function listposts(){ global $db; $locality=GETSTR('locality'); if(!$locality){echo json_encode(array("success"=>"false"));} $query="select * from artworks where locality='$locality' order by likes desc"; $rs=sql_query($query, $db); if(!$rs){echo json_encode(array("success:false"));die();} $data=array(); while($myrow=sql_fetch_array($rs)){ array_push($data, array( "artworkid"=>$myrow['artworkid']+0, "createdate"=>$myrow['createdate']+0, "userid"=>$myrow['userid'], "price"=>$myrow['price']+0, "likes"=>$myrow['likes']+0, "geolat"=>$myrow['geolat']+0, "geolong"=>$myrow['geolong']+0, "image"=>$myrow['image'], "onsale"=>$myrow['onsale']+0, "title"=>$myrow['title'], "locality"=>$myrow['locality'] )); } $stats=array("itemcount"=>sql_affected_rows($db,$rs)); $response=array("data"=>$data, "stats"=>$stats); echo json_encode($response); }
/** * Removes a ban from the banlist (correct iprange is needed as argument) * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error */ function removeBan($blogid, $iprange) { global $manager; $blogid = intval($blogid); $manager->notify('PreDeleteBan', array('blogid' => $blogid, 'range' => $iprange)); $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . sql_table('ban') . " WHERE blogid={$blogid} and iprange='" . sql_real_escape_string($iprange) . "'"; sql_query($query); $result = sql_affected_rows() > 0; $manager->notify('PostDeleteBan', array('blogid' => $blogid, 'range' => $iprange)); return $result; }
function mysql_session_write($SessionID, $val) { # dbg("writing session info for $SessionID"); $SessionTableName = $GLOBALS["SessionTableName"]; $SessionID = addslashes($SessionID); $val = addslashes($val); $SessionExists = sql_fetch_row_query("select count(*) from {$SessionTableName} where sessionid = '{$SessionID}'"); if ($SessionExists[0] == 0) { $retval = sql_query(sprintf('insert into %s (sessionid,lastactive,data) values("%s",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()),"%s")', $SessionTableName, $SessionID, $val)); } else { $retval = sql_query(sprintf('update %s SET data = "%s", lastactive = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) where sessionid = "%s"', $SessionTableName, $val, $SessionID)); if (sql_affected_rows() < 0) { sendError("unable to update session data for session {$SessionID}"); } } return $retval; }
sql_query("delete from resource_keyword where resource not in (select ref from resource)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned resource-keyword relationships deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from keyword where ref not in (select keyword from resource_keyword) and ref not in (select keyword from keyword_related) and ref not in (select related from keyword_related) and ref not in (select keyword from collection_keyword)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " unused keywords deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from resource_alt_files where resource not in (select ref from resource)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned alternative files deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from resource_custom_access where resource not in (select ref from resource) or (user not in (select ref from user) and usergroup not in (select ref from usergroup))"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned resource custom access rows deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from resource_dimensions where resource not in (select ref from resource)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned resource dimension rows deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from resource_log where resource<>0 and resource not in (select ref from resource)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned resource log rows deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from resource_related where resource not in (select ref from resource) or related not in (select ref from resource)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned resource related rows deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from resource_type_field where resource_type<>999 and resource_type<>0 and resource_type not in (select ref from resource_type)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned fields deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from user_collection where user not in (select ref from user) or collection not in (select ref from collection)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned user-collection relationships deleted.<br/><br/>"; sql_query("delete from resource_data where resource not in (select ref from resource) or resource_type_field not in (select ref from resource_type_field)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned resource data rows deleted.<br/><br/>"; # Clean out and resource data that is set for fields not applicable to a given resource type. $r = get_resource_types(); for ($n = 0; $n < count($r); $n++) { $rt = $r[$n]["ref"]; $fields = sql_array("select ref value from resource_type_field where resource_type=0 or resource_type=999 or resource_type='" . $rt . "'"); if (count($fields) > 0) { sql_query("delete from resource_data where resource in (select ref from resource where resource_type='{$rt}') and resource_type_field not in (" . join(",", $fields) . ")"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned resource data rows deleted for resource type {$rt}.<br/><br/>"; } } hook("dbprune");
sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_keyword WHERE resource NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned resource-keyword relationships deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM keyword WHERE ref NOT IN (SELECT keyword FROM resource_keyword) AND ref NOT IN (SELECT keyword FROM keyword_related) AND ref NOT IN (SELECT related FROM keyword_related) AND ref NOT IN (SELECT keyword FROM collection_keyword)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " unused keywords deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_alt_files WHERE resource NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned alternative files deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_custom_access WHERE resource NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource) OR (user NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM user) AND usergroup NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM usergroup))"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned resource custom access rows deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_dimensions WHERE resource NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned resource dimension rows deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_log WHERE resource<>0 AND resource NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned resource log rows deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_related WHERE resource NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource) OR related NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned resource related rows deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_type_field WHERE resource_type<>999 AND resource_type<>0 AND resource_type NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource_type)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned fields deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM user_collection WHERE user NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM user) OR collection NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM collection)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned user-collection relationships deleted." . $newline; sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_data WHERE resource NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource) OR resource_type_field NOT IN (SELECT ref FROM resource_type_field)"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned resource data rows deleted." . $newline; # Clean out and resource data that is set for fields not applicable to a given resource type. $r = get_resource_types(); for ($n = 0; $n < count($r); $n++) { $rt = $r[$n]["ref"]; $fields = sql_array("SELECT ref value FROM resource_type_field WHERE resource_type=0 OR resource_type=999 OR resource_type='" . $rt . "'"); if (count($fields) > 0) { sql_query("DELETE FROM resource_data WHERE resource in (SELECT ref FROM resource WHERE resource_type='{$rt}') AND resource_type_field NOT IN (" . join(",", $fields) . ")"); echo number_format(sql_affected_rows()) . " orphaned resource data rows deleted for resource type {$rt}." . $newline; } } hook("dbprune");
* For license information see doc/license.txt * * Unicode Reminder メモ ***************************************************************************/ require './lib2/'; $tpl->name = 'mytop5'; $tpl->menuitem = MNU_MYPROFILE_RECOMMENDATIONS; $login->verify(); if ($login->userid == 0) { $tpl->redirect('login.php?target=mytop5.php'); } $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) : ''; if ($action == 'delete') { $cache_id = isset($_REQUEST['cacheid']) ? $_REQUEST['cacheid'] + 0 : 0; sql("DELETE FROM `cache_rating` WHERE `cache_id`='&1' AND `user_id`='&2'", $cache_id, $login->userid); if (sql_affected_rows() == 0) { // will happen if // 1. we delete a recommendation // 2. we view another recommended cache // 3. we return to mytop5 via browser "back" button // -> ignore } else { $rs = sql("SELECT `caches`.`wp_oc` AS `wp`, `caches`.`name` AS `cachename` FROM `caches` WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`='&1'", $cache_id); $deletedItem = sql_fetch_assoc($rs); $tpl->assign('deleted', true); $tpl->assign('deletedItem', $deletedItem); sql_free_result($rs); } } $rs = sql("SELECT `cache_rating`.`cache_id` AS `cacheid`, `cache_rating`.`rating_date`, `caches`.`wp_oc` AS `wp`, `caches`.`name` AS `cachename`, `caches`.`type` AS `type`, `caches`.`status` AS `status`, `ca`.`attrib_id` IS NOT NULL AS `oconly`, `stat_caches`.`toprating` AS `countrating`\n\t FROM `cache_rating`\n\t\t\t\t INNER JOIN `caches` ON `cache_rating`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `stat_caches` ON `stat_caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_rating`.`cache_id`\n\t LEFT JOIN `caches_attributes` `ca` ON `ca`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` AND `ca`.`attrib_id`=6\n\t WHERE `cache_rating`.`user_id`='&1'\n\t ORDER BY `rating_date` DESC", $login->userid); $tpl->assign_rs('ratings', $rs);
function HookAnnotateDatabase_pruneDbprune() { sql_query("delete from resource_keyword where annotation_ref > 0 and annotation_ref not in (select note_id from annotate_notes)"); echo sql_affected_rows() . " orphaned annotation resource-keyword relationships deleted.<br/><br/>"; }
