コード例 #1
function getExpirationsText()
    $row_format = "%3s|%-30s|%-15s|%-15s|%s\r\n";
    $ret = '';
    $breakdown = array();
    $breakdown[21] = array(array('from' => -365, 'to' => 0, 'title' => 'has expired within last year'), array('from' => 0, 'to' => 30, 'title' => 'expires within 30 days'));
    $breakdown[22] = $breakdown[21];
    $breakdown[24] = $breakdown[21];
    $attrmap = getAttrMap();
    foreach ($breakdown as $attr_id => $sections) {
        $ret .= $attrmap[$attr_id]['name'] . "\r\n";
        $ret .= "===========================================\r\n";
        foreach ($sections as $section) {
            $count = 1;
            $result = scanAttrRelativeDays($attr_id, $section['from'], $section['to']);
            if (!count($result)) {
            $ret .= $section['title'] . "\r\n";
            $ret .= "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
            $ret .= sprintf($row_format, '#', 'Name', 'Asset Tag', 'OEM S/N 1', 'Date Warranty Expires');
            $ret .= "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $object = spotEntity('object', $row['object_id']);
                $attributes = getAttrValues($object['id']);
                $ret .= sprintf($row_format, $count, $object['dname'], $object['asset_no'], array_key_exists(1, $attributes) ? $attributes[1]['a_value'] : '', datetimestrFromTimestamp($row['uint_value']));
            $ret .= "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
        $ret .= "\r\n";
    return $ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: nagios.php プロジェクト: xtha/salt
function NagiosTabHandler()
    global $nagios_user, $nagios_password, $nagios_url;
    # Load object data
    assertUIntArg('object_id', __FUNCTION__);
    $object = spotEntity('object', $_REQUEST['object_id']);
    $nagios_url_cgi = $nagios_url . '/cgi-bin/status.cgi?host=%%NAGIOS%%';
    $nagios_url_cgi = str_replace("%%NAGIOS%%", urlencode($object['name']), $nagios_url_cgi);
    # Curl request
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $nagios_url_cgi);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "{$nagios_user}:{$nagios_password}");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    $output = curl_exec($ch);
    $info = curl_getinfo($ch);
    # Remove unwanted tags & headline & hyperlinks
    $output = strip_tags($output, '<p><div><table><tr><td><th><br><a>');
    $output = substr($output, strpos($output, '<'));
    $output = str_replace("HREF='", "onclick='return popup(this.href);' target='_blank' HREF='{$nagios_url}/cgi-bin/", $output);
    $output = str_replace("href='", "onclick='return popup(this.href);' target='_blank' href='{$nagios_url}/cgi-bin/", $output);
    $output = str_replace($nagios_url . "/cgi-bin/http://www.nagios.org", "http://www.nagios.org", $output);
    # Output
    echo '<div class=portlet><h2>Nagios</h2>' . $output . '</div>';
コード例 #3
function CableIDTabHandler()
    echo '<div class=portlet><h2>Cable ID Helper</h2></div>';
    $rack = spotEntity('rack', $_REQUEST['rack_id']);
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM RackSpace WHERE rack_id = ? ', array($rack['id']));
    $objects = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $cableIDs = array();
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
        $pals = getObjectPortsAndLinks($object['object_id']);
        foreach ($pals as $portLink) {
            if ($portLink['cableid']) {
                $new = true;
                $dublicate = false;
                foreach ($cableIDs as $key => $cableID) {
                    if ($portLink['object_id'] == $cableID['object1_id'] && $portLink['name'] == $cableID['object1_port'] || $portLink['object_id'] == $cableID['object2_id'] && $portLink['name'] == $cableID['object2_port']) {
                        $new = false;
                        // Link already in List
                    // Check for duplicate cable ids
                    if ($new && $portLink['cableid'] == $cableID['cableID']) {
                        $dublicate = true;
                        $cableIDs[$key]['dublicate'] = true;
                if ($new) {
                    $cableID = array();
                    $cableID['cableID'] = $portLink['cableid'];
                    $cableID['object1_id'] = $portLink['object_id'];
                    $cableID['object1_name'] = $portLink['object_name'];
                    $cableID['object1_port'] = $portLink['name'];
                    $cableID['object2_id'] = $portLink['remote_object_id'];
                    $cableID['object2_name'] = $portLink['remote_object_name'];
                    $cableID['object2_port'] = $portLink['remote_name'];
                    $cableID['dublicate'] = $dublicate;
                    array_push($cableIDs, $cableID);
    // Sort by cableIDs
    usort($cableIDs, function ($elem1, $elem2) {
        return strnatcasecmp($elem1['cableID'], $elem2['cableID']);
    // Print table
    echo '<table class="cooltable" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">' . '<tbody>' . '  <tr>' . '  <th>CableID</th>' . '  <th>Object 1</th>' . '  <th>Object 2</th>' . '  </tr>';
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($cableIDs as $cableID) {
        if ($i % 2) {
            $class = 'row_even tdleft';
        } else {
            $class = 'row_odd tdleft';
        if ($cableID['dublicate']) {
            $class .= ' trerror';
        echo '<tr class="' . $class . '">' . '<td>' . $cableID['cableID'] . '</td>' . '<td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $cableID['object1_id'])) . '">' . $cableID['object1_name'] . ': ' . $cableID['object1_port'] . '</a></td>' . '<td><a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $cableID['object2_id'])) . '">' . $cableID['object2_name'] . ': ' . $cableID['object2_port'] . '</a></td>' . '</tr>';
    echo '  </tbody>' . '</table>';
コード例 #4
function requireMandatoryAttrGeneric($listsrc, $attr_id, $newval)
    $object_id = getBypassValue();
    $attrs = getAttrValues($object_id);
    if (array_key_exists($attr_id, $attrs) && considerGivenConstraint(spotEntity('object', $object_id), $listsrc) && !mb_strlen($newval)) {
        showError('Mandatory attribute "' . $attrs[$attr_id]['name'] . '" not set');
    return '';
コード例 #5
function renderUser($user_id)
    $userinfo = spotEntity('user', $user_id);
    $summary = array();
    $summary['Account name'] = $userinfo['user_name'];
    $summary['Real name'] = $userinfo['user_realname'];
    $summary['tags'] = '';
    renderEntitySummary($userinfo, 'summary', $summary);
    renderFilesPortlet('user', $user_id);
コード例 #6
ファイル: slb.php プロジェクト: ivladdalvi/racktables
 public function __construct($lb_id, $vs_id, $rs_id, $db_row = NULL)
     $this->lb = spotEntity('object', $lb_id);
     $this->vs = spotEntity('ipv4vs', $vs_id);
     $this->rs = spotEntity('ipv4rspool', $rs_id);
     $this->display_cells = array('lb', 'vs', 'rs');
     if (isset($db_row)) {
         $this->slb = $db_row;
     } else {
         $result = usePreparedSelectBlade("SELECT prio, vsconfig, rsconfig FROM IPv4LB WHERE object_id = ? AND vs_id = ? AND rspool_id = ?", array($lb_id, $vs_id, $rs_id));
         if ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
             $this->slb = $row;
         } else {
             throw new RackTablesError("SLB triplet not found in the DB");
コード例 #7
function ripeTab($id)
    $ripe_db = "http://rest.db.ripe.net/search.xml?source=ripe&query-string=";
    $net = spotEntity('ipv4net', $id);
    $startip = ip4_bin2int($net['ip_bin']);
    $endip = ip4_bin2int(ip_last($net));
    // Get Data from RIPE
    $ripe_inetnum_str = ip4_format(ip4_int2bin($startip)) . ' - ' . ip4_format(ip4_int2bin($endip));
    $ripe_query = $ripe_db . ip4_format(ip4_int2bin($startip));
    $ripe_result_str = file_get_contents($ripe_query, false, NULL);
    $ripe_result = simplexml_load_string($ripe_result_str);
    // Check inetnum object
    $ripe_inetnum_check = "/whois-resources/objects/object[@type='inetnum']/attributes/attribute[@name='inetnum'][@value='{$ripe_inetnum_str}']";
    $ripe_inetnum = $ripe_result->xpath($ripe_inetnum_check);
    if (empty($ripe_inetnum)) {
        echo "<div class=trerror><center><h1>{$net['ip']}/{$net['mask']}</h1><h2>{$net['name']}</h2></center></div>\n";
    } else {
        $ripe_netname_check = "/whois-resources/objects/object[@type='inetnum']/attributes/attribute[@name='netname']";
        $ripe_netname = $ripe_result->xpath($ripe_netname_check);
        $netname = trim($ripe_netname[0]['value']);
        if (strcmp($netname, $net['name']) != 0) {
            echo "<div class=trwarning><center><h1>{$net['ip']}/{$net['mask']}</h1><h2>{$net['name']}</h2></center></div><div><center>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class=trok><center><h1>{$net['ip']}/{$net['mask']}</h1><h2>{$net['name']}</h2></center></div><div><center>";
        printOpFormIntro('importRipeData', array('ripe_query' => $ripe_query, 'net_id' => $id, 'net_name' => $netname));
        echo "<input type=submit value='Import RIPE records in to comments'></center></div>";
        echo "</form>";
    // echo '<em>'.$ripe_query.'</em>';
    echo "<table border=0 width='100%'><tr><td class=pcleft>";
    $filedir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
    $ripe_xsl = simplexml_load_file($filedir . '/ripe_html.xsl');
    startPortlet("RIPE Information Datatbase<br>{$ripe_inetnum_str}");
    $proc = new XSLTProcessor();
    echo '<div class=commentblock>' . trim($proc->transformToXML($ripe_result)) . '</div>';
    echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
コード例 #8
function renderEditVService($vsid)
    $vsinfo = spotEntity('ipv4vs', $vsid);
    echo '<table border=0 align=center>';
    echo "<tr><th class=tdright>VIP:</th><td class=tdleft><input type=text name=vip value='{$vsinfo['vip']}'></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th class=tdright>Port:</th><td class=tdleft><input type=text name=vport value='{$vsinfo['vport']}'></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th class=tdright>Proto:</th><td class=tdleft>";
    global $vs_proto;
    printSelect($vs_proto, array('name' => 'proto'), $vsinfo['proto']);
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th class=tdright>Name:</th><td class=tdleft><input type=text name=name value='{$vsinfo['name']}'></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th class=tdright>Tags:</th><td class=tdleft>";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th class=tdright>VS config:</th><td class=tdleft><textarea name=vsconfig rows=20 cols=80>{$vsinfo['vsconfig']}</textarea></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th class=tdright>RS config:</th><td class=tdleft><textarea name=rsconfig rows=20 cols=80>{$vsinfo['rsconfig']}</textarea></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th class=submit colspan=2>";
    printImageHREF('SAVE', 'Save changes', TRUE);
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table></form>\n";
    // delete link
    echo '<p class="centered">';
    if ($vsinfo['refcnt'] > 0) {
        echo getOpLink(NULL, 'Delete virtual service', 'nodestroy', "Could not delete: there are {$vsinfo['refcnt']} LB links");
    } else {
        echo getOpLink(array('op' => 'del', 'id' => $vsinfo['id']), 'Delete virtual service', 'destroy');
コード例 #9
ファイル: snmp.php プロジェクト: ivladdalvi/racktables
function doSNMPmining($object_id, $snmpsetup)
    global $objectInfo;
    $objectInfo = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
    $objectInfo['attrs'] = getAttrValues($object_id);
    $endpoints = findAllEndpoints($object_id, $objectInfo['name']);
    if (count($endpoints) == 0) {
        showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR1');
        // endpoint not found
    if (count($endpoints) > 1) {
        showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR2');
        // can't pick an address
    switch ($objectInfo['objtype_id']) {
        case 7:
            // Router
        // Router
        case 8:
            // Network switch
        // Network switch
        case 965:
            // Wireless
        // Wireless
        case 1503:
            // Network chassis
            $device = new RTSNMPDevice($endpoints[0], $snmpsetup);
            return doGenericSNMPmining($device);
        case 2:
            $device = new APCPowerSwitch($endpoints[0], $snmpsetup);
            return doPDUSNMPmining($device);
コード例 #10
ファイル: code.php プロジェクト: peter-volkov/RackTrack
function findAutoTagWarnings($expr)
    global $user_defined_atags;
    $self = __FUNCTION__;
    static $entityIDs = array('' => array('object', 'Object'), 'ipv4net' => array('ipv4net', 'IPv4 network'), 'ipv6net' => array('ipv6net', 'IPv6 network'), 'rack' => array('rack', 'Rack'), 'row' => array('row', 'Row'), 'location' => array('location', 'Location'), 'ipvs' => array('ipv4vs', 'Virtual service'), 'ipv4rsp' => array('ipv4rspool', 'RS pool'), 'file' => array('file', 'File'), 'vst' => array('vst', '802.1Q template'), 'user' => array('user', 'User'));
    switch ($expr['type']) {
        case 'LEX_TRUE':
        case 'LEX_FALSE':
        case 'LEX_PREDICATE':
        case 'LEX_TAG':
            return array();
        case 'LEX_AUTOTAG':
            switch (1) {
