/** * Skin Generator */ function spyropress_skin_generator() { // Security check_ajax_referer('skin_generator_form', 'skin_generator_nonce'); $name = $_POST['skin_name']; $color = $_POST['skin_color']; $gradient = $_POST['skin_gradient']; if (empty($name) || empty($color)) { die; } // generate filename $filename = spyropress_uglify($name); $skin = template_path() . 'assets/less/skin.less'; $css = template_path() . 'assets/css/skins/' . $filename . '.css'; // Delte previous file if (file_exists($css)) { unlink($css); } // LESS require framework_classes() . 'class-lessc.php'; $less = new lessc(); $less->setFormatter('compressed'); $less->setVariables(array('skinColor' => spyropress_validate_setting($color, 'colorpicker', 'skin_color', array()), 'gradient' => $gradient)); $result = $less->compileFile($skin, $css); if ($result) { $skins = get_option('_spyropress_porto_skins'); $skins = $skins ? $skins : array(); $skins[$filename] = array('name' => $name, 'color' => $color, 'gradient' => $gradient); update_option('_spyropress_porto_skins', $skins); } // Refresh page echo 'window.location = "' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '";'; // Exit die; }
/** * Validate the options by type before saving */ function spyropress_validate_setting($value, $type, $field_id, $section) { // check for null if (!$value || !$type || !$field_id) { return $value; } // type = background if ('repeater' == $type) { // skip last dummy element array_pop($value); // reset array indexes array_reindex($value); // Validate Fields $new_values = array(); $total = count($value); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $raw_value = $value[$i]; foreach ($section['fields'] as $field) { if (isset($field['id']) && isset($raw_value[$field['id']]) && !in_array($field['type'], spyropress_exclude_option_types())) { $key = trim($field['id']); $type = $field['type']; $new_value = $raw_value[$key]; $new_values[$i][$key] = spyropress_validate_setting($new_value, $type, $key, $field); } } $new_values[$i] = spyropress_clean_array($new_values[$i]); } $value = $new_values; } elseif ('background' == $type) { $value = spyropress_clean_array($value); if (isset($value['background-color'])) { $value['background-color'] = spyropress_validate_setting($value['background-color'], 'colorpicker', $field_id, $section); } if (isset($value['background-image']) || isset($value['background-pattern'])) { if (isset($value['background-image'])) { $value['background-image'] = spyropress_validate_setting($value['background-image'], 'upload', $field_id, $section); } } } elseif ('typography' == $type) { $value = spyropress_clean_array($value); // if using google fonts unset system fonts if (isset($value['use'])) { unset($value['font-family']); unset($value['font-style']); unset($value['font-weight']); } else { unset($value['font-google']); unset($value['font-google-variant']); } if (isset($value['color'])) { $value['color'] = spyropress_validate_setting($value['color'], 'colorpicker', $field_id, $section); } if (isset($value['font-size']) && $value['font-size'] == '0px') { unset($value['font-size']); } if (isset($value['line-height']) && $value['line-height'] == '0px') { unset($value['line-height']); } if (isset($value['letter-spacing']) && $value['letter-spacing'] == '0px') { unset($value['letter-spacing']); } if (!isset($value['text-shadowcolor']) || $value['text-shadowcolor'] == '') { unset($value['text-hshadow']); unset($value['text-vshadow']); unset($value['text-blur']); unset($value['text-shadowcolor']); } } elseif ('border' == $type) { $heads = array('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'); foreach ($heads as $h) { // if empty unset if ($value[$h] == '0px' || empty($value[$h]) || empty($value[$h . '-style']) || empty($value[$h . '-color'])) { unset($value[$h]); unset($value[$h . '-style']); unset($value[$h . '-color']); } else { $value[$h . '-style'] = spyropress_validate_setting($value[$h . '-style'], 'text', $field_id, $section); $value[$h . '-color'] = spyropress_validate_setting($value[$h . '-color'], 'colorpicker', $field_id, $section); } } } elseif ('padder' == $type) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if ($v == '0px') { unset($value[$k]); } } } elseif ('colorpicker' == $type) { $value = stripslashes(sanitize_text_field($value)); $value = str_replace('#', '', $value); if (!is_str_starts_with('rgb', $value)) { $value = '#' . $value; } } elseif ('textarea' == $type) { $value = stripslashes($value); } elseif (in_array($type, array('css', 'text', 'editor'))) { $value = stripslashes(wp_kses_post($value)); } elseif (in_array($type, array('upload', 'datepicker', 'hidden', 'range_slider'))) { $value = stripslashes(sanitize_text_field($value)); } return $value; }
/** * Update Fields * @see WP_Widget->update */ function update($new_instance, $old_instance) { $instance = array(); foreach ($this->fields as $section) { if (isset($section['id']) && !in_array($section['type'], spyropress_exclude_option_types())) { $key = trim($section['id']); $type = $section['type']; if (isset($new_instance[$key])) { $new_value = $new_instance[$key]; $instance[$key] = spyropress_validate_setting($new_value, $type, $key, $section); } } } return $this->after_validate_fields($instance); }
