/** * Log a debug message to the logs. * * @param mixed $level * @param mixed $message * @param array $context * @return \Upfor\Exception\Logger|null */ function log($level, $message, $context = []) { if (is_null($message)) { return single('logger'); } return single('logger')->log($level, $message, $context); }
function vipadd($type, $nick) { if ($type == 0) { $group = "bronze"; $cmd = "pex+user+" . $nick . "+group+add+vip"; } elseif ($type == 1) { $group = "silver"; $cmd = "pex+user+" . $nick . "+group+add+vipsilver"; } elseif ($type = 2) { $group = "gold"; $cmd = "pex+user+" . $nick . "+group+add+vipgold"; } single("pvp", $cmd); $cmd = "a+OWNER+IMPORTUJI+VIP+" . $cmd; single("pvp", $cmd); }
/** * frontend_breadcrumbs * * returns a page tree with default css formatting * * @access public * @return void */ function frontend_breadcrumbs($params) { global $SETTINGS; $page = @$_GET['page']; $array = explode('/', $page); if (end($array) == '') { array_pop($array); } if (count($array) == 0) { $home = single('select slug from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where home=1 limit 1', 'slug'); $array[0] = $home; } $seperator = isset($params['seperator']) ? $params['seperator'] : ' > '; /** * create breadcrumbs array in form $name => $url */ $breadcrumbs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $name = str_replace('-', ' ', $array[$i]); $url = SITE_URL; for ($n = 0; $n < $i + 1; $n++) { $url .= $array[$n] . '/'; } $breadcrumbs[$name] = $url; } /** * filter breadcrumbs array through plugins */ $Plugins = Plugins::getInstance(); $breadcrumbs = $Plugins->filter('frontend', 'filter_breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); /** * generate html */ $content = '<ul id="page-tree" style="list-style-type:none"> <li style="display:inline"><a href="' . SITE_URL . '">' . $SETTINGS['site_title'] . '</a></li>'; $i = 0; foreach ($breadcrumbs as $name => $url) { $name = $i + 1 == count($array) ? '<b>' . $name . '</b>' : $name; $content .= '<li style="display:inline">' . $seperator . '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>'; ++$i; } $content .= '</ul>'; return $content; }
/** * maintenance_message * * displays the maintenance mode error * * @return void */ function maintenance_message() { $message = single('select value from ' . DB_OPTIONS . ' where category="configuration_page_options" and name="maintenance_message"', 'value'); if (empty($message)) { global $SETTINGS; $message = $SETTINGS['site_title'] . ' is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later.'; } error($message, ''); }
<br style="clear:both"/> <table> <tr> <th>' . $Template->e('title') . '</th> <th>' . $Template->e('date') . '</th> <th>' . $Template->e('user') . '</th> <th>' . $Template->e('delete') . '</th> </tr>'; if (count($Posts) == 0) { $content .= '<tr> <td colspan="4" id="empty"><p><i>No blog posts yet!</i></p></td> </tr>'; } else { foreach ($Posts as $post) { $link = '<a href="plugin.php?p_name=Blog&blog_id=' . $Page['id'] . '&post=' . $post['id'] . '" class="list-link">'; $user = single('select name from ' . DB_USERS . ' where id=' . $post['user'], 'name'); $content .= '<tr> <td>' . $link . $post['title'] . '</a></td> <td>' . $link . date("d/m/y", strtotime($post['post_date'])) . '</a></td> <td>' . $link . $user . '</a></td> <td> <a class="link delete" id="' . $post['id'] . '"> <span id="delete-img" class="admin-menu-img"> </span> </a> </td> </tr>'; } } $content .= ' <tr> <th colspan="4"> </th>
