function html_page_header($db, $current_proj) { $s_user_projects = session_get_user_projects(); $s_user_properties = session_get_user_properties(); $date = date_get_long_dt(); $message = lang_get('error_empty_id_field'); $username = $s_user_properties['username']; print "<form method=post name=navigate_to_id id=form_validate action='navigate_to_id_action.php' >" . NEWLINE; print "<table class=hide100>" . NEWLINE; print "<tr><td class=header-r>" . NEWLINE; print lang_get('goto_to_id') . NEWLINE; print "<input type=text size=6 id='validate_txt_field' name=id_txt_field>" . NEWLINE; #print'<a href="javascript:return ValidateForm(\''.$message.'\')">'. lang_get('go') .'</a></td>'. NEWLINE; print "<input type=submit value='" . lang_get('go') . "'>"; #</td>"; print "</td></tr>" . NEWLINE; print "</table>" . NEWLINE; print "</form>" . NEWLINE; print "<form method=post name=form_set_project action='login_switch_proj.php'>" . NEWLINE; print "<table class=hide100>" . NEWLINE; print "<tr>" . NEWLINE; print "<td class=header-l width='33%'>logged in as {$username}</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td class=header-c width='33%'>{$date}</td>" . NEWLINE; if ($s_user_projects > 1) { # display the project list box print "<td class=header-r width='33%'>" . NEWLINE; # Check for Javascript print "<noscript>" . NEWLINE; print "<input type=hidden name=javascript_disabled value=true>" . NEWLINE; print "</noscript>" . NEWLINE; # login variables set, so there is no need to do if( isset($_GET[login][page]) ) # in login_switch_proj.php print "<input type=hidden name='login[page]' value=''>" . NEWLINE; print "<input type=hidden name='login[get]' value=''>" . NEWLINE; print "<input type=hidden name='uname' value='{$username}'>" . NEWLINE; # Check for Javascript print "<noscript>" . NEWLINE; print "<input type=hidden name=non_javascript_browser value=true>" . NEWLINE; print "</noscript>" . NEWLINE; if (session_use_javascript()) { print lang_get('switch_project') . NEWLINE; } else { print "<input type=submit value='" . lang_get('switch_project') . "'>" . NEWLINE; } print "<select name='login[switch_project]' onchange='document.forms.form_set_project.submit();'>" . NEWLINE; html_print_list_box_from_array($s_user_projects, $current_proj); print "</select>" . NEWLINE; print "</td>" . NEWLINE; } else { # don't display the project list box print "<td class=header-r width=33%> </td>" . NEWLINE; } print "</tr>" . NEWLINE; print "</table>" . NEWLINE; print "</form>" . NEWLINE; }
function project_delete($project_id) { global $db; $tbl_project = PROJECT_TBL; $f_proj_id = $tbl_project . "." . PROJ_ID; $f_proj_deleted = $tbl_project . "." . PROJ_DELETED; $q = "\tUPDATE \t{$tbl_project}\n\t\t\tSET\t\t{$f_proj_deleted} = 'Y'\n\t\t\tWHERE\t{$f_proj_id} = {$project_id}"; # get project name and remove it from the session $project_name = project_get_name($project_id); //print"project_name = $project_name<br>"; $s_user_projects = session_get_user_projects(); foreach ($s_user_projects as $key => $session_project) { if ($project_name == $session_project) { unset($_SESSION['s_user_projects'][$key]); } } // fix to remove files for project as well provided by SPKannan // $project_folder_name = str_replace(" ", "", $project_name); // $req_docs = FILE_UPLOAD_PATH .$project_folder_name."_req_docs/"; // $test_docs = FILE_UPLOAD_PATH .$project_folder_name."_test_docs/"; // $test_run_docs = FILE_UPLOAD_PATH .$project_folder_name."_test_run_docs/"; // $test_plan_docs = FILE_UPLOAD_PATH .$project_folder_name."_test_plan_docs/"; // $defect_docs = FILE_UPLOAD_PATH .$project_folder_name."_defect_docs/"; // // for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) // { // if ($i == 1) // { // $dir = $req_docs; // } // // if ($i ==2) // { // $dir = $test_docs; // } // // if ($i == 3) // { // $dir = $test_run_docs; // } // // if ($i == 4) // { // $dir = $test_plan_docs; // } // // if($i == 5) // { // $dir = $defect_docs; // } // // if ($handle = opendir($dir)) // { // $array = array(); // // while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { // if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { // // if(is_dir($dir.$file)) // { // if(!@rmdir($dir.$file)) // Empty directory? Remove it // { // delete_directory($dir.$file.'/'); // Not empty? Delete the files inside it // } // } // else // { // @unlink($dir.$file); // } // } // } // closedir($handle); // // @rmdir($dir); // } # if loop end // // } #For loop end // // end fix be SPKannan db_query($db, $q); }