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exit('Access Denied'); } $discuz_action = 11; if (empty($forum['fid']) || $forum['type'] == 'group') { showmessage('forum_nonexistence'); } if ($special == 1 && !$allowpostpoll || $special == 2 && !$allowposttrade || $special == 3 && !$allowpostreward || $special == 4 && !$allowpostactivity || $special == 5 && !$allowpostdebate) { showmessage('group_nopermission', NULL, 'NOPERM'); } if (!$discuz_uid && !(!$forum['postperm'] && $allowpost || $forum['postperm'] && forumperm($forum['postperm']))) { showmessage('postperm_login_nopermission', NULL, 'NOPERM'); } elseif (empty($forum['allowpost'])) { if (!$forum['postperm'] && !$allowpost) { showmessage('postperm_none_nopermission', NULL, 'NOPERM'); } elseif ($forum['postperm'] && !forumperm($forum['postperm'])) { showmessagenoperm('postperm', $fid); } } elseif ($forum['allowpost'] == -1) { showmessage('post_forum_newthread_nopermission', NULL, 'HALTED'); } if ($url && !empty($qihoo['relate']['webnum'])) { $from = in_array($from, array('direct', 'iframe')) ? $from : ''; if ($data = @implode('', file("http://search.qihoo.com/sint/content.html?surl={$url}&md5={$md5}&ocs={$charset}&ics={$charset}&from={$from}"))) { preg_match_all("/(\\w+):([^\\>]+)/i", $data, $data); if (!$data[2][1]) { $subject = trim($data[2][3]); $message = !$editormode ? str_replace('[br]', "\n", trim($data[2][4])) : str_replace('[br]', '<br />', trim($data[2][4])); } else { showmessage('reprint_invalid'); } }
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