コード例 #1
ファイル: errors.php プロジェクト: gw-acadtech/VCL
function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile = NULL, $errline = NULL, $errcontext = NULL)
    global $user;
    if ($user["adminlevel"] != "developer") {
    print "Error encountered<br>\n";
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            echo "<b>FATAL</b> [{$errno}] {$errstr}<br />\n";
            echo "  Fatal error in line {$errline} of file {$errfile}";
            echo ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . PHP_OS . ")<br />\n";
            echo "Aborting...<br />\n";
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            echo "<b>ERROR</b> [{$errno}] {$errstr}<br />\n";
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            echo "<b>WARNING</b> [{$errno}] {$errstr}<br />\n";
            echo "Unkown error type: [{$errno}] {$errstr}<br />\n";
    if (!empty($errfile) && !empty($errline)) {
        print "Error at {$errline} in {$errfile}<br>\n";
    if (!empty($errcontext)) {
        print "<pre>\n";
        print "</pre>\n";
    print "<br><br><br>\n";
    print "<pre>\n";
    print getBacktraceString();
    print "</pre>\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: gw-acadtech/VCL
require_once '.ht-inc/errors.php';
require_once '.ht-inc/utils.php';
$modes = array_keys($actions['mode']);
$args = array_keys($actions['args']);
$hasArg = 0;
if (in_array($mode, $modes)) {
    $actionFunction = $actions['mode'][$mode];
    if (in_array($mode, $args)) {
        $hasArg = 1;
        $arg = $actions['args'][$mode];
} else {
    $actionFunction = "main";
if ($viewmode == ADMIN_DEVELOPER) {
if ($hasArg) {
} else {
コード例 #3
ファイル: requests.php プロジェクト: gw-acadtech/VCL
function AJupdateWaitTime()
    global $user, $requestInfo;
    # proccess length
    $length = processInputVar('length', ARG_NUMERIC);
    $times = getUserMaxTimes();
    if (empty($length) || $length > $times['initial']) {
    # process imageid
    $imageid = processInputVar('imageid', ARG_NUMERIC);
    $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"));
    $validImageids = array_keys($resources['image']);
    if (!in_array($imageid, $validImageids)) {
    $desconly = processInputVar('desconly', ARG_NUMERIC, 1);
    $imagenotes = getImageNotes($imageid);
    if (preg_match('/\\w/', $imagenotes['description'])) {
        $desc = preg_replace("/\n/", '<br>', $imagenotes['description']);
        $desc = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $desc);
        $desc = preg_replace("/'/", '&#39;', $desc);
        print "dojo.byId('imgdesc').innerHTML = '<strong>Image Description</strong>:<br>";
        print "{$desc}<br><br>'; ";
    if ($desconly) {
    $images = getImages();
    $now = time();
    $start = unixFloor15($now);
    $end = $start + $length * 60;
    if ($start < $now) {
        $end += 15 * 60;
    $rc = isAvailable($images, $imageid, $start, $end, '');
    print "dojo.byId('waittime').innerHTML = ";
    if ($rc < 1) {
        print "'<font color=red>Selection not currently available</font>'; ";
        print "if(dojo.byId('newsubmit')) dojo.byId('newsubmit').value = 'View Time Table';";
    } elseif (array_key_exists(0, $requestInfo['loaded']) && $requestInfo['loaded'][0]) {
        print "'Estimated load time: &lt; 1 minute';";
    } else {
        $loadtime = (int) (getImageLoadEstimate($imageid) / 60);
        if ($loadtime == 0) {
            print "'Estimated load time: &lt; {$images[$imageid]['reloadtime']} minutes';";
        } else {
            printf("'Estimated load time: &lt; %2.0f minutes';", $loadtime + 1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.php プロジェクト: gw-acadtech/VCL
function xmlRPCabort($errcode, $query = '')
    global $mysql_link_vcl, $mysql_link_acct, $ERRORS, $user, $mode;
    global $XMLRPCERRORS;
    if (ONLINEDEBUG && $user["adminlevel"] == "developer") {
        $msg = '';
        if ($errcode >= 100 && $errcode < 400) {
            $msg .= mysql_error($mysql_link_vcl) . " {$query} ";
        $msg .= $ERRORS["{$errcode}"];
        $XMLRPCERRORS[100] = $msg;
        $faultcode = 100;
    } else {
        $message = "";
        if ($errcode >= 100 && $errcode < 400) {
            $message .= mysql_error($mysql_link_vcl) . "\n";
            $message .= mysql_error($mysql_link_acct) . "\n";
            $message .= $query . "\n";
        $message .= "ERROR({$errcode}): " . $ERRORS["{$errcode}"] . "\n";
        $message .= "Logged in user was " . $user["unityid"] . "\n";
        $message .= "Mode was {$mode}\n\n";
        if ($errcode == 20) {
            $urlArray = explode('?', $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
            $message .= "HTTP_REFERER URL - " . $urlArray[0] . "\n";
            $message .= "correct URL - " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\n";
