function check_for_import_content() { global $grid; if (!file_exists(GRID_DIR . '/import')) { return; } setup_user(); $dh = opendir(GRID_DIR . '/import'); $now = time(); $expires = $now + 31536000; while ($filename = readdir($dh)) { if (substr($filename, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } $message_id = generate_id(); $file_id = generate_id(); $created = $now; if (substr($filename, -5, 5) == '.html') { $html = file_get_contents(GRID_DIR . "/import/{$filename}"); if (preg_match('#<title>(.+)</title>#', $html, $matches)) { list(, $content) = $matches; } else { $content = preg_replace('#\\.\\w+$#', '', $filename); } if (preg_match('#var meta = (.+?);#', $html, $matches)) { list(, $meta) = $matches; $meta = json_decode($meta); if (!empty($meta->date_published)) { $date_published = strtotime($meta->date_published); if (!empty($date_published)) { $created = $date_published; } } } } else { $content = preg_replace('#\\.\\w+$#', '', $filename); } $grid->db->insert('message', array('id' => $message_id, 'user_id' => $grid->user->id, 'content' => $content, 'parent_id' => 'c/library', 'server_id' => $grid->meta['server_id'], 'file_id' => $file_id, 'expires' => $expires, 'created' => $created, 'updated' => $now)); $path = "../import/{$filename}"; $grid->db->insert('file', array('id' => $file_id, 'user_id' => $grid->user->id, 'server_id' => $grid->meta['server_id'], 'name' => $filename, 'path' => $path, 'created' => $now, 'updated' => $now)); attach_file($message_id, $file_id); } }
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../include/db.php"; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../include/general.php"; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../include/resource_functions.php"; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../include/image_processing.php"; require "../../vendor/autoload.php"; use Aws\S3\S3Client; $sapi_type = php_sapi_name(); if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) != 'cli') { exit("Command line execution only."); } if (isset($staticsync_userref)) { # If a user is specified, log them in. $userref = $staticsync_userref; $userdata = get_user($userref); setup_user($userdata); } ob_end_clean(); set_time_limit(60 * 60 * 40); if ($argc == 2) { if (in_array($argv[1], array('--help', '-help', '-h', '-?'))) { echo "To clear the lock after a failed run, "; echo "pass in '--clearlock', '-clearlock', '-c' or '--c'." . PHP_EOL; exit("Bye!"); } else { if (in_array($argv[1], array('--clearlock', '-clearlock', '-c', '--c'))) { if (is_process_lock("staticsync")) { clear_process_lock("staticsync"); } } else { exit("Unknown argv: " . $argv[1]);
} if (!$api) { $user_select_sql = "and u.session='{$session_hash}'"; } else { $user_select_sql = "and u.username='******'"; } if (isset($anonymous_login) && $username == $anonymous_login) { $user_select_sql = "and u.username='******'"; } # Automatic anonymous login, do not require session hash. hook('provideusercredentials'); $userdata = sql_query("select u.ref, u.username, g.permissions, g.fixed_theme, g.parent, u.usergroup, u.current_collection, u.last_active, timestampdiff(second,u.last_active,now()) idle_seconds,, u.password, u.fullname, g.search_filter, g.edit_filter, g.ip_restrict ip_restrict_group, groupname, u.ip_restrict ip_restrict_user, resource_defaults, u.password_last_change,g.config_options,g.request_mode, g.derestrict_filter, u.hidden_collections from user u,usergroup g where u.usergroup=g.ref {$user_select_sql} and u.approved=1 and (u.account_expires is null or u.account_expires='0000-00-00 00:00:00' or u.account_expires>now())"); //print_r($userdata); if (count($userdata) > 0) { $valid = true; setup_user($userdata[0]); if ($password_expiry > 0 && !checkperm("p") && $allow_password_change && $pagename != "user_change_password" && $pagename != "index" && $pagename != "collections" && strlen(trim($userdata[0]["password_last_change"])) > 0) { # Redirect the user to the password change page if their password has expired. $last_password_change = time() - strtotime($userdata[0]["password_last_change"]); if ($last_password_change > $password_expiry * 60 * 60 * 24) { redirect("pages/user/user_change_password.php?expired=true"); } } if (!isset($system_login) && strlen(trim($userdata[0]["last_active"])) > 0) { if ($userdata[0]["idle_seconds"] > $session_length * 60) { # Last active more than $session_length mins ago? $al = ""; if (isset($anonymous_login)) { $al = $anonymous_login; } if ($session_autologout && $username != $al) {