コード例 #1
function smarty_function_jscalendar($params, &$smarty)
    echo smarty_function_jscalendar_body($params, $smarty);
コード例 #2
function wikiplugin_tracker($data, $params)
    global $tikilib, $userlib, $dbTiki, $user, $group, $page, $tiki_p_admin, $tiki_p_create_tracker_items, $smarty, $prefs, $trklib, $tiki_p_tracker_vote_ratings;
    include_once 'lib/trackers/trackerlib.php';
    extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
    if ($prefs['feature_trackers'] != 'y') {
        return $smarty->fetch("wiki-plugins/error_tracker.tpl");
    if (empty($trackerId) || !($tracker = $trklib->get_tracker($trackerId))) {
        return $smarty->fetch("wiki-plugins/error_tracker.tpl");
    if ($t = $trklib->get_tracker_options($trackerId)) {
        $tracker = array_merge($tracker, $t);
    if (empty($trackerId) && !empty($view) && $view == 'user' && $prefs['userTracker'] == 'y') {
        // the user tracker item
        $utid = $userlib->get_tracker_usergroup($user);
        if (!empty($utid) && !empty($utid['usersTrackerId'])) {
            $itemId = $trklib->get_item_id($utid['usersTrackerId'], $utid['usersFieldId'], $user);
            $trackerId = $utid['usersTrackerId'];
            $usertracker = true;
    } elseif (!empty($trackerId) && !empty($view) && $view == 'user') {
        // the user item of a tracker
        $itemId = $trklib->get_user_item($trackerId, $tracker);
        $usertracker = true;
    } elseif (!empty($trackerId) && !empty($_REQUEST['view_user'])) {
        $itemId = $trklib->get_user_item($trackerId, $tracker, $_REQUEST['view_user']);
    if (!isset($trackerId)) {
        return $smarty->fetch("wiki-plugins/error_tracker.tpl");
    if (!isset($embedded)) {
        $embedded = "n";
    if (!isset($showtitle)) {
        $showtitle = "n";
    if (!isset($showdesc)) {
        $showdesc = "n";
    if (!isset($sort)) {
        $sort = 'n';
    if (!isset($action)) {
        $action = 'Save';
    if (isset($preview)) {
        if (empty($preview)) {
            $preview = 'Preview';
    } else {
    if (!isset($showmandatory)) {
        $showmandatory = 'y';
    $smarty->assign('showmandatory', $showmandatory);
    if (isset($values)) {
        if (!is_array($values)) {
            $values = explode(':', $values);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['values'])) {
        if (is_array($_REQUEST['values'])) {
            foreach ($_REQUEST['values'] as $i => $k) {
                $_REQUEST['values'][$i] = urldecode($k);
        } else {
            $_REQUEST['values'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['values']);
    if (empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || !strstr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'tiki-register.php')) {
        if (!empty($itemId) && $tracker['writerCanModify'] == 'y' && isset($usertracker) && $usertracker) {
            // user tracker he can modify
        } else {
            $perms = $tikilib->get_perm_object($trackerId, 'tracker', $tracker, false);
            if ($perms['tiki_p_create_tracker_items'] == 'n' && empty($itemId)) {
                return '<b>' . tra("You do not have permission to insert an item") . '</b>';
            } elseif ($perms['tiki_p_modify_tracker_items'] == 'n' && !empty($itemId)) {
                return '<b>' . tra("You do not have permission to modify an item") . '</b>';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['removeattach']) && $tracker['useAttachments'] == 'y') {
        $owner = $trklib->get_item_attachment_owner($_REQUEST['removeattach']);
        if ($tiki_p_wiki_admin_attachments == 'y' || $user && $user == $owner) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['removeImage']) && !empty($_REQUEST['trackerId']) && !empty($_REQUEST['itemId']) && !empty($_REQUEST['fieldId']) && !empty($_REQUEST['fieldName'])) {
        $img_field = array('data' => array());
        $img_field['data'][] = array('fieldId' => $_REQUEST['fieldId'], 'type' => 'i', 'name' => $_REQUEST['fieldName'], 'value' => 'blank');
        $trklib->replace_item($_REQUEST['trackerId'], $_REQUEST['itemId'], $img_field);
    $back = '';
    $thisIsThePlugin = isset($_REQUEST['trackit']) && $_REQUEST['trackit'] == $trackerId && (isset($_REQUEST['fields']) && isset($params['fields']) && $_REQUEST['fields'] == $params['fields'] || !isset($_REQUEST['fields']) && !isset($params['fields']));
    if (!isset($_REQUEST["ok"]) || $_REQUEST["ok"] == "n" || !$thisIsThePlugin || isset($_REQUEST['tr_preview'])) {
        $field_errors = array('err_mandatory' => array(), 'err_value' => array());
        global $notificationlib;
        include_once 'lib/notifications/notificationlib.php';
        $tracker = $trklib->get_tracker($trackerId);
        $tracker = array_merge($tracker, $trklib->get_tracker_options($trackerId));
        if (!empty($tracker['start']) && $tikilib->now < $tracker['start'] || !empty($tracker['end']) && $tikilib->now > $tracker['end']) {
        $flds = $trklib->list_tracker_fields($trackerId, 0, -1, "position_asc", "");
        $bad = array();
        $embeddedId = false;
        $onemandatory = false;
        $full_fields = array();
        $mainfield = '';
        if ($thisIsThePlugin) {
            /* ------------------------------------- Recup all values from REQUEST -------------- */
            $cpt = 0;
            if (isset($fields)) {
                $fields_plugin = split(':', $fields);
            foreach ($flds['data'] as $fl) {
                // store value to display it later if form
                // isn't fully filled.
