$mobile = trim($_GPC['phone']) ? trim($_GPC['phone']) : message('请填写手机号!', '', 'error'); $code = trim($_GPC['checkCode']) ? trim($_GPC['checkCode']) : message('请填写验证码!', '', 'error'); if (!isset($_SESSION['sms']) || $code != $_SESSION['sms']['code']) { message('请填写正确验证码!', '', 'error'); } $u = array("openid" => $openid, "mobile" => $mobile); rs_reg($u); header('Location:' . url('rsactivity', array('do' => 'order'))); exit; } if ($do == "checkcode") { $mobile = trim($_GPC['phone']); if (!$mobile) { message('手机号不能为空', '', 'error'); } $sms = $_SESSION['sms']; $code = rand(1000, 9999); if ($sms) { if (time() - $sms['time'] < 90) { message('发送验证码小于90秒', '', 'error'); } if (time() - $sms['time'] < 600) { $code = $sms['code']; } } require IA_ROOT . "/framework/library/sms/checkCode.php"; sendCode($mobile, $code); $_SESSION['sms'] = array('code' => $code, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'time' => time()); echo $code; exit; }
$tpl->menuitem = MNU_ADMIN_USER; $login->verify(); if ($login->userid == 0) { $tpl->redirect_login(); } if (($login->admin & ADMIN_USER) != ADMIN_USER) { $tpl->error(ERROR_NO_ACCESS); } if (isset($_REQUEST['success']) && $_REQUEST['success']) { $tpl->assign('success', '1'); } $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'display'; if ($action == 'searchuser') { searchUser(); } elseif ($action == 'sendcode') { sendCode(); } elseif ($action == 'formaction') { formAction(); } elseif ($action == 'display') { $tpl->display(); } $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); function sendCode() { global $tpl; $userid = isset($_REQUEST['userid']) ? $_REQUEST['userid'] + 0 : 0; $user = new user($userid); if ($user->exist() == false) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } // send a new confirmation
function save_and_send_email($email, $verification_code) { global $connection; $query = "INSERT INTO email_verification (\n email,verification_code\n ) VALUES (\n '{$email}', '{$verification_code}'\n )"; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection); if ($result) { return sendCode($email, $verification_code); } else { return NULL; } }
$worksheet->write($i, 9, $getvalue); $i += 1; } $worksheet->write($i, 0, '总计'); $worksheet->write($i, 1, ''); $worksheet->write($i, 2, ''); $worksheet->write($i, 3, ''); $worksheet->write($i, 4, ''); $worksheet->write($i, 5, $orderDeliverTotal); $worksheet->write($i, 6, $orderALLTotal1); $worksheet->write($i, 7, $orderMoneyTotal1); $worksheet->write($i, 8, $spendvalueTotal1); $worksheet->write($i, 9, $getvalueTotal1); $workbook->close(); $str = "S"; break; case "sendcode": $phone = sqlReplace(trim($_POST['phone'])); $vercodePhone = getRndCode_r(6); $content = "验证码是" . $vercodePhone; $sql = "update qiyu_shop set shop_code='" . $vercodePhone . "' where shop_id=" . $QIYU_ID_SHOP; if (mysql_query($sql)) { //发送验证码 sendCode($phone, $content); $str = "S"; } else { $str = "E"; } break; } echo $str;
function set_weibo($phone1, $sinaUid, $sinaNick, $QIYU_ID_USER, $password) { $sql_select = "select * from qiyu_user where user_phone='" . $phone1 . "'"; $rs_select = mysql_query($sql_select); $row_select = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_select); if ($row_select) { $sqls = "select user_id from qiyu_user where user_password='******'user_salt'])) . "' and user_phone=" . $phone1 . " and user_id=" . $row_select['user_id']; $rss = mysql_query($sqls); $rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($rss); if (!$rows) { return "E"; exit; } //修改这个用户的新浪信息 updateUserSina($row_select['user_id'], $sinaUid, $sinaNick); //修改喜欢 updateUserLike($row_select['user_id'], $QIYU_ID_USER); //修改地址 updateUserADDUser($row_select['user_id'], $QIYU_ID_USER); //删除临时账号 deleteUserByID($QIYU_ID_USER); $QIYU_ID_USER = $row_select['user_id']; $_SESSION['qiyu_uid'] = $QIYU_ID_USER; } else { $pw1 = getRndCode_r(6); //随即生成的密码 $vercode = getRndCode(6); $pw = md5(md5($pw1 . $vercode)); //发送短信 $content = '感谢您使用<?php echo $SHOP_NAME?>网站,您今后登陆<?php echo $SHOP_NAME?>网站的帐号为您的手机号,登陆密码为' . $pw1 . '. 可在网站个人中心页面修改您的密码。稍后您将收到订单进程的短信提醒。'; $sql_update = "update qiyu_user set user_phone='" . $phone1 . "',user_salt='" . $vercode . "',user_password='******',user_account='" . $phone1 . "' where user_id=" . $QIYU_ID_USER; mysql_query($sql_update) or die('插入出错'); sendCode($phone1, $content); } $_SESSION['qiyu_temporary'] = ''; $_SESSION['sinaNick'] = ''; }