function sk2_option_page() { global $wpdb, $sk2_settings; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/sk2_core_class.php"; $sk2_core = new sk2_core(0, true); if (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_section'])) { $cur_section = $_REQUEST['sk2_section']; } else { $cur_section = "general"; } // FORM HANDLING: if (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_section'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_core_settings_ui']) && is_array($_REQUEST['sk2_core_settings_ui'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['sk2_core_settings_ui'] as $name => $value) { if ($value == "checkbox") { $value = isset($_REQUEST['sk2_core_settings_checkbox'][$name]); } $sk2_settings->set_core_settings($value, $name); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['purge_logs']) || $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("auto_purge_logs") && $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("next_auto_purge_logs") < time()) { $query = "DELETE FROM `" . sk2_kLogTable . "` WHERE `ts`< DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_logs_duration") . " " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_logs_unit") . ") AND `level` < " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_logs_level"); $removed = $wpdb->query($query); if (!mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg(sprintf(__ngettext("Successfully purged one log entry.", "Successfully purged %d log entries.", $removed, 'sk2'), $removed), 5, 0, "web_UI"); } else { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Failed to purge log entries.", 'sk2') . "<br/><code>{$query}</code>", 7, 0, "web_UI"); } $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(time() + sk2_auto_purge_interval, "next_auto_purge_logs"); } if (isset($_REQUEST['purge_blacklist']) || $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("auto_purge_blacklist") && $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("next_auto_purge_blacklist") < time()) { $query = "DELETE FROM `" . sk2_kBlacklistTable . "` WHERE `" . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_blacklist_criterion") . "`< DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_blacklist_duration") . " " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_blacklist_unit") . ") AND `score` < " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_blacklist_score"); $removed = $wpdb->query($query); if (!mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg(sprintf(__ngettext("Successfully purged one blacklist entry.", "Successfully purged %d blacklist entries.", $removed, 'sk2'), $removed), 5, 0, "web_UI"); } else { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Failed to purge blacklist entries.", 'sk2') . "<br/>" . __("Query: ", 'sk2') . "<code>{$query}</code>", 7, 0, "web_UI"); } $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(time() + sk2_auto_purge_interval, "next_auto_purge_blacklist"); } if (isset($_REQUEST['purge_spamlist']) || $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("auto_purge_spamlist") && $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("next_auto_purge_spamlist") < time()) { $spam_table = "`" . sk2_kSpamTable . "`"; $cmt_table = "`{$wpdb->comments}`"; $query = "DELETE {$cmt_table}, {$spam_table} FROM {$cmt_table} LEFT JOIN {$spam_table} ON {$spam_table}.`comment_ID` = {$cmt_table}.`comment_ID` WHERE ({$cmt_table}.`comment_approved` = '0' OR {$cmt_table}.`comment_approved` = 'spam') AND {$cmt_table}.`comment_date_gmt` < DATE_SUB('" . ($gmt = gmstrftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . "', INTERVAL " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_spamlist_duration") . " " . $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("purge_spamlist_unit") . ")"); $removed = $wpdb->query($query); if (!mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg(sprintf(__ngettext("Successfully purged one comment spam entry.", "Successfully purged %d comment spam entries.", $removed, 'sk2'), $removed), 5, 0, "web_UI"); } else { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Failed to purge comment spam entries.", 'sk2') . "<br/>" . __("Query: ", 'sk2') . "<code>{$query}</code>", 7, 0, "web_UI"); } $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(time() + sk2_auto_purge_interval, "next_auto_purge_spamlist"); } if ($cur_section == "approved" || $cur_section == "spam") { if (isset($_REQUEST['recover_selection']) && isset($_REQUEST['comment_grp_check'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['comment_grp_check'] as $id => $spam_id) { $sk2_core->load_comment($id); if ($cur_section == 'spam') { $sk2_core->cur_comment->set_karma(15, 'web_UI', __("Manually recovered comment.", 'sk2')); } else { $sk2_core->cur_comment->set_karma(-30, 'web_UI', __("Manually spanked spam.", 'sk2')); } $sk2_core->treat_comment(); $sk2_core->set_comment_sk_info(); if ($cur_section == 'spam') { do_action('wp_set_comment_status', $sk2_core->cur_comment->ID); $cur_section = 'approved'; } else { $cur_section = 'spam'; } } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['confirm_moderation'])) { if ($mod_cmts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `comment_ID` FROM `{$wpdb->comments}` WHERE `comment_approved` = '0'")) { foreach ($mod_cmts as $mod_cmt) { $sk2_core->load_comment($mod_cmt->comment_ID); //$sk2_core->cur_comment->set_DB_status('spam', 'web_UI', true); $sk2_core->cur_comment->set_karma(-15, 'web_UI', __("Manually confirmed moderations.", 'sk2')); $sk2_core->treat_comment(); $sk2_core->set_comment_sk_info(); } } else { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Can't fetch moderated comments.", 'sk2'), 7, 0, "web_UI"); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_run_filter'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['comment_grp_check'])) { $which_plugin = $_REQUEST['action_param']['which_plugin']; if ($which_plugin != "all") { $which_plugin_obj = 0; foreach ($sk2_core->plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin[2] == $which_plugin) { $which_plugin_obj = $plugin[1]; } } if (!