<?php include "../config.php"; include "../functions.php"; $server = $_GET["server"]; $array = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "localhost", ""); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (in_array($ip, $array)) { $mysqli->select_db("mcusers"); $request = "SELECT * FROM `automessanger` WHERE `server` LIKE '{$server}'"; $result = $mysqli->query($request); while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) { $prefix = $row[2]; $message = $row[3]; $message = str_replace(" ", "-", $message); $prefix = str_replace(" ", "-", $prefix); $message = str_replace("&", "_", $message); $prefix = str_replace("&", "_", $prefix); $message = "unitesay+" . $prefix . "+" . $message; single($server, $message); sleep(20); } } else { exit; }
* switches between the possible values of * $overview_item and echos the content of the * associated item. the default switch checks * plugins and if it exists in a plugin it also * echos the content. */ switch ($overview_item) { case 'website-overview': require_once HOME . '_inc/function/admin.php'; $template = parse_template_file(TEMPLATE_DIR . 'style.css'); $content .= ' <table class="row-color"> <tr><td>' . $Template->e('pages') . ':</td><td>' . single('select count(id) from ' . DB_PAGES, 'count(id)') . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . $Template->e('trash') . ':</td><td>' . single('select count(id) from ' . DB_TRASH, 'count(id)') . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . $Template->e('users') . ':</td><td>' . single('select count(id) from ' . DB_USERS, 'count(id)') . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . $Template->e('groups') . ':</td><td>' . single('select count(id) from ' . DB_GROUPS, 'count(id)') . '</td></tr> <tr><td>' . $Template->e('template') . ':</td><td>' . $template['Name'] . '</td></tr> <tr><td>Furasta.Org ' . $Template->e('version') . ':</td><td>' . VERSION . '</td></tr> </table>'; break; case 'recently-edited': $content .= '<table class="row-color">'; $pages = rows('select id,name,content,edited,perm from ' . DB_PAGES . ' order by edited desc limit 5'); if (count($pages) == 0) { $content .= '<p><i>No items recently edited!</i></p>'; break; } foreach ($pages as $page) { /** * get admin perm from page perm string * perm rules are in _inc/class/User.php
* * @author Conor Mac Aoidh <*****@*****.**> * @license http://furasta.org/licence.txt The BSD License * @version 1.0 * @package admin_pages */ /** * make sure ajax script was loaded and user is * logged in */ if (!defined('AJAX_LOADED') || !defined('AJAX_VERIFIED')) { die; } if ((int) @$_GET['id'] != 0) { $id = $_GET['id']; $perms = single('select perm from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where id=' . $id, 'perm'); $perms = explode('|', $perms); if (isset($perms[0]) && !empty($perms[0])) { if (strpos($perms[0], "#") !== false) { $see = explode('#', $perms[0]); /** * users and groups arrays */ $see_users = explode(',', $see[0]); $see_groups = explode(',', $see[1]); } else { $see_users = explode(',', $perms[0]); } } if (isset($perms[1]) && !empty($perms[1])) { if (strpos($perms[1], "#") !== false) {
* @license http://furasta.org/licence.txt The BSD License * @version 1.0 * @package admin_pages */ /** * make sure ajax script was loaded and user is * logged in */ if (!defined('AJAX_LOADED') || !defined('AJAX_VERIFIED')) { die; } /** * check if user has permission to delete pages */ if (!$User->hasPerm('d')) { die('perm'); } $id = addslashes(@$_GET['id']); if ($id == '') { exit; } $parent = single('select parent from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where id=' . $id, 'parent'); $children = rows('select id from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where parent=' . $id); if (count($children) != 0) { foreach ($children as $child) { query('update ' . DB_PAGES . ' set parent=' . $parent . ' where id=' . $child['id']); } } query('insert into ' . DB_TRASH . ' select NULL,name,content,slug,template,type,edited,user,position,parent,perm,home,display from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where id=' . $id); query('delete from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where id=' . $id); cache_clear('DB_PAGES');
