コード例 #1
ファイル: jointeam.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_jointeam_doJoin($id, $invite)
    // Try to add player to team
    $obj = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select l_team.id, l_team.name, l_team.leader, count(callsign) nump\n      from l_team left join l_player  on l_team.id = l_player.team\n      where l_team.id = " . $id . "\n      group by l_team.id, l_team.name, l_team.leader"));
    if ($obj->nump == $TEAMSIZE) {
        // Team full
        echo "<center>Sorry, this team is full. Probably someone was joining it at the same time...</center>";
    } else {
        // Okay, let's do the update
        mysql_query("update l_player set team=" . $id . " where id=" . $_SESSION['playerid']);
        // Close team if it's full
        if ($obj->nump == $TEAMSIZE - 1) {
            mysql_query("update l_team set status='closed' where id=" . $id);
        // Close team if it has 3 players and is adminclosed
        if ($obj->nump == 2) {
            mysql_query("update l_team set status='closed' where adminclosed='yes' and id=" . $id);
        echo '<center>You are now a member of the ' . teamLink($obj->name, $obj->id, false) . ' team.<BR> 
        A message has been sent to the team leader.</center>';
        // Send a message to the team leader
        $player = playerLink($_SESSION['playerid'], $_SESSION['callsign']);
        if ($invite) {
            $msg = "{$player} has accepted your invitation, and has joined your team!<BR>";
            sqlQuery("DELETE FROM bzl_invites WHERE teamid={$obj->id}  AND \n            playerid={$_SESSION['playerid']}");
        } else {
            $msg = "A new player just joined your team: {$player}";
        sendBzMail(0, $obj->leader, $_SESSION['callsign'] . ' joined your team!', $msg);
コード例 #2
ファイル: leaveteam.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_leaveteam()
    require_once 'lib/common.php';
    $id = addslashes($_GET['id']);
    $link = $_GET['link'];
    $answer = $_GET['answer'];
    $s_playerid = $_SESSION['playerid'];
    // Dont let admirarch leave a team. SC request
    //  if( $s_playerid == 2074 ) {
    //    errorpage("No can do");
    //    return;
    //  }
    $obj = mysql_fetch_object(sqlQuery("select name, leader from l_team where id={$id}"));
    echo '<BR>';
    if ($answer == "") {
        if ($s_playerid == $obj->leader) {
            // Prevent leaders from leaving their own team
            echo "<center>You can't abandon the magnificient {$obj->name} team, because you are its leader.<BR>\n        Please go to your <a href=\"index.php?link=teamadmin&id=" . $id . "&" . SID . "\"><b>team page</b></a>\n        and assign another leader first!</center>";
        } else {
            echo '<center>You are about to abandon the magnificient <a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $id . '&' . SID . '">' . $obj->name . '</a> team, its members will miss you...<br>';
            echo "Please, please, stay in the team!<br>";
            echo "Are you really sure you want to abandon this team ?<br><br>";
            echo '<TABLE border=0><TR><TD>' . htmlURLbutton('ABANDON', $link, "id={$id}&answer=yes") . '</td><TD>&nbsp;</td><TD>' . htmlURLbutton('CANCEL', $link, "id={$id}&answer=no", CLRBUT) . '</td></tr></table>';
    } else {
        if ($answer == "yes") {
            // Remove this player from the team
            mysql_query("update l_player set team=0 where id=" . $s_playerid);
            // Open the team, because it needs at least one more player,
            // but only if it is not administratively closed, or if num players<3
            $pl = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select count(*) num from l_player where team=" . $id));
            if ($pl->num < 3) {
                mysql_query("update l_team set status='opened' where id=" . $id);
            } else {
                mysql_query("update l_team set status='opened' where adminclosed='no' and id=" . $id);
            echo "<center>That's it, you are no longer a member of the <a href=\"index.php?link=teaminfo&id=" . $id . "&" . SID . "\">" . $obj->name . "</a> team.<br>\n                      A message has just been sent to the team leader</center>";
            // Send a message to the team leader
            sendBzMail(0, $obj->leader, $_SESSION['callsign'] . ' has left your team!', 'A player just left your team: "' . $_SESSION['callsign'] . '"');
        } else {
            // Say thank you
            echo '<BR><center>The <a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $id . '&' . SID . '">' . $obj->name . '</a> team members thank you for being so brave, and continuing the fight!</center>';
コード例 #3
ファイル: createteam.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_createteam()
    $vars = array('f_ok_x', 'f_name', 'f_logo', 'f_password', 'f_password2');
    foreach ($vars as $var) {
        ${$var} = isset($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : $_GET[$var];
