function showLoginPasswordProtect($error_msg) { ?> <!-- Start template for the login form --> <!-- Header --> <?php snippet('header'); ?> <!-- Login --> <h2>Authorisation required:</h2> <!-- Display error message --> <h3><span style="color:#DB1010"><?php echo $error_msg; ?> </span></h3> <form method="post"> <input type="text" name="access_login" placeholder="Username" /><br /><br /> <input type="password" name="access_password" placeholder="Password" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="Login" value="Login" /> </form> <!-- End template for the login form --> <?php // stop at this point die; }
public function Parse($topic) { if ($_COOKIE['ostrich_mode'] == 1) { foreach ($User->IgnoreList as $ignored_phrase) { if (stripos($reply_body, $ignored_phrase) !== false) { $this->Ignored = true; $this->ParsedBody = '[This post has matched a phrase on your ignore list and is therefore hidden.]'; return; } } } $body = parse($this->Body); // Linkify citations. (This might be updated to use preg_replace_callback in the future.) preg_match_all('/^@([0-9,]+)/m', $body, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $formatted_id) { $name = ''; $pure_id = str_replace(array('@', ','), '', $formatted_id); if (!array_key_exists($pure_id, $topic->Replies)) { $body = str_replace($formatted_id, '<span class="unimportant">(Citing a deleted or non-existent reply.)</span>', $body); } else { if ($topic->Replies[$pure_id]->isHidden()) { $body = str_replace($formatted_id, '<span class="unimportant help" title="' . snippet($topic->Replies[$pure_id]->Body) . '">@hidden</span>', $body); } else { if ($pure_id == $topic->PreviousReply->ID) { $link_text = '@previous'; } else { $link_text = $formatted_id; } $body = str_replace($formatted_id, '<a href="#reply_' . $pure_id . '" onclick="highlightReply(\'' . $pure_id . '\'); createSnapbackLink(\'' . $reply_id . '\')" class="unimportant help" title="' . snippet($topic->Replies[$pure_id]->Body) . '">' . $link_text . '</a> <span class="unimportant citation">(' . $topic->GetName($this, $pure_id) . ')</span>', $body); } } } $this->ParsedBody = preg_replace('/^@OP/', '<span class="unimportant">@OP</span>', $body); }
/** * Übergbt der 'snippet'-Funktion den Pfad zu einem AtomicDesign- * * @author * @param $level Name der AtomicDesign-Ebene (vereinfacht) * @param $uid Eindeutiger Name eines existierenden Ebenen-Blocks * @param $vars Array von Variablen, die im Snippet Verwendung finden * @param $return Rückgabe des konstruierten Snippet aus AtomicDesign-Ebenen-Blocks * @return Konstruiertes Snippet aus Atomic-Ebenen-Blocks */ public static function output($level, $uid, $vars = array(), $return = false) { if (!isset(self::$levelmap[$level])) { throw new Exception("AtomicDesign-Level not found: " . $level); } $template = self::get_snip($uid, false, self::$levelmap[$level]); return snippet($template, $vars, $return); // the function 'snippet' is introduced by kirby }
/** * Handle the event * * @param League\Event\EventInterface $event * @return void */ public function handle(EventInterface $event, $data = []) { $studio = $data['studio']; $event = $data['event']; $data['order'] = $event->children()->find('orders')->children()->findBy('uid', $data['orderId']); $email = new Mailer(['body' => snippet('emails/tickets-studio', $data, true), 'subject' => "[{$studio->title()->html()}] Tickets Purchased"]); $email->send(); $custEmail = new Mailer(['body' => snippet('emails/tickets-customer', $data, true), 'to' => $data['order']->customerEmail()->toString(), 'subject' => "Your Tickets"]); $custEmail->send(); }
function xmail($to, $subject, $body) { $message = snippet(EMAIL_SHELL, array('body' => $body)); $hdrs = array('From' => EMAIL_FROM, 'Subject' => $subject); $mime = new Mail_mime(array('eol' => $crlf)); $mime->setTXTBody(strip_tags($html)); $mime->setHTMLBody($message); $body = $mime->get(); $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs); $mail =& Mail::factory('mail'); $mail->send($to, $hdrs, $body); }
/** * Disqus Plugin * * @author Guillem Lorman <*****@*****.**> * @version 2.0.0 */ function disqus_comments($post, $params = array()) { // set all default values $defaults = array('disqus_shortname' => c::get('disqus-shortname'), 'disqus_identifier ' => $post->slug(), 'disqus_title ' => $post->title()->title(), 'disqus_url ' => getPostUrl($post), 'snippet' => false); $options = array_merge($defaults, $params); if ($options['snippet']) { $html .= snippet($options['snippet'], $options, true); } else { $html .= tpl::load(__DIR__ . DS . 'comments.php', $options); } return $html; }
