid) { $comResult = sql_query("SELECT `comObj`,`comObjType` " . "FROM `comments`" . dbWhere(array("comid" => $parent_objid))); if ($comData = mysql_fetch_row($comResult)) { $parent_objid = $comData[0]; $parent_objType = $comData[1]; } mysql_free_result($comResult); } } // 16000 characters maximum. $commentText = substr($_POST["comment"], 0, 16000); $userIp = getHexIp($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); // Add the comment to the database. sql_query("INSERT INTO `comments`" . dbValues(array("comObj" => $objid, "comObjType" => $objType, "comRootObj" => $root_objid, "comRootObjType" => $root_objType, "comCreator" => $_auth["useid"], "comSubmitDate!" => "NOW()", "comComment" => $commentText, "comSubmitIp" => $userIp, "comEditIp" => $userIp, "comNoEmoticons" => $noEmoticons, "comNoSig" => $noSig, "comNoBBCode" => $noBBCode))); $comid = mysql_insert_id(); // Now let's find out who created the parent object for this comment // (that would be a user id). $parentCreator = 0; switch ($objType) { case "obj": $collab = 0; $result = sql_query("SELECT `objCreator`, `objCollab`, `objCollabConfirmed` " . "FROM `objects`, `objExtData`" . dbWhere(array("objid*" => "objEid", "objid" => $objid))); if ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $parentCreator = $data["objCreator"]; $collab = $data["objCollabConfirmed"] ? $data["objCollab"] : 0; // Also gather Fan-to-Artist statistics... $where = array("fanUser" => $_auth["useid"], "fanArtist" => $parentCreator); sql_where($where); if (sql_count("fans") == 0) { $where["fanNumComments"] = 1; sql_values($where); sql_insert("fans"); } else { sql_where($where); sql_values(array("fanNumComments!" => "`fanNumComments` + 1")); sql_update("fans"); } if ($collab > 0) { $where = array("fanUser" => $_auth["useid"], "fanArtist" => $collab); sql_where($where); if (sql_count("fans") == 0) { $where["fanNumComments"] = 1; sql_values($where); sql_insert("fans"); } else { sql_where($where); sql_values(array("fanNumComments!" => "`fanNumComments` + 1")); sql_update("fans"); } } } // If this submission is in user's updates, mark it as viewed // automatically. markAsRead(updTypeArt, $objid); updateSearchCache($objid); if ($collab > 0 && $collab != $_auth["useid"]) { addUpdate(updTypeComment, $collab, $comid, $_auth["useid"]); } break; case "ext": // extra objects $result = sql_query("SELECT `objCreator` FROM `extras` " . "WHERE `objid` = '{$objid}' LIMIT 1"); $parentCreator = mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0; // If this submission is in user's updates, mark it as viewed // automatically. markAsRead(updTypeArtExtra, $objid); break; case "com": // comments $result = sql_query("SELECT `comCreator` FROM `comments` " . "WHERE `comid` = '{$objid}' LIMIT 1"); $parentCreator = mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0; // If this comment is in user's updates, mark it as read automatically. markAsRead(updTypeComment, $objid); break; case "clu": // clubs $result = sql_query("SELECT `cluCreator` FROM `cluExtData` " . "WHERE `cluEid` = '{$objid}' LIMIT 1"); $parentCreator = mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0; break; case "jou": // journals $result = sql_query("SELECT `jouCreator` FROM `journals` " . "WHERE `jouCreatorType` = 'use' AND `jouid` = '{$objid}' LIMIT 1"); $parentCreator = mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0; if ($parentCreator == 0) { // Not found? Maybe that journal is actually an announcement. $result = sql_query("SELECT `jouAnnCreator` FROM `journals` " . "WHERE `jouCreatorType` = 'clu' AND `jouid` = '{$objid}' LIMIT 1"); $parentCreator = mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0; } // If this journal/announcement is in user's updates, mark it as read // automatically. markAsRead(updTypeJournal, $objid); break; case "pol": // polls $result = sql_query("SELECT `polCreator` FROM `polls` " . "WHERE `polid` = '{$objid}' LIMIT 1"); $parentCreator = mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0; // If this poll is in user's updates, mark it as read automatically. markAsRead(updTypeJournalPoll, $objid); break; case "new": // news // Those who posted news on the front page should not receive // comments on that news to their updates. $parentCreator = 0; break; case "use": // user pages $parentCreator = $objid; break; } // Notify the parent object's creator about the new comment on their creation. // If the creator is not the current user, of course. if ($parentCreator > 0 && $parentCreator != $_auth["useid"]) { addUpdate(updTypeComment, $parentCreator, $comid, $_auth["useid"]); } // Redirect to the same page to clean up POST variables. $focus = "#comment" . ($objType == "com" ? $objid : $comid); if (isset($_POST["refererURL"])) { if (preg_match('/\\/updates\\//', $_POST["refererURL"])) { $focus = ""; } redirect($_POST["refererURL"] . $focus); } else { redirect(url(".", array("replied" => "yes")) . $focus); } }
function sql_update_blob($table, $column, $conditions, $blob) { $db = getdb(); $stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . $table . " SET `" . $column . "`= ?" . sql_where($conditions)); $stmt->bindParam(1, $blob, PDO::PARAM_LOB); $db->beginTransaction(); $stmt->execute(); $db->commit(); return $stmt; }
function putRequestData($hlpData, $showDetails = false) { global $_auth; ?> <div class="container2 mar_bottom"> <div style="margin-left : 20px;"> <div style="margin-left : -20px; margin-top : 0.4em; float : left;"> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/star.png"); ?> </div> <?php if ($hlpData["hlpReferenceType"] == "submission") { ?> <div style="float : right; margin-left : 1em; margin-bottom : 0.5em;"> <?php echo getObjectThumb($hlpData["hlpReferenceId"], 100, false); ?> </div> <?php } if ($hlpData["hlpReferenceType"] == "extras") { ?> <div style="float : right; margin-left : 1em; margin-bottom : 0.5em;"> <?php echo getObjectThumb($hlpData["hlpReferenceId"], 100, true); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="header" style="padding : 0; padding-bottom : 0.3em;"> <a href="<?php echo url("helpdesk/details/" . $hlpData["hlpid"]); ?> "> <?php echo getRequestCategoryText($hlpData["hlpCategory"]); ?> </a> </div> <?php $ref = getRequestRefText($hlpData["hlpReferenceType"], $hlpData["hlpReferenceId"]); if ($ref != "--") { ?> <div> <b>In reference to</b>: <?php echo $ref; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div> <b>Status</b>: <?php echo getRequestStatusText($hlpData["hlpStatus"]); ?> </div> <div> <b>Urgency</b>: <?php echo getRequestUrgencyText($hlpData["hlpUrgency"]); ?> </div> <?php $hasOwner = $hlpData["hlpOwner"] > 0; $isStaff = atLeastModerator(); $isSubmitter = isLoggedIn() && $_auth["useid"] == $hlpData["hlpSubmitter"]; $isOwner = isLoggedIn() && $_auth["useid"] == $hlpData["hlpOwner"]; if ($isOwner && $hlpData["hlpStatus"] == "wait-assign") { ?> <div class="mar_top"> <span class="error">Summary will be available after the request is assigned.</span> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="mar_top"> <?php echo formatText($hlpData["hlpSummary"], true, true); ?> </div> <?php } $allowedPrivacy = "'all'"; if ($isStaff) { $allowedPrivacy .= ",'private','submitter','owner'"; } else { if ($isSubmitter) { $allowedPrivacy .= ",'submitter'"; } if ($isOwner) { $allowedPrivacy .= ",'owner'"; } } if ($showDetails) { ?