* @category Admin * @package Spyropress */ global $spyropress_theme_settings; $spyropress_theme_settings['general'] = array(array('label' => __('General Settings', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'generalsettings', 'icon' => 'module-icon-general'), array('label' => __('Logo', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Upload a logo for your site or specify an image URL directly.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'logo', 'type' => 'upload'), array('label' => __('Logo (Retina Version)', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Upload a retina logo for your site. It should be exactly 2x the size of main logo', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'logo_retina', 'type' => 'upload'), array('label' => __('Logo Width', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'logo_width', 'desc' => __('Select logo width(px)', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'max' => 500, 'std' => 111), array('label' => __('Logo Height', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'logo_height', 'desc' => __('Select logo height(px)', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'max' => 500, 'std' => 54), array('label' => __('Sticky Logo Width', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'stk_logo_width', 'desc' => __('Select logo width(px) used in sticky header', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'max' => 100, 'std' => 82), array('label' => __('Sticky Logo Height', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'stk_logo_height', 'desc' => __('Select logo height(px) used in sticky header', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'max' => 50, 'std' => 40), array('label' => __('Custom Favicon', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Upload a favicon for your site or specify an icon URL directly.<br/>Accepted formats: ico, png, gif<br/>Dimension: 16px x 16px.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'custom_favicon', 'type' => 'upload'), array('label' => __('Apple Touch Icon (small)', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Upload apple favicon.<br/>Accepted formats: png<br/>Dimension: 57px x 57px.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'apple_small', 'type' => 'upload'), array('label' => __('Apple Touch Icon (medium)', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Upload apple favicon.<br/>Accepted formats: png<br/>Dimension: 72px x 72px.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'apple_medium', 'type' => 'upload'), array('label' => __('Apple Touch Icon (large)', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Upload apple favicon.<br/>Accepted formats: png<br/>Dimension: 114px x 114px.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'apple_large', 'type' => 'upload'), array('label' => __('Analytics', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Tracking Code', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'tracking_code', 'type' => 'textarea', 'rows' => 6), array('label' => __('Social Sharing', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('AddThis Publisher ID', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'add_this_pub_id'), array('label' => __('Search Options', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('id' => 'google_search', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Enable Google Custom Search Engine', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Custom Search engine ID', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'google_cse_id')); // End General Settings $spyropress_theme_settings['header'] = array(array('label' => __('Header Customization', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'header', 'icon' => 'module-icon-layout'), array('label' => __('Header Styles', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'header_style', 'type' => 'radio_img', 'class' => 'full-width enable_changer', 'options' => array('v1' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/header-v1.png'), 'v2' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/header-v2.png'), 'v3' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/header-v3.png'), 'v4' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/header-v4.png'), 'v5' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/header-v5.png'), 'v6' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/header-v6.png'), 'v7' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/header-v7.png')), 'std' => 'v1'), array('label' => __('Sticky Header', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v2 v3 v4 v6 v7'), array('id' => 'sticky_header', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v5 v6', 'options' => array('1' => __('Deactive Sticky Header', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Social Networks', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v2 v3 v4 v6 v7'), array('id' => 'header_social', 'type' => 'repeater', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v2 v3 v4 v6 v7', 'item_title' => 'network', 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('URL', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'url', 'type' => 'text'), array('label' => __('Network', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'network', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => spyropress_get_options_social()))), array('label' => __('Search', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v5 v6'), array('id' => 'search_disable', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v5 v6', 'options' => array('1' => __('Disable Search Box', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Search Placeholder', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v5 v6', 'id' => 'search_placeholder', 'std' => 'Search...'), array('label' => __('Top Bar Settings', 'spyropress'), 'class' => 'header_style v1 v3 v4 v5 v6', 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Teaser', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v3 v4 v5 v6', 'id' => 'topbar_teaser', 'std' => 'Get in touch!', 'rows' => 5), array('label' => __('Phone Number', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v3 v4 v5 v6', 'id' => 'topbar_ph', 'std' => '(123) 456-7890'), array('label' => __('Email', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'header_style v1 v3 v4 v5 v6', 'id' => 'topbar_email', 'std' => '*****@*****.