public function ajax_handler($data) { CS_Shortcode_Preserver::init(); if ($this->sandbox_the_content) { CS_Shortcode_Preserver::sandbox('cs_render_the_content'); } add_filter('cs_preserve_shortcodes_no_wrap', '__return_true'); $this->orchestrator = $this->plugin->component('Element_Orchestrator'); $this->orchestrator->load_elements(); $this->mk1 = new Cornerstone_Legacy_Renderer($this->plugin->component('Legacy_Elements')); global $post; if (!isset($data['post_id']) || !($post = get_post((int) $data['post_id']))) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => 'post_id not set')); } setup_postdata($post); $this->enqueue_extractor = $this->plugin->loadComponent('Enqueue_Extractor'); $this->enqueue_extractor->start(); if (isset($data['raw_markup'])) { $this->raw_markup = (bool) $data['raw_markup']; } if (!isset($data['batch'])) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => 'No element data recieved')); } $jobs = $this->batch($data['batch']); $scripts = $this->enqueue_extractor->get_scripts(); if (is_wp_error($jobs)) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => $jobs->get_error_message())); } $result = array('jobs' => $jobs, 'scripts' => $scripts); //Suppress PHP error output unless debugging if (CS()->common()->isDebug()) { return wp_send_json_success($result); } return @wp_send_json_success($result); }
function start_wp() { global $wp_query, $post; // Since the old style loop is being used, advance the query iterator here. $wp_query->next_post(); setup_postdata($post); }
function ipin_head() { //Opengraph if (is_single()) { global $post; setup_postdata($post); $output = '<meta property="og:type" content="article" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . preg_replace('/[\\n\\r]/', ' ', mb_strimwidth(the_title_attribute('echo=0'), 0, 255, ' ...')) . '" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . get_permalink() . '" />' . "\n"; if ($post->post_content == '') { $meta_categories = get_the_category($post->ID); foreach ($meta_categories as $meta_category) { $meta_category_name = $meta_category->name; } if (ipin_get_post_board()) { $meta_board_name = ipin_get_post_board()->name; } else { $meta_board_name = __('Untitled', ipin); } $output .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . esc_attr(__('Pinned onto', 'ipin') . ' ' . $meta_board_name . ' ' . __('Board in', 'ipin') . ' ' . $meta_category_name . ' ' . __('Category', 'ipin')) . '" />' . "\n"; } else { $output .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . esc_attr(get_the_excerpt()) . '" />' . "\n"; } if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $imgsrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full'); $output .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $imgsrc[0] . '" />' . "\n"; } if (get_option('wsl_settings_Facebook_app_id')) { $output .= '<meta property="fb:app_id" content="' . get_option('wsl_settings_Facebook_app_id') . '" />' . "\n"; } echo $output; } if (is_tax('board')) { global $post, $wp_query, $wp_taxonomies; setup_postdata($post); $output = '<meta property="og:type" content="article" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . esc_attr($wp_query->queried_object->name) . '" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . home_url('/' . $wp_taxonomies["board"]->rewrite['slug'] . '/' . sanitize_title($wp_query->queried_object->name, '_') . '/') . $wp_query->queried_object->term_id . '/" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:description" content="" />' . "\n"; if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $imgsrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full'); $output .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $imgsrc[0] . '" />' . "\n"; } echo $output; } if (is_author()) { global $wp_query, $wp_rewrite; $user_info = get_user_by('id', $wp_query->query_vars['author']); $output = '<meta property="og:type" content="article" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:title" content="' . esc_attr($user_info->display_name) . ' (' . $user_info->user_nicename . ')" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:url" content="' . home_url('/') . $wp_rewrite->author_base . '/' . $user_info->user_nicename . '/" />' . "\n"; $output .= '<meta property="og:description" content="' . esc_attr($user_info->description) . '" />' . "\n"; $avatar_id = get_user_meta($user_info->ID, 'ipin_user_avatar', true); if ($avatar_id != '' && $avatar_id != 'deleted') { $user_avatar = wp_get_attachment_image_src($avatar_id, 'full'); $output .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $user_avatar[0] . '" />' . "\n"; } echo $output; } }
function wpbss_main_menu_fallback() { global $post; $args = array('post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'hierarchical' => 0); $pages = get_pages($args); //var_dump($pages); ?> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <?php foreach ($pages as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> <li> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php echo $post->post_title; ?> </a> </li> <?php } wp_reset_postdata(); ?> </ul> <?php }