        $message .= getBacktraceString(FALSE);
        $mailParams = "-f" . ENVELOPESENDER;
        mail(ERROREMAIL, "Error with VCL XMLRPC call", $message, '', $mailParams);
        $faultcode = 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: authentication.php プロジェクト: gw-acadtech/VCL
function checkExpiredDemoUser($userid, $groups = 0)
    global $mode, $skin, $noHTMLwrappers;
    if ($groups == 0) {
        $groups = getUsersGroups($userid, 1);
    if (count($groups) != 1) {
    $tmp = array_values($groups);
    if ($tmp[0] != 'demo') {
    $query = "SELECT start " . "FROM log " . "WHERE userid = {$userid} " . "AND finalend < NOW() " . "ORDER BY start " . "LIMIT 3";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
    $expire = time() - SECINDAY * 3;
    $rows = mysql_num_rows($qh);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        if ($rows >= 3 || datetimeToUnix($row['start']) < $expire) {
            if (in_array($mode, $noHTMLwrappers)) {
                # do a redirect and handle removal on next page load so user can
                #   be notified - doesn't always work, but handles a few extra
                #   cases
                header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT);
            } else {
                $nodemoid = getUserGroupID('nodemo', getAffiliationID('ITECS'));
                $query = "DELETE FROM usergroupmembers " . "WHERE userid = {$userid}";
                # because updateGroups doesn't
                # delete from custom groups
                doQuery($query, 101);
                updateGroups(array($nodemoid), $userid);
                if (empty($skin)) {
                    $skin = 'default';
                    require_once "themes/{$skin}/page.php";
                $mode = 'expiredemouser';
                print "<h2>Account Expired</h2>\n";
                print "The account you are using is a demo account that has now expired. ";
                print "You cannot make any more reservations. Please contact <a href=\"";
                print "mailto:" . HELPEMAIL . "\">" . HELPEMAIL . "</a> if you need ";
                print "further access to VCL.<br>\n";
コード例 #6
ファイル: xmlrpcWrappers.php プロジェクト: gw-acadtech/VCL
function XMLRPCprocessBlockTime($blockTimesid, $ignoreprivileges = 0)
    global $requestInfo, $user, $xmlrpcBlockAPIUsers;
    if (!in_array($user['id'], $xmlrpcBlockAPIUsers)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 34, 'errormsg' => 'access denied for managing block allocations');
    $return = array('status' => 'success');
    $query = "SELECT bt.start, " . "bt.end, " . "br.imageid, " . "br.numMachines, " . "br.groupid, " . "br.expireTime " . "FROM blockRequest br, " . "blockTimes bt " . "WHERE bt.blockRequestid = br.id AND " . "bt.id = {$blockTimesid}";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
    if (!($rqdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 8, 'errormsg' => 'unknown blockTimesid');
    if (datetimeToUnix($rqdata['expireTime']) < time()) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 9, 'errormsg' => 'expired block reservation');
    $images = getImages(0, $rqdata['imageid']);
    if (empty($images)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 10, 'errormsg' => 'invalid image associated with block request');
    # check to see if all computers have been allocated
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(computerid) AS allocated " . "FROM blockComputers " . "WHERE blockTimeid = {$blockTimesid}";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
    if (!($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 15, 'errormsg' => 'failure to communicate with database');
    $compCompleted = $row['allocated'];
    $compsPerRequest = 1 + count($images[$rqdata['imageid']]['subimages']);
    $toallocate = $rqdata['numMachines'] * $compsPerRequest - $compCompleted;
    if ($toallocate == 0) {
        return array('status' => 'completed');
    $reqToAlloc = $toallocate / $compsPerRequest;
    if (!$ignoreprivileges) {
        # get userids in user group
        $tmp = getUserGroupMembers($rqdata['groupid']);
        if (empty($tmp)) {
            return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 11, 'errormsg' => 'empty user group and ignoreprivileges set to 0');
        $userids = array_keys($tmp);
        # make length of $userids match $reqToAlloc by duplicating or trimming some users
        while ($reqToAlloc > count($userids)) {
            $userids = array_merge($userids, $userids);
        if ($reqToAlloc < count($userids)) {
            $userids = array_splice($userids, 0, $reqToAlloc);
    # staggering: stagger start times for this round (ie, don't worry about
    #   previous processing of this block time) such that there is 1 minute
