コード例 #1
 public function testRegisterFunctions()
     $arr_return = simple_fields_register_field_group("my_new_field_group", array('name' => 'Test field group', 'description' => "Test field description", 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => array(array('name' => 'A new text field', 'description' => 'Enter some text in my new text field', 'type' => 'text', 'slug' => "my_new_textfield"))));
     $expected_return = array('id' => 4, 'key' => 'my_new_field_group', 'slug' => 'my_new_field_group', 'name' => 'Test field group', 'description' => 'Test field description', 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => array(0 => array('name' => 'A new text field', 'slug' => 'my_new_textfield', 'description' => 'Enter some text in my new text field', 'type' => 'text', 'type_post_options' => array('enabled_post_types' => array(), 'additional_arguments' => ''), 'type_taxonomyterm_options' => array('additional_arguments' => ''), 'id' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, "field_group" => array("id" => 4, "name" => "Test field group", "slug" => "my_new_field_group", "description" => "Test field description", "repeatable" => 1, "fields_count" => 1))), 'deleted' => false, "fields_count" => 1);
     #echo "xxx";print_r($arr_return);
     $this->assertEquals($expected_return, $arr_return);
     // generate arr with all field types
     $arr_field_types = array();
     $field_types = explode(",", "text,textarea,checkbox,radiobutton,dropdown,file,post,taxonomy,taxonomyterm,color,date,user");
     foreach ($field_types as $field_type) {
         $arr_field_types[] = array('name' => "A new field of type {$field_type}", 'description' => "Description for field of type {$field_type}", 'type' => $field_type, 'slug' => "slug_fieldtype_{$field_type}");
     $arr_return = simple_fields_register_field_group("my_new_field_group_all_fields", array('name' => 'Test field group with all fields', 'description' => "Test field description", 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => $arr_field_types));
     // something like this anyway. we can check keys by it anyway
     $expected_return = array('id' => 3, 'key' => 'my_new_field_group_all_fields', 'slug' => 'my_new_field_group_all_fields', 'name' => 'Test field group with all fields', 'description' => 'Test field description', 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => array(0 => array('name' => 'A new field of type text', 'slug' => 'slug_fieldtype_text', 'description' => 'Description for field of type text', 'type' => 'text', 'type_post_options' => array('enabled_post_types' => array(), 'additional_arguments' => ''), 'type_taxonomyterm_options' => array('additional_arguments' => ''), 'id' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, "field_group" => array())), 'deleted' => false, "fields_count" => 1);
     $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_return), array_keys($arr_return));
     // @todo: add test of values here also
     foreach ($arr_return["fields"] as $arr_one_field) {
         $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_return["fields"][0]), array_keys($arr_one_field));
     			simple_fields_register_post_connector($unique_name = "", $new_post_connector = array())
     			simple_fields_register_post_type_default($connector_id_or_special_type = "", $post_type = "post")
     // test manually added fields again to make sure nothing broke
     // does this work btw?
     			left to write tests for:
     			function simple_fields_set_value($post_id, $field_slug, $new_numInSet = null, $new_post_connector = null, $new_value) {
     			get_field_in_group($field_group, $field_id)
     			Extension API
コード例 #2
 public function testRegisterFunctions()
     $arr_return = simple_fields_register_field_group("my_new_field_group", array('name' => 'Test field group', 'description' => "Test field description", 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => array(array('name' => 'A new text field', 'description' => 'Enter some text in my new text field', 'type' => 'text', 'slug' => "my_new_textfield"))));
     $expected_return = array('id' => 1, 'key' => 'my_new_field_group', 'slug' => 'my_new_field_group', 'name' => 'Test field group', 'description' => 'Test field description', 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => array(0 => array('name' => 'A new text field', 'slug' => 'my_new_textfield', 'description' => 'Enter some text in my new text field', 'type' => 'text', 'type_post_options' => array('enabled_post_types' => array(), 'additional_arguments' => ''), 'type_taxonomyterm_options' => array('additional_arguments' => ''), 'type_text_options' => array(), 'id' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, "options" => array("text" => array()), "field_group" => array("id" => 1, "name" => "Test field group", "slug" => "my_new_field_group", "description" => "Test field description", "repeatable" => 1, "fields_count" => 1))), 'deleted' => false, "fields_count" => 1, "added_with_code" => true);