        ${$var} = stripslashes(${$var});
    $error = 1;
    if ($f_ok_x) {
        $error = 0;
        // Check fields
        // Check team name
        if ($f_name == "") {
            $error = 1;
            echo "<div class=error>Team name must not be empty</div>";
        } else {
            // Check unicity
            $row = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select id, status from l_team where name='" . addslashes($f_name) . "'"));
            if ($row) {
                $error = 1;
                if ($row->status == 'deleted') {
                    echo "<div class=error><BR><CENTER>This team previously existed, but was deleted.  \n              If you need to revive this team name, contact a site administrator.";
                } else {
                    echo "<div class=error><BR><CENTER>This team name already exists</div>.";
        // Check logo
        //$msg = checkLogoSize($f_logo); - empty function
        $msg = '';
        if ($msg != '') {
            $error = 1;
            echo "<div class=error>{$msg}</div>";
        // Check admin password
        if ($f_password != $f_password2) {
            $error = 1;
            echo "<div class=error>The passwords don't match</div>";
        } else {
            if ($f_password == "") {
                $error = 1;
                echo "<div class=error>The admin password must not be empty</div>";
            } else {
                $cypher = crypt($f_password);
    if ($error) {
        echo '<form method=post>' . SID_FORM . '<table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
    <tr><td>Team name:</td><td><input type=text size=32 maxlength=32 name=f_name value="' . $f_name . '"></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Admin password:</td><td><input type=password size=8 maxlength=8 name=f_password value="' . $f_password . '"></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Verify:</td><td><input type=password size=8 maxlength=8 name=f_password2 value="' . $f_password2 . '"></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>
    <tr><td>Optional team logo URL (400x300 max!):</td><td><input type=text size=40 maxlength=200 name=f_logo value="' . $f_logo . '"></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan=2>Optional (but recommended) description:<br><textarea cols=50 rows=6 name=f_comment>' . $f_comment . '</textarea></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan=2 align=center>

    <TABLE><TR><TD>' . htmlFormButton('Submit', 'f_ok_x') . '</td><TD width=10></td><TD> ' . htmlURLButton('Cancel', 'teams', null, CLRBUT) . '</td></tr></table>
    } else {
        // Insert data into table
        mysql_query("insert into l_team (id, name, comment, leader, logo, status, score, password, adminclosed, created) \n        values(0, '" . addSlashes($f_name) . "', '" . addSlashes($f_comment) . "', " . $_SESSION['playerid'] . ", \n        '" . addSlashes($f_logo) . "', 'opened', 1200, '" . $cypher . "', 'no', NOW())");
        // Update me so I belong to my team
        mysql_query("update l_player set team=" . mysql_insert_id() . " where id=" . $_SESSION['playerid']);
        mysql_query("update l_team set status='opened' where id=" . $_SESSION['teamid']);
        echo '<center>Thank you, <a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $_SESSION['playerid'] . '&' . SID . '">' . $_SESSION['callsign'] . '</a>, for creating the brand new <a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $_SESSION['teamid'] . '&' . SID . '">' . $f_name . '</a> team.<br>
    <br>We hope that your team will show courage on the battlefield ;-)</center>';
コード例 #4
ファイル: ajax.php プロジェクト: carriercomm/waf-fle
        $deletedPercent = $_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Deleted'] * 100 / $_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Total'];
        if ($_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Deleted'] - $_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Total'] == 0) {
            $deleteSensorResult = deleteSensor($_SESSION['delFilter']['src_sensor']);
            $result = array('Total' => $_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Total'], 'Current' => $_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Deleted'], 'Percent' => $deletedPercent, 'SensorDelete' => $deleteSensorResult);
        } else {
            $result = array('Total' => $_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Total'], 'Current' => $_SESSION['delId'][$delId]['Deleted'], 'Percent' => $deletedPercent, 'SensorDelete' => $deleteSensorResult);
    } else {
        $deleteSensorResult = deleteSensor($_SESSION['delFilter']['src_sensor']);
        $result = array('Total' => 0, 'Current' => 0, 'Percent' => 100, 'SensorDelete' => $deleteSensorResult);
    print json_encode($result);
} elseif (isset($_GET['getWebHostsPartial'])) {
    // Query web hostnames partially, using autocomplete from filter interface.