                if (($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'u' || $flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'g' || $flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'I') && ($flds['data'][$cpt]['options_array'][0] == '1' || $flds['data'][$cpt]['options_array'][0] == '2') && $tiki_p_admin_trackers != 'y' && empty($_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']])) {
                    if (empty($itemId) && ($flds['data'][$cpt]['options_array'][0] == '1' || $flds['data'][$cpt]['options_array'][0] == '2')) {
                        if ($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'u') {
                            $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = empty($user) ? empty($_REQUEST['name']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['name'] : $user;
                        } elseif ($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'g') {
                            $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = $group;
                        } elseif ($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'I') {
                            $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
                    } elseif (!empty($itemId) && $flds['data'][$cpt]['options_array'][0] == '2') {
                        if ($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'u') {
                            $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = $user;
                        } elseif ($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'g') {
                            $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = $group;
                        } elseif ($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'I') {
                            $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
                } elseif ($flds['data'][$cpt]['type'] == 'f') {
                    $ins_id = 'track_' . $fl['fieldId'];
                    if (isset($_REQUEST[$ins_id . 'Day'])) {
                        if (empty($_REQUEST['$ins_id' . 'Hour'])) {
                            $_REQUEST['$ins_id' . 'Hour'] = 0;
                        if (empty($_REQUEST['$ins_id' . 'Minute'])) {
                            $_REQUEST['$ins_id' . 'Minute'] = 0;
                        $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = $tikilib->make_time($_REQUEST["{$ins_id}" . "Hour"], $_REQUEST["{$ins_id}" . "Minute"], 0, $_REQUEST["{$ins_id}" . "Month"], $_REQUEST["{$ins_id}" . "Day"], $_REQUEST["{$ins_id}" . "Year"]);
                    } else {
                        $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = $tikilib->now;
                if (isset($_REQUEST['ins_cat_' . $fl['fieldId']])) {
                    // to remember if error
                    $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = $_REQUEST['ins_cat_' . $fl['fieldId']];
                if (isset($_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']])) {
                    $flds['data'][$cpt]['value'] = $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']];
                } else {
                    $flds['data'][$cpt]['value'] = '';
                    if ($fl['type'] == 'c' && (empty($fields_plugin) || in_array($fl['fieldId'], $fields_plugin))) {
                        $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = 'n';
                    } elseif ($fl['type'] == 'R' && $fl['isMandatory'] == 'y' && !isset($_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']])) {
                        // if none radio is selected, there will be no value and no error if mandatory
                        if (empty($fields_plugin) || in_array($fl['fieldId'], $fields_plugin)) {
                            $_REQUEST['track'][$fl['fieldId']] = '';
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['other_track'][$fl['fieldId']])) {
                    $flds['data'][$cpt]['value'] = $_REQUEST['other_track'][$fl['fieldId']];
                $full_fields[$fl['fieldId']] = $fl;
                if ($embedded == 'y' and $fl['name'] == 'page') {
                    $embeddedId = $fl['fieldId'];
                if ($fl['isMain'] == 'y') {
                    $mainfield = $flds['data'][$cpt]['value'];
            /*foreach */
            if (isset($_REQUEST['track'])) {
                foreach ($_REQUEST['track'] as $fld => $val) {
                    //$ins_fields["data"][] = array('fieldId' => $fld, 'value' => $val, 'type' => 1);
                    if (!empty($_REQUEST['other_track'][$fld])) {
                        $val = $_REQUEST['other_track'][$fld];
                    $ins_fields["data"][] = array_merge(array('value' => $val), $full_fields[$fld]);
            if (isset($_FILES['track'])) {
                // image or attachment fields
                foreach ($_FILES['track'] as $label => $w) {
                    foreach ($w as $fld => $val) {
                        if ($label == 'tmp_name' && is_uploaded_file($val)) {
                            $fp = fopen($val, 'rb');
                            $data = '';
                            while (!feof($fp)) {
                                $data .= fread($fp, 8192 * 16);
                            $files[$fld]['old_value'] = $files[$fld]['value'];
                            $files[$fld]['value'] = $data;
                        } else {
                            $files[$fld]['file_' . $label] = $val;
                foreach ($files as $fld => $file) {
                    $ins_fields['data'][] = array_merge($file, $full_fields[$fld]);
            if ($embedded == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
                $ins_fields["data"][] = array('fieldId' => $embeddedId, 'value' => $_REQUEST['page']);
            $ins_categs = array();
            $categorized_fields = array();
            while (list($postVar, $postVal) = each($_REQUEST)) {
                if (preg_match("/^ins_cat_([0-9]+)/", $postVar, $m)) {
                    foreach ($postVal as $v) {
                        $ins_categs[] = $v;
                    $categorized_fields[] = $m[1];
            /* ------------------------------------- End recup all values from REQUEST -------------- */
            /* ------------------------------------- Check field values for each type and presence of mandatory ones ------------------- */
            $field_errors = $trklib->check_field_values($ins_fields, $categorized_fields);
            if (empty($user) && $prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y') {
