コード例 #1
ファイル: sopac_catalog.php プロジェクト: aadl/sopac
 * Prepares and returns the HTML for the SOPAC search page/hit list.
 * Uses the following templates: sopac_results.tpl.php, sopac_results_hitlist.tpl.php, sopac_results_nohits.tpl.php
 * @return string SOPAC catalog search HTML
function sopac_catalog_search()
    global $pager_page_array, $pager_total, $locum_results_all, $locum_cfg;
    global $user;
    $account = user_load(array('uid' => $user->uid));
    // Load Required JS libraries
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'sopac') . '/js/jquery.treeview.js');
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'sopac') . '/js/jquery.rating.js');
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'sopac') . '/js/facet-browser.js');
    require_once 'sopac_social.php';
    $getvars = sopac_parse_get_vars();
    $actions = sopac_parse_uri();
    $locum = sopac_get_locum();
    $locum_cfg = $locum->locum_config;
    $no_circ = $locum->csv_parser($locum_cfg['location_limits']['no_request']);
    $valid_search_types = array('title', 'author', 'keyword', 'subject', 'series', 'callnum', 'tags', 'reviews');
    // TODO handle this more dynamically
    $output = $getvars['output'];
    $sort = $getvars['sort'];
    $format = $getvars['search_format'];
    $location = $getvars['location'];
    $limit_avail = $getvars['limit_avail'];
    $pager_page_array = explode(',', $getvars['page']);
    // temp for advanced page. should this be broken out
    if ($actions[1] == 'isn') {
        $actions[1] = 'keyword';
    $search_type = $actions[1];
    if ($actions[3]) {
        $actions[2] = $actions[2] . "/" . $actions[3];
    $search_term = $actions[2];
    // If there is a proper search query, we get that data here.
    if (in_array($actions[1], $valid_search_types)) {
        $valid_search = TRUE;
        // Save the search URL in a cookie
        $_SESSION['search_url'] = request_uri();
        if ($getvars['perpage']) {
            $limit = $getvars['perpage'];
        } elseif ($account->profile_perpage) {
            $limit = $account->profile_perpage;
        } else {
            $limit = variable_get('sopac_results_per_page', 10);
        if ($user->uid && $limit != $account->profile_perpage) {
            $field = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM profile_fields WHERE name = 'profile_perpage'"));
            db_query("INSERT INTO profile_values (fid, uid, value) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = '%s'", $field->fid, $user->uid, $limit, $limit);
        //if ($addl_search_args['limit']) {
        //  $limit = $addl_search_args['limit'];
        //else {
        //  $limit = variable_get('sopac_results_per_page', 20);
        // Initialize the pager if need be
        if ($pager_page_array[0]) {
            $page = $pager_page_array[0] + 1;
        } else {
            $page = 1;
        $page_offset = $limit * ($page - 1);
        // Grab the faceted search arguments from the URL
        $facet_args = array();
        if (count($getvars['facet_series'])) {
            $facet_args['facet_series'] = $getvars['facet_series'];
        if (count($getvars['facet_lang'])) {
            $facet_args['facet_lang'] = $getvars['facet_lang'];
        if (count($getvars['facet_year'])) {
            $facet_args['facet_year'] = $getvars['facet_year'];
        if (count($getvars['facet_decade'])) {
            $facet_args['facet_decade'] = $getvars['facet_decade'];
        if (count($getvars['age'])) {
            $facet_args['age'] = $getvars['age'];
        if (count($getvars['facet_subject'])) {
            $facet_args['facet_subject'] = $getvars['facet_subject'];
        if (count($getvars['facet_lexile'])) {
            $facet_args['facet_lexile'] = $getvars['facet_lexile'];
        // Hide suppressed records unless permission
        $show_inactive = user_access('show suppressed records');
        // Get the search results from Locum
        $locum_results_all = $locum->search($search_type, $search_term, $limit, $page_offset, $sort, $format, $location, $facet_args, FALSE, $limit_avail, $show_inactive);
        $num_results = $locum_results_all['num_hits'];
        $result_info['limit'] = $limit;
        $result_info['num_results'] = $num_results;
        $result_info['hit_lowest'] = $page_offset + 1;
        if ($page_offset + $limit < $num_results) {
            $result_info['hit_highest'] = $page_offset + $limit;
        } else {
            $result_info['hit_highest'] = $num_results;
    // Construct the search form
    $search_form_cfg = variable_get('sopac_search_form_cfg', 'both');
    $search_form = sopac_search_form($search_form_cfg);
    // If we get results back, we begin creating the hitlist
    if ($num_results > 0) {
        // We need to determine how many result pages there are.