$job = $_POST['jobs']; switch ($action) { case 0: single("survival", "jobs+fire+{$nick}+{$job}"); single("survival", "a+Hrac+{$nick}+byl+vyhozen+z+firmy+{$job}"); break; case 1: single("survival", "jobs+demote+{$nick}+{$job}+1"); single("survival", "a+Hraci+{$nick}+byl+z+firmy+{$job}+odebran+1+level"); break; case 2: single("survival", "jobs+promote+{$nick}+{$job}+1"); single("survival", "a+Hraci+{$nick}+byl+z+firmy+{$job}+pridan+1+level"); break; case 3: case 4: $mysqli->select_db("mcsurvival"); $request = "SELECT * FROM `jobs` WHERE `job` LIKE '{$job}' ORDER BY `level` DESC"; $result = $mysqli->query($request); while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) { $level = $row[2]; $nick = $row[0]; $base = 100; $money = round(1000 + $level * $base); single("survival", "tell+{$nick}+Za+praci+ve+firme+si+dostal+castku+{$money}+leveluj+dal+a+dostanes+jeste+vic!+:)"); single("survival", "eco+give+{$nick}+{$money}"); single("survival", "a+Hraci+{$nick}+byla+vyplacena+castka:+{$money}"); sleep(1); } } echo "<script>window.close();</script>";
require '../phpfiles/singlefunction.php'; $olnumbering = $start + 1; echo "<ol type='1' start=\"{$olnumbering}\">"; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); for ($i = $olnumbering; $i <= $row['exa_nom']; $i++) { echo '<li>'; multiple($olnumbering); echo '</li>'; } echo "</ol>"; $total = $row['exa_nos'] + $row['exa_nom']; if ($olnumbering > $row['exa_nom']) { echo "<ol type='1' start=\"{$olnumbering}\">"; for ($i = $olnumbering; $i <= $total; $i++) { echo '<li>'; single($olnumbering); echo '</li>'; } echo "</ol>"; } ?> <?php //include('config.php'); //Calculating no of pages require '../mysqlcon.php'; $sql = "select que_id from questionss where que_exam_id={$examid} union all select quem_id from questionsm where quem_exam_id={$examid}"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
*/ $User = User::getInstance(); $login = User::verify(); if ($SETTINGS['maintenance'] == 1 && !$login) { maintenance_message(); } $page = @$_GET['page']; if (empty($page)) { $id = single('select id from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where home=1 limit 1', 'id'); } else { $array = explode('/', $page); if (end($array) == '') { array_pop($array); } $slug = addslashes(end($array)); $id = single('select id from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where slug="' . $slug . '"', 'id'); if (!$id) { frontend_error('<h1>404 - File Not Found</h1><p>The page your are looking for does not ' . 'exist</p><p><a href="' . SITE_URL . '">Site Index</a></p>', '404 - File Not Found'); } } /** * get page rows in array and stripslashes */ $Page = row('select * from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where id=' . $id, true); $Page = stripslashes_array($Page); // make sure user has permission to view page $perm = explode('|', $Page['perm']); if ($User && !$User->frontendPagePerm($perm[0])) { frontend_error('<h1>Permissions Error</h1><p>You have insufficient privellages to view this page.</p>', 'Permissions Error'); } require HOME . '_inc/smarty.php';
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); $nosindex = 1; echo "<ol type='1' >"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<li>'; multiple($row); echo '</li>'; $nosindex++; } echo "</ol>"; $sql = "select * from questionss where que_exam_id={$examid}"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); echo "<ol type='1' start=\"{$nosindex}\">"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<li>'; single($row); echo '</li>'; } echo "</ol>"; ?> <input type="submit" value="ادخل الاجابات"> </form> </div><!-- of the jwplayer col--> </div><!-- end of the main content row-->
