コード例 #1
 protected function doAction()
     $sortField = $this->getInput('sort', CProfile::get('web.proxies.php.sort', 'host'));
     $sortOrder = $this->getInput('sortorder', CProfile::get('web.proxies.php.sortorder', ZBX_SORT_UP));
     CProfile::update('web.proxies.php.sort', $sortField, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     CProfile::update('web.proxies.php.sortorder', $sortOrder, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     $config = select_config();
     $data = ['uncheck' => $this->hasInput('uncheck'), 'sort' => $sortField, 'sortorder' => $sortOrder, 'config' => ['max_in_table' => $config['max_in_table']]];
     $data['proxies'] = API::Proxy()->get(['output' => ['proxyid', 'host', 'status', 'lastaccess', 'tls_connect', 'tls_accept'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid', 'name', 'status'], 'sortfield' => $sortField, 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1, 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
     // sorting & paging
     order_result($data['proxies'], $sortField, $sortOrder);
     $url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'proxy.list');
     $data['paging'] = getPagingLine($data['proxies'], $sortOrder, $url);
     foreach ($data['proxies'] as &$proxy) {
         order_result($proxy['hosts'], 'name');
     // get proxy IDs for a *selected* page
     $proxyIds = array_keys($data['proxies']);
     if ($proxyIds) {
         // calculate performance
         $dbPerformance = DBselect('SELECT h.proxy_hostid,SUM(1.0/i.delay) AS qps' . ' FROM hosts h,items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.delay<>0' . ' AND i.flags<>' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('h.proxy_hostid', $proxyIds) . ' GROUP BY h.proxy_hostid');
         while ($performance = DBfetch($dbPerformance)) {
             $data['proxies'][$performance['proxy_hostid']]['perf'] = round($performance['qps'], 2);
         // get items
         $items = API::Item()->get(['proxyids' => $proxyIds, 'groupCount' => true, 'countOutput' => true, 'webitems' => true, 'monitored' => true]);
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $data['proxies'][$item['proxy_hostid']]['item_count'] = $item['rowscount'];
     $response = new CControllerResponseData($data);
     $response->setTitle(_('Configuration of proxies'));
コード例 #2
 protected function doAction()
     $sortField = $this->getInput('sort', CProfile::get('web.media_types.php.sort', 'description'));
     $sortOrder = $this->getInput('sortorder', CProfile::get('web.media_types.php.sortorder', ZBX_SORT_UP));
     CProfile::update('web.media_type.php.sort', $sortField, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     CProfile::update('web.media_types.php.sortorder', $sortOrder, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     $config = select_config();
     $data = ['uncheck' => $this->hasInput('uncheck'), 'sort' => $sortField, 'sortorder' => $sortOrder];
     // get media types
     $data['mediatypes'] = API::Mediatype()->get(['output' => ['mediatypeid', 'description', 'type', 'smtp_server', 'smtp_helo', 'smtp_email', 'exec_path', 'gsm_modem', 'username', 'status'], 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1, 'editable' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
     if ($data['mediatypes']) {
         // get media types used in actions
         $actions = API::Action()->get(['output' => ['actionid', 'name'], 'selectOperations' => ['operationtype', 'opmessage'], 'mediatypeids' => array_keys($data['mediatypes'])]);
         foreach ($data['mediatypes'] as &$mediaType) {
             $mediaType['typeid'] = $mediaType['type'];
             $mediaType['type'] = media_type2str($mediaType['type']);
             $mediaType['listOfActions'] = [];
             foreach ($actions as $action) {
                 foreach ($action['operations'] as $operation) {
                     if ($operation['operationtype'] == OPERATION_TYPE_MESSAGE && $operation['opmessage']['mediatypeid'] == $mediaType['mediatypeid']) {
                         $mediaType['listOfActions'][$action['actionid']] = ['actionid' => $action['actionid'], 'name' => $action['name']];
             order_result($mediaType['listOfActions'], 'name');
         order_result($data['mediatypes'], $sortField, $sortOrder);
     $url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'mediatype.list');
     $data['paging'] = getPagingLine($data['mediatypes'], $sortOrder, $url);
     $response = new CControllerResponseData($data);
     $response->setTitle(_('Configuration of media types'));
コード例 #3
 protected function doAction()
     $sortField = $this->getInput('sort', CProfile::get('web.scripts.php.sort', 'name'));
     $sortOrder = $this->getInput('sortorder', CProfile::get('web.scripts.php.sortorder', ZBX_SORT_UP));
     CProfile::update('web.scripts.php.sort', $sortField, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     CProfile::update('web.scripts.php.sortorder', $sortOrder, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
     $config = select_config();
     $data = ['uncheck' => $this->hasInput('uncheck'), 'sort' => $sortField, 'sortorder' => $sortOrder];
     // list of scripts
     $data['scripts'] = API::Script()->get(['output' => ['scriptid', 'name', 'command', 'host_access', 'usrgrpid', 'groupid', 'type', 'execute_on'], 'editable' => true, 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1]);
     // sorting & paging
     order_result($data['scripts'], $sortField, $sortOrder);
     $url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'script.list');
     $data['paging'] = getPagingLine($data['scripts'], $sortOrder, $url);
     // find script host group name and user group name. set to '' if all host/user groups used.
     $usrgrpids = [];
     $groupids = [];
     foreach ($data['scripts'] as &$script) {
         $script['userGroupName'] = null;
         // all user groups
         $script['hostGroupName'] = null;
         // all host groups
         if ($script['usrgrpid'] != 0) {
             $usrgrpids[] = $script['usrgrpid'];
         if ($script['groupid'] != 0) {
             $groupids[] = $script['groupid'];
     if ($usrgrpids) {
         $userGroups = API::UserGroup()->get(['output' => ['name'], 'usrgrpids' => $usrgrpids, 'preservekeys' => true]);
         foreach ($data['scripts'] as &$script) {
             if ($script['usrgrpid'] != 0 && array_key_exists($script['usrgrpid'], $userGroups)) {
                 $script['userGroupName'] = $userGroups[$script['usrgrpid']]['name'];
     if ($groupids) {
         $hostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(['output' => ['name'], 'groupids' => $groupids, 'preservekeys' => true]);
         foreach ($data['scripts'] as &$script) {
             if ($script['groupid'] != 0 && array_key_exists($script['groupid'], $hostGroups)) {
                 $script['hostGroupName'] = $hostGroups[$script['groupid']]['name'];
     $response = new CControllerResponseData($data);
     $response->setTitle(_('Configuration of scripts'));
コード例 #4
ファイル: users.inc.php プロジェクト: TonywalkerCN/Zabbix
 * Find user theme or get default theme.
 * @param array $userData
 * @return string
function getUserTheme($userData)
    $config = select_config();
    if (isset($config['default_theme'])) {
        $css = $config['default_theme'];
    if (isset($userData['theme']) && $userData['theme'] != THEME_DEFAULT) {
        $css = $userData['theme'];
    if (!isset($css)) {
        $css = ZBX_DEFAULT_THEME;
    return $css;
コード例 #5
 protected function doAction()
     $filter = ['groupids' => null, 'maintenance' => null, 'severity' => null, 'trigger_name' => '', 'extAck' => 0];
     if (CProfile::get('web.dashconf.filter.enable', 0) == 1) {
         // groups
         if (CProfile::get('web.dashconf.groups.grpswitch', 0) == 0) {
             // null mean all groups
             $filter['groupids'] = null;
         } else {
             $filter['groupids'] = zbx_objectValues(CFavorite::get('web.dashconf.groups.groupids'), 'value');
             $hideHostGroupIds = zbx_objectValues(CFavorite::get('web.dashconf.groups.hide.groupids'), 'value');
             if ($hideHostGroupIds) {
                 // get all groups if no selected groups defined
                 if (!$filter['groupids']) {
                     $dbHostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(['output' => ['groupid']]);
                     $filter['groupids'] = zbx_objectValues($dbHostGroups, 'groupid');
                 $filter['groupids'] = array_diff($filter['groupids'], $hideHostGroupIds);
                 // get available hosts
                 $dbAvailableHosts = API::Host()->get(['groupids' => $filter['groupids'], 'output' => ['hostid']]);
                 $availableHostIds = zbx_objectValues($dbAvailableHosts, 'hostid');
                 $dbDisabledHosts = API::Host()->get(['groupids' => $hideHostGroupIds, 'output' => ['hostid']]);
                 $disabledHostIds = zbx_objectValues($dbDisabledHosts, 'hostid');
                 $filter['hostids'] = array_diff($availableHostIds, $disabledHostIds);
             } else {
                 if (!$filter['groupids']) {
                     // null mean all groups
                     $filter['groupids'] = null;
         // hosts
         $maintenance = CProfile::get('web.dashconf.hosts.maintenance', 1);
         $filter['maintenance'] = $maintenance == 0 ? 0 : null;
         // triggers
         $severity = CProfile::get('web.dashconf.triggers.severity', null);
         $filter['severity'] = zbx_empty($severity) ? null : explode(';', $severity);
         $filter['severity'] = zbx_toHash($filter['severity']);
         $filter['trigger_name'] = CProfile::get('web.dashconf.triggers.name', '');
         $config = select_config();
         $filter['extAck'] = $config['event_ack_enable'] ? CProfile::get('web.dashconf.events.extAck', 0) : 0;
     $this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData(['filter' => $filter, 'user' => ['debug_mode' => $this->getDebugMode()]]));
コード例 #6
ファイル: CSeverity.php プロジェクト: jbfavre/debian-zabbix
  * @param string $options['name']
  * @param int    $options['value']		(optional) Default: TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED
  * @param bool   $options['all']		(optional)
 public function __construct(array $options = [])
     $id = zbx_formatDomId($options['name']);
     if (!array_key_exists('value', $options)) {
         $options['value'] = TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED;
     $severity_from = array_key_exists('all', $options) && $options['all'] ? -1 : TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED;
     $config = select_config();
     for ($severity = $severity_from; $severity < TRIGGER_SEVERITY_COUNT; $severity++) {
         $name = $severity == -1 ? _('all') : getSeverityName($severity, $config);
         $class = $severity == -1 ? null : getSeverityStyle($severity);
         $radio = (new CInput('radio', $options['name'], $severity))->setId(zbx_formatDomId($options['name'] . '_' . $severity));
         if ($severity === $options['value']) {
             $radio->setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
         parent::addItem((new CListItem([$radio, new CLabel($name, $options['name'] . '_' . $severity)]))->addClass($class));
コード例 #7
 public function bodyToString()
     $config = select_config();
     // array of triggers (not classified, information, warning, average, high, disaster) in problem state
     $triggersProblemState = [];
     // number of triggers in OK state
     $triggersOkState = 0;
     $options = ['output' => ['triggerid', 'priority', 'value'], 'monitored' => true, 'skipDependent' => true];
     if ($this->groupid != 0) {
         $options['groupids'] = $this->groupid;
     $triggers = API::Trigger()->get($options);
     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
         switch ($trigger['value']) {
             case TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE:
                 if (!array_key_exists($trigger['priority'], $triggersProblemState)) {
                     $triggersProblemState[$trigger['priority']] = 0;
             case TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE:
     $severityCells = [getSeverityCell(null, $config, $triggersOkState . SPACE . _('Ok'), true)];
     for ($severity = TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED; $severity < TRIGGER_SEVERITY_COUNT; $severity++) {
         $severityCount = isset($triggersProblemState[$severity]) ? $triggersProblemState[$severity] : 0;
         $severityCells[] = getSeverityCell($severity, $config, $severityCount . SPACE . getSeverityName($severity, $config), !$severityCount);
     if ($this->style == STYLE_HORIZONTAL) {
     } else {
         foreach ($severityCells as $severityCell) {
     return parent::bodyToString();
コード例 #8
ファイル: blocks.inc.php プロジェクト: SandipSingh14/Zabbix_
 * Generate table for dashboard triggers popup.
