コード例 #1
ファイル: function.required.php プロジェクト: kailIII/themes
 * smarty_function_required
function smarty_function_required($pParams, &$gBitSmarty)
    $biticon = array('ipackage' => 'icons', 'iname' => 'emblem-important', 'iexplain' => 'Required');
    $ret = smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty);
    if (!empty($pParams['legend'])) {
        $ret = "<p>{$ret} " . tra("Elements marked with this symbol are required.") . "</p>";
    return $ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: filter.smileys.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/smileys
function smileys_filter(&$pData, &$pFilterHash)
    global $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty;
    if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('smileys')) {
        preg_match_all("/\\(:([^:]+):\\)/", $pData, $smileys);
        $smileys[0] = array_unique($smileys[0]);
        $smileys[1] = array_unique($smileys[1]);
        if (!empty($smileys[1])) {
            foreach ($smileys[1] as $key => $smiley) {
                $biticon = array('ipackage' => 'smileys', 'iname' => $smiley, 'iexplain' => $smiley, 'iforce' => 'icon');
                $pData = preg_replace("/" . preg_quote($smileys[0][$key]) . "/", smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty), $pData);
コード例 #3
ファイル: data.biticon.php プロジェクト: kailIII/liberty
function data_biticon($pData, $pParams)
    global $gBitSmarty;
    $ret = tra('Please provide an icon name as iname parameter. You can <a href="' . THEMES_PKG_URL . 'icon_browser.php">select icons here</a>.');
    if (!empty($pParams['iname'])) {
        // sanitise biticon parameters before they are passed to the function
        $biticon['iname'] = $pParams['iname'];
        $biticon['ipackage'] = !empty($pParams['ipackage']) ? $pParams['ipackage'] : 'icons';
        $biticon['iexplain'] = !empty($pParams['iexplain']) ? $pParams['iexplain'] : 'icon';
        $biticon['ipath'] = !empty($pParams['ipath']) ? $pParams['ipath'] : '';
        $ret = smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty);
        $wrapper = liberty_plugins_wrapper_style($pParams, FALSE);
        if (!empty($wrapper['style'])) {
            $ret = '<' . $wrapper['wrapper'] . ' class="' . (!empty($wrapper['class']) ? $wrapper['class'] : "biticon-plugin") . '" style="' . $wrapper['style'] . '">' . $ret . '</' . $wrapper['wrapper'] . '>';
    return $ret;
コード例 #4
ファイル: filter.backtotop.php プロジェクト: kailIII/liberty
function backtotop_postparsefilter(&$pData, &$pFilterHash)
    global $gBitSmarty;
    if (preg_match("/\\{(backtotop[^\\}]*)\\}/i", $pData, $backtotop)) {
        // remove {backtotop} from page
        $pData = preg_replace('#(<p>)?' . preg_quote($backtotop[0], '#') . '(</p>)?(\\s*<[Bb][Rr]\\s*/?>)?#', '', $pData);
        // default values
        $params['min'] = 1;
        $params['max'] = 6;
        $params = array_merge($params, parse_xml_attributes($backtotop[1]));
        $biticon = array('ipackage' => 'icons', 'iname' => 'go-top', 'iexplain' => 'Back to top');
        // get all headers into an array
        preg_match_all("/<h(\\d[^>]*)>.*?<\\/h\\d>/i", $pData, $headers);