                if (!isset($_SESSION['random_number']) || $_SESSION['random_number'] != $_REQUEST['antibotcode']) {
                    $field_errors['err_antibot'] = 'y';
            if (count($field_errors['err_mandatory']) == 0 && count($field_errors['err_value']) == 0 && empty($field_errors['err_antibot']) && !isset($_REQUEST['tr_preview'])) {
                /* ------------------------------------- save the item ---------------------------------- */
                if (!isset($itemId)) {
                    $itemId = $trklib->get_user_item($trackerId, $tracker);
                if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) {
                    $status = $_REQUEST['status'];
                } elseif (isset($newstatus) && ($newstatus == 'o' || $newstatus == 'c' || $newstatus == 'p')) {
                    $status = $newstatus;
                } elseif (empty($itemId) && isset($tracker['newItemStatus'])) {
                    $status = $tracker['newItemStatus'];
                } else {
                    $status = '';
                $rid = $trklib->replace_item($trackerId, $itemId, $ins_fields, $status, $ins_categs);
                $trklib->categorized_item($trackerId, $rid, $mainfield, $ins_categs);
                if (!empty($email)) {
                    $emailOptions = split("\\|", $email);
                    if (is_numeric($emailOptions[0])) {
                        $emailOptions[0] = $trklib->get_item_value($trackerId, $rid, $emailOptions[0]);
                    if (empty($emailOptions[0])) {
                        // from
                        $emailOptions[0] = $prefs['sender_email'];
                    if (empty($emailOptions[1])) {
                        // to
                        $emailOptions[1][0] = $prefs['sender_email'];
                    } else {
                        $emailOptions[1] = split(',', $emailOptions[1]);
                        foreach ($emailOptions[1] as $key => $email) {
                            if (is_numeric($email)) {
                                $emailOptions[1][$key] = $trklib->get_item_value($trackerId, $rid, $email);
                    if (!empty($emailOptions[2])) {
                        if (!preg_match('/\\.tpl$/', $emailOptions[2])) {
                            $emailOptions[2] .= '.tpl';
                        $tplSubject = str_replace('.tpl', '_subject.tpl', $emailOptions[2]);
                    } else {
                        $emailOptions[2] = 'tracker_changed_notification.tpl';
                    if (empty($tplSubject)) {
                        $tplSubject = 'tracker_changed_notification_subject.tpl';
                    include_once 'lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php';
                    $mail = new TikiMail();
                    @($mail_data = $smarty->fetch('mail/' . $tplSubject));
                    if (empty($mail_data)) {
                        $mail_data = tra('Tracker was modified at ') . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
                    $mail_data = $smarty->fetch('mail/' . $emailOptions[2]);
                    $mail->setHeader('From', $emailOptions[0]);
                if (empty($url)) {
                    if (!empty($page)) {
                        $url = "tiki-index.php?page=" . urlencode($page) . "&ok=y&trackit={$trackerId}";
                        if (!empty($params['fields'])) {
                            $url .= "&fields=" . urlencode($params['fields']);
                        $url .= "#wikiplugin_tracker{$trackerId}";
                        header("Location: {$url}");
                    } else {
                        return '';
                } else {
                    header("Location: {$url}");
                /* ------------------------------------- end save the item ---------------------------------- */
            } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['trackit']) and $_REQUEST['trackit'] == $trackerId) {
                $smarty->assign('wikiplugin_tracker', $trackerId);
                //used in vote plugin
        } else {
            if (!empty($values) || (!empty($_REQUEST['values']) and empty($_REQUEST['prefills']))) {
                // assign default values for each filedId specify
                if (empty($values)) {
                    // url with values[]=x&values[] witouth the list of fields
                    $values = $_REQUEST['values'];
                if (!is_array($values)) {
                    $values = array($values);
                if (isset($fields)) {
                    $fl = split(':', $fields);
                    for ($j = 0; $j < count($fl); $j++) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($flds['data']); $i++) {
                            if ($flds['data'][$i]['fieldId'] == $fl[$j]) {
                                $flds['data'][$i]['value'] = $values[$j];
                } else {
                    // values contains all the fields value in the default order
                    $i = 0;
                    foreach ($values as $value) {
                        $flds['data'][$i++]['value'] = $value;
            } elseif (!empty($itemId)) {
                if (isset($fields)) {
                    $fl = split(':', $fields);
                    $filter = '';
                    foreach ($flds['data'] as $f) {
                        if (in_array($f['fieldId'], $fl)) {
                            $filter[] = $f;
                } else {
                    $filter =& $flds['data'];
                if (!empty($filter)) {
                    $flds['data'] = $trklib->get_item_fields($trackerId, $itemId, $filter, $itemUser);
            } else {
                if (isset($_REQUEST['values']) && isset($_REQUEST['prefills'])) {
                    if (!is_array($_REQUEST['values'])) {
                        $_REQUEST['values'] = array($_REQUEST['values']);
                    $fl = split(':', $_REQUEST['prefills']);
                } else {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($flds['data']); $i++) {
                    if (isset($fl) && ($j = array_search($flds['data'][$i]['fieldId'], $fl)) !== false) {
                        $flds['data'][$i]['value'] = $_REQUEST['values'][$j];
                    } else {
                        $flds['data'][$i]['value'] = '';
                        // initialize fields with blank values
        $optional = array();
        $outf = array();
        if (isset($fields) && !empty($fields)) {
            $fl = split(":", $fields);
            if ($sort == 'y') {