$which_plugin_obj) { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Cannot find plugin: ", 'sk2') . $which_plugin, 10, 0, "web_UI"); } } foreach ($_REQUEST['comment_grp_check'] as $id => $spam_id) { if ($which_plugin == "all") { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Running all filters on comment ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 3, $id, "web_UI"); $sk2_core->filter_comment($id); $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Running all treatments on comment ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 3, $id, "web_UI"); $sk2_core->treat_comment($id); $sk2_core->set_comment_sk_info(); } else { $comment_obj = new sk2_comment($id, true); if ($which_plugin_obj->is_filter()) { $sk2_log->log_msg(sprintf(__("Running filter: %s on comment ID: %s", 'sk2'), $which_plugin_obj->name, $id), 3, $id, "web_UI"); $which_plugin_obj->filter_this($comment_obj); } if ($which_plugin_obj->is_treatment()) { $sk2_log->log_msg(sprintf(__("Running treatment: %s on comment ID %d.", 'sk2'), $which_plugin_obj->name, $id), 3, $id, "web_UI"); $which_plugin_obj->treat_this($comment_obj); } $comment_sk_info['comment_ID'] = $id; $comment_sk_info['karma'] = $comment_obj->karma; $comment_sk_info['karma_cmts'] = $comment_obj->karma_cmts; $sk2_core->set_comment_sk_info($id, $comment_sk_info); } } } else { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("No comment selected: cannot run plugins.", 'sk2'), 6, 0, "web_UI"); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['remove_checked']) && isset($_REQUEST['comment_grp_check'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['comment_grp_check'] as $id => $spam) { if ($wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->comments}` WHERE `{$wpdb->comments}`.`comment_ID` = {$id}")) { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . sk2_kSpamTable . "` WHERE `" . sk2_kSpamTable . "`.`comment_ID` = {$id}"); } if (!mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Successfully removed spam entry ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 4, 0, "web_UI"); } else { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Failed to remove spam entry ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 7, 0, "web_UI"); } } } } } // SECTION DISPLAY $last_spam_check = $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("last_spam_check"); $new_spams = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$wpdb->comments}` WHERE (`comment_approved`= '0' OR `comment_approved` = 'spam') AND `comment_date_gmt` > " . gmstrftime("'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", (int) $last_spam_check)); $cur_moderated = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$wpdb->comments}` WHERE `comment_approved`= '0'"); if ($new_spams || $cur_moderated) { if ($new_spams && $cur_moderated) { $new_spams = " ({$new_spams} / <span style=\"color:red;\">{$cur_moderated}</span>)"; } elseif ($new_spams) { $new_spams = " ({$new_spams})"; } else { $new_spams = " <span style=\"color:red;\">({$cur_moderated} " . __("mod.", 'sk2') . ")</span>"; } } else { $new_spams = ""; } $last_approved_check = $sk2_settings->get_core_settings("last_approved_check"); $new_approved = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$wpdb->comments}` WHERE (`comment_approved`= '1') AND `comment_date_gmt` > " . gmstrftime("'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", (int) $last_approved_check)); if ($new_approved) { $new_approved = " ({$new_approved})"; } else { $new_approved = ""; } ?> <ul id="sk_menu"> <?php $sk_sections = array("general" => __("General Settings", 'sk2'), "spam" => __("Recent Spam Harvest", 'sk2') . $new_spams, "approved" => __("Approved Comments", 'sk2') . $new_approved, "blacklist" => __("Blacklist", 'sk2'), "logs" => __("SK2 Logs", 'sk2'), "about" => __("About", 'sk2')); $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&sk2_section="; foreach ($sk_sections as $section => $name) { if ($cur_section == $section) { echo "<li class=\"current\">{$name}</li>"; } else { echo "<li><a href=\"{$url}{$section}\">{$name}</a></li>"; } } ?> </ul> <?php switch ($cur_section) { case 'logs': $log_rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`ts`) AS `ts2` FROM `" . sk2_kLogTable . "` WHERE 1 ORDER BY `ts` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT 200"); if (mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Can't fetch logs.", 'sk2'), 7, 0, "web_UI"); } ?> <div class="wrap sk_first"> <h2><?php _e("SK2 Logs", 'sk2'); ?> </h2> <form id="sk2_logs_remove_form" name="sk2_logs_remove_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php _e("Purge", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <p class="sk2_form"><?php echo '<input type="submit" name="purge_logs" id="purge_logs" value="' . __("Remove logs:", 'sk2') . '" /> ' . sprintf(__('older than %s %s and with a level inferior to %s (%s do it automatically from now on).', 'sk2'), sk2_settings_ui("purge_logs_duration"), sk2_settings_ui("purge_logs_unit"), sk2_settings_ui("purge_logs_level"), sk2_settings_ui('auto_purge_logs')); ?