        $link = '<a class="backtotop" href="#content">' . smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty) . '</a>';
        foreach ($headers[0] as $key => $header) {
            if ($headers[1][$key] >= $params['min'] && $headers[1][$key] <= $params['max']) {
                $pData = str_replace($header, $link . $header, $pData);
        $pData .= $link;
コード例 #5
ファイル: function.jspopup.php プロジェクト: kailIII/themes
 * smarty_function_jspopup 
 * @param array $pParams hash of options 
 * @param srting $pParams[href] link the popup should open
 * @param srting $pParams[title] title of the link
 * @param srting $pParams[img] source of an image that is to be displayed instead of the title
 * @param srting $pParams[href]
 * @param srting $pParams[href]
 * @param array $gBitSmarty 
 * @access public
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function smarty_function_jspopup($pParams, &$gBitSmarty)
    global $gBitThemes;
    $ret = '';
    if (empty($pParams['href'])) {
        return 'assign: missing "href" parameter';
    if (empty($pParams['title'])) {
        return 'assign: missing "title" parameter';
    } else {
        $title = empty($pParams['notra']) ? $pParams['title'] : tra($pParams['title']);
    if (empty($pParams['text'])) {
        $text = $title;
    } else {
        $text = empty($pParams['notra']) ? $pParams['text'] : tra($pParams['text']);
        // remove it from the hash since later the params are looped over for to formulate the a tag
    $optionHash = array('type', 'width', 'height', 'gutsonly', 'img');
    foreach ($pParams as $param => $val) {
        if (!in_array($param, $optionHash)) {
            if ($param == 'title') {
                $guts .= ' ' . $param . '="' . tra('This will open a new window: ') . $title . '"';
            } elseif ($param == 'href' && $gBitThemes->isJavascriptEnabled()) {
                $guts .= ' ' . $param . '="javascript:void(0)"';
            } else {
                $guts .= ' ' . $param . '="' . $val . '"';
    if (!empty($pParams['ibiticon'])) {
        $tmp = explode('/', $pParams['ibiticon']);
        $ibiticon = array('ipackage' => $tmp[0], 'iname' => $tmp[1], 'iexplain' => $title);
        if (!empty($pParams['iforce'])) {
            $ibiticon['iforce'] = $pParams['iforce'];
        $img = smarty_function_biticon($ibiticon, $gBitSmarty);
    if (!empty($pParams['img'])) {
        $img_size = NULL;
        $file = str_replace('//', '/', BIT_BASE_PATH . str_replace(BIT_ROOT_URI, '', urldecode($pParams['img'])));
        if (is_file($file)) {
            if ($imgSizeHash = @getimagesize($file)) {
                $img_size = $imgSizeHash[3];
        $img = '<img src="' . $pParams['img'] . '" alt="' . $title . '" title="' . $title . '" ' . $img_size . ' />';
    if (!empty($pParams['type']) && $pParams['type'] == 'fullscreen') {
        $js = 'BitBase.popUpWin(\'' . $pParams['href'] . '\',\'fullScreen\');';
    } else {
        $js = 'BitBase.popUpWin(\'' . $pParams['href'] . '\',\'standard\',' . (!empty($pParams['width']) ? $pParams['width'] : 600) . ',' . (!empty($pParams['height']) ? $pParams['height'] : 400) . ');';
    // deprecated slated for removal - onkeypress causes focus problems with browsers - if this is an ada issue get in touch -wjames5.