 * @see make_system_status
 * @param array $triggers
 * @param array $ackParams
 * @param array $actions
 * @return CTableInfo
function makeTriggersPopup(array $triggers, array $ackParams, array $actions)
    $config = select_config();
    $popupTable = new CTableInfo();
    $popupTable->setAttribute('style', 'width: 400px;');
    $popupTable->setHeader(array(is_show_all_nodes() ? _('Node') : null, _('Host'), _('Issue'), _('Age'), _('Info'), $config['event_ack_enable'] ? _('Ack') : null, _('Actions')));
    CArrayHelper::sort($triggers, array(array('field' => 'lastchange', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN)));
    foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
        // unknown triggers
        $unknown = SPACE;
        if ($trigger['state'] == TRIGGER_STATE_UNKNOWN) {
            $unknown = new CDiv(SPACE, 'status_icon iconunknown');
            $unknown->setHint($trigger['error'], '', 'on');
        // ack
        if ($config['event_ack_enable']) {
            $ack = isset($trigger['event']['eventid']) ? getEventAckState($trigger['event'], true, true, $ackParams) : _('No events');
        } else {
            $ack = null;
        // action
        $action = isset($trigger['event']['eventid']) && isset($actions[$trigger['event']['eventid']]) ? $actions[$trigger['event']['eventid']] : _('-');
        $popupTable->addRow(array(get_node_name_by_elid($trigger['triggerid']), $trigger['hosts'][0]['name'], getSeverityCell($trigger['priority'], $trigger['description']), zbx_date2age($trigger['lastchange']), $unknown, $ack, $action));
    return $popupTable;
コード例 #9
$data = array();
$data['form_refresh'] = get_request('form_refresh', 0);
// form has been submitted
if ($data['form_refresh']) {
    $data['ok_period'] = get_request('ok_period');
    $data['blink_period'] = get_request('blink_period');
    $data['problem_unack_color'] = get_request('problem_unack_color');
    $data['problem_ack_color'] = get_request('problem_ack_color');
    $data['ok_unack_color'] = get_request('ok_unack_color');
    $data['ok_ack_color'] = get_request('ok_ack_color');
    $data['problem_unack_style'] = get_request('problem_unack_style');
    $data['problem_ack_style'] = get_request('problem_ack_style');
    $data['ok_unack_style'] = get_request('ok_unack_style');
    $data['ok_ack_style'] = get_request('ok_ack_style');
} else {
    $config = select_config(false);
    $data['ok_period'] = $config['ok_period'];
    $data['blink_period'] = $config['blink_period'];
    $data['problem_unack_color'] = $config['problem_unack_color'];
    $data['problem_ack_color'] = $config['problem_ack_color'];
    $data['ok_unack_color'] = $config['ok_unack_color'];
    $data['ok_ack_color'] = $config['ok_ack_color'];
    $data['problem_unack_style'] = $config['problem_unack_style'];
    $data['problem_ack_style'] = $config['problem_ack_style'];
    $data['ok_unack_style'] = $config['ok_unack_style'];
    $data['ok_ack_style'] = $config['ok_ack_style'];
$triggerDisplayingForm = new CView('administration.general.triggerDisplayOptions.edit', $data);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';
コード例 #10
 protected function selectData()
     $this->data = array();
     $now = time(null);
     if (isset($this->stime)) {
         $this->from_time = $this->stime;
         $this->to_time = $this->stime + $this->period;
     } else {
         $this->to_time = $now - SEC_PER_HOUR * $this->from;
         $this->from_time = $this->to_time - $this->period;
     $strvaluelength = 0;
     // we need to know how long in px will be our legend
     // fetch values for items with the "last" function
     $lastValueItems = array();
     foreach ($this->items as $item) {
         if ($item['calc_fnc'] == CALC_FNC_LST) {
             $lastValueItems[] = $item;
     if ($lastValueItems) {
         $history = Manager::History()->getLast($lastValueItems);
     $config = select_config();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num; $i++) {
         $item = get_item_by_itemid($this->items[$i]['itemid']);
         $type = $this->items[$i]['calc_type'];
         $from_time = $this->from_time;
         $to_time = $this->to_time;
         $sql_arr = array();
         // override item history setting with housekeeping settings
         if ($config['hk_history_global']) {
             $item['history'] = $config['hk_history'];
         $trendsEnabled = $config['hk_trends_global'] ? $config['hk_trends'] > 0 : $item['trends'] > 0;
         if (!$trendsEnabled || $item['history'] * SEC_PER_DAY > time() - ($from_time + $this->period / 2)) {
             $this->dataFrom = 'history';
             array_push($sql_arr, 'SELECT h.itemid,' . 'AVG(h.value) AS avg,MIN(h.value) AS min,' . 'MAX(h.value) AS max,MAX(h.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM history h' . ' WHERE h.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND h.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND h.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY h.itemid', 'SELECT hu.itemid,' . 'AVG(hu.value) AS avg,MIN(hu.value) AS min,' . 'MAX(hu.value) AS max,MAX(hu.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM history_uint hu' . ' WHERE hu.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND hu.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND hu.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY hu.itemid');
         } else {
             $this->dataFrom = 'trends';
             array_push($sql_arr, 'SELECT t.itemid,' . 'AVG(t.value_avg) AS avg,MIN(t.value_min) AS min,' . 'MAX(t.value_max) AS max,MAX(t.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM trends t' . ' WHERE t.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND t.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND t.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY t.itemid', 'SELECT t.itemid,' . 'AVG(t.value_avg) AS avg,MIN(t.value_min) AS min,' . 'MAX(t.value_max) AS max,MAX(t.clock) AS clock' . ' FROM trends_uint t' . ' WHERE t.itemid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->items[$i]['itemid']) . ' AND t.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($from_time) . ' AND t.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($to_time) . ' GROUP BY t.itemid');
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['last'] = isset($history[$item['itemid']]) ? $history[$item['itemid']][0]['value'] : null;
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['shift_min'] = 0;
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['shift_max'] = 0;
         $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['shift_avg'] = 0;
         foreach ($sql_arr as $sql) {
             $result = DBselect($sql);
             while ($row = DBfetch($result)) {
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['min'] = $row['min'];
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['max'] = $row['max'];
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['avg'] = $row['avg'];
                 $this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type]['clock'] = $row['clock'];
         switch ($this->items[$i]['calc_fnc']) {
             case CALC_FNC_MIN:
                 $fncName = 'min';
             case CALC_FNC_MAX:
                 $fncName = 'max';
             case CALC_FNC_LST:
                 $fncName = 'last';
             case CALC_FNC_AVG:
                 $fncName = 'avg';
         $item_value = empty($this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type][$fncName]) ? 0 : abs($this->data[$this->items[$i]['itemid']][$type][$fncName]);
         if ($type == GRAPH_ITEM_SUM) {
             $this->background = $i;
             $graph_sum = $item_value;
         $this->sum += $item_value;
         $convertedUnit = zbx_strlen(convert_units(array('value' => $item_value, 'units' => $this->items[$i]['units'])));
         $strvaluelength = max($strvaluelength, $convertedUnit);
     if (isset($graph_sum)) {
         $this->sum = $graph_sum;
     $this->shiftlegendright += $strvaluelength * 7;
コード例 #11
    // get permissions
    $userType = CWebUser::getType();
    if ($userType == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
        $data['rwHost'] = true;
    } elseif ($userType == USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN) {
        $rwHost = API::Host()->get(['output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => $hostId, 'editable' => true]);
        $data['rwHost'] = (bool) $rwHost;
    } else {
        $data['rwHost'] = false;
    // view generation
    $hostinventoriesView = new CView('inventory.host.view', $data);
} else {
    $data = ['config' => select_config(), 'hosts' => [], 'sort' => $sortField, 'sortorder' => $sortOrder];
    // filter
    $data['pageFilter'] = new CPageFilter(['groups' => ['real_hosts' => true], 'groupid' => getRequest('groupid')]);
     * Filter
    if (hasRequest('filter_set')) {
        CProfile::update('web.hostinventories.filter_field', getRequest('filter_field', ''), PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
        CProfile::update('web.hostinventories.filter_field_value', getRequest('filter_field_value', ''), PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
        CProfile::update('web.hostinventories.filter_exact', getRequest('filter_exact', 0), PROFILE_TYPE_INT);
    } elseif (hasRequest('filter_rst')) {
コード例 #12
ファイル: perm.inc.php プロジェクト: jbfavre/debian-zabbix
 * Get group authentication type.
 * @param array $groupIds
 * @param int   $maxGuiAccess
 * @return int
function getGroupAuthenticationType($groupIds, $maxGuiAccess = null)
    $config = select_config();
    switch (getGroupsGuiAccess($groupIds, $maxGuiAccess)) {
            return $config['authentication_type'];
            return $config['authentication_type'] == ZBX_AUTH_HTTP ? ZBX_AUTH_HTTP : ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL;
            return $config['authentication_type'];
コード例 #13
ファイル: blocks.inc.php プロジェクト: jbfavre/debian-zabbix
 * Create DIV with latest problem triggers.