**')); // End Header $spyropress_theme_settings['footer'] = array(array('label' => __('Footer Customization', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'footer', 'icon' => 'module-icon-footer'), array('label' => __('Footer Styles', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'footer_style', 'type' => 'radio_img', 'class' => 'full-width enable_changer', 'options' => array('v1' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/footer-v1.png'), 'v2' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/footer-v2.png'), 'v3' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/footer-v3.png'), 'v4' => array('img' => assets_img() . 'framework_assets/footer-v4.png')), 'std' => 'v1'), array('label' => __('Ribbon Text', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Ribbon area above the footer make empty to disbale.', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'footer_style v1', 'id' => 'footer_ribbon', 'std' => 'Get in Touch'), array('label' => __('Footer Logo', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'footer_style v1 v3 v4', 'id' => 'footer_logo'), array('label' => __('Copyrigth Text', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'footer_copyright', 'type' => 'editor'), array('label' => __('About', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('About Title', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'footer_about_title', 'class' => 'footer_style v3 v4', 'type' => 'text'), array('label' => __('About Company', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'footer_about', 'class' => 'footer_style v3 v4', 'type' => 'editor')); // END FOOTER $spyropress_theme_settings['post'] = array(array('label' => __('Post Options', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'post', 'icon' => 'module-icon-post'), array('label' => __('Layout', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Blog Layout', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'blog_layout', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'enable_changer', 'options' => array('full' => __('Full Width', 'spyropress'), 'large' => __('Large Image', 'spyropress'), 'medium' => __('Medium Image', 'spyropress'), 'timeline' => __('Timeline', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'full'), array('label' => __('Sidebar Position', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'blog_sidebar_position', 'class' => 'blog_layout large medium', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('left' => __('Left Side', 'spyropress'), 'right' => __('Right Side', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'left'), array('label' => __('Single Sidebar Position', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'blog_single_sidebar_position', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('left' => __('Left Side', 'spyropress'), 'right' => __('Right Side', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'left'), array('label' => __('Excerpt Settings', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Length by', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'excerpt_by', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('' => '', 'words' => __('Words', 'spyropress'), 'chars' => __('Character', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'words'), array('label' => __('Length', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Set the length of excerpt.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'excerpt_length', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => 60), array('label' => __('Ellipsis', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'excerpt_ellipsis', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ' [...]'), array('label' => __('Before Text', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'excerpt_before_text', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '<p>'), array('label' => __('After Text', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'excerpt_after_text', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '</p>'), array('label' => __('Read More', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'excerpt_link_to_post', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Enable Read more link.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Link Text', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('A text for Read More button.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'excerpt_link_text', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => 'read more'), array('label' => __('Author Box', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('desc' => __('A box to display about author.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'meta_authorbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Enable author box.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Author Title', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Write the title.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'authorbox_title', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => 'About the Author'), array('label' => __('Social Sharing', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('desc' => __('An <em>AddThis</em> widget for social sharing.