                $flds = $trklib->sort_fields($flds, $fl);
            foreach ($fl as $l) {
                if (substr($l, 0, 1) == '-') {
                    $l = substr($l, 1);
                    $optional[] = $l;
                $ok = false;
                foreach ($flds['data'] as $f) {
                    if ($f['fieldId'] == $l) {
                        $ok = true;
                if (!$ok) {
                    $back .= tra('Incorrect fieldId:') . ' ' . $l;
                $outf[] = $l;
        } elseif (!isset($fields)) {
            foreach ($flds['data'] as $f) {
                if ($f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                    $optional[] = $f['fieldId'];
                $outf[] = $f['fieldId'];
        // Display warnings when needed
        if (count($field_errors['err_mandatory']) > 0) {
            $back .= '<div class="simplebox highlight"><img src="pics/icons/exclamation.png" alt=" ' . tra('Error') . '" style="vertical-align:middle" /> ';
            $back .= tra('Following mandatory fields are missing') . '&nbsp;:<br/>';
            $coma_cpt = count($field_errors['err_mandatory']);
            foreach ($field_errors['err_mandatory'] as $f) {
                $back .= $f['name'];
                $back .= --$coma_cpt > 0 ? ',&nbsp;' : '';
            $back .= '</div><br />';
            $_REQUEST['error'] = 'y';
        if (count($field_errors['err_value']) > 0) {
            $back .= '<div class="simplebox highlight">';
            $b = '';
            foreach ($field_errors['err_value'] as $f) {
                if (!empty($f['errorMsg'])) {
                    $back .= tra($f['errorMsg']) . '<br>';
                } else {
                    if (!empty($b)) {
                        $b .= ' : ';
                    $b .= $f['name'];
            if (!empty($b)) {
                $back .= tra('Following fields are incorrect') . '&nbsp;:<br/>' . $b;
            $back .= '</div><br />';
            $_REQUEST['error'] = 'y';
        if (isset($field_errors['err_antibot'])) {
            $back .= '<div class="simplebox highlight"><img src="pics/icons/exclamation.png" alt=" ' . tra('Error') . '" style="vertical-align:middle" /> ';
            $back .= tra('You have mistyped the anti-bot verification code; please try again.');
            $back .= '</div><br />';
            $_REQUEST['error'] = 'y';
        if (count($field_errors['err_mandatory']) > 0 || count($field_errors['err_value']) > 0 || isset($field_errors['err_antibot'])) {
            $smarty->assign('input_err', 'y');
        if (!empty($page)) {
            $back .= '~np~';
        $back .= '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="trackit" value="' . $trackerId . '" />';
        if (isset($fields)) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="fields" value="' . $params['fields'] . '" />';
        //if plugin inserted twice with the same trackerId
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $_REQUEST["page"] . '" />';
        $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="refresh" value="1" />';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $_REQUEST["page"] . '" />';
        // for registration
        if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="' . $_REQUEST["name"] . '" />';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['pass'])) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="pass" value="' . $_REQUEST["pass"] . '" />';
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="passAgain" value="' . $_REQUEST["pass"] . '" />';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="email" value="' . $_REQUEST["email"] . '" />';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['regcode'])) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="regcode" value="' . $_REQUEST["regcode"] . '" />';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['chosenGroup'])) {
            // for registration
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="chosenGroup" value="' . $_REQUEST["chosenGroup"] . '" />';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['register'])) {
            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="register" value="' . $_REQUEST["register"] . '" />';
        if ($showtitle == 'y') {
            $back .= '<div class="titlebar">' . $tracker["name"] . '</div>';
        if ($showdesc == 'y' && $tracker['description']) {
            if ($tracker["descriptionIsParsed"] == 'y') {
                $back .= '<div class="wikitext">' . $tikilib->parse_data($tracker["description"], 'false') . '</div><br />';
            } else {
                $back .= '<div class="wikitext">' . $tracker["description"] . '</div><br />';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['tr_preview'])) {
            // use for the computed and join fields
            $assocValues = array();
            $assocNumerics = array();
            foreach ($flds['data'] as $f) {
                if (empty($f['value']) && ($f['type'] == 'u' || $f['type'] == 'g' || $f['type'] == 'I') && ($f['options_array'][0] == '1' || $f['options_array'][0] == '2')) {
                    //need to fill the selector fields for the join
                    $f['value'] = $f['type'] == 'I' ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ($f['type'] == 'g' ? $group : $user);
                $assocValues[$f['fieldId']] = $f['value'];
                $assocNumerics[$f['fieldId']] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\\.\\+]/', '', $f['value']);
                // get rid off the $ and such unit
        if (!empty($itemId)) {
            $item = array('itemId' => $itemId, 'trackerId' => $trackerId);
        foreach ($flds['data'] as $i => $f) {
            // collect additional infos
            if (in_array($f['fieldId'], $outf)) {
                $flds['data'][$i]['ins_id'] = $f['type'] == 'e' ? 'ins_cat_' . $f['fieldId'] : ($f['type'] == 'f' ? 'track_' . $f['fieldId'] : 'track[' . $f['fieldId'] . ']');
                if ($f['isHidden'] == 'c' && !empty($itemId) && !isset($item['creator'])) {
                    $item['creator'] = $trklib->get_item_creator($trackerId, $itemId);
                if ($f['type'] == 's' && ($f['name'] == 'Rating' || $f['name'] == tra('Rating')) && $tiki_p_tracker_vote_ratings == 'y' && isset($item)) {
                    $item['my_rate'] = $tikilib->get_user_vote("tracker{$trackerId}.{$itemId}", $user);
                if ($f['type'] == 'r') {
                    $flds['data'][$i]['list'] = array_unique($trklib->get_all_items($f['options_array'][0], $f['options_array'][1], 'o'));