 * If no sortfield and sortorder are defined, the sort indicater in the column name will not be displayed.
 * @param array  $filter['groupids']
 * @param array  $filter['hostids']
 * @param array  $filter['maintenance']
 * @param int    $filter['extAck']
 * @param int    $filter['severity']
 * @param int    $filter['limit']
 * @param string $filter['sortfield']
 * @param string $filter['sortorder']
 * @param string $backurl
 * @return CDiv
function make_latest_issues(array $filter = [], $backurl)
    // hide the sort indicator if no sortfield and sortorder are given
    $show_sort_indicator = isset($filter['sortfield']) || isset($filter['sortorder']);
    if (isset($filter['sortfield']) && $filter['sortfield'] !== 'lastchange') {
        $sort_field = [$filter['sortfield'], 'lastchange'];
        $sort_order = [$filter['sortorder'], ZBX_SORT_DOWN];
    } else {
        $sort_field = ['lastchange'];
        $sort_order = [ZBX_SORT_DOWN];
    $options = ['groupids' => $filter['groupids'], 'hostids' => isset($filter['hostids']) ? $filter['hostids'] : null, 'monitored' => true, 'maintenance' => $filter['maintenance'], 'search' => $filter['trigger_name'] !== '' ? ['description' => $filter['trigger_name']] : null, 'filter' => ['priority' => $filter['severity'], 'value' => TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE]];
    $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array_merge($options, ['output' => ['triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'url', 'priority', 'lastchange', 'comments', 'error', 'state'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid'], 'selectLastEvent' => ['eventid', 'acknowledged', 'objectid', 'clock', 'ns'], 'withLastEventUnacknowledged' => isset($filter['extAck']) && $filter['extAck'] == EXTACK_OPTION_UNACK ? true : null, 'skipDependent' => true, 'sortfield' => $sort_field, 'sortorder' => $sort_order, 'limit' => isset($filter['limit']) ? $filter['limit'] : DEFAULT_LATEST_ISSUES_CNT, 'preservekeys' => true, 'expandComment' => true]));
    $triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerUrls($triggers);
    // don't use withLastEventUnacknowledged and skipDependent because of performance issues
    $triggers_total_count = API::Trigger()->get(array_merge($options, ['countOutput' => true]));
    // get acknowledges
    $hostids = [];
    $eventids = [];
    foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
        foreach ($trigger['hosts'] as $host) {
            $hostids[$host['hostid']] = true;
        if ($trigger['lastEvent']) {
            $eventids[] = $trigger['lastEvent']['eventid'];
    $config = select_config();
    if ($config['event_ack_enable'] && $eventids) {
        $event_acknowledges = API::Event()->get(['output' => ['eventid'], 'eventids' => $eventids, 'select_acknowledges' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    // actions
    $actions = makeEventsActions($eventids);
    // indicator of sort field
    if ($show_sort_indicator) {
        $sort_div = (new CDiv())->addClass($filter['sortorder'] === ZBX_SORT_DOWN ? ZBX_STYLE_ARROW_DOWN : ZBX_STYLE_ARROW_UP);
    $table = (new CTableInfo())->setHeader([$show_sort_indicator && $filter['sortfield'] === 'hostname' ? [_('Host'), $sort_div] : _('Host'), $show_sort_indicator && $filter['sortfield'] === 'priority' ? [_('Issue'), $sort_div] : _('Issue'), $show_sort_indicator && $filter['sortfield'] === 'lastchange' ? [_('Last change'), $sort_div] : _('Last change'), _('Age'), _('Info'), $config['event_ack_enable'] ? _('Ack') : null, _('Actions')]);
    $hostids = array_keys($hostids);
    $scripts = API::Script()->getScriptsByHosts($hostids);
    // get hosts
    $hosts = API::Host()->get(['hostids' => $hostids, 'output' => ['hostid', 'name', 'status', 'maintenance_status', 'maintenance_type', 'maintenanceid'], 'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectScreens' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'preservekeys' => true]);
    $maintenanceids = [];
    foreach ($hosts as $host) {
        if ($host['maintenance_status'] == HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON) {
            $maintenanceids[$host['maintenanceid']] = true;
    if ($maintenanceids) {
        $maintenances = API::Maintenance()->get(['maintenanceids' => array_keys($maintenanceids), 'output' => ['name', 'description'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
    // triggers
    foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
        $host_list = [];
        foreach ($trigger['hosts'] as $trigger_host) {
            $host = $hosts[$trigger_host['hostid']];
            $host_name = (new CSpan($host['name']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_LINK_ACTION)->setMenuPopup(CMenuPopupHelper::getHost($host, $scripts[$host['hostid']]));
            if ($host['maintenance_status'] == HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON) {
                $maintenance_icon = (new CSpan())->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_ICON_MAINT)->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CURSOR_POINTER);
                if (array_key_exists($host['maintenanceid'], $maintenances)) {
                    $maintenance = $maintenances[$host['maintenanceid']];
                    $hint = $maintenance['name'] . ' [' . ($host['maintenance_type'] ? _('Maintenance without data collection') : _('Maintenance with data collection')) . ']';
                    if ($maintenance['description']) {
                        $hint .= "\n" . $maintenance['description'];
                $host_name = (new CSpan([$host_name, $maintenance_icon]))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_REL_CONTAINER);
            $host_list[] = $host_name;
            $host_list[] = ', ';
        // unknown triggers
        $unknown = '';
        if ($trigger['state'] == TRIGGER_STATE_UNKNOWN) {
            $unknown = makeUnknownIcon($trigger['error']);
        // trigger has events
        if ($trigger['lastEvent']) {
            // description
            $description = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveEventDescription(zbx_array_merge($trigger, ['clock' => $trigger['lastEvent']['clock'], 'ns' => $trigger['lastEvent']['ns']]));
        } else {
            // description
            $description = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveEventDescription(zbx_array_merge($trigger, ['clock' => $trigger['lastchange'], 'ns' => '999999999']));
        if ($config['event_ack_enable']) {
            if ($trigger['lastEvent']) {
                $trigger['lastEvent']['acknowledges'] = $event_acknowledges[$trigger['lastEvent']['eventid']]['acknowledges'];
                $ack = getEventAckState($trigger['lastEvent'], $backurl);
            } else {
                $ack = (new CSpan(_('No events')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREY);
        } else {
            $ack = null;
        // description
        if ($trigger['lastEvent'] || $trigger['comments'] !== '' || $trigger['url'] !== '') {
            $description = (new CSpan($description))->setHint(make_popup_eventlist($trigger, $backurl), '', true, 'max-width: 500px')->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_LINK_ACTION);
        $description = (new CCol($description))->addClass(getSeverityStyle($trigger['priority']));
        // clock
        $clock = new CLink(zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $trigger['lastchange']), 'events.php?filter_set=1&triggerid=' . $trigger['triggerid'] . '&period=' . ZBX_PERIOD_DEFAULT . '&stime=' . date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, $trigger['lastchange']));
        // actions
        $action_hint = $trigger['lastEvent'] && isset($actions[$trigger['lastEvent']['eventid']]) ? $actions[$trigger['lastEvent']['eventid']] : SPACE;
        $table->addRow([new CCol($host_list), $description, $clock, zbx_date2age($trigger['lastchange']), $unknown, $ack, (new CCol($action_hint))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)]);
    // initialize blinking
    $info = _n('%1$d of %2$d issue is shown', '%1$d of %2$d issues are shown', count($triggers), $triggers_total_count);
    return [$table, $info];
コード例 #14
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     $output = [];
     $items = API::Item()->get(['output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'name', 'key_', 'value_type', 'valuemapid'], 'selectHosts' => ['name'], 'itemids' => $this->itemids, 'webitems' => true, 'preservekeys' => true]);
     $items = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveItemNames($items);
     $stime = zbxDateToTime($this->timeline['stime']);
     $firstItem = reset($items);
     $iv_string = [ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG => 1, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT => 1];
     $iv_numeric = [ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT => 1, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 => 1];
     if ($this->action == HISTORY_VALUES || $this->action == HISTORY_LATEST) {
         $options = ['history' => $firstItem['value_type'], 'itemids' => $this->itemids, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN];
         if ($this->action == HISTORY_LATEST) {
             $options['limit'] = 500;
         } elseif ($this->action == HISTORY_VALUES) {
             $config = select_config();
             // interval start value is non-inclusive, hence the + 1 second
             $options['time_from'] = $stime + 1;
             $options['time_till'] = $stime + $this->timeline['period'];
             $options['limit'] = $config['search_limit'];
         // text log
         if (isset($iv_string[$firstItem['value_type']])) {
             $isManyItems = count($items) > 1;
             $useLogItem = $firstItem['value_type'] == ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG;
             $useEventLogItem = strpos($firstItem['key_'], 'eventlog[') === 0;
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $historyTable = (new CTableInfo())->setHeader([(new CColHeader(_('Timestamp')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH), $isManyItems ? _('Item') : null, $useLogItem ? (new CColHeader(_('Local time')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH) : null, $useEventLogItem && $useLogItem ? (new CColHeader(_('Source')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH) : null, $useEventLogItem && $useLogItem ? (new CColHeader(_('Severity')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH) : null, $useEventLogItem && $useLogItem ? (new CColHeader(_('Event ID')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH) : null, _('Value')]);
             if ($this->filter !== '' && in_array($this->filterTask, [FILTER_TASK_SHOW, FILTER_TASK_HIDE])) {
                 $options['search'] = ['value' => $this->filter];
                 if ($this->filterTask == FILTER_TASK_HIDE) {
                     $options['excludeSearch'] = 1;
             $options['sortfield'] = 'id';
             $historyData = API::History()->get($options);
             foreach ($historyData as $data) {
                 $data['value'] = rtrim($data['value'], " \t\r\n");
                 if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                     $item = $items[$data['itemid']];
                     $host = reset($item['hosts']);
                     $color = null;
                     if ($this->filter !== '') {
                         $haystack = mb_strtolower($data['value']);
                         $needle = mb_strtolower($this->filter);
                         $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle);
