コード例 #1
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/idb
if (!is_writable($checkfile)) {
    echo "<br />Settings is not writable.";
    chmod("settings.php", 0755);
    $Error = "Yes";
    chmod("settingsbak.php", 0755);
} else {
    /* settings.php is writable install iDB. ^_^ */
if (!function_exists("mysql_connect") && !function_exists("mysqli_connect") && !function_exists("pg_connect") && !function_exists("sqlite_open") && !function_exists("cubrid_connect")) {
    $Error = "Yes";
    echo "<span class=\"TableMessage\">You need to enbale a database php extension to install " . $VerInfo['iDB_Ver_Show'] . " on this server.<br />\n";
    echo "You can use MySQL, MySQLi, PostgreSQL, or SQLite</span>";
if ($Error != "Yes") {
    $StatSQL = sql_connect_db($_POST['DatabaseHost'], $_POST['DatabaseUserName'], $_POST['DatabasePassword']);
    if (!$StatSQL) {
        $Error = "Yes";
        echo "<span class=\"TableMessage\">";
        echo "<br />" . sql_errorno($StatSQL) . "\n</span>\n";
if ($Error != "Yes") {
    $iDBRDate = $SVNDay[0] . "/" . $SVNDay[1] . "/" . $SVNDay[2];
    $iDBRSVN = $VER2[2] . " " . $SubVerN;
    $LastUpdateS = "Last Update: " . $iDBRDate . " " . $iDBRSVN;
    $pretext = "<?php\n/*\n    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n    (at your option) any later version.\n\n    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n    Revised BSD License for more details.\n\n    Copyright 2004-" . $SVNDay[2] . " iDB Support - http://idb.berlios.de/\n    Copyright 2004-" . $SVNDay[2] . " Game Maker 2k - http://gamemaker2k.org/\n    iDB Installer made by Game Maker 2k - http://idb.berlios.net/\n\n    \$FileInfo: settings.php & settingsbak.php - " . $LastUpdateS . " - Author: cooldude2k \$\n*/\n";
    $BoardSettings = $pretext . "\$Settings = array();\n\$Settings['sqlhost'] = '" . $_POST['DatabaseHost'] . "';\n\$Settings['sqluser'] = '******'DatabaseUserName'] . "';\n\$Settings['sqlpass'] = '******'DatabasePassword'] . "';\n?>";
    $fp = fopen("./settings.php", "w+");
    fwrite($fp, $BoardSettings);
コード例 #2
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/idb
<tr class="TableRow3">
<td class="TableColumn3">
require 'settings.php';
if (!isset($Settings['sqldb'])) {
    echo "<span class=\"TableMessage\">";
    echo "<br />Sorry you can not signup yet.<br />\n</span>\n";
    $Error = "Yes";
if ($_POST['License'] != "Agree") {
    echo "<span class=\"TableMessage\">";
    echo "<br />You need to agree to the tos.<br />\n</span>\n";
    $Error = "Yes";
$StatSQL = sql_connect_db($Settings['sqlhost'], $Settings['sqluser'], $Settings['sqlpass']);
if (!$StatSQL) {
    $Error = "Yes";
    echo "<span class=\"TableMessage\">";
    echo "<br />" . sql_errorno($StatSQL) . "<br />\n</span>\n";
if (!isset($_POST['unixname']) && isset($_GET['unixname'])) {
    $_POST['unixname'] = $_GET['unixname'];
if (isset($_POST['unixname']) && file_exists($_POST['unixname'] . "_settings.php")) {
    $_POST['unixname'] = "idb";
if (isset($_POST['unixname']) && !file_exists($_POST['unixname'] . "_settings.php")) {
    $_POST['unixname'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_\$]/", "", $_POST['unixname']);
if (!isset($_POST['unixname'])) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: mkconfig.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/idb
/* We are done now with fixing the info. ^_^ */
if ($Settings['SeparateDatabase'] == "no") {
    $SQLStat = sql_connect_db($Settings['sqlhost'], $Settings['sqluser'], $Settings['sqlpass'], $Settings['sqldb']);
if ($Settings['SeparateDatabase'] == "yes") {
    $SQLStat = sql_connect_db($Settings['sqlhost'], $Settings['sqluser'], $Settings['sqlpass']);
    $Settings['sqldb'] = $_POST['unixname'];
    if ($Settings['sqltype'] == "sqlite") {
        $Settings['sqldb'] = $_POST['unixname'] . ".sdb";
    if ($Settings['sqltype'] == "mysql" || $Settings['sqltype'] == "mysqli" || $Settings['sqltype'] == "pgsql") {
        $query = sql_pre_query("CREATE DATABASE \"" . $Settings['sqldb'] . "\";", array(null));
        sql_query($query, $SQLStat);
    $SQLStat = sql_connect_db($Settings['sqlhost'], $Settings['sqluser'], $Settings['sqlpass'], $Settings['sqldb']);
//if(isset($_POST['sqlcollate'])) { $Settings['sql_collate'] = $_POST['sqlcollate']; }
if (isset($Settings['sql_collate']) && !isset($Settings['sql_charset'])) {
    if ($Settings['sql_collate'] == "ascii_bin" || $Settings['sql_collate'] == "ascii_generel_ci") {
        $Settings['sql_charset'] = "ascii";
    if ($Settings['sql_collate'] == "latin1_bin" || $Settings['sql_collate'] == "latin1_general_ci" || $Settings['sql_collate'] == "latin1_general_cs") {
        $Settings['sql_charset'] = "latin1";
    if ($Settings['sql_collate'] == "utf8_bin" || $Settings['sql_collate'] == "utf8_general_ci" || $Settings['sql_collate'] == "utf8_unicode_ci") {
        $Settings['sql_charset'] = "utf8";
if (isset($Settings['sql_collate']) && isset($Settings['sql_charset'])) {
    if ($Settings['sql_charset'] == "ascii") {