コード例 #1
function sl_add_options_page()
    global $sl_dir, $sl_base, $sl_uploads_base, $text_domain, $sl_top_nav_links, $sl_vars, $sl_version;
    $parent_url = SL_PARENT_URL;
    $warning_count = 0;
    $warning_title = __("Update(s) currently available for Store Locator", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . ":";
    ####Base Plugin Update Notification in WP Menu =============
    // if (function_exists("plugins_api")) {
    $sl_vars['sl_latest_version_check_time'] = empty($sl_vars['sl_latest_version_check_time']) ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s") : $sl_vars['sl_latest_version_check_time'];
    if (empty($sl_vars['sl_latest_version']) || (time() - strtotime($sl_vars['sl_latest_version_check_time'])) / 60 >= 60 * 12) {
        //12-hr db caching of version info
        /*if (!function_exists("plugins_api")) {
        			$plugin_install_url = ABSPATH."wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php"; //die($plugin_install_url);
        // Causing fatal errors in some installs -- so must assume it's available to all already -- 2/23/15
        //$sl_api = plugins_api('plugin_information', array('slug' => 'store-locator', 'fields' => array('sections' => false) ) );
        $sl_api = sl_remote_data(array('host' => 'api.wordpress.org', 'url' => '/plugins/info/1.0/store-locator', 'ua' => 'none'), 'serial');
        /*need 'true' if trying to include changelog info in future*/
        //var_dump($sl_api); die();
        $sl_latest_version = $sl_api->version;
        //$sl_latest_changelog = $sl_api->sections['changelog']; //var_dump($sl_latest_changelog); die();
        //preg_match_all("@<ul>(.*)</ul>@", $sl_latest_changelog, $sl_version_matches); var_dump($sl_version_matches); die();
        $sl_vars['sl_latest_version_check_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $sl_vars['sl_latest_version'] = $sl_latest_version;
    } else {
        $sl_latest_version = $sl_vars['sl_latest_version'];
    //$sl_version = 2.6; //testing purposes
    if (strnatcmp($sl_latest_version, $sl_version) > 0) {
        $warning_title .= "\n- Store Locator v{$sl_latest_version} " . __("is available, you are using", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . " v{$sl_version}";
        $sl_plugin = SL_DIR . "/store-locator.php";
        $sl_update_link = admin_url('update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=' . $sl_plugin);
        $sl_update_link_nonce = wp_nonce_url($sl_update_link, 'upgrade-plugin_' . $sl_plugin);
        $sl_update_msg = "&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a href='{$sl_update_link_nonce}' style='color:#900; font-weight:bold;' onclick='confirmClick(\"" . __("You will now be updating to Store Locator", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . " v{$sl_latest_version}, " . __("click OK or Confirm to continue", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . ".\", this.href); return false;'>" . __("Update to", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . " {$sl_latest_version}</a>";
    } else {
        $sl_update_msg = "";
    //   }
    ####Addons Platform Update Notification in WP Menu (increases warning count) ===========
    if (defined("SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR")) {
        $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'] = empty($sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time']) ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s") : $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'];
        if (empty($sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_version']) || (time() - strtotime($sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'])) / 60 >= 60 * 12) {
            //12-hr db caching of version info
            $ap_update = sl_remote_data(array('pagetype' => 'ap', 'dir' => SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR, 'key' => sl_data('sl_license_' . SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR)));
            $ap_latest_version = !empty($ap_update[0]) ? preg_replace("@\\.zip|" . SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR . "\\.@", "", $ap_update[0]['filename']) : 0;
            //var_dump($ap_update); die();
            $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_version'] = $ap_latest_version;
        } else {
            $ap_latest_version = $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_version'];
        $ap_readme = SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_PATH . "/readme.txt";
        if (file_exists($ap_readme)) {
            $rm_txt = file_get_contents($ap_readme);
            preg_match("/\n[ ]*stable tag:[ ]?([^\n]+)(\n)?/i", $rm_txt, $cv);
            //var_dump($rm_txt); var_dump($cv);
            $ap_version = !empty($cv[1]) ? trim($cv[1]) : "1.0";
        } else {
            $ap_version = "1.0";