                case preg_match('/^\\$(.*)?id_(\\d+)$/', $expr['load'], $m) && isset($entityIDs[$m[1]]):
                    list($realm, $description) = $entityIDs[$m[1]];
                    try {
                        spotEntity($realm, $m[2]);
                        return array();
                    } catch (EntityNotFoundException $e) {
                        return array(array('header' => refRCLineno($expr['lineno']), 'class' => 'warning', 'text' => "{$description} with ID '{$recid}' does not exist."));
                case preg_match('/^\\$username_/', $expr['load']):
                    $recid = preg_replace('/^\\$username_/', '', $expr['load']);
                    global $require_local_account;
                    if (!$require_local_account) {
                        return array();
                    if (NULL !== getUserIDByUsername($recid)) {
                        return array();
                    return array(array('header' => refRCLineno($expr['lineno']), 'class' => 'warning', 'text' => "Local user account '{$recid}' does not exist."));
                case preg_match('/^\\$page_([\\p{L}0-9]+)$/u', $expr['load'], $m):
                    $recid = $m[1];
                    global $page;
                    if (isset($page[$recid])) {
                        return array();
                    return array(array('header' => refRCLineno($expr['lineno']), 'class' => 'warning', 'text' => "Page number '{$recid}' does not exist."));
                case preg_match('/^\\$(tab|op)_[\\p{L}0-9_]+$/u', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$any_(op|rack|object|ip4net|ip6net|net|ipv4vs|vs|ipv4rsp|rsp|file|location|row)$/', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$typeid_\\d+$/', $expr['load']):
                    // FIXME: check value validity
                // FIXME: check value validity
                case preg_match('/^\\$cn_.+$/', $expr['load']):
                    // FIXME: check name validity and asset existence
                // FIXME: check name validity and asset existence
                case preg_match('/^\\$lgcn_.+$/', $expr['load']):
                    // FIXME: check name validity
                // FIXME: check name validity
                case preg_match('/^\\$(vlan|fromvlan|tovlan)_\\d+$/', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$(aggregate|unused|nameless|portless|unmounted|untagged|no_asset_tag|runs_8021Q)$/', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$(masklen_eq|spare)_\\d{1,3}$/', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$attr_\\d+(_\\d+)?$/', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$ip4net(-\\d{1,3}){5}$/', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$(8021Q_domain|8021Q_tpl)_\\d+$/', $expr['load']):
                case preg_match('/^\\$type_(tcp|udp|mark)$/', $expr['load']):
                    return array();
                    foreach ($user_defined_atags as $regexp) {
                        if (preg_match($regexp, $expr['load'])) {
                            return array();
                    return array(array('header' => refRCLineno($expr['lineno']), 'class' => 'warning', 'text' => "Martian autotag '{$expr['load']}'"));
        case 'SYNT_NOT_EXPR':
            return $self($expr['load']);
        case 'SYNT_AND_EXPR':
        case 'SYNT_EXPR':
            return array_merge($self($expr['left']), $self($expr['right']));
            return array(array('header' => "internal error in {$self}", 'class' => 'error', 'text' => "Skipped expression of unknown type '{$expr['type']}'"));
コード例 #11
ファイル: syncdomain.php プロジェクト: ivladdalvi/racktables
        // don't indicate failure unless the pidfile is 15 minutes or more old
        if ($current_time < $pidfile_mtime + 15 * 60) {
        print_message_line("Failed to lock {$filename}, already locked by PID " . trim(fgets($fp, 10)));
    ftruncate($fp, 0);
    fwrite($fp, getmypid() . "\n");
    // don't close $fp yet: we need to keep an flock
// fetch all the needed data from DB (preparing for DB connection loss)
$switch_queue = array();
foreach ($switch_list as $object_id) {
    $cell = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
    $new_disabled = !considerConfiguredConstraint($cell, 'SYNC_802Q_LISTSRC');
    $queue = detectVLANSwitchQueue(getVLANSwitchInfo($object_id));
    if ($queue == 'disabled' xor $new_disabled) {
        usePreparedExecuteBlade('UPDATE VLANSwitch SET out_of_sync="yes", last_error_ts=NOW(), last_errno=? WHERE object_id=?', array($new_disabled ? E_8021Q_SYNC_DISABLED : E_8021Q_NOERROR, $object_id));
    } elseif (in_array($queue, $todo[$options['mode']])) {
        $switch_queue[] = $cell;
$fork_slots = getConfigVar('SYNCDOMAIN_MAX_PROCESSES');
$do_fork = $fork_slots > 1 and extension_loaded('pcntl');
if ($fork_slots > 1 and !$do_fork) {
    throw new RackTablesError('PHP extension \'pcntl\' not found, can not use childs', RackTablesError::MISCONFIGURED);
コード例 #12
ファイル: slbv2.php プロジェクト: ivladdalvi/racktables
function buildVSMigratePlan($new_vs_id, $vs_id_list)
    $ret = array('properties' => array('vsconfig' => '', 'rsconfig' => ''), 'ports' => array(), 'vips' => array(), 'triplets' => array(), 'messages' => array());
    $config_stat = array('vsconfig' => array(), 'rsconfig' => array());
    $gt = array();
    // grouped triplets
    foreach ($vs_id_list as $vs_id) {
        $vsinfo = spotEntity('ipv4vs', $vs_id);
        // create nesessary vips and ports
        if ($vsinfo['proto'] != 'MARK') {
            $vip_key = $vsinfo['vip_bin'];
            $port_key = $vsinfo['proto'] . '-' . $vsinfo['vport'];
            $ret['vips'][$vip_key] = array('vip' => $vsinfo['vip_bin'], 'vsconfig' => '', 'rsconfig' => '');
            $ret['ports'][$port_key] = array('proto' => $vsinfo['proto'], 'vport' => $vsinfo['vport'], 'vsconfig' => '', 'rsconfig' => '');
        } else {
            $vip_key = '';
            $mark = implode('', unpack('N', $vsinfo['vip_bin']));
            $port_key = $vsinfo['proto'] . '-' . $mark;
            $ret['ports'][$port_key] = array('proto' => $vsinfo['proto'], 'vport' => $mark, 'vsconfig' => '', 'rsconfig' => '');
        // fill triplets
        foreach (SLBTriplet::getTriplets($vsinfo) as $triplet) {
            $tr_key = $triplet->lb['id'] . '-' . $triplet->rs['id'];
            if (!isset($ret['triplets'][$tr_key])) {
                $ret['triplets'][$tr_key] = array('object_id' => $triplet->lb['id'], 'rspool_id' => $triplet->rs['id'], 'vs_id' => $new_vs_id, 'vips' => array(), 'ports' => array());
            $configs = array('vsconfig' => tokenizeConfig($triplet->vs['vsconfig'] . "\n" . $triplet->slb['vsconfig']), 'rsconfig' => tokenizeConfig($triplet->vs['rsconfig'] . "\n" . $triplet->slb['rsconfig']));
            if ($vsinfo['proto'] != 'MARK') {
                if (!isset($ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['ports'][$port_key])) {
                    $ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['ports'][$port_key] = array('proto' => $vsinfo['proto'], 'vport' => $vsinfo['vport'], 'vsconfig' => '', 'rsconfig' => '');
                if (!isset($ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['vips'][$vip_key])) {
                    $ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['vips'][$vip_key] = array('vip' => $vsinfo['vip_bin'], 'prio' => NULL, 'vsconfig' => '', 'rsconfig' => '');
                if ('' != $triplet->slb['prio']) {
                    $ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['vips'][$vip_key]['prio'] = $triplet->slb['prio'];
            } else {
                $ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['ports'][$port_key] = array('proto' => $vsinfo['proto'], 'vport' => $mark, 'vsconfig' => '', 'rsconfig' => '');
            $old_tr_key = $tr_key . '-' . $vip_key . '-' . $port_key;
            $gt['all'][$old_tr_key] = $triplet;
            $gt['ports'][$port_key][$old_tr_key] = $triplet;
            $gt['vips'][$vip_key][$old_tr_key] = $triplet;
            $gt['vip_links'][$tr_key][$vip_key][$old_tr_key] = $triplet;
            $gt['port_links'][$tr_key][$port_key][$old_tr_key] = $triplet;
            foreach ($configs as $conf_type => $list) {
                foreach ($list as $line) {
                    $config_stat[$conf_type][$line][$old_tr_key] = $triplet;
    // reduce common config lines and move them from $config_stat into $ret
    foreach ($config_stat as $conf_type => $stat) {
        foreach ($stat as $line => $used_in_triplets) {
            $added_to_triplets = array();
            $wrong_triplets = array();
            if (!array_sub($gt['all'], $used_in_triplets)) {
                // line used in all triplets
                concatConfig($ret['properties'][$conf_type], $line);
            foreach ($gt['ports'] as $port_key => $port_triplets) {
                $diff = array_sub($port_triplets, $used_in_triplets);
                if (count($diff) < count($port_triplets) / 2) {
                    // line used in most triplets of this port
                    $added_to_triplets += $port_triplets;
                    $wrong_triplets += $diff;
                    concatConfig($ret['ports'][$port_key][$conf_type], $line);
            foreach ($gt['vips'] as $vip_key => $vip_triplets) {
                if (!array_sub($vip_triplets, $used_in_triplets)) {
                    if (count($vip_triplets) == count(array_sub($vip_triplets, $added_to_triplets))) {
                        // if none of the $vip_triplets are in $added_to_triplets,
                        // line used in all triplets of this vip
                        $added_to_triplets += $vip_triplets;
                        concatConfig($ret['vips'][$vip_key][$conf_type], $line);
            foreach ($used_in_triplets as $old_tr_key => $triplet) {
                if (isset($added_to_triplets[$old_tr_key])) {
                $tr_key = $triplet->lb['id'] . '-' . $triplet->rs['id'];
                if ($triplet->vs['proto'] != 'MARK') {
                    $vip_key = $triplet->vs['vip_bin'];
                    $port_key = $triplet->vs['proto'] . '-' . $triplet->vs['vport'];
                } else {
                    $vip_key = '';
                    $port_key = $triplet->vs['proto'] . '-' . implode('', unpack('N', $triplet->vs['vip_bin']));
                // if all the triplets for a given port contain line, add it to the ports' config
                if (!array_sub($gt['port_links'][$tr_key][$port_key], $used_in_triplets)) {
                    if (count($gt['port_links'][$tr_key][$port_key]) == count(array_sub($gt['port_links'][$tr_key][$port_key], $added_to_triplets))) {
                        $added_to_triplets += $gt['port_links'][$tr_key][$port_key];
                        concatConfig($ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['ports'][$port_key][$conf_type], $line);
                // if all the triplets for a given vip contain line, add it to the vips' config
                if ($vip_key != '') {
                    if (!array_sub($gt['vip_links'][$tr_key][$vip_key], $used_in_triplets)) {
                        if (count($gt['vip_links'][$tr_key][$vip_key]) == count(array_sub($gt['vip_links'][$tr_key][$vip_key], $added_to_triplets))) {
                            $added_to_triplets += $gt['vip_links'][$tr_key][$vip_key];
                            concatConfig($ret['triplets'][$tr_key]['vips'][$vip_key][$conf_type], $line);
            // check for failed-to-insert lines
            foreach (array_sub($used_in_triplets, $added_to_triplets) as $old_tr_key => $unused_triplet) {
                $ret['messages'][$old_tr_key][] = "Failed to add {$conf_type} line '{$line}'";
            foreach ($wrong_triplets as $old_tr_key => $triplet) {
                $ret['messages'][$old_tr_key][] = "Added {$conf_type} line '{$line}'";
    // for $line
    return $ret;
コード例 #13
ファイル: gateways.php プロジェクト: rhysm/racktables
function gwDeployDeviceConfig($object_id, $breed, $text)
    if ($text == '') {
        throw new InvalidArgException('text', '', 'deploy text is empty');
    $objectInfo = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
    $endpoints = findAllEndpoints($object_id, $objectInfo['name']);
    if (count($endpoints) == 0) {
        throw new RTGatewayError('no management address set');
    if (count($endpoints) > 1) {
        throw new RTGatewayError('cannot pick management address');
    $endpoint = str_replace(' ', '\\ ', str_replace(' ', '+', $endpoints[0]));
    $tmpfilename = tempnam('', 'RackTables-deviceconfig-');
    if (FALSE === file_put_contents($tmpfilename, $text)) {
        throw new RTGatewayError('failed to write to temporary file');
    try {
        queryGateway('deviceconfig', array("deploy {$endpoint} {$breed} {$tmpfilename}"));
    } catch (RTGatewayError $e) {
        throw $e;
コード例 #14
function snmpgeneric_list($object_id)
    global $sg_create_noconnector_ports, $sg_known_sysObjectIDs, $sg_portoifoptions, $sg_ifType_ignore;
    if (isset($_POST['snmpconfig'])) {
        $snmpconfig = $_POST;
    } else {
        showError("Missing SNMP Config");
    //	sg_var_dump_html($snmpconfig);
    echo '<body onload="document.getElementById(\'createbutton\').focus();">';
