コード例 #1
  *  Class Constructor
  *  @access public
  *  @return void
 public function __construct(Connection $dbal, $sequenceTableName)
     $this->dbal = $dbal;
     if (empty($sequenceTableName)) {
         throw new LedgerException(sprinf("The sequence table name is empty string"));
     $this->sequenceTableName = $sequenceTableName;
コード例 #2
  * Verifies and returns the configuration.
  * @return array
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 protected function getConfig()
     if (false === isset($this->config['pike']['datatable'])) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('No [pike][datatable] section configured');
     if (false === isset($this->config['pike']['datatable'][$this->getName()])) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprinf('No datatable configuration found for %s', $this->getName()));
     return $this->config['pike']['datatable'][$this->getName()];
コード例 #3
 public function before(Request $request, Application $app)
     if (!$request->headers->get('X-Authentication-Token')) {
         $app->abort(401, 'Not authenticated. Header X-Authentication-Token missing.');
     $token = $request->headers->get('X-Authentication-Token');
     if (!$this->isAuthorized($token, $app)) {
         $msg = sprinf('Not authenticated. X-Authentication-Token %s is not authorized.', $token);
         $app->abort(401, $msg);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Setter.php プロジェクト: railsphp/framework
 public function set(Base $record, $name, $value)
     if ($value !== null && !$value instanceof Base) {
         if (is_object($value)) {
             $message = sprintf("Must pass instance of Rails\\ActiveRecord\\Base as value, instance of %s passed", get_class($value));
         } else {
             $message = sprintf("Must pass either null or instance of Rails\\ActiveRecord\\Base as value, %s passed", gettype($value));
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($message);
     $options = $record->getAssociations()->get($name);
     switch ($options['type']) {
         case 'belongsTo':
             if ($value) {
                 $this->matchClass($value, $options['className']);
                 $value = $value->id();
             $record->setAttribute($options['foreignKey'], $value);
         case 'hasOne':
             $foreignKey = $options['foreignKey'];
             if ($value) {
                 $this->matchClass($value, $options['className']);
                 $value->setAttribute($foreignKey, $record->id());
             if ($record->isNewRecord()) {
             $oldValue = $record->getAssociation($name);
             if ($value && $oldValue && $value->getAttribute($foreignKey) == $oldValue->getAttribute($foreignKey)) {
             if ($oldValue) {
                 $oldValue->setAttribute($foreignKey, null);
             if (!static::transaction(function () use($name, $value, $oldValue) {
                 if ($value) {
                     if (!$value->save()) {
                         return false;
                 if ($oldValue) {
                     if (!$oldValue->save()) {
                         return false;
             })) {
                 throw new RecordNotSavedException(sprinf("Failed to save new associated %s", strtolower($record::getService('inflector')->underscore($name)->humanize())));
     return true;
コード例 #5
 public function subclassDeleteAction(Request $request)
     /** @var $em EntityManager */
     $em = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     $subclass = $em->getRepository('WealthbotAdminBundle:Subclass')->find($request->get('id'));
     if (!$subclass) {
         throw $this->createNotFoundException(sprinf('Subclass with ID %s does not exist.', $request->get('id')));
     return $this->getJsonResponse(array('status' => 'success'));
コード例 #6
ファイル: watched.php プロジェクト: markoheijnen/life-control
 public function watched_episode()
     if (!isset($_POST['episode_id'])) {
         wp_send_json_error(__('No episode ID provided.', 'life-control'));
     $episode = get_post($_POST['episode_id']);
     if (!$episode || 'episode' != $episode->post_type) {
         wp_send_json_error(__("Provided ID isn't a episode.", 'life-control'));
     $watched = get_post_meta($episode->ID, 'user_' . get_current_user_id() . '_watched', true);
     if ($watched) {
         wp_send_json_error(sprinf(__('You already watched %s', 'life-control'), $episode->post_title));
     update_post_meta($episode->ID, 'user_' . get_current_user_id() . '_watched', time());
     wp_send_json_success(__('You mark this episode as watched.', 'life-control'));
コード例 #7
  *  Gets the URL that the user should generally be sent back to after payment completion offiste
  *  Adds the reg_url_link in order to remember which session we were in the middle of processing
  * @param EE_Registration or int, current registration we want to link back to in the return url.
  * @param boolean $urlencode whether or not to url-encode the url (if true, you probably intend to pass
  * this string as a URL parameter itself, or maybe a post parameter)
  *  @return string URL on the current site of the thank_you page, with parameters added on to know which registration was just 
  * processed in order to correctly display the payment status. And it gets URL-encoded by default
 protected function _get_notify_url($registration, $urlencode = false)
     //if $registration is an ID instead of an EE_Registration, make it an EE_Registration
     if (!$registration instanceof EE_Registration) {
         $registration = $this->_REG->get_one_by_ID($registration);
     if (empty($registration)) {
         $msg[0] = __("Cannot get Notify URL for gateway. Invalid registration", 'event_espresso');
         $msg[1] = sprinf(__("Registration being used is %s.", 'event_espresso'), print_r($registration, true));
         EE_Error::add_error(implode("||", $msg), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         return '';
     //get a registration that's currently getting processed
