コード例 #1
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.de']['https']['is_default'] = false;
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.de']['https']['force_login'] = true;
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['url'] = 'http://www.opencaching.pl/';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['sitename'] = 'Opencaching.PL';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['locale'] = 'PL';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['fallback_locale'] = 'EN';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['style'] = 'ocstyle';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['cookiedomain'] = '.opencaching.pl';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['country'] = 'PL';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['keywords'] = 'geocaching, geocache, cache, poszukiwanie skarbów, GPS, wolne, GPX, koordynować, hobby, natura';  // 5-10 keywords are recommended
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['description'] = 'Opencaching.pl jest darmowy portal dla Geocaching, gry Treasure Hunt. Za pomocą współrzędnych GPS można znaleźć pojemniki lub obiektów.';
//$opt['domain']['www.opencaching.pl']['headoverlay'] = 'oc_head_alpha3_pl';
// Supply the site's primary URL and the shortlink domain here.
// Can be overriden by domain settings.
// Set shortlink domain to false if not available.
set_absolute_urls($opt, 'http://www.opencaching.de/', 'opencaching.de', 2);
/* The OC site's ID; see settings-dist.inc.php for known IDs.
$opt['logic']['node']['id'] = 0;
/* data license settings
 * The text and licsense link are determined by $opt['locale'][<locale>]['page']['license']
 * and $opt['locale'][<locale>]['page']['license_url'].
$opt['logic']['license']['disclaimer'] = false;
$opt['logic']['license']['terms'] = 'articles.php?page=impressum#datalicense';
/* password authentication method
 * (true means extra hash on the digested password)
$opt['logic']['password_hash'] = false;
/* password salt
 * is a random generated String that is appended to the password
コード例 #2
 *  DEBUG_OUTOFSERVICE    = only admin login (includes DEBUG_TEMPLATES)
 *  DEBUG_TESTING         = display warning (includes DEBUG_TEMPLATES)
 *  DEBUG_SQLDEBUGGER     = sql debugger (use &sqldebug=1 when calling the site)
 *  DEBUG_TRANSLATE       = read translate messages (use &trans=1 when calling the site)
 *  DEBUG_FORCE_TRANSLATE = force read of translate messages
 *  DEBUG_CLI             = print debug messages of cli scripts
// node options
// see settings-dist.inc.php for known node IDs
$opt['logic']['node']['id'] = 4;
$opt['logic']['waypoint_pool']['prefix'] = 'OC';
/* server options
set_absolute_urls($opt, $dev_baseurl, isset($dev_shortlink_domain) ? $dev_shortlink_domain : 'opencaching.de', 2);
$opt['page']['develsystem'] = true;
$opt['page']['max_logins_per_hour'] = 1000;
// for development ...
$opt['mail']['from'] = 'root';
$opt['mail']['subject'] = '[local.opencaching.de] ';
/* disable cronjobs which are not needed on devel site
$opt['cron']['sitemaps']['generate'] = false;
$opt['cron']['geokrety']['run'] = false;
/* E-Mail for notification about news (newstopic.php)
$opt['news']['mail'] = 'root';
$opt['mail']['subject'] = '[local.opencaching.de] ';
/* Purge log files - age in days (0 = keep infinite)