> <div style="clear : both;"></div> <?php sql_order("hddSubmitDate"); sql_where(array("hddItem" => $hlpData["hlpid"], "|1" => "`hddPrivacy` IN(" . $allowedPrivacy . ")")); $hddResult = sql_rowset("helpdeskDetails"); while ($hddData = sql_next($hddResult)) { putRequestDetail($hlpData, $hddData); } sql_free($hddResult); $doSubmitDetail = false; $detailPrivacy = "?"; if (isset($_POST["submitPrivate"])) { $doSubmitDetail = true; $detailPrivacy = "private"; } if (isset($_POST["submitSubmitter"])) { $doSubmitDetail = true; $detailPrivacy = "submitter"; } if (isset($_POST["submitOwner"])) { $doSubmitDetail = true; $detailPrivacy = "owner"; } if (isset($_POST["submitAll"])) { $doSubmitDetail = true; $detailPrivacy = "all"; } if ($doSubmitDetail) { addRequestDetail($hlpData["hlpid"], "detailText", "detailFile", $detailPrivacy); redirect(url(".")); } if ($hlpData["hlpStatus"] == "completed") { ?> <span class="error"><b>COMPLETED</b></span>. This request's status is 'completed', no further details are accepted. <?php } else { ?> <div class="container2 mar_bottom"> <div class="header" style="padding-left : 0; padding-top : 0;"> Submit new detail </div> <form action="<?php echo url("."); ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <div class="mar_bottom"> <textarea name="detailText" rows="9" style="width : 95%;"></textarea> </div> <div class="mar_bottom" style="padding-right : 10%"> (optionally) <b>Upload a file</b>: </div> <div class="mar_bottom"> <input name="detailFile" type="file" size="30" /> </div> <?php if ($isSubmitter && !$hasOwner) { // A simple submit button. ?> <div class="mar_top"> <input type="submit" name="submitSubmitter" value="<?php echo _SUBMIT; ?> " /> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="mar_top"> Who should be able to read this detail: </div> <?php if ($hasOwner) { ?> <div class="mar_top"> <button name="submitAll"> <?php echo getRequestPrivacyText("all", $hlpData); ?> </button> </div> <?php if (!$isSubmitter) { ?> <div class="mar_top"> <button name="submitOwner"> <?php echo getRequestPrivacyText("owner", $hlpData); ?> </button> </div> <?php } } ?> <div class="mar_top"> <button name="submitSubmitter"> <?php echo getRequestPrivacyText("submitter", $hlpData); ?> </button> </div> <?php if ($isStaff) { // Only staff can submit staff-only details :3 ?> <div class="mar_top"> <button name="submitPrivate"> <?php echo getRequestPrivacyText("private", $hlpData); ?> </button> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="mar_top"> * <b>Submitter</b> — The user that made the request. <?php if ($hasOwner) { ?> <br /> * <b>Owner</b> — The user that owns the object questioned by the request. <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </form> </div> <?php } } else { sql_where(array("hddItem" => $hlpData["hlpid"], "|1" => "`hddPrivacy` IN(" . $allowedPrivacy . ")")); $detailCount = sql_count("helpdeskDetails"); ?> <div style="text-align : left; margin-top : 0.6em;"> <a href="<?php echo url("helpdesk/details/" . $hlpData["hlpid"]); ?> "> View Request Details</a> (<?php echo $detailCount; ?> ) </div> <div style="clear : both;"></div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
<?php if (!$isEditMode) { return; } if (!isset($catKey)) { $catKey = ""; } if (isset($_POST[$editAction . "Category" . $catKey])) { sql_values(array("hfcName" => $_POST[$editAction . "Category" . $catKey], "hfcIdent" => $_POST["ident"], "hfcIsGeneral" => isset($_POST["isGeneral"]))); if ($editAction == "Add") { sql_insert("helpdeskFAQCats"); } if ($editAction == "Edit" && $catKey != "") { sql_where(array("hfcid" => $catKey)); sql_update("helpdeskFAQCats"); } redirect(url(".")); } ?> <div><br /></div> <div class="container2 notsowide"> <?php $editCatTitle = isset($catInfo["name"]) ? $catInfo["name"] : ""; $editCatIdent = isset($catInfo["ident"]) ? $catInfo["ident"] : ""; $editCatGeneral = isset($catInfo["general"]) ? $catInfo["general"] : 1; ?> <form action="<?php echo url(".", array("enableEditMode" => "yes")); ?> " method="post">