public function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); echo $before_widget; if (!empty($title)) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } $numberposts = isset($instance['numberposts']) ? $instance['numberposts'] : 1; $termargs = array('post_type' => 'glossary', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'numberposts' => $numberposts, 'orderby' => 'rand'); if ($group = $instance['group']) { $termargs['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => 'wpglossarygroup', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $group)); } $terms = get_posts($termargs); if ($terms && count($terms)) { echo '<ul class="wpglossary widget-list">'; foreach ($terms as $term) { setup_postdata($term); $title = '<a href="' . apply_filters('wpg_term_link', get_post_permalink($term->ID)) . '">' . get_the_title($term->ID) . '</a>'; $desc = ''; $display = $instance['display']; if ($display && $display != 'title') { $desc = $display == 'full' ? apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content(), $main = false) : wpautop(get_the_excerpt()); $desc = '<br>' . $desc; } echo '<li>' . $title . $desc . '</li>'; } wp_reset_postdata(); echo '</ul>'; } else { echo '<em>' . __('No terms available', 'wp-glossary') . '</em>'; } echo $after_widget; }
/** @see WP_Widget::widget */ function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); echo $before_widget; $a = array("orderby" => "id", "order" => "asc"); $categories = get_categories($a); foreach ($categories as $category) { echo $before_title; // var_dump($category); echo "<h2>" . $category->name . "</h2><ul>"; global $post; $args = array('category' => $category->term_id, "numberposts" => -1, "orderby" => "title", "order" => "ASC"); $myposts = get_posts($args); foreach ($myposts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a></li><?php } echo "</ul>"; wp_reset_query(); echo $after_title; } echo $after_widget; }
function cfct_about_text() { $about_text = get_option('cfct_about_text'); if (!empty($about_text)) { $about_text = cfct_basic_content_formatting($about_text); } else { global $post, $wp_query; $orig_post = $post; isset($wp_query->query_vars['page']) ? $page = $wp_query->query_vars['page'] : ($page = null); // temporary - resetting below $wp_query->query_vars['page'] = null; remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'st_add_widget'); $about_query = new WP_Query('pagename=about'); while ($about_query->have_posts()) { $about_query->the_post(); $about_text = get_the_excerpt() . sprintf(__('<a class="more" href="%s">more →</a>', 'carrington'), get_permalink()); } $wp_query->query_vars['page'] = $page; $post = $orig_post; setup_postdata($post); } if (function_exists('st_add_widget')) { add_filter('the_excerpt', 'st_add_widget'); } return $about_text; }
/** * Get a post by a specified field and value * * @param string $field * @param string $field_value * @param string $context Post use context (e.g. 'display') * @return array Post **/ function get_post_by($field, $field_value, $context = 'display') { // validate input if (!in_array($field, array('ID', 'name'))) { return new WP_Error('invalid_field', 'Invalid API FIELD', 400); } if (!in_array($context, array('display', 'edit'))) { return new WP_Error('invalid_context', 'Invalid API CONTEXT', 400); } if ('display' === $context) { $args = $this->query_args(); if (isset($args['content_width']) && $args['content_width']) { $GLOBALS['content_width'] = (int) $args['content_width']; } } if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'wp-windows8')) { remove_shortcode('gallery', 'gallery_shortcode'); add_shortcode('gallery', array(&$this, 'win8_gallery_shortcode')); } // fetch SAL post $post = $this->get_sal_post_by($field, $field_value, $context); if (is_wp_error($post)) { return $post; } $GLOBALS['post'] = $post; // TODO: not sure where this one should go if ('display' === $context) { setup_postdata($post); } $response = $this->render_response_keys($post, $context, array_keys($this->post_object_format)); unset($GLOBALS['post']); return $response; }
/** * retrieve post */ function postpicker_ajax_postpicker_get_post() { if (!check_ajax_referer('postpicker-ajax-nonce', 'ajaxNonce', false)) { die('Busted!'); } $response = array('what' => 'postpicker_ajax_postpicker_get_post', 'action' => 'postpicker_ajax_postpicker_get_post', 'id' => '1'); $results = ""; $post_id = null; if (isset($_POST['post_id']) && !empty($_POST['post_id'])) { $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; } $asked_post = get_post($post_id); if ($asked_post) { global $post; $post = $asked_post; setup_postdata($post); ob_start(); $postpick_item_template = locate_ressource(CUSTOM_PLUGIN_COMMONS_FOLDER . '/postpicker/templates/postpicker-item.php'); if (!empty($postpick_item_template)) { include $postpick_item_template; } $results = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); wp_reset_postdata(); } $response['data'] = $results; $xmlResponse = new WP_Ajax_Response($response); $xmlResponse->send(); exit; }
