コード例 #1
function silverghyll_create_tpicker_menu()
    $silverghyll_plugins = get_silverghyll_plugins();
    $taxonomy_plugin = $silverghyll_plugins['Taxonomy Picker'];
    // The readme.txt details for Taxonomy Picker
    $tp = 'taxonomy-picker';
    // Just a convenient shorthand
    $tpicker_options = get_option('taxonomy-picker-options');
	<div class="wrap">	
		<div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"><br></div>

		<h2>Taxonomy Picker (v<?php 
    echo $taxonomy_plugin['Version'] . ')' . ($tpicker_options['premium-widget'] ? ' Premium Widget &beta;' : '');
    // Check silvergyll-foundation.php is up to date and display a warning if not

		<p><strong>For help and support please vist <a href="http://www.squidoo.com/taxonomy-picker-wordpress-plugin" target="_blank">http://www.squidoo.com/taxonomy-picker-wordpress-plugin</a></strong></p>
		<form action="options.php" method="post"><table><tbody><tr>
 			<td style="vertical-align:top;"><?php 
 			<td style="vertical-align:top;"> <?php 
    if ($tpicker_options['premium-widget']) {
        echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;">';
        echo "<p style='background:#fffcb6;font-weight:bold;padding:12px;border 3px solid black;max-width:350px;'>Concentration has been on adding features.  The beta version still needs a lot of code consolidation, debugging and testing.  You have been warned.</p>";
        echo '</td>';
		<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Save Changes" />
		<p><strong>NB</strong> The beta widget has additional options but is still undergoing final testing. The additional options include radio buttons as an alternative to combo boxes and the ability to control the order of results. When this is complete (forthcoming release 2.0.0 of the plugin) it may become a paid-for, premium widget.  The basic, legacy widget will always remain free and it is suggested that you use that unless you need any of the advanaced features.</p>
		<p><strong>&copy; <a href="http://www.egyptological.com/about/founders" target="_blank">Kate Phizackerley</a>, 2011-2012</strong></p>
	</div> <!-- Wrap -->
コード例 #2
function silverghyll_create_admin_menu()
    $silverghyll_plugins = get_silverghyll_plugins();
    $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '../readme.txt');
    // Path to this plugins readme
    $plugin_name = $plugin_data['Name'];
    if (!$plugin_name) {
        $plugin_name = 'Kandie Girls';
    // If not a plugin, then it is the Kandie Girls theme!
    // Check silvergyll-foundation.php is up to date and display a warning if not
	<h3>Silverghyll Packages</h3>
	<p>This sub-menu is used for packages (plugins and themes) from <a href="http://www.silverghyll.com" target="_blank">Silverghyll</a></p>
	<table id="silverghyll-inventory" class="widefat">
    foreach ($silverghyll_plugins as $kp) {
        if (isset($kp['PluginURI'])) {
				<td><a href="<?php 
            echo $kp['PluginURI'];
" title="<?php 
            echo $kp['Name'];
            echo $kp['Name'];
        } else {
            echo $kp['Name'];
        $item_installed = $kp['Installed'] === true ? 'Yes' : 'No';
        if ($item_installed == 'Yes') {
            echo ' (v' . $kp['Version'] . ')';
        echo $kp['Description'];

    if (defined('KANDIE_THEME_DIR')) {
        echo "<tr><td>Kandie Girls</td><td>Theme</td><td>Yes (v" . silverghyll_versioneer(trailingslashit(silverghyll_THEME_DIR) . 'style.css');
        echo ")</td><td>Kandie Girls theme developed for Egyptological</td></tr>";
	</table><br style="clear:both;">
	Packages &copy; Kate Phizackerley and/or Silverghyll 2009-2012.  Please refer to each package for copyright and licence details. <br/>
    echo "<br/><h3>Silverghyll Library Versions and Paths</h3><style type='text/css'>.widefat thead td {font-weight:bold;font-size;120%;}</style>";
    echo "<table class='widefat'><thead><b><tr><td>Library Item</td><td>Path</td><td>Version</td><td>Date</td></tr></b></thead><tbody>";
    $lib_contents = silverghyll_admin_library_versions();
    foreach ($lib_contents as $item => $path) {
        $tidy_path = dirname(str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $path));
        // Strip out the leading stuff and the item name
        echo "<tr><td>{$item}</td><td>{$tidy_path}</td><td>" . silverghyll_versioneer($path) . "</td><td>" . date('d/m/Y', filemtime($path)) . "</td></tr>";
    $gd_inf = gd_info();
    $gd_ver = " &amp; GD {$gd_inf['GD Version']}" . ($gd_inf['Freetype Support'] ? " with Freetype support" : "");
    echo "</tbody></table><br/><p>Printed by {$plugin_name} using PHP v" . phpversion() . "{$gd_ver} with Silverghyll Foundation Library from " . SILVERGHYLL_READY . "</p>";