sql_values($where); sql_insert("fans"); } else { sql_where($where); sql_values(array("fanNumViews!" => "`fanNumViews` + 1")); sql_update("fans"); } if ($objData["objCollab"] > 0) { $where = array("fanUser" => $_auth["useid"], "fanArtist" => $objData["objCollab"]); sql_where($where); if (sql_count("fans") == 0) { $where["fanNumViews"] = 1; sql_values($where); sql_insert("fans"); } else { sql_where($where); sql_values(array("fanNumViews!" => "`fanNumViews` + 1")); sql_update("fans"); } } } $_pollUser = $useData["useid"]; $_documentTitle = _SUBMISSION . ": " . $objData["objTitle"]; ?> <div class="header"> <?php if ($objData["objCollab"] > 0) { ?> <div class="f_right a_center normaltext" style="margin-left: 20px"> <?php echo getUserAvatar("", $objData["objCollab"], true);
$mysqlUptime = round(preg_replace('/.*' . preg_quote("Uptime: ") . '([0-9\\.]+).*/', "\\1", $mysqlStat), 2); $upDays = floor($mysqlUptime / 60 / 60 / 24); $upHours = floor($mysqlUptime / 60 / 60) % 24; $upMinutes = $mysqlUptime / 60 % 60; echo " <br /> " . sprintf(_PAGE_GENERATED, $generationTime) . ", MySQL: " . $queriesPerSecond . " queries/sec, " . "uptime " . $upDays . "d " . $upHours . "h " . $upMinutes . "m. · Server load: {$loadavg}"; //Testing area for new advert //echo '<div class="mar_top"><a href="/helpdesk/faq/general/sitesupport/">'.getIMG( url()."images/support.gif" ).'</a></div>'; } // Spy Versus Spy Banner // echo '<div class="mar_top"><a href="">'.getIMG( url()."images/spyvsspyban.gif" ).'</a></div>'; // Teahouse Comic Banner // echo '<div class="mar_top"><a href="">'.getIMG( url()."images/teahouse-banner3.gif" ).'</a></div>'; global $isSearchBot; if (!$_isSearchBot) { sql_order("RAND()"); sql_where(array("banUntil>!" => "NOW()", "banType" => "banner")); if ($banid = sql_value("banners", "banid")) { ?> <div class="mar_top"> <a href="<?php echo url("banner/goto/" . $banid); ?> "><img alt="" src="/images/banners/<?php echo $banid; ?> .gif" /></a> <div style="font-size : 9px; margin : 0.2em;"><a href="<?php echo url("helpdesk/faq/general/advert"); ?> ">Advertise on y!Gallery</a></div>
function update_records($table, $conditions, $newdata) { $newdata = array_escape($newdata); $column_quote_func = db_params('column_quote_func'); array_walk($newdata, $column_quote_func); if (count($newdata) > 0) { $query = "UPDATE " . $table . " SET " . implode(", ", $newdata) . sql_where($conditions); $result = sql_query_dbg($query); return sql_affected_rows($result); } return FALSE; }
<div class="header"> <div class="header_title"> Purge trash </div> </div> <div class="container"> <?php sql_order("objTitle"); sql_where(array("objEid*" => "objid", "objPending" => 0, "objCreator" => $_auth["useid"], "objDeleted" => 1, "objDeletedBy" => $_auth["useid"], "objDeleteDate<!" => "DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY )")); $result = sql_rowset("objects, objExtData"); $showForm = sql_num_rows($result) > 0 && !isset($_POST["submit"]); if ($showForm) { ?> <form action="<?php echo url("."); ?> " method="post"> <div> Select deleted submissions you want to purge forever: </div> <?php } include_once INCLUDES . "submission.php"; while ($objData = sql_next($result)) { if (isset($_POST["delete" . $objData["objid"]])) { eraseSubmission($objData["objid"], false, false); notice("Purged: " . $objData["objTitle"]); continue; } if ($showForm) { ?>
$accResult = sql_query("SELECT SUM(`accCount`) FROM `access`"); $totalCount = sql_result($accResult); $accResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `access` ORDER BY `accCount` DESC LIMIT 30"); while ($accData = sql_next($accResult)) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo getDotDecIp($accData["accIp"]); ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $accData["accCount"]; ?> </td> <td><?php sql_where(array("useid*" => "useEid", "useLastIp" => $accData["accIp"])); $useResult = sql_rowset("users, useExtData", "useUsername"); while ($useData = sql_next($useResult)) { echo $useData["useUsername"] . " "; } sql_free($useResult); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } sql_free($accResult); ?> </table> </div>