    // $guts .= ' onkeypress="'.$js.'" onclick="'.$js.'return false;"';
    $guts .= ' onclick="' . $js . 'return false;"';
    if (!empty($pParams['gutsonly'])) {
        return $guts;
    } else {
        return '<a ' . $guts . '>' . (!empty($img) ? $img : $text) . '</a>';
コード例 #6
ファイル: function.biticon.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/themes
 * smarty_function_biticon
 * @param array $pParams['ipath'] subdirectory within icon directory
 * @param array $pParams['iname'] name of the icon without extension
 * @param array $pParams['ipackage'] package the icon should be searched for - if it's part of an icon theme, this should be set to 'icons'
 * @param array $gBitSmarty Referenced object
 * @access public
 * @return final <img>
function smarty_function_biticon($pParams, &$gBitSmarty, $pCheckSmall = FALSE)
    global $gBitSystem, $gBitThemes, $gSniffer;
    // this is needed in case everything goes horribly wrong
    $copyParams = $pParams;
    // ensure that ipath has a leading and trailing slash
    if (!empty($pParams['ipath'])) {
        $pParams['ipath'] = str_replace("//", "/", "/" . $pParams['ipath'] . "/");
    } else {
        $pParams['ipath'] = '/';
    // try to separate iname from ipath if we've been given some sloppy naming
    if (strstr($pParams['iname'], '/')) {
        $pParams['iname'] = $pParams['ipath'] . $pParams['iname'];
        $boom = explode('/', $pParams['iname']);
        $pParams['iname'] = array_pop($boom);
        $pParams['ipath'] = str_replace("//", "/", "/" . implode($boom, '/') . "/");
    // if we don't have an ipath yet, we will set it here
    if ($pParams['ipath'] == '/') {
        // iforce is generally only set in menus - we might need a parameter to identify menus more accurately
        if (!empty($pParams['ilocation'])) {
            if ($pParams['ilocation'] == 'menu') {
                $pParams['ipath'] .= 'small/';
                $pParams['iforce'] = 'icon_text';
            } elseif ($pParams['ilocation'] == 'quicktag') {
                $pParams['ipath'] .= 'small/';
                $pParams['iforce'] = 'icon';
                $pParams['iclass'] = 'quicktag icon';
        } else {
            if (!empty($pParams['isize'])) {
                $pParams['ipath'] .= $pParams['isize'] . '/';
            } else {
                $pParams['ipath'] .= $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_icon_size', 'small') . '/';
    // this only happens when we haven't found the original icon we've been looking for
    if ($pCheckSmall) {
        $pParams['ipath'] = preg_replace("!/.*?/\$!", "/small/", $pParams['ipath']);
    // we have one special case: pkg_icons don't have a size variant
    if (strstr($pParams['iname'], 'pkg_') && !strstr($pParams['ipath'], 'small')) {
        $pParams['ipath'] = preg_replace("!/.*?/\$!", "/", $pParams['ipath']);
    // make sure ipackage is set correctly
    if (!empty($pParams['ipackage'])) {
        $pParams['ipackage'] = strtolower($pParams['ipackage']);
    } else {
        $pParams['ipackage'] = 'icons';
    // if the user is using a text-browser we force text instead of icons
    if ($gSniffer->_browser_info['browser'] == 'lx' || $gSniffer->_browser_info['browser'] == 'li') {
        $pParams['iforce'] = 'text';
    // get out of here as quickly as possible if we've already cached the icon information before
    if (($ret = biticon_read_cache($pParams)) && !(defined('TEMPLATE_DEBUG') && TEMPLATE_DEBUG == TRUE)) {
        return $ret;
    // first deal with most common scenario: icon style ( a selected iconset from config/iconsets/ )
    if ($pParams['ipackage'] == 'icons') {
        // get the current icon style
        // istyle is a private parameter!!! - only used on theme manager page for icon preview!!!
        // violators will be poked with soft cushions by the Cardinal himself!!!