function body() { $body = $this->option('body'); if (empty($body)) { $body = snippet('contactform.mail', array(), true); if (empty($body)) { $body = 'Name: {name}' . PHP_EOL; $body .= '---------' . PHP_EOL; $body .= 'Email: {email}' . PHP_EOL; $body .= '---------' . PHP_EOL; $body .= 'Text: {text}' . PHP_EOL; } } foreach ($this->data() as $key => $value) { $body = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $value, $body); } return trim($body); }
protected function afterSave($args) { // A record's search text is public by default, but there are times // when this is not desired, e.g. when an item is marked as // private. @todo: Make a check to see if the record is public or private. if (!$this->approved || $this->is_spam) { // Setting the search text to private makes it invisible to // most users. $this->setSearchTextPrivate(); } // Set the record's title. This will be used to identify the record // in the search results. //comments don't have titles $this->setSearchTextTitle(snippet($this->body, 0, 40)); // Set the record's search text. Records that implement the // Mixin_ElementText mixin during _initializeMixins() will // automatically have all element texts added. Note that you // can add multiple search texts, which simply appends them. //$this->addSearchText($recordTitle); $this->addSearchText($this->body); }
public function entry($data) { if (isset($data->_fieldset)) { $fieldsetName = $data->_fieldset; } else { return "No fieldset found in entry."; } if (isset($this->fieldsets[$fieldsetName])) { $fieldset = $this->fieldsets[$fieldsetName]; if (isset($fieldset["entry"])) { $this->entry = $fieldset["entry"]; } else { $this->entry = null; } $this->fields = $fieldset["fields"]; } else { return 'No fieldset with name "' . $fieldsetName . '" found.'; } //$data->_fileUrl = $this->page->url() . DS; //return parent::entry($data); return snippet('form-builder/' . $fieldsetName, array("fields" => $this->fieldsets[$fieldsetName]['fields'], "data" => $data, "preview" => true)); //return parent::entry($data); }
public function toHTML() { $content = ""; foreach ($this->data[self::ARRAY_IMAGES] as $image) { $imageExt = new ImageExtImage($this->imageExt, $image); $imageExt->generate(); $imageExt->optimizeOutput(); $content .= $imageExt->toHTML(); } if ($this->data[self::ARRAY_ATTR][self::PARA_SNIPPET_GALLERY] !== false && file_exists(kirby()->roots->snippets() . '/' . $this->data[self::ARRAY_ATTR][self::PARA_SNIPPET_GALLERY] . '.php')) { $attr = array(); if (!empty($this->data[self::ARRAY_ATTR][self::PARA_GALLERY_CLASS])) { $attr['class'] = $this->data[self::ARRAY_ATTR][self::PARA_GALLERY_CLASS]; } $attr['images'] = $content; return (string) snippet($this->data[self::ARRAY_ATTR][self::PARA_SNIPPET_GALLERY], array('data' => $attr), true); } else { $attr = array(); if (!empty($this->data[self::ARRAY_ATTR][self::PARA_GALLERY_CLASS])) { $attr['class'] = $this->data[self::ARRAY_ATTR][self::PARA_GALLERY_CLASS]; } return \Html::tag("div", $content, $attr); } }
echo css(''); echo js(''); echo js('assets/js/jquery.fitvids.js'); echo js(''); echo js('assets/js/main.js'); echo css('assets/css/main.css'); ?> </head> <body> <header class="header" role="banner"> <div class="top"></div> <div class="container"> <h1><a href="<?php echo $site->url(); ?> "><span class="titleFirst">De <span class="Ttuut">t</span><span class="skew1">u</span><span class="skew2">u</span><span class="Ttuut">t</span> van</span><span class="titleSecond">tegenwoordig<strong>.</strong>be</span></a></h1> <div class="social"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a></li> <!--<li><a href="#" class="search"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a></li>--> </ul> </div> </div> <?php snippet('menu'); ?> <div class="uuu"></div> </header>
<?php if ($coupon->active()->bool()) { ?> <span class="text-success">Active</span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="text-danger">Inactive</span> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { ?> <div class="alert alert-warning"> No coupons </div> <?php } ?> <?php snippet('layouts/manage/footer');