     /*@var $registration EE_Registration */
     $url = add_query_arg(array('e_reg_url_link' => $registration->reg_url_link(), 'ee_gateway' => $this->_gateway_name), get_permalink(EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->core->txn_page_id));
     if ($urlencode) {
         $url = urlencode($url);
     return $url;
コード例 #8
ファイル: number_helper.php プロジェクト: phpontrax/trax
 public static function number_to_human_size($size, $precision = 1)
     $size = float($size);
     $return = null;
     if ($size == 1) {
         $return = "1 Byte";
     } elseif ($size < 1024) {
         $return = sprintf("%d Bytes", $size);
     } elseif ($size < 1024 * 1024) {
         $return = sprintf("%.{$precision}f KB", $size / (1024 * 1024));
     } elseif ($size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
         $return = sprinf("%.{$precision}f MB", $size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024));
     } elseif ($size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
         $return = sprinf("%.{$precision}f GB", $size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024));
     } else {
         $return = sprintf("%.{$precision}f TB", $size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024));
     return str_replace(".0", "", $return);
コード例 #9
  * This method is used to wright translation for mails.
  * This wrights subject translation files
  * (in root/mails/lang_choosen/lang.php or root/_PS_THEMES_DIR_/mails/lang_choosen/lang.php)
  * and mails files.
 protected function submitTranslationsMails()
     $arr_mail_content = array();
     $arr_mail_path = array();
     if (Tools::getValue('core_mail')) {
         $arr_mail_content['core_mail'] = Tools::getValue('core_mail');
         // Get path of directory for find a good path of translation file
         if ($this->theme_selected != self::DEFAULT_THEME_NAME) {
             $arr_mail_path['core_mail'] = $this->translations_informations[$this->type_selected]['override']['dir'];
         } else {
             $arr_mail_path['core_mail'] = $this->translations_informations[$this->type_selected]['dir'];
     if (Tools::getValue('module_mail')) {
         $arr_mail_content['module_mail'] = Tools::getValue('module_mail');
         // Get path of directory for find a good path of translation file
         if ($this->theme_selected != self::DEFAULT_THEME_NAME) {
             $arr_mail_path['module_mail'] = $this->translations_informations['modules']['override']['dir'] . '{module}/mails/' . $this->lang_selected->iso_code . '/';
         } else {
             $arr_mail_path['module_mail'] = $this->translations_informations['modules']['dir'] . '{module}/mails/' . $this->lang_selected->iso_code . '/';
     // Save each mail content
     foreach ($arr_mail_content as $group_name => $all_content) {
         foreach ($all_content as $type_content => $mails) {
             foreach ($mails as $mail_name => $content) {
                 $module_name = false;
                 $module_name_pipe_pos = stripos($mail_name, '|');
                 if ($module_name_pipe_pos) {
                     $module_name = substr($mail_name, 0, $module_name_pipe_pos);
                     if (!Validate::isModuleName($module_name)) {
                         throw new PrestaShopException(sprinf(Tools::displayError('Invalid module name "%s"'), $module_name));
                     $mail_name = substr($mail_name, $module_name_pipe_pos + 1);
                     if (!Validate::isTplName($mail_name)) {
                         throw new PrestaShopException(sprintf(Tools::displayError('Invalid mail name "%s"'), $mail_name));
                 if ($type_content == 'html') {
                     $content = Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($content);
                     $content = htmlspecialchars_decode($content);
                     // replace correct end of line
                     $content = str_replace("\r\n", PHP_EOL, $content);
                     $title = '';
                     if (Tools::getValue('title_' . $group_name . '_' . $mail_name)) {
                         $title = Tools::getValue('title_' . $group_name . '_' . $mail_name);
                     $string_mail = $this->getMailPattern();
                     $content = str_replace(array('#title', '#content'), array($title, $content), $string_mail);
                     // Magic Quotes shall... not.. PASS!
                     if (_PS_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC_) {
                         $content = stripslashes($content);
                 if (Validate::isCleanHTML($content)) {
                     $path = $arr_mail_path[$group_name];
                     if ($module_name) {
                         $path = str_replace('{module}', $module_name, $path);
                     file_put_contents($path . $mail_name . '.' . $type_content, $content);
                 } else {
                     throw new PrestaShopException(Tools::displayError('HTML e-mail templates cannot contain JavaScript code.'));
     // Update subjects
     $array_subjects = array();
     if (($subjects = Tools::getValue('subject')) && is_array($subjects)) {
         $array_subjects['core_and_modules'] = array('translations' => array(), 'path' => $arr_mail_path['core_mail'] . 'lang.php');
         foreach ($subjects as $subject_translation) {
             $array_subjects['core_and_modules']['translations'] = array_merge($array_subjects['core_and_modules']['translations'], $subject_translation);
     if (!empty($array_subjects)) {
         foreach ($array_subjects as $infos) {
             $this->writeSubjectTranslationFile($infos['translations'], $infos['path']);
     if (Tools::isSubmit('submitTranslationsMailsAndStay')) {
     } else {
コード例 #10
ファイル: cdr_generic.php プロジェクト: AGProjects/cdrtool
    function rotateTable($sourceTable,$month,$action) {
        // create a new table tableYYYYMM and copy data from the main table into it
        // if no month is supplied, the default is the previous month