     // check that all keys in expected_return and it's values exist in arr_return
     foreach ($expected_return as $expected_return_key => $expected_return_value) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($expected_return_key, $arr_return);
         $this->assertEquals($expected_return_value, $arr_return[$expected_return_key]);
     foreach ($expected_return["fields"][0] as $expected_return_key => $expected_return_value) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($expected_return_key, $arr_return["fields"][0]);
     // generate arr with all field types
     $arr_field_types = array();
     $field_types = explode(",", "text,textarea,checkbox,radiobutton,dropdown,file,post,taxonomy,taxonomyterm,color,date,user");
     foreach ($field_types as $field_type) {
         $arr_field_types[] = array('name' => "A new field of type {$field_type}", 'description' => "Description for field of type {$field_type}", 'type' => $field_type, 'slug' => "slug_fieldtype_{$field_type}");
     $arr_return = simple_fields_register_field_group("my_new_field_group_all_fields", array('name' => 'Test field group with all fields', 'description' => "Test field description", 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => $arr_field_types));
     // something like this anyway. we can check keys by it anyway
     $expected_return = array('id' => 2, 'key' => 'my_new_field_group_all_fields', 'slug' => 'my_new_field_group_all_fields', 'name' => 'Test field group with all fields', 'description' => 'Test field description', 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => array(0 => array('name' => 'A new field of type text', 'slug' => 'slug_fieldtype_text', 'description' => 'Description for field of type text', 'type' => 'text', 'type_post_options' => array('enabled_post_types' => array(), 'additional_arguments' => ''), 'type_taxonomyterm_options' => array('additional_arguments' => ''), 'id' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, "field_group" => array(), "options" => array())), 'deleted' => false, "fields_count" => 1, "added_with_code" => true, "gui_view" => "list");
     $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_return), array_keys($arr_return));
     // @todo: add test of values here also
     foreach ($arr_return["fields"] as $arr_one_field) {
         // cheating a bit, because laziness
         unset($arr_one_field["type_text_options"], $arr_one_field["type_textarea_options"], $arr_one_field["type_checkbox_options"], $arr_one_field["type_dropdown_options"], $arr_one_field["type_file_options"], $arr_one_field["type_taxonomy_options"], $arr_one_field["type_color_options"], $arr_one_field["type_date_options"], $arr_one_field["type_user_options"]);
         $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_return["fields"][0]), array_keys($arr_one_field));
     			simple_fields_register_post_connector($unique_name = "", $new_post_connector = array())
     			simple_fields_register_post_type_default($connector_id_or_special_type = "", $post_type = "post")
     // Test post connectors
     $connector_return1 = simple_fields_register_post_connector('test_connector', array('name' => "A test connector", 'field_groups' => array(array('slug' => 'my_new_field_group')), 'post_types' => array('post', "page")));
     $connector_return2 = simple_fields_register_post_connector('another_connector', array('name' => "Another connector", 'field_groups' => array(array('slug' => 'my_new_field_group_all_fields'), array('slug' => 'my_new_field_group')), 'post_types' => array('post', "page")));
     $connector_return1_expected = array('id' => 1, 'key' => 'test_connector', 'slug' => 'test_connector', 'name' => 'A test connector', 'field_groups' => array(1 => array('id' => 1, 'slug' => 'my_new_field_group', 'key' => 'my_new_field_group', 'name' => 'Test field group', 'deleted' => 0, 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'low')), 'post_types' => array(0 => 'post', 1 => 'page'), 'deleted' => false, 'hide_editor' => false, 'field_groups_count' => 1, "added_with_code" => true);
     $this->assertEquals($connector_return1_expected, $connector_return1);
     $connector_return2_expected = array('id' => 2, 'key' => 'another_connector', 'slug' => 'another_connector', 'name' => 'Another connector', 'field_groups' => array(2 => array('id' => 2, 'slug' => 'my_new_field_group_all_fields', 'key' => 'my_new_field_group_all_fields', 'name' => 'Test field group with all fields', 'deleted' => 0, 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'low'), 1 => array('id' => 1, 'slug' => 'my_new_field_group', 'key' => 'my_new_field_group', 'name' => 'Test field group', 'deleted' => 0, 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'low')), 'post_types' => array(0 => 'post', 1 => 'page'), 'deleted' => false, 'hide_editor' => false, 'field_groups_count' => 2, "added_with_code" => true);
     $this->assertEquals($connector_return2_expected, $connector_return2);
     // test manually added fields again to make sure nothing broke
     // does this work btw?
