コード例 #1
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: jprice/EHCP
function newmail_plugin()
    global $username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $newmail_media, $newmail_enable, $newmail_popup, $newmail_popup_height, $newmail_popup_width, $newmail_recent, $newmail_changetitle, $imapConnection;
    include_once SM_PATH . 'functions/display_messages.php';
    if ($newmail_enable == 'on' || $newmail_popup == 'on' || $newmail_changetitle) {
        // open a connection on the imap port (143)
        $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection);
        $delimeter = sqimap_get_delimiter($imapConnection);
        $status = 0;
        $totalNew = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) {
            $line = '';
            $mailbox = $boxes[$i]['formatted'];
            if (!isset($boxes[$i]['unseen'])) {
                $boxes[$i]['unseen'] = '';
            if ($boxes[$i]['flags']) {
                $noselect = false;
                for ($h = 0; $h < count($boxes[$i]['flags']); $h++) {
                    if (strtolower($boxes[$i]["flags"][$h]) == 'noselect') {
                        $noselect = TRUE;
                if (!$noselect) {
                    $status += CheckNewMailboxSound($imapConnection, $mailbox, $boxes[$i]['unformatted'], $delimeter, $boxes[$i]['unseen'], $totalNew);
            } else {
                $status += CheckNewMailboxSound($imapConnection, $mailbox, $boxes[$i]['unformatted'], $delimeter, $boxes[$i]['unseen'], $totalNew);
        // sqimap_logout($imapConnection);
        // If we found unseen messages, then we
        // will play the sound as follows:
        if ($newmail_changetitle) {
            echo "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "function ChangeTitleLoad() {\n";
            if ($totalNew > 1 || $totalNew == 0) {
                echo 'window.parent.document.title = "' . sprintf(_("%s New Messages"), $totalNew) . "\";\n";
            } else {
                echo 'window.parent.document.title = "' . sprintf(_("%s New Message"), $totalNew) . "\";\n";
            echo "if (BeforeChangeTitle != null)\n" . "BeforeChangeTitle();\n" . "}\n" . "BeforeChangeTitle = window.onload;\n" . "window.onload = ChangeTitleLoad;\n" . "</script>\n";
        if ($totalNew > 0 && $newmail_enable == 'on' && $newmail_media != '' && $newmail_media != '(none)') {
            $newmail_media = sqm_baseuri() . 'plugins/newmail/sounds/' . basename($newmail_media);
            echo '<embed src="' . htmlspecialchars($newmail_media) . "\" hidden=\"true\" autostart=\"true\" width=\"2\" height=\"2\">\n";
        if ($totalNew > 0 && $newmail_popup == 'on') {
            echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n" . "<!--\n" . "function PopupScriptLoad() {\n" . 'window.open("' . sqm_baseuri() . 'plugins/newmail/newmail.php?numnew=' . $totalNew . '", "SMPopup",' . "\"width=" . (int) $newmail_popup_width . ",height=" . (int) $newmail_popup_height . ",scrollbars=no\");\n" . "if (BeforePopupScript != null)\n" . "BeforePopupScript();\n" . "}\n" . "BeforePopupScript = window.onload;\n" . "window.onload = PopupScriptLoad;\n" . "// End -->\n" . "</script>\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: redirect.php プロジェクト: jprice/EHCP
        // (such as HTTPOnly, if necessary - PHP doesn't do this itself
        sqsetcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $base_uri);
    $onetimepad = OneTimePadCreate(strlen($secretkey));
    $key = OneTimePadEncrypt($secretkey, $onetimepad);
    sqsession_register($onetimepad, 'onetimepad');
    /* remove redundant spaces */
    $login_username = trim($login_username);
    /* Verify that username and password are correct. */
    if ($force_username_lowercase) {
        $login_username = strtolower($login_username);
    $imapConnection = sqimap_login($login_username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
    $sqimap_capabilities = sqimap_capability($imapConnection);
    sqsession_register($sqimap_capabilities, 'sqimap_capabilities');
    $delimiter = sqimap_get_delimiter($imapConnection);
    sqsession_register($delimiter, 'delimiter');
    $username = $login_username;
    sqsession_register($username, 'username');
    sqsetcookie('key', $key, 0, $base_uri);
/* Set the login variables. */
$user_is_logged_in = true;
$just_logged_in = true;
/* And register with them with the session. */
sqsession_register($user_is_logged_in, 'user_is_logged_in');
sqsession_register($just_logged_in, 'just_logged_in');
/* parse the accepted content-types of the client */
$attachment_common_types = array();
コード例 #3
ファイル: folder.php プロジェクト: jprice/EHCP
 * This function builds an array with all the information about
 * the options available to the user, and returns it. The options
 * are grouped by the groups in which they are displayed.