    addJS('function setchecked(classname) { var boxes = document.getElementsByClassName(classname);
				 var value = document.getElementById(classname).checked;
				 for(i=0;i<boxes.length;i++) {
					if(boxes[i].disabled == false)
		};', TRUE);
    $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
    $object['attr'] = getAttrValues($object_id);
    $snmpdev = new mySNMP($snmpconfig['version'], $snmpconfig['host'], $snmpconfig['community']);
    if ($snmpconfig['version'] == "v3") {
        $snmpdev->setSecurity($snmpconfig['sec_level'], $snmpconfig['auth_protocol'], $snmpconfig['auth_passphrase'], $snmpconfig['priv_protocol'], $snmpconfig['priv_passphrase']);
    if ($snmpdev->getErrno()) {
    /* SNMP connect successfull */
    showSuccess("SNMP " . $snmpconfig['version'] . " connect to {$snmpconfig['host']} successfull");
    echo '<form name=CreatePorts method=post action=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&module=redirect&op=create>';
    echo "<strong>System Informations</strong>";
    echo "<table>";
    //	echo "<tr><th>OID</th><th>Value</th></tr>";
    $systemoids = array('sysDescr', 'sysObjectID', 'sysUpTime', 'sysContact', 'sysName', 'sysLocation');
    foreach ($systemoids as $shortoid) {
        $value = $snmpdev->{$shortoid};
        if ($shortoid == 'sysUpTime') {
            /* in hundredths of a second */
            $secs = (int) ($value / 100);
            $days = (int) ($secs / (60 * 60 * 24));
            $secs -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24;
            $hours = (int) ($secs / (60 * 60));
            $secs -= $hours * 60 * 60;
            $mins = (int) ($secs / 60);
            $secs -= $mins * 60;
            $value = "{$value} ({$days} {$hours}:{$mins}:{$secs})";
        echo "<tr><td title=\"" . $snmpdev->lastgetoid . "\" align=\"right\">{$shortoid}: </td><td>{$value}</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    /* sysObjectID Attributes and Ports */
    $sysObjectID['object'] =& $object;
    /* get sysObjectID */
    $sysObjectID['raw_value'] = $snmpdev->sysObjectID;
    //$sysObjectID['raw_value'] = 'NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10';
    $sysObjectID['value'] = preg_replace('/^.*enterprises\\.([\\.[:digit:]]+)$/', '\\1', $sysObjectID['raw_value']);
    /* try snmptranslate to numeric */
    if (preg_match('/[^\\.0-9]+/', $sysObjectID['value'])) {
        $numeric_value = $snmpdev->translatetonumeric($sysObjectID['value']);
        if (!empty($numeric_value)) {
            showSuccess("sysObjectID: " . $sysObjectID['value'] . " translated to {$numeric_value}");
            $sysObjectID['value'] = preg_replace('/^.[\\.[:digit:]]+)$/', '\\1', $numeric_value);
    /* array_merge doesn't work with numeric keys !! */
    $sysObjectID['attr'] = array();
    $sysObjectID['port'] = array();
    $sysobjid = $sysObjectID['value'];
    $count = 1;
    while ($count) {
        if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid])) {
            $sysObjectID = $sysObjectID + $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid];
            if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['attr'])) {
                $sysObjectID['attr'] = $sysObjectID['attr'] + $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['attr'];
            if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['port'])) {
                $sysObjectID['port'] = $sysObjectID['port'] + $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['port'];
            if (isset($sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['text'])) {
                showSuccess("found sysObjectID ({$sysobjid}) " . $sg_known_sysObjectIDs[$sysobjid]['text']);
        $sysobjid = preg_replace('/\\.[[:digit:]]+$/', '', $sysobjid, 1, $count);
        /* add default sysobjectid */
        if ($count == 0 && $sysobjid != 'default') {
            $sysobjid = 'default';
            $count = 1;
    $sysObjectID['vendor_number'] = $sysobjid;
    /* device pf */
    if (isset($sysObjectID['pf'])) {
        foreach ($sysObjectID['pf'] as $function) {
            if (function_exists($function)) {
                /* call device pf */
                $function($snmpdev, $sysObjectID, NULL);
            } else {
                showWarning("Missing processor function " . $function . " for device {$sysobjid}");
    /* sort attributes maintain numeric keys */
    /* DEBUG */
    //sg_var_dump_html($sysObjectID['attr'], "Before processing");
    /* needs PHP >= 5 foreach call by reference */
    /* php 5.1.6 doesn't seem to work */
    //foreach($sysObjectID['attr'] as $attr_id => &$attr)
    foreach ($sysObjectID['attr'] as $attr_id => $value) {
        $attr =& $sysObjectID['attr'][$attr_id];
        if (isset($object['attr'][$attr_id])) {
            if (array_key_exists('key', $object['attr'][$attr_id])) {
                $attr['key'] = $object['attr'][$attr_id]['key'];
            switch (TRUE) {
                case isset($attr['pf']):
                    if (function_exists($attr['pf'])) {
                        $attr['pf']($snmpdev, $sysObjectID, $attr_id);
                    } else {
                        showWarning("Missing processor function " . $attr['pf'] . " for attribute {$attr_id}");
                case isset($attr['oid']):
                    $attrvalue = $snmpdev->get($attr['oid']);
                    if (isset($attr['regex'])) {
                        $regex = $attr['regex'];
                        if (isset($attr['replacement'])) {
                            $replacement = $attr['replacement'];
                            $attrvalue = preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $attrvalue);
                        } else {
                            if (!preg_match($regex, $attrvalue)) {
                                if (!isset($attr['uncheck'])) {
                                    $attr['uncheck'] = "regex doesn't match";
                            } else {
                    $attr['value'] = $attrvalue;
                case isset($attr['value']):
                    showError("Error handling attribute id: {$attr_id}");
        } else {
            showWarning("Object has no attribute id: {$attr_id}");
    /* sort again in case there where attribs added ,maintain numeric keys */
    /* print attributes */
    echo '<br>Attributes<br><table>';
    echo '<tr><th><input type="checkbox" id="attribute" checked="checked" onclick="setchecked(this.id)"></td>';
    echo '<th>Name</th><th>Current Value</th><th>new value</th></tr>';
    /* DEBUG */
    //sg_var_dump_html($sysObjectID['attr'], "After processing");
    foreach ($sysObjectID['attr'] as $attr_id => &$attr) {
        $attr['id'] = $attr_id;
        if (isset($object['attr'][$attr_id]) && isset($attr['value'])) {
            if ($attr['value'] == $object['attr'][$attr_id]['value']) {
                $attr['uncheck'] = 'Current = new value';
            if (isset($attr['key']) && isset($object['attr'][$attr_id]['key'])) {
                if ($attr['key'] == $object['attr'][$attr_id]['key']) {
                    $attr['uncheck'] = 'Current = new key';
            $value = $attr['value'];
            $val_key = isset($object['attr'][$attr_id]['key']) ? ' (' . $object['attr'][$attr_id]['key'] . ')' : '';
            $comment = '';
            if (isset($attr['comment'])) {
                if (!empty($attr['comment'])) {
                    $comment = $attr['comment'];
            if (isset($attr['uncheck'])) {
                $checked = '';
                $comment .= ', ' . $attr['uncheck'];
            } else {
                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
            $updateattrcheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00">' . '<input style="background-color:#00ff00" class="attribute" type="checkbox" name="updateattr[' . $attr_id . ']" value="' . $value . '"' . $checked . '></b>';
            $comment = trim($comment, ', ');
            echo "<tr><td>{$updateattrcheckbox}</td><td title=\"id: {$attr_id}\">" . $object['attr'][$attr_id]['name'] . '</td><td style="background-color:#d8d8d8">' . $object['attr'][$attr_id]['value'] . $val_key . '</td><td>' . $value . '</td>' . '<td style="color:#888888">' . $comment . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    $object['breed'] = sg_detectDeviceBreedByObject($sysObjectID);
    if (!empty($object['breed'])) {
        echo "Found Breed: " . $object['breed'] . "<br>";
    /* ports */
    /* get ports */
    /* set array key to lowercase port name */
    foreach ($object['ports'] as $key => $values) {
        $object['ports'][strtolower(shortenIfName($values['name'], $object['breed']))] = $values;
    $newporttypeoptions = getNewPortTypeOptions();
    //	sg_var_dump_html($sysObjectID['port']);
    if (!empty($sysObjectID['port'])) {
        echo '<br>Vendor / Device specific ports<br>';
        echo '<table><tr><th><input type="checkbox" id="moreport" checked="checked" onclick="setchecked(this.id)"></th><th>ifName</th><th>porttypeid</th></tr>';
        foreach ($sysObjectID['port'] as $name => $port) {
            if (array_key_exists(strtolower($name), $object['ports'])) {
                $disableport = TRUE;
            } else {
                $disableport = FALSE;
            $comment = '';
            if (isset($port['comment'])) {
                if (!empty($port['comment'])) {
                    $comment = $port['comment'];
            if (isset($port['uncheck'])) {
                $checked = '';
                $comment .= ', ' . $port['uncheck'];
            } else {
                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
            $portcreatecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '"><input style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" class="moreport" type="checkbox" name="portcreate[' . $name . ']" value="' . $name . '"' . ($disableport ? ' disabled="disbaled"' : $checked) . '></b>';
            $formfield = '<input type="hidden" name="ifName[' . $name . ']" value="' . $name . '">';
            echo "<tr>{$formfield}<td>{$portcreatecheckbox}</td><td>{$name}</td>";
            if (isset($port['disabled'])) {
                $disabledselect = array('disabled' => "disabled");
            } else {
                $disabledselect = array();
            foreach ($port as $key => $value) {
                if ($key == 'uncheck' || $key == 'comment') {
                /* TODO iif_name */
                if ($key == 'porttypeid') {
                    $displayvalue = getNiftySelect($newporttypeoptions, array('name' => "porttypeid[{$name}]") + $disabledselect, $value);
                } else {
                    $displayvalue = $value;
                $formfield = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '[' . $name . ']" value="' . $value . '">';
                echo "{$formfield}<td>{$displayvalue}</td>";
            $comment = trim($comment, ', ');
            echo "<td style=\"color:#888888\">{$comment}</td></tr>";
        echo '</table>';
    /* snmp ports */
    $ifsnmp = new ifSNMP($snmpdev);
    // needed for shortenIfName()
    $ifsnmp->object_breed = $object['breed'];
    /* ip spaces */
    $ipspace = NULL;
    foreach ($ifsnmp->ipaddress as $ifindex => $ipaddresses) {
        foreach ($ipaddresses as $ipaddr => $value) {
            $addrtype = $value['addrtype'];
            $netaddr = $value['net'];
            $maskbits = $value['maskbits'];
            $netid = NULL;
            $linklocal = FALSE;
            //echo "<br> - DEBUG: ipspace $ipaddr - $netaddr - $addrtype - $maskbits<br>";
            /* check for ip space */
            switch ($addrtype) {
                case 'ipv4':
                case 'ipv4z':
                    if ($maskbits == 32) {
                        $netid = 'host';
                    } else {
                        $netid = getIPv4AddressNetworkId(ip_parse($ipaddr));
                case 'ipv6':
                    if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) {
                        /* format ipaddr for ip6_parse */
                        $ipaddr = preg_replace('/((..):(..))/', '\\2\\3', $ipaddr);
                        $ipaddr = preg_replace('/%.*$/', '', $ipaddr);
                    if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) {
                        continue 2;
                    // 2 because of switch
                    $ip6_bin = ip6_parse($ipaddr);
                    $ip6_addr = ip_format($ip6_bin);
                    $netid = getIPv6AddressNetworkId($ip6_bin);
                    $node = constructIPRange($ip6_bin, $maskbits);
                    $netaddr = $node['ip'];
                    $linklocal = substr($ip6_addr, 0, 5) == "fe80:";
                    //echo "<br> - DEBUG: ipspace $ipaddr - $addrtype - $maskbits - $netaddr - >$linklocal<<br>";
                case 'ipv6z':
                    /* link local */
                    $netid = 'ignore';
            if (empty($netid) && $netaddr != '::1' && $netaddr != '' && $netaddr != '' && $netaddr != '' && !$linklocal) {
                $netaddr .= "/{$maskbits}";
                $ipspace[$netaddr] = array('addrtype' => $addrtype, 'checked' => $maskbits > 0 ? true : false);
    /* print ip spaces table */
    if (!empty($ipspace)) {