function patterns_meta_box($post) { wp_nonce_field(plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'patterns_noncename'); $html = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'html', true); $css = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'css', true); $resources = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'resources', true); $notes = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'notes', true); $height = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'height', true); $usepattern = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'usepattern', true); echo '<label for="' . $post->post_name . '"><input type="checkbox" name="usepattern" id="usepattern" value="true"' . ($usepattern ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '>Show Pattern Options</input></label><br/>'; echo '<label class="pattern-label" for="resources">Resources</label>'; echo '<div class="form-wrap"> <fieldset>'; $args = array('post_type' => 'resource', 'published' => true, 'meta_key' => 'priority', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'ASC'); $myposts = get_posts($args); foreach ($myposts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); echo '<label for="' . $post->post_name . '"><input type="checkbox" name="resources[]" id="' . $post->post_name . '" value="' . $post->ID . '"' . ($resources && in_array($post->ID, $resources) ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '>' . $post->post_title . '</input></label>'; } wp_reset_postdata(); echo '</fieldset> </div>'; echo '<label class="pattern-label" for="html">Preview Height (px)</label>'; echo '<input type="number" id="height" name="height" style="width:120px;float:left;clear:both;" value="' . ($height ? $height : "300") . '"/>'; echo '<label class="pattern-label" for="html">HTML</label>'; echo '<textarea id="html" name="html" rows="10" cols="90" style="width:100%">' . $html . '</textarea>'; echo '<label class="pattern-label" for="css">CSS</label>'; echo '<textarea id="css" name="css" rows="10" cols="90" style="width:100%">' . $css . '</textarea>'; echo '<div class="form-wrap"><label class="pattern-label">Notes</label> '; wp_editor($notes, 'notes'); echo "</div>"; }
/** * The shortcode to display the single book layout. * * [tb_book id="3"] * * @param $atts * @return string */ function book_shortcode($atts) { global $post; extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => false), $atts)); if (!$id) { return ''; } //Store The Original Post Object. $original_post = $post; $post = get_post($id); //Remove The Shortcode Filter to avoid a repeating loop.. remove_filter('the_content', 'do_shortcode', 11); //Set The Post setup_postdata($post); ob_start(); tb_get_template_part(apply_filters('tb_book_shortcode_template_part', 'loops/single_book')); echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); //Reinstate The Original Post. $post = $original_post; setup_postdata($original_post); //Re-Add The Filter add_filter('the_content', 'do_shortcode', 11); return $out; }
public function __construct($thePost = null, $mainQuery = true) { global $post; $this->isMainQuery = (bool) $mainQuery; if (is_object($thePost)) { $this->wpo = $thePost; } else { if (is_numeric($thePost)) { $this->wpo = get_post($thePost); } else { if (is_string($thePost)) { $this->wpo = new \WP_Query(array('name' => $thePost)); } else { $this->wpo = $post; } } } /* @link Sets up global post data. Helps to format custom query results for using Template tags. setup_postdata() fills the global variables $id, $authordata, $currentday, $currentmonth, $page, $pages, $multipage, $more, $numpages, which help many Template Tags work in the current post context. It does not assign the global $post variable, but seems to expect that its argument is a reference to it. */ if ($this->isMainQuery) { setup_postdata($this->wpo); } }
public static function process() { theme_features::check_referer(); $post_id = isset($_GET['post-id']) && is_numeric($_GET['post-id']) ? (int) $_GET['post-id'] : false; if (!$post_id) { die(theme_features::json_format(['status' => 'error', 'code' => 'invaild_post_id', 'msg' => ___('Sorry, post id is invaild.')])); } global $post, $page; /** * post */ $post = theme_cache::get_post($post_id); if (!$post) { die(theme_features::json_format(['status' => 'error', 'code' => 'post_not_exist', 'msg' => ___('Sorry, the post does not exist.')])); } /** * page */ $page = isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : false; if (!$page) { die(theme_features::json_format(['status' => 'error', 'code' => 'invaild_page_number', 'msg' => ___('Sorry, page number is invaild.')])); } set_query_var('page', $page); setup_postdata($post); ob_start(); if (class_exists('theme_img_lazyload')) { remove_filter('the_content', 'theme_img_lazyload::the_content'); } the_content(); $content = html_minify(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); die(theme_features::json_format(['status' => 'success', 'content' => $content])); }