                         if ($pos !== false && $this->filterTask == FILTER_TASK_MARK) {
                             $color = $this->markColor;
                         } elseif ($pos === false && $this->filterTask == FILTER_TASK_INVERT_MARK) {
                             $color = $this->markColor;
                         switch ($color) {
                             case MARK_COLOR_RED:
                                 $color = ZBX_STYLE_RED;
                             case MARK_COLOR_GREEN:
                                 $color = ZBX_STYLE_GREEN;
                             case MARK_COLOR_BLUE:
                                 $color = ZBX_STYLE_BLUE;
                     $row = [];
                     $row[] = (new CCol(zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $data['clock'])))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)->addClass($color);
                     if ($isManyItems) {
                         $row[] = (new CCol($host['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $item['name_expanded']))->addClass($color);
                     if ($useLogItem) {
                         $row[] = $data['timestamp'] != 0 ? (new CCol(zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $data['timestamp'])))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)->addClass($color) : '';
                         // if this is a eventLog item, showing additional info
                         if ($useEventLogItem) {
                             $row[] = (new CCol($data['source']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)->addClass($color);
                             $row[] = $data['severity'] != 0 ? (new CCol(get_item_logtype_description($data['severity'])))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)->addClass(get_item_logtype_style($data['severity'])) : '';
                             $row[] = $data['logeventid'] != 0 ? (new CCol($data['logeventid']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP)->addClass($color) : '';
                     $row[] = (new CCol(new CPre(zbx_nl2br($data['value']))))->addClass($color);
                 } else {
                     $output[] = zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $data['clock']) . ' ' . $data['clock'] . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($data['value']);
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $output[] = $historyTable;
         } else {
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $historyTable = (new CTableInfo())->setHeader([(new CColHeader(_('Timestamp')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH), _('Value')]);
             $options['sortfield'] = ['itemid', 'clock'];
             $historyData = API::History()->get($options);
             foreach ($historyData as $data) {
                 $item = $items[$data['itemid']];
                 $value = rtrim($data['value'], " \t\r\n");
                 // format the value as float
                 if ($item['value_type'] == ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                     sscanf($data['value'], '%f', $value);
                 // html table
                 if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                     if ($item['valuemapid']) {
                         $value = applyValueMap($value, $item['valuemapid']);
                     $historyTable->addRow([(new CCol(zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $data['clock'])))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP), new CPre(zbx_nl2br($value))]);
                 } else {
                     $output[] = zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $data['clock']) . ' ' . $data['clock'] . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($value);
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $output[] = $historyTable;
     // time control
     if (!$this->plaintext && str_in_array($this->action, [HISTORY_VALUES, HISTORY_GRAPH, HISTORY_BATCH_GRAPH])) {
         $graphDims = getGraphDims();
         $this->timeline['starttime'] = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, get_min_itemclock_by_itemid($firstItem['itemid']));
         $this->dataId = 'historyGraph';
         $timeControlData = ['periodFixed' => CProfile::get('web.history.timelinefixed', 1), 'sliderMaximumTimePeriod' => ZBX_MAX_PERIOD];
         if (($this->action == HISTORY_GRAPH || $this->action == HISTORY_BATCH_GRAPH) && !isset($iv_string[$firstItem['value_type']])) {
             $containerId = 'graph_cont1';
             $output[] = (new CDiv())->addClass('center')->setId($containerId);
             $timeControlData['id'] = $this->getDataId();
             $timeControlData['containerid'] = $containerId;
             $timeControlData['src'] = $this->getGraphUrl($this->itemids);
             $timeControlData['objDims'] = $graphDims;
             $timeControlData['loadSBox'] = 1;
             $timeControlData['loadImage'] = 1;
             $timeControlData['dynamic'] = 1;
         } else {
             $timeControlData['id'] = $this->getDataId();
             $timeControlData['mainObject'] = 1;
         if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_JS) {
             $timeControlData['dynamic'] = 0;
             return 'timeControl.addObject("' . $this->getDataId() . '", ' . CJs::encodeJson($this->timeline) . ', ' . CJs::encodeJson($timeControlData) . ');';
         } else {
             zbx_add_post_js('timeControl.addObject("' . $this->getDataId() . '", ' . CJs::encodeJson($this->timeline) . ', ' . CJs::encodeJson($timeControlData) . ');');
     if (!empty($this->plaintext)) {
         return $output;
     } else {
         if ($this->mode != SCREEN_MODE_JS) {
             $flickerfreeData = ['itemids' => $this->itemids, 'action' => $this->action == HISTORY_BATCH_GRAPH ? HISTORY_GRAPH : $this->action, 'filter' => $this->filter, 'filterTask' => $this->filterTask, 'markColor' => $this->markColor];
             return $this->getOutput($output, true, $flickerfreeData);
コード例 #15
ファイル: profiles.inc.php プロジェクト: hujingguang/work
function update_config($configs)
    $update = array();
    if (isset($configs['work_period'])) {
        $timePeriodValidator = new CTimePeriodValidator();
        if (!$timePeriodValidator->validate($configs['work_period'])) {
            error(_('Incorrect working time.'));
            return false;
    if (isset($configs['alert_usrgrpid'])) {
        if ($configs['alert_usrgrpid'] != 0 && !DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT u.usrgrpid FROM usrgrp u WHERE u.usrgrpid=' . zbx_dbstr($configs['alert_usrgrpid'])))) {
            error(_('Incorrect user group.'));
            return false;
    if (isset($configs['discovery_groupid'])) {
        $groupid = API::HostGroup()->get(array('groupids' => $configs['discovery_groupid'], 'output' => array('groupid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
        if (empty($groupid)) {
            error(_('Incorrect host group.'));
            return false;
    // checking color values to be correct hexadecimal numbers
    $colors = array('severity_color_0', 'severity_color_1', 'severity_color_2', 'severity_color_3', 'severity_color_4', 'severity_color_5', 'problem_unack_color', 'problem_ack_color', 'ok_unack_color', 'ok_ack_color');
    $colorvalidator = new CColorValidator();
    foreach ($colors as $color) {
        if (isset($configs[$color]) && !is_null($configs[$color])) {
            if (!$colorvalidator->validate($configs[$color])) {
                return false;
    if (isset($configs['ok_period']) && !is_null($configs['ok_period']) && !ctype_digit($configs['ok_period'])) {
        error(_('"Display OK triggers" needs to be "0" or a positive integer.'));
        return false;
    if (isset($configs['blink_period']) && !is_null($configs['blink_period']) && !ctype_digit($configs['blink_period'])) {
        error(_('"Triggers blink on status change" needs to be "0" or a positive integer.'));
        return false;
    $currentConfig = select_config();
    // check duplicate severity names and if name is empty.
    $names = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < TRIGGER_SEVERITY_COUNT; $i++) {
        $varName = 'severity_name_' . $i;
        if (!isset($configs[$varName]) || is_null($configs[$varName])) {
            $configs[$varName] = $currentConfig[$varName];
        if ($configs[$varName] == '') {
            error(_('Severity name cannot be empty.'));
            return false;
        if (isset($names[$configs[$varName]])) {
            error(_s('Duplicate severity name "%s".', $configs[$varName]));
            return false;
        } else {
            $names[$configs[$varName]] = 1;
    foreach ($configs as $key => $value) {
        if (!is_null($value)) {
            if ($key == 'alert_usrgrpid') {
                $update[] = $key . '=' . ($value == '0' ? 'NULL' : $value);
            } else {
                $update[] = $key . '=' . zbx_dbstr($value);
    if (count($update) == 0) {
        error(_('Nothing to do.'));
        return null;
    return DBexecute('UPDATE config' . ' SET ' . implode(',', $update) . whereDbNode('configid', false));
コード例 #16
 public function __construct($options = array())
     global $ZBX_WITH_ALL_NODES;
     options = array(
     	'config' => {'DDFirst': [ allow_all, deny_all], select_latest: [true,false], 'individual': [true,false]},
     	'groups' => [apiget filters],
     	'hosts' => [apiget filters],
     	'graphs' => [apiget filters],
     	'groupid' => groupid,
     	'hostid' => hostid,
     	'graphid' => graphid,
     	'triggerid' => triggerid
     $this->config['all_nodes'] = $ZBX_WITH_ALL_NODES;
     $this->config['select_latest'] = isset($options['config']['select_latest']);
     $config = select_config();
     // Individual remember selections per page (not for menu)
     $this->config['individual'] = false;
     if (isset($options['config']['individual']) && !is_null($options['config']['individual'])) {
         $this->config['individual'] = true;
     // DropDown
     $this->config['DDRemember'] = $config['dropdown_first_remember'];
     if (isset($options['config']['allow_all'])) {
         $this->config['DDFirst'] = ZBX_DROPDOWN_FIRST_ALL;
     } else {
         if (isset($options['config']['deny_all'])) {
             $this->config['DDFirst'] = ZBX_DROPDOWN_FIRST_NONE;
         } else {
             $this->config['DDFirst'] = $config['dropdown_first_entry'];
     // profiles
     if (!isset($options['groupid'], $options['hostid'])) {
         if (isset($options['graphid'])) {
         } else {
             if (isset($options['triggerid'])) {
     if (!isset($options['groupid'])) {
         if (isset($options['hostid'])) {
     // groups
     if (isset($options['groups'])) {
         if (!isset($options['groupid']) && isset($options['hostid'])) {
             $options['groupid'] = 0;
         $this->_initGroups($options['groupid'], $options['groups']);
     // hosts
     if (isset($options['hosts'])) {
         $this->_initHosts($options['hostid'], $options['hosts']);
     // graphs
     if (isset($options['graphs'])) {
         $this->_initGraphs($options['graphid'], $options['graphs']);
     // triggers
     if (isset($options['triggers'])) {
         $this->_initTriggers($options['triggerid'], $options['triggers']);
コード例 #17
ファイル: forms.inc.php プロジェクト: omidmt/zabbix-greenplum
function getTriggerMassupdateFormData()
    $data = array('visible' => getRequest('visible', array()), 'priority' => getRequest('priority', ''), 'dependencies' => getRequest('dependencies', array()), 'massupdate' => getRequest('massupdate', 1), 'parent_discoveryid' => getRequest('parent_discoveryid'), 'g_triggerid' => getRequest('g_triggerid', array()), 'priority' => getRequest('priority', 0), 'config' => select_config(), 'hostid' => getRequest('hostid', 0));
