     if ($session['user']['age'] == 1) {
         if (getsetting('displaymasternews', 1)) {
             addnews("`%%s`3 has defeated " . ($session['user']['sex'] ? "her" : "his") . " master, `%%s`3 to advance to level `^%s`3 after `^1`3 day!!", $session['user']['name'], $badguy['creaturename'], $session['user']['level']);
     } else {
         if (getsetting('displaymasternews', 1)) {
             addnews("`%%s`3 has defeated " . ($session['user']['sex'] ? "her" : "his") . " master, `%%s`3 to advance to level `^%s`3 after `^%s`3 days!!", $session['user']['name'], $badguy['creaturename'], $session['user']['level'], $session['user']['age']);
     if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']) {
         $session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints'];
     modulehook("training-victory", $badguy);
 } elseif ($defeat) {
     $taunt = select_taunt_array();
     if (getsetting('displaymasternews', 1)) {
         addnews("`%%s`5 has challenged their master, %s and lost!`n%s", $session['user']['name'], $badguy['creaturename'], $taunt);
     $session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints'];
     output("`&`bYou have been defeated by `%%s`&!`b`n", $badguy['creaturename']);
     output("`%%s`\$ halts just before delivering the final blow, and instead extends a hand to help you to your feet, and hands you a complementary healing potion.`n", $badguy['creaturename']);
     $badguy['creaturewin'] = substitute_array($badguy['creaturewin']);
     addnav("Question Master", "train.php?op=question&master={$mid}");
     addnav("M?Challenge Master", "train.php?op=challenge&master={$mid}");
     if ($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_DEVELOPER) {
         addnav("Superuser Gain level", "train.php?op=challenge&victory=1&master={$mid}");
コード例 #2
function forestdefeat($enemies, $where = "in the forest")
    global $session;
    $percent = getsetting('forestexploss', 10);
    addnav("Daily news", "news.php");
    $names = array();
    $killer = false;
    foreach ($enemies as $index => $badguy) {
        $names[] = $badguy['creaturename'];
        if (isset($badguy['killedplayer']) && $badguy['killedplayer'] == true) {
            $killer = $badguy;
        if (isset($badguy['creaturewin']) && $badguy['creaturewin'] > "") {
            $msg = translate_inline($badguy['creaturewin'], "battle");
            output_notl("`b`&%s`0`b`n", $msg);
    if ($killer) {
        $badguy = $killer;
    } elseif (!isset($badguy['creaturename'])) {
        $badguy = $enemies[0];
    if (count($names) > 1) {
        $lastname = array_pop($names);
    $enemystring = join(", ", $names);
    $and = translate_inline("and");
    if (isset($lastname) && $lastname > "") {
        $enemystring = "{$enemystring} {$and} {$lastname}";
    $taunt = select_taunt_array();
    if (is_array($where)) {
        $where = sprintf_translate($where);
    } else {
        $where = translate_inline($where);
    addnews(sprintf_translate("`%%s`5 has been slain %s by %s.`n%s", $session['user']['name'], $where, $badguy['creaturename'], $taunt));
    $session['user']['alive'] = false;
    debuglog("lost gold when they were slain {$where}", false, false, "forestlose", -$session['user']['gold']);
    $session['user']['gold'] = 0;
    $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 0;
    $session['user']['experience'] = round($session['user']['experience'] * (1 - $percent / 100), 0);
    output("`4All gold on hand has been lost!`n");
    output("`4%s %% of experience has been lost!`b`n", $percent);
    output("You may begin fighting again tomorrow.");
function ferryman_fight()
    $op = httpget("op");
    global $session;
    $from = "forest.php?";
    if ($op == "fightferryman") {
        $badguy = array("creaturename" => translate_inline("`7The Ferryman`0"), "creaturelevel" => $session['user']['level'] + 2, "creatureweapon" => translate_inline("Ferry Pole"), "creatureattack" => $session['user']['attack'], "creaturedefense" => $session['user']['defense'], "creaturehealth" => round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'], 0), "diddamage" => 0, "didsurprise" => 1, "type" => "ferryman");
        $session['user']['badguy'] = createstring($badguy);
        $op = "fight";
        httpset('op', "fight");
    if ($op == "run") {
        output("`2With nothing but murky water all around, you have nowhere to run!`n`n");
        $op = "fight";
        httpset('op', "fight");
    if ($op == "fight") {
        $battle = true;
    if ($battle) {
        require_once "battle.php";
        if ($victory) {
            output("`n`@You have managed to defeat the Ferryman!");