> </p> </fieldset> </form> <p><em><?php printf(__("Displaying %i most recent log entries", 'sk2'), 200); ?> </em> <table id="sk2_log_list" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> <tr> <th scope="col"><?php _e("ID", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Level", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Message", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Component", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("How Long Ago", 'sk2'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php foreach ($log_rows as $row) { echo "<tr class=\"sk_level_{$row->level}\">"; echo "<td>{$row->id}</td>"; echo "<td>{$row->level}</td>"; echo "<td>{$row->msg}</td>"; echo "<td>{$row->component}</td>"; echo "<td>" . sk2_table_show_hide(sk2_time_since($row->ts2), $row->ts) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } ?> </table></p> <?php break; case 'blacklist': $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(time(), "last_spam_check"); if (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_blacklist_add'])) { $sk2_blacklist->add_entry($_REQUEST['add_blacklist_type'], $_REQUEST['add_blacklist_value'], $_REQUEST['add_blacklist_score'], "yes", "user"); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_edit_rows']) && isset($_REQUEST['blacklist'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['blacklist'] as $id => $entry) { $entry['score'] = (int) $entry['score']; $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . sk2_kBlacklistTable . "` SET `type` = '" . sk2_escape_form_string($entry['type']) . "', `value` = '" . sk2_escape_form_string($entry['val']) . "', `score` = " . $entry['score'] . ", `user_reviewed` = 'yes' WHERE `id` = {$id}"); if (mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg_sql(__("Failed to update blacklist entry ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 8, 0, "web_UI"); } else { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Succesfully updated blacklist entry ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 4, 0, "web_UI"); } } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['remove_checked']) && isset($_REQUEST['blacklist_grp_check'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['blacklist_grp_check'] as $id => $spam) { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . sk2_kBlacklistTable . "` WHERE `id` = {$id}"); if (!mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Successfully removed blacklist entry ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 4, 0, "web_UI"); } else { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Failed to remove blacklist entry ID: ", 'sk2') . $id, 7, 0, "web_UI"); } } } // print_r($_REQUEST); if (!empty($_REQUEST['sk2_show_number'])) { $show_number = $_REQUEST['sk2_show_number']; } else { $show_number = 20; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_match']) && $_REQUEST['sk2_match'] == "true") { $match_mode = true; } else { $match_mode = false; } $match_value = @$_REQUEST['sk2_match_value']; if (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_match_type'])) { $match_type = $_REQUEST['sk2_match_type']; } else { $match_type = "all"; } if ($match_mode) { $blacklist_rows = $sk2_blacklist->match_entries($match_type, $match_value, false, 0, $show_number); } else { $blacklist_rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . sk2_kBlacklistTable . "` WHERE 1 ORDER BY `added` DESC LIMIT {$show_number}"); } sk2_echo_check_all_JS(); $blacklist_types = array("ip_black" => __("IP Blacklist", 'sk2'), "ip_white" => __("IP Whitelist", 'sk2'), "domain_black" => __("Domain Blacklist", 'sk2'), "domain_white" => __("Domain Whitelist", 'sk2'), "domain_grey" => __("Domain Greylist", 'sk2'), "regex_black" => __("Regex Blacklist", 'sk2'), "regex_white" => __("Regex Whitelist", 'sk2'), "regex_content_black" => __("Regex Content Blacklist", 'sk2'), "regex_content_white" => __("Regex Content Whitelist", 'sk2'), "rbl_server" => __("RBL Server (IP)", 'sk2'), "rbl_server_uri" => __("RBL Server (URI)", 'sk2'), "kumo_seed" => __("Kumo Seed", 'sk2')); ?> <div class="wrap sk_first"> <h2><?php _e("Blacklist", 'sk2'); ?> </h2> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php _e("Add", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <form id="sk2_blacklist_add_form" name="sk2_blacklist_add_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "> <p class="sk2_form"><select name="add_blacklist_type" id="add_blacklist_type"><?php $default = "ip_black"; foreach ($blacklist_types as $type => $type_caption) { if ($default == $type) { echo "<option value=\"{$type}\" selected>{$type_caption}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value=\"{$type}\">{$type_caption}</option>"; } } ?> </select>: <input type="text" size="20" name="add_blacklist_value" id="add_blacklist_value" value="" /> <input type="submit" name="sk2_blacklist_add" value="<?php _e("Add entry", 'sk2'); ?> " /> (<?php _e("Score: ", 'sk2'); ?> <input type="text" size="3" name="add_blacklist_score" id="add_blacklist_score" value="100" />)</p> </form> </fieldset> <form id="sk2_blacklist_remove_form" name="sk2_blacklist_remove_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php _e("Show", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <p class="sk2_form"><?php printf(__("%sShow%s last %s entries.", 'sk2'), '<input type="submit" name="sk2_show_last" id="sk2_show_last" value="', '" />', '<input type="text" size="3" name="sk2_show_number" id="sk2_show_number" value="' . $show_number . '" />'); ?