break; // no point in trying to add other people } // Check if we are waitlisting or booking //if ($session->datetimeknown) { // $status = WEBINAR_STATUS_BOOKED; //} //else { $status = WEBINAR_STATUS_WAITLISTED; //} if (!webinar_user_signup($session, $webinar, $course, '', WEBINAR_BOTH, $status, $adduser, !$suppressemail)) { $erruser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $adduser), 'id, firstname, lastname'); $errors[] = get_string('error:addattendee', 'webinar', fullname($erruser)); } else { //Sign up user to this webinar through Adobe Connect API call signup_meeting($webinar, $session, $user); //Send registration email to user send_email_signup($webinar, $session, $cm, $user); } } } else { if ($remove and !empty($frm->removeselect) and confirm_sesskey()) { require_capability('mod/webinar:removeattendees', $context); foreach ($frm->removeselect as $removeuser) { if (!($removeuser = clean_param($removeuser, PARAM_INT))) { continue; // invalid userid } if (webinar_user_cancel($session, $removeuser, true, $cancelerr)) { // Notify the user of the cancellation if the session hasn't started yet $timenow = time();
if (!$session->datetimeknown) { $statuscode = WEBINAR_STATUS_WAITLISTED; } elseif (webinar_get_num_attendees($session->id) < $session->capacity) { // Save available $statuscode = WEBINAR_STATUS_BOOKED; } else { $statuscode = WEBINAR_STATUS_WAITLISTED; } if (!webinar_session_has_capacity($session, $context)) { print_error('sessionisfull', 'webinar', $returnurl); } elseif (webinar_manager_needed($webinar) && !webinar_get_manageremail($USER->id)) { print_error('error:manageremailaddressmissing', 'webinar', $returnurl); } elseif ($submissionid = webinar_user_signup($session, $webinar, $course, $fromform->discountcode, $fromform->notificationtype, $statuscode)) { add_to_log($course->id, 'webinar', 'signup', "signup.php?s={$session->id}", $session->id, $cm->id); //Sign up user to this webinar through Adobe Connect API call signup_meeting($webinar, $session, $USER); //Send registration email to user send_email_signup($webinar, $session, $cm, $USER); $PAGE->set_pagetype('webinar'); $PAGE->set_title($webinar->name); $PAGE->set_heading($webinar->name); echo $OUTPUT->header(); $heading = get_string('registersuccess', 'webinar'); echo $OUTPUT->heading($heading); $message = get_string('registrationsuccessful', 'webinar', $webinar->name); $timemessage = 4; $message = '<div style="height: 10px;"> </div>' . $message; redirect($returnurl, $message, $timemessage); } else { add_to_log($course->id, 'webinar', 'signup (FAILED)', "signup.php?s={$session->id}", $session->id, $cm->id); print_error('error:problemsigningup', 'webinar', $returnurl);