コード例 #1
 function notification($addressee, $address, $subject, $template = "order.html", $receipt = "receipt.php")
     global $Shopp;
     global $is_IIS;
     $template = trailingslashit(SHOPP_TEMPLATES) . $template;
     if (!file_exists($template)) {
         return new ShoppError(__('A purchase notification could not be sent because the template for it does not exist.', 'purchase_notification_template', SHOPP_ADMIN_ERR));
     // // Send the e-mail receipt
     $email = array();
     $email['from'] = '"' . get_bloginfo("name") . '"';
     if ($Shopp->Settings->get('merchant_email')) {
         $email['from'] .= ' <' . $Shopp->Settings->get('merchant_email') . '>';
     if ($is_IIS) {
         $email['to'] = $address;
     } else {
         $email['to'] = '"' . html_entity_decode($addressee, ENT_QUOTES) . '" <' . $address . '>';
     $email['subject'] = $subject;
     $email['receipt'] = $Shopp->Flow->order_receipt($receipt);
     $email['url'] = get_bloginfo('siteurl');
     $email['sitename'] = get_bloginfo('name');
     $email['orderid'] = $this->id;
     $email = apply_filters('shopp_email_receipt_data', $email);
     if (shopp_email($template, $email)) {
         if (SHOPP_DEBUG) {
             new ShoppError('A purchase notification was sent to "' . $addressee . '" &lt;' . $address . '&gt;', false, SHOPP_DEBUG_ERR);
         return true;
     if (SHOPP_DEBUG) {
         new ShoppError('A purchase notification FAILED to be sent to "' . $addressee . '" &lt;' . $address . '&gt;', false, SHOPP_DEBUG_ERR);
     return false;
コード例 #2
 function order_manager()
     global $Shopp;
     global $is_IIS;
     if (!current_user_can(SHOPP_USERLEVEL)) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'Shopp'));
     if (preg_match("/\\d+/", $_GET['id'])) {
         $Shopp->Cart->data->Purchase = new Purchase($_GET['id']);
     } else {
         $Shopp->Cart->data->Purchase = new Purchase();
     $Purchase = $Shopp->Cart->data->Purchase;
     $Customer = new Customer($Purchase->customer);
     if (!empty($_POST['update'])) {
         if ($_POST['transtatus'] != $Purchase->transtatus) {
             do_action_ref_array('shopp_order_txnstatus_update', array(&$_POST['transtatus'], &$Purchase));
         if ($_POST['notify'] == "yes") {
             $labels = $this->Settings->get('order_status');
             // Send the e-mail notification
             $notification = array();
             $notification['from'] = $Shopp->Settings->get('merchant_email');
             if ($is_IIS) {
                 $notification['to'] = $Purchase->email;
             } else {
                 $notification['to'] = "\"{$Purchase->firstname} {$Purchase->lastname}\" <{$Purchase->email}>";
             $notification['subject'] = __('Order Updated', 'Shopp');
             $notification['url'] = get_bloginfo('siteurl');
             $notification['sitename'] = get_bloginfo('name');
             if ($_POST['receipt'] == "yes") {
                 $notification['receipt'] = $this->order_receipt();
             $notification['status'] = strtoupper($labels[$Purchase->status]);
             $notification['message'] = wpautop($_POST['message']);
             shopp_email(SHOPP_TEMPLATES . "/notification.html", $notification);
         $updated = __('Order status updated.', 'Shopp');
     $targets = $this->Settings->get('target_markets');
     $txnStatusLabels = array('PENDING' => __('Pending', 'Shopp'), 'CHARGED' => __('Charged', 'Shopp'), 'REFUNDED' => __('Refunded', 'Shopp'), 'VOID' => __('Void', 'Shopp'));
     $statusLabels = $this->Settings->get('order_status');
     if (empty($statusLabels)) {
         $statusLabels = array('');
     $taxrate = 0;
     $base = $Shopp->Settings->get('base_operations');
     if ($base['vat']) {
         $taxrate = $Shopp->Cart->taxrate();
     include "{$this->basepath}/core/ui/orders/order.php";
コード例 #3
 function notify(&$error)
     if (!($error->level & $this->types)) {
     $url = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url'));
     $_ = array();
     $_[] = 'From: "' . get_bloginfo('sitename') . '" <shopp@' . $url['host'] . '>';
     $_[] = 'To: ' . $this->recipients;
     $_[] = 'Subject: ' . __('Shopp Notification', 'Shopp');
     $_[] = '';
     $_[] = __('This is an automated message notification generated when the Shopp installation at ' . get_bloginfo('url') . ' encountered the following:', 'Shopp');
     $_[] = '';
     $_[] = $error->message();
     $_[] = '';
     if (isset($error->debug['file']) && defined('WP_DEBUG')) {
         $_[] = 'DEBUG: ' . basename($error->debug['file']) . ', line ' . $error->debug['line'] . '';
     shopp_email(join("\r\n", $_));
コード例 #4
 function reset_password($activation)
     global $Shopp;
     $authentication = $Shopp->Settings->get('account_system');
     $user_data = false;
     $activation = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $activation);
     $errors = array();
     if (empty($activation) || !is_string($activation)) {
         $errors[] = new ShoppError(__('Invalid key'));
     $RecoveryCustomer = new Customer($activation, 'activation');
     if (empty($RecoveryCustomer->id)) {
         $errors[] = new ShoppError(__('Invalid key'));
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         return false;
     // Generate a new random password
     $password = wp_generate_password();
     do_action_ref_array('password_reset', array(&$RecoveryCustomer, $password));
     $RecoveryCustomer->password = wp_hash_password($password);
     if ($authentication == "wordpress") {
         $user_data = get_userdata($RecoveryCustomer->wpuser);
         wp_set_password($password, $user_data->ID);
     $RecoveryCustomer->activation = '';
     $subject = apply_filters('shopp_reset_password_subject', sprintf(__('[%s] New Password', 'Shopp'), get_option('blogname')));
     $_ = array();
     $_[] = 'From: "' . get_option('blogname') . '" <' . $Shopp->Settings->get('merchant_email') . '>';
     $_[] = 'To: ' . $RecoveryCustomer->email;
     $_[] = 'Subject: ' . $subject;
     $_[] = '';
     $_[] = sprintf(__('Your new password for %s:', 'Shopp'), get_option('siteurl'));
     $_[] = '';
     if ($user_data) {
         $_[] = sprintf(__('Login name: %s', 'Shopp'), $user_data->user_login);
     $_[] = sprintf(__('Password: %s'), $password) . "\r\n";
     $_[] = '';
     $_[] = __('Click here to login:'******' ' . $Shopp->link('account');
     $message = apply_filters('shopp_reset_password_message', join("\r\n", $_));
     if (!shopp_email($message)) {
         new ShoppError(__('The e-mail could not be sent.'), 'password_reset_email', SHOPP_ERR);
         shopp_redirect(add_query_arg('acct', 'recover', $Shopp->link('account')));
     } else {
         new ShoppError(__('Check your email address for your new password.', 'Shopp'), 'password_reset_email', SHOPP_ERR);