                    if (isset($f['options_array'][3])) {
                        $flds['data'][$i]['displayedList'] = array_unique($trklib->concat_all_items_from_fieldslist($f['options_array'][0], $f['options_array'][3]));
                } elseif ($f['type'] == 'y') {
                    $flds['data'][$i]['flags'] = $tikilib->get_flags();
                    if ($prefs['language'] != 'en') {
                        foreach ($flags as $flag) {
                            $flagsTranslated[] = $tikilib->take_away_accent(tra($flag));
                        array_multisort($flagsTranslated, $flds['data'][$i]['flags']);
                } elseif ($f['type'] == 'u') {
                    if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y' || $f['options_array'][0] != 1 && $f['options_array'][0] != 2) {
                        $flds['data'][$i]['list'] = $userlib->list_all_users();
                } elseif ($f['type'] == 'g') {
                    if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y' || $f['options_array'][0] != 1 && $f['options_array'][0] != 2) {
                        $flds['data'][$i]['list'] = $userlib->list_all_groups();
                } elseif ($f['type'] == 'e') {
                    global $categlib;
                    include_once 'lib/categories/categlib.php';
                    $flds['data'][$i]['list'] = $categlib->get_child_categories($f["options_array"][0]);
                } elseif ($f['type'] == 'A') {
                    if (!empty($f['value'])) {
                        $flds['data'][$i]['info'] = $trklib->get_item_attachment($f['value']);
                } elseif ($f['type'] == 'a') {
                    if ($f['options_array'][0] == 1 && empty($quicktags)) {
                        global $quicktagslib;
                        include_once 'lib/quicktags/quicktagslib.php';
                        $quicktags = $quicktagslib->list_quicktags(0, -1, 'taglabel_desc', '', 'trackers');
                        $smarty->assign_by_ref('quicktags', $quicktags['data']);
        // Loop on tracker fields and display form
        if (empty($tpl) && empty($wiki)) {
            $back .= '<table class="wikiplugin_tracker">';
        } else {
            $back .= '<div class="wikiplugin_tracker">';
        $backLength0 = strlen($back);
        foreach ($flds['data'] as $f) {
            if ($f['type'] == 'u' and $f['options_array'][0] == '1') {
                $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="authorfieldid" value="' . $f['fieldId'] . '" />';
            if ($f['type'] == 'I' and $f['options_array'][0] == '1') {
                $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="authoripid" value="' . $f['fieldId'] . '" />';
            if ($f['type'] == 'g' and $f['options_array'][0] == '1') {
                $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="authorgroupfieldid" value="' . $f['fieldId'] . '" />';
            if ($f['type'] == 'q') {
                $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="track[' . $f['fieldId'] . ']" />';
            if (in_array($f['fieldId'], $outf)) {
                if (!empty($tpl) || !empty($wiki)) {
                    $smarty->assign_by_ref('field_value', $f);
                    $smarty->assign('f_' . $f['fieldId'], $smarty->fetch('tracker_item_field_input.tpl'));
                } elseif (true) {
                    // comment this block in problem
                    if (in_array($f['fieldId'], $optional)) {
                        $f['name'] = "<i>" . $f['name'] . "</i>";
                    if ($f['type'] != 'h') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                    } else {
                        $back .= "<tr><td class='heading' colspan='2'>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                    $smarty->assign_by_ref('field_value', $f);
                    if (isset($item)) {
                        $smarty->assign_by_ref('item', $item);
                    $back .= $smarty->fetch('tracker_item_field_input.tpl');
                } else {
                    // numeric or text field
                    if ($f['type'] == 't' or $f['type'] == 'n' and $f["fieldId"] != $embeddedId or $f['type'] == 'm') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        if ($f['type'] != 'h') {
                            $back .= "</td><td>";
                        $back .= '<input type="text" name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" value="' . $f['value'] . '"';
                        if (isset($f['options_array'][1])) {
                            $back .= 'size="' . $f['options_array'][1] . '" maxlength="' . $f['options_array'][1] . '"';
                        } else {
                            $back .= 'size="30"';
                        $back .= '/>';
                        // item link
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'r') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                        $back .= '<select name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']">';
                        $back .= '<option value=""></option>';
                        foreach ($f['list'] as $key => $item) {
                            $selected = $f['value'] == $item ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                            $back .= '<option value="' . $item . '" ' . $selected . '>';
                            $back .= isset($f['displayedList'][$key]) ? $f['displayedList'][$key] : $item;
                            $back .= '</option>';
                        $back .= "</select>";
                        // country
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'y') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                        $back .= '<select name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']">';
                        $back .= '<option value=""></option>';
                        foreach ($f['flags'] as $flag) {
                            $selected = $f['value'] == $flag ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                            if (!isset($f['options_array'][0]) || $f['options_array'][0] != '1') {
                                $selected .= ' style="background-image:url(\'img/flags/' . $flag . '.gif\');background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:3px;"';
                            $back .= '<option value="' . $flag . '" ' . $selected . '>' . tra($flag) . '</option>';
                        $back .= "</select>";
                        // textarea
