function seo_images_replace($matches) { global $post, $seo; # take care of unsusal endings $matches[0] = preg_replace('|([\'"])[/ ]*$|', '\\1 /', $matches[0]); ### Normalize spacing around attributes. $matches[0] = preg_replace('/\\s*=\\s*/', '=', substr($matches[0], 0, strlen($matches[0]) - 2)); ### Get source. preg_match('/src\\s*=\\s*([\'"])?((?(1).+?|[^\\s>]+))(?(1)\\1)/', $matches[0], $source); $saved = $source[2]; ### Swap with file's base name. preg_match('%[^/]+(?=\\.[a-z]{3}\\z)%', $source[2], $source); ### Separate URL by attributes. $pieces = preg_split('/(\\w+=)/', $matches[0], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); ### Add missing pieces. if (!in_array('title=', $pieces) || $seo['override_title']) { $titletext = isset($source[0]) ? str_replace("[image_name]", $source[0], $seo['image_title']) : ''; $titletext = seo_replace($titletext, (array) $post); if (!in_array('title=', $pieces)) { array_push($pieces, ' title="' . $titletext . '"'); } else { $key = array_search('title=', $pieces); $pieces[$key + 1] = '"' . $titletext . '" '; } } if (!in_array('alt=', $pieces) || $seo['override_alt']) { $alttext = isset($source[0]) ? str_replace("[image_name]", $source[0], $seo['image_alt']) : ''; $alttext = seo_replace($alttext, (array) $post); if (!in_array('alt=', $pieces)) { array_push($pieces, ' alt="' . $alttext . '"'); if (is_page()) { $i = 1; } } else { $key = array_search('alt=', $pieces); $pieces[$key + 1] = '"' . $alttext . '" '; } } return implode('', $pieces) . ' /'; }
function current_title() { global $page, $paged, $seo, $post; if (isset($seo['seo_on']) && $seo['seo_on']) { $keyword = ""; $description = get_bloginfo('description'); if (is_home() || is_front_page()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['home_title'], (array) $post); $description = seo_replace($seo['home_desc'], (array) $post); $keyword = seo_replace($seo['keyword_home'], (array) $post); if (is_page()) { $seo_option = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'seo_options', true); if (isset($seo_option['seo_title']) && $seo_option['seo_title'] != '') { $title .= " " . seo_replace($seo_option['seo_title'], (array) $post); } if (isset($seo_option['seo_desc']) && $seo_option['seo_desc'] != '') { $description .= " " . seo_replace($seo_option['seo_desc'], (array) $post); } if (isset($seo_option['seo_keyword']) && $seo_option['seo_keyword'] != '') { $keyword .= " " . $seo_option['seo_keyword']; } } } elseif (is_category()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['category_title'], (array) $post); $description = seo_replace($seo['category_desc'], (array) $post); $keyword = seo_replace($seo['keyword_category'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_tax()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['tax_title'], (array) $post); $description = seo_replace($seo['tax_desc'], (array) $post); $keyword = seo_replace($seo['keyword_tax'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_archive()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['archive_title'], (array) $post); $description = seo_replace($seo['archive_desc'], (array) $post); $keyword = isset($seo['keyword_archive']) ? seo_replace($seo['keyword_archive'], (array) $post) : ""; } elseif (is_author()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['author_title'], (array) $post); $description = seo_replace($seo['author_desc'], (array) $post); $keyword = seo_replace($seo['keyword_author'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_search()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['search_title'], (array) $post); $description = seo_replace($seo['search_title'], (array) $post); $keyword = seo_replace($seo['keyword_search'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_404()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['404_title'], (array) $post); $description = seo_replace($seo['404_desc'], (array) $post); $keyword = seo_replace($seo['keyword_404'], (array) $post); } else { $seo_option = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'seo_options', true); if (isset($seo_option['seo_title']) && $seo_option['seo_title'] != '') { $title = seo_replace($seo_option['seo_title'], (array) $post); } else { if (is_page()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['page_title'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_singular('portfolios')) { $title = seo_replace($seo['portfolio_title'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_single()) { $title = seo_replace($seo['post_title'], (array) $post); } } if (isset($seo_option['seo_desc']) && $seo_option['seo_desc'] != '') { $description = seo_replace($seo_option['seo_desc'], (array) $post); } else { if (is_page()) { $description = seo_replace($seo['page_desc'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_singular('portfolios')) { $description = seo_replace($seo['portfolio_desc'], (array) $post); } elseif (is_single()) { $description = seo_replace($seo['post_desc'], (array) $post); } } if (is_singular('portfolios')) { if (!isset($seo_option['seo_keyword']) || $seo_option['seo_keyword'] == "") { if ($seo['category_keyword']) { $keyword .= seo_replace('[term_title]', (array) $post); } if ($seo['title_keyword']) { $keyword .= $keyword != '' ? ", " . str_replace(' ', ', ', $post->post_title) : str_replace(' ', ', ', $post->post_title); } } else { $keyword = $seo_option['seo_keyword']; } } elseif (is_single()) { if (!isset($seo_option['seo_keyword']) || $seo_option['seo_keyword'] == "") { if ($seo['category_keyword']) { $keyword .= seo_replace('[category]', (array) $post); } if ($seo['tag_keyword']) { $tag = seo_replace('[tag]', (array) $post); $keyword .= $keyword != '' && $tag != '' ? ", " . $tag : ($keyword == '' ? $tag : ""); } if ($seo['title_keyword']) { $keyword .= $keyword != '' ? ", " . str_replace(' ', ', ', $post->post_title) : str_replace(' ', ', ', $post->post_title); } } else { $keyword = $seo_option['seo_keyword']; } } elseif (is_page()) { if (!isset($seo_option['seo_keyword']) || $seo_option['seo_keyword'] == "") { if ($seo['title_keyword']) { $keyword .= $keyword != '' ? ", " . str_replace(' ', ', ', $post->post_title) : str_replace(' ', ', ', $post->post_title); } } else { $keyword = $seo_option['seo_keyword']; } } } print "<title>" . $title . "</title>"; ?> <?php print "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . $description . "\" />"; ?> <?php print "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . $keyword . "\" />\n"; } else { print "<title>"; wp_title('|', true, 'right'); bloginfo('name'); $site_description = get_bloginfo('description', 'display'); if ($site_description && (is_home() || is_front_page())) { echo " | {$site_description}"; } if ($paged >= 2 || $page >= 2) { echo ' | ' . sprintf(__('Page %s', 'themeton'), max($paged, $page)); } print "</title>"; } }