    // get dependencies
    $data['dependencies'] = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => $data['dependencies'], 'output' => array('triggerid', 'flags', 'description'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'name')));
    foreach ($data['dependencies'] as &$dependency) {
        if (count($dependency['hosts']) > 1) {
            order_result($dependency['hosts'], 'name', ZBX_SORT_UP);
        $dependency['hosts'] = array_values($dependency['hosts']);
        $dependency['hostid'] = $dependency['hosts'][0]['hostid'];
    order_result($data['dependencies'], 'description');
    return $data;
コード例 #18
ファイル: CScreenHistory.php プロジェクト: itnihao/zatree-2.2
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     $output = array();
     $stime = zbxDateToTime($this->timeline['stime']);
     $iv_string = array(ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG => 1, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT => 1);
     $iv_numeric = array(ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT => 1, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 => 1);
     if ($this->action == 'showvalues' || $this->action == 'showlatest') {
         $options = array('history' => $this->item['value_type'], 'itemids' => array_keys($this->items), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN);
         if ($this->action == 'showlatest') {
             $options['limit'] = 500;
         } elseif ($this->action == 'showvalues') {
             $config = select_config();
             $options['time_from'] = $stime - 10;
             // some seconds to allow script to execute
             $options['time_till'] = $stime + $this->timeline['period'];
             $options['limit'] = $config['search_limit'];
         // text log
         if (isset($iv_string[$this->item['value_type']])) {
             $isManyItems = count($this->items) > 1;
             $useLogItem = $this->item['value_type'] == ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG;
             $useEventLogItem = strpos($this->item['key_'], 'eventlog[') === 0;
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $historyTable = new CTableInfo(_('No values found.'));
                 $historyTable->setHeader(array(_('Timestamp'), $isManyItems ? _('Item') : null, $useLogItem ? _('Local time') : null, $useEventLogItem && $useLogItem ? _('Source') : null, $useEventLogItem && $useLogItem ? _('Severity') : null, $useEventLogItem && $useLogItem ? _('Event ID') : null, _('Value')), 'header');
             if (!zbx_empty($this->filter) && in_array($this->filterTask, array(FILTER_TASK_SHOW, FILTER_TASK_HIDE))) {
                 $options['search'] = array('value' => $this->filter);
                 if ($this->filterTask == FILTER_TASK_HIDE) {
                     $options['excludeSearch'] = 1;
             $options['sortfield'] = 'id';
             $historyData = API::History()->get($options);
             foreach ($historyData as $data) {
                 $data['value'] = encode_log(trim($data['value'], "\r\n"));
                 if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                     $item = $this->items[$data['itemid']];
                     $host = reset($item['hosts']);
                     $color = null;
                     if (isset($this->filter) && !zbx_empty($this->filter)) {
                         $contain = zbx_stristr($data['value'], $this->filter);
                         if ($contain && $this->filterTask == FILTER_TASK_MARK) {
                             $color = $this->markColor;
                         if (!$contain && $this->filterTask == FILTER_TASK_INVERT_MARK) {
                             $color = $this->markColor;
                         switch ($color) {
                             case MARK_COLOR_RED:
                                 $color = 'red';
                             case MARK_COLOR_GREEN:
                                 $color = 'green';
                             case MARK_COLOR_BLUE:
                                 $color = 'blue';
                     $row = array(nbsp(zbx_date2str(_('Y.M.d H:i:s'), $data['clock'])));
                     if ($isManyItems) {
                         $row[] = $host['name'] . NAME_DELIMITER . $item['name_expanded'];
                     if ($useLogItem) {
                         $row[] = $data['timestamp'] == 0 ? '-' : zbx_date2str(HISTORY_LOG_LOCALTIME_DATE_FORMAT, $data['timestamp']);
                         // if this is a eventLog item, showing additional info
                         if ($useEventLogItem) {
                             $row[] = zbx_empty($data['source']) ? '-' : $data['source'];
                             $row[] = $data['severity'] == 0 ? '-' : new CCol(get_item_logtype_description($data['severity']), get_item_logtype_style($data['severity']));
                             $row[] = $data['logeventid'] == 0 ? '-' : $data['logeventid'];
                     $row[] = new CCol($data['value'], 'pre');
                     $newRow = new CRow($row);
                     if (!is_null($color)) {
                         $newRow->setAttribute('class', $color);
                 } else {
                     $output[] = zbx_date2str(HISTORY_LOG_ITEM_PLAINTEXT, $data['clock']);
                     $output[] = "\t" . $data['clock'] . "\t" . htmlspecialchars($data['value']) . "\n";
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $output[] = $historyTable;
         } else {
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $historyTable = new CTableInfo(_('No values found.'));
                 $historyTable->setHeader(array(_('Timestamp'), _('Value')));
             $options['sortfield'] = array('itemid', 'clock');
             $historyData = API::History()->get($options);
             foreach ($historyData as $data) {
                 $item = $this->items[$data['itemid']];
                 $value = $data['value'];
                 // format the value as float
                 if ($item['value_type'] == ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                     sscanf($data['value'], '%f', $value);
                 // html table
                 if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                     if ($item['valuemapid']) {
                         $value = applyValueMap($value, $item['valuemapid']);
                     $historyTable->addRow(array(zbx_date2str(HISTORY_ITEM_DATE_FORMAT, $data['clock']), zbx_nl2br($value)));
                 } else {
                     $output[] = zbx_date2str(HISTORY_PLAINTEXT_DATE_FORMAT, $data['clock']);
                     $output[] = "\t" . $data['clock'] . "\t" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\n";
             if (empty($this->plaintext)) {
                 $output[] = $historyTable;
     if ($this->action == 'showgraph' && !isset($iv_string[$this->item['value_type']])) {
         $this->dataId = 'historyGraph';
         $containerId = 'graph_cont1';
         $src = 'chart.php?itemid=' . $this->item['itemid'] . '&period=' . $this->timeline['period'] . '&stime=' . $this->timeline['stime'] . $this->getProfileUrlParams();
         $output[] = new CDiv(null, 'center', $containerId);
     // time control
     if (!$this->plaintext && str_in_array($this->action, array('showvalues', 'showgraph'))) {
         $graphDims = getGraphDims();
         $this->timeline['starttime'] = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, get_min_itemclock_by_itemid($this->item['itemid']));
         $timeControlData = array('periodFixed' => CProfile::get('web.history.timelinefixed', 1), 'sliderMaximumTimePeriod' => ZBX_MAX_PERIOD);
         if (!empty($this->dataId)) {
             $timeControlData['id'] = $this->getDataId();
             $timeControlData['containerid'] = $containerId;
             $timeControlData['src'] = $src;
             $timeControlData['objDims'] = $graphDims;
             $timeControlData['loadSBox'] = 1;
             $timeControlData['loadImage'] = 1;
             $timeControlData['dynamic'] = 1;
         } else {
             $this->dataId = 'historyGraph';
             $timeControlData['id'] = $this->getDataId();
             $timeControlData['mainObject'] = 1;
         if ($this->mode == SCREEN_MODE_JS) {
             $timeControlData['dynamic'] = 0;
             return 'timeControl.addObject("' . $this->getDataId() . '", ' . zbx_jsvalue($this->timeline) . ', ' . zbx_jsvalue($timeControlData) . ');';
         } else {
             zbx_add_post_js('timeControl.addObject("' . $this->getDataId() . '", ' . zbx_jsvalue($this->timeline) . ', ' . zbx_jsvalue($timeControlData) . ');');
     if (!empty($this->plaintext)) {
         return $output;
     } else {
         if ($this->mode != SCREEN_MODE_JS) {
             $flickerfreeData = array('itemids' => $this->itemids, 'action' => $this->action, 'filter' => $this->filter, 'filterTask' => $this->filterTask, 'markColor' => $this->markColor);
             return $this->getOutput($output, true, $flickerfreeData);
コード例 #19
ファイル: queue.php プロジェクト: jbfavre/debian-zabbix
$config = getRequest('config', CProfile::get('web.queue.config', 0));
CProfile::update('web.queue.config', $config, PROFILE_TYPE_INT);
// fetch data
$queueData = $zabbixServer->getQueue($queueRequests[$config], get_cookie('zbx_sessionid'));
// check for errors error
if ($zabbixServer->getError()) {
    show_error_message(_('Cannot display item queue.'));
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';
$widget = (new CWidget())->setTitle(_('Queue of items to be updated'))->setControls((new CForm('get'))->cleanItems()->addItem((new CList())->addItem((new CComboBox('config', $config, 'submit();'))->addItem(QUEUE_OVERVIEW, _('Overview'))->addItem(QUEUE_OVERVIEW_BY_PROXY, _('Overview by proxy'))->addItem(QUEUE_DETAILS, _('Details')))));
$table = new CTableInfo();
$severityConfig = select_config();
// overview
if ($config == QUEUE_OVERVIEW) {
    $table->setHeader([_('Items'), _('5 seconds'), _('10 seconds'), _('30 seconds'), _('1 minute'), _('5 minutes'), _('More than 10 minutes')]);
    $queueData = zbx_toHash($queueData, 'itemtype');
    foreach ($itemTypes as $type) {
        if (isset($queueData[$type])) {
            $itemTypeData = $queueData[$type];
        } else {
            $itemTypeData = ['delay5' => 0, 'delay10' => 0, 'delay30' => 0, 'delay60' => 0, 'delay300' => 0, 'delay600' => 0];
        $table->addRow([item_type2str($type), getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED, $severityConfig, $itemTypeData['delay5'], !$itemTypeData['delay5']), getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, $severityConfig, $itemTypeData['delay10'], !$itemTypeData['delay10']), getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING, $severityConfig, $itemTypeData['delay30'], !$itemTypeData['delay30']), getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE, $severityConfig, $itemTypeData['delay60'], !$itemTypeData['delay60']), getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH, $severityConfig, $itemTypeData['delay300'], !$itemTypeData['delay300']), getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER, $severityConfig, $itemTypeData['delay600'], !$itemTypeData['delay600'])]);
} elseif ($config == QUEUE_OVERVIEW_BY_PROXY) {
    $proxies = API::proxy()->get(['output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
コード例 #20
ファイル: events.inc.php プロジェクト: SandipSingh14/Zabbix_
 * Create element with event acknowledges info.
 * If $event has subarray 'acknowledges', returned link will have hint with acknowledges.