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'a') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                        if (isset($f['options_array'][1])) {
                            $back .= '<textarea cols="' . $f['options_array'][1] . '" rows="' . $f['options_array'][2] . '" name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" wrap="soft">' . $f['value'] . '</textarea>';
                        } else {
                            $back .= '<textarea cols="29" rows="7" name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" wrap="soft">' . $f['value'] . '</textarea>';
                        // user selector
                    } elseif (($f['type'] == 'u' or $f['type'] == 'g' or $f['type'] == 'I') and ($f['options_array'][0] == '1' or $f['options_array'][0] == '2')) {
                        $back .= '<tr><td>' . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors) . '</td><td>';
                        $back .= $f['type'] == 'I' ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ($f['type'] == 'g' ? $group : $user);
                        // drop down, user selector or group selector
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'd' or $f['type'] == 'D' or $f['type'] == 'u' or $f['type'] == 'g' or $f['type'] == 'r' or $f['type'] == 'R') {
                        if ($f['type'] == 'd' or $f['type'] == 'D' or $f['type'] == 'R') {
                            $list = $f['options_array'];
                        } elseif ($f['type'] == 'u') {
                            $list = $f['list'];
                        } elseif ($f['type'] == 'g') {
                            $list = $f['list'];
                        if ($list) {
                            $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                            if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                                $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                                $onemandatory = true;
                            $back .= "</td><td>";
                            if ($f['type'] == 'R') {
                                foreach ($list as $item) {
                                    $selected = $f['value'] == $item || empty($f['value']) && !empty($f['defaultvalue']) && $item == $f['defaultvalue'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                    $back .= '<div class="radio"><input type="radio" name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" value="' . $item . '" ' . $selected . ' />' . $item . '</div>';
                            } else {
                                $back .= '<select name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']">';
                                $back .= '<option value=""></option>';
                                $otherValue = $f['value'];
                                foreach ($list as $item) {
                                    if ($f['value'] == $item || empty($f['value']) && !empty($f['defaultvalue']) && $item == $f['defaultvalue']) {
                                        $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                        $otherValue = '';
                                    } else {
                                        $selected = '';
                                    $back .= '<option value="' . $item . '" ' . $selected . '>' . tra($item) . '</option>';
                                $back .= "</select>";
                            if ($f['type'] == 'D') {
                                $back .= '<br />' . tra('Other:') . ' <input type="text" name="track_other[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" value="' . $otherValue . '" />';
                        } else {
                            $back .= '<input type="hidden" name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" value="' . $user . '" />';
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'h') {
                        if (strlen($back) != $backLength0) {
                            $back .= '</td></tr>';
                        $back .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"trackerheader\"><h2>";
                        $n = wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        $back .= $n ? $n : ' ' . '</h2>';
                        if (!empty($f['description'])) {
                            $back .= '<i>' . $f['description'] . '</i>';
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'e') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                        $i = 0;
                        if (!empty($f['options_array'][2]) && ($f['options_array'][2] == '1' || $f['options_array'][2] == 'y')) {
                            $back .= '<script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */';
                            $back .= "document.write('<div class=\"categSelectAll\"><input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"switchCheckboxes(this.form,\\'ins_cat_{$f['fieldId']}[]\\',this.checked)\"/>";
                            $back .= tra('Select All');
                            $back .= "</div>')/* ]]> */</script>";
                        if (isset($f['options_array'][1]) && ($f['options_array'][1] == 'd' || $f['options_array'][1] == 'm')) {
                            $back .= '<select name="ins_cat_' . $f['fieldId'] . '[]"';
                            if ($f['options_array'][1] == 'm') {
                                $back .= ' multiple="multiple"';
                            $back .= '>';
                            if ($f['options_array'][1] == 'd') {
                                $back .= '<option value=""></option>"';
                            foreach ($f['list'] as $cat) {
                                $checked = $f['value'] == $cat['categId'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                                $back .= '<option value="' . $cat['categId'] . '" ' . $checked . '>' . $cat['name'] . '</option>';
                            $back .= '</select>';
                        } else {
                            $t = isset($f["options_array"][1]) && $f["options_array"][1] == 'radio' ? 'radio' : 'checkbox';
                            foreach ($f['list'] as $cat) {
                                $checked = $f['value'] == $cat['categId'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                                $back .= '<input type="' . $t . '" name="ins_cat_' . $f['fieldId'] . '[]" value="' . $cat["categId"] . '" ' . $checked . '>' . $cat['name'] . '</input><br />';
