コード例 #1
$clsForm->bValueEscapeHTML = false;
$strButton = '<input type="submit" name="cmdSearch" value="Search"
           onclick="this.disabled=1; this.form.submit();"
           style="width: 47pt;"
              onmouseover="this.className=\'btn btnhov\'"
// via Vol ID
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by Volunteer ID', 1, ' (volunteer ID)');
// via People ID
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by People ID', 2, ' (people ID)');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by First/Last Name', 3, ' (first few letters of the name)');
echoT('<script type="text/javascript">frmPSearch3.txtSearch3.focus();</script>');
function showSearchOption(&$clsForm, &$formErr, $strBlockLabel, $idx, $strTxtFieldLabel)
    openBlock($strBlockLabel, '');
    echoT('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">');
    $attributes = array('name' => 'frmPSearch' . $idx, 'id' => 'pSearch' . $idx);
    echoT(form_open('volunteers/vol_search/searchOpts', $attributes));
    echoT(form_hidden('searchIdx', $idx));
    echoT('<tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $clsForm->strSubmitButton('Search', 'submit', '') . '</td>
              <td style="width: 225pt;">
                 &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="txtSearch' . $idx . '" style="width: 50pt;">' . $strTxtFieldLabel . $formErr[$idx] . '
コード例 #2
$strButton = '<input type="submit" name="cmdSearch" value="Search"
           style="width: 47pt;"
           onclick="this.disabled=1; this.form.submit();"
              onmouseover="this.className=\'btn btnhov\'"
// via People ID
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by People ID', 1, ' (people ID)');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by First/Last Name', 2, ' (first few letters of the name)');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by City', 3, ' (first few letters of the city)');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by ' . $gclsChapterVoc->vocState, 4, ' (first few letters of the ' . $gclsChapterVoc->vocState . ')');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by Country', 5, ' (first few letters of the country)');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by ' . $gclsChapterVoc->vocZip, 6, ' (first few letters of the ' . $gclsChapterVoc->vocZip . ')');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search Everything', 7, ' (a few letters in the name/address)');
echoT('<script type="text/javascript">frmPSearch2.txtSearch2.focus();</script>');
function showSearchOption(&$clsForm, &$formErr, $strBlockLabel, $idx, $strTxtFieldLabel)
    openBlock($strBlockLabel, '');
    echoT('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">');
    $attributes = array('name' => 'frmPSearch' . $idx, 'id' => 'pSearch' . $idx);
    echoT(form_open('people/people_search/searchOpts', $attributes));
    echoT(form_hidden('searchIdx', $idx));
    echoT('<tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $clsForm->strSubmitButton('Search', 'submit', '') . '</td>
              <td style="width: 225pt;">
                 &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="txtSearch' . $idx . '" style="width: 50pt;">' . $strTxtFieldLabel . $formErr[$idx] . '
コード例 #3
$clsForm = new Generic_form();
$clsForm->strLabelClass = $clsForm->strLabelRowLabelClass = $clsForm->strLabelClassRequired = 'enpViewLabel';
$clsForm->strTitleClass = 'enpViewTitle';
$clsForm->strEntryClass = 'enpView';
$clsForm->bValueEscapeHTML = false;
$strButton = '<input type="submit" name="cmdSearch" value="Search"
           style="width: 47pt;"
           onclick="this.disabled=1; this.form.submit();"
              onmouseover="this.className=\'btn btnhov\'"
// via People ID
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by Business ID', 1, ' (business ID)');
showSearchOption($clsForm, $formErr, 'Search by Business Name', 2, ' (first few letters of the name)');
showSearchBizCat($clsForm, $formErr, $formData, 3);
echoT('<script type="text/javascript">frmPSearch2.txtSearch2.focus();</script>');
function showSearchOption(&$clsForm, &$formErr, $strBlockLabel, $idx, $strTxtFieldLabel)
    openBlock($strBlockLabel, '');
    echoT('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">');
    $attributes = array('name' => 'frmPSearch' . $idx, 'id' => 'pSearch' . $idx);
    echoT(form_open('biz/biz_search/searchOpts', $attributes));
    echoT(form_hidden('searchIdx', $idx));
    echoT('<tr><td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $clsForm->strSubmitButton('Search', 'submit', '') . '</td>
              <td style="width: 225pt;">
                 &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="txtSearch' . $idx . '" style="width: 50pt;">' . $strTxtFieldLabel . $formErr[$idx] . '