function wpdev_bk_insert_new_booking() { global $wpdb; make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side', $_POST["bktype"]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define init variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $dates = $_POST["dates"]; $bktype = intval($_POST["bktype"]); if ($bktype == 0) { // Error ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error od saving data into DB. Unknown booking resource.', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } $formdata = $_POST["form"]; $formdata = escape_any_xss($formdata); $is_send_emeils = 1; if (isset($_POST["is_send_emeils"])) { $is_send_emeils = $_POST["is_send_emeils"]; } $my_booking_id = 0; $my_booking_hash = ''; if (function_exists('get_booking_title')) { $bk_title = get_booking_title($bktype); } else { $bk_title = ''; } if (isset($_POST['my_booking_hash'])) { $my_booking_hash = $_POST['my_booking_hash']; if ($my_booking_hash != '') { $my_booking_id_type = false; $my_booking_id_type = apply_bk_filter('wpdev_booking_get_hash_to_id', false, $my_booking_hash); if ($my_booking_id_type !== false) { $my_booking_id = $my_booking_id_type[0]; $bktype = $my_booking_id_type[1]; } } } if (strpos($dates, ' - ') !== FALSE) { $dates = explode(' - ', $dates); $dates = createDateRangeArray($dates[0], $dates[1]); } //debuge($_POST); /// CAPTCHA CHECKING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $the_answer_from_respondent = $_POST['captcha_user_input']; $prefix = $_POST['captcha_chalange']; if (!($the_answer_from_respondent == '' && $prefix == '')) { $captcha_instance = new wpdevReallySimpleCaptcha(); $correct = $captcha_instance->check($prefix, $the_answer_from_respondent); if (!$correct) { $word = $captcha_instance->generate_random_word(); $prefix = mt_rand(); $captcha_instance->generate_image($prefix, $word); $filename = $prefix . '.png'; $captcha_url = WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/captcha/tmp/' . $filename; $ref = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('captcha_input<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').value = ''; // chnage img document.getElementById('captcha_img<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').src = '<?php echo $captcha_url; ?> '; document.getElementById('wpdev_captcha_challenge_<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').value = '<?php echo $ref; ?> '; document.getElementById('captcha_msg<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<span class="alert" style="padding: 5px 5px 4px;vertical-align: middle;text-align:center;margin:5px;"><?php echo __('The code you entered is incorrect', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </span>'; document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML =''; jQuery('#captcha_input<?php echo $bktype; ?> ') .fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 300 ) .fadeOut( 350 ).fadeIn( 400 ) .animate( {opacity: 1}, 4000 ) ; // mark red border jQuery("span.wpdev-help-message span.alert") .fadeIn( 1 ) //.css( {'color' : 'red'} ) .animate( {opacity: 1}, 10000 ) .fadeOut( 2000 ); // hide message document.getElementById('captcha_input<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').focus(); // make focus to elemnt jQuery('#booking_form_div<?php echo $bktype; ?> input[type=button]').prop("disabled", false); </script> <?php die; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $my_modification_date = "'" . date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'"; // Localize booking modification date //$my_modification_date = 'NOW()'; // Server value modification date if ($my_booking_id > 0) { // Edit exist booking if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'wp-admin/admin.php?') !== false) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('ajax_working').innerHTML = '<div class="updated ajax_message" id="ajax_message">\n\ <div style="float:left;"><?php echo __('Updating...', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </div> \n\ <div class="wpbc_spin_loader">\n\ <img src="'+wpdev_bk_plugin_url+'/img/ajax-loader.gif">\n\ </div>\n\ </div>'; </script> <?php } $update_sql = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}booking AS bk SET bk.form='{$formdata}', bk.booking_type={$bktype} , bk.modification_date={$my_modification_date} WHERE bk.booking_id={$my_booking_id};"; if (false === $wpdb->query($update_sql)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during updating exist booking in DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } // Check if dates already aproved or no $slct_sql = "SELECT approved FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates WHERE booking_id IN ({$my_booking_id}) LIMIT 0,1"; $slct_sql_results = $wpdb->get_results($slct_sql); if (count($slct_sql_results) > 0) { $is_approved_dates = $slct_sql_results[0]->approved; } $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates WHERE booking_id IN ({$my_booking_id})"; if (false === $wpdb->query($delete_sql)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during updating exist booking for deleting dates in DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } $booking_id = (int) $my_booking_id; //Get ID of reservation } else { // Add new booking $sql_insertion = "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}booking (form, booking_type, modification_date) VALUES ('{$formdata}', {$bktype}, {$my_modification_date} )"; if (false === $wpdb->query($sql_insertion)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during inserting into DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } // Make insertion into BOOKINGDATES $booking_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id; //Get ID of reservation $is_approved_dates = '0'; $auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active = get_bk_option('booking_auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active'); if (trim($auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active) == 'On') { $is_approved_dates = '1'; } } $my_dates = explode(",", $dates); $i = 0; foreach ($my_dates as $md) { $my_dates[$i] = trim($my_dates[$i]); $i++; } $start_end_time = get_times_from_bk_form($formdata, $my_dates, $bktype); $start_time = $start_end_time[0]; $end_time = $start_end_time[1]; $my_dates = $start_end_time[2]; make_bk_action('wpdev_booking_post_inserted', $booking_id, $bktype, str_replace('|', ',', $dates), array($start_time, $end_time)); $my_cost = apply_bk_filter('get_booking_cost_from_db', '', $booking_id); $i = 0; foreach ($my_dates as $md) { // Set in dates in such format: if ($md != '') { $md = explode('.', $md); $my_dates[$i] = $md[2] . '.' . (intval($md[1]) < 10 ? '0' . intval($md[1]) : $md[1]) . '.' . (intval($md[0]) < 10 ? '0' . intval($md[0]) : $md[0]); } else { unset($my_dates[$i]); } // If some dates is empty so remove it // This situation can be if using several bk calendars and some calendars is not checked $i++; } //debuge($my_dates); sort($my_dates); // Sort dates //debuge($my_dates); $my_dates4emeil = ''; $i = 0; $insert = ''; $my_date_previos = ''; foreach ($my_dates as $my_date) { $i++; // Loop through all dates if (strpos($my_date, '.') !== false) { if (get_bk_option('booking_recurrent_time') !== 'On') { $my_date = explode('.', $my_date); if ($i == 1) { if (!isset($start_time[0]) || empty($start_time[0])) { $start_time[0] = '00'; } if (!isset($start_time[1]) || empty($start_time[1])) { $start_time[1] = '00'; } if ($start_time[0] == '00' && $start_time[1] == '00') { $start_time[2] = '00'; } $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $my_date[0], $my_date[1], $my_date[2], $start_time[0], $start_time[1], $start_time[2]); } elseif ($i == count($my_dates)) { if (!isset($end_time[0]) || empty($end_time[0])) { $end_time[0] = '00'; } if (!isset($end_time[1]) || empty($end_time[1])) { $end_time[1] = '00'; } if ($end_time[0] == '00' && $end_time[1] == '00') { $end_time[2] = '00'; } $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $my_date[0], $my_date[1], $my_date[2], $end_time[0], $end_time[1], $end_time[2]); } else { $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $my_date[0], $my_date[1], $my_date[2], '00', '00', '00'); } $my_dates4emeil .= $date . ','; if (!empty($insert)) { $insert .= ', '; } $insert .= "('{$booking_id}', '{$date}', '{$is_approved_dates}' )"; } else { if ($my_date_previos == $my_date) { continue; } // escape for single day selections. $my_date_previos = $my_date; $my_date = explode('.', $my_date); $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $my_date[0], $my_date[1], $my_date[2], $start_time[0], $start_time[1], $start_time[2]); $my_dates4emeil .= $date . ','; if (!empty($insert)) { $insert .= ', '; } $insert .= "('{$booking_id}', '{$date}', '{$is_approved_dates}' )"; $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $my_date[0], $my_date[1], $my_date[2], $end_time[0], $end_time[1], $end_time[2]); $my_dates4emeil .= $date . ','; if (!empty($insert)) { $insert .= ', '; } $insert .= "('{$booking_id}', '{$date}', '{$is_approved_dates}' )"; } } } $my_dates4emeil = substr($my_dates4emeil, 0, -1); $my_dates4emeil_check_in_out = explode(',', $my_dates4emeil); $my_check_in_date = change_date_format($my_dates4emeil_check_in_out[0]); $my_check_out_date = change_date_format($my_dates4emeil_check_in_out[count($my_dates4emeil_check_in_out) - 1]); // Save the sort date $sql_sort_date = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}booking SET sort_date = '" . $my_dates4emeil_check_in_out[0] . "' WHERE booking_id = " . $booking_id . " "; $wpdb->query($sql_sort_date); if (!empty($insert)) { if (false === $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates (booking_id, booking_date, approved) VALUES " . $insert)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during inserting into BD - Dates', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; </script> <?php die; } } if ($my_booking_id > 0) { // For editing exist booking if ($is_send_emeils != 0) { sendModificationEmails($booking_id, $bktype, $formdata); } if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'wp-admin/admin.php?') === false) { do_action('wpdev_new_booking', $booking_id, $bktype, str_replace('|', ',', $dates), array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'wp-admin/admin.php?') === false) { ?> setReservedSelectedDates('<?php echo $bktype; ?> '); <?php } else { ?> document.getElementById('ajax_message').innerHTML = '<?php echo __('Updated successfully', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> '; jQuery('#ajax_message').fadeOut(1000); document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php echo __('Updated successfully', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </div>'; if ( jQuery('#wpdev_http_referer').length > 0 ) { location.href=jQuery('#wpdev_http_referer').val(); } else location.href='admin.php?page=<?php echo WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIRNAME . '/' . WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_FILENAME; ?