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'post_social_sharing', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Enable Social Sharing', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Share Title', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'post_share_title', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => 'Share this post')); // End Blog Settings $spyropress_theme_settings['portfolio'] = array(array('label' => __('Portfolio Options', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'portfolio', 'icon' => 'module-icon-post', 'selected' => true), array('id' => 'portfolio-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __('Single item slug', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('<b>Important:</b> Do not use characters not allowed in links. <br /><br />Must be different from the Portfolio site title chosen above, eg. "portfolio-item". After change please go to "Settings » Permalinks" and click [Save changes] button.', 'spyropress'), 'std' => 'portfolio'), array('label' => __('Header Style', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'portfolio_header_style', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('title' => __('Title Only', 'spyropress'), 'buttons' => __('Title with Buttons', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Archives Layout', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Portfolio Layout', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'portfolio_layout', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'enable_changer', 'options' => array('full' => __('Full Width', 'spyropress'), 'listing' => __('Listing', 'spyropress'), 'timeline' => __('Timeline', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'full'), array('label' => __('Number of Columns', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'columns', 'class' => 'section-full portfolio_layout listing', 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 2, 'max' => 4), array('label' => __('Related Work', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('id' => 'related_portfolio_enable', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Enable related work.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Related Title', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Write the title.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'related_portfolio_title', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => 'Related <strong>Work</strong>'), array('label' => __('Number Of items', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Set the number of related post.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'related_portfolio_number', 'type' => 'range_slider', 'max' => '20', 'min' => '1', 'std' => 4), array('label' => __('Related Work By', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Choose the tag or category to show related portfolio.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'related_portfolio_by', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('portfolio_service' => __('Services', 'spyropress'), 'portfolio_category' => __('Category', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'portfolio_category'), array('label' => __('Social Sharing', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('desc' => __('An <em>AddThis</em> widget for social sharing.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'portfolio_social_sharing', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Enable Social Sharing', 'spyropress')))); // End Blog Settings $spyropress_theme_settings['woocommerce'] = array(array('label' => __('WooCommerce Options', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'woocommerce', 'icon' => 'module-icon-post'), array('label' => __('Layout', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Shop Layout', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_layout', 'class' => 'enable_changer section-full', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('full' => __('Full Width', 'spyropress'), 'sidebar' => __('Sidebar', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'full'), array('label' => 'Sidebar Position', 'id' => 'shop_sidebar_pos', 'class' => 'shop_layout sidebar section-full', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('left' => __('Left Sidebar', 'spyropress'), 'right' => __('Right Sidebar', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'right'), array('label' => __('Top Bar', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_loop_top_bar', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Enable features at the Shop page.', 'spyropress'), 'options' => array('result_count' => __('Show Result Count', 'spyropress'), 'filter' => __('Show Catalog Ordering', 'spyropress'), 'pagination' => __('Show Pagination', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => 'Pagination Position', 'id' => 'shop_pagination_pos', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('top' => __('Top', 'spyropress'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'spyropress'), 'both' => __('Both', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'bottom'), array('label' => __('Product Limit', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('Set the number of product per page.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_loop_product_per_page', 'type' => 'range_slider', 'max' => '20', 'min' => '1', 'std' => 12), array('label' => __('Product Columns', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_loop_product_columns', 'desc' => __('Set the number of columns for shop.', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 4, 'max' => 4), array('label' => __('Product Single Page Settings', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Single Layout', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_single_layout', 'class' => 'enable_changer section-full', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('full' => __('Full Width', 'spyropress'), 'sidebar' => __('Sidebar', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'full'), array('label' => 'Sidebar Position', 'id' => 'shop_single_sidebar_pos', 'class' => 'shop_single_layout sidebar section-full', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array('left' => __('Left Sidebar', 'spyropress'), 'right' => __('Right Sidebar', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'right'), array('label' => __('Social Sharing', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_single_sharing', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Enable social sharing', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Products Tabs', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_single_tabs', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Disable product tabs on product page.