    #   between the start times for each request
    $stagExtra = $reqToAlloc * 60;
    # determine estimated load time
    $imgLoadTime = getImageLoadEstimate($rqdata['imageid']);
    if ($imgLoadTime == 0) {
        $imgLoadTime = $images[$rqdata['imageid']]['reloadtime'] * 60;
    $loadtime = $imgLoadTime + 10 * 60;
    # add 10 minute fudge factor
    $unixstart = datetimeToUnix($rqdata['start']);
    if (time() + $loadtime + $stagExtra > $unixstart) {
        $return['status'] = 'warning';
        $return['warningcode'] = 13;
        $return['warningmsg'] = 'possibly insufficient time to load machines';
    $start = unixToDatetime($unixstart - $loadtime);
    $unixend = datetimeToUnix($rqdata['end']);
    $userid = 0;
    $allocated = 0;
    $vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
    $revisionid = getProductionRevisionid($rqdata['imageid']);
    $blockCompVals = array();
    # FIXME (maybe) - if some subset of users in the user group have available
    # computers, but others do not, $allocated will be less than the desired
    # number of machines; however, calling this function enough times will
    # result in enough machines being allocated because they will continue to be
    # allocated based on the ones with machines available; this seems like odd
    # behavior
    $stagCnt = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $reqToAlloc; $i++) {
        $stagunixstart = $unixstart - $loadtime - $stagCnt * 60;
        $stagstart = unixToDatetime($stagunixstart);
        if (!$ignoreprivileges) {
            $userid = array_pop($userids);
        # use end of block time to find available computers, but...
        $rc = isAvailable($images, $rqdata['imageid'], $stagunixstart, $unixend, 0, 0, $userid, $ignoreprivileges);
        if ($rc < 1) {
        $compid = $requestInfo['computers'][0];
        # ...use start of block time as end of reload reservation
        $reqid = simpleAddRequest($compid, $rqdata['imageid'], $revisionid, $stagstart, $rqdata['start'], 19, $vclreloadid);
        if ($reqid == 0) {
        $blockCompVals[] = "({$blockTimesid}, {$compid}, {$rqdata['imageid']})";
        # process any subimages
        for ($key = 1; $key < count($requestInfo['computers']); $key++) {
            $subimageid = $requestInfo['images'][$key];
            $subrevid = getProductionRevisionid($subimageid);
            $compid = $requestInfo['computers'][$key];
            $mgmtnodeid = $requestInfo['mgmtnodes'][$key];
            $blockCompVals[] = "({$blockTimesid}, {$compid}, {$subimageid})";
            $query = "INSERT INTO reservation " . "(requestid, " . "computerid, " . "imageid, " . "imagerevisionid, " . "managementnodeid) " . "VALUES " . "({$reqid}, " . "{$compid}, " . "{$subimageid}, " . "{$subrevid}, " . "{$mgmtnodeid})";
            doQuery($query, 101);
        $blockComps = implode(',', $blockCompVals);
        $query = "INSERT INTO blockComputers " . "(blockTimeid, computerid, imageid) " . "VALUES {$blockComps}";
        doQuery($query, 101);
        $blockCompVals = array();
    if ($allocated == 0) {
        $return['status'] = 'warning';
        $return['warningcode'] = 14;
        $return['warningmsg'] = 'unable to allocate any machines';
    $return['allocated'] = $compCompleted / $compsPerRequest + $allocated;
    $return['unallocated'] = $rqdata['numMachines'] - $return['allocated'];
    return $return;
コード例 #7
ファイル: computers.php プロジェクト: gw-acadtech/VCL
function submitCompStateChange()
    global $user;
    print "<H2>Change State of Computers</H2>\n";
    $data = getContinuationVar();
    $computers = getComputers(1);
    # switching to available
    if ($data['stateid'] == 2) {
        $compids = implode(',', $data['computerids']);
        $query = "UPDATE computer " . "SET stateid = 2, " . "notes = '' " . "WHERE id IN ({$compids})";
        doQuery($query, 101);
        print "The following computers were changed to the available state:\n";
        print "<TABLE>\n";
        foreach ($data['computerids'] as $compid) {
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TD>{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</TD>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
        print "</TABLE>\n";
    } elseif ($data['stateid'] == 10) {
        $data['notes'] = processInputVar('notes', ARG_STRING);
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $data['notes'] = stripslashes($data['notes']);
        $data['notes'] = mysql_escape_string($data['notes']);
        $data["notes"] = $user["unityid"] . " " . unixToDatetime(time()) . "@" . $data["notes"];
        $vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
        // get semaphore lock
        if (!semLock()) {
        $noaction = array();
        $changenow = array();
        $changeasap = array();
        $changetimes = array();