        $icon_style = !empty($pParams['istyle']) ? $pParams['istyle'] : $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_icon_style', DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE);
        if (FALSE !== ($matchFile = biticon_first_match(CONFIG_PKG_PATH . "iconsets/{$icon_style}" . $pParams['ipath'], $pParams['iname']))) {
            return biticon_output($pParams, CONFIG_PKG_URL . "iconsets/{$icon_style}" . $pParams['ipath'] . $matchFile);
        if ($icon_style != DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE && FALSE !== ($matchFile = biticon_first_match(CONFIG_PKG_PATH . "iconsets/" . DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE . $pParams['ipath'], $pParams['iname']))) {
            return biticon_output($pParams, CONFIG_PKG_URL . "iconsets/" . DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE . $pParams['ipath'] . $matchFile);
        // if that didn't work, we'll try liberty
        $pParams['ipath'] = '/' . $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_icon_size', 'small') . '/';
        $pParams['ipackage'] = 'liberty';
    // since package icons reside in <pkg>/icons/ we don't need the small/ subdir
    if (strstr("/small/", $pParams['ipath'])) {
        $pParams['ipath'] = str_replace("small/", "", $pParams['ipath']);
        $small = TRUE;
    // first check themes/force
    if (FALSE !== ($matchFile = biticon_first_match(THEMES_PKG_PATH . "force/icons/" . $pParams['ipackage'] . $pParams['ipath'], $pParams['iname']))) {
        return biticon_output($pParams, BIT_ROOT_URL . "themes/force/icons/" . $pParams['ipackage'] . $pParams['ipath'] . $matchFile);
    //if we have site styles, look there
    if (FALSE !== ($matchFile = biticon_first_match($gBitThemes->getStylePath() . '/icons/' . $pParams['ipackage'] . $pParams['ipath'], $pParams['iname']))) {
        return biticon_output($pParams, $gBitThemes->getStyleUrl() . '/icons/' . $pParams['ipackage'] . $pParams['ipath'] . $matchFile);
    //Well, then lets look in the package location
    if (FALSE !== ($matchFile = biticon_first_match(constant(strtoupper($pParams['ipackage']) . '_PKG_PATH') . "icons" . $pParams['ipath'], $pParams['iname']))) {
        return biticon_output($pParams, constant(strtoupper($pParams['ipackage']) . '_PKG_URL') . "icons" . $pParams['ipath'] . $matchFile);
    // Still didn't find it! Well lets output something (return FALSE if only the url is requested)
    if (isset($pParams['url'])) {
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        // if we were looking for the large icon, we'll try the whole kaboodle again, looking for the small icon
        if (empty($small) && !$pCheckSmall) {
            return smarty_function_biticon($copyParams, $gBitSmarty, TRUE);
        } else {
            return biticon_output($pParams, "broken.icon." . $pParams['ipackage'] . "/" . $pParams['ipath'] . $pParams['iname']);
コード例 #7
ファイル: LibertySystem.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/liberty
  * Get the URL to the icon for the mime type passed in. This should probably check for files of multiple image types instead of just jpg
  * @param string $pMimeType Mime type of the file
  * @param string $pExt Extension of the file - used to get backup mime icon
  * @access public
  * @return Full image HTML tag to mime icon
 public static function getMimeThumbnailURL($pMimeType, $pExt = NULL)
     $ret = NULL;
     $parts = explode('/', $pMimeType);
     if (count($parts) > 1) {
         global $gBitSmarty;
         $ext = strtolower($parts[1]);
         $biticon = array('ipackage' => 'liberty', 'ipath' => 'mime/', 'iname' => $ext, 'iexplain' => $ext, 'url' => 'only');
         if (!($ret = smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty))) {
             $biticon['iname'] = strtolower($pExt);
             if (!($ret = smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty))) {
                 $biticon['iname'] = 'generic';
                 $ret = smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty);
     return $ret;
コード例 #8
ファイル: function.smartlink.php プロジェクト: kailIII/themes
 * Smarty {smartlink} function plugin
 * Type:	function<br>
 * Name:	smartlink<br>
 * Input:<br>
 *			- ititle	(required)	words that are displayed<br>
 *			- iatitle	(optional)	alternative text for the link title (rollover, etc.) <br>
 *			- ianchor	(optional)	set the anchor where the link should point to<br>
