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function shownews($post_integra = 1, $post_cabecalho = 9, $comenta = 0, $categ = -1) { global $newsmessage, $set, $pagenum, $prefix; if ($_GET['action'] == "delete" && is_intval($_GET['id']) && is_intval($_GET['commentid']) && $_SESSION['adminlevel'] > 3) { dbquery("DELETE FROM " . $prefix . "comments WHERE id=" . $_GET['commentid']); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!is_intval($_GET['id'])) { die("news - Aha! Clever!"); } else { $noticia_numero = $_GET['id']; } } if ($noticia_numero != "") { $query = "SELECT titulo,data,noticia,autor,email,visto, reg FROM " . $prefix . "noticias WHERE reg=" . $noticia_numero; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " AND cat=" . $categ; } } else { $query = "SELECT titulo, data, noticia, autor, email, visto, reg FROM " . $prefix . "noticias"; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " WHERE cat=" . $categ; } $query .= " ORDER BY reg DESC LIMIT 0, {$post_integra}"; } $row = dbquery($query); $first = false; while ($row_db = fetch_array($row)) { $out .= show_one_news($row_db['titulo'], $row_db['data'], $row_db['noticia'], $row_db['autor'], $row_db['email']); //check if there are comments on this news $res = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "comments WHERE newsid=" . $row_db['reg'] . " ORDER BY time DESC"); $num = num_rows($res); if ($_GET['showcomments'] == "1" || $comenta == 2) { //show the comments $ff = true; $i = 0; while ($row1 = fetch_array($res)) { if ($ff) { $out .= "<div class=\"LNEnews_comments\">" . $newsmessage[143] . ":</div>"; $ff = false; } $out .= "<div class=\"LNEnews_comment\">\n"; if ($_SESSION['adminlevel'] > 3) { $out .= "\n<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" class=\"delete\">\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"newsid\" value=\"" . $row1['newsid'] . "\" />\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $row1['id'] . "\" />\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"submit\" value=\"deletecomment\" />\n"; $out .= "<input type=\"image\" name=\"aaa\" src=\"images/editdelete.png\" value=\"\" title=\"{$newsmessage['174']}\" style=\"border: none; background: transparent; width: 16px; height: 16px;\"/>\n"; $out .= "</form>\n"; } $out .= "<span class=\"time\">" . $newsmessage[112] . " " . data_formatada($row1['time']) . "</span>"; $out .= "<span class=\"text\">" . decode($row1['text']) . "</span>"; $out .= "<span class=\"poster\">" . $newsmessage[144] . ": </span>\n"; /* if($row1['postermail']!="") $out.="<span class=\"author\"><a href=\"mailto:".decode($row1['postermail'])."\">".stripslashes(decode($row1['poster']))."</a></span>"; else */ $out .= "<span class=\"author\">" . stripslashes(decode($row1['poster'])) . "</span>"; $out .= "</div>\n"; unset($_GET['showcomments']); } } else { if ($num) { $out .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?page=" . $pagenum . "&id=" . $row_db['reg'] . "&showcomments=1\">" . $newsmessage[143] . ": " . $num . "</a><br />\n"; } } $out .= "\n<br />"; if (!$first && ($comenta == 2 || $comenta == 1 && $_SESSION['user'] != "")) { $out .= commentform($row_db[6]); } $first = true; $novo_visto = $row_db[5] + 1; $query_add = dbquery("UPDATE " . $prefix . "noticias SET visto = {$novo_visto} WHERE reg = " . $row_db[6]); } $post_cabecalho_s = $post_cabecalho + $post_integra; if ($noticia_numero != "") { $query = "SELECT titulo, reg ,data, visto FROM " . $prefix . "noticias WHERE reg != " . $noticia_numero; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " AND cat=" . $categ; } $query .= " ORDER BY reg DESC LIMIT 0, " . $post_cabecalho_s; } else { $query = "SELECT titulo, reg ,data, visto FROM " . $prefix . "noticias"; if ($categ > -1) { $query .= " WHERE cat=" . $categ; } $query .= " ORDER BY reg DESC LIMIT {$post_integra}, " . $post_cabecalho_s; } $query = dbquery($query); $GETarray = $_GET; $first = true; while ($row_db = fetch_array($query)) { if ($first) { $first = false; $out .= "<div align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size: 85%; font-weight: bold;\">{$newsmessage['113']}</span></div>"; $out .= "<table border='0' align='center'><tr><td>{$newsmessage['12']}</td><td>{$newsmessage['114']}</td><td>{$newsmessage['115']}</td></tr>"; } $GETarray['id'] = $row_db[1]; $GETarray['showcomments'] = "0"; $call = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?" . http_build_query($GETarray, '', '&'); $out .= "<tr><td><a href=\"" . $call . "\">" . stripslashes(decode($row_db["0"])) . "</a></td><td>" . data_formatada($row_db["2"]) . "</td><td>" . $row_db["3"] . "</td></tr>"; } if (!$first) { $out .= "</table>"; } $out .= "<span class=\"rss\">" . showrss() . "</span>\n"; return $out; }