> </p> <p class="sk2_form"><input type="checkbox" name="sk2_match" id="sk2_match" value="true" <?php if ($match_mode) { echo "checked"; } ?> /> <?php _e("Match", 'sk2'); ?> <input type="text" size="10" name="sk2_match_value" id="sk2_match_value" value="<?php echo $match_value; ?> " /> <select name="sk2_match_type" id="sk2_match_type"><?php $options = array("all" => __("All", 'sk2'), "ip" => __("IP", 'sk2'), "url" => __("URL", 'sk2'), "regex_content_match" => __("Content", 'sk2'), "rbl_server" => __("RBL Server", 'sk2'), "kumo_seed" => __("Kumo Seed", 'sk2'), "regex" => __("Regex string (non-interpreted)", 'sk2')); foreach ($options as $key => $val) { echo "<option value=\"{$key}\""; if ($key == $match_type) { echo " selected"; } echo ">{$val}</option>"; } ?> </select></p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php _e("Remove", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <p class="sk2_form"><?php printf(__("%sRemove entries:%s %s more than %s ago and with a score inferior to %s (%s do it automatically from now on).", 'sk2'), '<input type="submit" name="purge_blacklist" id="purge_blacklist" value="', '" /> ', sk2_settings_ui("purge_blacklist_criterion"), sk2_settings_ui("purge_blacklist_duration") . sk2_settings_ui("purge_blacklist_unit"), sk2_settings_ui("purge_blacklist_score"), sk2_settings_ui('auto_purge_blacklist')); ?> </p> <p class="sk2_form"><input type="submit" name="remove_checked" id="remove_checked" value="<?php _e("Remove Selected Entries", 'sk2'); ?> " /> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById('sk2_blacklist_remove_form')); return false; " />(<?php _e("Invert Checkbox Selection", 'sk2'); ?> )</a></p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php if (!$match_mode) { printf(__("Last %d Entries", 'sk2'), $show_number); } else { echo __("Entries Matching ", 'sk2'), "<em>{$match_value}</em>"; } ?> </legend> <p><table id="sk2_spam_list" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> <tr> <th scope="col"><?php _e("ID", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Type", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Value", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Score", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("How long ago", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Used", 'sk2'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['sk2_edit_mode']) && $_REQUEST['sk2_edit_mode'] == "true") { $edit_mode = true; } else { $edit_mode = false; } echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sk2_edit_mode\" id=\"sk2_edit_mode\" value=\"{$edit_mode}\" />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"switch_mode\" id=\"switch_mode\" value=\""; if ($edit_mode) { _e("Switch to view mode", 'sk2'); } else { _e("Switch to edit mode", 'sk2'); } echo "\" onclick=\"this.form['sk2_edit_mode'].value = " . ($edit_mode ? "false" : "true") . ";\" />"; if (is_array($blacklist_rows)) { foreach ($blacklist_rows as $row) { if ($row->score < 30) { $color = "rgb(120, 120, 120)"; } elseif ($row->score < 50) { $x = min((int) (120 + 60 * pow(($row->score - 30) / 20, 2)), 256); $color = "rgb({$x}, {$x}, {$x})"; } elseif ($row->score < 80) { $x = max(0, (int) (180 - 3 * ($row->score - 50))); $y = min(256, (int) (180 - $row->score + 50)); $z = min(256, (int) (180 + 2.3 * ($row->score - 50))); $color = "rgb({$x}, {$y}, {$z})"; } elseif ($row->score < 100) { $color = "rgb(90, 150, 250)"; } else { $color = "rgb(90, 150, 256)"; } echo "<tr style=\"background-color: {$color};\">"; echo "<th scope=\"row\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"blacklist_grp_check[{$row->id}]\" id=\"blacklist_grp_check[{$row->id}]\" value=\"true\" /> {$row->id}</th>"; echo "<td>"; if (!isset($blacklist_types[$row->type])) { $blacklist_types[$row->type] = __("Unknown", 'sk2') . " (" . $row->type . ")"; } if ($edit_mode) { echo "<select name=\"blacklist[{$row->id}][type]\" id=\"blacklist[{$row->id}][type]\">"; foreach ($blacklist_types as $type => $type_caption) { if ($row->type == $type) { echo "<option value=\"{$type}\" selected>{$type_caption}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value=\"{$type}\">{$type_caption}</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; } else { echo $blacklist_types[$row->type]; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($edit_mode) { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"blacklist[{$row->id}][val]\" id=\"blacklist[{$row->id}][val]\" value=\"" . str_replace("\"", """, $row->value) . "\" size=\"" . max(6, min(strlen($row->value), 40)) . "\">"; } else { echo $row->value; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($edit_mode) { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"blacklist[{$row->id}][score]\" id=\"blacklist[{$row->id}][score]\" value=\"{$row->score}\" size=\"3\">"; } else { echo $row->score; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . sk2_table_show_hide(sk2_time_since(strtotime($row->last_used)), __("Added: ", 'sk2') . $row->added . "<br/>" . __("Last Used: ", 'sk2') . $row->last_used) . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$row->used_count}</tr>"; echo "</tr>"; } } ?> </table></p> <?php if ($edit_mode) { echo "<p class=\"submit\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"sk2_edit_rows\" id=\"sk2_edit_rows\" value=\"" . __("Save Changes", 'sk2') . "\" /></p>"; } ?