 *			- isort		(optional)	name of the sort column without the orientation (e.g.: title)<br>
 *			- isort_mode(optional)	this can be used to manually pass the sort mode to smartlink<br>
 *									overrides the value given in $_REQUEST['sort_mode'], which is the default<br>
 *			- iorder	(optional)	if set to asc or desc, it sets the default sorting order of this particular column<br>
 *									asc is default<br>
 *			- idefault	(optional)	if set, it will highlight this link if no $isort_mode is given<br>
 *									this should only be set once per sorting group since it represents the default sorting column<br>
 *			- itra		(optional)	if present then don't translate<br>
 *			- itype		(optional)	can be set to<br>
 *									url		-->		outputs only url<br>
 *									li		-->		outputs link as &lt;li&gt;&lt;a ... &gt;&lt;/li&gt;<br>
 *			- ionclick	(optional)	pass in any actions that should occur onclick<br>
 *			- ibiticon	(optional)	if you want to display an icon instead of text use ibiticon<br>
 *									format is:	'&lt;ipackage&gt;/&lt;iname&gt;'<br>
 *									e.g.:		'liberty/edit'<br>
 *			- iforce	(optional)	pass iforce parameter through to biticon
 *			- iurl		(optional)	pass in a full url
 *			- ifile		(optional)	set the file where the link should point (default is the current file)<br>
 *			- ipackage	(optional)	set the package the link should point to (default is the current package)<br>
 *			- icontrol	(optional)	the hash sent out by postGetList()
 *			- *			(optional)	anything else that gets added to the pile of items is appended using &amp;$key=$val<br>
 *			- ihash		(optional)	you can pass in all the above as an array called ihash or secondary * items common to all links<br>
 * Output:	any kind of link. especially useful when it comes to links used to sort a table, due to the simplified syntax and loss of cumbersome if clauses
 *			also useful if the you want to display an icon as link since smartlink takes biticon parameters<br>
 * Example	- {smartlink ititle="Page Name" isort="title"}<br>
 *			- {smartlink ititle="Page Name" isort="title" iorder="desc" idefault=1}<br>
 *				setting iorder and idefault here, makes this link sort in a descending order by default (iorder)<br>
 *				and it is highlighted when $isort_mode ( or $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] ) is not set (idefault)<br>
 * Note Be careful if ititle is generated dynamically since it is passed through tra() by default, use itra to override<br>
function smarty_function_smartlink($params, &$gBitSmarty)
    if (!empty($params['ihash'])) {
        $hash = array_merge($params['ihash'], $params);
        $hash['ihash'] = NULL;
    } else {
        // maybe params were passed in separately
        $hash =& $params;
    if (!isset($hash['ititle'])) {
        return 'You need to supply "ititle" for {smartlink} to work.';
    // work out what the url is
    if (!empty($hash['iurl'])) {
        $url = $hash['iurl'];
    } elseif (!empty($hash['ifile'])) {
        if (!empty($hash['ipackage'])) {
            if ($hash['ipackage'] == 'root') {
                $url = BIT_ROOT_URL . $hash['ifile'];
            } else {
                $url = constant(strtoupper($hash['ipackage']) . '_PKG_URL') . $hash['ifile'];
        } else {
            $url = constant(strtoupper(ACTIVE_PACKAGE) . '_PKG_URL') . $hash['ifile'];
    } else {
        $url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $url_params = NULL;
    if (isset($hash['itra']) && !empty($hash['itra'])) {
        // present and non-zero value
        $ititle = $hash['ititle'];
        $iatitle = empty($hash['iatitle']) ? $ititle : $hash['iatitle'];
    } else {
        $ititle = tra($hash['ititle']);
        $iatitle = empty($hash['iatitle']) ? $ititle : tra($hash['iatitle']);
    $atitle = 'title="' . $iatitle . '"';
    // if isort is set, we need to deal with all the sorting stuff
    if (!empty($hash['isort'])) {
        $isort_mode = isset($hash['isort_mode']) ? $hash['isort_mode'] : isset($_REQUEST['sort_mode']) ? $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] : NULL;
        $sort_asc = $hash['isort'] . '_asc';
        $sort_desc = $hash['isort'] . '_desc';
        $atitle = 'title="' . tra('Sort by') . ": " . $iatitle . '"';
        $url .= '?';
        $url_params .= 'sort_mode=';
        // check if we have to highlight this link, when $isort_mode isn't set