 * @param array			$event   event data
 * @param int			$event['acknowledged']
 * @param int			$event['eventid']
 * @param int			$event['objectid']
 * @param array			$event['acknowledges']
 * @param bool|string	$backUrl if true, add backurl param to link with current page file name
 * @param bool			$isLink  if true, return link otherwise span
 * @param array			$params  additional params for link
 * @return array|CLink|CSpan|null|string
function getEventAckState($event, $backUrl = false, $isLink = true, $params = array())
    $config = select_config();
    if (!$config['event_ack_enable']) {
        return null;
    if ($isLink) {
        if (!empty($backUrl)) {
            if (is_bool($backUrl)) {
                global $page;
                $backurl = '&backurl=' . $page['file'];
            } else {
                $backurl = '&backurl=' . $backUrl;
        } else {
            $backurl = '';
        $additionalParams = '';
        foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
            $additionalParams .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;
        if ($event['acknowledged'] == 0) {
            $ack = new CLink(_('No'), 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $event['eventid'] . '&triggerid=' . $event['objectid'] . $backurl . $additionalParams, 'disabled');
        } else {
            $ackLink = new CLink(_('Yes'), 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $event['eventid'] . '&triggerid=' . $event['objectid'] . $backurl . $additionalParams, 'enabled');
            if (is_array($event['acknowledges'])) {
                $ackLinkHints = makeAckTab($event);
                if (!empty($ackLinkHints)) {
                    $ackLink->setHint($ackLinkHints, '', '', false);
                $ack = array($ackLink, ' (' . count($event['acknowledges']) . ')');
            } else {
                $ack = array($ackLink, ' (' . $event['acknowledges'] . ')');
    } else {
        if ($event['acknowledged'] == 0) {
            $ack = new CSpan(_('No'), 'on');
        } else {
            $ack = array(new CSpan(_('Yes'), 'off'), ' (' . (is_array($event['acknowledges']) ? count($event['acknowledges']) : $event['acknowledges']) . ')');
    return $ack;
コード例 #21
function get_triggers_unacknowledged($db_element, $count_problems = null, $ack = false)
    $elements = array('hosts' => array(), 'hosts_groups' => array(), 'triggers' => array());
    get_map_elements($db_element, $elements);
    if (empty($elements['hosts_groups']) && empty($elements['hosts']) && empty($elements['triggers'])) {
        return 0;
    $config = select_config();
    $options = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(), 'monitored' => true, 'countOutput' => true, 'filter' => array(), 'limit' => $config['search_limit'] + 1);
    if ($ack) {
        $options['withAcknowledgedEvents'] = 1;
    } else {
        $options['withUnacknowledgedEvents'] = 1;
    if ($count_problems) {
        $options['filter']['value'] = TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE;
    if (!empty($elements['hosts_groups'])) {
        $options['groupids'] = array_unique($elements['hosts_groups']);
    if (!empty($elements['hosts'])) {
        $options['hostids'] = array_unique($elements['hosts']);
    if (!empty($elements['triggers'])) {
        $options['triggerids'] = array_unique($elements['triggers']);
    return API::Trigger()->get($options);
コード例 #22
ファイル: CUserGroup.php プロジェクト: SandipSingh14/Zabbix_
  * Delete UserGroups.
  * @param array $usrgrpids
  * @return boolean
 public function delete($usrgrpids)
     $usrgrpids = zbx_toArray($usrgrpids);
     $dbUsrgrps = $this->get(array('output' => array('usrgrpid', 'name'), 'usrgrpids' => $usrgrpids, 'preservekeys' => true));
     if (empty($usrgrpids)) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Empty input parameter.'));
     if (USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN != self::$userData['type']) {
         // GETTEXT: API exception
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('Only Super Admins can delete user groups.'));
     // check, if this user group is used in one of the scripts. If so, it cannot be deleted
     $dbScripts = API::Script()->get(array('output' => array('scriptid', 'name', 'usrgrpid'), 'usrgrpids' => $usrgrpids, 'nopermissions' => true));
     if (!empty($dbScripts)) {
         foreach ($dbScripts as $snum => $script) {
             if ($script['usrgrpid'] == 0) {
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User group "%1$s" is used in script "%2$s".', $dbUsrgrps[$script['usrgrpid']]['name'], $script['name']));
     // check, if this user group is used in the config. If so, it cannot be deleted
     $config = select_config();
     if (isset($dbUsrgrps[$config['alert_usrgrpid']])) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User group [%s] is used in configuration for database down messages.', $dbUsrgrps[$config['alert_usrgrpid']]['name']));
     // delete action operation msg
     $operationids = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT om.operationid' . ' FROM opmessage_grp om' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('om.usrgrpid', $usrgrpids);
     $dbOperations = DBselect($sql);
     while ($dbOperation = DBfetch($dbOperations)) {
         $operationids[$dbOperation['operationid']] = $dbOperation['operationid'];
     DB::delete('opmessage_grp', array('usrgrpid' => $usrgrpids));
     // delete empty operations
     $delOperationids = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT o.operationid' . ' FROM operations o' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('o.operationid', $operationids) . ' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT om.opmessage_grpid FROM opmessage_grp om WHERE om.operationid=o.operationid)';
     $dbOperations = DBselect($sql);
     while ($dbOperation = DBfetch($dbOperations)) {
         $delOperationids[$dbOperation['operationid']] = $dbOperation['operationid'];
     DB::delete('operations', array('operationid' => $delOperationids));
     DB::delete('rights', array('groupid' => $usrgrpids));
     DB::delete('users_groups', array('usrgrpid' => $usrgrpids));
     DB::delete('usrgrp', array('usrgrpid' => $usrgrpids));
     return array('usrgrpids' => $usrgrpids);
コード例 #23
function validate_group(&$PAGE_GROUPS, &$PAGE_HOSTS, $reset_host = true)
    global $page;
    $config = select_config();
    $dd_first_entry = $config['dropdown_first_entry'];
    $group_var = 'web.latest.groupid';
    $host_var = 'web.latest.hostid';
    $_REQUEST['groupid'] = get_request('groupid', CProfile::get($group_var, -1));
    if ($_REQUEST['groupid'] < 0) {
        $PAGE_GROUPS['selected'] = $_REQUEST['groupid'] = 0;
        $PAGE_HOSTS['selected'] = $_REQUEST['hostid'] = 0;
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['hostid']) || $reset_host) {
        $PAGE_HOSTS['selected'] = $_REQUEST['hostid'] = 0;
    if ($PAGE_GROUPS['selected'] == 0 && $dd_first_entry == ZBX_DROPDOWN_FIRST_NONE) {
        $PAGE_GROUPS['groupids'] = array();
    $PAGE_GROUPS['selected'] = $_REQUEST['groupid'];
    if ($PAGE_GROUPS['original'] > -1) {
        CProfile::update('web.' . $page['menu'] . '.groupid', $_REQUEST['groupid'], PROFILE_TYPE_ID);
    if ($PAGE_HOSTS['original'] > -1) {
        CProfile::update('web.' . $page['menu'] . '.hostid', $_REQUEST['hostid'], PROFILE_TYPE_ID);
    CProfile::update($group_var, $_REQUEST['groupid'], PROFILE_TYPE_ID);
    CProfile::update($host_var, $_REQUEST['hostid'], PROFILE_TYPE_ID);
コード例 #24
ファイル: CTrigger.php プロジェクト: jbfavre/debian-zabbix
  * Get Triggers data.