     // $this->testManuallyAddedFields();
     // Some more texts with addings fields
     // Added 14 jan 2013
     $new_field_group_fields = array('name' => 'Attachments', 'description' => "Add some attachments to this post", 'repeatable' => 1, 'fields' => array(array('slug' => "attachment_file", 'name' => 'A file', 'description' => 'Select a file, for example an image', 'type' => 'file', "type_file_options" => array("enable_extended_return_values" => 1))));
     $added_field_group = simple_fields_register_field_group('attachments', $new_field_group_fields);
     // check most important things
     //$this->assertEquals( array_keys($expected_return), array_keys($arr_return) );
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("slug", $added_field_group);
     foreach ($new_field_group_fields as $field_key => $field_val) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($field_key, $added_field_group);
     foreach ($new_field_group_fields["fields"][0] as $field_key => $field_val) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($field_key, $added_field_group["fields"][0]);
     // Change some small things, like adding another fields after the first
     $new_field_group_fields_modified1 = $new_field_group_fields;
     $new_field_group_fields_modified1["name"] = "Attachments changed text";
     $new_field_group_fields_modified1["description"] = "Attachments changed description";
     $new_field_group_fields_modified1["fields"][] = array('slug' => "attachment_description", 'name' => 'A description', 'description' => 'bla bla bla', 'type' => 'text', "type_file_options" => array("enable_extended_return_values" => 1));
     $added_field_group_after_modified1 = simple_fields_register_field_group('attachments', $new_field_group_fields_modified1);
     foreach ($expected_return as $field_key => $field_val) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($field_key, $added_field_group_after_modified1);
     $this->assertCount(2, $added_field_group_after_modified1["fields"]);
     $this->assertEquals($added_field_group_after_modified1["fields"][0]["slug"], "attachment_file");
     $this->assertEquals($added_field_group_after_modified1["fields"][1]["slug"], "attachment_description");
     // Update an existing field with, with as little code as possible
     $added_field_group_after_updated_field_with_little_code = simple_fields_register_field_group('attachments', array('key' => 'attachments', 'fields' => array(array('slug' => "attachment_file", 'name' => 'A file, updated', 'description' => 'Select a file, for example an image, updated'))));
     $this->assertEquals($added_field_group_after_updated_field_with_little_code["fields"][0]["slug"], "attachment_file");
     $this->assertEquals($added_field_group_after_updated_field_with_little_code["fields"][1]["slug"], "attachment_description");
     // Update an existing field with, with as little code as possible
     // after this attachment_description should be the first key in fields
     $added_field_group_after_updated_field_with_little_code = simple_fields_register_field_group('attachments', array('key' => 'attachments', 'fields' => array(array('slug' => "attachment_description"))));
     $this->assertEquals($added_field_group_after_updated_field_with_little_code["fields"][0]["slug"], "attachment_file");
     $this->assertEquals($added_field_group_after_updated_field_with_little_code["fields"][1]["slug"], "attachment_description");
     $this->assertEquals(array(1, 0), array_keys($added_field_group_after_updated_field_with_little_code["fields"]));
     			left to write tests for:
     			function simple_fields_set_value($post_id, $field_slug, $new_numInSet = null, $new_post_connector = null, $new_value) {
     			get_field_in_group($field_group, $field_id)
     			Extension API
コード例 #3
     * Output all stuff for the options page
     * Should be modularized a bit, it's way to long/big right now
    function options_page()
        global $sf;
        $field_groups = $this->get_field_groups();
        $post_connectors = $this->get_post_connectors();
        // for debug purposes, here we can reset the option
        #$field_groups = array(); update_option("simple_fields_groups", $field_groups);
        #$post_connectors = array(); update_option("simple_fields_post_connectors", $post_connectors);
        // sort them by name
        function simple_fields_uasort($a, $b)
            if ($a["name"] == $b["name"]) {
                return 0;
            return strcasecmp($a["name"], $b["name"]);
        uasort($field_groups, "simple_fields_uasort");
        uasort($post_connectors, "simple_fields_uasort");
		<div class="wrap">
        echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_NAME;
			<div class="clear"></div>
			<div class="simple-fields-bonny-plugins-inner-sidebar">
				<h3>Keep this plugin alive</h3>
					I develop this plugin mostly on my spare time. Please consider <a href="http://eskapism.se/sida/donate/">donating</a>
					or <a href="https://flattr.com/thing/116510/Simple-Fields">Flattr</a>
					to keep the development going.