> </fieldset> </form> </div> <?php break; // RECENT SPAM SCREEN // RECENT SPAM SCREEN case 'spam': case 'approved': if ($cur_section == 'spam') { $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(time(), "last_spam_check"); $query_where = "`comment_approved` != '1'"; } else { $query_where = "`comment_approved` = '1'"; $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(time(), "last_approved_check"); } $query_limit_str = $query_limit = max(20, @$_REQUEST['sql_rows_per_page']); if (@$_REQUEST['sql_skip_rows']) { $query_limit_str = $_REQUEST['sql_skip_rows'] . ", " . ($_REQUEST['sql_skip_rows'] + $query_limit); } $score_threshold = intval(isset($_REQUEST['sql_score_threshold']) ? $_REQUEST['sql_score_threshold'] : -20); // added some stuff that should fix a mySQL 5 bug $query = "SELECT `posts_table`.`post_title`, `spam_table`.`karma`, `spam_table`.`id` as `spam_id`,`spam_table`.`karma_cmts`, `comments_table`.*, IF(`comments_table`.`comment_approved` = '0', 1, 0) AS `display_priority` FROM (`" . $wpdb->comments . "` AS `comments_table`, `" . $wpdb->posts . "` AS `posts_table`) LEFT JOIN `" . sk2_kSpamTable . "` AS `spam_table` ON `spam_table`.`comment_ID` = `comments_table`.`comment_ID` WHERE {$query_where} AND `posts_table`.`ID` = `comments_table`.`comment_post_ID` AND (`spam_table`.`karma` IS NULL OR `spam_table`.`karma` >= {$score_threshold}) ORDER BY `display_priority` DESC, `comments_table`.`comment_date_gmt` DESC LIMIT {$query_limit_str}"; //echo "####" . $query; $spam_rows = $wpdb->get_results($query); if (mysql_error()) { $sk2_log->log_msg_mysql(__("Can't fetch comments.", 'sk2') . " <br/>" . __("Query: ", 'sk2') . "<code>{$query}</code>", 7, 0, "web_UI"); } sk2_echo_check_all_JS(); ?> <div class="wrap sk_first"> <h2><?php echo $cur_section == 'spam' ? __("Spams Caught by SK2", 'sk2') : __("Comments recently approved", 'sk2'); ?> </h2> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php _e("Browse", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <p class="sk2_form"><form id="sk2_spamlist_display_form" name="sk2_spamlist_display_form" method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "><input type="hidden" name="page" id="page" value="spamkarma2" /><input type="hidden" name="sk2_section" id="sk2_section" value="<?php echo $cur_section; ?> " /><input type="submit" name="display_cmts" id="display_cmts" value="<?php _e("Display", 'sk2'); ?> " /><input type="text" id="sql_rows_per_page" name="sql_rows_per_page" value="<?php echo $query_limit; ?> " size="3"/> <?php _e("comments per page, skipping first: ", 'sk2'); ?> <input type="text" id="sql_skip_rows" name="sql_skip_rows" value="<?php echo intval(@$_REQUEST['sql_skip_rows']); ?> " size="3" /> <?php _e('with karma lower than', 'sk2'); ?> <input type="text" id="sql_score_threshold" name="sql_score_threshold" value="<?php echo $score_threshold; ?> " size="4"></form></p> </fieldset> <?php if ($cur_section == 'spam') { ?> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php _e("Clean", 'sk2'); ?> </legend><form id="sk2_spamlist_purge_form" name="sk2_spamlist_purge_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "> <?php if ($cur_moderated) { ?> <p class="sk2_form"><input type="submit" name="confirm_moderation" id="confirm_moderation" value="<?php _e("Confirm All Moderated As Spam", 'sk2'); ?> " /> (<?php _e("outlined in red", 'sk2'); ?> )</p><?php } ?> <p class="sk2_form"><?php printf(__("%sPurge Comment Spams:%s older than %s%s (%s do it automatically from now on).", 'sk2'), '<input type="submit" name="purge_spamlist" id="purge_spamlist" value="', '" />', sk2_settings_ui("purge_spamlist_duration"), sk2_settings_ui("purge_spamlist_unit"), sk2_settings_ui('auto_purge_spamlist')); ?> </p></form> <form id="sk2_spamlist_form" name="sk2_spamlist_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "><p class="sk2_form"><input type="submit" name="remove_checked" id="remove_checked" value="<?php _e("Remove Selected Entries", 'sk2'); ?> " /> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById('sk2_spamlist_form')); return false; " />(<?php _e("Invert Checkbox Selection", 'sk2'); ?> )</a></p> </fieldset> <?php } else { ?> <form id="sk2_spamlist_form" name="sk2_spamlist_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "> <?php } $switch = $cur_section == 'spam' ? __("Recover", 'sk2') : __("Moderate", 'sk2'); ?> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php echo $switch; ?> </legend> <input type="submit" id="recover_checked" name="recover_selection" value="<?php echo $switch, " ", __("Selected", 'sk2'); ?> " /> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById('sk2_spamlist_form')); return false; " />(<?php _e("Invert Checkbox Selection", 'sk2'); ?> )</a> </fieldset> <fieldset class="options"> <legend><?php _e("Filter", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <p class="sk2_form"><?php printf(__("%sRun selected entries%s through ", 'sk2'), '<input type="submit" name="sk2_run_filter" id="sk2_run_filter" value="', '" />'); ?> <select name="action_param[which_plugin]" id="action_param[which_plugin]"> <option value="all" selected><?php _e("All plugins", 'sk2'); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($sk2_core->plugins as $plugin) { echo "<option value=\"{$plugin['2']}\">" . $plugin[1]->name . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById('sk2_spamlist_form')); return false; " />(<?php _e("Invert Checkbox Selection", 'sk2'); ?> )</a></p> </fieldset> <p><table id="sk2_spam_list" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> <tr><th colspan="7"><?php printf(__('Only displaying comments with a karma above %d:', 'sk2'), $score_threshold); ?