        if (isset($hash['idefault']) && empty($isort_mode)) {
            $isort_mode .= $hash['isort'] . '_' . (isset($hash['iorder']) ? $hash['iorder'] : 'asc');
        // check if sort_mode has anything to do with our link
        if ($sort_asc == $isort_mode) {
            $sorticon = array('ipackage' => 'icons', 'iname' => 'icon-sort-up', 'iexplain' => 'ascending', 'iforce' => 'icon');
            $url_params .= $sort_desc;
        } elseif ($sort_desc == $isort_mode) {
            $sorticon = array('ipackage' => 'icons', 'iname' => 'icon-sort-down', 'iexplain' => 'descending', 'iforce' => 'icon');
            $url_params .= $sort_asc;
        } else {
            $url_params .= $hash['isort'] . '_' . (isset($hash['iorder']) ? $hash['iorder'] : 'asc');
    $ignore = array('iatitle', 'icontrol', 'isort', 'ianchor', 'isort_mode', 'iorder', 'ititle', 'idefault', 'ifile', 'ipackage', 'itype', 'iurl', 'ionclick', 'ibiticon', 'iforce', 'itra');
    // append any other paramters that were passed in
    foreach ($hash as $key => $val) {
        if (!empty($val) && !in_array($key, $ignore)) {
            // normally the key is a string
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                $url_params .= empty($url_params) ? '?' : '&amp;';
                $url_params .= $key . "=" . $val;
                // but sometimes it can be an array
            } else {
                foreach ($val as $v) {
                    $url_params .= empty($url_params) ? '?' : '&amp;';
                    $url_params .= $key . "[]=" . $v;
    if (!empty($hash['icontrol']) && is_array($hash['icontrol'])) {
        $sep = empty($url_params) ? '?' : '&amp;';
        $url_params .= !empty($hash['icontrol']['current_page']) ? $sep . 'list_page=' . $hash['icontrol']['current_page'] : '';
        $sep = empty($url_params) ? '?' : '&amp;';
        $url_params .= !empty($hash['icontrol']['find']) ? $sep . 'find=' . $hash['icontrol']['find'] : '';
        if (!empty($hash['icontrol']['parameters']) && is_array($hash['icontrol']['parameters'])) {
            foreach ($hash['icontrol']['parameters'] as $key => $value) {
                if (!empty($value)) {
                    $sep = empty($url_params) ? '?' : '&amp;';
                    $url_params .= $sep . $key . "=" . $value;
    // encode quote marks so we not break href="" construction
    $url_params = preg_replace('/"/', '%22', $url_params);
    if (isset($hash['itype']) && $hash['itype'] == 'url') {
        $ret = $url . $url_params;
    } else {
        $ret = '<a class="icon" ' . $atitle . ' ' . (!empty($params['ionclick']) ? 'onclick="' . $params['ionclick'] . '" ' : '') . 'href="' . $url . $url_params . (!empty($params['ianchor']) ? '#' . $params['ianchor'] : '') . '">';
        // if we want to display an icon instead of text, do that
        if (isset($hash['booticon'])) {
            if (!empty($tmp[2])) {
                $tmp[1] .= "/" . $tmp[2];
            $booticon = array('iname' => $hash['booticon'], 'iexplain' => $hash['ititle']);
            if (!empty($hash['iforce'])) {
                $booticon['iforce'] = $hash['iforce'];
            $ret .= smarty_function_booticon($booticon, $gBitSmarty);
        } elseif (isset($hash['ibiticon'])) {
            $tmp = explode('/', $hash['ibiticon']);
            if (!empty($tmp[2])) {
                $tmp[1] .= "/" . $tmp[2];
            $ibiticon = array('ipackage' => $tmp[0], 'iname' => $tmp[1], 'iexplain' => $hash['ititle']);
            if (!empty($hash['iforce'])) {
                $ibiticon['iforce'] = $hash['iforce'];
            $ret .= smarty_function_biticon($ibiticon, $gBitSmarty);
        } else {
            $ret .= $ititle;
        if (isset($sorticon)) {
            $ret .= '&nbsp;' . smarty_function_booticon($sorticon, $gBitSmarty);
        $ret .= '</a>';
    if (isset($params['itype']) && $params['itype'] == 'li') {
        $ret = '<li>' . $ret . '</li>';
    return $ret;
コード例 #9
$gBitSmarty->assign('contentPerms', $contentPerms);
// if we've called this page as part of an ajax update, we output the appropriate data
if ($gBitThemes->isAjaxRequest()) {
    if (count($contentPerms['roles'] <= 10)) {
        $size = 'large/';
    } else {
        $size = 'small/';
    $gid = $_REQUEST['role_id'];
    $perm = $_REQUEST['perm'];
    // we're applying the same logic as in the template. if you fix / change anything here, please update the template as well.