        if (!$month) $month=date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, "01", date("Y")));

        if (!$sourceTable) $sourceTable=$this->table;

        if (preg_match("/^(\w+)\d{6}$/",$sourceTable,$m)) {
        } else {


        if ($sourceTable == $destinationTable) {
            $log=sprintf("Error: cannot copy records to the same table %s.\n",$destinationTable);
            print $log;
            return 0;;


        if (!$this->createTableFile || !is_readable($createTableFile)) {
            $log=sprintf("Error: cannot locate mysql creation file\n");
            print $log;
            return 0;;


        if (flock($f, LOCK_EX + LOCK_NB, $w)) {
            if ($w) {
                $log=sprintf("Another CDRTool rotate table is in progress. Aborting.\n");
                print $log;
                return 0;;
        } else {
            $log=sprintf("Another CDRTool rotate table is in progress. Aborting.\n");
            print $log;
            return 0;;


        if (!preg_match("/^(\d{4})(\d{2})$/",$month,$m)) {
            print "Error: Month $month must be in YYYYMM format\n";
            return 0;
        } else {
            if ($m[2] > 12) {
                print "Error: Month must be in YYYYMM format\n";
                return 0;

            $stopSQL =date('Y-m-01', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[2]+1, "01", $m[1]));

        $query=sprintf("select count(*) as c from %s where %s >='%s' and %s < '%s'\n",

        if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
            $log=sprintf ("Source table %s has %d records in month %s\n",$sourceTable,$rowsSourceTable,$month);
            print $log;
            if (!$rowsSourceTable) return 1;

        } else {
            $log=sprintf ("Error: %s (%s)\n",$this->table,$this->CDRdb->Error);
            print $log;
            return 0;

        $query=sprintf("select count(*) as c from %s\n", addslashes($destinationTable));

        if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
            $rowsDestinationTable = $this->CDRdb->f('c');
            $log=sprintf ("Destination table %s has %d records\n",$destinationTable,$rowsDestinationTable);
            print $log;

            if ($rowsDestinationTable != $rowsSourceTable) {
                $log=sprintf ("Error: source table has %d records and destination table has %d records\n",$rowsSourceTable,$rowsDestinationTable);
                print $log;
            } else {
                $log=sprintf ("Tables are in sync\n");
                print $log;

        } else {
            $log=sprintf ("%s (%s)\n",$this->CDRdb->Error,$this->CDRdb->Errno);
            print $log;

            if ($this->CDRdb->Errno==1146) {

                $query=sprintf("drop table if exists %s",addslashes($destinationTableTmp));

                if ($query=file_get_contents($createTableFile)) {
                    $query=preg_replace("/CREATE TABLE.*/","CREATE TABLE $destinationTableTmp (",$query);
                    if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
                        $log=sprintf ("Error creating table %s: %s, %s\n",$destinationTableTmp,$this->CDRdb->Error,$query);
                        print $log;
                        return 0;
                } else {
                    $log=sprintf ("Cannot read file %s\n",$createTableFile);
                    print $log;
                    return 0;

                // if we reached this point we start to copy records
                $query=sprintf("insert into %s select * from %s where %s >='%s' and %s < '%s'",

                return ;

                if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
                    if ($this->CDRdb->affected_rows() && $d) $rps=$this->CDRdb->affected_rows()/$d;

                    $log=printf ("Copied %d CDRs into table %s in %d s @ %.0f rps\n",$this->CDRdb->affected_rows(),$destinationTableTmp,$d,$rps);
                    print $log;

                    $query=sprinf("rename table %s to %s", addslashes($destinationTableTmp),addslashes($destinationTableTmp));

