function query_bm($ref) { $textRefs = array(); $db = sparql_connect(""); if (!$db) { print sparql_errno() . ": " . sparql_error() . "\n"; exit; } sparql_ns("bmo", ""); sparql_ns("ecrm", ""); sparql_ns("object", ""); $sparql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?coin ?text WHERE { ?coin ecrm:P70i_is_documented_in <REF> . FILTER regex(str(?coin), "C[A-Z]{2}[0-9]+") . ?coin a ecrm:E22_Man-Made_Object ; ecrm:P50_has_current_keeper <> ; bmo:PX_display_wrap ?text . FILTER regex(?text, "Bibliograpic\\\\sreference") } LIMIT 10'; $result = sparql_query(str_replace('REF', $ref, $sparql)); if (!$result) { print sparql_errno() . ": " . sparql_error() . "\n"; exit; } $fields = sparql_field_array($result); while ($row = sparql_fetch_array($result)) { $textRefs[$row['coin']][] = $row['text']; /*foreach( $fields as $field ) { $textRefs }*/ } return $textRefs; }
public static function update_airports() { global $tmp_dir, $globalTransaction; require_once 'libs/sparqllib.php'; $db = sparql_connect(''); $query = ' PREFIX dbo: <> PREFIX dbp: <> PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rdf: <> SELECT ?name ?icao ?iata ?faa ?lid ?latitude ?longitude ?airport ?homepage ?type ?country ?country_bis ?altitude ?image FROM <> WHERE { ?airport rdf:type <> . OPTIONAL { ?airport dbo:icaoLocationIdentifier ?icao . FILTER regex(?icao, "^[A-Z0-9]{4}$") } OPTIONAL { ?airport dbo:iataLocationIdentifier ?iata . FILTER regex(?iata, "^[A-Z0-9]{3}$") } OPTIONAL { ?airport dbo:locationIdentifier ?lid . FILTER regex(?lid, "^[A-Z0-9]{4}$") FILTER (!bound(?icao) || (bound(?icao) && (?icao != ?lid))) OPTIONAL { ?airport_y rdf:type <> . ?airport_y dbo:icaoLocationIdentifier ?other_icao . FILTER (bound(?lid) && (?airport_y != ?airport && ?lid = ?other_icao)) } FILTER (!bound(?other_icao)) } OPTIONAL { ?airport dbo:faaLocationIdentifier ?faa . FILTER regex(?faa, "^[A-Z0-9]{3}$") FILTER (!bound(?iata) || (bound(?iata) && (?iata != ?faa))) OPTIONAL { ?airport_x rdf:type <> . ?airport_x dbo:iataLocationIdentifier ?other_iata . FILTER (bound(?faa) && (?airport_x != ?airport && ?faa = ?other_iata)) } FILTER (!bound(?other_iata)) } FILTER (bound(?icao) || bound(?iata) || bound(?faa) || bound(?lid)) OPTIONAL { ?airport rdfs:label ?name FILTER (lang(?name) = "en") } OPTIONAL { ?airport foaf:homepage ?homepage } OPTIONAL { ?airport dbp:coordinatesRegion ?country } OPTIONAL { ?airport dbp:type ?type } OPTIONAL { ?airport dbo:elevation ?altitude } OPTIONAL { ?airport dbp:image ?image } { ?airport geo:lat ?latitude . ?airport geo:long ?longitude . FILTER (datatype(?latitude) = xsd:float) FILTER (datatype(?longitude) = xsd:float) } UNION { ?airport geo:lat ?latitude . ?airport geo:long ?longitude . FILTER (datatype(?latitude) = xsd:double) FILTER (datatype(?longitude) = xsd:double) OPTIONAL { ?airport geo:lat ?lat_f . ?airport geo:long ?long_f . FILTER (datatype(?lat_f) = xsd:float) FILTER (datatype(?long_f) = xsd:float) } FILTER (!bound(?lat_f) && !bound(?long_f)) } } ORDER BY ?airport '; $result = sparql_query($query); $query = 'TRUNCATE TABLE airport'; try { $Connection = new Connection(); $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } $query = 'ALTER TABLE airport DROP INDEX icaoidx'; try { $Connection = new Connection(); $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } $query_dest = "INSERT INTO airport (`airport_id`,`name`,`city`,`country`,`iata`,`icao`,`latitude`,`longitude`,`altitude`,`type`,`home_link`,`wikipedia_link`,`image_thumb`,`image`)\n\t\t VALUES (:airport_id, :name, :city, :country, :iata, :icao, :latitude, :longitude, :altitude, :type, :home_link, :wikipedia_link, :image_thumb, :image)"; $Connection = new Connection(); $sth_dest = Connection::$db->prepare($query_dest); if ($globalTransaction) { Connection::$db->beginTransaction(); } $i = 0; while ($row = sparql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($i >= 1) { print_r($row); if (!isset($row['iata'])) { $row['iata'] = ''; } if (!isset($row['icao'])) { $row['icao'] = ''; } if (!isset($row['type'])) { $row['type'] = ''; } if (!isset($row['altitude'])) { $row['altitude'] = ''; } if (isset($row['city_bis'])) { $row['city'] = $row['city_bis']; } if (!isset($row['city'])) { $row['city'] = ''; } if (!isset($row['country'])) { $row['country'] = ''; } if (!isset($row['homepage'])) { $row['homepage'] = ''; } if (!isset($row['wikipedia_page'])) { $row['wikipedia_page'] = ''; } if (!isset($row['name'])) { continue; } if (!isset($row['image'])) { $row['image'] = ''; $row['image_thumb'] = ''; } else { $image = str_replace(' ', '_', $row['image']); $digest = md5($image); $folder = $digest[0] . '/' . $digest[0] . $digest[1] . '/' . $image . '/220px-' . $image; $row['image_thumb'] = '' . $folder; $folder = $digest[0] . '/' . $digest[0] . $digest[1] . '/' . $image; $row['image'] = '' . $folder; } $country = explode('-', $row['country']); $row['country'] = $country[0]; $row['type'] = trim($row['type']); if ($row['type'] == 'Military: Naval Auxiliary Air Station' || $row['type'] == '' || $row['type'] == 'Military: Naval Air Station' || $row['type'] == 'Military Northern Fleet' || $row['type'] == 'Military and industrial' || $row['type'] == 'Military: Royal Air Force station' || $row['type'] == '' || $row['type'] == 'Military: Naval air station' || preg_match('/air base/i', $row['name'])) { $row['type'] = 'Military'; } elseif ($row['type'] == '' || $row['type'] == 'Civil' || $row['type'] == 'Public use' || $row['type'] == 'Public' || $row['type'] == '' || $row['type'] == 'Public, Civilian' || $row['type'] == 'Public / Military' || $row['type'] == 'Private & Civilian' || $row['type'] == 'Civilian and Military' || $row['type'] == 'Public/military' || $row['type'] == 'Active With Few Facilities' || $row['type'] == '?ivilian' || $row['type'] == 'Civil/Military' || $row['type'] == 'NA' || $row['type'] == 'Public/Military') { $row['type'] = 'small_airport'; } $row['city'] = urldecode(str_replace('_', ' ', str_replace('', '', $row['city']))); $query_dest_values = array(':airport_id' => $i, ':name' => $row['name'], ':iata' => $row['iata'], ':icao' => $row['icao'], ':latitude' => $row['latitude'], ':longitude' => $row['longitude'], ':altitude' => $row['altitude'], ':type' => $row['type'], ':city' => $row['city'], ':country' => $row['country'], ':home_link' => $row['homepage'], ':wikipedia_link' => $row['wikipedia_page'], ':image' => $row['image'], ':image_thumb' => $row['image_thumb']); //print_r($query_dest_values); try { $sth_dest->execute($query_dest_values); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } } $i++; } if ($globalTransaction) { Connection::$db->commit(); } echo "Delete duplicate rows...\n"; $query = 'ALTER IGNORE TABLE airport ADD UNIQUE INDEX icaoidx (icao)'; try { $Connection = new Connection(); $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } if ($globalDebug) { echo "Insert Not available Airport...\n"; } $query = "INSERT INTO airport (`airport_id`,`name`,`city`,`country`,`iata`,`icao`,`latitude`,`longitude`,`altitude`,`type`,`home_link`,`wikipedia_link`,`image`,`image_thumb`)\n\t\t VALUES (:airport_id, :name, :city, :country, :iata, :icao, :latitude, :longitude, :altitude, :type, :home_link, :wikipedia_link, :image, :image_thumb)"; $query_values = array(':airport_id' => $i, ':name' => 'Not available', ':iata' => 'NA', ':icao' => 'NA', ':latitude' => '0', ':longitude' => '0', ':altitude' => '0', ':type' => 'NA', ':city' => 'N/A', ':country' => 'N/A', ':home_link' => '', ':wikipedia_link' => '', ':image' => '', ':image_thumb' => ''); try { $Connection = new Connection(); $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute($query_values); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } $i++; /* $query = 'DELETE FROM airport WHERE airport_id IN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT min(a.airport_id) FROM airport a GROUP BY a.icao) x)'; try { $Connection = new Connection(); $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); } catch(PDOException $e) { return "error : ".