        foreach ($data['computerids'] as $compid) {
            if ($computers[$compid]['state'] == 'maintenance') {
                array_push($noaction, $compid);
            } else {
                array_push($changeasap, $compid);
        $passes = array();
        $fails = array();
        foreach ($changeasap as $compid) {
            # TODO what about blockComputers?
            # try to move future reservations off of computer
            # get end time of last reservation
            $query = "SELECT rq.end " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.computerid = {$compid} AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,12) " . "ORDER BY end DESC " . "LIMIT 1";
            $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
            # create a really long reservation starting at that time in state tomaintenance
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                $start = $row['end'];
                $changetimes[$compid] = $start;
                $end = datetimeToUnix($start) + SECINWEEK;
                // hopefully keep future reservations off of it
                $end = unixToDatetime($end);
                if (simpleAddRequest($compid, 4, 3, $start, $end, 18, $vclreloadid)) {
                    $passes[] = $compid;
                } else {
                    $fails[] = $compid;
            } else {
                $query = "UPDATE computer " . "SET stateid = 10, " . "notes = '{$data['notes']}' " . "WHERE id = {$compid}";
                doQuery($query, 101);
                unset_by_val($compid, $changeasap);
                array_push($changenow, $compid);
        // release semaphore lock
        if (count($noaction) || count($changeasap)) {
            $comparr = array_merge($noaction, $changeasap);
            $compids = implode(',', $comparr);
            $query = "UPDATE computer " . "SET notes = '{$data['notes']}' " . "WHERE id IN ({$compids})";
            doQuery($query, 101);
        if (count($changenow)) {
            print "The following computers were immediately placed into the ";
            print "maintenance state:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($changenow as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD><font color=\"#008000\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</font></TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
        if (count($passes)) {
            print "The following computers currently have reservations on them ";
            print "and will be placed in the maintenance state at the time listed ";
            print "for each computer:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH>Computer</TH>\n";
            print "    <TH>Maintenance time</TH>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
            foreach ($passes as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD align=center><font color=\"ff8c00\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</font></TD>\n";
                $time = date('n/j/y g:i a', datetimeToUnix($changetimes[$compid]));
                print "    <TD align=center>{$time}</TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
        if (count($fails)) {
            print "The following computers currently have reservations on them ";
            print "but no functional management node was found for them. Nothing ";
            print "be done with them at this time:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            print "  <TR>\n";
            print "    <TH>Computer</TH>\n";
            print "  </TR>\n";
            foreach ($passes as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD align=center><font color=\"ff0000\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</font></TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
        if (count($noaction)) {
            print "The following computers were already in the maintenance ";
            print "state and had their notes on being in the maintenance state ";
            print "updated:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($noaction as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD>{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
    } elseif ($data['stateid'] == 20) {
        $profileid = processInputVar('profileid', ARG_NUMERIC);
        if (!array_key_exists($profileid, $data['profiles'])) {
            $keys = array_keys($data['profiles']);
            $profileid = $keys[0];
        $noaction = array();
        $changenow = array();
        $changeasap = array();
        $changetimes = array();
        foreach ($data['computerids'] as $compid) {
            if ($computers[$compid]['state'] == 'vmhostinuse') {
                array_push($noaction, $compid);
            } else {
                array_push($changeasap, $compid);