				<p>If you have any problems with this plugins please check out the <a href="http://wordpress.org/tags/simple-fields?forum_id=10">support forum</a>.</p>
				<p>You can <a href="https://github.com/bonny/WordPress-Simple-Fields">follow the development of this plugin at GitHub</a>.</p>
		<div class="simple-fields-settings-wrap">
        $action = isset($_GET["action"]) ? $_GET["action"] : null;
         * save post type defaults
        if ("edit-post-type-defaults-save" == $action) {
            $post_type = $_POST["simple_fields_save-post_type"];
            $post_type_connector = $_POST["simple_fields_save-post_type_connector"];
            simple_fields_register_post_type_default($post_type_connector, $post_type);
            $simple_fields_did_save_post_type_defaults = true;
            $action = "";
         * edit post type defaults
        if ("edit-post-type-defaults" == $action) {
            $post_type = $_GET["post-type"];
            global $wp_post_types;
            if (isset($wp_post_types[$post_type])) {
                $selected_post_type = $wp_post_types[$post_type];
                echo __(sprintf('Edit default post connector for post type %1$s', $selected_post_type->label), "simple-fields");
					<form action="<?php 
                echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
&amp;action=edit-post-type-defaults-save" method="post">
						<table class="form-table">
                _e('Default post connector', 'simple-fields');
                $arr_post_connectors = $this->get_post_connectors_for_post_type($post_type);
                if ($arr_post_connectors) {
                    $selected_post_type_default = $this->get_default_connector_for_post_type($post_type);
										<select name="simple_fields_save-post_type_connector">
											<option <?php 
                    echo $selected_post_type_default === "__none__" ? " selected='selected' " : "";
                    _e('No post connector', 'simple-fields');
											<option <?php 
                    echo $selected_post_type_default === "__inherit__" ? " selected='selected' " : "";
                    _e('Inherit from parent post', 'simple-fields');
                    foreach ($arr_post_connectors as $one_post_connector) {
                        echo "<option " . (intval($selected_post_type_default) == intval($one_post_connector["id"]) ? " selected='selected' " : "") . "value='{$one_post_connector["id"]}'>" . $one_post_connector["name"] . "</option>";
                } else {
                    _e('There are no post connectors for this post type.', 'simple-fields');
						<p class="submit">
							<input class="button-primary" type="submit" value="<?php 
                _e("Save changes", "simple-fields");
" />
							<input type="hidden" name="simple_fields_save-post_type" value="<?php 
                echo $post_type;
" />
                _e('or', 'simple_fields');
							<a href="<?php 
                echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
                _e('cancel', 'simple-fields');
         * Delete a field group
        if ("delete-field-group" == $action) {
            $field_group_id = (int) $_GET["group-id"];
            $field_groups[$field_group_id]["deleted"] = true;
            update_option("simple_fields_groups", $field_groups);
            $simple_fields_did_delete = true;
            $action = "";
         * Delete a post connector
        if ("delete-post-connector" == $action) {
            $post_connector_id = (int) $_GET["connector-id"];
            $post_connectors[$post_connector_id]["deleted"] = 1;
            update_option("simple_fields_post_connectors", $post_connectors);
            $simple_fields_did_delete_post_connector = true;
            $action = "";
         * save a field group
         * including fields
        if ("edit-field-group-save" == $action) {
            if ($_POST) {
                $field_group_id = (int) $_POST["field_group_id"];
                $field_groups[$field_group_id]["name"] = stripslashes($_POST["field_group_name"]);
                $field_groups[$field_group_id]["description"] = stripslashes($_POST["field_group_description"]);
                $field_groups[$field_group_id]["slug"] = stripslashes($_POST["field_group_slug"]);
                $field_groups[$field_group_id]["repeatable"] = (bool) isset($_POST["field_group_repeatable"]);
                $field_groups[$field_group_id]["fields"] = (array) stripslashes_deep($_POST["field"]);
                // Since 0.6 we really want all things to have slugs, so add one if it's not set
                if (empty($field_groups[$field_group_id]["slug"])) {
                    $field_groups[$field_group_id]["slug"] = "field_group_" . $field_group_id;
                if just one empty array like this, unset first elm
                happens if no fields have been added (now why would you do such an evil thing?!)