        echo '<br><br>Create IP Spaces';
        echo '<table><tr><th><input type="checkbox" id="ipspace" onclick="setchecked(this.id)" checked=\\"checked\\"></th>';
        echo '<th>Type</th><th>prefix</th><th>name</th><th width=150 title="reserve network and router addresses">reserve network / router addresses</th></tr>';
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($ipspace as $prefix => $ipspace) {
            $netcreatecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00">' . '<input class="ipspace" style="background-color:#00ff00" type="checkbox" name="netcreate[' . $i . ']" value="' . $ipspace['addrtype'] . '"' . ($ipspace['checked'] ? ' checked=\\"checked\\"' : '') . '></b>';
            $netprefixfield = '<input type="text" size=50 name="netprefix[' . $i . ']" value="' . $prefix . '">';
            $netnamefield = '<input type="text" name="netname[' . $i . ']">';
            $netreservecheckbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="netreserve[' . $i . ']" checked="checked">';
            echo "<tr><td>{$netcreatecheckbox}</td><td style=\"color:#888888\">{$ipspace['addrtype']}</td><td>{$netprefixfield}</td><td>{$netnamefield}</td><td>{$netreservecheckbox}</td></tr>";
        echo '</table>';
    echo "<br><br>ifNumber: " . $ifsnmp->ifNumber . "<br>indexcount: " . $ifsnmp->indexcount . "<br><table><tbody valign=\"top\">";
    $portcompat = getPortInterfaceCompat();
    $ipnets = array();
    $ifsnmp->printifInfoTableHeader("<th>add ip</th><th>add port</th><th>upd label</th><th title=\"update mac\">upd mac</th><td>upd port type</th><th>porttypeid</th><th>comment</th></tr>");
    echo '<tr><td colspan="11"></td>
		<td><input type="checkbox" id="ipaddr" onclick="setchecked(this.id);" checked="checked">IPv4<br>
		<input type="checkbox" id="ipv6addr" onclick="setchecked(this.id);" checked="checked">IPv6</td>
		<td><input type="checkbox" id="ports" onclick="setchecked(this.id)"></td>
		<td><input type="checkbox" id="label" onclick="setchecked(this.id);" checked="checked"></td>
		<td><input type="checkbox" id="mac" onclick="setchecked(this.id);" checked="checked"></td>
		<td><input type="checkbox" id="porttype" onclick="setchecked(this.id);"></td></tr>';
    foreach ($ifsnmp as $if) {
        $createport = TRUE;
        $disableport = FALSE;
        $ignoreport = FALSE;
        $port_info = NULL;
        $updatelabel = false;
        $updateporttype = false;
        $updatemaccheckbox = '';
        $hrefs = array();
        $comment = "";
        if (trim($ifsnmp->ifName($if)) == '') {
            $comment .= "no ifName";
            $createport = FALSE;
        } else {
            if (array_key_exists($ifsnmp->ifName($if), $object['ports'])) {
                $port_info =& $object['ports'][$ifsnmp->ifName($if)];
                $comment .= "Name exists";
                /* ifalias change */
                if ($port_info['label'] != $ifsnmp->ifAlias($if)) {
                    $updatelabel = true;
                $createport = FALSE;
                $disableport = TRUE;
        if ($ifsnmp->ifPhysAddress($if) != '') {
            $ifPhysAddress = $ifsnmp->ifPhysAddress($if);
            $l2port = sg_checkL2Address($ifPhysAddress);
            if (!empty($l2port)) {
                $l2object_id = key($l2port);
                $porthref = makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'tab' => 'ports', 'object_id' => $l2object_id, 'hl_port_id' => $l2port[$l2object_id]));
                $comment .= ", L2Address exists";
                $hrefs['ifPhysAddress'] = $porthref;
                $createport = FALSE;
                //	$disableport = TRUE;
                $updatemaccheckbox = '';
            $disablemac = true;
            if ($disableport) {
                if ($port_info !== NULL) {
                    if (str_replace(':', '', $port_info['l2address']) != $ifPhysAddress) {
                        $disablemac = false;
                    } else {
                        $disablemac = true;
            } else {
                /* port create always updates mac */
                $updatemaccheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00">' . '<input style="background-color:' . '#00ff00" type="checkbox"' . ' checked="checked"' . ' disabled=\\"disabled\\"></b>';
            if (!$disablemac) {
                $updatemaccheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disablemac ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '">' . '<input class="mac" style="background-color:' . ($disablemac ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" type="checkbox" name="updatemac[' . $if . ']" value="' . $object['ports'][$ifsnmp->ifName($if)]['id'] . '" checked="checked"' . ($disablemac ? ' disabled=\\"disabled\\"' : '') . '></b>';
        $porttypeid = guessRToif_id($ifsnmp->ifType($if), $ifsnmp->ifDescr($if));
        if (in_array($ifsnmp->ifType($if), $sg_ifType_ignore)) {
            $comment .= ", ignore if type";
            $createport = FALSE;
            $ignoreport = TRUE;
        } else {
            if ($port_info) {
                $ptid = $port_info['iif_id'] . "-" . $port_info['oif_id'];
                if ($porttypeid != $ptid) {
                    $comment .= ", Update Type {$ptid} -> {$porttypeid}";
                    $updateporttype = true;
        /* ignore ports without an Connector */
        if (!$sg_create_noconnector_ports && $ifsnmp->ifConnectorPresent($if) == 2) {
            $comment .= ", no Connector";
            $createport = FALSE;
        /* Allocate IPs ipv4 and ipv6 */
        $ipaddresses = $ifsnmp->ipaddress($if);
        if (!empty($ipaddresses)) {
            $ipaddrcell = '<table>';
            foreach ($ipaddresses as $ipaddr => $value) {
                $createipaddr = FALSE;
                $disableipaddr = FALSE;
                $ipaddrhref = '';
                $linklocal = FALSE;
                $addrtype = $value['addrtype'];
                $maskbits = $value['maskbits'];
                $bcast = $value['bcast'];
                //echo "<br> - DEBUG: ip $ipaddr - $addrtype - $maskbits - $bcast<br>";
                switch ($addrtype) {
                    case 'ipv4z':
                    case 'ipv4':
                        if ($maskbits == 32) {
                            $bcast = "host";
                        $inputname = 'ip';
                    case 'ipv6z':
                        $disableipaddr = TRUE;
                    case 'ipv6':
                        $inputname = 'ipv6';
                        if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) {
                            /* format ipaddr for ip6_parse */
                            $ipaddr = preg_replace('/((..):(..))/', '\\2\\3', $ipaddr);
                            $ipaddr = preg_replace('/%.*$/', '', $ipaddr);
                        if (ip_checkparse($ipaddr) === false) {
                            continue 2;
                        // 2 because of switch
                        /* ip_parse throws exception on parse errors */
                        $ip6_bin = ip_parse($ipaddr);
                        $ipaddr = ip_format($ip6_bin);
                        $node = constructIPRange($ip6_bin, $maskbits);
                        $linklocal = $node['ip'] == 'fe80::';
                        $createipaddr = FALSE;
                $address = getIPAddress(ip_parse($ipaddr));
                /* only if ip not already allocated */
                if (empty($address['allocs'])) {
                    if (!$ignoreport) {
                        $createipaddr = TRUE;
                } else {
                    $disableipaddr = TRUE;
                    $ipobject_id = $address['allocs'][0]['object_id'];
                    $ipaddrhref = makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'object_id' => $ipobject_id, 'hl_ipv4_addr' => $ipaddr));
                /* reserved addresses */
                if ($address['reserved'] == 'yes') {
                    $comment .= ', ' . $address['ip'] . ' reserved ' . $address['name'];
                    $createipaddr = FALSE;
                    //	$disableipaddr = TRUE;
                if ($ipaddr == '' || $ipaddr == '' || $ipaddr == '::1' || $ipaddr == '::' || $linklocal) {
                    $createipaddr = FALSE;
                    $disableipaddr = TRUE;
                if ($ipaddr === $bcast) {
                    $comment .= ", {$ipaddr} broadcast";
                    $createipaddr = FALSE;
                    $disableipaddr = TRUE;
                if (!$disableipaddr) {
                    $ipaddrcheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disableipaddr ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '"><input class="' . $inputname . 'addr" style="background-color:' . ($disableipaddr ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $inputname . 'addrcreate[' . $ipaddr . ']" value="' . $if . '"' . ($disableipaddr ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ($createipaddr ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '></b>';
                } else {
                    $ipaddrcheckbox = '';
                $ipaddrcell .= "<tr><td>{$ipaddrcheckbox}</td>";
                if (!empty($ipaddrhref)) {
                    $ipaddrcell .= "<td><a href={$ipaddrhref}>{$ipaddr}/{$maskbits}</a></td></tr>";
                } else {
                    $ipaddrcell .= "<td>{$ipaddr}/{$maskbits}</td></tr>";
            // foreach
            $ipaddrcell .= '</table>';
            // if(!empty($ipaddresses))
        } else {
            $ipaddrcreatecheckbox = '';
            $ipaddrcell = '';
        /* checkboxes for add port and add ip */
        /* FireFox needs <b style=..>, IE and Opera work with <td style=..> */
        if (!$disableport) {
            $portcreatecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '"><input class="ports" style="background-color:' . ($disableport ? '#ff0000' : '#00ff00') . '" type="checkbox" name="portcreate[' . $if . ']" value="' . $if . '"' . ($disableport ? ' disabled="disbaled"' : '') . ($createport ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '></b>';
        } else {
            $portcreatecheckbox = '';
        /* port type id */
        /* add port type to newporttypeoptions if missing */
        if (strpos(serialize($newporttypeoptions), $porttypeid) === FALSE) {
            $portids = explode('-', $porttypeid);
            $oif_name = $sg_portoifoptions[$portids[1]];
            $newporttypeoptions['auto'] = array($porttypeid => "*{$oif_name}");
        $selectoptions = array('name' => "porttypeid[{$if}]");
        if ($disableport && !$updateporttype) {
            $selectoptions['disabled'] = "disabled";
        $updateporttypecheckbox = "";
        if ($updateporttype) {
            $updateporttypecheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00;">' . '<input class="porttype" style="background-color:#00ff00;" type="checkbox" name="updateporttype[' . $if . ']" value="' . $port_info['id'] . '"></b>';
        $porttypeidselect = getNiftySelect($newporttypeoptions, $selectoptions, $porttypeid);
        $updatelabelcheckbox = "";
        if ($updatelabel) {
            $updatelabelcheckbox = '<b style="background-color:#00ff00;">' . '<input class="label" style="background-color:#00ff00;" type="checkbox" name="updatelabel[' . $if . ']" value="' . $port_info['id'] . ($updatelabel ? '" checked="checked"' : '') . '></b>';
        $comment = trim($comment, ', ');
        $ifsnmp->printifInfoTableRow($if, "<td>{$ipaddrcell}</td><td>{$portcreatecheckbox}</td><td>{$updatelabelcheckbox}</td><td>{$updatemaccheckbox}</td><td>{$updateporttypecheckbox}</td><td>{$porttypeidselect}</td><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">{$comment}</td>", $hrefs);
    /* preserve snmpconfig */
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        echo '<input type=hidden name=' . $key . ' value=' . $value . ' />';
    echo '<tr><td colspan=15 align="right"><p><input id="createbutton" type=submit value="Create Ports and IPs" onclick="return confirm(\'Create selected items?\')"></p></td></tr></tbody></table></form>';
コード例 #15
ファイル: api.php プロジェクト: xtha/salt
             case 'dict':
                 $oldvalue = $oldvalues[$attr_id]['key'];
         // skip noops
         if ($value === $oldvalue) {
         // finally update our value
         error_log("update attribute ID {$attr_id} from {$oldvalue} to {$value}");
         commitUpdateAttrValue($object_id, $attr_id, $value);
 // see if we also need to update the object type
 $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
 if ($sic['object_type_id'] != $object['objtype_id']) {
     error_log("object type id for object {$object_id} will be changed from " . $object['objtype_id'] . ' to ' . $sic['object_type_id']);
     // check that the two types are compatible
     if (!array_key_exists($sic['object_type_id'], getObjectTypeChangeOptions($object_id))) {
         throw new InvalidRequestArgException('new type_id', $sic['object_type_id'], 'incompatible with requested attribute values');
     usePreparedUpdateBlade('RackObject', array('objtype_id' => $sic['object_type_id']), array('id' => $object_id));
 // Invalidate thumb cache of all racks objects could occupy.