        if (!semLock()) {
        foreach ($changeasap as $compid) {
            # TODO what about blockComputers?
            # get end time of last reservation
            $query = "SELECT rq.end " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.computerid = {$compid} AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,12) " . "ORDER BY end DESC " . "LIMIT 1";
            $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                // if there is a reservation, leave in $changeasap so we can
                #   notify that we can't change this one
            } else {
                # create a reload reservation to load machine with image
                #   corresponding to selected vm profile
                $start = getReloadStartTime();
                $end = $start + SECINYEAR;
                # don't want anyone making a future reservation for this machine
                $start = unixToDatetime($start);
                $end = unixToDatetime($end);
                $imagerevisionid = getProductionRevisionid($data['profiles'][$profileid]['imageid']);
                $vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
                simpleAddRequest($compid, $data['profiles'][$profileid]['imageid'], $imagerevisionid, $start, $end, 21, $vclreloadid);
                unset_by_val($compid, $changeasap);
                array_push($changenow, $compid);
                # check for existing vmhost entry
                $query = "SELECT id, " . "vmprofileid " . "FROM vmhost " . "WHERE computerid = {$compid}";
                $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
                if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                    if ($row['vmprofileid'] != $profileid) {
                        # update vmprofile
                        $query = "UPDATE vmhost " . "SET vmprofileid = {$profileid} " . "WHERE id = {$row['id']}";
                        doQuery($query, 101);
                } else {
                    # create vmhost entry
                    $query = "INSERT INTO vmhost " . "(computerid, " . "vmlimit, " . "vmprofileid) " . "VALUES ({$compid}, " . "2, " . "{$profileid})";
                    doQuery($query, 101);
        // release semaphore lock
        if (count($changenow)) {
            print "The following computers were placed into the ";
            print "vmhostinuse state:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($changenow as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD><font color=\"#008000\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</font></TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
        if (count($changeasap)) {
            print "The following computers currently have reservations on them ";
            print "and cannot be placed in the vmhostinuse state at this time:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($changeasap as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD><font color=\"ff0000\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</font></TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
        if (count($noaction)) {
            print "The following computers were already in the vmhostinuse ";
            print "state:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($noaction as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD>{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
    } elseif ($data['stateid'] == 23) {
        $noaction = array();
        $changenow = array();
        $changeasap = array();
        $changetimes = array();
        foreach ($data['computerids'] as $compid) {
            if ($computers[$compid]['state'] == 'hpc') {
                array_push($noaction, $compid);
            } else {
                array_push($changeasap, $compid);
        if (!semLock()) {
        foreach ($changeasap as $compid) {
            # TODO what about blockComputers?
            # get end time of last reservation
            $query = "SELECT rq.end " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.computerid = {$compid} AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,12) " . "ORDER BY end DESC " . "LIMIT 1";
            $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
                // if there is a reservation, leave in $changeasap so we can
                #   notify that we can't change this one
            } else {
                $query = "UPDATE computer " . "SET stateid = 23 " . "WHERE id = {$compid}";
                doQuery($query, 101);
                unset_by_val($compid, $changeasap);
                array_push($changenow, $compid);
        // release semaphore lock
        if (count($changenow)) {
            print "The following computers were placed into the ";
            print "hpc state:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($changenow as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD><font color=\"#008000\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</font></TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
        if (count($changeasap)) {
            print "The following computers currently have reservations on them ";
            print "and cannot be placed in the hpc state at this time:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($changeasap as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD><font color=\"ff0000\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</font></TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
        if (count($noaction)) {
            print "The following computers were already in the hpc ";
            print "state:\n";
            print "<TABLE>\n";
            foreach ($noaction as $compid) {
                print "  <TR>\n";
                print "    <TD>{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</TD>\n";
                print "  </TR>\n";
            print "</TABLE>\n";
            print "<br>\n";
    } else {