<h4>Filtertable</h4> <div class="table-responsive table-responsive-maxheight"> <?php $tabledata = $firmen; include snippet("makeTableFromData"); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /container --> <?php // JAVASCRIPT // This includes the needed javascript files // DO NOT REMOVE include snippet("meta_javascripts"); ?> <script> $(function(){ $("#favoriteColorChange").change(function() { $("#favColor").html($(this).val()); updateSessionVar("set","favoriteColor",$(this).val()); $(this).val(""); $("#reloadInfo").removeClass("hide"); }); }) </script> </body>
<?php if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) { snippet('_header'); } ?> <section class="cover"> <?php echo kirbytext($page->text()); ?> </section> <?php if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) { snippet('_footer'); }
<?php snippet('header'); snippet('project-' . $page->title());
<?php // Set transaction $txn = page('shop/orders/' . get('txn_id')); // Set email if available if (get('payer_email') != '') { try { // Update transaction record $txn->update(['payer-email' => get('payer_email')], 'en'); } catch (Exception $e) { // $txn->update() failed snippet('mail.order.update.error', ['txn' => $txn, 'payment_status' => 'pending', 'payer_name' => $txn->payer_name(), 'payer_email' => get('payer_email'), 'payer_address' => $txn->payer_email()]); return false; } } try { // Update stock and notify staff snippet('order.callback', ['txn' => $txn, 'status' => 'pending', 'payer_name' => $txn->payer_name(), 'payer_email' => get('payer_email') != '' ? get('payer_email') : $txn->payer_email(), 'payer_address' => $txn->payer_address()]); } catch (Exception $e) { // Update or notification failed snippet('mail.order.update.error', ['txn' => $txn, 'payment_status' => 'pending', 'payer_name' => $txn->payer_name(), 'payer_email' => get('payer_email') != '' ? get('payer_email') : $txn->payer_email(), 'payer_address' => $txn->payer_address()]); // Kick the user back to the cart go(url('shop/cart')); } // Go to confirm page go('/shop/confirm?txn_id=' . $txn->txn_id());
<body> <div class="uk-container uk-container-center"> <div class="uk-grid uk-margin-large-bottom"> <div class="uk-width-small-1-1 uk-width-medium-2-3 uk-push-1-3"> <!-- Logo --> <div class="uk-visible-small uk-text-center uk-margin"> <?php snippet('logo'); ?> </div> <div class="uk-container uk-padding-remove uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom"> <?php snippet('header.nav'); ?> </div> <?php snippet('header.user'); ?> <?php snippet('header.notifications'); ?> <main class="uk-container uk-padding-remove">
</ul> --> <?php snippet("interactive", array('company' => $featured_eg)); ?> <?php if ($i == 0) { ?> <p><?php echo $blogpost->text(); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php $i++; ?> <?php } ?> </section> <?php snippet("footer"); ?> </body> </html>
/** * Bundles the form data to an e-mail body and sends it. */ private function sendForm() { $mailBody = ""; $snippet = $this->options['snippet']; if (empty($snippet)) { foreach ($this->data as $key => $value) { if (str::startsWith($key, '_')) { continue; } $mailBody .= ucfirst($key) . ': ' . $value . "\n\n"; } } else { $mailBody = snippet($snippet, array('data' => $this->data), true); if ($mailBody === false) { throw new Exception("The email snippet '" . $snippet . "' does not exist!"); } } $params = array('service' => $this->options['service'], 'options' => $this->options['service-options'], 'to' => $this->options['to'], 'from' => a::get($this->data, 'name', '') . ' <' . a::get($this->data, '_from') . '>', 'subject' => $this->options['subject'], 'body' => $mailBody); $email = email($params); if ($email->send()) { $params['subject'] = l::get('sendform-email-copy') . ' ' . $params['subject']; // if everything was ok, send the copies foreach ($this->options['copy'] as $address) { $params['to'] = $address; email($params)->send(); } $this->message = l::get('sendform-send-success'); $this->sentSuccessful = true; // now this form send session is over, so destroy the token $this->destroyToken(); } else { $this->message = l::get('sendform-send-error') . " " . $email->error(); } }
if (count($products)) { ?> <div class="panel"> <?php snippet('featured-list', array('products' => $products, 'calculations' => $calculations)); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- Global category listing --> <div class="panel"> <h1>Shop by category</h1> <?php snippet('treemenu', array('subpages' => page('shop')->children(), 'template' => 'category', 'class' => 'side-nav')); ?> </div> <!-- Search --> <div class="panel"> <h1>Search shop</h1> <form class="row searchForm" action="/search" method="get"> <div class="small-12 large-8 columns"> <input type="text" name="q" value="<?php echo get('q'); ?> " placeholder=""> </div> <div class="small-12 large-4 columns"> <button class="tiny info expand" type="submit">Search</button>