                if (sizeof($field_groups[$field_group_id]["fields"]) == 1 && empty($field_groups[$field_group_id]["fields"][0])) {
                update_option("simple_fields_groups", $field_groups);
                // we can have changed the options of a field group, so update connectors using this field group
                $post_connectors = (array) $this->get_post_connectors();
                foreach ($post_connectors as $connector_id => $connector_options) {
                    if (isset($connector_options["field_groups"][$field_group_id])) {
                        // field group existed, update name
                        $post_connectors[$connector_id]["field_groups"][$field_group_id]["name"] = stripslashes($_POST["field_group_name"]);
                update_option("simple_fields_post_connectors", $post_connectors);
                $simple_fields_did_save = true;
            $action = "";
         * save a post connector
        if ("edit-post-connector-save" == $action) {
            if ($_POST) {
                $connector_id = (int) $_POST["post_connector_id"];
                $post_connectors[$connector_id]["name"] = (string) stripslashes($_POST["post_connector_name"]);
                $post_connectors[$connector_id]["slug"] = (string) $_POST["post_connector_slug"];
                $post_connectors[$connector_id]["field_groups"] = (array) @$_POST["added_fields"];
                $post_connectors[$connector_id]["post_types"] = (array) @$_POST["post_types"];
                $post_connectors[$connector_id]["hide_editor"] = (bool) @$_POST["hide_editor"];
                // a post type can only have one default connector, so make sure only the connector
                // that we are saving now has it; remove it from all others;
                $post_types_type_default = (array) $_POST["post_types_type_default"];
                foreach ($post_types_type_default as $one_default_post_type) {
                	foreach ($post_connectors as $one_post_connector) {
                		if (in_array($one_default_post_type, $one_post_connector["post_types_type_default"])) {
                			$array_key = array_search($one_default_post_type, $one_post_connector["post_types_type_default"]);
                			if ($array_key !== false) {
                $post_connectors[$connector_id]["post_types_type_default"] = $post_types_type_default;
                // for some reason I got an empty connector (array key was empty) so check for these and remove
                $post_connectors_tmp = array();
                foreach ($post_connectors as $key => $one_connector) {
                    if (!empty($one_connector)) {
                        $post_connectors_tmp[$key] = $one_connector;
                $post_connectors = $post_connectors_tmp;
                update_option("simple_fields_post_connectors", $post_connectors);
                $simple_fields_did_save_connector = true;
            $action = "";
         * edit new or existing post connector
         * If new then connector-id = 0
        if ("edit-post-connector" == $action) {
            $connector_id = isset($_GET["connector-id"]) ? intval($_GET["connector-id"]) : false;
            $highest_connector_id = 0;
            // if new, save it as unnamed, and then set to edit that
            if ($connector_id === 0) {
                // is new connector
                $post_connector_in_edit = simple_fields_register_post_connector();
            } else {
                // existing post connector
                // set a default value for hide_editor if it does not exist. did not exist until 0.5
                $post_connectors[$connector_id]["hide_editor"] = (bool) @$post_connectors[$connector_id]["hide_editor"];
                $post_connector_in_edit = $post_connectors[$connector_id];
            _e('Post Connector details', 'simple-fields');
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
					<table class="form-table">

            _e('Name', 'simple-fields');
							<td><input type="text" id="post_connector_name" name="post_connector_name" class="regular-text" value="<?php 
            echo esc_html($post_connector_in_edit["name"]);
" /></td>

								<label for="post_connector_slug"><?php 
            _e('Slug', 'simple-fields');
								<input 	type="text" name="post_connector_slug" id="post_connector_slug" class="regular-text" 
            echo esc_html(@$post_connector_in_edit["slug"]);
            echo $this->get_slug_pattern();
            echo $this->get_slug_title();
								 <span class="description"><?php 
            echo __("A unique identifier for this connector", 'simple-fields');
            // sf_d($post_connector_in_edit);

            _e('Field Groups', 'simple-fields');
									<select id="simple-fields-post-connector-add-fields">
										<option value=""><?php 
            _e('Add field group...', 'simple-fields');
            foreach ($field_groups as $one_field_group) {
                if ($one_field_group["deleted"]) {
<option value='<?php 
                echo $one_field_group["id"];
                echo esc_html($one_field_group["name"]);
								<ul id="simple-fields-post-connector-added-fields">
            foreach ($post_connector_in_edit["field_groups"] as $one_post_connector_added_field) {
                if ($one_post_connector_added_field["deleted"]) {
											<div class='simple-fields-post-connector-addded-fields-handle'></div>
											<div class='simple-fields-post-connector-addded-fields-field-name'><?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["name"];