> </th></tr> <tr> <th scope="col"><?php _e("ID", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Karma", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("How Long Ago", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Author", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Post Title", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Comment", 'sk2'); ?> </th> <th scope="col"><?php _e("Type", 'sk2'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php if (is_array($spam_rows)) { foreach ($spam_rows as $row) { sk2_clean_up_sql($row); if (!$row->spam_id) { $row->karma = "[?]"; $color = "rgb(200, 200, 256)"; } elseif ($row->karma < -20) { $color = "rgb(130, 130, 130)"; } elseif ($row->karma < -10) { $x = (int) (130 + 50 * pow((20 + $row->karma) / 10, 2)); $color = "rgb({$x}, {$x}, {$x})"; } else { $x = max(0, (int) (180 - 12 * (10 + $row->karma))); $y = min(256, (int) (180 + 7.6 * (10 + $row->karma))); $color = "rgb({$x}, {$y}, {$x})"; } $karma_cmts = ""; if (!empty($row->karma_cmts)) { $karma_cmts_array = unserialize($row->karma_cmts); if (is_array($karma_cmts_array)) { foreach ($karma_cmts_array as $cmt) { $karma_cmts .= "<div class=\""; if ($cmt['hit'] >= 0) { $karma_cmts .= "good_karma"; } else { $karma_cmts .= "bad_karma"; } $karma_cmts .= "\">"; $karma_cmts .= "<b>" . $cmt['hit'] . "</b>: <i>" . sk2_soft_hyphen($cmt['reason']) . "</i>"; $karma_cmts .= "</div>"; } } } // should we replace <a> tags? //preg_replace(); echo "<tr style=\"background-color: {$color};\""; if ($row->comment_approved == '0') { echo " class=\"moderated\""; } echo ">"; echo "<th scope=\"row\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"comment_grp_check[{$row->comment_ID}]\" id=\"comment_grp_check[{$row->comment_ID}]\" value=\"" . $row->spam_id . "\" /> {$row->comment_ID}</th>"; echo "<td>"; if (!empty($karma_cmts)) { echo sk2_table_show_hide($row->karma, $karma_cmts); } else { echo "<b>{$row->karma}</b>"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . sk2_table_show_hide(sk2_time_since(strtotime($row->comment_date_gmt . " GMT")), $row->comment_date_gmt . "GMT") . " </td>"; echo "<td>" . sk2_table_show_hide(substr(sk2_html_entity_decode($row->comment_author, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), 0, 20), (strlen($row->comment_author) > 20 ? "<i>" . __("Author: ", 'sk2') . "</i><b>" . htmlentities($row->comment_author) . "</b><br/>" : "") . "<i>" . __("E-mail: ", 'sk2') . "</i><b>" . sk2_soft_hyphen($row->comment_author_email) . "</b><br/><i>" . __("IP: ", 'sk2') . "</i><b>" . sk2_soft_hyphen($row->comment_author_IP) . "</b><br/><i>" . __("URL: ", 'sk2') . "</i><b>" . sk2_soft_hyphen($row->comment_author_url) . "</b>") . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$row->post_title}</div></td>"; echo "<td>"; $row->comment_content = strip_tags($row->comment_content); if (strlen($row->comment_content) > 40) { echo sk2_table_show_hide(sk2_soft_hyphen(substr($row->comment_content, 0, 35)) . " [...]", sk2_soft_hyphen(substr($row->comment_content, 35))); } else { echo sk2_soft_hyphen($row->comment_content); } echo "</td><td>"; switch ($row->comment_type) { case "": case "comment": _e("Cmt", 'sk2'); break; case "trackback": _e("TB", 'sk2'); break; case "pingback": _e("PB", 'sk2'); break; default: echo $row->comment_type; break; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } ?> </table></p> </form> </div> <?php break; // GENERAL SETTINGS SCREEN // GENERAL SETTINGS SCREEN case 'general': default: $sk2_core->save_UI_settings($_REQUEST); if (isset($_REQUEST['advanced_tools'])) { $sk2_core->advanced_tools($_REQUEST); } $sk2_core->update_SQL_schema(); $sk2_core->update_components(); // GET NEWS if ($sk2_settings->get_core_settings('next_news_update') < time()) { $url = sk2_news_update_check_url . "?sk2_version=" . urlencode(sk2_kVersion) . "&sk2_release=" . urlencode(sk2_kRelease) . "&sk2_lang=" . urlencode(WPLANG); if ($update_file = sk2_get_url_content($url)) { if (is_array($news_array = unserialize($update_file))) { $new_news = array(); if (!is_array($old_news = $sk2_settings->get_core_settings('news_archive'))) { $old_news = array(); } foreach ($news_array as $ts => $news_item) { if (!isset($old_news[$ts])) { $new_news[$ts] = $news_item; } $old_news[$ts] = $news_item; } krsort($old_news); while (count($old_news) > 10) { array_pop($old_news); } $sk2_settings->set_core_settings($old_news, 'news_archive'); if (count($new_news) > 0) { echo "<div class=\"wrap sk_first\"><h2>" . __("News", 'sk2') . "</h2>"; foreach ($new_news as $ts => $news_item) { echo "<div class=\"news_item"; if (@$news_item['level'] > 0) { echo " sk_level_" . $news_item['level']; } echo "\">"; echo $news_item['msg']; echo "<div class=\"news_posted\">" . sprintf(__("Posted %s ago", 'sk2'), sk2_time_since($ts)) . "</div> "; echo "</div>"; } echo "</div>"; } $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Checked news from: ", 'sk2') . "<em>{$url}</em><br/>" . sprintf(__ngettext("One new news item, %d total", "%d new news items, %d total", count($new_news), 'sk2'), count($new_news), count($old_news)), 3, 0, "web_UI"); } else { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Cannot unserialize news array from URL: ", 'sk2') . "<em>{$url}</em>", 8, 0, "web_UI"); } } else { $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Cannot load news from URL: ", 'sk2') . "<em>{$url}</em>", 7, 0, "web_UI"); } $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(time() + sk2_news_update_interval, 'next_news_update'); } if ($sk2_settings->get_core_settings('init_install') < 1) { echo "<div class=\"wrap sk_first\">"; $sk2_log->log_msg(__("Running first-time install checks...", 'sk2'), 4, 0, "web_UI", true, false); echo "<br/>"; $sk2_core->advanced_tools(array("check_comment_form" => true)); $sk2_settings->set_core_settings(1, 'init_install'); echo "</div>"; } ?