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'c') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $checked = $f['value'] == 'y' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                        $back .= '</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" value="y" ' . $checked . '/>';
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'i') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                        $back .= '<input type="file" name="track[' . $f["fieldId"] . ']" />';
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'f') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                        include_once 'lib/smarty_tiki/function.html_select_date.php';
                        include_once 'lib/smarty_tiki/function.html_select_time.php';
                        $params['prefix'] = 'track_' . $f['fieldId'];
                        if (isset($f['options_array'][1])) {
                            $params['start_year'] = $f['options_array'][1];
                        if (isset($f['options_array'][2])) {
                            $params['end_year'] = $f['options_array'][2];
                        if (isset($f['value'])) {
                            $params['time'] = $f['value'];
                        $back .= smarty_function_html_select_date($params, $smarty);
                        if (empty($f['options_array'][0]) || $f['options_array'][0] != 'd') {
                            $params['display_seconds'] = false;
                            $back .= smarty_function_html_select_time($params, $smarty);
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'j') {
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors);
                        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') {
                            $back .= "&nbsp;<b>*</b>&nbsp;";
                            $onemandatory = true;
                        $back .= "</td><td>";
                        include_once 'lib/smarty_tiki/function.jscalendar.php';
                        $params['id'] = 'track[' . $f['fieldId'] . ']';
                        $params['fieldname'] = 'track[' . $f['fieldId'] . ']';
                        if (empty($f['options_array'][0]) || $f['options_array'][0] != 'd') {
                            $params['showtime'] = 'y';
                        } else {
                            $params['showtime'] = 'n';
                        if (isset($f['value'])) {
                            $params['date'] = $f['value'];
                        $back .= smarty_function_jscalendar_body($params, $smarty);
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'C' && isset($_REQUEST['tr_preview'])) {
                        // computed
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors) . "</td><td>";
                        $calc = preg_replace('/#([0-9]+)/', '$assocNumerics[\\1]', $f['options_array'][0]);
                        eval('$computed = ' . $calc . ';');
                        $back .= $computed;
                    } elseif ($f['type'] == 'l' && isset($_REQUEST['tr_preview'])) {
                        // itemlist
                        $back .= "<tr><td>" . wikiplugin_tracker_name($f['fieldId'], $f['name'], $field_errors) . "</td><td>";
                        $items = $trklib->get_items_list($f['options_array'][0], $f['options_array'][1], $assocValues[$f['options_array'][2]]);
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach ($items as $id) {
                            $value = $trklib->get_item_value($f['options_array'][0], $id, $f['options_array'][3]);
                            $assocValues[$f['fieldId']] = $value;
                            // can be used in another computed field
                            $assocNumerics[$f['fieldId']] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\\.\\+]/', '', $value);
                            if ($i++ > 0) {
                                $back .= ',';
                            $back .= $value;
                    } else {
                if (!empty($f['description']) && $f['type'] != 'h' && $f['type'] != 'S') {
                    $back .= '<br /><i>' . $f['description'] . '</i>';
                if (empty($tpl) && empty($wiki)) {
                    $back .= "</td></tr>";
        if (!empty($tpl)) {
            $smarty->security = true;
            $back .= $smarty->fetch($tpl);
        } elseif (!empty($wiki)) {
            $smarty->security = true;
            $back .= $smarty->fetch('wiki:' . $wiki);
        if ($prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y' && empty($user)) {
            $back .= $smarty->fetch('antibot.tpl');
        if (empty($tpl) && empty($wiki)) {
            $back .= "<tr><td></td><td>";
        if (!empty($preview)) {
            $back .= "<input type='submit' name='tr_preview' value='" . tra($preview) . "' />";
        $back .= "<input type='submit' name='action' value='" . tra($action) . "' />";
        if ($showmandatory == 'y' and $onemandatory) {
            $back .= "<br /><i>" . tra("Fields marked with a * are mandatory.") . "</i>";
        if (empty($tpl) && empty($wiki)) {
            $back .= "</td></tr>";
            $back .= "</table>";
        } else {
            $back .= '</div>';
        $back .= '</form>';
        if (!empty($page)) {
            $back .= '~/np~';
        return $back;
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['trackit']) and $_REQUEST['trackit'] == $trackerId) {
            $smarty->assign('wikiplugin_tracker', $trackerId);
        //used in vote plugin
        $id = ' id="wikiplugin_tracker' . $trackerId . '"';
        if ($showtitle == 'y') {
            $back .= '<div class="titlebar"' . $id . '>' . $tracker["name"] . '</div>';
            $id = '';
        if ($showdesc == 'y') {
            $back .= '<div class="wikitext"' . $id . '>' . $tracker["description"] . '</div><br />';
            $id = '';
        $back .= "<div{$id}>" . $data . '</div>';
        return $back;
コード例 #3
function smarty_function_jscalendar($params, $smarty)
    global $headerlib, $prefs, $tikilib;
    if ($prefs['feature_jquery_ui'] === 'y') {
        // override jscalendar with jQuery UI datepicker
        static $uiCalendarInstance = 0;
        if (!isset($params['id'])) {
            $params['id'] = 'uiCal_' . $uiCalendarInstance;
        $id = '';
        $selector = "#{$id}";
        if (isset($params['fieldname'])) {
            $name = ' name="' . $params['fieldname'] . '"';
        } else {
            $name = '';
        if (!isset($params['date'])) {
