function sp_order_topic_pins() { $topicid = sp_esc_int($_GET['topicid']); $forumid = sp_esc_int($_GET['forumid']); if (!sp_get_auth('pin_topics', $forumid)) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { sp_etext('Access denied - are you logged in?'); } else { sp_etext('Access denied - you do not have permission'); } die; } $thisforum = spdb_table(SFFORUMS, "forum_id={$forumid}", 'row'); $topics = spdb_table(SFTOPICS, "forum_id={$forumid} AND topic_pinned > 0", '', 'topic_pinned DESC'); if (empty($topics) || empty($forumid)) { die; } ?> <div id="spMainContainer" class="spForumToolsPopup"> <div class="spForumToolsHeader"> <div class="spForumToolsHeaderTitle"><?php sp_etext('Please note: The HIGHER numbered topics will appear at the top of the list'); ?> </div> </div> <form action="<?php echo sp_build_url($thisforum->forum_slug, '', 1, 0); ?> " method="post" name="ordertopicpinsform"> <input type="hidden" name="orderpinsforumid" value="<?php echo $forumid; ?> " /> <table class="spPopupTable"> <?php foreach ($topics as $topic) { ?> <tr><td class="spLabel" style="width:85%"><?php echo sp_filter_title_display($topic->topic_name); ?> <input type="hidden" name="topicid[]" value="<?php echo $topic->topic_id; ?> " /></td> <td class="spControl"> <input type="text" class="spControl" size="6" name="porder[]" value="<?php echo $topic->topic_pinned; ?> " /> </td> <?php } ?> </table> <div class="spCenter"> <input type="submit" class="spSubmit" name="ordertopicpins" value="<?php sp_etext('Save Pin Order Changes'); ?> " /> <input type="button" class="spSubmit" name="cancel" value="<?php sp_etext('Cancel'); ?> " onclick="jQuery('#dialog').dialog('close');" /> </div> </form> </div> <?php }
function sp_forum_footer() { global $spVars, $spGlobals, $spThisUser, $spMobile, $spDevice; do_action('sph_footer_start'); # wait for page load and run JS inits ?> <script type='text/javascript'> var jspf = jQuery.noConflict(); jspf(document).ready(function() { <?php # Quicklinks selects ?> jspf("#spQuickLinksForumSelect, #spQuickLinksTopicSelect").msDropDown(); jspf('#spQuickLinksForum').show(); jspf('#spQuickLinksTopic').show(); <?php # Checkboxes/radio buttons and tooltips if (defined('SP_USE_PRETTY_CBOX') && SP_USE_PRETTY_CBOX == true) { ?> jspf("input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]").prettyCheckboxes(); <?php } ?> if (sp_platform_vars.device == 'desktop' && sp_platform_vars.tooltips == true) { jspf(document).tooltip( { tooltipClass: "ttip", position: { my: "left+20 top", at: "left bottom+10" }, track: false, content: function() { var element = jspf(this); if (element.prop("nodeName") == "IFRAME") { return ''; } else { return element.attr( "title" ); } } }); } <?php # if fragment postID and head padding add padding ?> var hash = jspf(location).attr('hash'); if (hash && sp_platform_vars.headpadding > 0) { jspf('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: (Math.round(jspf(hash).offset().top) - parseInt(sp_platform_vars.headpadding)) }, 'fast'); } <?php # pre-load 'wait' image ?> waitImage = new Image(32,32); waitImage.src = '<?php echo sp_paint_file_icon(SPFIMAGES, 'sp_Wait.png'); ?> '; successImage = new Image(32,32); successImage.src = '<?php echo sp_paint_file_icon(SPFIMAGES, 'sp_Success.png'); ?> '; failureImage = new Image(32,32); failureImage.src = '<?php echo sp_paint_file_icon(SPFIMAGES, 'sp_Failure.png'); ?> '; <?php # check if this is a redirect from a failed save if ($spVars['pageview'] == 'topic' || $spVars['pageview'] == 'forum') { ?> if (jspf('#spPostNotifications').html() != null) { if (jspf('#spPostNotifications').html() != '') { jspf('#spPostNotifications').show(); spjOpenEditor('spPostForm', 'post'); } } <?php } # turn on auto update of required $sfauto = array(); $sfauto = sp_get_option('sfauto'); if ($sfauto['sfautoupdate']) { $timer = $sfauto['sfautotime'] * 1000; $autoup = $spGlobals['autoupdate']; $arg = ''; foreach ($autoup as $up) { $list = implode($up, ','); $list = str_replace('sp_ahah=', site_url() . '/index.php?sp_ahah=', $list); $list .= '&sfnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah'); if ($arg != '') { $arg .= '%'; } $arg .= $list; } ?> spjAutoUpdate("<?php echo $arg; ?> ", "<?php echo $timer; ?> "); <?php } # fix for Bootstrap stealing button object from jQuery UI ?> try { var btn = jspf.fn.button.noConflict() // reverts $.fn.button to jqueryui btn jspf.fn.btn = btn // assigns bootstrap button functionality to $.fn.btn } catch (e) { } <?php # Show message if leaving page during edit if ($spVars['pageview'] == 'topic' || $spVars['pageview'] == 'forum') { ?