public function index() { $mobile = strim($GLOBALS['request']['user_phoneNum']); $email = strim($GLOBALS['request']['email']); //用户名或邮箱 $pwd = strim($GLOBALS['request']['pwd']); //print_r($email);echo"<br />";print_r($pwd);exit; //检查用户,用户密码 $user_return = user_check($email, $pwd); $user = $user_return; $user_id = intval($user['id']); //print_r($user_id);exit; if ($user_id == 0) { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Lib/insert_libs.php"; $root['status'] = 0; $root['html'] = insert_load_login_form(); } else { $root['status'] = 1; $root['info'] = ''; $root['send_limit'] = app_conf("YOUHUI_SEND_LIMIT"); $now = get_gmtime(); $today_begin = to_timespan(to_date($now, "Y-m-d")); $today_end = $today_begin + 24 * 3600; $youhui_id = intval($GLOBALS['request']['id']); $integral = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select return_score from " . DB_PREFIX . "youhui where id=" . $youhui_id); //print_r($youhui_id);exit; //$score_num=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select score_num from ".DB_PREFIX."youhui where is_effect = 1 and id =".$youhui_id); //$count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from ".DB_PREFIX."youhui_log where user_id = ".$user_id." and create_time between ".$today_begin." and ".$today_end); //print_r($count);exit; //$root['send_count']=$count; //$num=intval(app_conf("YOUHUI_SEND_LIMIT")); //print_r($num);exit; //if($count>=$num) //{ // $root['info'] = "您今天已经超出下载限额"; //} //else //{ //if($score_num>0){ //$count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from ".DB_PREFIX."youhui_log where user_id = ".$user_id." and youhui_id=".$youhui_id); //$num =($score_num>intval(app_conf("YOUHUI_SEND_LIMIT")))?intval(app_conf("YOUHUI_SEND_LIMIT")):$score_num; //if($count>=$num){ //$root['info'] = "您已经超出该优惠券的下载限额"; // output($root); //} //} //$youhui_id = intval($GLOBALS['request']['id']); $youhui_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "youhui where is_effect = 1 and id =" . $youhui_id); //print_r($youhui_info);exit; if (!$youhui_info) { $root['info'] = "优惠券不存在"; output($root); } if ($youhui_info['end_time'] > 0 && $youhui_info['end_time'] < get_gmtime()) { $root['info'] = "优惠券已过期"; output($root); } if ($youhui_info['is_sms'] == 0) { $root['info'] = "该优惠券不支持短信下载"; output($root); } // if($youhui_info['count']<=0) //{ //$root['info']="该优惠券已发完"; //output($root); //} $root['youhui_info'] = $youhui_info; //短信模板配置发送短信 $info = send_youhui_sms($youhui_id, $user_id, $mobile); //print_r($info);exit; $root['info'] = $info['content']; // print_r($root['info']);exit; $sn = gen_verify_youhui_to_mobile($youhui_id, $mobile, $user_id, 1); //记录到youhui_log中 // print_r($sn);exit; if (!empty($sn)) { $root['info'] .= "验证码为:{$sn}"; } //$GLOBALS['db']->query("update ".DB_PREFIX."youhui set count = count-1 where id = ".$youhui_id); //$GLOBALS['db']->query("update ".DB_PREFIX."youhui set sms_count = sms_count+1,count=count-1,view_count=view_count+1 where id = ".$youhui_id); $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "user set score = score+" . $integral . " where id = " . $user_id); //} } output($root); }
public function send_sms() { if (intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) == 0) { $result['status'] = 0; $result['html'] = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("inc/login_form.html"); ajax_return($result); } else { $result['status'] = 1; $user_id = intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']); $mobile = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($_REQUEST['mobile']))); $now = get_gmtime(); $today_begin = to_timespan(to_date($now, "Y-m-d")); $today_end = $today_begin + 24 * 3600; //手机号每日下载限额 $tel_send_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list where dest = " . $mobile . " and is_youhui = 1 and create_time between " . $today_begin . " and " . $today_end); //用户每日下载限额 $count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list where user_id = " . $user_id . " and is_youhui = 1 and create_time between " . $today_begin . " and " . $today_end); if ($count >= intval(app_conf("YOUHUI_SEND_LIMIT")) || $tel_send_count >= intval(app_conf("YOUHUI_SEND_TEL_LIMIT"))) { $result['info'] = $GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_LIMIT_OVER']; ajax_return($result); } else { $youhui_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $youhui_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "youhui where is_effect = 1 and id =" . $youhui_id); if (!$youhui_info) { showErr($GLOBALS['lang']['YOUHUI_NO_EXIST'], 1); } if ($youhui_info['end_time'] > 0 && $youhui_info['end_time'] < get_gmtime()) { showErr($GLOBALS['lang']['YOUHUI_END_TIME_OVER'], 1); } if ($youhui_info['is_sms'] == 0) { showErr($GLOBALS['lang']['YOUHUI_NO_SUPPORT_SMS'], 1); } if ($youhui_info['send_type'] == 0) { if (send_youhui_sms($youhui_id, $user_id, $mobile)) { $result['info'] = $GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_SEND_SUCCESS']; ajax_return($result); } else { $result['info'] = $GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_SEND_FAILED']; ajax_return($result); } } else { //开始需要生成验证的券 $order_count = intval($_REQUEST['order_count']); $is_private_room = intval($_REQUEST['is_private_room']); $date_time = addslashes(trim(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['date_time']))) . " " . addslashes(trim(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['date_time_h']))) . ":" . addslashes(trim(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['date_time_m']))) . ":00"; $date_time = to_timespan($date_time); $log_id = gen_verify_youhui($youhui_id, $mobile, $user_id, $order_count, $is_private_room, $date_time); if ($log_id) { if (send_youhui_log_sms($log_id)) { $result['info'] = $GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_SEND_SUCCESS']; ajax_return($result); } else { $result['info'] = $GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_SEND_FAILED']; ajax_return($result); } } else { $result['info'] = $GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_SEND_FAILED']; ajax_return($result); } } } } }