$cursec = $subj[$abs['section']]; echo "<h3>{$cursec}</h3>"; } $loc = array_values(array_slice($abs, 0, 4)); $url = linkabs($loc); $pdf = linkpdf($loc); $edt = $user ? linkedt($loc, 'rht') : ''; echo '<div class="entry">'; echo $edt . '<h4>' . linker($url, $abs['title']) . '</h4>'; echo '<div>' . $abs['author'] . '</div>'; echo cite($loc) . ' ' . linker(mkdoi($abs['doi'])); if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $pdf)) { echo '<div>' . linker($url, 'Abstract') . ' | Full text: ' . linker($pdf, 'PDF [' . getlang($abs['pdf']) . ']') . '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; } } echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="panel">'; echo '<h3 class="h">' . "{$year}, Volume {$vol}" . '</h3>'; echo '<div>'; foreach (array_keys($issue) as $num) { echo '<a href="/archive/' . $vol . '/' . $num . '" class="issue btn">' . '<img src="/img/cover-' . $year . '-' . $num . '.jpg" alt="cover">' . '<span class="btn">Issue ' . $num . '</span>' . '</a>' . PHP_EOL; } echo '</div></div>'; } } } else { sethead('No records found', $xtra ? 200 : 404); }
public function getcontent() { if (Action::$site_info['pubusersx'] == 1) { $condition = " AND user_head!='' AND live_city!='' AND live_city!='其他 其他' AND user_gender!='' AND user_info!='' AND auth_email='1'"; } else { $condition = " AND live_city!='' AND live_city!='其他 其他'"; } $lasttime = $_GET['lasttime']; $content = D('ContentView')->where('replyid=0' . $condition . ' AND posttime>' . $lasttime)->order("`content_id` DESC")->limit('30')->select(); if ($content) { foreach ($content as $key => $val) { $result1[] = str_replace('海外 ', '', $val['live_city']); $result2[] = sethead($val['user_head']); $result3[] = "<div class=\"maps\"><a href=\"" . SITE_URL . "/{$val['user_name']}\" title=\"{$val['nickname']}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"link\"><img src=\"" . sethead($val['user_head']) . "\" alt=\"{$val['nickname']}\"/></a><span class=\"body\"><span class=\"nickname " . setvip($val['user_auth']) . "\"><a href=\"" . SITE_URL . "/{$val['user_name']}\" title=\"{$val['nickname']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$val['nickname']}</a></span> " . daddslashes(D('Content')->ubb($val['content_body'])) . "<div class=\"other\">" . timeop($val['posttime']) . " {$val['live_city']}</div></span></div>"; $lasttime = max($val['posttime'], $lasttime); } echo json_encode(array('res' => 'success', 'result1' => $result1, 'result2' => $result2, 'result3' => $result3, 'lasttime' => $lasttime)); } }
} } if (!$prefix) { $prefix[] = $all[$path] ? $all[$path] : ucfirst($path); } } else { $path = 'home'; } $current = array($path => true); $template = './pages/' . $path; if (is_file($template . '.html')) { include $template . '.html'; } elseif (is_file($template . '.php')) { include $template . '.php'; } else { sethead('Page not found'); } $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($prefix) { $prefix[] = '- '; } isset($mysqli) && $mysqli->close(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title><?php echo implode(' ', $prefix) . J_NAME; ?>