 foreach (getResidentRacksData($object_id, FALSE) as $rack_id) {
     usePreparedDeleteBlade('RackThumbnail', array('rack_id' => $rack_id));
 // ok, now we're good
 // redirect to the get_object URL for the edited object
コード例 #16
function localtrigger_PortLinker()
    global $portLinkerObjectTypes;
    assertUIntArg('object_id', __FUNCTION__);
    $object = spotEntity('object', $_REQUEST['object_id']);
    if (in_array($object['objtype_id'], $portLinkerObjectTypes)) {
        $linkok = localpretrigger_PortLinker();
    } else {
        $linkok = 0;
    if ($linkok == 2) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return '';
コード例 #17
function ConfigTabHandler()
    $dateadd = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    // Add show/hide JS functionality for existing configuration fields
    echo "<SCRIPT language=\"JavaScript\">\n\t<!--\n\tfunction toggle_visibility(id){\n\tvar e = document.getElementById(id);\n\tif(e.style.display == 'block')\n\t\te.style.display = 'none';\n\telse\n\t\te.style.display = 'block';\n\t}\n\t//-->\n\t</script>\n";
    // Print markup content for config tab
    $display = "<center>\n";
    if (isset($_POST['op'])) {
        if ($_POST['op'] == "addConfig") {
            commitNewConfig($_POST['object_id'], $_POST['config'], $_POST['comments'], $_POST['dateadd']);
        if ($_POST['op'] == "editConfig") {
            commitUpdateConfig($_POST['conf_id'], $_POST['config'], $_POST['comments'], $_POST['dateadd']);
    if (isset($_GET['op'])) {
        if ($_GET['op'] == "delConfig") {
    // Table header
    $display .= "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding='5' align='center' class='widetable'>";
    $display .= "<tr><th>&nbsp;</th>";
    $display .= "<th class=tdleft></br>Saved Configurations</th>";
    //$display .= "<th class=tdleft>Comment</th>";
    $display .= "<th>&nbsp;</th></tr>";
    assertUIntArg('object_id', __FUNCTION__);
    $object = spotEntity('object', $_REQUEST['object_id']);
    // Existing configs
    $query = "SELECT * FROM ObjectConfigs WHERE object_id = '{$object['id']}'";
    $result = NULL;
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade($query);
    while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $conf_id = $row['id'];
        $object_id = $row['object_id'];
        $config = $row['config'];
        $comments = $row['comments'];
        $date = $row['date'];
        $display .= "<form method=post id=editConfig name=editConfig autocomplete=off action=\"\">";
        $display .= "<input type=hidden name=\"conf_id\" value=\"" . $conf_id . "\">";
        $display .= "<input type=hidden name=\"date\" value=\"" . $date . "\">";
        $display .= "<input type=hidden name=\"op\" value=\"editConfig\">";
        $display .= "<input type=hidden name=\"object_id\" value=\"" . $object_id . "\">";
        $display .= "<tr><td><a href='?page=object&tab=configs&object_id=" . $object_id . "&op=delConfig&conf_id=" . $conf_id . "'onclick=\"javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this Config?')\">";
        $display .= "<img src='?module=chrome&uri=pix/tango-list-remove.png' width=16 height=16 border=0 title='Delete this Config'></a></td>";
        $display .= "<td><a href=# onclick=toggle_visibility('{$conf_id}');>{$date} &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Comments:&nbsp&nbsp{$comments}</a>";
        $display .= "</br><div id={$conf_id} style=display:none;><textarea style=background-color:#CCCCCC form=editConfig name=\"config\" cols=125 rows=15>" . $config . "</textarea></div></td><td></td>";
        //$display .= "<td class='tdleft' NOWRAP><textarea name=comment value='".$comments."' cols=25 maxlength=254></textarea></td>";
        $display .= "<td><input type=image name=submit class=icon src='?module=chrome&uri=pix/tango-document-save-16x16.png' border=0 title='Save' onclick=\"javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to overwrite this Config?')\"></td></form></tr>";
    // New config
    $display .= "<form action=\"\" method=post autocomplete=off id=\"addConfig\" name=\"addConfig\">";
    $display .= "<input type=hidden name=\"object_id\" value=\"" . $object['id'] . "\">";
    $display .= "<input type=hidden name=\"dateadd\" value=\"" . $dateadd . "\">";
    $display .= "<input type=hidden name=\"op\" value=\"addConfig\">";
    $display .= "<tr><td><input type=image name=submit class=icon src='?module=chrome&uri=pix/tango-list-add.png' border=0  title='Add a Config'></td>";
    $display .= "<td class='tdleft'></br></br><p style=font-weight:bold;> Add New Configurations</p>Comment: <input cols=40 name=comments tabindex=102></br><textarea cols=125 rows=20 name=config tabindex=100 required></textarea></br></td></tr>";
    $display .= "</form></br></table></br></center>";
    // Output all .display strings to markup
    echo $display;
コード例 #18
ファイル: solutions.php プロジェクト: ivladdalvi/racktables
function proxyMuninRequest($server_id, $graph)
    $object = spotEntity('object', $server_id);
    list($host, $domain) = preg_split("/\\./", $object['dname'], 2);
    $ret = array();
    $servers = getMuninServers();
    if (!array_key_exists($server_id, $servers)) {
        throw new InvalidRequestArgException('server_id', $server_id);
    $munin_url = $servers[$server_id]['base_url'];
    $url = "{$munin_url}/{$domain}/{$object['dname']}/{$graph}-day.png";
    $session = curl_init();
    // Initial options up here so a specific type can override them
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    if (isset($_SESSION['MUNINCOOKIE'][$munin_url])) {
        curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $_SESSION['MUNINCOOKIE'][$munin_url]);
    // Request the image
    $ret['contents'] = curl_exec($session);
    $ret['type'] = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);
    $ret['size'] = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD);
    if ($ret['type'] != NULL) {
        header("Content-Type: {$ret['type']}");
    if ($ret['size'] > 0) {
        header("Content-Length: {$ret['size']}");
    echo $ret['contents'];
コード例 #19
function renderVLANMembership($object_id)
    try {
        $data = getSwitchVLANs($object_id);
    } catch (RTGatewayError $re) {
        showWarning('Device configuration unavailable:<br>' . $re->getMessage());
    list($vlanlist, $portlist, $maclist) = $data;
    $vlanpermissions = array();
    foreach ($portlist as $port) {
        if (array_key_exists($port['vlanid'], $vlanpermissions)) {
        $vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']] = array();
        foreach (array_keys($vlanlist) as $to) {
            if (permitted(NULL, NULL, 'setPortVLAN', array(array('tag' => '$fromvlan_' . $port['vlanid']), array('tag' => '$vlan_' . $port['vlanid']))) and permitted(NULL, NULL, 'setPortVLAN', array(array('tag' => '$tovlan_' . $to), array('tag' => '$vlan_' . $to)))) {
                $vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']][] = $to;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['hl_port_id'])) {
        $hl_port_id = intval($_REQUEST['hl_port_id']);
        $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
        foreach ($object['ports'] as $port) {
            if (mb_strlen($port['name']) && $port['id'] == $hl_port_id) {
                $hl_port_name = $port['name'];
    echo '<table border=0 width="100%"><tr><td colspan=3>';
    startPortlet('Current status');
    echo "<table class=widetable cellspacing=3 cellpadding=5 align=center width='100%'><tr>";
    $portcount = count($portlist);
    echo "<input type=hidden name=portcount value=" . $portcount . ">\n";
    $portno = 0;
    $ports_per_row = 12;
    foreach ($portlist as $port) {
        // Don't let wide forms break our fancy pages.
        if ($portno % $ports_per_row == 0) {
            if ($portno > 0) {
                echo "</tr>\n";
            echo "<tr><th>" . ($portno + 1) . "-" . ($portno + $ports_per_row > $portcount ? $portcount : $portno + $ports_per_row) . "</th>";
        $td_class = 'port_';
        if ($port['status'] == 'notconnect') {
            $td_class .= 'notconnect';
        } elseif ($port['status'] == 'disabled') {
            $td_class .= 'disabled';
        } elseif ($port['status'] != 'connected') {
            $td_class .= 'unknown';
        } elseif (!isset($maclist[$port['portname']])) {
            $td_class .= 'connected_none';
        } else {
            $maccount = 0;
            foreach ($maclist[$port['portname']] as $vlanid => $addrs) {
                $maccount += count($addrs);
            if ($maccount == 1) {
                $td_class .= 'connected_single';
            } else {
                $td_class .= 'connected_multi';
        if (isset($hl_port_name) and strcasecmp($hl_port_name, $port['portname']) == 0) {
            $td_class .= (strlen($td_class) ? ' ' : '') . 'border_highlight';
        echo "<td class='{$td_class}'>" . $port['portname'] . '<br>';
        echo "<input type=hidden name=portname_{$portno} value=" . $port['portname'] . '>';
        if ($port['vlanid'] == 'trunk') {
            echo "<input type=hidden name=vlanid_{$portno} value='trunk'>";
            echo "<select disabled multiple='multiple' size=1><option>TRUNK</option></select>";
        } elseif ($port['vlanid'] == 'routed') {
            echo "<input type=hidden name=vlanid_{$portno} value='routed'>";
            echo "<select disabled multiple='multiple' size=1><option>ROUTED</option></select>";
        } elseif (!array_key_exists($port['vlanid'], $vlanpermissions) or !count($vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']])) {
            echo "<input type=hidden name=vlanid_{$portno} value={$port['vlanid']}>";
            echo "<select disabled name=vlanid_{$portno}>";
            echo "<option value={$port['vlanid']} selected>{$port['vlanid']}</option>";
            echo "</select>";
        } else {
            echo "<select name=vlanid_{$portno}>";
            // A port may belong to a VLAN, which is absent from the VLAN table, this is normal.