    $biticon = array('ipackage' => 'icons', 'iname' => $size . 'media-playback-stop', 'iexplain' => '', 'iforce' => 'icon');
    $action = 'assign';
    if (!empty($contentPerms['roles'][$gid]['perms'][$perm])) {
        $biticon['iname'] = $size . 'dialog-ok';
        if (!empty($contentPerms['assigned'][$gid][$perm])) {
            $assigned = $contentPerms['assigned'][$gid][$perm];
            $biticon['iname'] = $size . 'list-add';
            $action = 'negate';
        if (!empty($assigned['is_revoked'])) {
            $biticon['iname'] = $size . 'list-remove';
            $action = 'remove';
    $ret = '<a title="' . $contentPerms['roles'][$gid]['role_name'] . " :: " . $perm . '" ' . 'href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="BitAjax.updater(' . "'{$perm}{$gid}', " . "'" . LIBERTY_PKG_URL . "content_role_permissions.php', " . "'action={$action}&amp;content_id={$gContent->mContentId}&amp;perm={$perm}&amp;role_id={$gid}'" . ')">' . smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty) . '</a>';
    echo $ret;
$gBitSystem->display('bitpackage:liberty/content_role_permissions.tpl', tra('Content Permissions'), array('display_mode' => 'display'));
コード例 #10
ファイル: function.formhelp.php プロジェクト: kailIII/themes
 * Smarty {formhelp} function plugin
 * Type:	function
 * Name:	formhelp
 * Input:
 *			- note		(optional)	words that are displayed, can also be an array, where: 'key: value'<br /> is printed
 *									only displayed if site_form_help is enabled
 *			- link		(optional)	provide a link to an internal page (avoids the problem with links being inerpreted
 *									prematurely by the tra() function
 *									<package>/<path to file>/<title>
 *			- package	(optional)	creates a page to 'Package'.ucfirst( $package ) and takes precedence over $page, should both be set.