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['triggerids']
  * @param array $options['applicationids']
  * @param array $options['status']
  * @param array $options['editable']
  * @param array $options['count']
  * @param array $options['pattern']
  * @param array $options['limit']
  * @param array $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get(array $options = [])
     $result = [];
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = ['select' => ['triggers' => 't.triggerid'], 'from' => ['t' => 'triggers t'], 'where' => [], 'group' => [], 'order' => [], 'limit' => null];
     $defOptions = ['groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'functions' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'templated' => null, 'monitored' => null, 'active' => null, 'maintenance' => null, 'withUnacknowledgedEvents' => null, 'withAcknowledgedEvents' => null, 'withLastEventUnacknowledged' => null, 'skipDependent' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'editable' => null, 'lastChangeSince' => null, 'lastChangeTill' => null, 'group' => null, 'host' => null, 'only_true' => null, 'min_severity' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'expandDescription' => null, 'expandComment' => null, 'expandExpression' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectFunctions' => null, 'selectDependencies' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'selectLastEvent' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null];
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid ' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY i.hostid' . ' HAVING MAX(permission)<' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ' OR MIN(permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ')';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['groupid'] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['triggerid'] = dbConditionInt('t.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where']['itemid'] = dbConditionInt('f.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['f'] = 'f.itemid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items_applications'] = 'items_applications ia';
         $sqlParts['where']['a'] = dbConditionInt('ia.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fia'] = 'f.itemid=ia.itemid';
     // functions
     if (!is_null($options['functions'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('f.function', $options['functions']);
     // monitored
     if (!is_null($options['monitored'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['monitored'] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND (' . 'i.status<>' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' OR h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ')' . ')';
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // active
     if (!is_null($options['active'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['active'] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ')';
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // maintenance
     if (!is_null($options['maintenance'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ($options['maintenance'] == 0 ? 'NOT ' : '') . 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.maintenance_status=' . HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON . ')';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // lastChangeSince
     if (!is_null($options['lastChangeSince'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['lastchangesince'] = 't.lastchange>' . zbx_dbstr($options['lastChangeSince']);
     // lastChangeTill
     if (!is_null($options['lastChangeTill'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['lastchangetill'] = 't.lastchange<' . zbx_dbstr($options['lastChangeTill']);
     // withUnacknowledgedEvents
     if (!is_null($options['withUnacknowledgedEvents'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['unack'] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM events e' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=e.objectid' . ' AND e.source=' . EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS . ' AND e.object=' . EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER . ' AND e.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ' AND e.acknowledged=' . EVENT_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED . ')';
     // withAcknowledgedEvents
     if (!is_null($options['withAcknowledgedEvents'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['ack'] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM events e' . ' WHERE e.objectid=t.triggerid' . ' AND e.source=' . EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS . ' AND e.object=' . EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER . ' AND e.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ' AND e.acknowledged=' . EVENT_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED . ')';
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.templateid IS NULL';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('triggers t', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_null($options['filter'])) {
         $options['filter'] = [];
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         if (!array_key_exists('flags', $options['filter'])) {
             $options['filter']['flags'] = [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED];
         $this->dbFilter('triggers t', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host']) && !is_null($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['host'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host']);
         if (isset($options['filter']['hostid']) && !is_null($options['filter']['hostid'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
             $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['filter']['hostid']);
     // group
     if (!is_null($options['group'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['groups'] = 'groups g';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ghg'] = 'g.groupid = hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where']['group'] = ' g.name=' . zbx_dbstr($options['group']);
     // host
     if (!is_null($options['host'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['host'] = ' h.host=' . zbx_dbstr($options['host']);
     // only_true
     if (!is_null($options['only_true'])) {
         $config = select_config();
         $sqlParts['where']['ot'] = '((t.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ')' . ' OR ' . '((t.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE . ') AND (t.lastchange>' . (time() - $config['ok_period']) . ')))';
     // min_severity
     if (!is_null($options['min_severity'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.priority>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['min_severity']);
     // limit
     if (!zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) || !$options['limit']) {
         $options['limit'] = null;
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     // return count or grouped counts via direct SQL count
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput']) && !$this->requiresPostSqlFiltering($options)) {
         $dbRes = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $options['limit']);
         while ($trigger = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $trigger;
             } else {
                 $result = $trigger['rowscount'];
         return $result;
     $result = zbx_toHash($this->customFetch($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $options), 'triggerid');
     // return count for post SQL filtered result sets
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return count($result);
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // expandDescription
     if (!is_null($options['expandDescription']) && $result && array_key_exists('description', reset($result))) {
         $result = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerNames($result);
     // expandComment
     if (!is_null($options['expandComment']) && $result && array_key_exists('comments', reset($result))) {
         $result = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerDescriptions($result);
     // expand expression
     if ($options['expandExpression'] !== null && $result && array_key_exists('expression', reset($result))) {
         $result = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($result, ['resolve_usermacros' => true, 'resolve_macros' => true]);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, ['state', 'expression'], $options['output']);
     return $result;
コード例 #25
ファイル: blocks.inc.php プロジェクト: phedders/zabbix
function make_latest_issues($params = array())
    global $USER_DETAILS;
    $available_hosts = get_accessible_hosts_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY);
    $available_triggers = get_accessible_triggers(PERM_READ_ONLY, array());
    $scripts_by_hosts = get_accessible_scripts_by_hosts($available_hosts);
    $config = select_config();
    $sql_select = '';
    $sql_from = '';
    $sql_where = '';
    $limit = 20;
    if (!empty($params)) {
        if (isset($params['limit'])) {
            $limit = $params['limit'];
        if (isset($params['groupid']) && $params['groupid'] > 0) {
            $sql_select .= ',g.name ';
            $sql_from .= ',groups g ';
            $sql_where .= ' AND g.groupid=hg.groupid ' . ' AND hg.groupid=' . $params['groupid'];
        if (isset($params['hostid']) && $params['hostid'] > 0) {
            $sql_where .= ' AND h.hostid=' . $params['hostid'];
    $table = new CTableInfo();
    $table->setHeader(array(is_show_all_nodes() ? S_NODE : null, isset($params['groupid']) && $params['groupid'] > 0 ? S_GROUP : null, S_HOST, S_ISSUE, S_LAST_CHANGE, S_AGE, $config['event_ack_enable'] ? S_ACK : NULL, S_ACTIONS));
    $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,t.status,t.description,t.expression,t.priority,t.lastchange,t.value,h.host,h.hostid ' . $sql_select . ' FROM triggers t,hosts h,items i,functions f,hosts_groups hg ' . $sql_from . ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid ' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid ' . ' AND hg.hostid=h.hostid ' . ' AND t.triggerid=f.triggerid ' . ' AND t.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND ' . DBcondition('t.triggerid', $available_triggers) . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND t.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . $sql_where . ' ORDER BY t.lastchange DESC';
    $result = DBselect($sql, $limit);
    while ($row = DBfetch($result)) {
        // Check for dependencies
        if (trigger_dependent($row["triggerid"])) {
        $host = null;
        $menus = '';
        $host_nodeid = id2nodeid($row['hostid']);
        foreach ($scripts_by_hosts[$row['hostid']] as $id => $script) {
            $script_nodeid = id2nodeid($script['scriptid']);
            if (bccomp($host_nodeid, $script_nodeid) == 0) {
                $menus .= "['" . $script['name'] . "',\"javascript: openWinCentered('scripts_exec.php?execute=1&hostid=" . $row['hostid'] . "&scriptid=" . $script['scriptid'] . "','" . S_TOOLS . "',760,540,'titlebar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, dialog=no');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
        $menus .= "[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_LINKS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}],";
        $menus .= "['" . S_LATEST_DATA . "',\"javascript: redirect('latest.php?groupid=0&hostid=" . $row['hostid'] . "')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
        $menus = rtrim($menus, ',');
        $menus = "show_popup_menu(event,[[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_TOOLS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}]," . $menus . "],180);";
        $host = new CSpan($row['host'], 'link');
        $host->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: ' . $menus);
        $host->setAttribute('onmouseover', "javascript: this.style.cursor = 'pointer';");
        $event_sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT e.eventid, e.value, e.clock, e.objectid as triggerid, e.acknowledged, t.type, t.url ' . ' FROM events e, triggers t ' . ' WHERE e.object=' . EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS . ' AND e.objectid=' . $row['triggerid'] . ' AND t.triggerid=e.objectid ' . ' AND e.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ' ORDER by e.object DESC, e.objectid DESC, e.eventid DESC';
        $res_events = DBSelect($event_sql, 1);
        while ($row_event = DBfetch($res_events)) {
            $ack = NULL;
            if ($config['event_ack_enable']) {
                if ($row_event['acknowledged'] == 1) {
                    $ack_info = make_acktab_by_eventid($row_event['eventid']);
                    $ack_info->setAttribute('style', 'width: auto;');
                    $ack = new CLink(S_YES, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'], 'action');
                } else {
                    $ack = new CLink(S_NO, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $row_event['eventid'], 'on');
            //			$description = expand_trigger_description($row['triggerid']);
            $description = expand_trigger_description_by_data(array_merge($row, array('clock' => $row_event['clock'])), ZBX_FLAG_EVENT);
            $actions = get_event_actions_stat_hints($row_event['eventid']);
            $clock = new CLink(zbx_date2str(S_DATE_FORMAT_YMDHMS, $row_event['clock']), 'events.php?triggerid=' . $row['triggerid'] . '&source=0&show_unknown=1&nav_time=' . $row_event['clock'], 'action');
            if ($row_event['url']) {
                $description = new CLink($description, $row_event['url'], 'action', null, true);
            } else {
                $description = new CSpan($description, 'pointer');
            $description = new CCol($description, get_severity_style($row["priority"]));
            $description->setHint(make_popup_eventlist($row_event['eventid'], $row['type']));
            $table->addRow(array(get_node_name_by_elid($row['triggerid']), $host, $description, $clock, zbx_date2age($row_event['clock']), $ack, $actions));
        unset($row, $description, $actions, $alerts, $hint);
    $table->setFooter(new CCol(S_UPDATED . ': ' . date("H:i:s", time())));
    return $table;
コード例 #26
if ($this->data['is_discovery_rule']) {
    $itemFormList->addRow(_('Keep lost resources period (in days)'), new CTextBox('lifetime', $this->data['lifetime'], ZBX_TEXTBOX_SMALL_SIZE, false, 64));
    // append filter to formlist
    if (!empty($this->data['filter'])) {
        // exploding filter to two parts: before first ':' and after
        $pos = zbx_strpos($this->data['filter'], ':');
        $filter_macro = zbx_substr($this->data['filter'], 0, $pos);
        $filter_value = zbx_substr($this->data['filter'], $pos + 1);
    } else {
        $filter_macro = '';
        $filter_value = '';
    $itemFormList->addRow(_('Filter'), array(_('Macro'), SPACE, new CTextBox('filter_macro', $filter_macro, 13), SPACE, _('Regexp'), SPACE, new CTextBox('filter_value', $filter_value, 20)));
    $itemFormList->addRow(_('Allowed hosts'), new CTextBox('trapper_hosts', $this->data['trapper_hosts'], ZBX_TEXTBOX_STANDARD_SIZE), false, 'row_trapper_hosts');
} else {
    $dataConfig = select_config();
    $keepHistory = array();
    $keepHistory[] = new CNumericBox('history', $this->data['history'], 8);
    if ($dataConfig['hk_history_global'] && !$data['parent_discoveryid'] && !$data['is_template']) {
        $keepHistory[] = SPACE;
        if (CWebUser::getType() == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
            $keepHistory[] = new CSpan(_x('Overridden by', 'item_form'));
            $keepHistory[] = SPACE;
            $link = new CLink(_x('global housekeeping settings', 'item_form'), 'adm.housekeeper.php');
            $link->setAttribute('target', '_blank');
            $keepHistory[] = $link;
            $keepHistory[] = SPACE;
            $keepHistory[] = new CSpan('(' . _n('%1$s day', '%1$s days', $dataConfig['hk_history']) . ')');
        } else {
            $keepHistory[] = new CSpan(_('Overriden by global housekeeping settings') . '(' . _n('%1$s day', '%1$s days', $dataConfig['hk_history']) . ')');
コード例 #27
ファイル: maps.inc.php プロジェクト: TonywalkerCN/Zabbix
function drawMapHighligts(&$im, $map, $mapInfo)
    $selements = $map['selements'];
    foreach ($selements as $selementId => $selement) {
        if (isset($selement['elementsubtype']) && $selement['elementsubtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_SUBTYPE_HOST_GROUP_ELEMENTS) {
        $elementInfo = $mapInfo[$selementId];
        $img = get_png_by_selement($elementInfo);
        $iconX = imagesx($img);
        $iconY = imagesy($img);
        if ($map['highlight'] % 2 == SYSMAP_HIGHLIGHT_ON) {
            $hl_color = null;
            $st_color = null;
            if ($elementInfo['icon_type'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_ICON_ON) {
                $hl_color = hex2rgb(getSeverityColor($elementInfo['priority']));
            if ($elementInfo['icon_type'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_ICON_MAINTENANCE) {
                $st_color = hex2rgb('FF9933');
            if ($elementInfo['icon_type'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_ICON_DISABLED) {
                $st_color = hex2rgb('EEEEEE');
            $mainProblems = array(SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST_GROUP => 1, SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_MAP => 1);
            if (isset($mainProblems[$selement['elementtype']])) {
                if (!is_null($hl_color)) {
                    $st_color = null;
            } elseif (!is_null($st_color)) {
                $hl_color = null;
            if (!is_null($st_color)) {
                $r = $st_color[0];
                $g = $st_color[1];
                $b = $st_color[2];
                imagefilledrectangle($im, $selement['x'] - 2, $selement['y'] - 2, $selement['x'] + $iconX + 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY + 2, imagecolorallocatealpha($im, $r, $g, $b, 0));
                // shadow
                imagerectangle($im, $selement['x'] - 2 - 1, $selement['y'] - 2 - 1, $selement['x'] + $iconX + 2 + 1, $selement['y'] + $iconY + 2 + 1, imagecolorallocate($im, 120, 120, 120));
                imagerectangle($im, $selement['x'] - 2 - 2, $selement['y'] - 2 - 2, $selement['x'] + $iconX + 2 + 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY + 2 + 2, imagecolorallocate($im, 220, 220, 220));
            if (!is_null($hl_color)) {
                $r = $hl_color[0];
                $g = $hl_color[1];
                $b = $hl_color[2];
                imagefilledellipse($im, $selement['x'] + $iconX / 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY / 2, $iconX + 20, $iconX + 20, imagecolorallocatealpha($im, $r, $g, $b, 0));
                imageellipse($im, $selement['x'] + $iconX / 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY / 2, $iconX + 20 + 1, $iconX + 20 + 1, imagecolorallocate($im, 120, 120, 120));
                $config = select_config();
                if (isset($elementInfo['ack']) && $elementInfo['ack'] && $config['event_ack_enable']) {
                    imagesetthickness($im, 5);
                    imagearc($im, $selement['x'] + $iconX / 2, $selement['y'] + $iconY / 2, $iconX + 20 - 3, $iconX + 20 - 3, 0, 359, imagecolorallocate($im, 50, 150, 50));
                    imagesetthickness($im, 1);
コード例 #28
ファイル: func.inc.php プロジェクト: TonywalkerCN/Zabbix
 * Returns paging line.
