<em class="required">※</em><?php } ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['app_ne']['form']; ?> <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['app']['params']['suffix']; ?> </dd> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['app']['params']['example']) { ?> <dd><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['app']['params']['example']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </dd> <?php } ?> </dl> </fieldset> </form> <?php } ?> <form action="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['script']; ?> " method="post">
function smarty_function_dataform2($params, &$smarty) { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared', 'escape_special_chars'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared', 'video_service'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'html_options'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'html_select_date'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'html_select_time'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', 'truncate'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', 'nl2br'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', 'wordwrap'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', 'return_bytes'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('modifier', 'fsize_format'); $row = array(); $dd = array(); $options = array(); $key = null; $key1 = null; $key2 = null; $type = 0; $name = 'dfform'; $object = null; $edit = false; $table = null; $preset = null; $is_child = false; $extra = ''; foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) { switch ($_key) { case 'name': case 'object': case 'title': case 'key': case 'key1': case 'key2': case 'preset': ${$_key} = (string) $_val; break; case 'options': case 'row': case 'dd': ${$_key} = (array) $_val; break; case 'paginate': case 'is_child': case 'edit': ${$_key} = (bool) $_val; break; default: if (!is_array($_val)) { $extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val) . '"'; } else { $smarty->trigger_error("dataform: extra attribute '{$_key}' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); } break; } } if (!$object) { $object = $name; } if (!$table) { $table = $object; } if (empty($row) && empty($dd)) { $smarty->trigger_error("dataform: either dd or row attribute must be present", E_USER_NOTICE); return ''; } if (empty($row)) { $type = 2; /* new record */ } if ($edit) { $type = 1; } if (empty($dd)) { $labels = null; } else { foreach ($dd as $_key => $_val) { $labels[$_key] = $_val['label']; } } if ($preset) { list($_field, $_text) = preg_split('/,/', $preset); list($_fieldname, $_fieldvalue) = preg_split('/=/', $_field); $_preset[$_fieldname] = $_fieldvalue; $_preset_text[$_fieldname] = $_text; } $_html_rows = ''; $_html_result = ''; $h_f = $key2 ? F2 : F; # Determinar el tamaño máximo de los archivo $upload = smarty_modifier_return_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $post = smarty_modifier_return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); $max_size = 0; if ($upload < $post) { $max_size = $upload; } else { $max_size = $post; } $max_size = smarty_modifier_fsize_format($max_size); # Crea las filas del dataform $_i = 0; // Para los preset $_pre = ''; if ($type) { foreach ((array) $dd as $_key => $_val) { if (!$dd[$_key]) { continue; } if ($type == 2) { $_val = ''; } if ($type == 1) { $_val = $row[$_val['name']]; } if ($dd[$_key]['references'] && $dd[$_key]['type'] != 'auto' && $dd[$_key]['type'] != 'hidden') { if ($_preset[$_key]) { $_selected = $_preset[$_key]; } else { $_selected = $_val; $_val = $row[$dd[$_key]['references']]; } $dd[$_key]['type'] = 'references'; } $_start_year = "-10"; $_end_year = "+10"; $_ispreset = false; switch ($dd[$_key]['type']) { //Add case 'video': $_tmp = ''; $_options = smarty_function_video_service(); if ($_val) { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared', 'video_service'); $a_vs = smarty_function_video_service(); // XML require_once 'XML/Unserializer.php'; $options = array(XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_PARSE => true, XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAYKEY => false); $unserializer = new XML_Unserializer($options); $status = $unserializer->unserialize($_val, false); if (PEAR::isError($status)) { echo 'Error: ' . $status->getMessage(); } else { $vs = $unserializer->getUnserializedData(); } // ----- $_tmp .= smarty_function_html_options(array('name' => $_key . '_type', 'options' => $_options, 'selected' => $vs['tipo']), $smarty) . '<input type="text" size="25" name="' . $_key . '_src" maxlength="500" value="' . $vs['src'] . '" />'; } else { $_tmp .= smarty_function_html_options(array('name' => $_key . '_type', 'options' => $_options, 'selected' => $_val), $smarty) . '<input type="text" size="25" name="' . $_key . '_src" maxlength="500" />'; } break; //End Add //End Add case 'auto': if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['default']) { $_tmp = '<span class="auto">' . $dd[$_key]['extra']['default'] . '</span>'; } else { $_tmp = !empty($_val) ? $_val : ''; } break; case 'file': $_tmp = ''; if ($_val) { $_file = HOMEDIR . "/_" . $table . "/" . $_val; $_icon = 'doc.png'; $_p = explode('.', $_file); $_pc = count($_p); $ext = $_p[$_pc - 1]; if (preg_match('/doc|rtf|swx|osd/i', $ext)) { $_icon = 'doc.png'; } if (preg_match('/pdf/i', $ext)) { $_icon = 'pdf.png'; } if (preg_match('/xls/i', $ext)) { $_icon = 'excel.png'; } if (preg_match('/jpg|gif|png/i', $ext)) { $_icon = 'image.png'; } $_tmp = '<input type="checkbox" checked name="' . $_key . '_keep" /> Conservar archivo actual (' . $_val . ')<br /><img src="' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/themes/' . ALM_ADMIN_THEME . '/img/' . $_icon . '" alt="' . $_val . '" border="0" /><br />'; } $_tmp .= '[' . $max_size . ']<input type="file" name="' . $_key . '" value="' . $_val . '" />'; break; case 'image': case 'img': $_tmp = ''; $_icon = 'image.png'; $_tmp = '[' . $max_size . ']<input name="old_' . $_key . '" type="hidden" value="' . $_val . '" /><img src="' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/themes/' . ALM_ADMIN_THEME . '/img/' . $_icon . '" border="0" alt="Imagen" title="Imagen" />'; if ($_val) { $_tmp .= '<input type="checkbox" checked name="' . $_key . '_keep" /> Conservar archivo actual (' . $_val . ')<br /><img src="' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/pic/50/' . $table . '/' . $_val . '" alt="' . $_val . '" width="50" border="0" /><br />'; } $_tmp .= '<input type="file" name="' . $_key . '" value="' . $_val . '" />'; break; case 'boolean': case 'bool': if (preg_match("/:/", $dd[$_key]['extra']['label_bool'])) { list($_si, $_no) = preg_split('/:/', $dd[$_key]['extra']['label_bool']); $_tchecked = $_val == 't' ? 'checked' : ''; $_fchecked = $_val == 'f' ? 