function make_regexp($query) { /* * De 1e stap is tellen hoeveek er haakje svoor komen */ if (substr_count($query, '*') >= 1) { return false; } //Tel alle openingshaakjes $count_open = substr_count($query, '('); //Tel aale sluithaakjes $count_close = substr_count($query, ')'); //Als er het aantal haakjes niet gelijk is sluit gelijk alles if ($count_close !== $count_open) { return false; } if ($count_open == 1) { if (substr($query, -1) == ')' and substr($query, 0, 1) == '(') { $count_open = 0; } } //Hier gaan we opdelen in geen haakjes of 1 paar haakjes of meerder haakjes //Als er geen haakjes zijn gevonden if ($count_open == 0) { //Tel nu hoe vaak het woordt AND voor komt $count_and = substr_count($query, 'AND'); if ($count_and == 0) { //Als er geen AND in voor komt gaat er iets mis return single($query); //Als er 1x and in voor komt } elseif ($count_and == 1) { //Als er And voor kom zet dan alles keys om en een regexp return get_title_key($query); //Als er meer dan 1 AND in voor komt } else { //Er komen nu geen haakjes voor maar wel dan 1 x AND return no_end_more_and($query); } //Als er 1 paar haakjes voor komt } elseif ($count_open == 1) { //Tel hoe vaak komt AND voor $count_and = substr_count($query, 'AND'); //Als het 1x voor komt if ($count_and == 1) { //Haal op wat voor de AND staat $befor = strstr($query, 'AND', true); if (substr_count($befor, ')')) { //De haakjes staan voor de AND return single_par_before($query); } else { //De haakjes staam ma de AND return single_par_after($query); } //Als het meer dan 1 x voor komt } else { //Ga kijken of de AND tussen de haakjes staat of er na komet $substring = getInnerSubstring($query, "AND"); $count = substr_count($substring, ')'); //De and staat tussen haakjes if ($count == 1) { //De haakjes staan voor de and en er staan een sand tussen return single_par_before_more_and($query); //De and komt na de haakjes } else { //De haakjes staam ma de AND return single_par_after($query); } } //Als er meer haakje svoor komen } else { //Er zijn meer haakjes return multi_par($query); } }
require '../phpfiles/multiplefunction.php'; require '../phpfiles/singlefunction.php'; // $olnumbering=$start+1; echo "<ol type='1' >"; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= $row['exa_nom']; $i++) { echo '<li>'; multiple($i); echo '</li>'; } echo "</ol>"; $nosindex = $row['exa_nom'] + 1; echo "<ol type='1' start=\"{$nosindex}\">"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $row['exa_nos']; $i++) { echo '<li>'; single($i); echo '</li>'; } echo "</ol>"; ?> <input type="submit" value="ادخل الاسئلة"> </form> </div> <!-- /.container-fluid -->
<input type="hidden" name="test_count" value="<?php print $t; ?> " /> <br/><br/><br/> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Додати</button> </div> </div> </form> <?php } ?> <?php if ($e == 'many') { multiple($e, $t, $t_id); } elseif ($e == 'one') { single($e, $t, $t_id); } elseif ($e == 'yn') { yn($e, 2, $t_id); } elseif ($e == 'text') { text($e, $t_id); } elseif ($e == 'order') { order($e, $t, $t_id); } ?> <div class="col-xs-9 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xs-offset-3 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2"> <a href="<?php print URL; ?> ?c=manageTests&f=create_question_hand">назад</a> </div>
