function __construct() { $this->logger = Logger::getLogger(__CLASS__); $this->db = $this->getContainer()->adodb; $this->lastCleanup = new Scalr_System_Ipc_Shm(array("name" => "scalr.cronjob.poller.lastCleanup")); $this->cleanupSem = sem_get(Scalr_System_OS::getInstance()->tok("scalr.cronjob.poller.cleanupSem")); }
/** * Provides Mutex factories. * * @return callable[][] The mutex factories. */ public function provideMutexFactories() { $cases = ["NoMutex" => [function () { return new NoMutex(); }], "TransactionalMutex" => [function () { $pdo = new \PDO("sqlite::memory:"); $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return new TransactionalMutex($pdo); }], "FlockMutex" => [function () { vfsStream::setup("test"); return new FlockMutex(fopen(vfsStream::url("test/lock"), "w")); }], "SemaphoreMutex" => [function () { return new SemaphoreMutex(sem_get(ftok(__FILE__, "a"))); }], "SpinlockMutex" => [function () { $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(SpinlockMutex::class, ["test"]); $mock->expects($this->any())->method("acquire")->willReturn(true); $mock->expects($this->any())->method("release")->willReturn(true); return $mock; }], "LockMutex" => [function () { $mock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(LockMutex::class); $mock->expects($this->any())->method("lock")->willReturn(true); $mock->expects($this->any())->method("unlock")->willReturn(true); return $mock; }]]; if (getenv("MEMCACHE_HOST")) { $cases["MemcacheMutex"] = [function () { $memcache = new Memcache(); $memcache->connect(getenv("MEMCACHE_HOST")); return new MemcacheMutex("test", $memcache); }]; $cases["MemcachedMutex"] = [function () { $memcache = new Memcached(); $memcache->addServer(getenv("MEMCACHE_HOST"), 11211); return new MemcachedMutex("test", $memcache); }]; } if (getenv("REDIS_URIS")) { $uris = explode(",", getenv("REDIS_URIS")); $cases["PredisMutex"] = [function () use($uris) { $clients = array_map(function ($uri) { return new Client($uri); }, $uris); return new PredisMutex($clients, "test"); }]; $cases["PHPRedisMutex"] = [function () use($uris) { $apis = array_map(function ($uri) { $redis = new Redis(); $uri = parse_url($uri); if (!empty($uri["port"])) { $redis->connect($uri["host"], $uri["port"]); } else { $redis->connect($uri["host"]); } return $redis; }, $uris); return new PHPRedisMutex($apis, "test"); }]; } return $cases; }
/** * Tests removing semaphore fails. * * @test * @expectedException bandwidthThrottle\tokenBucket\storage\StorageException * @expectedExceptionMessage Could not remove semaphore. */ public function testfailRemovingSemaphore() { $key = ftok(__FILE__, "a"); $storage = new IPCStorage($key); sem_remove(sem_get($key)); @$storage->remove(); }
public function __construct($key) { if (!is_long($key)) { E("传入了非法的信号量key"); } $this->ipc_signal = sem_get($key); }
/** * 获得SemFd */ protected static function getSemFd() { if (!self::$semFd && extension_loaded('sysvsem')) { self::$semFd = sem_get(self::SEM_KEY); } return self::$semFd; }
private function getSemaphoreId() { if ($this->semaphoreId === null) { $this->semaphoreId = sem_get($this->key); } return $this->semaphoreId; }
/** * @param $config * @key string [name] * @key string [key] * @key array [items] */ function __construct($config) { $this->logger = Logger::getLogger(__CLASS__); $this->initialConfig = $config; $this->shm = new Scalr_System_Ipc_Shm($config); $key = $this->shm->key + 8; $this->logger->debug(sprintf("Get semaphore (key: 0x%08x)", $key)); $this->sem = sem_get($key, 1, 0666, true); if (!$this->sem) { throw new Scalr_System_Ipc_Exception("Cannot sem_get (key: {$key})"); } if (!sem_acquire($this->sem)) { throw new Scalr_System_Ipc_Exception("Cannot acquire semaphore"); } try { $meta = $this->getMeta(); if ($meta === null) { $this->clear0(); } sem_release($this->sem); } catch (Exception $e) { sem_release($this->sem); throw $e; } if ($config["items"]) { foreach ($config["items"] as $item) { $this->add($item); } } }