'checked' : ''; $_tmp = $_si . '<input type="radio" name="' . $_key . '" ' . $_tchecked . ' value="on" />' . $_no . '<input type="radio" name="' . $_key . '" ' . $_fchecked . ' value="" />'; } else { $_checked = $_val == 't' ? 'checked' : ''; $_tmp = '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $_key . '" ' . $_checked . ' />'; } break; case 'datenull': if (preg_match("/:/", $dd[$_key]['extra']['range'])) { list($_start_year, $_end_year) = preg_split('/:/', $dd[$_key]['extra']['range']); } if (!isset($_val) || empty($_val)) { $_val = '--'; } $_tmp = smarty_function_html_select_date(array('prefix' => $_key . '_', 'time' => $_val, 'start_year' => $_start_year, 'end_year' => $_end_year, 'day_empty' => '--', 'month_empty' => '--', 'year_empty' => '--'), $smarty); break; case 'date': if (!$_val) { $_val = $dd[$_key]['extra']['default']; } if (preg_match("/:/", $dd[$_key]['extra']['range'])) { list($_start_year, $_end_year) = preg_split('/:/', $dd[$_key]['extra']['range']); } $_tmp = smarty_function_html_select_date(array('prefix' => $_key . '_', 'time' => $_val, 'start_year' => $_start_year, 'end_year' => $_end_year), $smarty); break; case 'time': $_tmp = smarty_function_html_select_time(array('prefix' => $_key . '_', 'time' => $_val, 'display_seconds' => false), $smarty); break; case 'datetime': if (!$_val) { $_val = $dd[$_key]['extra']['default']; } if (preg_match("/:/", $dd[$_key]['extra']['range'])) { list($_start_year, $_end_year) = preg_split('/:/', $dd[$_key]['extra']['range']); } $_tmp = smarty_function_html_select_date(array('prefix' => $_key . '_', 'time' => $_val, 'start_year' => $_start_year, 'end_year' => $_end_year), $smarty); $_tmp .= smarty_function_html_select_time(array('prefix' => $_key . '_', 'time' => $_val, 'display_seconds' => false), $smarty); break; case 'datetimenull': if (!$_val) { $_val = $dd[$_key]['extra']['default']; } if (preg_match("/:/", $dd[$_key]['extra']['range'])) { list($_start_year, $_end_year) = preg_split('/:/', $dd[$_key]['extra']['range']); } $_tmp = smarty_function_html_select_date(array('prefix' => $_key . '_', 'time' => $_val, 'start_year' => $_start_year, 'end_year' => $_end_year, 'day_empty' => '--', 'month_empty' => '--', 'year_empty' => '--'), $smarty); $_tmp .= smarty_function_html_select_time(array('prefix' => $_key . '_', 'time' => $_val, 'display_seconds' => false), $smarty); break; case 'password': $_tmp = '<input type="password" name="' . $_key . '" size="20" maxlength="16" />'; break; case 'text': $_tmp = '<textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="' . $_key . '">' . $_val . '</textarea> <a href="javascript:edittext(\'' . $name . '\', \'' . $_key . '\', document.forms[\'' . $name . '\'].' . $_key . '.value);">' . ALM_MAX . '</a>'; break; case 'html': $_tmp = '<textarea rows="5" cols="40" class="adm" id="' . $_key . '" name="' . $_key . '">' . $_val . '</textarea>'; $_tmp .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\ngenerate_wysiwyg('" . $_key . "');\n</script>\n"; break; case 'xhtml': $_tmp = '<textarea rows="5" cols="40" class="adm" id="' . $_key . '" name="' . $_key . '"' . ($dd[$_key]['extra']['style'] ? ' style="' . $dd[$_key]['extra']['style'] . '"' : '') . '>' . $_val . '</textarea>'; $_tmp .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\ntinyMCE.execCommand(\"mceAddControl\", true,\"{$_key}\");\n</script>\n"; break; case 'varchar': case 'char': if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']) { $_options = $dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']; $_tmp = smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $_options, 'selected' => $_val), $smarty); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_REFERENCE_/", $_tmp, FCELLMODREF); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_FIELD_/", $_key, $_tmp); } else { $_val = preg_replace("/\"/", """, $_val); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_VALUE_/", qdollar($_val), FCELLMODSTR); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_FIELD_/", $_key, $_tmp); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_SIZE_/", $dd[$_key]['size'], $_tmp); if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['source']) { $_tmp .= '<script type="text/javascript"> addEvent(document.getElementById(\'' . $dd[$_key]['extra']['source'] . '\'), \'blur\', function () { if(document.getElementById(\'' . $_key . '\').value.replace(/(^\\s*)|(\\s*$)/g, \'\') == \'\') document.getElementById(\'' . $_key . '\').value = ' . $dd[$_key]['extra']['apply_funct_js'] . '(document.getElementById(\'' . $dd[$_key]['extra']['source'] . '\').value) }); </script>'; } if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete']) { $_tmp .= '<script type="text/javascript"> $(\'#' . $_key . '\').autocomplete({ serviceUrl:' . ($dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_sr'] ? $dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_sr'] : '\'' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/js/autocomplete/autocomplete.php\'') . ', delimiter: /(,|;)\\s*/, params: { table:\'' . ($dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_tb'] ? $dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_tb'] : $table) . '\', field:\'' . ($dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_fd'] ? $dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_fd'] : ($dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_tb'] ? $dd[$_key]['extra']['autocomplete_tb'] : $_key)) . '\' } }); </script>'; } } break; case 'numeric': case 'int': if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']) { $_options = $dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']; $_tmp = smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $_options, 'selected' => $_val), $smarty); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_REFERENCE_/", $_tmp, FCELLMODREF); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_FIELD_/", $_key, $_tmp); } else { $_tmp = preg_replace("/_VALUE_/", $_val, FCELLMODSTR); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_FIELD_/", $_key, $_tmp); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_SIZE_/", 10, $_tmp); } break; case 'references': if ($_preset[$_key]) { $_tmp = ''; $_ispreset = true; $_pre .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $_key . '" value="' . $_selected . '" />'; //$_tmp = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $_key . '" value="' . $_selected . '" />'; //$_tmp .