* password reset details to the user. * * @author Conor Mac Aoidh <*****@*****.**> * @license http://furasta.org/licence.txt The BSD License * @version 1.0 * @package admin_users */ $email = addslashes(@$_GET['email']); if ($email == '') { die('1'); } $query = mysql_query('select * from ' . DB_USERS . ' where email="' . $email . '"'); $num = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($num == 1) { die('0'); } else { $hash = md5(mt_rand()); query('update ' . DB_USERS . ' set reminder="' . $hash . '" where email="' . $email . '"'); $name = single('select name from ' . DB_USERS . ' where email="' . $email . '" and hash="' . $hash . '"', 'name'); $subject = 'Password Reminder | Furasta.Org'; $message = $name . ', <br/> <p>You have requested a new password. Please follow the link below to reset your password:</p> <br/> <p>' . SITE_URL . '/admin/settings/users/reset_password.php?reminder=' . $hash . '</p> <br/> <p>If you have not requested a new password please ignore this email.</p> '; email($email, $subject, $message); die('1'); }
<?php /** * Blog Plugin, Furasta.Org * * @author Conor Mac Aoidh <*****@*****.**> * @licence http://furasta.org/licence.txt The BSD Licence * @version 1 */ $qstring = @$_GET['blog_post']; switch ($qstring) { case strpos($qstring, '/') !== -1: $qstring = explode('/', rtrim($qstring, '/')); // assume its a post title for now $name = addslashes(str_replace('-', ' ', $qstring[count($qstring) - 1])); $post_id = single('select id from ' . DB_PREFIX . 'blog_posts where title="' . $name . '"', 'id'); if ($post_id) { require HOME . '_plugins/Blog/frontend/post.php'; } else { // get date from qstring if present $date = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) { if (isset($qstring[$i])) { array_push($date, $qstring[$i]); } } if (count($date) == 0) { $date = false; } require HOME . '_plugins/Blog/frontend/posts.php'; }
</a> <br style="clear:both"/> <table class="row-color" id="forums"> <tr class="th"> <th>' . $Template->e('name') . '</th> <th>' . $Template->e('forum_description') . '</th> <th>' . $Template->e('forum_posts_count') . '</th> <th>' . $Template->e('delete') . '</th> </tr> '; $forums = rows('select id, name, description from ' . DB_PREFIX . 'forums'); if (count($forums) == 0) { $content .= '<tr class="empty-table"><td colspan="4">No forums yet! <a class="link add-forum">Add one</a>.</td></tr>'; } foreach ($forums as $forum) { $posts = single('select count(id) from ' . DB_PREFIX . 'forum_posts where id=' . $forum['id'], 'count(id)'); $content .= '<tr> <td>' . $forum['name'] . '</td> <td>' . $forum['description'] . '</td> <td>' . $posts . '</td> <td><a class="link delete" id="' . $forum['id'] . '"><span id="delete-img" class="admin-menu-img"> </span></a></td> </tr>'; } $content .= ' <tr class="th"> <td colspan="4"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div id="tabs-3">
<?php /** * Blog Plugin, Furasta.Org * * @author Conor Mac Aoidh <*****@*****.**> * @licence http://furasta.org/licence.txt The BSD Licence * @version 1 */ $Template = Template::getInstance(); $options = options('page_' . $id); $limit = @$options['blog_items_per_page'] == 0 ? 5 : $options['blog_items_per_page']; $post = row('select * from ' . DB_PREFIX . 'blog_posts where id=' . $post_id); echo '<div id="blog-content">'; $b_name = single('select slug from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where id=' . $id, 'slug'); $time = strtotime($post['post_date']); $date = date('/Y/m/d/', $time); $show_date = date('F j, Y', $time); $name = str_replace(' ', '-', $post['title']); $link = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . $b_name . $date . $name . '">'; $content = @$options['blog_full_summary'] == 'full' ? $post['body'] : substr($post['body'], 0, 400) . ' [..]'; echo '<div class="blog-post" id="blog_post_' . $post['id'] . '">'; echo '<div class="blog-post-title"> ' . $link . '<h1>' . $post['title'] . '</h1></a> <p class="post_date">' . $show_date . '</p> </div>'; echo '<div class="blog-post-content">' . $content . '</div>'; echo '<div class="blog-post-footer">'; echo '<p id="post_tags">Tags: ' . $post['tags'] . '</p>'; echo '</div></div>'; echo '</div>';