/** * Handles display for the latest comic page. * * @global object $mp MangaPress bootstrap object * @global object $post WordPress Post * @global array $_wp_additional_image_sizes Array defining thumbnail names and dimensions. * * @since 2.7 * @param string $template * @return string */ function mpp_filter_latest_comic($content) { global $post, $mp, $_wp_additional_image_sizes; $mp_options = $mp->get_options(); if (!($post->post_name == $mp_options['basic']['latestcomic_page'])) { return $content; } else { global $thumbnail_size, $single_comic_query; $single_comic_query = mpp_get_latest_comic(); if ($single_comic_query instanceof WP_Error) { return apply_filters('the_latest_comic_content_error', '<p class="error">No Latest Comic was found.</p>'); } $thumbnail_size = 'comic-page'; if (!isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes['comic-page'])) { $thumbnail_size = 'large'; } if (!isset($single_comic_query->posts[0])) { ob_start(); load_template(MP_ABSPATH . 'templates/content/no-comics.php', true); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $post = $single_comic_query->posts[0]; setup_postdata($post); ob_start(); load_template(MP_ABSPATH . 'templates/content/latest-comic.php', true); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } return apply_filters('the_latest_comic_content', $content); } }
public static function estimate_embed($atts = array()) { do_action('sprout_invoices_estimate_embed'); $estimate_id = 0; // Make sure id given is for an invoice if (isset($atts['id'])) { $estimate_id = (int) $atts['id']; } if (isset($_GET['si_id'])) { $estimate_id = (int) $_GET['si_id']; } if (SI_Estimate::POST_TYPE !== get_post_type($estimate_id)) { return; } // enqueue style self::frontend_enqueue(); // Show snippet view or not. $embed_view = ''; if (isset($atts['snippet']) && 'true' === $atts['snippet']) { $embed_view = '-snippet'; } self::remove_actions(); // Setup global post for filters and functions to work global $post; $post = get_post($estimate_id); setup_postdata($post); $estimate = SI_Estimate::get_instance($estimate_id); $line_items = $estimate->get_line_items(); $view = self::load_addon_view_to_string('estimates/embed' . $embed_view, array('id' => $estimate_id, 'line_items' => $line_items, 'prev_type' => '', 'totals' => SI_Line_Items::line_item_totals($estimate_id)), false); // reset to the original post wp_reset_postdata(); return $view; }
/** * Trigger. * * @version 2.4.0 */ function trigger($order_id) { if ($order_id) { $this->object = wc_get_order($order_id); if ($this->customer_email) { $this->recipient = $this->object->billing_email; } $this->find['order-date'] = '{order_date}'; $this->find['order-number'] = '{order_number}'; $this->replace['order-date'] = date_i18n(wc_date_format(), strtotime($this->object->order_date)); $this->replace['order-number'] = $this->object->get_order_number(); } if (!$this->is_enabled() || !$this->get_recipient()) { return; } if ($order_id) { global $post; $order = wc_get_order($order_id); $post = $order->post; setup_postdata($post); } $this->send($this->get_recipient(), $this->get_subject(), do_shortcode($this->get_content()), $this->get_headers(), $this->get_attachments()); if ($order_id) { wp_reset_postdata(); } }
function most_viewed() { ob_start(); $posts = wmp_get_popular(array('limit' => 4, 'post_type' => 'paper', 'range' => 'all_time')); global $post; if (count($posts) > 0) { foreach ($posts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "> <?php if (get_field('short_title')) { the_field('short_title'); } else { the_title(); } ?> </a></li> <?php } } wp_reset_query(); $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $contents; }
function widget($args, $instance) { // prints the widget extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); echo $before_widget; $title = empty($instance['title']) ? '' : apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $category = empty($instance['category']) ? '' : apply_filters('widget_category', $instance['category']); $post_type = empty($instance['post_type']) ? 'post' : apply_filters('widget_post_type', $instance['post_type']); $post_number = empty($instance['post_number']) ? '5' : apply_filters('widget_post_number', $instance['post_number']); ?> <div class="featured_video"> <?php if ($title) { ?> <h3 class="clearfix"> <?php echo $title; ?> </h3><?php } ?> <?php global $post; $args = ''; if ($category) { $args .= '&category=' . $category; } $latest_menus = get_posts('numberposts=' . $post_number . $args . '&post_type=' . $post_type); foreach ($latest_menus as $post) { setup_postdata($post); if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video', true) || get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Video', true) || get_post_meta($post->ID, 'VIDEO', true)) { if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video', true)) { $video = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video', true); } elseif (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Video', true)) { $video = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Video', true); } elseif (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'VIDEO', true)) { $video = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'VIDEO', true); } ?> <div class="video"> <?php echo $video; ?> <h4><a class="widget-title" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h4> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php echo $after_widget; }