= $_selected; } else { if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['readonly']) { $_tmp = preg_replace("/_FIELD_/", $_key, FCELLHIDEN); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_VALUE_/", qdollar($_selected), $_tmp); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_LABEL_/", $_val, $_tmp); } else { $_options = $options[$_key]; $_tmp = smarty_function_html_options(array('options' => $_options, 'selected' => $_selected), $smarty); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_REFERENCE_/", $_tmp, FCELLMODREF); $_tmp = preg_replace("/_FIELD_/", $_key, $_tmp); if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['son']) { $_tmp = preg_replace("/_CHANGE_/", "updateCombo('{$_key}', '" . $dd[$_key]['extra']['son'] . "', null)", $_tmp); } else { $_tmp = preg_replace("/_CHANGE_/", "", $_tmp); } if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['open_popup']) { $_tmp .= ' <a href="javascript:openPopUp(\'' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/query.php?f=' . $dd[$_key]['references'] . '&action=record&' . $_key . '=\'+document.forms[\'new\'].' . $_key . '.value,' . $dd[$_key]['extra']['height'] . ',' . $dd[$_key]['extra']['width'] . ');">consultar</a>'; } if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['depend']) { $_tmp .= "<script>updateCombo('" . $dd[$_key]['extra']['depend'] . "', '{$_key}', '{$_selected}')</script>"; } } } break; case 'hidden': case 'serial': $hidden = true; $_tmp = ''; break; default: $_tmp = $_val; } if (!$_ispreset) { $_tmp = preg_replace("/_FCELL_/", qdollar($_tmp), FROW); } $_tmp = preg_replace("/_LABEL_/", $labels[$_key], $_tmp); if (!$hidden) { $_html_rows .= $_tmp; } $hidden = false; } } else { foreach ((array) $row as $_key => $_val) { $_tmp = ''; if (!$dd[$_key]) { continue; } if ($dd[$_key]['references']) { $pos = strpos($dd[$_key]['references'], '.'); if ($pos !== false) { $r_table = substr($dd[$_key]['references'], 0, $pos); $pos_2 = strpos($dd[$_key]['references'], '['); if ($pos_2 !== false) { $r_field = substr($dd[$_key]['references'], $pos_2 + 1, strlen($dd[$_key]['references']) - ($pos_2 + 2)); } else { $r_field = $r_table; } $_val = $row[$r_field]; } else { $_val = $row[$dd[$_key]['references']]; } } switch ($dd[$_key]['type']) { case 'char': if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']) { $_options = $dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']; $_tmp = $_options[$_val]; } else { $_tmp = smarty_modifier_truncate($_val, 50); } break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': $_si = ALM_YES; $_no = ALM_NO; if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['label_bool']) { list($_si, $_no) = preg_split('/:/', $dd[$_key]['extra']['label_bool']); } $_tmp = $_val == 't' ? $_si : $_no; break; case 'video': if ($_val) { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('shared', 'video_service'); $a_vs = smarty_function_video_service(); // XML require_once 'XML/Unserializer.php'; $options = array(XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_PARSE => true, XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAYKEY => false); $unserializer = new XML_Unserializer($options); $status = $unserializer->unserialize($_val, false); if (PEAR::isError($status)) { echo 'Error: ' . $status->getMessage(); } else { $vs = $unserializer->getUnserializedData(); } // ----- $_tmp = '<a href="javascript:openwindow(\'' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/video.php?src=' . $vs['src'] . '&type=' . $vs['tipo'] . '\',400,333)"><img src="' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/themes/' . ALM_ADMIN_THEME . '/img/' . $vs['tipo'] . '.png" alt="' . $a_vs[$vs['tipo']] . '" title="' . $a_vs[$vs['tipo']] . '" border="0" /></a>'; } else { $_tmp = '--'; } break; case 'file': if ($_val) { $_icon = $_val; $_file = HOMEDIR . "/_" . $table . "/" . $_val; $_icon = 'doc.png'; $_p = explode('.', $_file); $_pc = count($_p); if ($_p[$_pc - 1] == 'doc') { $_icon = 'doc.png'; } if ($_p[$_pc - 1] == 'pdf') { $_icon = 'pdf.png'; } if ($_p[$_pc - 1] == 'xls') { $_icon = 'xls.png'; } $_tmp = '<a title="' . $_val . '" href="' . URL . '/files/' . $table . '/' . $_val . '" target="_new"><img src="' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/themes/' . ALM_ADMIN_THEME . '/img/' . $_icon . '" alt="' . $_val . '" border="0" /></a>'; } else { $_tmp = '--'; } break; case 'image': if ($_val) { if (THUMBNAILING) { $_tmp = '<a href="javascript:openimage(\'' . URL . '/files/' . $table . '/' . $_val . '\',\'Imagen: ' . $_val . '\')"><img src="' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/pic/50/' . $table . '/' . $_val . '" alt="' . $_val . '" width="50" border="0" /></a>'; } else { $_tmp = '<a href="javascript:openimage(\'/files/' . $table . '/' . $_val . '\',\'Imagen: ' . $_val . '\')"><img src="' . URL . '/' . ALM_URI . '/pic/50/' . $table . '/' . $_val . '" alt="' . $_val . '" width="50" border="0" /></a>'; } } else { $_tmp = '--'; } break; case 'hidden': case 'serial': $hidden = true; $_tmp = ''; break; default: if ($dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']) { $_options = $dd[$_key]['extra']['list_values']; $_val = $_options[trim($_val)]; } if ($_preset[$_key]) { $_tmp = ''; if (!empty($_pre)) { $_pre .= ','; } $_pre .= $_key . '=' . $_preset[$_key]; } else { $_tmp = smarty_modifier_wordwrap($_val); $_tmp = smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); } } if (!$_preset[$_key]) { $_tmp = preg_replace('/_FCELL_/', qdollar($_tmp), FROW); $_tmp = preg_replace('/_LABEL_/', $labels[$_key], $_tmp); } if (!$hidden) { $_html_rows .= $_tmp; } $hidden = false; } $_html_cmd = preg_replace('/{_ID_}/', $row[$key], FCMD); if (!empty($_pre)) { $_pre = '<input type="hidden" name="preset" value="' . $_pre . '" />'; } } if ($type == 2) { $_html_cmd = FCMDADD; $action = "add"; } if ($type == 1) { $_html_cmd = FCMDMOD; $action = "save"; } if ($type == 0) { $_html_cmd = FCMD; $action = "edit"; } //if ($cmd) $_html_rows .= $_html_cmd; $_i++; $_tmp = FROW; if (!($_i % 2)) { $_tmp = preg_replace("/class=\"dgrow\"/", "class=\"dgrow2\"", $_tmp); } #$_html_rows .= preg_replace("/_FCELL_/", $_html_row, $_tmp); if ($paginate && $maxrows && $_i >= $maxrows * $pg) { $_need_paginate = true; break; } $_f = preg_replace('/_PRESET_/', $_pre, $h_f); //$_f = $h_f; $_html_result = preg_replace("/_FHEADER_/", $_html_labels, $_f); if ($cmd) { $_html_result = preg_replace("/_FHEADERCMD_/", FHEADERCMD, $_html_result); } $_html_result = preg_replace("/_FHEADERCMD_/", '', $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_TITLE_/", $title, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace('/_FROW_/', qdollar($_html_rows), $_html_result); #$_npgs = ceil(count($rows) / $maxrows); $_paginate = ''; if ($paginate && $_npgs > 1) { if ($pg != 1) { $_paginate = PREV; } for ($_j = 1; $_j <= $_npgs; $_j++) { $npg = $_j == $pg ? CURRENTPG : NPG; $_paginate .= preg_replace("/_NPG_/", $_j, $npg); } if ($pg != $_npgs) { $_paginate .