    if (strlen($_GET['getWebHostsPartial']) > 2) {
        $webHostsList = getWebHostsPartial($_GET['getWebHostsPartial']);
    } else {
        $webHostsList = "{}";
    print json_encode($webHostsList);
} else {
    print "Error\n";
// update last activity timestamp, on page processing finish
コード例 #5
ファイル: register.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_register_doSubmit(&$se)
    // player's utc timezone offset (aquired from user's client via jscript)
    $uz = 0 - $_POST['tzoffset'] / 60;
    $cypher = crypt($f_password1);
    $call = addSlashes($se->callsign);
    $pass = md5($se->password);
    sqlQuery("insert into l_player (callsign, team, status, role_id, md5password, created, last_login,\n          utczone, country, email) \n      values( '{$call}', 0, 'registered', " . NEW_USER_PERMISSION . ", '{$pass}', now(), now(), \n          '{$uz}', '{$se->country}', '{$se->email}')");
    // Assign session variables
    $_SESSION['callsign'] = $se->callsign;
    $_SESSION['playerid'] = mysql_insert_id();
    // Insert an entry into the statistics table
    $gmnow = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    sqlQuery('insert into ' . TBL_VISITS . " (ts, pid, ip) \n        values ('{$gmnow}', {$_SESSION['playerid']}, '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}')");
    $_SESSION['teamid'] = 0;
    $_SESSION['leader'] = 0;
    sendBzMail(0, $_SESSION['playerid'], 'WELCOME, ' . $_SESSION['callsign'], "Thank you for registering, and welcome to the league!<BR>\n      Please read the FAQ, and edit your profile to make it easier for others to find you (this REALLY helps for organizing matches).<br>\n      Now you can join a team, or create a new team and recruit members.\n      <BR>See you on the battlefield!");
    echo '<center>Welcome onboard, <a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $_SESSION['playerid'] . '">' . $_SESSION['callsign'] . '</a>.<br><br>
    You are now a registered user on the league system, and are allowed to join a team, or create a new one.<br>
    Please read the F.A.Q. to know how.
    This is your personal information:<br>
    Login: '******'callsign'] . '<br>
    Password: '******'<br>
    If you lose your password, the only way for you to have a new one is to contact one of the site admins.<br>
    See <a href="index.php?link=contact">the contact page</a> if you wan' . "'" . 't to do that.
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM bzl_roles WHERE id = " . NEW_USER_PERMISSION) or die(mysql_error());
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $_SESSION['level'] = $row[0];
    } else {
        $_SESSION['level'] = "player";
コード例 #6
ファイル: session.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function session_refresh_all()
    if ($_SESSION['player_id']) {
        sqlQuery("UPDATE l_session SET refresh='Y' WHERE playerid!='{$_SESSION['playerid']}'");
    } else {
        sqlQuery("UPDATE l_session SET refresh='Y'");
コード例 #7
ファイル: playerinfo.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_playerinfo_doSubmit(&$se)
    $fc = $se->fieldsChanged('logo, logobg, callsign, country, state, email, aim, yim, 
    msm, jabber, altnik1, altnik2, ircnik1, emailpub, utczone, zonename, city, 
    icq, comment, role_id');
    if ($se->isChanged('password')) {
        $cypher = "md5password=md5('{$se->password}')";
    if (($sets = section_playerinfo_commaCat($fc, $cypher)) == null) {
        echo $se->feedback('NO changes made');
    } else {
        echo $se->feedback('Changes submitted, thank you.');
        // Update the table
        sqlQuery("update l_player set {$sets} where id=" . $se->id, false);
        $se->link = "playerinfo";
        // Check if I changed my privileges ;-)
        //if($se->isChanged('level') && $_SESSION['playerid']==$se->id) {
        // $_SESSION['level'] = $se->level;
        // Update callsign if I changed mine
        if ($se->id == $_SESSION['playerid']) {
            $_SESSION['callsign'] = $se->callsign;
    return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: login.php プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
function section_login()
    $vars = array('f_ok', 'f_call', 'f_pass', 'link');
    foreach ($vars as $var) {
        ${$var} = isset($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : $_GET[$var];