											<input type='hidden' name='added_fields[<?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["id"];
][id]' value='<?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["id"];
' />
											<input type='hidden' name='added_fields[<?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["id"];
][name]' value='<?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["name"];
' />
											<input type='hidden' name='added_fields[<?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["id"];
][deleted]' value='0' class="simple-fields-post-connector-added-field-deleted" />
											<div class="simple-fields-post-connector-addded-fields-options">
                _e('Context', 'simple-fields');
												<select name='added_fields[<?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["id"];
][context]' class="simple-fields-post-connector-addded-fields-option-context">
													<option <?php 
                echo "normal" == $one_post_connector_added_field["context"] ? " selected='selected' " : "";
													<option <?php 
                echo "advanced" == $one_post_connector_added_field["context"] ? " selected='selected' " : "";
													<option <?php 
                echo "side" == $one_post_connector_added_field["context"] ? " selected='selected' " : "";
                _e('Priority', 'simple-fields');
												<select name='added_fields[<?php 
                echo $one_post_connector_added_field["id"];
][priority]' class="simple-fields-post-connector-addded-fields-option-priority">
													<option <?php 
                echo "low" == $one_post_connector_added_field["priority"] ? " selected='selected' " : "";
													<option <?php 
                echo "high" == $one_post_connector_added_field["priority"] ? " selected='selected' " : "";
											<a href='#' class='simple-fields-post-connector-addded-fields-delete'><?php 
                _e('Delete', 'simple-fields');
            _e('Options', 'simple-fields');
            echo $post_connector_in_edit["hide_editor"] == TRUE ? " checked='checked' " : "";
								 value="1" />
            _e('Hide the built in editor', 'simple-fields');
            _e('Available for post types', 'simple-fields');
            global $wp_post_types;
            $arr_post_types_to_ignore = array("attachment", "revision", "nav_menu_item");
            foreach ($wp_post_types as $one_post_type) {
                if (!in_array($one_post_type->name, $arr_post_types_to_ignore)) {
													<input <?php 
                    echo in_array($one_post_type->name, $post_connector_in_edit["post_types"]) ? " checked='checked' " : "";
 type="checkbox" name="post_types[]" value="<?php 
                    echo $one_post_type->name;
" />
                    echo $one_post_type->name;
                    <!-- <td>
                    	<input <?php echo (in_array($one_post_type->name, $post_connector_in_edit["post_types_type_default"]) ? " checked='checked' " : "") ?> type="checkbox" name="post_types_type_default[]" value="<?php echo $one_post_type->name ?>" />
                    	Default connector for post type <?php echo $one_post_type->name ?>
                    </td> -->
					<p class="submit">
						<input class="button-primary" type="submit" value="<?php 
            _e('Save Changes', 'simple-fields');
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
						<!-- <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="field_group_name" /> -->
						<input type="hidden" name="post_connector_id" value="<?php 
            echo $post_connector_in_edit["id"];
" />
						<a href="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
            _e('cancel', 'simple-fields');
					<p class="simple-fields-post-connector-delete">
						<a href="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
            echo $post_connector_in_edit["id"];
         * Edit new or existing Field Group
        if ("edit-field-group" == $action) {
            $field_group_id = isset($_GET["group-id"]) ? intval($_GET["group-id"]) : false;
            $highest_field_id = 0;
            // check if field group is new or existing
            if ($field_group_id === 0) {
                // new: save it as unnamed, and then set to edit that
                $field_group_in_edit = simple_fields_register_field_group();
                simple_fields::debug("Added new field group", $field_group_in_edit);
            } else {
                // existing: get highest field id
                foreach ($field_groups[$field_group_id]["fields"] as $one_field) {
                    if ($one_field["id"] > $highest_field_id) {
                        $highest_field_id = $one_field["id"];
                $field_group_in_edit = $field_groups[$field_group_id];
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
            _e('Field group details', 'simple-fields');
		            <table class="form-table">
		            			<label for="field_group_name"><?php 
            _e('Name', 'simple-fields');
		            			<input type="text" name="field_group_name" id="field_group_name" class="regular-text" value="<?php 
            echo esc_html($field_group_in_edit["name"]);
" required />
								<label for="field_group_description"><?php 
            _e('Description', 'simple-fields');
								<input 	type="text" name="field_group_description" id="field_group_description" class="regular-text" 
            echo esc_html(@$field_group_in_edit["description"]);

								<label for="field_group_slug"><?php 
            _e('Slug', 'simple-fields');
								<input 	type="text" name="field_group_slug" id="field_group_slug" class="regular-text" 