= NEXT; } } $_html_result = preg_replace("/_PAGINATE_/", $_paginate, $_html_result); # christian | a new way to know if this pages is the 404.php file $params = preg_split('/\\//', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $page = $params[count($params) - 1]; # end if ($page == '404.php') { $_html_result = preg_replace("/_SELF_/", SELF, $_html_result); } else { $_html_result = preg_replace("/_SELF_/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $_html_result); } $_referer = preg_replace("/\\//", "\\/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if (preg_match("/{$_referer}/", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || $is_child || $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/cms/query.php' || $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/' . ALM_URI . '/query.php') { $_referer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } else { if (defined('SELF')) { $_referer = SELF; } else { $_referer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } } if ($is_child) { $_referer .= '?action=close'; } // Si es el popup de consulta if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/cms/query.php' || $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/' . ALM_URI . '/query.php') { $_referer .= '?action=close'; } $_html_result = preg_replace("/_REFERER_/", $_referer, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_KEY_/", $key, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_KEY1_/", $key1, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_KEY2_/", $key2, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/{_ID_}/", $_REQUEST[$key], $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_ID1_/", $_REQUEST[$key1], $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_ID2_/", $_REQUEST[$key2], $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_SORT_/", $_REQUEST['sort'], $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_PG_/", $_REQUEST[$object . 'pg'], $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_PGPREV_/", $pg - 1, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_PGNEXT_/", $pg + 1, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_FORM_/", $name, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_OBJECT_/", $object, $_html_result); $_html_result = preg_replace("/_ACTION_/", $action, $_html_result); if ($type == 0) { $_html_result = preg_replace('/old_/', '', $_html_result); } if (strpos($_html_rows, 'value="Agregar"') != '') { $_SESSION['accion'] = 'add'; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['accion'])) { unset($_SESSION['accion']); } return $_html_result; }
<?php } else { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['price02_min']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('n2s', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_n2s($_tmp); ?> ~<?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['price02_max']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('n2s', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_n2s($_tmp); ?> <?php } ?> 円</span></p> <p class="mini"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrItem']['comment']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php if ((is_array($_tmp = $this->_foreach['arrRecommend']['iteration']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) % 2 === 0) { ?> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } ?> <?php } } unset($_from); ?>
</span> <a href="<?php echo smarty_function_backendUserUrl(array('user' => $this->_tpl_vars['note']['User']), $this); ?> "><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['note']['User']['fullName']; ?> </a> </div> <div class="noteDate"> <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['note']['formatted_time']['date_full']; ?> <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['note']['formatted_time']['time_full']; ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="noteText"> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['note']['text']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </div> </li>
<?php if (is_null($this->_tpl_vars['input']['end_minute'])) { ?> -- <?php } else { echo is_array($_tmp = smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['input']['end_minute'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('string_format', true, $_tmp, "%02d") : smarty_modifier_string_format($_tmp, "%02d"); ?> <?php } ?> 分 </td></tr> <tr><th>詳 細</th><td><?php echo is_array($_tmp = smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['input']['body'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </td></tr> <?php if (!$this->_tpl_vars['is_unused_schedule']) { ?> <tr><th>お知らせメール</th><td> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['input']['is_receive_mail']) { ?> 受け取る <?php } else { ?> 受け取らない <?php
?> <li><a href="<?php echo smarty_function_t_img_url(array('filename' => smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['item']['image_filename3'])), $this); ?> " target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo smarty_function_t_img_url(array('filename' => smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['item']['image_filename3']), 'w' => 120, 'h' => 120), $this); ?> " alt="" /></a></li><?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <p class="text"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['item']['body'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('t_url2cmd', true, $_tmp, 'community', smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['item']['c_member_id'])) : smarty_modifier_t_url2cmd($_tmp, 'community', smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['item']['c_member_id']))) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('t_cmd', true, $_tmp, 'community') : smarty_modifier_t_cmd($_tmp, 'community'); ?> </p> </div> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['item']['filename'] && @OPENPNE_USE_FILEUPLOAD) { ?> <div class="block attachFile"><ul> <li><a href="<?php echo smarty_function_t_url(array('m' => 'pc', 'a' => 'do_c_file_download'), $this); ?> &target_c_commu_topic_comment_id=<?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['item']['c_commu_topic_comment_id']); ?> &sessid=<?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['PHPSESSID']);