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Related Products', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('id' => 'shop_related_items', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Disable related products.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Related Products Limit', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_related_items_limit', 'desc' => __('Set the number of related product.', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 4, 'max' => 30), array('label' => __('Related Product Columns', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_related_columns', 'desc' => __('Set the number of columns for related products', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 4, 'max' => 4), array('label' => __('Up Sell Products', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('id' => 'shop_upsell', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Disable up sell products.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Up Sell Products Limit', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_upsell_limit', 'desc' => __('Set the number of up sell product.', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 4, 'max' => 30), array('label' => __('Up Sell Product Columns', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_upsell_columns', 'desc' => __('Set the number of columns for up sell products', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 4, 'max' => 4), array('label' => __('Mini Cart Settings', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('id' => 'mini_cart_hide_if_empty', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Hide if cart is empty', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Mini Cart Items', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'mini_cart_items', 'desc' => __('Set the number of cart items to display', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 1, 'max' => 10), array('label' => __('Cross Sell Products', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('id' => 'shop_cross_sell', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Disable cross sell products.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Cros Sell Products Limit', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_cross_sell_limit', 'desc' => __('Set the number of cross sell product.', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 4, 'max' => 30), array('label' => __('Cross Sell Product Columns', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'shop_cross_sell_columns', 'desc' => __('Set the number of columns for cross sell products', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'range_slider', 'std' => 4, 'max' => 4)); $skins = get_option('_spyropress_porto_skins', array()); $skin_options = array(); foreach ($skins as $k => $skin) { $skin_options[$k] = '<span class="skin-item" style="background:' . spyropress_validate_setting($skin['color'], 'colorpicker', 'skin_color', array()) . ';"><span>' . $skin['name'] . '</span></span><a href="#" data-name="' . $k . '" class="skin-remove-item button-red">Delete Skin</a>'; } $spyropress_theme_settings['skin'] = array(array('label' => __('Skins & layout', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'skin', 'icon' => 'module-icon-styling'), array('label' => __('Layout Options', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Theme Layout', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'theme_layout', 'type' => 'radio_img', 'class' => 'enable_changer section-full', 'desc' => __('Select which layout you want for theme.', 'spyropress'), 'options' => array('full' => array('title' => __('Full Layout', 'spyropress'), 'img' => get_panel_img_path('layouts/full.png')), 'boxed' => array('title' => __('Boxed Layout', 'spyropress'), 'img' => get_panel_img_path('layouts/full.png'))), 'std' => 'full'), array('label' => __('Boxed Background', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'boxed_bg', 'class' => 'theme_layout boxed', 'type' => 'background', 'use_pattern' => true, 'patterns' => array(assets_img('patterns/az_subtle.png') => 'az_subtle', assets_img('patterns/blizzard.png') => 'blizzard', assets_img('patterns/bright_squares.png') => 'bright_squares', assets_img('patterns/denim.png') => 'denim', assets_img('patterns/fancy_deboss.png') => 'fancy_deboss', assets_img('patterns/gray_jean.png') => 'gray_jean', assets_img('patterns/honey_im_subtle.png') => 'honey_im_subtle', assets_img('patterns/linedpaper.png') => 'linedpaper', assets_img('patterns/linen.png') => 'linen', assets_img('patterns/pw_maze_white.png') => 'pw_maze_white', assets_img('patterns/random_grey_variations.png') => 'random_grey_variations', assets_img('patterns/skin_side_up.png') => 'skin_side_up', assets_img('patterns/stitched_wool.png') => 'stitched_wool', assets_img('patterns/straws.png') => 'straws', assets_img('patterns/subtle_grunge.png') => 'subtle_grunge', assets_img('patterns/textured_stripes.png') => 'textured_stripes', assets_img('patterns/wild_oliva.png') => 'wild_oliva', assets_img('patterns/worn_dots.png') => 'worn_dots'), 'selector' => 'html.boxed body'), array('label' => __('Theme Scheme', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'theme_scheme', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => __('Select