                    if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
                        printf ("Error renaming table %s to %s: %s\n",$destinationTableTmp,$destinationTable,$this->CDRdb->Error);
                        return 0;
                } else {
                    printf ("Error copying records in table %s: %s\n",$destinationTable,$this->CDRdb->Error);
                    return 0;
コード例 #11
 * Create a jquery.ui icon
 * @param string $icon the icon ID. Ex: ('lightbulb, plusthick, ...')
 * @param string $properties Html properties
function ui_create_icon($icon = 'notice', $properties = '')
    if (is_array($properties)) {
        $class = sprinf(' ui-icon ui-icon-%s ', $icon);
        $properties['class'] = isset($properties['class']) ? $class . $properties['class'] : $class;
        $properties = arrayToString($properties);
        $pattern = '<span %s></span>';
    } else {
        $properties = $properties === '' ? 'style="z-index:2000"' : $properties;
        $pattern = '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-%s ui-datepicker-prev" %s></span>';
    return sprintf($pattern, $icon, $properties);
コード例 #12
ファイル: report.php プロジェクト: nemein/openpsa
  * @param mixed $handler_id The ID of the handler.
  * @param array &$data The local request data.
 public function _show_generator($handler_id, array &$data)
     // Builtin style prefix
     if (preg_match('/^builtin:(.+)/', $this->_request_data['query_data']['style'], $matches)) {
         $bpr = '-' . $matches[1];
         debug_add('Recognized builtin report, style prefix: ' . $bpr);
     } else {
         debug_add("'{$this->_request_data['query_data']['style']}' not recognized as builtin style");
         $bpr = '';
     //Mangling if report wants to do it (done here to have style context, otherwise MidCOM will not like us.
     debug_print_r("query data before mangle:", $this->_request_data['query_data']);
     debug_add("calling midcom_show_style('report{$bpr}-mangle-query') to mangle the query data as necessary");
     debug_print_r("query data after mangle:", $this->_request_data['query_data']);
     //Handle grouping
     debug_add('checking grouping');
     if (array_key_exists('grouping', $this->_request_data['query_data']) && !empty($this->_request_data['query_data']['grouping'])) {
         debug_add("checking validity of grouping value '{$this->_request_data['query_data']['grouping']}'");
         if (array_key_exists($this->_request_data['query_data']['grouping'], $this->_valid_groupings)) {
             debug_add('Setting grouping to: ' . $this->_request_data['query_data']['grouping']);
             $this->_grouping =& $this->_request_data['query_data']['grouping'];
         } else {
             debug_add(sprinf("\"%s\" is not a valid grouping, keeping default", $this->_request_data['query_data']['grouping']), MIDCOM_LOG_WARN);
     // Put grouping to request data
     $this->_request_data['grouping'] =& $this->_grouping;
     //Get our results
     $results_hr = $this->_get_hour_reports();
     //For debugging and sensible passing of data
     $this->_request_data['raw_results'] = array();
     $this->_request_data['raw_results']['hr'] = $results_hr;
     //TODO: Mileages, expenses
     $this->_request_data['report'] = array();
     $this->_request_data['report']['rows'] = array();
     $this->_request_data['report']['total_hours'] = 0;
     //TODO: add other report types when supported
     if (!is_array($this->_request_data['raw_results']['hr']) || count($this->_request_data['raw_results']['hr']) == 0) {
     //Start actual display
     //Indented to make style flow clearer
     $this->_show_generator_group($this->_request_data['report']['rows'], $bpr);
コード例 #13
  *  Sets the Processing Mode
  *  @access public
  *  @return void
 public function setMode($mode)
     if ($mode !== self::PROCESS_MODE_COMPLETE || $mode !== self::PROCESS_MODE_DELAYED || $mode !== self::PROCESS_MODE_PROCESS) {
         throw new LedgerException(sprinf('Mode set to %s is not a valid option', $mode));
     $this->mode = $mode;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Setter.php プロジェクト: railsphp/ar-mongo
 public function set(DocumentInterface $record, $name, $value)
     if ($value !== null && !is_array($value) && !$value instanceof DocumentInterface) {
         if (is_object($value)) {
             $message = sprintf("Must pass instance of Rails\\ActiveRecord\\Mongo\\Base as value, instance of %s passed", get_class($value));
         } else {
             $message = sprintf("Must pass either null, array or instance of Rails\\ActiveRecord\\Mongo\\Base as value, %s passed", gettype($value));
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($message);
     $options = $record->getAssociations()->get($name);
     switch ($options['type']) {
         case 'belongsTo':
             if ($value) {
                 if (is_object($value)) {
                     $this->matchClass($value, $options['className']);
                     $dbref = MongoDBRef::create($value->collectionName(), $value->id(), $value->connection()->databaseName());
                 } elseif (is_array($value)) {
                     if (!MongoDBRef::isRef($value)) {
                         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Array passed to %s::%s association is not a reference", get_class($record), $name));
                     $dbref = $value;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Value passed to %s::%s association must be either object or array, %s passed", gettype($value)));
             } else {
                 $dbref = null;
             $record->setAttribute($options['reference'], $dbref);
         case 'hasOne':
             $refAttr = $options['reference'];
             if ($value) {
                 $this->matchClass($value, $options['className']);
                 $dbref = MongoDBRef::create($record->collectionName(), $record->id(), $record->connection()->databaseName());
                 $value->setAttribute($refAttr, $dbref);
             if ($record->isNewRecord()) {
             $oldValue = $record->getAssociation($name);
             if ($value && $oldValue && (string) $value->getAttribute($refAttr) == (string) $oldValue->getAttribute($refAttr)) {
             if ($oldValue) {
                 $oldValue->setAttribute($refAttr, null);
             if ($value && $oldValue) {
                 $saved = $value->isValid() && $oldValue->isValid();
             } else {
                 $saved = true;
             if ($saved && $value) {
                 if (!$value->save()) {
                     $saved = false;
             if ($saved && $oldValue) {
                 if (!$oldValue->save()) {
                     $saved = false;
             if (!$saved) {
                 throw new RecordNotSavedException(sprinf("Failed to save new associated %s", strtolower($record::getService('inflector')->underscore($name)->humanize())));
         case 'hasMany':
             if ($value instanceof Collection) {
                 $value = $value->toArray();
             } elseif (!is_array($value)) {
                 throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("HasMany association accepts either array or instance of Mongo\\Collection, %s passed", gettype($value)));
             if (!empty($options['embedded'])) {
             throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Can't set unsupported association type %s", $options['type']));
     return true;
コード例 #15
     * Output the HTML markup for the dialog box.
     * @access public
     * @since  5.5.6
     * @return void
    public function output_dialog_markup()
        $woo_framework_url = $this->framework_url();
        $woo_framework_version = get_option('woo_framework_version');
        $MIN_VERSION = '2.9';
        $meetsMinVersion = version_compare($woo_framework_version, $MIN_VERSION) >= 0;
        $isWooTheme = true;
<div id="woo-dialog" style="display: none;">