?> <!--商品ステータス--> <!--アイコン--> <!--★商品名★--> <h3> <a href="<?php echo is_array($_tmp = @DETAIL_P_HTML) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrProducts'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['product_id']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); ?> "><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrProducts'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['name']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_escape($_tmp); ?> </a> </h3> <p class="listcomment"><!--★コメント★--><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrProducts'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['main_list_comment']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </p> <p> <span class="pricebox">価格<span class="mini">(税込)</span>: <span class="price"> <?php if ((is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrProducts'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['price02_min']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) == (is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrProducts'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['price02_max']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp))) { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrProducts'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['price02_min']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('sfPreTax', true, $_tmp, is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrSiteInfo']['tax']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp), is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrSiteInfo']['tax_rule']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) : SC_Utils_Ex::sfPreTax($_tmp, is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrSiteInfo']['tax']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp), is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrSiteInfo']['tax_rule']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp))) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('number_format', true, $_tmp) : number_format($_tmp); ?> <?php } else { ?>
if ($this->_tpl_vars['profile']['is_required']) { ?> <strong>※</strong><?php } ?> </th> <td> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['prof']['profile'][$this->_tpl_vars['profile']['name']]['value']) { ?> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['profile']['form_type'] == 'textarea') { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['prof']['profile'][$this->_tpl_vars['profile']['name']]['value'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('t_url2cmd', true, $_tmp, 'profile', smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['u'])) : smarty_modifier_t_url2cmd($_tmp, 'profile', smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['u']))) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('t_cmd', true, $_tmp, 'profile') : smarty_modifier_t_cmd($_tmp, 'profile'); ?> <?php } elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['profile']['form_type'] == 'checkbox') { ?> <?php echo smarty_modifier_t_implode(smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['prof']['profile'][$this->_tpl_vars['profile']['name']]['value']), ", "); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['prof']['profile'][$this->_tpl_vars['profile']['name']]['value']); ?>
月<?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['open_date_day']); ?> 日 <?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['open_date_comment']); ?> </td></tr> <tr><th>開催場所</th><td><?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['open_pref_value']); ?> <?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['open_pref_comment']); ?> </td></tr> <tr><th>詳細</th><td><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['detail'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('t_url2cmd', true, $_tmp, 'community', smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['u'])) : smarty_modifier_t_url2cmd($_tmp, 'community', smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['u']))) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('t_cmd', true, $_tmp, 'community') : smarty_modifier_t_cmd($_tmp, 'community'); ?> </td></tr> <tr><th>募集期限</th><td> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['event']['invite_period_year'] && $this->_tpl_vars['event']['invite_period_month'] && $this->_tpl_vars['event']['invite_period_day']) { echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['invite_period_year']); ?> 年<?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['invite_period_month']); ?> 月<?php echo smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['event']['invite_period_day']); ?> 日 <?php
<a class="white_link" href="javascript:void(null);" onClick="javascript:openRawHeaders();">Blocked Message Raw Headers</a> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['light_color']; ?> " id="email_message" class="default"> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['note']['message']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('highlight_quoted', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_highlight_quoted($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('activateLinks', true, $_tmp) : Link_Filter::activateLinks($_tmp); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['internal_color']; ?> " align="center"> <input class="button" type="button" value="Reply" onClick="javascript:reply(<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> , <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['issue_id']; ?>
?> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['currentJournal']->getSetting('metaCitations')) { ?> <div id="citations"> <h4><?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['translate'][0][0]->smartyTranslate(array('key' => "submission.citations"), $this); ?> </h4> <table width="100%" class="data"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%" class="label"><?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['translate'][0][0]->smartyTranslate(array('key' => "submission.citations"), $this); ?> </td> <td width="80%" class="value"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['submission']->getCitations()) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('strip_unsafe_html', true, $_tmp) : String::stripUnsafeHtml($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('default', true, $_tmp, "—") : smarty_modifier_default($_tmp, "—"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php } ?> </div><!-- metadata -->
?> " class="default_white"> <nobr><b><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['custom_fields'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fld_title']; ?> :</b> </nobr> </td> <td class="default" width="100%" bgcolor="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['row_color']; ?> "> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['custom_fields'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fld_type'] == 'textarea') { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['custom_fields'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['icf_value']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp, 'html') : smarty_modifier_escape($_tmp, 'html')) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('activateLinks', true, $_tmp, 'link') : Link_Filter::activateLinks($_tmp, 'link')) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['custom_fields'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['icf_value']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('formatCustomValue', true, $_tmp, $this->_tpl_vars['custom_fields'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fld_id'], $_GET['id'], true) : Custom_Field::formatValue($_tmp, $this->_tpl_vars['custom_fields'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fld_id'], $_GET['id'], true); ?> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php