            // We must be able to render its SELECT properly at least.
            $in_table = FALSE;
            foreach ($vlanpermissions[$port['vlanid']] as $v) {
                echo "<option value={$v}";
                if ($v == $port['vlanid']) {
                    echo ' selected';
                    $in_table = TRUE;
                echo ">{$v}</option>\n";
            if (!$in_table) {
                echo "<option value={$port['vlanid']} selected>{$port['vlanid']}</option>\n";
            echo "</select>";
        echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr><tr><td colspan=" . ($ports_per_row + 1) . "><input type=submit value='Save changes'></form></td></tr></table>";
    echo '</td></tr><tr><td class=pcleft>';
    startPortlet('VLAN table');
    echo '<table class=cooltable cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=center width="100%">';
    echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Description</th></tr>";
    $order = 'even';
    global $nextorder;
    foreach ($vlanlist as $id => $descr) {
        echo "<tr class=row_{$order}><td class=tdright>{$id}</td><td class=tdleft>{$descr}</td></tr>";
        $order = $nextorder[$order];
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</td><td class=pcright>';
    startPortlet('Color legend');
    echo '<table>';
    echo "<tr><th>port state</th><th>color code</th></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>not connected</td><td class=port_notconnect>SAMPLE</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>disabled</td><td class=port_disabled>SAMPLE</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>unknown</td><td class=port_unknown>SAMPLE</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>connected with none MAC addresses active</td><td class=port_connected_none>SAMPLE</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>connected with 1 MAC addresses active</td><td class=port_connected_single>SAMPLE</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>connected with 1+ MAC addresses active</td><td class=port_connected_multi>SAMPLE</td></tr>";
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</td><td class=pcright>';
    if (count($maclist)) {
        startPortlet('MAC address table');
        echo '<table border=0 class=cooltable align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>';
        echo "<tr><th>Port</th><th>VLAN ID</th><th>MAC address</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'even';
        foreach ($maclist as $portname => $portdata) {
            foreach ($portdata as $vlanid => $addrgroup) {
                foreach ($addrgroup as $addr) {
                    echo "<tr class=row_{$order}><td class=tdleft>{$portname}</td><td class=tdleft>{$vlanid}</td>";
                    echo "<td class=tdleft>{$addr}</td></tr>\n";
                    $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo '</table>';
    // End of main table.
    echo '</td></tr></table>';
コード例 #20
ファイル: ophandlers.php プロジェクト: xtha/salt
function editUserProperties()
    $taglist = genericAssertion('taglist', 'array0');
    $user_id = getBypassValue();
    rebuildTagChainForEntity('user', $user_id, buildTagChainFromIds($taglist), TRUE);
    $user = spotEntity('user', $user_id);
    showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array($user['user_name']));
コード例 #21
ファイル: interface.php プロジェクト: xtha/salt
function renderDataIntegrityReport()
    global $nextorder;
    $violations = FALSE;
    // check 1: EntityLink rows referencing not-existent relatives
    // check 1.1: children
    $realms = array('location' => 'Location', 'object' => 'RackObject', 'rack' => 'Rack', 'row' => 'Row');
    $orphans = array();
    foreach ($realms as $realm => $table) {
        $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT EL.* FROM EntityLink EL ' . "LEFT JOIN {$table} ON EL.child_entity_id = {$table}.id " . "WHERE EL.child_entity_type = ? AND {$table}.id IS NULL", array($realm));
        $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $orphans = array_merge($orphans, $rows);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('EntityLink: Missing Children (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Parent</th><th>Child Type</th><th>Child ID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            $realm_name = formatRealmName($orphan['parent_entity_type']);
            $parent = spotEntity($orphan['parent_entity_type'], $orphan['parent_entity_id']);
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$realm_name}: {$parent['name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['child_entity_type']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['child_entity_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 1.2: parents
    $orphans = array();
    foreach ($realms as $realm => $table) {
        $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT EL.* FROM EntityLink EL ' . "LEFT JOIN {$table} ON EL.parent_entity_id = {$table}.id " . "WHERE EL.parent_entity_type = ? AND {$table}.id IS NULL", array($realm));
        $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $orphans = array_merge($orphans, $rows);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('EntityLink: Missing Parents (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Child</th><th>Parent Type</th><th>Parent ID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            $realm_name = formatRealmName($orphan['child_entity_type']);
            $child = spotEntity($orphan['child_entity_type'], $orphan['child_entity_id']);
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$realm_name}: {$child['name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['parent_entity_type']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['parent_entity_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 3: multiple tables referencing non-existent dictionary entries
    // check 3.1: AttributeMap
    $orphans = array();
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT AM.*, A.name AS attr_name, C.name AS chapter_name ' . 'FROM AttributeMap AM ' . 'LEFT JOIN Attribute A ON AM.attr_id = A.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN Chapter C ON AM.chapter_id = C.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN Dictionary D ON AM.objtype_id = D.dict_key ' . 'WHERE D.dict_key IS NULL');
    $orphans = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('AttributeMap: Invalid Mappings (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Chapter</th><th>Object TypeID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['attr_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['chapter_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['objtype_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 3.2: Object
    $orphans = array();
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT O.* FROM Object O ' . 'LEFT JOIN Dictionary D ON O.objtype_id = D.dict_key ' . 'WHERE D.dict_key IS NULL');
    $orphans = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Object: Invalid Types (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Type ID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['objtype_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 3.3: ObjectHistory
    $orphans = array();
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT OH.* FROM ObjectHistory OH ' . 'LEFT JOIN Dictionary D ON OH.objtype_id = D.dict_key ' . 'WHERE D.dict_key IS NULL');
    $orphans = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('ObjectHistory: Invalid Types (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Type ID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['objtype_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 3.4: ObjectParentCompat
    $orphans = array();
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT OPC.*, PD.dict_value AS parent_name, CD.dict_value AS child_name ' . 'FROM ObjectParentCompat OPC ' . 'LEFT JOIN Dictionary PD ON OPC.parent_objtype_id = PD.dict_key ' . 'LEFT JOIN Dictionary CD ON OPC.child_objtype_id = CD.dict_key ' . 'WHERE PD.dict_key IS NULL OR CD.dict_key IS NULL');
    $orphans = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Object Container Compatibility rules: Invalid Parent or Child Type (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Parent</th><th>Parent Type ID</th><th>Child</th><th>Child Type ID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['parent_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['parent_objtype_id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['child_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['child_objtype_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 4: relationships that violate ObjectParentCompat Rules
    $invalids = array();
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT CO.id AS child_id, CO.objtype_id AS child_type_id, CD.dict_value AS child_type, CO.name AS child_name, ' . 'PO.id AS parent_id, PO.objtype_id AS parent_type_id, PD.dict_value AS parent_type, PO.name AS parent_name ' . 'FROM Object CO ' . 'LEFT JOIN EntityLink EL ON CO.id = EL.child_entity_id ' . 'LEFT JOIN Object PO ON EL.parent_entity_id = PO.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN ObjectParentCompat OPC ON PO.objtype_id = OPC.parent_objtype_id ' . 'LEFT JOIN Dictionary PD ON PO.objtype_id = PD.dict_key ' . 'LEFT JOIN Dictionary CD ON CO.objtype_id = CD.dict_key ' . "WHERE EL.parent_entity_type = 'object' AND EL.child_entity_type = 'object' " . 'AND OPC.parent_objtype_id IS NULL');
    $invalids = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (count($invalids)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Objects: Violate Object Container Compatibility rules (' . count($invalids) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Contained Obj Name</th><th>Contained Obj Type</th><th>Container Obj Name</th><th>Container Obj Type</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($invalids as $invalid) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['child_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['child_type']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['parent_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['parent_type']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 5: Links that violate PortCompat Rules
    $invalids = array();
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT OA.id AS obja_id, OA.name AS obja_name, L.porta AS porta_id, PA.name AS porta_name, POIA.oif_name AS porta_type, ' . 'OB.id AS objb_id, OB.name AS objb_name, L.portb AS portb_id, PB.name AS portb_name, POIB.oif_name AS portb_type ' . 'FROM Link L ' . 'LEFT JOIN Port PA ON L.porta = PA.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN Object OA ON PA.object_id = OA.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN PortOuterInterface POIA ON PA.type = POIA.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN Port PB ON L.portb = PB.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN Object OB ON PB.object_id = OB.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN PortOuterInterface POIB ON PB.type = POIB.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN PortCompat PC on PA.type = PC.type1 AND PB.type = PC.type2 ' . 'WHERE PC.type1 IS NULL OR PC.type2 IS NULL');
    $invalids = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (count($invalids)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Port Links: Violate Port Compatibility Rules (' . count($invalids) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Object A</th><th>Port A Name</th><th>Port A Type</th><th>Object B</th><th>Port B Name</th><th>Port B Type</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($invalids as $invalid) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['obja_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['porta_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['porta_type']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['objb_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['portb_name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['portb_type']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 6: TagStorage rows referencing non-existent parents
    $realms = array('file' => array('table' => 'File', 'column' => 'id'), 'ipv4net' => array('table' => 'IPv4Network', 'column' => 'id'), 'ipv4rspool' => array('table' => 'IPv4RSPool', 'column' => 'id'), 'ipv4vs' => array('table' => 'IPv4VS', 'column' => 'id'), 'ipv6net' => array('table' => 'IPv6Network', 'column' => 'id'), 'ipvs' => array('table' => 'VS', 'column' => 'id'), 'location' => array('table' => 'Location', 'column' => 'id'), 'object' => array('table' => 'RackObject', 'column' => 'id'), 'rack' => array('table' => 'Rack', 'column' => 'id'), 'user' => array('table' => 'UserAccount', 'column' => 'user_id'), 'vst' => array('table' => 'VLANSwitchTemplate', 'column' => 'id'));
    $orphans = array();
    foreach ($realms as $realm => $details) {
        $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT TS.*, TT.tag FROM TagStorage TS ' . 'LEFT JOIN TagTree TT ON TS.tag_id = TT.id ' . "LEFT JOIN {$details['table']} ON TS.entity_id = {$details['table']}.{$details['column']} " . "WHERE TS.entity_realm = ? AND {$details['table']}.{$details['column']} IS NULL", array($realm));
        $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $orphans = array_merge($orphans, $rows);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('TagStorage: Missing Parents (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Tag</th><th>Parent Type</th><th>Parent ID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            $realm_name = formatRealmName($orphan['entity_realm']);
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['tag']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$realm_name}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['entity_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 7: FileLink rows referencing non-existent parents
    // re-use the realms list from the TagStorage check, with a few mods
    unset($realms['file'], $realms['vst']);
    $realms['row'] = array('table' => 'Row', 'column' => 'id');
    $orphans = array();
    foreach ($realms as $realm => $details) {