 *									only dispalyed if help is enabled
 *			- install	(optional)	used for packages that require a separate installation
 *									passed in as an array:
 *										package => name of package to be installed
 *										file => path to installation file e.g.: admin/install.php
 *			- page		(optional)	page name on bitweaver
 *									only dispalyed if help is enabled
 *			- force		(optional)	if set, it will always dipslay this entry regardless of the feature settings
function smarty_function_formhelp($pParams, &$gBitSmarty)
    $atts = $ret_note = $ret_page = $ret_link = $ret_install = '';
    if (!empty($pParams['hash'])) {
        $hash =& $pParams['hash'];
    } else {
        // maybe params were passed in separately
        $hash =& $pParams;
    // we need to do some hash modification if we're in the installer
    if (!empty($hash['is_installer'])) {
        if (!empty($hash['note']['upgrade'])) {
            $hash['note']['version'] = $hash['note']['upgrade'];
    foreach ($hash as $key => $val) {
        switch ($key) {
            case 'note':
            case 'warning':
            case 'link':
            case 'page':
                $rawHash[$key] = $val;
            case 'label':
            case 'package':
            case 'install':
            case 'force':
                ${$key} = $val;
                if ($val) {
                    $atts .= $key . '="' . $val . '" ';
    if (!empty($package)) {
        $rawHash['page'] = ucfirst($package) . 'Package';
    // if link was passed in as a string, convert it into an array
    if (!empty($rawHash['link']) && is_string($rawHash['link'])) {
        $l = explode('/', $rawHash['link']);
        // package is first, title last, and all remaining elements file (can be 'foo/bar.php' as well)
        $rawHash['link']['package'] = array_shift($l);
        $rawHash['link']['title'] = array_pop($l);
        $rawHash['link']['file'] = implode('/', $l);
    global $gBitSystem;
    if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_online_help') || $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_form_help') || $force == 'y') {
        if (!empty($rawHash)) {
            if (!empty($rawHash['page']) && ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_online_help') || $force == 'y')) {
                $ret_page = '<strong>' . tra('Online help') . '</strong>: <a class=\'external\' href=\'http://doc.bitweaver.org/wiki/index.php?page=' . $rawHash['page'] . '\'>' . $rawHash['page'] . '</a><br />';
            if (!empty($rawHash['link']) && ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_online_help') || $force == 'y')) {
                if (is_array($rawHash['link'])) {
                    $ret_link = '<strong>' . tra('IntraLink') . '</strong>: ';
                    $ret_link .= '<a href=\'';
                    $ret_link .= constant(strtoupper($rawHash['link']['package']) . '_PKG_URL') . $rawHash['link']['file'];
                    $ret_link .= '\'>' . tra($rawHash['link']['title']) . '</a>';
            if (!empty($rawHash['note']) && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_form_help') || !empty($force) && !empty($rawHash['note'])) {
                if (is_array($rawHash['note'])) {
                    foreach ($rawHash['note'] as $name => $value) {
                        if ($name == 'install') {
                            $ret_install = '<strong>' . tra('Install') . '</strong>: ' . tra('To use this package, you will first have to run the package specific installer') . ': ';
                            $ret_install .= '<a href=\'';
                            $ret_install .= constant(strtoupper($value['package']) . '_PKG_URL') . $value['file'];
                            $ret_install .= '\'>' . ucfirst($value['package']) . '</a>';
                        } else {
                            $ret_note .= '<strong>' . ucfirst(tra($name)) . '</strong>: ' . tra($value) . '<br />';
                } else {
                    $ret_note .= tra($rawHash['note']) . '<br />';
            if (!empty($rawHash['warning'])) {
                $ret_note .= '<span class="warning">' . tra($rawHash['warning']) . '</span><br />';
            // join all the output content into one string
            $content = $ret_note . $ret_page . $ret_link . $ret_install;
            $html = '';
            // using the overlib popup system
            if (!empty($content)) {
                if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_help_popup')) {
                    $gBitSmarty->assign('title', tra('Extended Help'));
                    $gBitSmarty->assign('content', $content);
                    $gBitSmarty->assign('closebutton', TRUE);
                    $text = $gBitSmarty->fetch('bitpackage:kernel/popup_box.tpl');
                    $text = preg_replace('/"/', "'", $text);
                    $popup = array('trigger' => 'onclick', 'text' => $text, 'fullhtml' => '1', 'sticky' => '1', 'timeout' => '8000');
                    $biticon = array('ipackage' => 'icons', 'iname' => 'dialog-information', 'iforce' => 'icon', 'iexplain' => 'Extended Help');
                    $html .= ' <span class="formhelppopup" ' . $atts . '>&nbsp;';
                    $html .= '<a ' . smarty_function_popup($popup, $gBitSmarty) . '>';
                    $html .= smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty);
                    $html .= '</a>';
                    $html .= '</span>';
                } else {
                    $html .= '<span class="help-block" ' . $atts . '>' . $content . '</span>';
            return $html;