?> <?php if (!empty($this->_tpl_vars['journalSettings']['contactAffiliation'])) { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['journalSettings']['contactAffiliation']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> <br /> <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($this->_tpl_vars['journalSettings']['contactMailingAddress'])) { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['journalSettings']['contactMailingAddress']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> <br /> <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($this->_tpl_vars['journalSettings']['contactPhone'])) { ?> <?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['translate'][0][0]->smartyTranslate(array('key' => "about.contact.phone"), $this); ?> : <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['journalSettings']['contactPhone']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> <br />
<tr> <th>Payment method</th> <td><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrOrder']['law_term03']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Payment deadline</th> <td><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrOrder']['law_term04']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Delivery period</th> <td><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrOrder']['law_term05']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Returns and exchanges</th> <td><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrOrder']['law_term06']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div>
?> info<?php } ?> ">Alert</strong> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['result']->url_redirect != null) { ?> </a> <?php } ?> </h4> <p> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['result']->name) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> <br/> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['result']->description) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </p> </div> <?php } } unset($_from);
if ($this->_foreach['customAboutItems']['total'] > 0) { foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['key'] => $this->_tpl_vars['customAboutItem']) { $this->_foreach['customAboutItems']['iteration']++; ?> <?php if (!empty($this->_tpl_vars['customAboutItem']['title'])) { ?> <a name="custom<?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['key']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> "></a><h3><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['customAboutItem']['title']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> </h3> <p><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['customAboutItem']['content']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </p> <?php if (!($this->_foreach['customAboutItems']['iteration'] == $this->_foreach['customAboutItems']['total'])) { ?> <div class="separator"> </div><?php } ?> <?php } } } unset($_from); ?>
"> <th><img src="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['image']; ?> " alt="" border="0" width="80" height="80" /></th> <td> <div id="certs" align="left"> <ul> <li><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_brand_name']; echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['name']; ?> </li> <li><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_description']; echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['item']['description']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('truncate', true, $_tmp, 100) : smarty_modifier_truncate($_tmp, 100); ?> </li> <li style="list-style:none"><a href="brand.php?do=edit&id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['id']; ?> "><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_modify']; ?> </a> <a href="brand.php?do=del&id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['id']; ?> "><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_delete']; ?> </a></li>
<?php $this->_tag_stack[] = array('iterate', array('from' => 'issues', 'item' => 'issue')); $_block_repeat = true; $this->_plugins['block']['iterate'][0][0]->smartyIterate($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat); while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); ?> <tr valign="top" class="data" id="issue-<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['issue']->getId(); ?> "> <td class="drag"><a href="<?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['url'][0][0]->smartyUrl(array('op' => 'issueToc', 'path' => $this->_tpl_vars['issue']->getId()), $this); ?> " class="action"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['issue']->getIssueIdentification()) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('strip_unsafe_html', true, $_tmp) : String::stripUnsafeHtml($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </a></td> <td class="drag"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['issue']->getDatePublished()) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('date_format', true, $_tmp, $this->_tpl_vars['dateFormatShort']) : smarty_modifier_date_format($_tmp, $this->_tpl_vars['dateFormatShort'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('default', true, $_tmp, "—") : smarty_modifier_default($_tmp, "—"); ?> </td> <td class="drag"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['issue']->getNumArticles()) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['url'][0][0]->smartyUrl(array('op' => 'moveIssue', 'd' => 'u', 'id' => $this->_tpl_vars['issue']->getId(), 'issuesPage' => $this->_tpl_vars['page']), $this); ?> ">↑</a> <a href="<?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['url'][0][0]->smartyUrl(array('op' => 'moveIssue', 'd' => 'd', 'id' => $this->_tpl_vars['issue']->getId(), 'issuesPage' => $this->_tpl_vars['page']), $this);