        if ($meetsMinVersion && $isWooTheme) {
<div id="woo-options-buttons" class="clear">
	<div class="alignleft">

	    <input type="button" id="woo-btn-cancel" class="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" accesskey="C" />

	<div class="alignright">
	    <input type="button" id="woo-btn-insert" class="button-primary" name="insert" value="Insert" accesskey="I" />
	<div class="clear"></div><!--/.clear-->
</div><!--/#woo-options-buttons .clear-->

<div id="woo-options" class="alignleft">
            echo __('Customize the Shortcode', 'woothemes');

	<table id="woo-options-table">

<div class="clear"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
            echo esc_url($woo_framework_url . 'js/shortcode-generator/js/column-control.js');
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
            echo esc_url($woo_framework_url . 'js/shortcode-generator/js/tab-control.js');
        } else {

<div id="woo-options-error">

            echo __('Ninja Trouble', 'woothemes');

            if ($isWooTheme && !$meetsMinVersion) {
                echo sprinf(__('Your version of the WooFramework (%s) does not yet support shortcodes. Shortcodes were introduced with version %s of the framework.', 'woothemes'), $woo_framework_version, $MIN_VERSION);

                echo __('What to do now?', 'woothemes');

                echo __('Upgrading your theme, or rather the WooFramework portion of it, will do the trick.', 'woothemes');

                echo sprintf(__('The framework is a collection of functionality that all WooThemes have in common. In most cases you can update the framework even if you have modified your theme, because the framework resides in a separate location (under %s).', 'woothemes'), '<code>/functions/</code>');

                echo sprintf(__('There\'s a tutorial on how to do this on WooThemes.com: %sHow to upgradeyour theme%s.', 'woothemes'), '<a title="WooThemes Tutorial" target="_blank" href="http://www.woothemes.com/2009/08/how-to-upgrade-your-theme/">', '</a>');

                echo __('<strong>Remember:</strong> Every Ninja has a backup plan. Safe or not, always backup your theme before you update it or make changes to it.', 'woothemes');

            } else {

                echo __('Looks like your active theme is not from WooThemes. The shortcode generator only works with themes from WooThemes.', 'woothemes');

                echo __('What to do now?', 'woothemes');

                echo __('Pick a fight: (1) If you already have a theme from WooThemes, install and activate it or (2) if you don\'t yet have one of the awesome WooThemes head over to the <a href="http://www.woothemes.com/themes/" target="_blank" title="WooThemes Gallery">WooThemes Gallery</a> and get one.', 'woothemes');


<div style="float: right"><input type="button" id="woo-btn-cancel"
	class="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" accesskey="C" /></div>


<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo esc_url($woo_framework_url . 'js/shortcode-generator/js/dialog-js.php');
コード例 #16
  * Process a Voided Payment IPN
 function paymentVoided()
     if ($this->paymentDBO == null) {
         fatal_error("PSIPNPage::paymentVoided()", sprinf("Received a Paypal Denied / Expired / Failed / Voided IPN for a payment that does not exist! TXN=%s, Customer=%s, Amount=%s, Status=%s", $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['payer_email'], $_POST['mc_gross'], $_POST['payment_status']));
コード例 #17
ファイル: db.php プロジェクト: bonomat/docker-collection
  <title>WordPress &rsaquo; Error</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$admin_dir}css/install.css" type="text/css" />
  <h1 id="logo"><img alt="WordPress" src="{$admin_dir}images/wordpress-logo.png" /></h1>