        $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT FL.*, F.name FROM FileLink FL ' . 'LEFT JOIN File F ON FL.file_id = F.id ' . "LEFT JOIN {$details['table']} ON FL.entity_id = {$details['table']}.{$details['column']} " . "WHERE FL.entity_type = ? AND {$details['table']}.{$details['column']} IS NULL", array($realm));
        $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $orphans = array_merge($orphans, $rows);
    if (count($orphans)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('FileLink: Missing Parents (' . count($orphans) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>File</th><th>Parent Type</th><th>Parent ID</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($orphans as $orphan) {
            $realm_name = formatRealmName($orphan['entity_type']);
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$realm_name}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$orphan['entity_id']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 8: missing triggers
    $triggers = array('Link-before-insert' => 'Link', 'Link-before-update' => 'Link');
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade('SELECT TRIGGER_NAME, EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE ' . 'FROM information_schema.TRIGGERS WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA = SCHEMA()');
    $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $existing_triggers = $missing_triggers = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $existing_triggers[$row['TRIGGER_NAME']] = $row['EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE'];
    foreach ($triggers as $trigger => $table) {
        if (!array_key_exists($trigger, $existing_triggers)) {
            $missing_triggers[$trigger] = $table;
    if (count($missing_triggers)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Missing Triggers (' . count($missing_triggers) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Table</th><th>Trigger</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($missing_triggers as $trigger => $table) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$table}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$trigger}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 9: missing foreign keys
    $fkeys = array('Atom-FK-molecule_id' => 'Atom', 'Atom-FK-rack_id' => 'Atom', 'AttributeMap-FK-chapter_id' => 'AttributeMap', 'AttributeMap-FK-attr_id' => 'AttributeMap', 'AttributeValue-FK-map' => 'AttributeValue', 'AttributeValue-FK-object' => 'AttributeValue', 'CachedPAV-FK-object-port' => 'CachedPAV', 'CachedPAV-FK-vlan_id' => 'CachedPAV', 'CachedPNV-FK-compound' => 'CachedPNV', 'CachedPVM-FK-object_id' => 'CachedPVM', 'CactiGraph-FK-server_id' => 'CactiGraph', 'CactiGraph-FK-server_id' => 'CactiGraph', 'Dictionary-FK-chapter_id' => 'Dictionary', 'FileLink-File_fkey' => 'FileLink', 'IPv4Allocation-FK-object_id' => 'IPv4Allocation', 'IPv4LB-FK-vs_id' => 'IPv4LB', 'IPv4LB-FK-object_id' => 'IPv4LB', 'IPv4LB-FK-rspool_id' => 'IPv4LB', 'IPv4NAT-FK-object_id' => 'IPv4NAT', 'IPv4RS-FK' => 'IPv4RS', 'IPv6Allocation-FK-object_id' => 'IPv6Allocation', 'Link-FK-a' => 'Link', 'Link-FK-b' => 'Link', 'MountOperation-FK-object_id' => 'MountOperation', 'MountOperation-FK-old_molecule_id' => 'MountOperation', 'MountOperation-FK-new_molecule_id' => 'MountOperation', 'MuninGraph-FK-server_id' => 'MuninGraph', 'MuninGraph-FK-server_id' => 'MuninGraph', 'ObjectHistory-FK-object_id' => 'ObjectHistory', 'ObjectLog-FK-object_id' => 'ObjectLog', 'Port-FK-iif-oif' => 'Port', 'Port-FK-object_id' => 'Port', 'PortAllowedVLAN-FK-object-port' => 'PortAllowedVLAN', 'PortAllowedVLAN-FK-vlan_id' => 'PortAllowedVLAN', 'PortCompat-FK-oif_id1' => 'PortCompat', 'PortCompat-FK-oif_id2' => 'PortCompat', 'PortInterfaceCompat-FK-iif_id' => 'PortInterfaceCompat', 'PortInterfaceCompat-FK-oif_id' => 'PortInterfaceCompat', 'PortLog_ibfk_1' => 'PortLog', 'PortNativeVLAN-FK-compound' => 'PortNativeVLAN', 'PortVLANMode-FK-object-port' => 'PortVLANMode', 'RackSpace-FK-rack_id' => 'RackSpace', 'RackSpace-FK-object_id' => 'RackSpace', 'TagStorage-FK-TagTree' => 'TagStorage', 'TagTree-K-parent_id' => 'TagTree', 'UserConfig-FK-varname' => 'UserConfig', 'VLANDescription-FK-domain_id' => 'VLANDescription', 'VLANDescription-FK-vlan_id' => 'VLANDescription', 'VLANIPv4-FK-compound' => 'VLANIPv4', 'VLANIPv4-FK-ipv4net_id' => 'VLANIPv4', 'VLANIPv6-FK-compound' => 'VLANIPv6', 'VLANIPv6-FK-ipv6net_id' => 'VLANIPv6', 'VLANSTRule-FK-vst_id' => 'VLANSTRule', 'VLANSwitch-FK-domain_id' => 'VLANSwitch', 'VLANSwitch-FK-object_id' => 'VLANSwitch', 'VLANSwitch-FK-template_id' => 'VLANSwitch', 'VSEnabledIPs-FK-object_id' => 'VSEnabledIPs', 'VSEnabledIPs-FK-rspool_id' => 'VSEnabledIPs', 'VSEnabledIPs-FK-vs_id-vip' => 'VSEnabledIPs', 'VSEnabledPorts-FK-object_id' => 'VSEnabledPorts', 'VSEnabledPorts-FK-rspool_id' => 'VSEnabledPorts', 'VSEnabledPorts-FK-vs_id-proto-vport' => 'VSEnabledPorts', 'VSIPs-vs_id' => 'VSIPs', 'VS-vs_id' => 'VSPorts');
    $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $existing_fkeys = $missing_fkeys = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $existing_fkeys[$row['CONSTRAINT_NAME']] = $row['TABLE_NAME'];
    foreach ($fkeys as $fkey => $table) {
        if (!array_key_exists($fkey, $existing_fkeys)) {
            $missing_fkeys[$fkey] = $table;
    if (count($missing_fkeys)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Missing Foreign Keys (' . count($missing_fkeys) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Table</th><th>Key</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($missing_fkeys as $fkey => $table) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$table}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$fkey}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 10: circular references
    //     - all affected members of the tree are displayed
    //     - it would be beneficial to only display the offending records
    // check 10.1: locations
    $invalids = array();
    $locations = listCells('location');
    foreach ($locations as $location) {
        try {
            $children = getLocationChildrenList($location['id']);
        } catch (RackTablesError $e) {
            $invalids[] = $location;
    if (count($invalids)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Locations: Tree Contains Circular References (' . count($invalids) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Child ID</th><th>Child Location</th><th>Parent ID</th><th>Parent Location</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($invalids as $invalid) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['parent_id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['parent_name']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 10.2: objects
    $invalids = array();
    $objects = listCells('object');
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
        try {
            $children = getObjectContentsList($object['id']);
        } catch (RackTablesError $e) {
            $invalids[] = $object;
    if (count($invalids)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Objects: Tree Contains Circular References (' . count($invalids) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Contained ID</th><th>Contained Object</th><th>Container ID</th><th>Container Object</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($invalids as $invalid) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['name']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['container_id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['container_name']}</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    // check 10.3: tags
    $invalids = array();
    $tags = getTagList();
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
        try {
            $children = getTagChildrenList($tag['id']);
        } catch (RackTablesError $e) {
            $invalids[] = $tag;
    if (count($invalids)) {
        $violations = TRUE;
        startPortlet('Tags: Tree Contains Circular References (' . count($invalids) . ')');
        echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>Child ID</th><th>Child Tag</th><th>Parent ID</th><th>Parent Tag</th></tr>\n";
        $order = 'odd';
        foreach ($invalids as $invalid) {
            echo "<tr class=row_{$order}>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['id']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['tag']}</td>";
            echo "<td>{$invalid['parent_id']}</td>";
            printf('<td>%s</td>', $tags[$invalid['parent_id']]['tag']);
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $order = $nextorder[$order];
        echo "</table>\n";
    if (!$violations) {
        echo '<h2>No integrity violations found</h2>';
コード例 #22
ファイル: interface.php プロジェクト: rhysm/racktables
function renderExpirations()
    global $nextorder;
    $breakdown = array();
    $breakdown[21] = array(array('from' => -365, 'to' => 0, 'class' => 'has_problems_', 'title' => 'has expired within last year'), array('from' => 0, 'to' => 30, 'class' => 'row_', 'title' => 'expires within 30 days'), array('from' => 30, 'to' => 60, 'class' => 'row_', 'title' => 'expires within 60 days'), array('from' => 60, 'to' => 90, 'class' => 'row_', 'title' => 'expires within 90 days'));
    $breakdown[22] = $breakdown[21];
    $breakdown[24] = $breakdown[21];
    $attrmap = getAttrMap();
    foreach ($breakdown as $attr_id => $sections) {
        foreach ($sections as $section) {
            $count = 1;
            $order = 'odd';
            $result = scanAttrRelativeDays($attr_id, $section['from'], $section['to']);
            echo '<table align=center width=60% border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable>';
            echo "<caption>{$section['title']}</caption>\n";
            if (!count($result)) {
                echo "<tr><td colspan=4>(none)</td></tr></table><br>\n";
            echo '<tr valign=top><th align=center>Count</th><th align=center>Name</th>';
            echo "<th align=center>Asset Tag</th><th align=center>Date Warranty <br> Expires</th></tr>\n";
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $date_value = date(getConfigVar('DATETIME_FORMAT'), $row['uint_value']);
                $object = spotEntity('object', $row['object_id']);
                echo '<tr class=' . $section['class'] . $order . ' valign=top>';
                echo "<td>{$count}</td>";
                echo '<td>' . mkA($object['dname'], 'object', $object['id']) . '</td>';
                echo "<td>{$object['asset_no']}</td>";
                echo "<td>{$date_value}</td>";
                echo "</tr>\n";
                $order = $nextorder[$order];
            echo "</table><br>\n";
コード例 #23
ファイル: database.php プロジェクト: rhysm/racktables
function constructUserCell($username)
    if (NULL !== ($userid = getUserIDByUsername($username))) {
        return spotEntity('user', $userid);
    $ret = array('realm' => 'user', 'user_name' => $username, 'user_realname' => '', 'etags' => array(), 'itags' => array());
    $ret['atags'] = generateEntityAutoTags($ret);
    return $ret;
コード例 #24
function renderPopupPortSelector()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['do_link'])) {
        return handlePopupPortLink();
    assertPermission('depot', 'default');
    $port_id = $_REQUEST['port'];
    $port_info = getPortInfo($port_id);
    $in_rack = isCheckSet('in_rack');
    // fill port filter structure
    $filter = array('racks' => array(), 'objects' => '', 'ports' => '', 'asset_no' => '');
    if (isset($_REQUEST['filter-obj'])) {
        $filter['objects'] = trim($_REQUEST['filter-obj']);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['filter-port'])) {
        $filter['ports'] = trim($_REQUEST['filter-port']);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['filter-asset_no'])) {
        $filter['asset_no'] = trim($_REQUEST['filter-asset_no']);
    if ($in_rack) {
        $object = spotEntity('object', $port_info['object_id']);
        if ($object['rack_id']) {
            // the object itself is mounted in a rack
            $filter['racks'] = getProximateRacks($object['rack_id'], getConfigVar('PROXIMITY_RANGE'));
        } elseif ($object['container_id']) {
            $container = spotEntity('object', $object['container_id']);
            if ($container['rack_id']) {
                $filter['racks'] = getProximateRacks($container['rack_id'], getConfigVar('PROXIMITY_RANGE'));
    $spare_ports = array();
    if (!empty($filter['racks']) || !empty($filter['objects']) || !empty($filter['ports']) || !empty($filter['asset_no'])) {
        $spare_ports = findSparePorts($port_info, $filter);
    // display search form
    echo 'Link ' . formatPort($port_info) . ' to...';
    echo '<form method=GET>';
    startPortlet('Port list filter');
    echo '<input type=hidden name="module" value="popup">';
    echo '<input type=hidden name="helper" value="portlist">';
    echo '<input type=hidden name="port" value="' . $port_id . '">';
    echo '<table align="center" valign="bottom"><tr>';
    echo '<td class="tdleft"><label>Object name:<br><input type=text size=8 name="filter-obj" value="' . htmlspecialchars($filter['objects'], ENT_QUOTES) . '"></label></td>';
    echo '<td class="tdleft"><label>Asset tag:<br><input type=text size=8 name="filter-asset_no" value="' . htmlspecialchars($filter['asset_no'], ENT_QUOTES) . '"></label></td>';
    echo '<td class="tdleft"><label>Port name:<br><input type=text size=6 name="filter-port" value="' . htmlspecialchars($filter['ports'], ENT_QUOTES) . '"></label></td>';
    echo '<td class="tdleft" valign="bottom"><label><input type=checkbox name="in_rack"' . ($in_rack ? ' checked' : '') . '>Nearest racks</label></td>';
    echo '<td valign="bottom"><input type=submit value="show ports"></td>';
    echo '</tr></table>';
    // display results
    startPortlet('Compatible spare ports');
    if (empty($spare_ports)) {
        echo '(nothing found)';
    } else {
        echo getSelect($spare_ports, array('name' => 'remote_port', 'size' => getConfigVar('MAXSELSIZE')), NULL, FALSE);
        echo "<p>Cable ID: <input type=text id=cable name=cable>";
        // suggest patch cables where it makes sense
        $heaps = getPatchCableHeapOptionsForOIF($port_info['oif_id']);
        if (count($heaps)) {
            // Use + instead of array_merge() to avoid renumbering the keys.