$this->_sections['data']['rownum'] = $this->_sections['data']['iteration']; $this->_sections['data']['index_prev'] = $this->_sections['data']['index'] - $this->_sections['data']['step']; $this->_sections['data']['index_next'] = $this->_sections['data']['index'] + $this->_sections['data']['step']; $this->_sections['data']['first'] = $this->_sections['data']['iteration'] == 1; $this->_sections['data']['last'] = $this->_sections['data']['iteration'] == $this->_sections['data']['total']; echo ''; $this->assign('date_array', is_array($_tmp = "-") ? $this->_run_mod_handler('explode', true, $_tmp, is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrNews'][$this->_sections['data']['index']]['cast_news_date']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) : explode($_tmp, is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrNews'][$this->_sections['data']['index']]['cast_news_date']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp))); echo '<dl class="newslist"><dt>'; echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['date_array'][0]) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); echo '年'; echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['date_array'][1]) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); echo '月'; echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['date_array'][2]) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); echo '日</dt><dt><a'; if (is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrNews'][$this->_sections['data']['index']]['news_url']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) { echo ' href="'; echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrNews'][$this->_sections['data']['index']]['news_url']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); echo '" '; if ((is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrNews'][$this->_sections['data']['index']]['link_method']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) == '2') { echo ' target="_blank"'; } echo ''; } echo '>'; echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrNews'][$this->_sections['data']['index']]['news_title']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); echo '</a></dt><dd class="mini">'; echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrNews'][$this->_sections['data']['index']]['news_comment']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); echo '</dd></dl>'; } } echo '</div></div></div></div>';
?> <?php if ((is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['key']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) != 'title') { ?> <?php if ((is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['item']['name']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) != "") { ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['item']['name']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); ?> : <?php } ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['item']['value']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> <br /> <?php } ?> <?php } } unset($_from); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <!-- ▲コンビに決済の場合には表示 -->
?> /></a></div> <?php } ?> </div> <h3><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['journal']->getJournalTitle()) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> </h3> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['journal']->getJournalDescription()) { ?> <p><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['journal']->getJournalDescription()) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p><a href="<?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['url'][0][0]->smartyUrl(array('journal' => $this->_tpl_vars['journal']->getPath()), $this); ?> " class="action"><?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['translate'][0][0]->smartyTranslate(array('key' => "site.journalView"), $this); ?> </a> | <a href="<?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['url'][0][0]->smartyUrl(array('journal' => $this->_tpl_vars['journal']->getPath(), 'page' => 'issue', 'op' => 'current'), $this); ?>
} else { ?> /clubs/photoalbum<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['album']['id']; } ?> "><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['LANG']['ALL_PUBLIC_PHOTOS']; ?> </a></div> <?php } if ($this->_tpl_vars['album_type'] == 'private' && $this->_tpl_vars['album']['description']) { ?> <div id="usr_photos_upload_album"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['album']['description']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </div> <?php } if ($this->_tpl_vars['photos']) { ?> <?php if (($this->_tpl_vars['is_admin'] || $this->_tpl_vars['my_profile']) && $this->_tpl_vars['album_type'] == 'private') { ?> <form action="/users/<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['user_id']; ?> /photos/editlist" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="album_id" value="<?php
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.19, created on 2012-01-08 12:41:14 compiled from constructors/message.tpl */ require_once SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_plugins.php'; smarty_core_load_plugins(array('plugins' => array(array('function', 'html_image', 'constructors/message.tpl', 21, false), array('modifier', 'nl2br', 'constructors/message.tpl', 24, false))), $this); if ($this->_tpl_vars['image'] != '') { echo smarty_function_html_image(array('file' => $this->_tpl_vars['image']), $this); } if ($this->_tpl_vars['forward'] != '') { $this->assign('f', "<br /><br /><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"" . $this->_tpl_vars['forward'] . "\">" . $this->_tpl_vars['forward_text'] . "</a></div>"); } ?> <table width="400" align="center"> <tr><td><?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars; $this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => "generic/title1.tpl", 'smarty_include_vars' => array('title' => $this->_tpl_vars['title'], 'content' => is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['message'] . " " . $this->_tpl_vars['f']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)))); $this->_tpl_vars = $_smarty_tpl_vars; unset($_smarty_tpl_vars); ?> </td></tr> </table>
?> " <?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrDeliv'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['deliv_id']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('sfGetChecked', true, $_tmp, is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrForm'][$this->_tpl_vars['key']]['value']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) : SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetChecked($_tmp, is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrForm'][$this->_tpl_vars['key']]['value']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)); ?> /> </td> <td> <label for="deliv_<?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_sections['cnt']['iteration']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp); ?> "><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrDeliv'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['name']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp); if ((is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrDeliv'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['remark']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) != "") { ?> <p><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['arrDeliv'][$this->_sections['cnt']['index']]['remark']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('script_escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_script_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('h', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_h($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </p><?php } ?> </label> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </table> </div> <?php }