        $pager_total[0] = ceil($num_results / $limit);
        $hitlist = '';
        $hitnum = $page_offset + 1;
        // When limiting to available, sometimes the "Last" link takes the user beyond the number of
        // available items and errors out.  This will step them back until they have at least 1 hit.
        if (!count($locum_results_all['results']) && $getvars['limit_avail']) {
            $uri_arr = explode('?', request_uri());
            $uri = $uri_arr[0];
            $getvars_tmp = $getvars;
            if ($getvars_tmp['page']) {
                if ($getvars_tmp['page'] == 1) {
                    $getvars_tmp['page'] = '';
                } else {
                $pvars_tmp = trim(sopac_make_pagevars(sopac_parse_get_vars($getvars_tmp)));
                $gvar_indicator = $pvars_tmp ? '?' : '';
                $step_link = $uri . $gvar_indicator . $pvars_tmp;
                header('Location: ' . $step_link);
        // Loop through results.
        foreach ($locum_results_all['results'] as $locum_result) {
            // Grab Stdnum
            $stdnum = $locum_result['stdnum'][0];
            // Get the cover image
            $cover_img_url = $locum_result['cover_img'];
            $locum_result['sort'] = $sort;
            // Grab Syndetics reviews, etc..
            $review_links = $locum->get_syndetics($locum_result['stdnum'][0]);
            if (count($review_links)) {
                $locum_result['review_links'] = $review_links;
            // Send it all off to the template
            if ($output == "rss") {
                $result_body .= theme('sopac_results_hitlist_rss', $hitnum, $cover_img_url, $locum_result, $locum_cfg, $no_circ);
            } else {
                if ($output == "xml") {
                    $result_body .= theme('sopac_results_hitlist_xml', $hitnum, $cover_img_url, $locum_result, $locum_cfg, $no_circ);
                } else {
                    $result_body .= theme('sopac_results_hitlist', $hitnum, $cover_img_url, $locum_result, $locum_cfg, $no_circ);
        $hitlist_pager = theme('pager', NULL, $limit, 0, NULL, 6);
    } else {
        if ($valid_search) {
            $result_body .= theme('sopac_results_nohits', $locum_results_all, $locum->locum_config);
    // Pull it all together into the search page template
    $result_page = $search_form . theme($output_template, $result_info, $hitlist_pager, $result_body, $locum_results_all, $locum->locum_config);
    // Check to see if we're doing RSS
    if ($output == "rss") {
        print theme('sopac_results_rss', $result_info, $search_term, $search_type, $result_body, $locum_results_all, $locum->locum_config);
    } else {
        if ($output == "xml") {
            print theme('sopac_results_xml', $result_info, $hitlist_pager, $result_body, $locum_results_all, $locum->locum_config);
        } else {
            $result_page = $search_form . theme('sopac_results', $result_info, $hitlist_pager, $result_body, $locum_results_all, $locum->locum_config);
    $search_feed_url = sopac_update_url(request_uri(), 'output', 'rss');
    drupal_add_feed($search_feed_url, 'Search for "' . $search_term . '"');
    return $result_page;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sopac_user.php プロジェクト: aadl/sopac
 * A dedicated page for showing and managing saved searches from the catalog.
function sopac_saved_searches_page()
    global $user;
    $limit = 20;
    // TODO Make this configurable
    if (count($_POST['search_id'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['search_id'] as $sid) {
            db_query('DELETE FROM {sopac_saved_searches} WHERE search_id = ' . $sid . ' AND uid = ' . $user->uid);
    if (db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {sopac_saved_searches} WHERE uid = ' . $user->uid))) {
        $header = array('', 'Search Description', '');
        $dbq = pager_query('SELECT * FROM {sopac_saved_searches} WHERE uid = ' . $user->uid . ' ORDER BY savedate DESC', $limit);
        while ($search_arr = db_fetch_array($dbq)) {
            $checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="search_id[]" value="' . $search_arr['search_id'] . '">';
            $parts = explode('?', $search_arr['search_url']);
            $search_desc = l($search_arr['search_desc'], $parts[0], array('query' => $parts[1]));
            // TODO: implement RSS feeds for saved searches.
            $search_feed_url = sopac_update_url($search_arr['search_url'], 'output', 'rss');
            $search_feed = theme_feed_icon($search_feed_url, 'RSS Feed: ' . $search_arr['search_desc']);
            $rows[] = array($checkbox, $search_desc, $search_feed);
        $submit_button = '<input type="submit" value="' . t('Remove Selected Searches') . '">';
        $rows[] = array('data' => array(array('data' => $submit_button, 'colspan' => 3)), 'class' => 'profile_button');
        $page_disp = '<form method="post">' . theme('pager', NULL, $limit, 0, NULL, 6) . theme('table', $header, $rows, array('id' => 'patroninfo', 'cellspacing' => '0')) . '</form>';
    } else {
        $page_disp = '<div class="overview-nodata">' . t('You do not currently have any saved searches.') . '</div>';
    return $page_disp;