            echo esc_html(@$field_group_in_edit["slug"]);
            echo $this->get_slug_pattern();
            echo $this->get_slug_title();
            _e("Allowed chars: a-z and underscore.", 'simple-fields');
								 <span class="description"><?php 
            echo __("A unique identifier for this field group.", 'simple-fields');

            echo __("Options", 'simple-fields');
		            			<label for="field_group_repeatable">
									<input type="checkbox" <?php 
            echo $field_group_in_edit["repeatable"] == true ? "checked='checked'" : "";
 value="1" id="field_group_repeatable" name="field_group_repeatable" />
            _e('Repeatable', 'simple-fields');
            _e('Fields', 'simple-fields');
		            			<div id="simple-fields-field-group-existing-fields">
		            				<ul class='simple-fields-edit-field-groups-added-fields'>
            foreach ($field_group_in_edit["fields"] as $oneField) {
                if (!$oneField["deleted"]) {
                    echo $this->field_group_add_field_template($oneField["id"], $field_group_in_edit);
		            			<p><a href="#" id="simple-fields-field-group-add-field">+ <?php 
            _e('Add field', 'simple-fields');
					<p class="submit">
						<input class="button-primary" type="submit" value="<?php 
            _e('Save Changes', 'simple-fields');
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
						<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="field_group_name" />
						<input type="hidden" name="field_group_id" value="<?php 
            echo $field_group_in_edit["id"];
" />
            _e('or', 'simple-fields');
						<a href="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
            _e('cancel', 'simple-fields');
					<p class="simple-fields-field-group-delete">
						<a href="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
            echo $field_group_in_edit["id"];
            _e('Delete', 'simple-fields');
				<script type="text/javascript">
					var simple_fields_highest_field_id = <?php 
            echo (int) $highest_field_id;
        // view debug information
        if ("simple-fields-view-debug-info" == $action) {
            echo "<h3>Post Connectors</h3>\n";
            echo "<p>Called with function <code>get_post_connectors()</code>";
            echo "<hr>";
            echo "<h3>Field Groups</h3>\n";
            echo "<p>Called with function <code>get_field_groups()</code>";
            echo "<hr>";
            echo "<h3>simple_fields_post_type_defaults</h3>";
            echo '<p>Called with: get_option("simple_fields_post_type_defaults")';
        // Save options
        if ("edit-options-save" == $action) {
            $this->save_options(array("debug_type" => (int) $_POST["debug_type"]));
            $action = "";
            $simple_fields_did_save_options = TRUE;
        // overview, if no action
        if (!$action) {
             * view post connectors
            $post_connector_count = 0;
            foreach ($post_connectors as $onePostConnector) {
                if (!$onePostConnector["deleted"]) {
             * view existing field groups
				<div class="simple-fields-edit-field-groups">
            _e('Field groups', 'simple-fields');
            // Show messages, like "saved" and so on
            if (isset($simple_fields_did_save) && $simple_fields_did_save) {
<div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php 
                _e('Field group saved', 'simple-fields');
            } elseif (isset($simple_fields_did_delete) && $simple_fields_did_delete) {
<div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php 
                _e('Field group deleted', 'simple-fields');
            } elseif (isset($simple_fields_did_delete_post_connector) && $simple_fields_did_delete_post_connector) {
<div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php 
                _e('Post connector deleted', 'simple-fields');
            } elseif (isset($simple_fields_did_save_post_type_defaults) && $simple_fields_did_save_post_type_defaults) {
<div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php 
                _e('Post type defaults saved', 'simple-fields');
            } elseif (isset($simple_fields_did_save_options) && $simple_fields_did_save_options) {
<div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php 
                _e('Simple Fields options saved', 'simple-fields');
            $field_group_count = 0;
            foreach ($field_groups as $oneFieldGroup) {
                if (!$oneFieldGroup["deleted"]) {
            if ($field_groups == $field_group_count) {
                echo "<p>" . __('No field groups yet.', 'simple-fields') . "</p>";
            } else {
                echo "<ul class=''>";
                foreach ($field_groups as $oneFieldGroup) {
                    if ($oneFieldGroup["id"] && !$oneFieldGroup["deleted"]) {
                        echo "<li>";
                        echo "<a href='" . SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE . "&amp;action=edit-field-group&amp;group-id={$oneFieldGroup['id']}'>{$oneFieldGroup['name']}</a>";
                        if ($oneFieldGroup["fields_count"]) {
                            $format = $oneFieldGroup["repeatable"] ? _n('1 added field, repeatable', '%d added fields, repeatable', $oneFieldGroup["fields_count"]) : _n('1 added field', '%d added fields', $oneFieldGroup["fields_count"]);
                            echo "<br>" . __(sprintf($format, $oneFieldGroup["fields_count"]));
                        echo "</li>";
                echo "</ul>";
