<ol class="items_list child_items"> <?php foreach ($children as $child_position => $item_data) { ?> <li class="item sub_item item_type_<?php echo esc_attr($item_type); ?> " data-id="<?php echo (double) $child_position; ?> "> <?php si_front_end_line_item($line_items[$child_position], $child_position, $prev_type, false); ?> </li> <?php $prev_type = $item_type; ?> <?php } ?> </ol> <?php }
function si_line_item_build($position = 0, $line_items = array(), $children = array()) { _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '8.0', 'si_get_front_end_line_item()'); $first_key_position = (int) current(array_keys($line_items)); if (is_array($position)) { $position = (double) $position['key']; } $item_data = $line_items[$position]; $prev_type = ''; if (strpos($position, '.') !== false) { // child items don't get the header $prev_type = $item_data['type']; } elseif ((int) $position === $first_key_position) { // Don't add the header for the first line item since it was already added $prev_type = $item_data['type']; } elseif ($first_key_position < (int) $position) { // check to see what the previous line item was $prev_pos = (int) $position - 1; $prev_type = $line_items[$prev_pos]['type']; } $has_children = !empty($children) ? true : false; si_front_end_line_item($item_data, $position, $prev_type, $has_children); }