        if (strnatcmp($ap_latest_version, $ap_version) > 0) {
            $ap_title = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR));
            $warning_title .= "\n- {$ap_title} v{$ap_latest_version} " . __("is available, you are using", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . " v{$ap_version}";
    $notify = $warning_count > 0 ? " <span class='update-plugins count-{$warning_count}' title='{$warning_title}'><span class='update-count'>" . $warning_count . "</span></span>" : "";
    $sl_menu_pages['main'] = array('title' => __("Store Locator", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . "{$notify}", 'capability' => 'administrator', 'page_url' => $parent_url, 'icon' => SL_BASE . '/images/logo.ico.png', 'menu_position' => 47);
    $sl_menu_pages['sub']['information'] = array('parent_url' => $parent_url, 'title' => __("News & Upgrades", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'capability' => 'administrator', 'page_url' => $parent_url);
    $sl_menu_pages['sub']['locations'] = array('parent_url' => $parent_url, 'title' => __("Locations", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'capability' => 'administrator', 'page_url' => SL_PAGES_DIR . '/locations.php');
    $sl_menu_pages['sub']['mapdesigner'] = array('parent_url' => $parent_url, 'title' => __("MapDesigner", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'capability' => 'administrator', 'page_url' => SL_PAGES_DIR . '/mapdesigner.php');
    	add_menu_page(__("Store Locator", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), __("Store Locator", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'administrator', SL_PAGES_DIR.'/locations.php', '', SL_BASE.'/images/logo.ico.png', 25.1);
    	$sl_pg_loc = add_submenu_page(SL_PAGES_DIR.'/locations.php', __("Locations", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), __("Locations", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'administrator', SL_PAGES_DIR.'/locations.php');
    	$sl_pg_md = add_submenu_page(SL_PAGES_DIR.'/locations.php', __("MapDesigner", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), __("MapDesigner", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'administrator', SL_PAGES_DIR.'/mapdesigner.php');*/
コード例 #2
ファイル: top-nav.php プロジェクト: juansalvatella/dosnoventa
    $sl_latest_version = $sl_vars['sl_latest_version'];
if (strnatcmp($sl_latest_version, $sl_version) > 0) {
    $sl_plugin = SL_DIR . "/store-locator.php";
    $sl_update_link = admin_url('update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=' . $sl_plugin);
    $sl_update_link_nonce = wp_nonce_url($sl_update_link, 'upgrade-plugin_' . $sl_plugin);
    $sl_update_msg = "&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a href='{$sl_update_link_nonce}' style='color:#900; font-weight:bold;' onclick='confirmClick(\"" . __("You will now be updating to Store Locator", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . " v{$sl_latest_version}, " . __("click OK or Confirm to continue", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . ".\", this.href); return false;'>" . __("Update to", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . " {$sl_latest_version}</a>";
} else {
    $sl_update_msg = "";
#Notice for Addons Platform update
if (defined("SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR")) {
    $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'] = empty($sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time']) ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s") : $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'];
    if (empty($sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_version']) || (time() - strtotime($sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'])) / 60 >= 60 * 12) {
        //12-hr db caching of version info
        $ap_update = sl_remote_data(array('pagetype' => 'ap', 'dir' => SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR, 'key' => sl_data('sl_license_' . SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR)));
        $ap_latest_version = !empty($ap_update[0]) ? preg_replace("@\\.zip|" . SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_DIR . "\\.@", "", $ap_update[0]['filename']) : 0;
        //var_dump($ap_update); die();
        $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_check_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_version'] = $ap_latest_version;
    } else {
        $ap_latest_version = $sl_vars['sl_latest_ap_version'];
    $ap_readme = SL_ADDONS_PLATFORM_PATH . "/readme.txt";
    if (file_exists($ap_readme)) {
        $rm_txt = file_get_contents($ap_readme);
        preg_match("/\n[ ]*stable tag:[ ]?([^\n]+)(\n)?/i", $rm_txt, $cv);
        //var_dump($rm_txt); var_dump($cv);
        $ap_version = !empty($cv[1]) ? trim($cv[1]) : "1.0";
    } else {
        $ap_version = "1.0";