 * For each option, the following information is stored:
 * - name: the internal (variable) name
 * - caption: the description of the option in the UI
 * - type: one of SMOPT_TYPE_*
 * - refresh: one of SMOPT_REFRESH_*
 * - size: one of SMOPT_SIZE_*
 * - save: the name of a function to call when saving this option
 * @return array all option information
function load_optpage_data_folder()
    global $username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort;
    global $folder_prefix, $default_folder_prefix, $show_prefix_option;
    /* Get some imap data we need later. */
    $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
    $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection);
    /* Build a simple array into which we will build options. */
    $optgrps = array();
    $optvals = array();
    /*** Load the General Options into the array ***/
    $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_SPCFOLDER] = _("Special Folder Options");
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SPCFOLDER] = array();
    if (!isset($folder_prefix)) {
        $folder_prefix = $default_folder_prefix;
    if ($show_prefix_option) {
        $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SPCFOLDER][] = array('name' => 'folder_prefix', 'caption' => _("Folder Path"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRING, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'size' => SMOPT_SIZE_LARGE);
    $trash_folder_values = array(SMPREF_NONE => '[ ' . _("Do not use Trash") . ' ]', 'whatever' => $boxes);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SPCFOLDER][] = array('name' => 'trash_folder', 'caption' => _("Trash Folder"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_FLDRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $trash_folder_values, 'save' => 'save_option_trash_folder');
    $draft_folder_values = array(SMPREF_NONE => '[ ' . _("Do not use Drafts") . ' ]', 'whatever' => $boxes);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SPCFOLDER][] = array('name' => 'draft_folder', 'caption' => _("Draft Folder"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_FLDRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $draft_folder_values, 'save' => 'save_option_draft_folder');
    $sent_folder_values = array(SMPREF_NONE => '[ ' . _("Do not use Sent") . ' ]', 'whatever' => $boxes);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_SPCFOLDER][] = array('name' => 'sent_folder', 'caption' => _("Sent Folder"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_FLDRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $sent_folder_values, 'save' => 'save_option_sent_folder');
    /*** Load the General Options into the array ***/
    $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST] = _("Folder List Options");
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST] = array();
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'location_of_bar', 'caption' => _("Location of Folder List"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_LOC_LEFT => _("Left"), SMPREF_LOC_RIGHT => _("Right")));
    $left_size_values = array();
    for ($lsv = 100; $lsv <= 300; $lsv += 10) {
        $left_size_values[$lsv] = "{$lsv} " . _("pixels");
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'left_size', 'caption' => _("Width of Folder List"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_ALL, 'posvals' => $left_size_values);
    $minute_str = _("Minutes");
    $left_refresh_values = array(SMPREF_NONE => _("Never"));
    foreach (array(30, 60, 120, 180, 300, 600, 1200) as $lr_val) {
        if ($lr_val < 60) {
            $left_refresh_values[$lr_val] = "{$lr_val} " . _("Seconds");
        } else {
            if ($lr_val == 60) {
                $left_refresh_values[$lr_val] = "1 " . _("Minute");
            } else {
                $left_refresh_values[$lr_val] = $lr_val / 60 . " {$minute_str}";
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'left_refresh', 'caption' => _("Auto Refresh Folder List"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $left_refresh_values);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'unseen_notify', 'caption' => _("Enable Unread Message Notification"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_UNSEEN_NONE => _("No Notification"), SMPREF_UNSEEN_INBOX => _("Only INBOX"), SMPREF_UNSEEN_ALL => _("All Folders")));
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'unseen_type', 'caption' => _("Unread Message Notification Type"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_UNSEEN_ONLY => _("Only Unseen"), SMPREF_UNSEEN_TOTAL => _("Unseen and Total")));
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'collapse_folders', 'caption' => _("Enable Collapsable Folders"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'unseen_cum', 'caption' => _("Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'date_format', 'caption' => _("Show Clock on Folders Panel"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => array('0' => _("International date and time"), '1' => _("American date and time"), '2' => _("European date and time"), '3' => _("Show weekday and time"), '4' => _("Show time with seconds"), '5' => _("Show time"), '6' => _("No Clock")));
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'hour_format', 'caption' => _("Hour Format"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => array(SMPREF_TIME_12HR => _("12-hour clock"), SMPREF_TIME_24HR => _("24-hour clock")));
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERLIST][] = array('name' => 'search_memory', 'caption' => _("Memory Search"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'posvals' => array(0 => _("Disabled"), 1 => '1', 2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4', 5 => '5', 6 => '6', 7 => '7', 8 => '8', 9 => '9'));
    /*** Load the General Options into the array ***/
    $optgrps[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERSELECT] = _("Folder Selection Options");
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERSELECT] = array();
    $delim = sqimap_get_delimiter($imapConnection);
    $optvals[SMOPT_GRP_FOLDERSELECT][] = array('name' => 'mailbox_select_style', 'caption' => _("Selection List Style"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_NONE, 'posvals' => array(0 => _("Long:") . ' "' . _("Folder") . $delim . _("Subfolder") . '"', 1 => _("Indented:") . ' "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("Subfolder") . '"', 2 => _("Delimited:") . ' ".&nbsp;' . _("Subfolder") . '"'), 'htmlencoded' => true);
    /* Assemble all this together and return it as our result. */
    $result = array('grps' => $optgrps, 'vals' => $optvals);
    return $result;
コード例 #4
 * Returns an array of mailboxes available.  Separated from sqimap_mailbox_option_list()
 * below for template development.