> var showConfirm = false; var edContent = ''; window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit; <?php if ($spGlobals['editor'] != 1) { ?> jspf('#postitem').keyup(function() { showConfirm = true; }); <?php } ?> function confirmExit() { if(sp_platform_vars.saveprocess == 0 && jspf('#spPostForm').css('display') == 'block') { <?php if ($spGlobals['editor'] == 1) { ?> edContent = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); <?php } ?> if(showConfirm || edContent != '') { return '<?php sp_etext('You have entered text into the post editor which may be lost'); ?> '; } } } <?php } ?> }); </script> <?php do_action('sph_footer_end'); }
function sp_rpx_process_token() { $sfrpx = sp_get_option('sfrpx'); if (empty($_REQUEST['rpx_response']) || empty($_REQUEST['token'])) { return; } $post_data = array('token' => $_REQUEST['token'], 'apiKey' => $sfrpx['sfrpxkey'], 'format' => 'json'); $raw_response = sp_rpx_http_post('', $post_data); # parse the json or xml response into an associative array $auth_info = sp_rpx_parse_auth_info($raw_response); # process the auth_info response if ($auth_info['stat'] == 'ok') { sp_rpx_process_auth_info($auth_info); } else { sp_etext('An error occured'); } }
$Rev: 10210 $ */ if (preg_match('#' . basename(__FILE__) . '#', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die('Access denied - you cannot directly call this file'); } sp_forum_api_support(); sp_load_editor(0, 1); global $s0ThisUser; $postid = sp_esc_int($_GET['post']); $forumid = sp_esc_int($_GET['forumid']); if (empty($forumid) || empty($postid)) { die; } if (!sp_get_auth('reply_topics', $forumid)) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { sp_etext('Access denied - are you logged in?'); } else { sp_etext('Access denied - you do not have permission'); } die; } $post = spdb_table(SFPOSTS, "post_id={$postid}", 'row'); if (!sp_get_auth('view_admin_posts', $forumid) && sp_is_forum_admin($post->user_id)) { die; } if (sp_get_auth('view_own_admin_posts', $forumid) && !sp_is_forum_admin($post->user_id) && !sp_is_forum_mod($post->user_id) && $spThisUser->ID != $post->user_id) { die; } $content = sp_filter_content_edit($post->post_content); echo $content; die;
function validatePermission() { global $spGlobals; $this->abort = false; $this->newpost['action'] = $this->action; # If the forum is not set then this may be a back door approach if (!$this->newpost['forumid'] || empty($this->newpost['forumslug'])) { $this->abort = true; $this->message = sp_etext('Forum not set - Unable to create post'); return; } # If this is a new post check topic id and slug is set if ($this->action == 'post') { if (!$this->newpost['topicid'] || empty($this->newpost['topicslug'])) { $this->abort = true; $this->message = sp_etext('Topic not set - Unable to create post'); return; } } # Check that current user is actually allowed to do this $starter = spdb_table(SFTOPICS, 'topic_id=' . $this->newpost['topicid'], 'user_id'); if ($this->action == 'topic' && !sp_get_auth('start_topics', $this->newpost['forumid'], $this->userid) || $this->action == 'post' && sp_get_auth('reply_own_topics', $this->newpost['forumid'], $this->userid) && $starter != $this->userid || $this->action == 'post' && !sp_get_auth('reply_topics', $this->newpost['forumid'], $this->userid)) { $this->abort = true; $this->message = sp_etext('Access denied - you do not have permission'); return; } # If forum or system locked then refuse post unless admin if ($this->admin == false) { if ($spGlobals['lockdown'] ? $slock = true : ($slock = false)) { } if ($slock == false) { if (spdb_table(SFFORUMS, 'forum_id=' . $this->newpost['forumid'], 'forum_status') ? $flock = true : ($flock = false)) { } } if ($slock || $flock) { $this->abort = true; $this->message = sp_etext('This forum is currently locked - access is read only'); return; } } # Good so far so set up new url to return to if save fails later if ($this->action == 'topic') { $this->returnURL = sp_build_url($this->newpost['forumslug'], '', 0, 0); $this->newpost['started_by'] = $starter; } else { $postid = spdb_table(SFTOPICS, 'topic_id = ' . $this->newpost['topicid'], 'post_id'); $this->returnURL = sp_build_url($this->newpost['forumslug'], $this->newpost['topicslug'], 0, $postid); $this->newpost['started_by'] = $this->userid; } $this->newpost = apply_filters('sph_post_permissions_validation', $this->newpost); }