> wpdev-booking&view_mode=vm_listing&tab=actions&wh_booking_id=<?php echo $my_booking_id; ?> '; <?php } ?> </script> <?php } else { // For inserting NEW booking if (count($my_dates) > 0) { if ($is_send_emeils != 0) { sendNewBookingEmails($booking_id, $bktype, $formdata); } } do_action('wpdev_new_booking', $booking_id, $bktype, str_replace('|', ',', $dates), array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); /* // Start Mail Chimp Customization $booking_form_show = get_form_content ($formdata , $bktype ); if ( ( isset ($booking_form_show['subscribe_me'] )) && ( $booking_form_show['subscribe_me'] == 'yes') ) { if (file_exists(WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIR. '/lib/MailChimp.class.php')) { // Include MailChimp class (You can download it from here ) require_once(WPDEV_BK_PLUGIN_DIR. '/lib/MailChimp.class.php' ); $MailChimp = new MailChimp('key-my'); // You are need to specify here YOUR KEY !!!! $result = $MailChimp->call('lists/subscribe', array( 'id' => 'id' . $booking_id , 'email' => array('email'=>$booking_form_show['email']), 'merge_vars' => array('FNAME'=>$booking_form_show['name'], 'LNAME'=>$booking_form_show['secondname']), 'double_optin' => false, 'update_existing' => true, 'replace_interests' => false, 'send_welcome' => false, )); // print_r($result); } } // End Mail Chimp Customization /**/ $auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active = get_bk_option('booking_auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active'); if (trim($auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active) == 'On') { sendApproveEmails($booking_id, 1); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> setReservedSelectedDates('<?php echo $bktype; ?> '); </script> <?php } // ReUpdate booking resource TYPE if its needed here if (!empty($dates)) { // check to have dates not empty make_bk_action('wpdev_booking_reupdate_bk_type_to_childs', $booking_id, $bktype, str_replace('|', ',', $dates), array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); } }
function wpbc_add_new_booking($params, $is_edit_booking = false) { if ($is_edit_booking !== false) { // Edit booking $booking_id = $is_edit_booking['booking_id']; $bktype = $is_edit_booking['booking_type']; } else { // New booking if (!isset($params["bktype"])) { return false; } else { $bktype = intval($params["bktype"]); } if ($bktype == 0) { return false; } // Error: Unknown booking resources } make_bk_action('check_multiuser_params_for_client_side', $bktype); // Activate working with specific user in WP MU //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define init variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// global $wpdb; $formdata = escape_any_xss($params["form"]); $my_modification_date = "'" . date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'"; // Localize booking modification date //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Dates //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $dates_in_diff_formats = wpbc_get_dates_in_diff_formats($params["dates"], $bktype, $formdata); //debuge($dates_in_diff_formats); $str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy = $dates_in_diff_formats['string']; // $my_dates = $dates_in_diff_formats['array']; $start_time = $dates_in_diff_formats['start_time']; $end_time = $dates_in_diff_formats['end_time']; //Here we need to check for double booking for the same sessions if (!$is_edit_booking && !wpbc_check_if_dates_free($bktype, $formdata, $dates_in_diff_formats, $start_time, $end_time)) { die; } $my_check_in_date = explode('-', $dates_in_diff_formats['array'][0]); $my_check_in_date_sql = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $my_check_in_date[0], $my_check_in_date[1], $my_check_in_date[2], $start_time[0], $start_time[1], $start_time[2]); if (empty($str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if ( jQuery('#submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ' ).length ) { document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error! No Dates', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; } </script> <?php die('Error! No Dates'); } $auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active = trim(get_bk_option('booking_auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active')); $is_approved_dates = $auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active == 'On' ? '1' : '0'; // // Auto Approve booking from Booking > Add booking page for single booking resources // $admin_uri = ltrim( str_replace( get_site_url( null, '', 'admin' ), '', admin_url('admin.php?') ), '/' ) ; // if ( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $admin_uri ) !