$e->getMessage(); } */ echo "Download data from\n"; $delimiter = ','; $out_file = $tmp_dir . 'airports.csv'; update_db::download('', $out_file); if (!file_exists($out_file) || !is_readable($out_file)) { return FALSE; } echo "Add data from\n"; $header = NULL; if (($handle = fopen($out_file, 'r')) !== FALSE) { $Connection = new Connection(); //Connection::$db->beginTransaction(); while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $delimiter)) !== FALSE) { if (!$header) { $header = $row; } else { $data = array(); $data = array_combine($header, $row); try { $sth = Connection::$db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM airport WHERE `icao` = :icao'); $sth->execute(array(':icao' => $data['gps_code'])); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } if ($sth->fetchColumn() > 0) { $query = 'UPDATE airport SET `type` = :type WHERE icao = :icao'; try { $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute(array(':icao' => $data['gps_code'], ':type' => $data['type'])); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } } else { $query = "INSERT INTO airport (`airport_id`,`name`,`city`,`country`,`iata`,`icao`,`latitude`,`longitude`,`altitude`,`type`,`home_link`,`wikipedia_link`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES (:airport_id, :name, :city, :country, :iata, :icao, :latitude, :longitude, :altitude, :type, :home_link, :wikipedia_link)"; $query_values = array(':airport_id' => $i, ':name' => $data['name'], ':iata' => $data['iata_code'], ':icao' => $data['gps_code'], ':latitude' => $data['latitude_deg'], ':longitude' => $data['longitude_deg'], ':altitude' => $data['elevation_ft'], ':type' => $data['type'], ':city' => $data['municipality'], ':country' => $data['iso_country'], ':home_link' => $data['home_link'], ':wikipedia_link' => $data['wikipedia_link']); try { $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute($query_values); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } $i++; } } } fclose($handle); //Connection::$db->commit(); } echo "Download data from another free database...\n"; $out_file = $tmp_dir . ''; update_db::download('', $out_file); if (!file_exists($out_file) || !is_readable($out_file)) { return FALSE; } update_db::unzip($out_file); $header = NULL; echo "Add data from another free database...\n"; $delimiter = ':'; $Connection = new Connection(); if (($handle = fopen($tmp_dir . 'GlobalAirportDatabase.txt', 'r')) !== FALSE) { //Connection::$db->beginTransaction(); while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $delimiter)) !== FALSE) { if (!$header) { $header = $row; } else { $data = $row; $query = 'UPDATE airport SET `city` = :city, `country` = :country WHERE icao = :icao'; try { $sth = Connection::$db->prepare($query); $sth->execute(array(':icao' => $data[0], ':city' => ucwords(strtolower($data[3])), ':country' => ucwords(strtolower($data[4])))); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } } } fclose($handle); //Connection::$db->commit(); } echo "Put type military for all air base"; $Connection = new Connection(); try { $sth = Connection::$db->prepare("SELECT icao FROM airport WHERE `name` LIKE '%Air Base%'"); $sth->execute(); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $query2 = 'UPDATE airport SET `type` = :type WHERE icao = :icao'; try { $sth2 = Connection::$db->prepare($query2); $sth2->execute(array(':icao' => $row['icao'], ':type' => 'military')); } catch (PDOException $e) { return "error : " . $e->getMessage(); } } return "success"; }
