コード例 #1

  jQuery(function() {
    jQuery( "#draftDate" ).datepicker({ minDate: "+1D", maxDate: "+6M" });
  jQuery(function() {
    jQuery( "#registrationDate" ).datepicker({ minDate: "+1D", maxDate: "+6M" });


if (selectCount("fch_leagues", " WHERE display_name = \"" . $_GET['q'] . "\" and season = \"{$season}\"") > 0) {
    echo "<h3>Sorry, the name " . $_GET['q'] . " is taken, please try again.</h3>";

	<form method="post" name="createLeague"  class="form-validate form-horizontal">  
			<legend>Fill Us In On the Details</legend>
			<input name = "leagueDisplayName" value = "<?php 
echo $_GET['q'];
" type = "hidden">
			<input name = "action" value = "doCreateLeague" type = "hidden">
コード例 #2
require_once "fch-lib.php";
$userID = getUserID();
$os = "";
//debug(selectCount("fch_user_preferences"," WHERE userID = $userID "));
if (selectCount("fch_user_preferences", " WHERE userID = {$userID} ") == 0) {
    //debug("Creating preference row , ");
    $key = rand(0, 2147483647);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO  `fanta66_joomla`.`fch_user_preferences` (`id` ,`userID` ,`displayLeague`, `secretKey`) VALUES (NULL ,  {$userID}, NULL, {$key});";
//if (getSingleton("fch_user_preferences","displayLeague", " WHERE userID = $userID") == NULL)
$leagueCount = intval(selectCount("fch_league_membership", " where userID =  {$userID}  "));
$season = getSeason();
$dbLeague = getSingleton("fch_user_preferences", "displayLeague", " WHERE userID = {$userID}");
if (strlen($dbLeague) == 0) {
    debug("Setting default league.");
if ($leagueCount == 1)
	debug("In only one league");
	if (intval(selectCount("fch_league_membership", " WHERE userID = $userID and season = \"$season\"")) == 1)
		debug("In only one league. Setting default membership.");
		$thisLeague = getSingleton("fch_league_membership","leagueID"," WHERE season = \"$season\" and userID = $userID");
		debug("Setting default league for user $userID to $thisLeague");
コード例 #3
        $openDraftButton .= '<input type = "hidden" name = "leagueID" value = "' . $leagueID . '">';
        $openDraftButton .= '<button class="btn btn-primary validate" type="button" id = "open_draft_button" onclick="javascript:submitForm(\'open_draft_form\',\'open_draft_button\');">Open Draft &gt;&gt;</button> </form>';
        echo $openDraftButton;

$positionLimits = getAllPositionLimits($leagueID);
$limit_f = $positionLimits["f_a"] + $positionLimits["f_b"];
$limit_d = $positionLimits["d_a"] + $positionLimits["d_b"];
$limit_g = $positionLimits["g_a"] + $positionLimits["g_b"];
$roster_f = selectCount("fch_draft", " Where   leagueID = {$leagueID} and userID = {$userID} and position = \"F\" ");
$roster_d = selectCount("fch_draft", " Where   leagueID = {$leagueID} and userID = {$userID} and position = \"D\" ");
$roster_g = selectCount("fch_draft", " Where   leagueID = {$leagueID} and userID = {$userID} and position = \"G\" ");
$allowF = 0;
$allowD = 0;
$allowG = 0;
if ($limit_f > $roster_f) {
    $allowF = 1;
if ($limit_d > $roster_d) {
    $allowD = 1;
if ($limit_g > $roster_g) {
    $allowG = 1;
debug("USER: " . $userID);
コード例 #4
$season = getSeason();
$userID = getUserID();
$leagueID = leagueHandler($_POST, $userID);
$playerQuery = $_GET['q'];
$limit_f_a = getPositionLimit("F", "a", $leagueID);
$limit_f_b = getPositionLimit("F", "b", $leagueID);
$limit_d_a = getPositionLimit("D", "a", $leagueID);
$limit_d_b = getPositionLimit("D", "b", $leagueID);
$limit_g_a = getPositionLimit("G", "a", $leagueID);
$limit_g_b = getPositionLimit("G", "b", $leagueID);
$roster_f_a = selectCount("fch_rosters", " Where userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and releaseDate is  null and position = \"F\" and statusCode = \"act\" and season = \"{$season}\"");
$roster_f_b = selectCount("fch_rosters", " Where userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and releaseDate is  null and position = \"F\" and statusCode = \"ben\" and season = \"{$season}\"");
$roster_d_a = selectCount("fch_rosters", " Where userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and releaseDate is  null and position = \"D\" and statusCode = \"act\" and season = \"{$season}\"");
$roster_d_b = selectCount("fch_rosters", " Where userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and releaseDate is  null and position = \"D\" and statusCode = \"ben\" and season = \"{$season}\"");
$roster_g_a = selectCount("fch_rosters", " Where userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and releaseDate is  null and position = \"G\" and statusCode = \"act\" and season = \"{$season}\"");
$roster_g_b = selectCount("fch_rosters", " Where userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and releaseDate is  null and position = \"G\" and statusCode = \"ben\" and season = \"{$season}\"");
//echo "Looking for $playerQuery";
$sql = <<<SQL