/** * Wake up from a sleep */ function __wakeup() { $this->id = sem_get($this->key); shm_attach($this->id); $this->refreshMemoryVarList(); shm_put_var($this->id, 1, shm_get_var($this->id, 1) + 1); }
/** * 通过本机共享内存件来生成一个auto_increment序列 * * 序列类似MySQL的auto_increment * * @access private * @param void * @return mixed */ function getNextValueByShareMemory() { $addr = ''; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $addr = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $addr = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; } $skey = 'global_serial_generator_seed_' . $addr; $ikey = crc32($skey); $sem = $shm = null; $retry_times = 1; do { $sem = sem_get($ikey, 1, 0777); $shm = shm_attach($ikey, 128, 0777); if (is_resource($sem) && is_resource($shm)) { break; } $cmd = "ipcrm -M 0x00000000; ipcrm -S 0x00000000; ipcrm -M {$ikey} ; ipcrm -S {$ikey}"; $last_line = exec($cmd, $output, $retval); } while ($retry_times-- > 0); if (!sem_acquire($sem)) { return false; } $next_value = false; if (shm_has_var($shm, $ikey)) { shm_put_var($shm, $ikey, $next_value = shm_get_var($shm, $ikey) + 1); } else { shm_put_var($shm, $ikey, $next_value = 1); } $shm && shm_detach($shm); $sem && sem_release($sem); return $next_value; }
/** * Registers the PID of a child-process * * @param int The PID */ public function registerChildPID($pid) { $sem_key = sem_get($this->crawler_uniqid); sem_acquire($sem_key); file_put_contents($this->working_directory . "pids", $pid . "\n", FILE_APPEND); sem_release($sem_key); }
/** * @return IdValue */ public function generate() { $timestamp = $this->generateTimestamp(); // Acquire semaphore $semaphore = sem_get($this->semaphoreId); sem_acquire($semaphore); // Attach shared memory $memory = shm_attach(self::SHM_KEY); $sequence = 0; if (!is_null($this->lastTimestamp) && $timestamp->equals($this->lastTimestamp)) { // Get $sequence = shm_get_var($memory, self::SHM_SEQUENCE) + 1 & $this->config->getSequenceMask(); // Increment sequence shm_put_var($memory, self::SHM_SEQUENCE, $sequence); if ($sequence === 0) { usleep(1000); $timestamp = $this->generateTimestamp(); } } else { // Reset sequence if timestamp is different from last one. $sequence = 0; shm_put_var($memory, self::SHM_SEQUENCE, $sequence); } // Detach shared memory shm_detach($memory); // Release semaphore sem_release($semaphore); // Update lastTimestamp $this->lastTimestamp = $timestamp; return new IdValue($timestamp, $this->regionId, $this->serverId, $sequence, $this->calculate($timestamp, $this->regionId, $this->serverId, $sequence)); }
public static function put($killID, $raw) { $file = static::getFile($killID, true); $sem = sem_get(5632); // kmdb is 5632 on a phone if (!sem_acquire($sem)) { throw new Exception('Unable to obtain kmdb semaphore'); } // Thread safe from here until sem_release if (!file_exists($file)) { $kills = array(); } else { $contents = file_get_contents($file); $deflated = gzdecode($contents); $kills = unserialize($deflated); $contents = null; } if (!isset($kills["{$killID}"])) { $kills["{$killID}"] = $raw; $contents = serialize($kills); $compressed = gzencode($contents); file_put_contents($file, $compressed, LOCK_EX); } sem_release($sem); }
public function __construct($path, $currentArticleFile, $debug_delete_file) { $this->path = $path; $this->debug_delete_file = $debug_delete_file; $this->currentArticleFile = $currentArticleFile; $this->semaphoreID = sem_get(OAIRECORDFILES); }
/** * Constructor. * * @see BasicMutex::__construct() */ public function __construct($name) { $this->key = abs(crc32($name)); $this->sem = sem_get($this->key, 1, 0666, 1); if ($this->sem === false) { throw new MutexException('Error geting semaphore'); } }
protected function initializeShm() { if (null !== $this->shmHandle) { return; } $this->shmHandle = shm_attach($this->getId(), 60 * 1024); $this->semHandle = sem_get($this->getId()); }