 * @param array $items				list of items
 * @return CTable
function getPagingLine(&$items)
    global $page;
    $config = select_config();
    $searchLimit = '';
    if ($config['search_limit'] < count($items)) {
        $searchLimit = '+';
    $rowsPerPage = CWebUser::$data['rows_per_page'];
    $itemsCount = count($items);
    $pagesCount = $itemsCount > 0 ? ceil($itemsCount / $rowsPerPage) : 1;
    $currentPage = getPageNumber();
    if ($currentPage < 1) {
        $currentPage = 1;
    if ($itemsCount < ($currentPage - 1) * $rowsPerPage) {
        $currentPage = $pagesCount;
    $start = ($currentPage - 1) * $rowsPerPage;
    CProfile::update('web.paging.lastpage', $page['file'], PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
    CProfile::update('web.paging.page', $currentPage, PROFILE_TYPE_INT);
    // trim array with items to contain items for current page
    $items = array_slice($items, $start, $rowsPerPage, true);
    // viewed pages (better to use not odd)
    $pagingNavRange = 11;
    $endPage = $currentPage + floor($pagingNavRange / 2);
    if ($endPage < $pagingNavRange) {
        $endPage = $pagingNavRange;
    if ($endPage > $pagesCount) {
        $endPage = $pagesCount;
    $startPage = $endPage > $pagingNavRange ? $endPage - $pagingNavRange + 1 : 1;
    $pageLine = array();
    $table = null;
    if ($pagesCount > 1) {
        $url = CUrlFactory::getContextUrl();
        if ($startPage > 1) {
            $url->setArgument('page', 1);
            $pageLine[] = new CLink('<< ' . _x('First', 'page navigation'), $url->getUrl(), null, null, true);
            $pageLine[] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        if ($currentPage > 1) {
            $url->setArgument('page', $currentPage - 1);
            $pageLine[] = new CLink('< ' . _x('Previous', 'page navigation'), $url->getUrl(), null, null, true);
            $pageLine[] = ' | ';
        for ($p = $startPage; $p <= $pagesCount; $p++) {
            if ($p > $endPage) {
            if ($p == $currentPage) {
                $pagespan = new CSpan($p, 'bold textcolorstyles');
            } else {
                $url->setArgument('page', $p);
                $pagespan = new CLink($p, $url->getUrl(), null, null, true);
            $pageLine[] = $pagespan;
            $pageLine[] = ' | ';
        if ($currentPage < $pagesCount) {
            $pageLine[] = ' | ';
            $url->setArgument('page', $currentPage + 1);
            $pageLine[] = new CLink(_x('Next', 'page navigation') . ' >', $url->getUrl(), null, null, true);
        if ($p < $pagesCount) {
            $pageLine[] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
            $url->setArgument('page', $pagesCount);
            $pageLine[] = new CLink(_x('Last', 'page navigation') . ' >>', $url->getUrl(), null, null, true);
        $table = new CTable(null, 'paging');
        $table->addRow(new CCol($pageLine));
    $viewFromPage = ($currentPage - 1) * $rowsPerPage + 1;
    $viewTillPage = $currentPage * $rowsPerPage;
    if ($viewTillPage > $itemsCount) {
        $viewTillPage = $itemsCount;
    $pageView = array();
    $pageView[] = _('Displaying') . SPACE;
    if ($itemsCount > 0) {
        $pageView[] = new CSpan($viewFromPage, 'info');
        $pageView[] = SPACE . _('to') . SPACE;
    $pageView[] = new CSpan($viewTillPage, 'info');
    $pageView[] = SPACE . _('of') . SPACE;
    $pageView[] = new CSpan($itemsCount, 'info');
    $pageView[] = $searchLimit;
    $pageView[] = SPACE . _('found');
    $pageView = new CSpan($pageView);
    zbx_add_post_js('insertInElement("numrows", ' . zbx_jsvalue($pageView->toString()) . ', "div");');
    return $table;
コード例 #29
ファイル: page_header.php プロジェクト: phedders/zabbix
    echo $page_title;
    if (defined('ZBX_PAGE_DO_REFRESH') && $USER_DETAILS["refresh"]) {
        echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $USER_DETAILS["refresh"] . '" />';

<meta name="Author" content="ZABBIX SIA" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.css" />

    if (isset($DB['DB']) && !is_null($DB['DB'])) {
        $css = false;
        $config = select_config();
        if (isset($config['default_theme']) && file_exists('styles/' . $config['default_theme'])) {
            $css = $config['default_theme'];
        if (isset($USER_DETAILS['theme']) && $USER_DETAILS['theme'] != ZBX_DEFAULT_CSS && $USER_DETAILS['alias'] != ZBX_GUEST_USER) {
            if (file_exists('styles/' . $USER_DETAILS['theme'])) {
                $css = $USER_DETAILS['theme'];
        if ($css) {
            echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/' . $css . '" />' . "\n";
            $ico = ereg_replace('.*(\\_[a-z]+).*', "\\1", $css);
            if (file_exists('images/general/zabbix' . $ico . '.ico')) {
                echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/general/zabbix' . $ico . '.ico" />';
            } else {
                echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/general/zabbix.ico" />';
コード例 #30
ファイル: adm.housekeeper.php プロジェクト: itnihao/Zabbix_
$cmbConf = new CComboBox('configDropDown', 'adm.housekeeper.php', 'redirect(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);');
$cmbConf->addItems(array('adm.gui.php' => _('GUI'), 'adm.housekeeper.php' => _('Housekeeping'), 'adm.images.php' => _('Images'), 'adm.iconmapping.php' => _('Icon mapping'), 'adm.regexps.php' => _('Regular expressions'), 'adm.macros.php' => _('Macros'), 'adm.valuemapping.php' => _('Value mapping'), 'adm.workingtime.php' => _('Working time'), 'adm.triggerseverities.php' => _('Trigger severities'), 'adm.triggerdisplayoptions.php' => _('Trigger displaying options'), 'adm.other.php' => _('Other')));
$cnf_wdgt = new CWidget(null, 'hk');
$cnf_wdgt->addPageHeader(_('CONFIGURATION OF HOUSEKEEPING'), $form);
$data['form_refresh'] = getRequest('form_refresh', 0);
if ($data['form_refresh']) {
    $data['config']['hk_events_mode'] = getRequest('hk_events_mode');
    $data['config']['hk_events_trigger'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_events_trigger']) ? getRequest('hk_events_trigger') : $data['config']['hk_events_trigger'];
    $data['config']['hk_events_internal'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_events_internal']) ? getRequest('hk_events_internal') : $data['config']['hk_events_internal'];
    $data['config']['hk_events_discovery'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_events_discovery']) ? getRequest('hk_events_discovery') : $data['config']['hk_events_discovery'];
    $data['config']['hk_events_autoreg'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_events_autoreg']) ? getRequest('hk_events_autoreg') : $data['config']['hk_events_autoreg'];
    $data['config']['hk_services_mode'] = getRequest('hk_services_mode');
    $data['config']['hk_services'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_services']) ? getRequest('hk_services') : $data['config']['hk_services'];
    $data['config']['hk_audit_mode'] = getRequest('hk_audit_mode');
    $data['config']['hk_audit'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_audit']) ? getRequest('hk_audit') : $data['config']['hk_audit'];
    $data['config']['hk_sessions_mode'] = getRequest('hk_sessions_mode');
    $data['config']['hk_sessions'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_sessions']) ? getRequest('hk_sessions') : $data['config']['hk_sessions'];
    $data['config']['hk_history_mode'] = getRequest('hk_history_mode');
    $data['config']['hk_history_global'] = getRequest('hk_history_global');
    $data['config']['hk_history'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_history']) ? getRequest('hk_history') : $data['config']['hk_history'];
    $data['config']['hk_trends_mode'] = getRequest('hk_trends_mode');
    $data['config']['hk_trends_global'] = getRequest('hk_trends_global');
    $data['config']['hk_trends'] = isset($_REQUEST['hk_trends']) ? getRequest('hk_trends') : $data['config']['hk_trends'];
} else {
    $data['config'] = select_config(false);
$houseKeeperForm = new CView('administration.general.housekeeper.edit', $data);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';