> <div class="wrap sk_first"><h2><?php _e("Stats", 'sk2'); ?> </h2> <ul> <li><?php _e("Total Spam Caught: ", 'sk2'); ?> <strong><?php echo $hell_count = (int) $sk2_settings->get_stats("hell"); ?> </strong> <?php if ($hell_count > 0) { echo " (" . __("average karma: ", 'sk2') . round((int) $sk2_settings->get_stats("hell_total_karma") / $hell_count, 2) . ")"; } ?> </li> <li><?php _e("Total Comments Approved: ", 'sk2'); ?> <strong><?php echo $paradise_count = (int) $sk2_settings->get_stats("paradise"); ?> </strong><?php if ($paradise_count > 0) { echo " (" . __("average karma: ", 'sk2') . round((int) $sk2_settings->get_stats("paradise_total_karma") / $paradise_count, 2) . ")"; } ?> </li> <li><?php _e("Total Comments Moderated: ", 'sk2'); ?> <strong><?php echo (int) $sk2_settings->get_stats("purgatory"); ?> </strong> <?php if ($cur_moderated) { printf("(" . __ngettext("currently %s%d waiting%s", "currently %s%d waiting%s", $cur_moderated, 'sk2') . ")", '<a href="options-general.php?page=' . $_REQUEST['page'] . '&sk2_section=spam">', $cur_moderated, '</a>'); } ?> </li> <li><?php _e("Current Version: ", 'sk2'); ?> <strong><?php echo "2." . sk2_kVersion . " " . sk2_kRelease; ?> </strong></li> </ul> </div> <?php $sk2_core->output_UI(); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php _e("Advanced Options", 'sk2'); ?> </h2> <form name="sk2_advanced_tools_form" id="sk2_advanced_tools_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="advanced_tools" id="advanced_tools" value="true"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function toggleAdvanced(mybutton, myid) { var node = document.getElementById(myid); if(node == null) { alert('<?php _e("Bad ID", 'sk2'); ?> '); return; } if(node.className.match(/\bshow\b/) != null) { node.className = node.className.replace(/\bshow\b/, "hide"); mybutton.innerHTML = "<?php _e("Show Advanced Options", 'sk2'); ?> "; } else if(node.className.match(/\bhide\b/) != null) { node.className = node.className.replace(/\bhide\b/, "show"); mybutton.innerHTML = "<?php _e("Hide Advanced Options", 'sk2'); ?> "; } } //--> </script> <fieldset class="themecheck"> <p><button name="advance_toggle" id="advance_toggle" onclick="toggleAdvanced(this, 'sk2_settings_pane');return false;"><?php _e("Show Advanced Settings", 'sk2'); ?> </button> <i><?php _e("Will show/hide advanced options in the form above", 'sk2'); ?> </i></p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="dbtools"> <legend><?php _e("Database Tools", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <p><input type="submit" id="force_sql_update" name="force_sql_update" value="<?php _e("Force MySQL updates", 'sk2'); ?> "> <input type="submit" id="reinit_plugins" name="reinit_plugins" value="<?php _e("Reinit Plugins", 'sk2'); ?> "> <input type="submit" id="reset_all_tables" name="reset_all_tables" onclick="javascript:return confirm('<?php _e("Do you really want to reset all SK2 tables.", 'sk2'); ?> ');" value="<?php _e("Reset All Tables", 'sk2'); ?> "> <input type="submit" id="reinit_all" name="reinit_all" onclick="javascript:return confirm('<?php _e("Do you really want to reset all SK2 settings?", 'sk2'); ?> ');" value="<?php _e("Reset to Factory Settings", 'sk2'); ?> "></p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="themecheck"> <legend><?php _e("Theme Check", 'sk2'); ?> </legend> <p><?php _e("SK2 will not work properly if your theme is not 100% 1.5-compatible. In particular, oftentimes, the comment form of some custom themes does not contain the proper code to work with 1.5 plugins. For more details and a guide on how to fix, please <a href=\"\">check out the wiki</a>.", 'sk2'); echo "<em>" . __("You do not have to worry about this if you are using a standard out-of-the-box 1.5 install and the theme that came with it.", 'sk2') . "</em>"; ?> </p> <ul> <li><input type="submit" id="check_comment_form" name="check_comment_form" value="<?php _e("Theme Compatibility Check", 'sk2'); ?> "> (<?php _e("attempts to examine your theme's files and check for compatibility", 'sk2'); ?> ).</form></li> <li><strong><?php _e("Advanced Compatibility Check", 'sk2'); ?> </strong> <i><?php _e("Enter the URL of a page on your blog where the comment form appears (most likely the URL to any single entry, or the URL to your pop-up comment form if you are using the pop-up view) and click Submit", 'sk2'); ?> </i><br/> <form name="sk2_advanced_tools_form_2" id="sk2_advanced_tools_form_2" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=<?php echo $cur_section; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="advanced_tools" id="advanced_tools" value="true"><input type="text" id="check_comment_form_2_url" name="check_comment_form_2_url" size="30"> <input type="submit" id="check_comment_form_2" name="check_comment_form_2" value="<?php _e("Submit", 'sk2'); ?> "></li> </ul> </fieldset> </form> </div> <?php break; case "about": include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/sk2_about.php"; return; break; } $sk2_settings->save_settings(); // DEBUG /* No longer necessary... <div class="wrap"> <?php _e("Log Dump: ", 'sk2'); ?><br/> <?php $sk2_log->dump_logs(); ?> </div> */ }
