function request($frm) { if (isset($_POST["btn_back"])) { return enter($frm); } if ($frm->validate("request")) { return confirm($frm); } $newkey = genkey(); if (isset($_REQUEST["suppid"])) { $suppid = $_REQUEST["suppid"]; $custid = "0"; } else { $custid = $_REQUEST["custid"]; $suppid = "0"; } $cols = grp(m("introtime", raw("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")), m("introip", ""), m("email", $_REQUEST["email"]), m("custid", $custid), m("suppid", $suppid), m("key", dbrow("", "", $newkey)), m("userid", USER_ID)); $upd = new dbUpdate("keys", "trh", $cols); $upd->run(DB_INSERT); if ($upd->affected() > 0) { if (isset($_REQUEST["suppid"])) { if (($r = send_trhmsg("supp", $_REQUEST["suppid"], $_REQUEST["email"], "reqkey", $newkey)) === true) { $OUT = "Sent request for communication to supplier. On response you will be notified."; } else { $OUT = "Error sending request for communication: {$r}"; } } else { if (($r = send_trhmsg("cust", $_REQUEST["custid"], $_REQUEST["email"], "reqkey", $newkey)) === true) { $OUT = "Sent request for communication to customer. On response you will be notified."; } else { $OUT = "Error sending request for communication: {$r}"; } } } else { $OUT = "Error sending request for communication: Error updating database."; } return $OUT; }
function deny() { extract($_REQUEST); /* order info */ $qry = new dbSelect("recvpurch", "trh", grp(m("where", wgrp(m("id", $id))))); $qry->run(); if ($qry->num_rows() <= 0) { invalid_use("<li class='err'>Invalid Sales Order Id (TRHAPP).</li>"); } $soi = $qry->fetch_array(); /* set approve status */ $cols = grp(m("approved", "d")); $upd = new dbUpdate("recvpurch", "trh", $cols, "id='{$id}'"); $upd->run(DB_UPDATE); /* get customer trh config */ $keyinfo = trhKeyCust($soi["custid"]); $email = $keyinfo["email"]; /* send trh response message */ $purinfo = array("purid" => $soi["purid"], "status" => "d"); $ret = send_trhmsg("cust", $soi["custid"], $email, "rsppur", $purinfo); $OUT = listorders("<li class='err'>Successfully denied sales order.</li>"); return $OUT; }
function deny(&$frm) { /* @var $frm cForm */ if (($e = $frm->validateValue($_GET["id"], "num", 1, 10)) !== false) { return view($frm, "<li class='err'>Error reading key: {$e}.</li>"); } $qry = new dbSelect("keys", "trh", grp(m("cols", "*, (key).*"), m("where", "id='{$_GET['id']}'"))); $qry->run(); if ($qry->num_rows() <= 0) { return view($frm, "<li class='err'>Invalid key selected.</li>"); } $ki = $qry->fetch_array(); if ($ki["custid"] == "-1") { $fromwho = "cust"; } else { if ($ki["suppid"] == "-1") { $fromwho = "supp"; } else { return view($frm, "<li class='err'>Key already approved.</li>"); } } if (send_trhmsg($fromwho, "-1", $ki["email"], "rspkey", str_pad("denied", 32, 'A', STR_PAD_RIGHT))) { $upd = new dbDelete("keys", "trh", "id='{$_GET['id']}'"); $upd->run(); return view($frm, "<li class='err'>Successfully denied request.</li>"); } else { /* set the id back to -1, because there was an error */ $cols = grp(m("{$fromwho}id", "-1")); $upd = new dbUpdate("keys", "trh", $cols, "id='{$_POST['id']}'"); $upd->run(DB_UPDATE); return view($frm, "<li class='err'>Error denying request.</li>"); } }