            // if date is provided empty then show a blank date (for filters)
            $params['date'] = $tikilib->now;
        $datepicker_options = '{ altField: "#' . $params['id'] . '"';
        if (!empty($params['goto'])) {
            $datepicker_options .= ', onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { window.location="' . $params['goto'] . '".replace("%s",$("#' . $params['id'] . '").val()/1000); }';
        static $datepicker_options_common;
        if (!$datepicker_options_common) {
            $first = $prefs['calendar_firstDayofWeek'] == 'user' ? tra('First day of week: Sunday (its ID is 0) - translators you need to localize this string!') : $prefs['calendar_firstDayofWeek'];
            if (!is_numeric($first) || !in_array($first, array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))) {
                $first = 0;
            $datepicker_options_common .= ', firstDay: ' . $first;
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", closeText: '" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Done') . "'";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", prevText: '" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Prev') . "'";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", nextText: '" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Next') . "'";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", currentText: '" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Today') . "'";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", weekHeader: '" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Wk') . "'";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", dayNames: ['" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Sunday') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Monday') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Tuesday') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Wednesday') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Thursday') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Friday') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Saturday') . "']";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", dayNamesMin: ['" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Su') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Mo') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Tu') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('We') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Th') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Fr') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Sa') . "']";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", dayNamesShort: ['" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Sun') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Mon') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Tue') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Wed') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Thu') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Fri') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Sat') . "']";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", monthNames: ['" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('January') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('February') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('March') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('April') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('May') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('June') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('July') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('August') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('September') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('October') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('November') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('December') . "']";
            $datepicker_options_common .= ", monthNamesShort: ['" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Jan') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Feb') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Mar') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Apr') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('May') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Jun') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Jul') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Aug') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Sep') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Oct') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Nov') . "','" . smarty_function_jscalendar_tra('Dec') . "']";
            $datepicker_options_common .= '}';
        $datepicker_options .= $datepicker_options_common;
        $html = '<input type="hidden" id="' . $params['id'] . '"' . $name . ' value="' . $params['date'] . '" />';
        $html .= '<input type="text" id="' . $params['id'] . '_dptxt" value="" />';
        // text version of datepicker date
        // TODO use a parsed version of $prefs['short_date_format']
        // Note: JS timestamp is in milliseconds - php is seconds
        if (!isset($params['showtime']) || $params['showtime'] === 'n') {
            $command = 'datepicker';
            $js_val = empty($params['date']) ? '""' : '$.datepicker.formatDate( "yy-mm-dd", new Date(' . $params['date'] . '* 1000))';
            $headerlib->add_jq_onready('$("#' . $params['id'] . '_dptxt").val(' . $js_val . ').tiki("' . $command . '", "jscalendar", {altField: "#' . $params['id'] . '"});');
        } else {
            // datetime picker
            $command = 'datetimepicker';
            /* css for timepicker */
.ui-timepicker-div .ui-widget-header{ margin-bottom: 8px; }
.ui-timepicker-div dl{ text-align: left; }
.ui-timepicker-div dl dt{ height: 25px; }
.ui-timepicker-div dl dd{ margin: -25px 0 10px 65px; }
.ui-timepicker-div td { font-size: 90%; }');
            $js_val1 = empty($params['date']) ? '' : '
var dt = new Date(' . $params['date'] . '* 1000);
var tm = { hour: dt.getHours(), minute: dt.getMinutes(), second: dt.getSeconds() };
            $js_val2 = empty($params['date']) ? '""' : '$.datepicker.formatDate( "yy-mm-dd", dt) + " " + $.timepicker._formatTime(tm)';
            $headerlib->add_jq_onready($js_val1 . '$("#' . $params['id'] . '_dptxt").val(' . $js_val2 . ').tiki("' . $command . '", "jscalendar", {altField: "#' . $params['id'] . '",altFieldTimeOnly:false});');
        return $html;
    } else {
        echo smarty_function_jscalendar_body($params, $smarty);