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.4', '<')) {
    pdo_log_error('PHP version on this server is too old.', sprinf("Your server is running PHP version %d but this version of WordPress requires at least 5.2.4", phpversion()));
if (!extension_loaded('pdo')) {
    pdo_log_error('PHP PDO Extension is not loaded.', 'Your PHP installation appears to be missing the PDO extension which is required for this version of WordPress.');
if (!extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
    pdo_log_error('PDO Driver for SQLite is missing.', 'Your PHP installtion appears not to have the right PDO drivers loaded. These are required for this version of WordPress and the type of database you have specified.');
 * Notice:
 * Your scripts have the permission to create directories or files on your server.
 * If you write in your wp-config.php like below, we take these definitions.
 * define('DB_DIR', '/full_path_to_the_database_directory/');
 * define('DB_FILE', 'database_file_name');
コード例 #18
ファイル: export.php プロジェクト: jewelhuq/okatea
    if (empty($p_group)) {
    } else {
        foreach ($p_group as $gid) {
            if (!array_key_exists($gid, $aGroups)) {
                $okt->error->set(sprintf(__('m_users_group_%s_not_exportable'), $gid));
    # we need at least one field
    if (empty($p_field)) {
    } else {
        foreach ($p_field as $field) {
            if (!array_key_exists($field, $aAllowedFields)) {
                $okt->error->set(sprinf(__('m_users_data_type_%s_not_exportable'), html::escapeHTML($field)));
    # we need a format
    if (empty($p_format)) {
    # do export
    if ($okt->error->isEmpty()) {
        $okt->users->export($p_format, $p_field, $p_group);
/* Affichage
コード例 #19
  * Handles new block insertion request.
 public function insertBlockAction()
     $pageRequest = $this->createPageRequest();
     $blockComponentName = $this->getRequestParameter('type');
     // Generate block according the page localization type provided
     $block = Block::factory($this->getPageLocalization());
     $class = $block->getComponentClass();
     $blockConfiguration = $this->getBlockCollection()->getConfiguration($class);
     // logic/code issue
     if (!$blockConfiguration->isInsertable()) {
         throw new CmsException(null, 'This block cannot be added.');
     // deny adding if block is defined as unique
     // and page block set already contains it.
     if ($blockConfiguration->isUnique()) {
         foreach ($pageRequest->getBlockSet() as $existingBlock) {
             if ($existingBlock->getComponentClass() === $class) {
                 throw new CmsException(null, sprinf('Only one instance of "%s" block can be added on the page.', $blockConfiguration->getTitle()));
     $placeHolderName = $this->getRequestParameter('placeholder_id');
     $placeHolder = $pageRequest->getPlaceHolderSet()->getFinalPlaceHolders()->offsetGet($placeHolderName);
     if ($placeHolder === null) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Missing placeholder [%s] in place holder set.', $placeHolderName));
     $insertBeforeTargetId = $this->getRequestInput()->get('reference_id');
     if (!empty($insertBeforeTargetId)) {
         $insertBeforeTarget = null;
         foreach ($placeHolder->getBlocks() as $existingBlock) {
             if ($existingBlock->getId() === $insertBeforeTargetId) {
                 $insertBeforeTarget = $existingBlock;
         if ($insertBeforeTarget === null) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Blocks collection item [%s] not found.', $insertBeforeTargetId));
         $placeHolder->addBlockBefore($insertBeforeTarget, $block);
     } else {
     $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
     return new SupraJsonResponse($this->getBlockData($block, true));
コード例 #20
} else {

<div id="wpz-options-error">

    echo __('Error', 'wpzoom');
    if ($iswpzTheme) {
        echo sprinf(__('Your version of theme does not yet support shortcodes.', 'wpzoom'), $wpzoom_framework_version, $MIN_VERSION);

    } else {

        echo __('Looks like your active theme is not from WPZOOM. The shortcode generator only works with themes from WPZOOM.', 'wpzoom');
コード例 #21
ファイル: planet.php プロジェクト: nilsine/Astra-Vires
     $type = 0;
 } else {
     $type = (int) $_REQUEST['type'];
 $materials_array = array($cw['fighters'], $cw['colonists'], $cw['metals'], $cw['fuels'], $cw['electronics']);
 $materials_array[$type] = "<b class='b1'>" . $materials_array[$type] . "</b>";
 //select all ships in the system that are the users.
 $select_ships_sql = "select ship_name, class_name_abbr, fighters ,max_fighters, shields, max_shields, armour, max_armour, cargo_bays, metal, fuel, elect, colon, fleet_id, config, ship_id, location from {$db_name}_ships where login_id = '{$user['login_id']}' && location = '{$user['location']}' order by {$tech_mat} desc";
 $table_head_array = array($cw['ship_name'], $cw['ship_class'], $cw['fighters'], $cw['shields'], $cw['armour'], $cw['cargo_bays'], $st[1650], $cw['config'], $cw['select'], $st[1651]);
 $ship_listing = checkbox_ship_list($select_ships_sql, 2);
 if ($ship_listing == -1) {
     $output_str .= $st[1645];
 } elseif (conditions($user, $planet)) {
     //ensure user is allowed to play with this sort of stuff.
     $output_str .= sprinf($st[1646], $GAME_VARS[min_before_transfer]);
 } else {
     //list all the ships, and
     $out = $rs . "<br />";
     if (!empty($pre_processed_txt)) {
         $out .= $pre_processed_txt . "<br />";
     } else {
         $out .= sprintf($st[1647], $text_mat, $text_mat);
     $out .= "<p />" . $st[1648] . ":<br />{$materials_array['0']}: <b>{$planet['fighters']}</b><br />{$materials_array['1']}: <b>{$planet['colon']}</b><br />{$materials_array['2']}: <b>{$planet['metal']}</b><br />{$materials_array['3']}: <b>{$planet['fuel']}</b><br />{$materials_array['4']}: <b>{$planet['elect']}</b><p />";
     //list the resources this page can trade
     $out .= sprintf($st[1649], $materials_array[$type]);
     foreach ($materials_array as $key => $material) {
         if ($key != $type) {
             $out .= "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?planet_id={$planet_id}&type={$key}&single_ship_deal=1'>{$material}</a> - ";
         } else {
コード例 #22
ファイル: dialog.php プロジェクト: jonpalma/bcc
} else {