which scheme you want for theme.', 'spyropress'), 'options' => array('dark' => __('Dark Scheme', 'spyropress'), 'light' => __('Light Scheme', 'spyropress')), 'std' => 'light'), array('label' => __('Reponsiveness', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'responsive', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array('1' => __('Deactivate responsive layout', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Skin Options', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Select skin', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'theme_skin', 'class' => 'skin-selector section-full', 'type' => 'radio', 'options' => $skin_options), array('type' => 'skin_generator', 'id' => 'skins'), array('label' => __('Custom CSS', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'custom_css_textarea', 'class' => 'section-full', 'type' => 'textarea', 'rows' => 10)); 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$spyropress_theme_settings['plugins'] = array(array('label' => __('Settings', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'plugins', 'icon' => 'module-icon-general'), array('label' => __('Email Settings', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Sender Name', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('For example sender name is "WordPress".', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'mail_from_name', 'type' => 'text'), array('label' => __('Sender Email Address', 'spyropress'), 'desc' => __('For example sender email address is wordpress@yoursite.com.', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'mail_from_email', 'type' => 'text'), array('label' => 'Twitter oAuth Settings', 'type' => 'sub_heading'), array('label' => __('Consumer Key', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'twitter_consumer_key', 'type' => 'text'), array('label' => __('Consumer Secret', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'twitter_consumer_secret', 'type' => 'text'), array('label' => __('Access Token', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'twitter_access_token', 'type' => 'text'), array('label' => __('Access Token Secret', 'spyropress'), 'id' => 'twitter_access_token_secret', 'type' => 'text'), array('type' => 'raw_info', 'desc' => '<a href="https://dev.twitter.com/apps" target="_blank">Create an Application on Twitter</a>, once your application is created Twitter will generate your Oauth key and access tokens. Paste them below.'), array('label' => __('WP-Pagenavi', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'toggle'), array('label' => __('Text For Current Page', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_current_text', 'desc' => '%PAGE_NUMBER% - ' . __('The page number.', 'spyropress'), 'std' => '%PAGE_NUMBER%'), array('label' => __('Text For Page', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_page_text', 'desc' => '%PAGE_NUMBER% - ' . __('The page number.', 'spyropress'), 'std' => '%PAGE_NUMBER%'), array('label' => __('Text For First Page', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_first_text', 'desc' => '%TOTAL_PAGES% - ' . __('The total number of pages.', 'spyropress'), 'std' => '« First'), array('label' => __('Text For Last Page', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_last_text', 'desc' => '%TOTAL_PAGES% - ' . __('The total number of pages.', 'spyropress'), 'std' => 'Last »'), array('label' => __('Text For Previous Page', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_prev_text', 'std' => '«'), array('label' => __('Text For Next Page', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_next_text', 'std' => '»'), array('label' => __('Text For Previous …', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_dotleft_text', 'std' => '…'), array('label' => __('Text For Next …', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_dotright_text', 'std' => '…'), array('label' => __('Page Navigation Text', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'sub_heading', 'desc' => __('Leaving a field blank will hide that part of the navigation.', 'spyropress')), array('label' => __('Always Show Page Navigation', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'id' => 'pagination_always_show', 'options' => array(1 => __('Show navigation even if there\'s only one page.', 'spyropress'))), array('label' => __('Number Of Pages To Show', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_num_pages', 'std' => 5), array('label' => __('Number Of Larger Page Numbers To Show', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_num_larger_page_numbers', 'desc' => __('Larger page numbers are in addition to the normal page numbers. They are useful when there are many pages of posts.', 'spyropress'), 'std' => 3), array('label' => __('Show Larger Page Numbers In Multiples Of', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'text', 'id' => 'pagination_larger_page_numbers_multiple', 'desc' => __('For example, if mutiple is 5, it will show: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25', 'spyropress'), 'std' => 10), array('type' => 'toggle_end')); // END PLUGINS $spyropress_theme_settings['separator'] = array(array('type' => 'separator')); // END Separator $spyropress_theme_settings['import'] = array(array('label' => __('Import / Export', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'import-export', 'icon' => 'module-icon-import'), array('type' => 'import_dummy'), array('type' => 'import'), array('type' => 'export')); // END Import/Export $spyropress_theme_settings['support'] = array(array('label' => __('Support', 'spyropress'), 'type' => 'heading', 'slug' => 'support', 'icon' => 'module-icon-support'), array('id' => 'admin/docs-support.php', 'type' => 'include')); // END Separator