            echo "<p><a class='button' href='" . SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE . "&amp;action=edit-field-group&amp;group-id=0'>+ " . __('New field group', 'simple-fields') . "</a></p>";
				<div class="simple-fields-edit-post-connectors">
            _e('Post Connectors', 'simple-fields');
            if (isset($simple_fields_did_save_connector) && $simple_fields_did_save_connector === true) {
<div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php 
                _e('Post connector saved', 'simple-fields');
            if ($post_connector_count) {
                foreach ($post_connectors as $one_post_connector) {
                    if ($one_post_connector["deleted"] || !$one_post_connector["id"]) {
									<a href="<?php 
                    echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
                    echo $one_post_connector["id"];
                    echo $one_post_connector["name"];
                    if ($one_post_connector["field_groups_count"]) {
                        echo "<br>" . sprintf(_n('1 added field group', '%d added field groups', $one_post_connector["field_groups_count"]), $one_post_connector["field_groups_count"]);
            } else {
						<!-- <p>No post connectors</p> -->
						<a href="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
&amp;action=edit-post-connector&amp;connector-id=0" class="button">+ <?php 
            _e('New post connector', 'simple-fields');
				<div class="simple-fields-post-type-defaults">
            _e('Post type defaults', 'simple-fields');
            $post_types = get_post_types();
            $arr_post_types_to_ignore = array("attachment", "revision", "nav_menu_item");
            foreach ($post_types as $one_post_type) {
                $one_post_type_info = get_post_type_object($one_post_type);
                if (!in_array($one_post_type, $arr_post_types_to_ignore)) {
                    $default_connector = $this->get_default_connector_for_post_type($one_post_type);
                    switch ($default_connector) {
                        case "__none__":
                            $default_connector_str = __('Default is to use <em>no connector</em>', 'simple-fields');
                        case "__inherit__":
                            $default_connector_str = __('Default is to inherit from <em>parent connector</em>', 'simple-fields');
                            if (is_numeric($default_connector)) {
                                $connector = $this->get_connector_by_id($default_connector);
                                if ($connector !== FALSE) {
                                    $default_connector_str = sprintf(__('Default is to use connector <em>%s</em>', 'simple-fields'), $connector["name"]);
									<a href="<?php 
                    echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
                    echo $one_post_type;
                    echo $one_post_type_info->label;
                    echo $default_connector_str;

				<div class="simple-fields-debug">
            echo __('Debug', 'simple-fields');
            // Dropdown with debug options
            // Debug type. 0 = no debug, 1 = debug for admins only, 2 = debug for all
            $options = $this->get_options();
            $debug_type = isset($options["debug_type"]) ? (int) $options["debug_type"] : "0";
            // capability edit_themes
					<form action="<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
&amp;action=edit-options-save" method="post">
								<select name=debug_type>
									<option value=0 %1$s>%4$s</option>
									<option value=1 %2$s>%5$s</option>
									<option value=2 %3$s>%6$s</option>
							', $debug_type === 0 ? "selected" : "", $debug_type === 1 ? "selected" : "", $debug_type === 2 ? "selected" : "", __("Don't enable debug output", "simple-fields"), __("Enable debug output for administrators", "simple-fields"), __("Enable debug output for all users", "simple-fields"));
						<p class=description>
            _e("Automatically append information about attached fields on posts (using filter 'the_content').", "simple-fields");

							<input class="button-primary" type=submit value="<?php 
            _e("Save changes", "simple-fields");
					</form> <!-- // enable debug -->
						<li><a href='<?php 
            echo SIMPLE_FIELDS_FILE;
            echo __('View debug information', 'simple-fields');

        // end simple_fields_options
 * Edit new or existing Field Group
if ("edit-field-group" == $action) {
    $field_group_id = isset($_GET["group-id"]) ? intval($_GET["group-id"]) : false;
    $highest_field_id = 0;
    $is_new_field_group = false;
    // check if field group is new or existing
    if ($field_group_id === 0) {
        // new: save it as unnamed, and then set to edit that
        $is_new_field_group = true;
        $field_group_in_edit = simple_fields_register_field_group("", array("deleted" => true, "added_with_code" => false));
        $field_group_in_edit["name"] = "";
        $field_group_in_edit["slug"] = "";
        simple_fields::debug("Added new field group", $field_group_in_edit);
    } else {
        // check that field group exists
        if (!isset($field_groups[$field_group_id])) {
            wp_die(__("Could not find field group. Perhaps it has been deleted?", "simple-fields"));
        $field_group_in_edit = $field_groups[$field_group_id];
        // existing: get highest field id
        foreach ($field_groups[$field_group_id]["fields"] as $one_field) {
            if ($one_field["id"] > $highest_field_id) {
                $highest_field_id = $one_field["id"];