function query_bm($writer, $uri) { $db = sparql_connect(""); if (!$db) { print sparql_errno() . ": " . sparql_error() . "\n"; exit; } sparql_ns("thesDimension", ""); sparql_ns("bmo", ""); sparql_ns("ecrm", ""); sparql_ns("object", ""); $sparql = "SELECT ?image ?weight ?axis ?diameter ?objectId ?hoard WHERE {\n OPTIONAL {<OBJECT> bmo:PX_has_main_representation ?image }\n OPTIONAL { <OBJECT> ecrm:P43_has_dimension ?wDim .\n ?wDim ecrm:P2_has_type thesDimension:weight .\n ?wDim ecrm:P90_has_value ?weight}\n OPTIONAL {\n <OBJECT> ecrm:P43_has_dimension ?wAxis .\n ?wAxis ecrm:P2_has_type thesDimension:die-axis .\n ?wAxis ecrm:P90_has_value ?axis\n }\n OPTIONAL {\n <OBJECT> ecrm:P43_has_dimension ?wDiameter .\n ?wDiameter ecrm:P2_has_type thesDimension:diameter .\n ?wDiameter ecrm:P90_has_value ?diameter\n }\n OPTIONAL {\n <OBJECT> ecrm:P1_is_identified_by ?identifier.\n ?identifier ecrm:P2_has_type <> ;\n rdfs:label ?objectId\n }\n OPTIONAL {\n <OBJECT> bmo:PX_display_wrap ?hoard . FILTER regex(?hoard, 'IGCH')\n }\n }"; $result = sparql_query(str_replace('OBJECT', $uri, $sparql)); if (!$result) { print sparql_errno() . ": " . sparql_error() . "\n"; exit; } $fields = sparql_field_array($result); while ($row = sparql_fetch_array($result)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (strlen($row[$field]) > 0) { if ($field == 'hoard') { preg_match('/IGCH\\s([0-9]+)/', $row[$field], $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $num = str_pad($matches[1], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $hoardURI = '' . $num; echo "Found hoard {$hoardURI}\n"; $writer->startElement('dcterms:isPartOf'); $writer->writeAttribute('rdf:resource', $hoardURI); $writer->endElement(); } } else { switch ($field) { case 'image': $writer->startElement('foaf:depiction'); $writer->writeAttribute('rdf:resource', $row[$field]); $writer->endElement(); break; case 'objectId': $writer->startElement('foaf:homepage'); $writer->writeAttribute('rdf:resource', "{$row[$field]}&partId=1"); $writer->endElement(); break; case 'axis': $writer->startElement('nmo:hasAxis'); $writer->writeAttribute('rdf:datatype', ''); $writer->text($row[$field]); $writer->endElement(); break; case 'weight': $writer->startElement('nmo:hasWeight'); $writer->writeAttribute('rdf:datatype', ''); $writer->text($row[$field]); $writer->endElement(); break; case 'diameter': $writer->startElement('nmo:hasDiameter'); $writer->writeAttribute('rdf:datatype', ''); $writer->text($row[$field]); $writer->endElement(); break; } } } } } }
$input = $_REQUEST["term"]; $data = array(); // query the triple store looking for a match to $input $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?webid, ?name, ?img WHERE { ?webid foaf:name ?name . ?webid foaf:nick ?nick . ?webid foaf:img ?img . FILTER (regex(?name, "' . $input . '", "i") || regex(?nick, "' . $input . '", "i") || regex(?webid, "' . $input . '", "i")) MINUS { ?webid a foaf:Person . FILTER (regex(?webid, "nodeID", "i")) } } LIMIT 10'; $result = $sparql->query($query); if (!$result) { die(sparql_errno() . ": " . sparql_error()); } while ($row = sparql_fetch_array($result)) { $json = array(); $json['webid'] = $row['webid']; $json['name'] = $row['name']; $json['img'] = $row['img']; $json['label'] = '<table><tr>'; $json['label'] .= '<td><img width="30" src="' . $row['img'] . '"/></td>'; $json['label'] .= '<td><strong>' . $row['name'] . '</strong><br/>' . $row['webid'] . '</td>'; $json['label'] .= '</tr></table>'; $json['value'] = '<' . strtolower($row['webid']) . '>'; $data[] = $json; } // return data header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($data); //echo $data;
public function getEnglishResourceFromEnglishWikipediaLink($englishWikipediaLink) { $result = null; $db = sparql_connect(''); $query = "select * where { ?resource foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <{$englishWikipediaLink}> .}"; // print_r($query); $resultQuery = sparql_query($query); if ($resultQuery) { $fields = sparql_field_array($resultQuery); $row = sparql_fetch_array($resultQuery); if ($row != null) { $result = $row["resource"]; } } return $result; }