print $question_id; ?> " /> <br/><br/><br/> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Додати</button> </div> </div> </form> <?php } ?> <?php $test_type = $data[0]['test_type']; if ($test_type == 'many') { multiple($test_type, $t_id, $question_id, $data); } elseif ($test_type == 'one') { single($test_type, $t_id, $question_id, $data); } elseif ($test_type == 'yn') { yn($test_type, 2, $t_id, $question_id, $data); } elseif ($test_type == 'text') { text($test_type, $t_id, $question_id, $data); } elseif ($test_type == 'order') { order($test_type, $t_id, $question_id, $data); } ?> <div class="col-xs-9 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xs-offset-3 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2"> <a href="<?php print URL; ?> ?c=manageTests&f=create_question_hand">назад</a> </div> </div></div></div>
function redeemMark($uId, $qId, $mysqli) { $date = time(); $query = "UPDATE `completed_quests` SET `redeemStatus` = '1',`adminId` = NULL ,`timeChecked` = {$date} WHERE `completed_quests`.`playerId` ={$uId} AND `completed_quests`.`questId` ={$qId} AND `completed_quests`.`status` = 1 "; $mysqli->query($query); //echo $query; if (mysqli_affected_rows($mysqli) != 0) { single("survival", getQuestCmd($qId, "redeem", $mysqli)); whole(getQuestCmd($qId, "complete", $mysqli)); } }
whole($cmd); $cmd = "unban+" . $nick; whole($cmd); $cmd = "pardon+" . $nick; whole($cmd); $cmd = "pardonip+" . $nick; whole($cmd); $cmd = "say+Unban+proveden:+" . $nick; whole($cmd); } elseif ($price == 99.0) { $duration = 1209600; $cmd = "pex+user+" . $nick . "+group+add+vipgold"; whole($cmd); $cmd = "eco+give+" . $nick . "+5000"; single("survival", $cmd); single("pvp", $cmd); $cmd = "kit+viponce+" . $nick; whole($cmd); $res = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `mcsms`.`mccheck` WHERE `text` LIKE '{$text}' AND `type` LIKE '2'"); $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $textc = $row['text']; if (isset($textc)) { $duration = $row['duration'] + $duration; $idu = $row['id']; $mysqli->query("UPDATE `mcsms`.`mccheck` SET `duration` = '{$duration}' WHERE `mccheck`.`id` = {$idu}"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `mcsms`.`mccheck` SET `deleted` = '0' WHERE `mccheck`.`id` = {$idu}"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `mcsms`.`mccheck` SET `price` = '{$price}' WHERE `mccheck`.`id` = {$idu}"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `mcsms`.`mccheck` SET `date` = '{$date}' WHERE `mccheck`.`id` = {$idu}"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `mcsms`.`mccheck` SET `operator` = '{$operator}' WHERE `mccheck`.`id` = {$idu}"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `mcsms`.`mccheck` SET `att` = '{$att}' WHERE `mccheck`.`id` = {$idu}"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE `mcsms`.`mccheck` SET `msisdn_gw` = '{$msisdn_gw}' WHERE `mccheck`.`id` = {$idu}");
*/ if (!defined('AJAX_LOADED') || !defined('AJAX_VERIFIED')) { die; } require HOME . '_inc/function/admin.php'; /** * set up $_GET variables */ $type = @$_GET['type']; $id = (int) @$_GET['id']; $normal = true; if ($type != 'Normal') { $normal = $Plugins->adminPageType($type, $id); } if ($type == 'Normal' || !$normal) { if ($id != 0) { $content = stripslashes(single('select content from ' . DB_PAGES . ' where id= ' . $id, 'content')); } $Template = Template::getInstance(); $javascript = ' $(function(){ tinymce_changeConfig( "#page-content", "Normal" ); });'; $Template->loadJavascript('FURASTA_ADMIN_DB_PAGES' . $id, $javascript); $content = ' <textarea id="page-content" name="PageContent" class="tinymce" style="width:100%;display:block"> ' . @$content . ' </textarea>'; $Template->add('content', $content); } else { }