<footer class="footer-blog cf" role="contentinfo"> <main class="main blog" role="main"> <div class="inner"> <div class="author"> <?php snippet('author'); ?> </div> <div class="tags"> Tagged with: <?php foreach (str::split($page->tags()) as $tag) { ?> <a href="<?php echo url('articles/tag:' . urlencode($tag)); ?> ">#<?php echo html($tag); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php
<?php snippet('layouts/_/footer');
echo date('Y'); ?> | <?php echo html::email('*****@*****.**'); ?> </small> </div> </div> </div> <!-- LOAD JS FILES --> <?php if ($page->template() == 'test') { ?> <?php echo snippet('app'); ?> <script src="../assets/js/require.js" data-main="../assets/js/main"></script> <?php } else { ?> <?php //load vendors' libs echo js(array('assets/js/app/lib/jquery.js', 'assets/js/app/lib/bootstrap.js')); ?> <?php
<?php // get any list of items // in this case we get all visible children of the blog section, // flip them to get them in reverse order and make sure we only get the last 10 $items = $pages->find('articles')->children()->visible()->flip()->limit(10); // this is how you embed the feed snippet with some options snippet('feed', array('link' => url('articles'), 'items' => $items, 'descriptionField' => 'text', 'descriptionLength' => 300));
</div> <div class="Grid-cell u-size1of1--small u-size1of2--compact u-size1of4--medium u-size2of6--wide"> <p class="u-spaceTrailerM"><strong>Grid column II</strong>: nulla vestibulum magna quis eros accumsan in ultrices massa imperdiet. Curabitur at enim risus. Ut lacus nulla, tincidunt sit amet euismod eu, vehicula ut nisl. Duis a sapien.</p> </div> <div class="Grid-cell u-size1of1--small u-size1of2--compact u-size1of4--medium u-size1of6--wide"> <p class="u-spaceTrailerM"><strong>Grid column III</strong>: nulla vestibulum magna quis eros accumsan in ultrices massa imperdiet. Curabitur at enim risus. Ut lacus nulla, tincidunt sit amet euismod eu, vehicula ut nisl. Duis a sapien.</p> </div> <div class="Grid-cell u-size1of1--small u-size1of2--compact u-size1of4--medium u-size1of6--wide"> <p class="u-spaceTrailerM"><strong>Grid column IV</strong>: nulla vestibulum magna quis eros accumsan in ultrices massa imperdiet. Curabitur at enim risus. Ut lacus nulla, tincidunt sit amet euismod eu, vehicula ut nisl. Duis a sapien.</p> </div> </div> </section> <?php snippet('share_page'); ?> </main> <?php snippet_detect('footer');
<?php snippet('components/project.title', array('project' => $project)); snippet('components/project.tags', array('project' => $project));
<?php snippet('header'); foreach ($pages->visible() as $section) { snippet($section->uid(), array('data' => $section)); } snippet('footer');
<?php // File with global functions include 'assets/php/functions.php'; //include 'assets/php/functions-lumm.php'; $find = get('path') . "/" . get('id'); $find = preg_replace("=ajax/=", "", $find); $container = $pages->find($find); $template = get('template'); $idx = get('idx'); /*echo $find . "<hr>"; echo $template . "<hr>"; echo $container->title(); */ // if no article could be found for that id… if (!$container) { die('Invalid article ID'); } // Zusaetzliche Klassen $classes = get_additional_classes($container, $site); // Bilder holen $bilder = get_images_from_article($container); // Dokumente holen $docs = structhelper::get_documents_from_article($container); // Snip holen $template = atomicdesign::get_snip($container->uid(), "default"); $template = atomicdesign::get_snip($container->intendedTemplate(), $template); snippet($template, array('content' => $container, 'snippet' => $template, 'class' => $container->layout(), 'bilder' => $bilder, 'docs' => $docs, 'behavior_classes' => $classes["behavior_classes"], 'heading' => false));
<?php snippet('header'); ?> <main> <div class="text"> <h1><?php echo $page->title()->html(); ?> </h1> <?php echo $page->text()->kirbytext(); ?> </div> </main> <?php snippet('bottom');
<nav class="nav <?php echo r(isset($class), $class); ?> " data-view="nav"> <?php snippet('components/nav.items', array("collection" => $site->pages(), "class" => 'nav')); ?> </nav>