== false ) // $is_approved_dates = '1'; $additional_fields = $additional_fields_vlaues = ''; if (isset($params["sync_gid"])) { $additional_fields = ", sync_gid"; $additional_fields_vlaues = ", '" . wpbc_clean_parameter($params["sync_gid"]) . "'"; } if ($is_edit_booking === false) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add new booking //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $sql_insertion = "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}booking (form, booking_type, modification_date, sort_date{$additional_fields}) VALUES ('{$formdata}', {$bktype}, {$my_modification_date}, '{$my_check_in_date_sql}' {$additional_fields_vlaues})"; if (false === $wpdb->query($sql_insertion)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if ( jQuery('#submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ' ).length ) { document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during inserting into DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; }</script> <?php die('Error during inserting into DB'); } $booking_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id; // Get ID of booking } else { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Edit booking //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $update_sql = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}booking AS bk SET bk.form='{$formdata}', bk.booking_type={$bktype}, bk.modification_date={$my_modification_date}, sort_date='{$my_check_in_date_sql}' WHERE bk.booking_id={$booking_id};"; if (false === $wpdb->query($update_sql)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if ( jQuery('#submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ' ).length ) { document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during updating exist booking in DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; }</script> <?php die('Error during updating exist booking in DB'); } // Check if dates already aproved or no $slct_sql = "SELECT approved FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates WHERE booking_id IN ({$booking_id}) LIMIT 0,1"; $slct_sql_results = $wpdb->get_results($slct_sql); if (count($slct_sql_results) > 0) { $is_approved_dates = $slct_sql_results[0]->approved; } $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates WHERE booking_id IN ({$booking_id})"; if (false === $wpdb->query($delete_sql)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if ( jQuery('#submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ' ).length ) { document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during updating exist booking for deleting dates in DB', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; }</script> <?php die('Error during updating exist booking for deleting dates in DB'); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update the Hash and Cost of the booking make_bk_action('wpbc_update_booking_hash', $booking_id, $bktype); make_bk_action('wpdev_booking_post_inserted', $booking_id, $bktype, $str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy, array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $insert = wpbc_get_SQL_to_insert_dates($dates_in_diff_formats, $is_approved_dates, $booking_id); if (!empty($insert)) { if (false === $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}bookingdates (booking_id, booking_date, approved) VALUES " . $insert)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if ( jQuery('#submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ' ).length ) { document.getElementById('submiting<?php echo $bktype; ?> ').innerHTML = '<div style="height:20px;width:100%;text-align:center;margin:15px auto;"><?php bk_error('Error during inserting into BD - Dates', __FILE__, __LINE__); ?> </div>'; }</script> <?php die('Error during inserting into BD - Dates'); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($params["is_send_emeils"])) { $is_send_emeils = $params["is_send_emeils"]; } else { $is_send_emeils = 1; } if ($is_edit_booking === false) { if ($is_send_emeils != 0) { sendNewBookingEmails($booking_id, $bktype, $formdata); } if (isset($params["is_show_payment_form"]) && $params["is_show_payment_form"] == 1) { do_action('wpdev_new_booking', $booking_id, $bktype, $str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy, array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); } else { do_action('wpbc_update_cost_of_new_booking', $booking_id, $bktype, $str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy, array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); } // wpbc_integrate_MailChimp($formdata, $bktype); if ($auto_approve_new_bookings_is_active == 'On' && $is_send_emeils != 0) { sendApproveEmails($booking_id, 1); } } else { if ($is_send_emeils != 0) { sendModificationEmails($booking_id, $bktype, $formdata); } $admin_uri = ltrim(str_replace(get_site_url(null, '', 'admin'), '', admin_url('admin.php?')), '/'); if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $admin_uri) === false) { if (isset($params["is_show_payment_form"]) && $params["is_show_payment_form"] == 1) { do_action('wpdev_new_booking', $booking_id, $bktype, $str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy, array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); } else { do_action('wpbc_update_cost_of_new_booking', $booking_id, $bktype, $str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy, array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata); } } } // Re-Update booking resource TYPE if its needed here if (isset($params["skip_page_checking_for_updating"])) { $skip_page_checking_for_updating = (bool) $params["skip_page_checking_for_updating"]; } else { $skip_page_checking_for_updating = true; } make_bk_action('wpdev_booking_reupdate_bk_type_to_childs', $booking_id, $bktype, $str_dates__dd_mm_yyyy, array($start_time, $end_time), $formdata, $skip_page_checking_for_updating); make_bk_action('finish_check_multiuser_params_for_client_side', $bktype); // Deactivate working with specific user in WP MU return $booking_id; }