SELECT CONCAT( firstName,  " ", lastName,  ", ", schoolDisplayName ) as playerDisplayName, playerID as playerID, position, IF( schoolID
IN (
SELECT schoolid
FROM v_blacklist
),  true,  false ) as blacklist,
if (playerID  in (select playerID from fch_rosters where leagueID = {$leagueID} and  releaseDate is  NULL and season = "{$season}" ),true,false) as taken
FROM  `fch_players` 
CONCAT( firstName,  " ", lastName ) like "%{$playerQuery}%"
$con = initializeDB();
コード例 #5
ファイル: BookList.php プロジェクト: teng2015/bookstore
    $num = ceil($count / 6);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++) {
        echo "<li>" . ($num + 1 - $i) . "</li>";
    echo "%%";
$type = $_POST['type'];
switch ($type) {
    case '0':
        selectCount("b_hot_goods", "");
        BookList("b_hot_goods", "", "0");
    case '1':
        $name = $_POST['name'];
        selectCount("b_rel_pro_maj", "WHERE id_category_major='{$name}'");
        BookList("b_rel_pro_maj", "WHERE id_category_major='{$name}'", "0");
    case '2':
        $idMajor = $_POST['idMajor'];
        $number = $_POST['number'];
        $FirstNumber = ($number - 1) * 6;
        if ($idMajor == 0) {
            BookList("b_hot_goods", "", $FirstNumber);
        } else {
            BookList("b_rel_pro_maj", "WHERE id_category_major='{$idMajor}'", $FirstNumber);
コード例 #6
$passButton .= '<input name = "transactionID" value = "' . $transactionID . '" type = "hidden">';
$passButton .= '<input type = "hidden" name = "action"  value = "doAcquire" >';
$passButton .= '<input type = "hidden" name = "playerID" value = "PassedPick">';
$passButton .= '<button class="btn btn-primary validate" type="button" id = "button_submit_PassedPick_a" onclick="javascript:submitForm(\'submit_PassedPick_a\',\'button_submit_PassedPick_a\');">Skip Your Turn (Pass) &gt;&gt;</button> </form>';
//$passButton = "<form method = \"post\" name = \"submit_PassedPick_a\" name = \"tryAgain\"><input name = \"transactionID\" value = \"$transactionID\" type = \"hidden\"><input value = \"doAcquire\" type = \"hidden\" name = \"action\"><button class=\"btn btn-primary validate\" type=\"button\" id = \"button_submit_PassedPick_a\" onclick=\"javascript:submitForm('submit_PassedPick_a','button_submit_PassedPick_a');\">Pass &gt;&gt;</button></form>";
$whoseTurn = onTheClock($leagueID);
$usingWithdrawn = 0;
$allowPick = 1;
debug("User : "******"userID"]) == intval($userID))) {
    if (intval(selectCount("fch_draft", " WHERE userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and playerID = \"WithdrawnPick\"")) > 0) {
        $alert = "<h3>You are not on the clock. This pick will replace your prior withdrawn pick.</h3>";
        $usingWithdrawn = 1;
        $allowPick = 1;
    } else {
        if (intval(selectCount("fch_draft", " WHERE userID = {$userID} and leagueID = {$leagueID} and playerID = \"PassedPick\"")) > 0) {
            $alert = "<h3>You are not on the clock. This pick will replace your prior withdrawn pick.</h3>";
            $usingWithdrawn = 1;
            $allowPick = 1;
        } else {
            $alert = "<h3>You are not on the clock.</h3>";
            $allowPick = 0;
if ($allowPick) {
    $out .= $passButton;
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    // output data of each row
    $out = "<h3>Results</h3>{$tryAgain}<p/>";
コード例 #7
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
require_once "fch-lib.js";
require_once "fch-lib.php";
$limit_f_a = getPositionLimit("F", "a", $leagueID);
$limit_f_b = getPositionLimit("D", "b", $leagueID);
$limit_d_a = getPositionLimit("G", "a", $leagueID);
$limit_d_b = getPositionLimit("F", "b", $leagueID);
$limit_g_a = getPositionLimit("D", "a", $leagueID);
$limit_g_b = getPositionLimit("G", "b", $leagueID);
$roster_f_a = selectCount("v_current_rosters", " Where userID = \"{$userID}\" and releaseDate is not null and playerPosition = \"F\" and rosterStatus = \"act\"");
$roster_f_b = selectCount("v_current_rosters", " Where userID = \"{$userID}\" and releaseDate is not null and playerPosition = \"F\" and rosterStatus = \"ben\"");
$roster_d_a = selectCount("v_current_rosters", " Where userID = \"{$userID}\" and releaseDate is not null and playerPosition = \"D\" and rosterStatus = \"act\"");
$roster_d_b = selectCount("v_current_rosters", " Where userID = \"{$userID}\" and releaseDate is not null and playerPosition = \"D\" and rosterStatus = \"ben\"");
$roster_g_a = selectCount("v_current_rosters", " Where userID = \"{$userID}\" and releaseDate is not null and playerPosition = \"G\" and rosterStatus = \"act\"");
$roster_g_b = selectCount("v_current_rosters", " Where userID = \"{$userID}\" and releaseDate is not null and playerPosition = \"G\" and rosterStatus = \"ben\"");
$userID = getUserID();
$leagueID = getSingleton("fch_user_preferences", "displayLeague", " WHERE userID = {$userID}");