function MMC_Lock($name) { if (false && function_exists('sem_get') && function_exists('sem_acquire')) { $semid = sem_get(crc32(MMC_Name($name)), 1, 0644 | IPC_CREAT, true); $GLOBALS['APC_SEMAPHORE_RESOURCES'][MMC_Name($name)] = $semid; return sem_acquire($semid); } }
/** * Create shared memory block */ private function attach() { $this->__key = ftok($this->__path, $this->__proj_id); $this->__shm = shm_attach($this->__key, $this->__size); //allocate shared memory $this->__mutex = sem_get($this->__key, 1); //create mutex with same key }
function pleac_Sharing_Variables_in_Different_Processes() { // sharetest - test shared variables across forks $SHM_KEY = ftok(__FILE__, chr(1)); $handle = sem_get($SHM_KEY); $buffer = shm_attach($handle, 1024); // The original recipe has an INT signal handler here. However, it // causes erratic behavior with PHP, and PHP seems to do the right // thing without it. for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $child = pcntl_fork(); if ($child == -1) { die('cannot fork'); } elseif ($child) { $kids[] = $child; // in case we care about their pids } else { squabble(); exit; } } while (true) { print 'Buffer is ' . shm_get_var($buffer, 1) . "\n"; sleep(1); } die('Not reached'); function squabble() { global $handle; global $buffer; $i = 0; $pid = getmypid(); while (true) { if (preg_match("/^{$pid}\\b/", shm_get_var($buffer, 1))) { continue; } sem_acquire($handle); $i++; shm_put_var($buffer, 1, "{$pid} {$i}"); sem_release($handle); } } // Buffer is 14357 1 // Buffer is 14355 3 // Buffer is 14355 4 // Buffer is 14354 5 // Buffer is 14353 6 // Buffer is 14351 8 // Buffer is 14351 9 // Buffer is 14350 10 // Buffer is 14348 11 // Buffer is 14348 12 // Buffer is 14357 10 // Buffer is 14357 11 // Buffer is 14355 13 // ... }
function acquire($cacheId, $key, $block = true) { if (!$block) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Non-blocking lock not supported by Sempahore"); } $id = $this->getId($cacheId, $key); $this->sem[$id] = $sem = sem_get($id); sem_acquire($sem); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param string name File name to use to generate the semaphore key. */ public function __construct($name) { $this->count = 0; $this->semKey = ftok($name, 'R'); $this->semId = sem_get($this->semKey); if (!is_resource($this->semId)) { throw new \Exception('Unable to create semaphore'); } }
/** * @param $key * @param $size * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @return array */ protected function attach($key, $size) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->values)) { if (!is_long($key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected type long for "key" but "%s" given.', gettype($key))); } $this->values[$key] = array('shm' => shm_attach($key, $size), 'mutex' => sem_get($key, 1)); } return $this->values[$key]; }
/** * @param mixed $identity * @param int $type * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function __construct($identity, $type = self::IDX) { $this->identity = $identity; $this->type = $type; $this->generateIdentifier(); $this->generateSystemVIPCKey(); if (false === ($this->semaphore = @sem_get($this->systemVIPCKey))) { throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to get semaphore"); } }
public function get($key) { try { if (!isset($this->pool[$key])) { $this->pool[$key] = sem_get($key, 1, HESPER_IPC_PERMS, false); } return sem_acquire($this->pool[$key]); } catch (BaseException $e) { return null; } }
public function attach() { try { $this->shm_id = shm_attach($this->shm_key, $this->shm_size); // 初始化信号量 $this->sem = sem_get($this->sem_key, 1); } catch (Exception $e) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
function lock_que_on($callback) { $mutex = sem_get(ftok(__FILE__, 'g'), 1); sem_acquire($mutex); try { $res = call_user_func($callback); } catch (Exception $e) { } sem_release($mutex); return $res; }