<div id="woo-options-error">

    echo __('Ninja Trouble', 'woothemes');
    if ($isWooTheme && !$meetsMinVersion) {
        echo sprinf(__('Your version of the WooFramework (%s) does not yet support shortcodes. Shortcodes were introduced with version %s of the framework.', 'woothemes'), $woo_framework_version, $MIN_VERSION);
        echo __('What to do now?', 'woothemes');
        echo __('Upgrading your theme, or rather the WooFramework portion of it, will do the trick.', 'woothemes');

        echo sprintf(__('The framework is a collection of functionality that all WooThemes have in common. In most cases you can update the framework even if you have modified your theme, because the framework resides in a separate location (under %s).', 'woothemes'), '<code>/functions/</code>');
コード例 #23
ファイル: Zip.php プロジェクト: arcavias/arcavias-core
  * Cleans up and saves the container.
 public function close()
     foreach ($this->_content as $content) {
         if ($this->_container->addFile($content->getResource(), $content->getName()) === false) {
             $msg = 'Unable to add content in "%1$s" to file "%2$s"';
             throw new MW_Content_Exception(sprinf($msg, $content->getResource(), $this->_container->filename));
     if ($this->_container->close() === false) {
         throw new MW_Container_Exception(sprintf('Unable to close zip file "%1$s"', $this->_container->filename));
     foreach ($this->_content as $content) {
コード例 #24
ファイル: EnvHandler.php プロジェクト: CodeWire/conductor
  * Save the current configuration to file.
  * @throws RuntimeException
 public function save()
     if (!file_put_contents($this->file, json_encode($this->vars))) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprinf('The configuration file could not be saved in %s', $this->file));
コード例 #25
ファイル: dialog.php プロジェクト: DavidSalzer/cambium-site

<div id="tmnf-options-error">

    echo __('Ninja Trouble', 'Themnific');
    if ($isThemnificTheme && !$meetsMinVersion) {

        echo sprinf(__('Your version of the framework (%s) does not yet support shortcodes. Shortcodes were introduced with version %s of the framework.', 'Themnific'), $tmnf_framework_version, $MIN_VERSION);
        echo __('What to do now?', 'Themnific');
        echo __('Upgrading your theme, or rather the framework portion of it, will do the trick.', 'Themnific');