function treat_this(&$cmt_object) { global $wpdb, $wp_version, $wp_db_version; $interval = $this->get_option_value('interval'); $last_run = $this->get_option_value('last_run'); $threshold = $this->get_option_value('digest_threshold'); $order_by_karma = $this->get_option_value('digest_order'); if ($last_run + $interval * 3600 < time()) { //Record a new last run time now to stop multiple concurrent spam digests maybe? $this->set_option_value('last_run', time()); $this->log_msg(sprintf(__("Generating mail digest (Last digest was %s).", 'sk2'), sk2_time_since($last_run))); $new_spams = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$wpdb->comments}` WHERE " . "(`comment_approved`= '0' OR `comment_approved` = 'spam') AND " . "`comment_date_gmt` > " . gmstrftime("'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", (int) $last_run)); $cur_moderated = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$wpdb->comments}` WHERE `comment_approved`= '0'"); $mail_subj = "[" . get_settings('blogname') . "] Spam Karma 2: " . __("Simple Digest Report", 'sk2'); $mail_content = sprintf(__ngettext("There is currently one comment in moderation", "There are currently %d comments in moderation", $cur_moderated, 'sk2'), $cur_moderated) . "\r\n"; $mail_content .= get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/edit.php" . "?page=spamkarma2&sk2_section=spam\r\n\r\n"; //### l10n Add $mail_content .= sprintf(__ngettext("There has been one comment spam caught since the last digest report %s ago.", "There have been %s comment spams caught since the last digest report %s ago.", $new_spams, 'sk2'), $new_spams, sk2_time_since($last_run)) . "\r\n"; $mail_content .= "\r\n"; $mail_content .= sprintf(__("Spam summary report (skipping karma under %d): ", 'sk2'), $threshold) . "\r\n"; if (true == $order_by_karma) { $mail_content .= __("Summary is ordered by karma.", 'sk2'); } else { $mail_content .= __("Summary is ordered by date.", 'sk2'); } $mail_content .= "\r\n\r\n"; /* Only do the query if there are new spams Props to MCIncubus. */ if ((int) $new_spams > 0) { //Query stolen from SK2 core. $digest_query = "SELECT `posts_table`.`post_title`, `spam_table`.`karma`, " . "`spam_table`.`id` as `spam_id`,`spam_table`.`karma_cmts`, " . "`comments_table`.* FROM `" . $wpdb->comments . "` AS `comments_table` LEFT JOIN `" . $wpdb->posts . "` AS `posts_table` ON " . "`posts_table`.`ID` = `comments_table`.`comment_post_ID` LEFT JOIN `" . sk2_kSpamTable . "` AS `spam_table` ON " . "`spam_table`.`comment_ID` = `comments_table`.`comment_ID` WHERE " . "(`comment_approved`= '0' OR (`comment_approved` = 'spam' AND `spam_table`.`karma` >= {$threshold})) AND " . "`comment_date_gmt` > " . gmstrftime("'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", (int) $last_run); if (true == $order_by_karma) { $digest_query .= " ORDER BY `spam_table`.`karma` DESC "; } else { $digest_query .= " ORDER BY `comment_date_gmt`"; } $spam_rows = $wpdb->get_results($digest_query); if (is_array($spam_rows)) { $comment_count = 0; foreach ($spam_rows as $row) { $comment_count += 1; sk2_clean_up_sql($row); if (!$row->spam_id) { $row->karma = "[?]"; } if (empty($row->comment_type)) { $type = __("Comment", 'sk2'); } else { $type = $row->comment_type; } $mail_content .= "=======================================================\r\n"; $mail_content .= "Report on " . $type . " number " . $comment_count . " (id=" . $row->comment_ID . ")" . "\r\n"; $mail_content .= $type . __(" Author: ", 'sk2') . $row->comment_author . "\r\n"; $mail_content .= $type . __(" Content: ", 'sk2') . "\r\n" . "-----------------------------------------\r\n" . strip_tags($row->comment_content) . "\r\n"; if (!empty($row->karma_cmts)) { $karma_cmts = $this->generate_karma_report(unserialize($row->karma_cmts)); $karma_cmts .= "========\r\n"; $karma_cmts .= sprintf("%8.2f", $row->karma) . __(" - Overall Karma", 'sk2') . "\r\n"; $karma_cmts .= "========\r\n"; } else { //Check to see if it's the current comment if ($row->comment_ID == $cmt_object->ID) { $karma_cmts .= $this->generate_karma_report($cmt_object->karma_cmts); $karma_cmts .= "========\r\n"; $karma_cmts .= sprintf("%8.2f", $cmt_object->karma) . __(" - Overall Karma", 'sk2') . "\r\n"; $karma_cmts .= "========\r\n"; } } $mail_content .= "\r\n" . __("Spam Karma 2 Report: ", 'sk2') . "\r\n" . $karma_cmts . "\r\n"; $mail_content .= $this->generate_links($row) . "\r\n\r\n"; } } else { $mail_content .= "\r\nAll spams caught recently are under the threshold (go to SK2 Admin screen to see them).\r\n"; } $headers = "From: " . get_settings('admin_email') . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: " . get_settings('admin_email') . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\r\n" . "X-WordPress-Version: WordPress/" . $wp_version . "/" . $wp_db_version . "\r\n" . "X-WordPress-Plugin: " . $this->name . "/" . $this->plugin_version . "/" . $this->release_string . "\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; " . "charset=\"" . get_settings('blog_charset') . "\"\r\n"; wp_mail(get_settings("admin_email"), $mail_subj, $mail_content, $headers); } else { $this->log_msg(__("Comment would have caused digest but no new spam recieved since last digest."), 4); // Reset the last run time so that the next comment will trigger a digest as we overwrote it at the first possible moment // so as to ensure the least possiblity of multiple digest emails $this->set_option_value('last_run', $last_run); } } else { // Check to see if last_run is in the future - being really paranoid! if ($last_run > time()) { $this->log_msg(__("Last run time in the future - resetting to now"), 5); $this->set_option_value('last_run', time()); } } }