/** * Updates the status of the crawler * * @param PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo $PageInfo The PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo-object of the last received document * or NULL if no document was received. * @param int $abort_reason One of the PHPCrawlerAbortReasons::ABORTREASON-constants if the crawling-process * should get aborted, otherwise NULL * @param string $first_content_url The first URL some content was found in (or NULL if no content was found so far). */ public function updateCrawlerStatus($PageInfo, $abort_reason = null, $first_content_url = null, $last_request_time = null) { PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("updating_crawler_status"); // Set semaphore/lock if if ($this->lock_status_updates == true) { $sem_key = sem_get($this->crawler_uniqid); sem_acquire($sem_key); } // Get current Status $crawler_status = $this->getCrawlerStatus(); // Update status if ($PageInfo != null) { // Increase number of followed links $crawler_status->links_followed++; // Increase documents_received-counter if ($PageInfo->received == true) { $crawler_status->documents_received++; } // Increase bytes-counter $crawler_status->bytes_received += $PageInfo->bytes_received + $PageInfo->header_bytes_received; // Benchmarks if ($PageInfo->error_occured == false) { // server connect time $crawler_status->sum_server_connect_time += $PageInfo->server_connect_time; $crawler_status->sum_server_connects++; // server response time $crawler_status->sum_server_response_time += $PageInfo->server_response_time; $crawler_status->sum_server_responses++; // data transfer time $crawler_status->sum_data_transfer_time += $PageInfo->data_transfer_time; // unbuffered bytes read $crawler_status->unbuffered_bytes_read += $PageInfo->unbuffered_bytes_read; } } // Set abortreason if ($abort_reason !== null) { $crawler_status->abort_reason = $abort_reason; } // Set first_content_url if ($first_content_url !== null) { $crawler_status->first_content_url = $first_content_url; } // Set last request-time if ($last_request_time !== null) { $crawler_status->last_request_time = $last_request_time; } // Write crawler-status back $this->setCrawlerStatus($crawler_status); // Remove semaphore/lock if ($this->lock_status_updates == true) { sem_release($sem_key); } PHPCrawlerBenchmark::stop("updating_crawler_status"); }
public function __construct() { $shmkey = ftok(__FILE__, 't'); $this->shmId = shmop_open($shmkey, "c", 0644, $this->memSize); $this->maxQSize = $this->memSize / $this->blockSize; // 申請一个信号量 $this->semId = sem_get($shmkey, 1); sem_acquire($this->semId); // 申请进入临界区 $this->init(); }
private static function get_exclusive_by_semaphore() { if (JxBotExclusion::$sem = sem_get(ftok(__FILE__, "j"), 1)) { if (!sem_acquire(JxBotExclusion::$sem, true)) { return false; } return true; } throw new Exception("Couldn't acquire System V semaphore."); return false; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param int $key The key * @param int $acquires The number of processes that can acquire the semaphore simultaneously * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When $acquires less than 1 * @throws \RuntimeException When unable to get semaphore */ public function __construct($key, $acquires = 1) { $acquires = (int) $acquires; if ($acquires < 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Number of acquires (%d) cannot be less than 1.', $acquires)); } $this->handle = sem_get((int) $key, (int) $acquires); if (!is_resource($this->handle)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to get semaphore by key "%s".', $key)); } $this->locked = false; }
/** * On any *nix use the commands ipcs and ipcrm to work with the memory * @return resource */ protected function _getSemIdentifier() { if (null !== $this->_semId) { return $this->_semId; } $this->_semId = sem_get($this->getIndexerCodeCrc(), 8, 0666); if (false === $this->_semId) { Mage::throwException('FastIndexer: Cannot create semaphore id lock for ' . $this->getIndexerCode()); } $this->_shmId = shm_attach($this->getIndexerCodeCrc(), 128); return $this->_semId; }