        echo sprintf(__('The framework is a collection of functionality that all Themnific have in common. In most cases you can update the framework even if you have modified your theme, because the framework resides in a separate location (under %s).', 'Themnific'), '<code>/functions/</code>');
コード例 #26
ファイル: mailerClass.php プロジェクト: raju99/sparkswap
  * Returns the source of the boundary.
  * @public
  * @returns string
 function GetSource($bLineEnding = true)
     $ret = array();
     $mime[] = sprintf("--%s%s", $this->ID, $this->LE);
     $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s; charset = \"%s\"%s", $this->ContentType, $this->CharSet, $this->LE);
     //$mime[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s", $this->Encoding,
     //                  $this->LE);
     if (strlen($this->Disposition) > 0) {
         $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Disposition: %s;");
         if (strlen($this->FileName) > 0) {
             $mime[] = sprinf("filename=\"%s\"", $this->{$this}->FileName);
     if ($bLineEnding) {
         $mime[] = $this->LE;
     return join("", $mime);
コード例 #27
 public function selectDb($dbname)
     return $this->query(sprinf('USE `%s`', $dbname));
コード例 #28
ファイル: Plan.php プロジェクト: edwardnelson/planmanager
  * Set the billing cycle.
  * @param string $cycle
  * @throws BillingCycleNotSupported
  * @throws PlanPropertyDoesNotExist
 private function setBillingCycle($cycle)
     if (!in_array($cycle, static::$cycles)) {
         throw new BillingCycleNotSupported(sprinf('The billing cycle "%s" is not supported', $cycle));
     $this->setProperty('billing_cycle', $cycle);
コード例 #29
 public function fill_in_data()
     global $woocsv_import;
     $id = false;
     //check if the product already exists by checking it's ID
     if (in_array('ID', $this->header)) {
         $tempID = $this->raw_data[array_search('ID', $this->header)];
         if ($tempID) {
             //use get_post instead of get_posts
             $test = new WC_Product($tempID);
             if ($test->post) {
                 $this->log[] = sprintf(__('Product found (ID), ID is: %s', 'woocsv'), $tempID);
                 $this->new = false;
                 // @ since 3.0.5 add ID else merging will not work using ID's
                 $id = $tempID;
             } else {
                 /* set the ID to null */
                 $this->raw_data[array_search('ID', $this->header)] = '';
                 $this->body['ID'] = '';
                 $this->log[] = sprinf(__('ID : %s not found!', 'woocsv'), $tempID);
     //check if the product already exists by checking it's sku
     if (empty($id) && in_array('sku', $this->header) && $woocsv_import->get_match_by() == 'sku') {
         $sku = $this->raw_data[array_search('sku', $this->header)];
         if (!empty($sku)) {
             $id = $this->get_product_by_id($sku);
             if (!empty($id)) {
                 $this->new = false;
                 $this->log[] = sprintf(__('Product found (SKU), ID is: %s', 'woocsv'), $id);
             } else {
                 $this->log[] = __('New product', 'woocsv');
     //check if the product already exists by checking it's post title
     if (empty($id) && in_array('post_title', $this->header) && $woocsv_import->get_match_by() == 'title') {
         $post_title = $this->raw_data[array_search('post_title', $this->header)];
         if ($post_title) {
             $testID = get_page_by_title($post_title, ARRAY_A, 'product');
             if ($testID) {
                 $this->log[] = sprintf(__('Product found (TITLE), ID is: %s', 'woocsv'), $testID['ID']);
                 $id = $testID['ID'];
                 $this->new = false;
             } else {
                 $this->log[] = sprintf(__('ID : %s not found!', 'woocsv'), $testID['ID']);
     //check for if we need to merge the product
     if ($id && $woocsv_import->get_merge_products() == 1) {
     //fill in the product body
     foreach ($this->body as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($key, $this->header)) {
             $this->body[$key] = $this->raw_data[array_search($key, $this->header)];
     // get the author
     if (isset($this->body['post_author'])) {
         $user = get_user_by($woocsv_import->get_match_author_by() ? $woocsv_import->get_match_author_by() : 'login', $this->body['post_author']);
         if ($user) {
             $this->body['post_author'] = $user->ID;
             $this->log[] = __('user found', 'woocsv');
         } else {
             $this->body['post_author'] = '';
             $this->log[] = __('user not found', 'woocsv');
     //fill in the ID if the product already exists
     if ($id) {
         $this->body['ID'] = $id;
     //fill in the meta data
     // @ since 3.0.5
     // trim meta values to loose spaces
     foreach ($this->meta as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array(substr($key, 1), $this->header)) {
             $this->meta[$key] = trim($this->raw_data[array_search(substr($key, 1), $this->header)]);
     // @ since 3.0.5
     // if the product is new add total_sales to show it in the front end
     // some themes needed total_sales for popularity sorting
     if (!empty($this->body['ID'])) {
         $this->meta['total_sales'] = 0;
     //check if there are tags
     if (in_array('tags', $this->header)) {
         foreach ($this->header as $key => $value) {
             if ($value == 'tags') {
                 $this->tags[] = $this->raw_data[$key];
     //check if there is a shipping
     if (in_array('shipping_class', $this->header)) {
         $key = array_search('shipping_class', $this->header);
         $this->shipping_class = trim($this->raw_data[$key]);
     //check if there are categories
     if (in_array('category', $this->header)) {
         foreach ($this->header as $key => $value) {
             if ($value == 'category') {
                 $this->categories[] = $this->raw_data[$key];
     /* change_stock */
     if (in_array('change_stock', $this->header)) {
         $key = array_search('change_stock', $this->header);
         $change_stock = $this->raw_data[$key];
         //get the stock
         $stock = get_post_meta($this->body['ID'], '_stock', true);
         //if the stock is empty set it to 0
         if (!$stock) {
             $stock = 0;
         //calculate the new stock level
         $new_stock = $stock + $change_stock;
         //set new stock in the meta
         $this->meta['_stock'] = $new_stock;
         //set log
         $this->log[] = sprintf(__('Change stock modus: stock changed from %s to %s', 'woocsv'), $stock, $new_stock);
     //check if there is a featured image
     if (in_array('featured_image', $this->header)) {
         $key = array_search('featured_image', $this->header);
         $this->featured_image = $this->raw_data[$key];
     //check if there is a product gallery
     if (in_array('product_gallery', $this->header)) {
         $key = array_search('product_gallery', $this->header);
         $this->product_gallery = $this->raw_data[$key];