private static function mailDispatchReport($recipients, $filename, $folder) { $reportcsv = file_get_contents($folder . $filename . ".csv"); if ($reportcsv === false) { error_log("[SocialReport::mailDispatch]: Could not load report " . $filename); return false; } $subject = "EGI AppDB Social media sharing report (" . date('Y') . "-" . date('m') . "-" . date('d') . ")"; $sbody = "This is an automatically generated report for social media sharing count per registered software item."; $sbody = $sbody . "Please find attached a CSV file containing the report.<br/>"; $sbody = $sbody . "You can access this report at http://" . $_SERVER['APPLICATION_UI_HOSTNAME'] . "/reports/social/" . $filename . ".csv <br/><br/>"; $sbody = $sbody . "Regards,<br/>"; $sbody = $sbody . "EGI AppDB Team"; $textsbody = simpleHTML2Text($sbody); $att = array("data" => $reportcsv, "type" => "application/", "name" => $filename . ".csv"); //sendMultipartMail($subject, $recipients, $textsbody, $sbody, '*****@*****.**', 'enadyskolopassword', '*****@*****.**',$att, false,array("Precedence"=>"bulk")); EmailService::sendBulkReport($subject, $recipients, $textsbody, $sbody, EmailConfiguration::getSupportAddress(), $att); }
public function tagsAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $uid = $this->session->userid; $urole = $this->session->userRole; $action = isset($_GET["action"]) ? strtolower($_GET["action"]) : ''; $appid = isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : -1; $tag = isset($_GET["tag"]) ? trim($_GET["tag"]) : ''; $tag = urldecode($tag); $tag = str_replace(" ", ".", $tag); if ($appid === -1) { $this->view->Error = "no appid given"; return; } if ($tag === '' && $action !== '') { $this->view->Error = "no tag given"; return; } if ($action === "add" || $action === "remove") { if (is_null($uid)) { $this->view->Error = "not logged in"; return; } $apptags = new Default_Model_AppTags(); $flt1 = $apptags->filter; $flt1->appid->equals($appid)->and($flt1->tag->ilike($tag)); if (count($apptags->items) > 0) { if ($action === "remove") { if ($apptags->items[0]->researcherid !== $uid) { $isOwner = false; $isAdmin = false; $apps = new Default_Model_Applications(); $apps->filter->appid->equals($appid); //Check if current user is the owner of the applicaiton entry if (count($apps->items) > 0) { if ($apps->items[0]->addedBy === $uid || $apps->items[0]->ownerid === $uid) { $isOwner = true; } } //Check if current user role is administrator or manager if (userIsAdminOrManager($uid)) { $isAdmin = true; } if (!($isOwner || $isAdmin)) { //check if the current user is the submitter of the tag $apptags = new Default_Model_AppTags(); $flt1 = $apptags->filter; $flt1->appid->equals($appid)->and($flt1->tag->ilike($tag))->and($flt1->researcherid->equals($uid)); $apptagsitems = $apptags->items; if (count($apptagsitems) == 0) { $this->view->Error = 'permission denied'; return; } } } } } } else { if ($tag != '') { $this->view->Error = "No action given"; return; } } $p = new Default_Model_Permissions(); $p->filter->researcherid->equals($this->session->userid)->and($p->filter->actionid->equals(24)); $pc = $p->count(); if ($pc === 0) { $this->view->Error = "The user is not allowed to change tags"; return; } global $application; $db = $application->getBootstrap()->getResource('db'); $db->setFetchMode(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ); try { if ($action === "add") { $t = substr($tag, 0, 1); if (preg_match("/[A-Za-z]/", $t) <= 0) { $this->view->Error = "Tags must start with a text character."; return; } if (preg_match("/[\\>\\<\\=\\!]/", $tag) > 0) { $this->view->Error = "Tag contains invalid characters (> < = !)"; return; } if (strlen($tag) > 50) { $this->view->Error = "Tags must be less than 50 characters long."; return; } $tags = new Default_Model_AppTags(); $tags->filter->appid->equals($appid)->and($tags->filter->tag->ilike($tag)); if ($tags->count() == 0) { $t = new Default_Model_AppTag(); $t->appid = $appid; $t->tag = $tag; $t->researcherid = $uid; $tags->add($t); } } else { if ($action === "remove") { $tags = new Default_Model_AppTags(); $tags->filter->appid->equals($appid)->and($tags->filter->tag->ilike($tag)); $tags->refresh(); if ($tags->count() > 0) { $tags->remove($tags->items[0]); } } else { $apps = new Default_Model_Applications(); $apps->filter->id->equals($appid); $c = $apps->count(); if ($c > 0) { $apps->refresh(); $kws = $apps->items[0]->keywords; $kws = is_array($kws) ? implode(",", $kws) : $kws; $kws = str_replace(array("{", "}", "\""), "", $kws); $this->view->Response = $kws; $this->view->total = $apps->count(); return; } else { $this->view->Error = "Could not find the software"; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->view->Error = simpleHTML2Text($e->getMessage()); return; } $this->view->Response = "OK"; }