function form($instance) { ?> <p><label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('ewic_shortcode'); ?> ">Select your Slider name and hit save button.<br /> <select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('ewic_shortcode'); ?> " name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('ewic_shortcode'); ?> " > <?php global $post; $args = array('post_type' => 'easyimageslider', 'order' => 'ASC', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish'); $myposts = get_posts($args); foreach ($myposts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); echo '<option value=' . $post->ID . '' . selected($instance["ewic_shortcode"], $post->ID) . '>' . esc_html(esc_js(the_title(NULL, NULL, FALSE))) . '</option>'; } ?> </select></label></p> <?php }
function mdwpbp_related_posts() { global $post; $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID); if ($tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag_arr = $tag->slug . ','; } $args = array('tag' => $tag_arr, 'numberposts' => 5, 'post__not_in' => array($post->ID)); $related_posts = get_posts($args); if ($related_posts) { echo '<p class="related-posts-header">Related Posts</p><ul id="mdwpbp-related-posts">'; foreach ($related_posts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); echo '<li class="related-post"><a href="'; the_permalink(); echo '">'; the_title(); echo '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } } // if ($tags) wp_reset_postdata(); }
/** * Get the location * @return */ function the_location() { global $location, $location_list; $location_list->in_the_loop = true; $location = $location_list->next_post(); setup_postdata($location); }
function test_thematic_link_pages_args() { $post = $this->factory->post->create_and_get(array('post_content' => 'Page 0<!--nextpage-->Page 1<!--nextpage-->Page 2<!--nextpage-->Page 3')); setup_postdata($post); $content = wp_link_pages(array('before' => sprintf('<nav class="page-link">%s', __('Pages:', 'thematic')), 'after' => '</nav>', 'echo' => '0')); $this->assertRegexp('/^<nav/', $content); }
/** * Latest blog posts * * @param int $limit post display limit * * @param string $thumbnail_size * * @return array */ public static function getRecent($limit = 10, $thumbnail_size = 'thumbnail') { $args = array('numberposts' => $limit, 'offset' => 0, 'category' => 0, 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'draft, publish, future, pending', 'suppress_filters' => true); $array_out = array(); $recent_posts = \get_posts(\wp_parse_args($args)); /*$like_bool = Option::get_theme_option( 'blog_list_like' ); if ( $like_bool === '1' ) { $PostLike = \SilverWp\Ajax\PostLike::getInstance(); }*/ foreach ($recent_posts as $key => $recent) { \setup_postdata($recent); $post_id = $recent->ID; //$array_out[ $key ] = $recent; $array_out[$key]['ID'] = $post_id; $array_out[$key]['post_title'] = \get_the_title($post_id); $array_out[$key]['url'] = \get_the_permalink($post_id); $array_out[$key]['post_author'] = \get_the_author(); $array_out[$key]['post_date'] = \get_the_date('', $post_id); $array_out[$key]['post_date_utc'] = \get_the_time('c', $post_id); //$array_out[ $key ]['post_like'] = ($like_bool === '1') ? $PostLike->getPostLikeCount($post_id) : ''; $array_out[$key]['post_comment_count'] = $recent->comment_count; if (strpos($recent->post_content, '<!--more-->') || empty($recent->post_excerpt)) { $array_out[$key]['post_excerpt'] = \get_the_excerpt(); } else { $array_out[$key]['post_excerpt'] = $recent->post_excerpt; } $array_out[$key]['image_html'] = \get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_size); // Thumbnail $array_out[$key]['categories'] = self::getTaxonomy($post_id); } \wp_reset_postdata(); return $array_out; }
/** * Render Popup Columns * * @since 1.0 * * @param string $column_name Column name * @param int $post_id Popup (Post) ID * * @return void */ function popmake_render_popup_columns($column_name, $post_id) { if (get_post_type($post_id) == 'popup') { global $popmake_options; $post = get_post($post_id); setup_postdata($post); $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post->post_type); $can_edit_post = current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->edit_post, $post->ID); switch ($column_name) { case 'popup_title': echo '<strong>' . esc_html(popmake_get_the_popup_title($post_id)) . '</strong>'; break; case 'popup_category': echo get_the_term_list($post_id, 'popup_category', '', ', ', ''); break; case 'popup_tag': echo get_the_term_list($post_id, 'popup_tag', '', ', ', ''); break; case 'class': echo '<pre style="display:inline-block;margin:0;"><code>popmake-' . absint($post_id) . '</code></pre>'; if ($post->post_name != $post->ID) { echo '|'; echo '<pre style="display:inline-block;margin:0;"><code>popmake-' . $post->post_name . '</code></pre>'; } break; } } }
function totc_children($atts) { global $post; global $more; $more = 0; $return = ""; $oldpost = $post; if ($post->ID) { $args = array('post_parent' => $post->ID, 'post_type' => 'page', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC'); $children = get_posts($args); if ($children) { foreach ($children as $post) { setup_postdata($post); $more = 0; $content = get_the_content(''); $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); $return .= '<h3><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h3> ' . $content; } } } setup_postdata($oldpost); return $return; }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title_widget = $instance['title_widget']; $limit = $instance['limit']; echo $before_widget; echo '<h3 class="widget-title">' . $title_widget . '</h3>'; echo '<ul>'; $args = array('posts_per_page' => $limit, 'post_type' => 'coupons', 'meta_key' => 'clicks', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'order' => 'DESC'); $coupons = get_posts($args); foreach ($coupons as $coupon) { setup_postdata($coupon); ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($coupon->ID); ?> "><?php echo get_the_title($coupon->ID); ?> ( <?php echo get_post_meta($coupon->ID, 'coupon_discount', true); ?> )</a> </li> <?php } wp_reset_postdata(); echo '</ul>'; echo $after_widget; }
function woo_widget_tabs_latest($posts = 5, $size = 45) { global $post; $latest = get_posts(array('suppress_filters' => false, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'desc', 'numberposts' => $posts)); foreach ($latest as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> <li> <?php if ($size != 0) { woo_image('height=' . $size . '&width=' . $size . '&class=thumbnail&single=true'); } ?> <a title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?> " href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a> <span class="meta"><?php the_time(get_option('date_format')); ?> </span> <div class="fix"></div> </li> <?php } wp_reset_postdata(); }
function column_default($item, $column_name) { switch ($column_name) { case 'author': $user_info = get_userdata($item->post_author); if (!$user_info) { echo '<strong>Anonymous</strong>'; } else { echo '<strong>' . get_avatar($item->post_author, $size = '32') . ' ' . $user_info->display_name . '</strong>'; } break; case 'detail': global $post; setup_postdata($item); ?> <div class="submitted-on"><?php _e('Answered on ', 'dwqa'); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($item->ID); ?> "><?php echo $item->post_date; ?> </a></div> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <?php break; default: return print_r($item, true); } }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); @($title = $instance['title'] ? $instance['title'] : '最热文章'); @($num = $instance['num'] ? $instance['num'] : 5); echo $before_widget; ?> <div class="panel panel-zan hidden-xs"> <div class="panel-heading"><?php echo $title; ?> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <ul class="list-group"> <?php // 设置全局变量,实现post整体赋值 global $post; $posts = zan_get_hotest_posts($num); foreach ($posts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> <li class="zan-list clearfix"> <figure class="thumbnail zan-thumb"> <?php the_post_thumbnail(array(75, 75)); ?> </figure> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "> <h5><?php the_title(); ?> </h5> </a> <div class="sidebar-info"> <span><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> <?php the_time('m月j日, Y'); ?> </span> <span><i class="fa fa-comment"></i> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> #comments"><?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?> </a></span> </div> </li> <?php } wp_reset_postdata(); ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php echo $after_widget; }
function short_posts_on_page($atts) { global $more, $id, $post; ### $pro = true; // Set to 'false' for turn off external template ### $more_s = $more; $id_s = $id; $post_s = $post; $res = '<div id="posts_on_page">' . "\n"; $lastposts = get_posts($atts); foreach ($lastposts as $post) { $id = $post->ID; setup_postdata($post); $more = false; if ($pro and $atts['template'] and file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . '/' . $atts['template'])) { ob_start(); include TEMPLATEPATH . '/' . $atts['template']; $res .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $res .= '<div id="post-' . $id . '"><h2><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h2>' . "\n"; if ($atts['show_content']) { $res .= apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content($atts['more_text'])); } $res .= "</div>\n"; } } $res .= "</div>\n"; $more = $more_s; $id = $id_s; $post = $post_s; return $res; }