 * @author Steve Brown
 * @since 1.5.2
function sqimap_mailbox_option_array($imap_stream, $folder_skip = 0, $boxes = 0, $flag = 'noselect', $use_long_format = false)
    global $username, $data_dir, $translate_special_folders, $sent_folder, $trash_folder, $draft_folder;
    $delimiter = sqimap_get_delimiter($imap_stream);
    $mbox_options = '';
    if ($use_long_format) {
        $shorten_box_names = 0;
    } else {
        $shorten_box_names = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'mailbox_select_style', SMPREF_MAILBOX_SELECT_INDENTED);
    if ($boxes == 0) {
        $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imap_stream);
    $a = array();
    foreach ($boxes as $boxes_part) {
        if ($flag == NULL || is_array($boxes_part['flags']) && !in_array($flag, $boxes_part['flags'])) {
            $box = $boxes_part['unformatted'];
            if ($folder_skip != 0 && in_array($box, $folder_skip)) {
            $lowerbox = strtolower($box);
            // mailboxes are casesensitive => inbox.sent != inbox.Sent
            // nevermind, to many dependencies this should be fixed!
            if (strtolower($box) == 'inbox') {
                // inbox is special and not casesensitive
                $box2 = _("INBOX");
            } else {
                switch ($shorten_box_names) {
                    case SMPREF_MAILBOX_SELECT_DELIMITED:
                        if ($translate_special_folders && $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'] == $sent_folder) {
                             * calculate pad level from number of delimiters. do it inside if control in order 
                             * to reduce number of calculations. Other folders don't need it.
                            $pad = str_pad('', 7 * (count(explode($delimiter, $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'])) - 1), '.&nbsp;');
                            // i18n: Name of Sent folder
                            $box2 = $pad . _("Sent");
                        } elseif ($translate_special_folders && $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'] == $trash_folder) {
                            $pad = str_pad('', 7 * (count(explode($delimiter, $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'])) - 1), '.&nbsp;');
                            // i18n: Name of Trash folder
                            $box2 = $pad . _("Trash");
                        } elseif ($translate_special_folders && $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'] == $draft_folder) {
                            $pad = str_pad('', 7 * (count(explode($delimiter, $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'])) - 1), '.&nbsp;');
                            // i18n: Name of Drafts folder
                            $box2 = $pad . _("Drafts");
                        } else {
                            $box2 = str_replace('&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;', '.&nbsp;', sm_encode_html_special_chars($boxes_part['formatted']));
                    case SMPREF_MAILBOX_SELECT_INDENTED:
                        if ($translate_special_folders && $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'] == $sent_folder) {
                            $pad = str_pad('', 12 * (count(explode($delimiter, $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'])) - 1), '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
                            $box2 = $pad . _("Sent");
                        } elseif ($translate_special_folders && $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'] == $trash_folder) {
                            $pad = str_pad('', 12 * (count(explode($delimiter, $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'])) - 1), '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
                            $box2 = $pad . _("Trash");
                        } elseif ($translate_special_folders && $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'] == $draft_folder) {
                            $pad = str_pad('', 12 * (count(explode($delimiter, $boxes_part['unformatted-dm'])) - 1), '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
                            $box2 = $pad . _("Drafts");
                        } else {
                            $box2 = str_replace('&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;', '&nbsp;&nbsp;', sm_encode_html_special_chars($boxes_part['formatted']));
                        /* default, long names, style = 0 */
                        $box2 = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', sm_encode_html_special_chars(imap_utf7_decode_local($boxes_part['unformatted-disp'])));
            $a[sm_encode_html_special_chars($box)] = $box2;
    return $a;