function saveField($field) { if ($this->bLoaded == false || $this->bExist == false || $this->bAddNew == true) { return false; } if ($this->fields[$field]['changed'] == false) { return true; } if ($this->fields[$field]['value'] === null) { $sSet = '`' . sql_escape($field) . '`=NULL'; } else { $sSet = '`' . sql_escape($field) . '`=\'' . sql_escape($this->pFormatValueSql($this->fields[$field]['type'], $this->fields[$field]['value'])) . '\''; } $sql = 'UPDATE `' . sql_escape($this->sTable) . '` SET ' . $sSet; $sql .= ' WHERE '; $sql .= $this->pBuildPK(); sql($sql); if (sql_affected_rows() == 0) { return false; } $this->fields[$field]['changed'] = false; return true; }
static function visitCounter($nVisitUserId, $sRemoteAddr, $nCacheId) { global $opt, $_SERVER; // delete cache_visits older 1 day 60*60*24 = 86400 sql("DELETE FROM `cache_visits` WHERE `cache_id`='&1' AND `user_id_ip`!='0' AND NOW()-`last_modified`>86400", $nCacheId); if ($nVisitUserId == 0) { $se = explode(';', $opt['logic']['search_engines']); $ua = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ""; foreach ($se as $s) { if (strpos($ua, $s) !== FALSE) { return; } } // do not count search engine views $sIdentifier = $sRemoteAddr; } else { $sIdentifier = $nVisitUserId; } // note the visit of this user sql("INSERT INTO `cache_visits` (`cache_id`, `user_id_ip`, `count`) VALUES (&1, '&2', 1)\n\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count`=`count`+1", $nCacheId, $sIdentifier); // if the previous statement does an INSERT, it was the first visit for this user today if (sql_affected_rows() == 1) { if ($nVisitUserId != sql_value("SELECT `user_id` FROM `caches` WHERE `cache_id`='&1'", 0, $nCacheId)) { // increment the counter for this cache sql("INSERT INTO `cache_visits` (`cache_id`, `user_id_ip`, `count`) VALUES (&1, '0', 1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count`=`count`+1", $nCacheId); } } }
public function resendLogNotifications() { # delete notification protocol sql("DELETE FROM `watches_notified`\n WHERE\n `object_type` = '&1'\n AND " . $this->getDateCondition('watches_notified', 'date_created'), OBJECT_CACHELOG); # re-notify owners sql("UPDATE `cache_logs`\n SET `owner_notified` = 0\n WHERE " . $this->getDateCondition('cache_logs', 'date_created')); $owner_notifications = sql_affected_rows(); # Re-notify direct watchers. See also trigger cacheLogsAfterInsert. sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO `watches_logqueue` (`log_id`, `user_id`)\n SELECT `cache_logs`.`id` `log_id`, `cache_watches`.`user_id`\n FROM `cache_logs`\n JOIN `caches` ON `caches`.`cache_id` = `cache_logs`.`cache_id`\n JOIN `cache_status` ON `cache_status`.`id` = `caches`.`status`\n JOIN `cache_watches` ON `cache_watches`.`cache_id` = `caches`.`cache_id`\n WHERE\n " . $this->getDateCondition('cache_logs', 'date_created') . "\n AND `cache_status`.`allow_user_view` = 1"); $watcher_notifications = sql_affected_rows(); # Re-notify list watchers. See also trigger cacheLogsAfterInsert. sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO `watches_logqueue` (`log_id`, `user_id`)\n SELECT `cache_logs`.`id` `log_id`, `cache_list_watches`.`user_id`\n FROM `cache_logs`\n JOIN `caches` ON `caches`.`cache_id` = `cache_logs`.`cache_id`\n JOIN `cache_status` ON `cache_status`.`id` = `caches`.`status`\n JOIN `cache_list_items` ON `cache_list_items`.`cache_id` = `cache_logs`.`cache_id`\n JOIN `cache_list_watches` ON `cache_list_watches`.`cache_list_id` = `cache_list_items`.`cache_list_id`\n WHERE\n " . $this->getDateCondition('cache_logs', 'date_created') . "\n AND `cache_status`.`allow_user_view` = 1"); $watcher_notifications += sql_affected_rows(); self::message(0, $owner_notifications . ' owners will be notified'); self::message(0, $watcher_notifications . ' watchers will be notified'); }
function bb2_db_affected_rows($result) { return sql_affected_rows(); }
static function visitCounter($nVisitUserId, $sRemoteAddr, $nCacheId) { // delete cache_visits older 1 day 60*60*24 = 86400 sql("DELETE FROM `cache_visits` WHERE `cache_id`='&1' AND `user_id_ip`!='0' AND NOW()-`last_modified`>86400", $nCacheId); if ($nVisitUserId == 0) { $sIdentifier = $sRemoteAddr; } else { $sIdentifier = $nVisitUserId; } // note the visit of this user sql("INSERT INTO `cache_visits` (`cache_id`, `user_id_ip`, `count`) VALUES (&1, '&2', 1)\r\n\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count`=`count`+1", $nCacheId, $sIdentifier); // if the previous statement does an INSERT, it was the first visit for this user if (sql_affected_rows() == 1) { if ($nVisitUserId != sql_value("SELECT `user_id` FROM `caches` WHERE `cache_id`='&1'", 0, $nCacheId)) { // increment the counter for this cache sql("INSERT INTO `cache_visits` (`cache_id`, `user_id_ip`, `count`) VALUES (&1, '0', 1)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count`=`count`+1", $nCacheId); } } }
function update_records($table, $conditions, $newdata) { $newdata = array_escape($newdata); $column_quote_func = db_params('column_quote_func'); array_walk($newdata, $column_quote_func); if (count($newdata) > 0) { $query = "UPDATE " . $table . " SET " . implode(", ", $newdata) . sql_where($conditions); $result = sql_query_dbg($query); return sql_affected_rows($result); } return FALSE; }