function send() { if (!isset($_REQUEST["id"])) { invalid_use(); } /* fetch purchase information */ $purchase = new dbSelect("purchases", "cubit", grp(m("where", "purid='{$_REQUEST['id']}'"))); $purchase->run(); if ($purchase->num_rows() <= 0) { invalid_use("Invalid purchase."); } $purdata = $purchase->fetch_array(); /* fetch the transheks email address of this supplier */ $qry = new dbSelect("keys", "trh", grp(m("cols", "email, (key).send_key AS send_key"), m("where", "suppid='{$purdata['supid']}'"))); $qry->run(); if ($qry->num_rows() <= 0) { invalid_use("This supplier isn't configured for Transheks transactioning."); } $keyinfo = trhKeySupp($purdata["supid"]); $email = $keyinfo["email"]; $send_key = $keyinfo["send_key"]; if (empty($send_key)) { invalid_use("This supplier hasn't confirmed the Transactioning request sent."); } /* fetch purchase item information */ $puritems = array(); $purchase->setTable("pur_items", "cubit"); $purchase->run(); if ($purchase->num_rows() <= 0) { invalid_use("Invalid purchase, purchase has no items."); } while ($row = $purchase->fetch_array()) { $puritems[] = $row; } /* build xml data */ $XML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; $attrs = array(); foreach ($purdata as $k => $v) { $attrs[] = "{$k}=\"{$v}\""; } $XML .= "<purdata " . implode(" ", $attrs) . ">\n"; foreach ($puritems as $puritem_data) { $attrs = array(); foreach ($puritem_data as $k => $v) { $attrs[] = "{$k}=\"{$v}\""; } $XML .= "\t<puritem " . implode(" ", $attrs) . " />\n"; } $XML .= "</purdata>\n"; $OUT = "<h3>Send Supplier Order</h3>"; if (($ret = send_trhmsg("supp", $purdata["supid"], $email, "reqpur", $XML)) !== true) { if ($ret === false) { $OUT .= "<li class='err'>There was an unknown error sending order to supplier.</li>"; } else { $OUT .= "<li class='err'>Error sending order to supplier: {$ret}.</li>"; } } else { $OUT .= "Successfully sent order to supplier."; } return $OUT; }
/** * handles a new request * * @param string $key * @param clsMailMsg $oMSG * @param array $config * @return bool */ function request_new($key, $oMSG, $config) { if (($stds = msg_std($oMSG)) === false) { return false; } list($compname, $ipaddr, $bustel, $fromwho, $email) = $stds; /* locate customer/supplier */ if ($fromwho == "supp") { $suppid = locateSupplier($compname); $custid = 0; } else { // $fromwho == "cust" $custid = locateCustomer($compname); $suppid = 0; } print "name: {$compname}\n"; print "ipaddr: {$ipaddr}\n"; print "bustel: {$bustel}\n"; print "fromwho: {$fromwho}\n"; print "custid: {$custid}\n"; print "suppid: {$suppid}\n"; /* check if company name and key is in list */ $qry = new dbSelect("keys", "trh", grp(m("cols", "1"), m("where", "{$fromwho}id='" . ${"{$fromwho}id"} . "' AND (key).send_key='{$key}'"))); $qry->run(); if ($qry->num_rows() > 0) { print "---> KEY EXISTS, ignoring\n"; return false; } $qry->free(); print "from email: {$email}\n"; /* generate a key for receiving for client */ $newkey = genkey(); /* add new key to system */ $cols = grp(m("userid", $config["MANAGEUSER"]), m("introtime", raw("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")), m("introip", $ipaddr), m("email", $email), m("compname", $compname), m("bustel", $bustel), m("custid", $custid), m("suppid", $suppid), m("key", dbrow("", $key, $newkey))); $upd = new dbUpdate("keys", "trh", $cols); $upd->run(DB_INSERT); $upd->free(); if ($custid == -1 && $suppid == -1) { $desc = $fromwho == "supp" ? "supplier" : "customer"; $userinfo = qryUsers($config["MANAGEUSER"]); msgSend($userinfo["username"], "Unknown {$desc} requested Transheks communication. \n\t\t\tClick <a target='mainframe' href=\"../transheks/commapprove.php\">here</a> to view."); return false; } else { /* send response */ return send_trhmsg($fromwho, ${"{$fromwho}id"}, $email, "rspkey", "{$newkey}", $config); } }