    echo '<BR>';
    if ($f_ok) {
        // Check the password
        $res = mysql_query("select p.id, p.callsign, p.password, p.md5password, \n           unix_timestamp(p.last_login) as last_login, p.utczone, p.country\n           from l_player p,bzl_roles r where p.role_id = r.id AND p.callsign='" . addSlashes($f_call) . "'");
        if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 0) {
            $obj = mysql_fetch_object($res);
            // Check MD5 password, or password, and do the conversion
            $cyphermd5 = md5($f_pass);
            // Do check the password
            if ($obj->md5password == '') {
                $cypher = crypt($f_pass, substr($obj->password, 0, 2));
                if ($cypher == $obj->password) {
                    $idsuccess = 1;
                    // Update MD5 password in database
                    mysql_query("update l_player set md5password='******' where id=" . $obj->id);
                } else {
                    $idsuccess = 0;
            } else {
                if ($cyphermd5 == $obj->md5password) {
                    $idsuccess = 1;
                } else {
                    $idsuccess = 0;
            if ($idsuccess == 1) {
                // Logged in!
                // Insert an entry into the statistics table
                if (!$obj->country || $obj->country <= 0) {
                    $_SESSION['required'] = true;
                $gmnow = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                sqlQuery('insert into ' . TBL_VISITS . " (ts, pid, ip) \n            values ('{$gmnow}', {$obj->id}, '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}')");
                if (!isset($obj->utczone)) {
                    $uz = 0 - $_POST['tzoffset'] / 60;
                    sqlQuery("update l_player set utczone={$uz} where id={$obj->id}");
                $now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                mysql_query("UPDATE l_player SET last_login='******' WHERE id=" . $obj->id);
                $_SESSION['playerid'] = $obj->id;
                $_SESSION['callsign'] = $obj->callsign;
                $_SESSION['last_login'] = $obj->last_login;
                $_SESSION['seqnum'] = 1;
                // refresh cookie for 60 days ...
                setcookie('themename', THEME_NAME, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 60, '/');
    if ($f_ok and $idsuccess == 0) {
        // Unknown callsign
        echo "<div class=error><CENTER>Wrong callsign or password</div>";
        $gmnow = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        sqlQuery("INSERT INTO l_badpass (gmtime, ip, name)  VALUES ('{$gmnow}', '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', '{$f_call}')");
        // deter script-kiddies
    if (isAuthenticated()) {
        echo '<center>Welcome back, <a href="index.php?link=playerinfo&id=' . $_SESSION['playerid'] . '&' . SID . '">' . $_SESSION['callsign'] . '</a><br><br>';
        if ($_SESSION['teamid'] == 0) {
            echo "You don't belong to any team. What are you waiting for? ;-)";
        } else {
            // Get team name
            $obj = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select name from l_team where id=" . $_SESSION['teamid']));
            echo 'You are a member of the magnificent <a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $_SESSION['teamid'] . '&' . SID . '">' . $obj->name . '</a> team.';
        echo '<br><br><form method=post>' . SID_FORM . htmlFormButton("Log Out", 'logout_x') . '
    } else {
        echo '<form name="login" method=post>' . SID_FORM . '
      <table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
      <input type=hidden name=link value=' . $link . '>';
        echo '<tr><td>Callsign:</td><td><input type=text name=f_call value="' . $f_call . '" size=40 maxlength=40></td></tr>
      <tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type=password name=f_pass size=8 maxlength=8></td></tr>
      <tr><td colspan=2 align=center><BR>
      ' . htmlFormButton("Login", 'f_ok') . '
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">
  if(document.login.f_call.value.length == 0) 
  now = new Date();
  document.write ("<input type=hidden name=tzoffset value=" + now.getTimezoneOffset() +">");