            output("You cautiously approach the body, and suddenly, it shimmers and disappears before your eyes!`n`n");
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] <= 0) {
                output("`n`n`^Using a bit of river weed, you are able to staunch your own wounds, stopping your bloodloss before you are completely dead.`n");
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
            output("`2Without the ferryman, you are left to drift with the river currents.");
            output("It takes a long time, but you eventually get to the other shore.`n`n");
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] <= 0) {
                output("`n`n`^Your staunch your own wounds with a bit of moss growing nearby, stopping your bloodloss before you are completely dead.`n");
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
            $maxfflost = get_module_setting("maxfflost");
            if ($session['user']['turns'] < $maxfflost) {
                $lostff = $session['user']['turns'];
            } else {
                $lostff = $maxfflost;
            $session['user']['turns'] -= $lostff;
            output("`&You have lost some Stamina!");
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
        } elseif ($defeat) {
            require_once "lib/taunt.php";
            $taunt = select_taunt_array();
            $lostgold = $session['user']['gold'];
            output("`n`@You have been killed by the Ferryman!");
            output("As your last breath escapes you, all you hear is haunting laughter.");
            addnav("Daily News", "news.php");
            addnews("`%%s `7was last seen aboard a small boat.`0", $session['user']['name']);
            debuglog("killed by Ferryman, losing {$lostgold}");
            $session['user']['gold'] = 0;
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
        } else {
            fightnav(true, true);
function dwellings_pvp_run()
    global $session, $badguy, $pvptime, $pvptimeout, $options;
    $pvptime = getsetting("pvptimeout", 600);
    $pvptimeout = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-{$pvptime} seconds"));
    $last = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-" . getsetting("LOGINTIMEOUT", 900) . " sec"));
    $ac = db_prefix("accounts");
    $mu = db_prefix("module_userprefs");
    $dw = db_prefix("dwellings");
    $cl = db_prefix("clans");
    $op = httpget('op');
    $dwid = httpget('dwid');
    page_header("Dwellings PvP");
    if ($op != "fight1" && $op != "fight") {
        require_once "modules/dwellings_pvp/run/case_{$op}.php";
    if ($op == "fight1") {
        $name = rawurldecode(httpget('name'));
        require_once "modules/dwellings/lib.php";
        if (is_numeric($name)) {
            $name = getlogin($name);
        require_once "lib/pvpsupport.php";
        $badguy = setup_target($name);
        require_once "lib/battle-skills.php";
        suspend_buffs("allowinpvp", "`&The gods prevent you from using any special abilities!`0");
        $session['user']['badguy'] = createstring($badguy);
        $op = "fight";
    if ($op == "fight") {
        $options['type'] = 'pvp';
        $battle = true;
    if ($battle) {
        include "battle.php";
        if ($victory) {
            $killedin = sprintf("%s Dwellings", $session['user']['location']);
            require_once "lib/pvpsupport.php";
            pvpvictory($badguy, $killedin, $options);
            addnews("`4%s`3 defeated `4%s`3 while they were sleeping in their Dwelling.", $session['user']['name'], $badguy['creaturename']);
            $badguy = array();
            unsuspend_buffs("allowinpvp", "`&The gods have restored your special abilities!`0");
            addnav("Hamlet Registry", "runmodule.php?module=dwellings&op=list&ref=hamlet");
        } elseif ($defeat) {
            $killedin = sprintf("%s Dwellings", $session['user']['location']);
            require_once "lib/taunt.php";
            $taunt = select_taunt_array();
            require_once "lib/pvpsupport.php";
            pvpdefeat($badguy, $killedin, $taunt, $options);
            unsuspend_buffs("allowinpvp", "`&The gods have restored your special abilities!`0");
            addnews("`4%s`3 was defeated while attacking `4%s`3 as they were sleeping in their Dwelling.`n%s", $session['user']['name'], $badguy['creaturename'], $taunt);
            output("`n`n`&You are sure that someone, sooner or later, will stumble over your corpse and return it to %s for you.", $session['user']['location']);
            addnav("Return to the Shades", "shades.php");
        } else {
            $script = "runmodule.php?module=dwellings_pvp&op=fight";
            require_once "lib/fightnav.php";
            fightnav(false, false, $script);