            echo '<p>Patch cable: ' . getSelect(array(0 => 'none') + $heaps, array('name' => 'heap_id'));
        echo "<p><input type='submit' value='Link' name='do_link'>";
    echo '</form>';
コード例 #25
ファイル: init.php プロジェクト: peter-volkov/RackTrack
// add your regexps here to suppress 'Martian autotag' warnings
$user_defined_atags = array();
// This also can be modified in local.php.
$pageheaders = array(100 => "<link rel='ICON' type='image/x-icon' href='?module=chrome&uri=pix/favicon.ico' />");
if (!isset($script_mode) or $script_mode !== TRUE) {
    // A successful call to authenticate() always generates autotags and somethimes
    // even given/implicit tags. It also sets remote_username and remote_displayname.
    // Authentication passed.
    // Note that we don't perform autorization here, so each 1st level page
    // has to do it in its way, e.g. by calling authorize() after fixContext().
} elseif (!isset($remote_username)) {
    // Some functions require remote_username to be set to something to act correctly,
    // even though they don't use the value itself.
    $admin_account = spotEntity('user', 1);
    if (isCLIMode() && FALSE !== ($env_user = getenv('USER'))) {
        // use USER env var if we are in CLI mode
        $remote_username = $env_user;
    } else {
        $remote_username = $admin_account['user_name'];
$virtual_obj_types = explode(',', getConfigVar('VIRTUAL_OBJ_LISTSRC'));
$op = '';
// load additional plugins
foreach (glob("{$racktables_plugins_dir}/*.php") as $filename) {
コード例 #26
function importFingData()
    $net = spotEntity('ipv4net', getBypassValue());
    $nbad = $ngood = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $_REQUEST['addrcount']; $i++) {
        $inputname = "import_{$i}";
        if (!isCheckSet($inputname)) {
        $ip_bin = assertIPv4Arg("addr_{$i}");
        assertStringArg("descr_{$i}", TRUE);
        // Non-existent addresses will not have this argument set in request.
        $rsvd = 'no';
        if ($_REQUEST["rsvd_{$i}"] == 'yes') {
            $rsvd = 'yes';
        try {
            if (!ip_in_range($ip_bin, $net)) {
                throw new InvalidArgException('ip_bin', $ip_bin);
            updateAddress($ip_bin, $_REQUEST["descr_{$i}"], $rsvd);
        } catch (RackTablesError $e) {
    if (!$nbad) {
        showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array($ngood));
    } else {
        showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR', array($nbad, $ngood));
コード例 #27
function makeIPAllocLink($ip_bin, $alloc, $display_ifname = FALSE)
    $object_name = !isset($object_name) || !strlen($object_name) ? formatEntityName(spotEntity('object', $alloc['object_id'])) : $alloc['object_name'];
    $title = $display_ifname ? '' : "{$alloc['name']} @ {$object_name}";
    return '<a href="' . makeHref(array('page' => 'object', 'tab' => 'default', 'object_id' => $alloc['object_id'], 'hl_ip' => ip_format($ip_bin))) . '"' . ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES) . '"' . ">" . ($display_ifname ? $alloc['name'] . '@' : '') . $object_name . "</a>";
コード例 #28
function renderIPVSConvert($vs_id)
    $old_vs_list = callHook('getVSIDsByGroup', $vs_id);
    $grouped = array();
    $used_tags = array();
    foreach ($old_vs_list as $old_vs_id) {
        $vsinfo = spotEntity('ipv4vs', $old_vs_id);
        foreach ($vsinfo['etags'] as $taginfo) {
            $used_tags[$taginfo['id']] = $taginfo;
        $port_key = $vsinfo['proto'] . '-' . $vsinfo['vport'];
        $grouped[$port_key][] = $vsinfo;
    startPortlet("Found " . count($old_vs_list) . " matching VS");
    if (count($used_tags)) {
        echo '<p>Assign these tags to VS group:</p>';
        foreach ($used_tags as $taginfo) {
            echo '<p><label><input type=checkbox checked name="taglist[]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($taginfo['id'], ENT_QUOTES) . '""> ' . serializeTags(array($taginfo)) . '<label>';
    echo '<p>Import settings of these VS:</p>';
    echo '<table align=center><tr>';
    foreach ($grouped as $port_key => $list) {
        echo '<th>' . $port_key . '</th>';
    echo '</tr><tr>';
    foreach ($grouped as $port_key => $list) {
        echo '<td><table>';
        foreach ($list as $vsinfo) {
            echo '<tr><td><input type=checkbox name="vs_list[]" checked value="' . htmlspecialchars($vsinfo['id'], ENT_QUOTES) . '"></td><td>';
            echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '</table></td>';
    echo '</tr></table>';
    printImageHREF('next', "Import settings of the selected services", TRUE);
    echo '</form>';
コード例 #29
function updateCableIdAJAX()
    global $sic;
    assertStringArg('text', TRUE);
    $port_info = getPortInfo($sic['id']);
    fixContext(spotEntity('object', $port_info['object_id']));
    assertPermission('object', 'ports', 'editPort');
    if (!$port_info['linked']) {
        throw new RackTablesError('Cant update cable ID: port is not linked');
    if ($port_info['reservation_comment'] !== $sic['text']) {
        commitUpdatePortLink($sic['id'], $sic['text']);
    echo 'OK';
コード例 #30
function initRackTablesObject($rackDatas)
    // zabbix host data
    $params = array('output' => 'extend');
    $result = doPost('host.get', $params);
    $hosts = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
    $objectDatas = array();
    foreach ($hosts as $host) {
        $object_type_id = 4;
        $object_name = isset($host['host']) ? $host['host'] : "";
        $object_label = "";
        $object_asset_no = "";
        $taglist = array();
        $has_problems = $host['status'] == 0 ? 'no' : 'yes';
        $object_id = commitAddObject($object_name, $object_label, $object_type_id, $object_asset_no, $taglist);
        usePreparedUpdateBlade('Object', array('has_problems' => $has_problems), array('id' => $object_id));
        $objectDatas[$host['hostid']] = $object_id;
        // set hostgroup
        $params = array('output' => array('name'), 'hostids' => array($host['hostid']));
        $result = doPost('hostgroup.get', $params);
        $hostgroups = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
        $rack_ids = array();
        $_REQUEST = array();
        foreach ($hostgroups as $hostgroup) {
            if (isset($rackDatas[$hostgroup['name']])) {
                $rack = $rackDatas[$hostgroup['name']];
                array_push($rack_ids, $rack['id']);
                $height = $rack['height'];
                for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
                    for ($j = $height; $j > 0; $j--) {
                        if ($rack[$j][$i]['state'] == 'F') {
                            # state == "T" : mounted
                            $_REQUEST['atom_' . $rack['id'] . "_{$j}" . "_{$i}"] = 'on';
                            break 2;
        $_REQUEST['object_id'] = $object_id;
        $_REQUEST['rackmulti'] = $rack_ids;
        $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
        $changecnt = 0;
        // Get a list of rack ids which are parents of the object
        $parentRacks = reduceSubarraysToColumn(getParents($object, 'rack'), 'id');
        $workingRacksData = array();
        foreach ($_REQUEST['rackmulti'] as $cand_id) {
            if (!isset($workingRacksData[$cand_id])) {
                $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
                $workingRacksData[$cand_id] = $rackData;
            } else {
                $rackData = $workingRacksData[$cand_id];
            $is_ro = !rackModificationPermitted($rackData, 'updateObjectAllocation', FALSE);
            // It's zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but not in the DB.  Mount it.
            if (isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && !in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
                if ($is_ro) {
                commitLinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
            // It's not zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but it is in the DB.  Unmount it.
            if (!isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
                if ($is_ro) {
                commitUnlinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
        foreach ($workingRacksData as &$rd) {
            applyObjectMountMask($rd, $object_id);
        $oldMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
        foreach ($workingRacksData as $rack_id => $rackData) {
            $is_ro = !rackModificationPermitted($rackData, 'updateObjectAllocation', FALSE);
            if ($is_ro || !processGridForm($rackData, 'F', 'T', $object_id)) {
            // Reload our working copy after form processing.
            $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
            applyObjectMountMask($rackData, $object_id);
            $workingRacksData[$rack_id] = $rackData;
        if ($changecnt) {
            // Log a record.
            $newMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
            global $remote_username, $sic;
            usePreparedInsertBlade('MountOperation', array('object_id' => $object_id, 'old_molecule_id' => count($oldMolecule) ? createMolecule($oldMolecule) : NULL, 'new_molecule_id' => count($newMolecule) ? createMolecule($newMolecule) : NULL, 'user_name' => $remote_username, 'comment' => empty($sic['comment']) ? NULL : $sic['comment']));
        // set IP
        $params = array('output' => 'extend', 'hostids' => $host['hostid']);
        $result = doPost('hostinterface.get', $params);
        $hostinterfaces = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
        foreach ($hostinterfaces as $interface) {
            if (isset($interface['ip']) && $interface['ip'] != '') {
                $allocs = getObjectIPAllocations($object_id);
                $current_ips = array();
                foreach ($allocs as $alloc) {
                    $ip = $alloc["addrinfo"]["ip"];
                    $current_ips[$ip] = $ip;
                $ip = $interface['ip'];
                if (!in_array($ip, array_values($current_ips))) {
                    // new IP
                    $ip_bin = ip_parse($ip);
                    if (null == getIPAddressNetworkId($ip_bin)) {
                        // if ip is not exists, adding it into RackTables IPv4Prefix.
                        $range = substr($ip, 0, strripos($ip, '.')) . '.0/24';
                        $vlan_ck = NULL;
                        $net_id = createIPv4Prefix($range, 'admim', isCheckSet('is_connected'), $taglist);
                        $net_cell = spotEntity('ipv4net', $net_id);
                        if (isset($vlan_ck)) {
                            if (considerConfiguredConstraint($net_cell, 'VLANIPV4NET_LISTSRC')) {
                                commitSupplementVLANIPv4($vlan_ck, $net_id);
                    bindIPToObject($ip_bin, $object_id, "", "");
    return $objectDatas;