<div id="Center"> <div class="dparts descriptionBox"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"><h3>会員登録</h3></div> <div class="block"> <p>サービスを利用するには、以下の規約を遵守してください。<br />利用者ご本人により会員規約に同意のうえ、登録手続きを進めてください。</p> </div> </div></div> <div class="dparts descriptionBox"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"><h3>利用規約</h3></div> <div class="block"> <p> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['c_siteadmin'] != "") { echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = smarty_modifier_t_escape($this->_tpl_vars['c_siteadmin'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('t_url2a', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_t_url2a($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> <?php } else { ?> 利用規約は、ただいま準備中です。 <?php } ?> </p> </div> </div></div> <div class="parts buttonLine"> <?php
"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['locale']['index_comments']['field_main_premise']; ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['data']['add_date']; ?> (#<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['key']; ?> ) </div> <div style="clear: both;"><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['data']['comment']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </div> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['is_newscomment_modify'] || $this->_tpl_vars['is_newscomment_delete']) { ?> <div> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['is_newscomment_modify']) { ?> <a href="index.php?p=comments&com_act=comments_mod&coid=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['key']; ?> &back_id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['back_id']; ?>
?> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['currentJournal']->getSetting('requireReviewerCompetingInterests')) { ?> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label"><?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['translate'][0][0]->smartyTranslate(array('key' => "reviewer.competingInterests"), $this); ?> </td> <td><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['reviewAssignment']->getCompetingInterests()) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('strip_unsafe_html', true, $_tmp) : String::stripUnsafeHtml($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('default', true, $_tmp, "—") : smarty_modifier_default($_tmp, "—"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['reviewFormResponses'][$this->_tpl_vars['reviewId']]) { ?> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label"><?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['translate'][0][0]->smartyTranslate(array('key' => "submission.reviewFormResponse"), $this); ?> </td> <td>
?> link-down<?php } ?> "><?php $this->assign('t', is_array($_tmp = "links__status-") ? $this->_run_mod_handler('cat', true, $_tmp, $this->_tpl_vars['data'][$this->_sections['c']['index']]['c_status']) : smarty_modifier_cat($_tmp, $this->_tpl_vars['data'][$this->_sections['c']['index']]['c_status'])); echo $this->_tpl_vars['lang']['db'][$this->_tpl_vars['t']]; ?> </td></tr> <?php } } ?> <?php } ?> </table> </td> <td class="table-node-link-info" width="33%" height="100%"> <?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars; $this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => "generic/title4.tpl", 'smarty_include_vars' => array('title' => $this->_tpl_vars['lang']['db']['links__info'], 'content' => is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['data']['1']['links__info']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_escape($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp)))); $this->_tpl_vars = $_smarty_tpl_vars; unset($_smarty_tpl_vars); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
<?php } ?> </td> <td width='37.5%' colspan='3' > <?php if (!$this->_tpl_vars['fields']['description']['hidden']) { echo smarty_function_counter(array('name' => 'panelFieldCount'), $this); ?> <span class="sugar_field" id="<?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['fields']['description']['name']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp, 'html') : smarty_modifier_escape($_tmp, 'html')) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('url2html', true, $_tmp) : url2html($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> "><?php echo is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['fields']['description']['value']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp, 'htmlentitydecode') : smarty_modifier_escape($_tmp, 'htmlentitydecode')) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp, 'html') : smarty_modifier_escape($_tmp, 'html')) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('url2html', true, $_tmp) : url2html($_tmp)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $this->_smarty_vars['capture']['tr'] = ob_get_contents(); $this->assign('tableRow', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); if ($this->_tpl_vars['fieldsUsed'] > 0 && $this->_tpl_vars['fieldsUsed'] != $this->_tpl_vars['fieldsHidden']) { echo $this->_tpl_vars['tableRow']; ?>
compiled from about/memberships.tpl */ require_once SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_plugins.php'; smarty_core_load_plugins(array('plugins' => array(array('modifier', 'escape', 'about/memberships.tpl', 12, false), array('modifier', 'nl2br', 'about/memberships.tpl', 14, false), array('modifier', 'string_format', 'about/memberships.tpl', 15, false), array('function', 'translate', 'about/memberships.tpl', 15, false))), $this); $this->assign('pageTitle', "about.memberships"); $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars; $this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => "common/header.tpl", 'smarty_include_vars' => array())); $this->_tpl_vars = $_smarty_tpl_vars; unset($_smarty_tpl_vars); ?> <h3><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['membershipFeeName']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> </h3> <p><?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['membershipFeeDescription']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('nl2br', true, $_tmp) : smarty_modifier_nl2br($_tmp); ?> <br /> <?php echo $this->_plugins['function']['translate'][0][0]->smartyTranslate(array('key' => "manager.subscriptionTypes.cost"), $this); ?> <?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['membershipFee']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('string_format', true, $_tmp, "%.2f") : smarty_modifier_string_format($_tmp, "%.2f"); ?> (<?php echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['currency']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('escape', true, $_tmp) : $this->_plugins['modifier']['escape'][0][0]->smartyEscape($_tmp); ?> )</p> <?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars;