$avalues["kelurahan_id"] = prepare_for_db("kelurahan_id", $_SESSION[$sessionPrefix . "_masterkey1"]); } } $failed_inline_add = false; // add filenames to values foreach ($afilename_values as $akey => $value) { $avalues[$akey] = $value; } // before Add event $retval = true; if ($eventObj->exists("BeforeAdd")) { $retval = $eventObj->BeforeAdd($avalues, $usermessage, (bool) $inlineadd, $pageObject); } if ($retval && $pageObject->isCaptchaOk) { //add or set updated lat-lng values for all map fileds with 'UpdateLatLng' ticked setUpdatedLatLng($avalues, $pageObject->cipherer->pSet); $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_count_captcha"] = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_count_captcha"] + 1; if (DoInsertRecord($strOriginalTableName, $avalues, $blobfields, $id, $pageObject, $pageObject->cipherer)) { $IsSaved = true; // after edit event if ($auditObj || $eventObj->exists("AfterAdd")) { foreach ($keys as $idx => $val) { $avalues[$idx] = $val; } } if ($auditObj) { $auditObj->LogAdd($strTableName, $avalues, $keys); } // Give possibility to all edit controls to clean their data // processing parent - start $inlineAddOption = true;
$readevalues = true; } } if ($readevalues == false) { // do event $retval = true; if ($eventObj->exists("BeforeEdit")) { $retval = $eventObj->BeforeEdit($evalues, $strWhereClause, $dataold, $keys, $usermessage, (bool) $inlineedit, $pageObject); } if ($retval && $pageObject->isCaptchaOk) { if ($inlineedit != EDIT_INLINE) { $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_count_captcha"] = $_SESSION[$strTableName . "_count_captcha"] + 1; } //set updated lat-lng values for all map fileds with 'UpdateLatLng' ticked if (isTableGeoUpdatable($pageObject->cipherer->pSet)) { setUpdatedLatLng($evalues, $pageObject->cipherer->pSet, $dataold); } if (DoUpdateRecord($strOriginalTableName, $evalues, $blobfields, $strWhereClause, $id, $pageObject, $pageObject->cipherer)) { $IsSaved = true; // Give possibility to all edit controls to clean their data // processing nama - begin $condition = 1; if ($condition) { $control_nama->afterSuccessfulSave(); } // processing nama - end // processing app_id - begin $condition = 1; if ($condition) { $control_app_id->afterSuccessfulSave(); }