 <div class="contact-form">
<form method="get" name="nameCheckForm"  class="form-validate form-horizontal">  
			<legend>Player Query</legend>
			<div class="control-group">
				<div class="control-label"><label id="jform_contact_name-lbl" for="jform_contact_name" class="hasTooltip required" title="&lt;strong&gt;Name&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Your name.">
				<div class="controls"><input type="text" name="nameCheck" id="nameCheck" value="Example: Gaudreau" class="required" size="30" onclick = "javascript:clearField(this);" required aria-required="true" /></div>
コード例 #8
function generateUserPreferences($userID)
    $season = getSeason();
    $prefCount = intval(selectCount("fch_user_preferences", " WHERE userID = {$userID} and season = \"{$season}\""));
    // 1. Is there a preference row at all?
    if ($prefCount == 0) {
        debug("Creating preference row , ");
        $key = rand(0, 2147483647);
        $sql = "INSERT INTO  `fanta66_joomla`.`fch_user_preferences` (`id` ,`userID` ,`displayLeague`, `secretKey`) VALUES (NULL ,  {$userID}, NULL, {$key});";
    // 2. Is there a league in the preference row?
    $displayLeague = getSingleton("fch_user_preferences", "displayLeague", " WHERE userID = {$userID}");
    debug("Display League is ({$displayLeague})");
    if ($displayLeague == "") {
        debug("No display league set.");
        // If not, see if he has a league at all.
        $l = getSingleton("fch_league_membership", "leagueID", " WHERE userID = {$userID} and status = \"active\" and season = \"{$season}\" ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 0,1");
        // If so, set it.
        if ($l != "") {
            debug("Setting display League {$l}");
            executeGenericSQL("UPDATE fch_user_preferences SET displayLeague = {$l} WHERE userID = {$userID} ");
        } else {
            debug("Display League was already set.");
    $leagueCount = intval(selectCount("fch_league_membership", " WHERE userID = {$userID} and status = \"active\" and season = \"{$season}\""));
    $l = getSingleton("fch_league_membership", "leagueID", " WHERE userID = {$userID} and season = \"{$season}\" and status = \"active\" LIMIT 0,1");
    executeGenericSQL("UPDATE fch_user_preferences SET displayLeague = {$l} WHERE userID = {$userID} ");
    	if ($leagueCount < 2)
    		debug("generateUserPreferencesDeprecated, leaguecount < 2");
    		$sql = "
    		UPDATE fch_user_preferences SET displayLeague = ( SELECT leagueID
    		FROM fch_league_membership
    		WHERE leagueID = 35
    		AND userID = $userID 
    		and season = \"$season\") 
    		WHERE userID = $userID
コード例 #9
select r.playerDisplayName, sum(r.totalPoints) as totalPoints, schoolID as schoolID
from fch_consolidated_results r
where r.playerID like "%{$query}%" 
and r.season = "{$season}" 
group by playerDisplayName
$con = initializeDB();
$result = $con->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    // output data of each row
    $out .= "<h3>Summary</h3><table class = \"detailedStatisticsSummary\" width = 100%>";
    $out .= "<thead><tr><th scope=\"col\">Player</th><th scope=\"col\">Points To Date</th><th>Games Played</th><th>Points Per Game</th></tr></thead>";
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $gamesPlayed = selectCount("fch_schedule", " WHERE (home = \"" . $row["schoolID"] . "\" or visitor=\"" . $row["schoolID"] . "\") and dateStamp < date_add(current_timestamp,interval + 3 hour)");
        if ($gamesPlayed == 0 || $row['totalPoints'] == 0) {
            $ppg = 0;
        } else {
            $ppg = round($row['totalPoints'] / $gamesPlayed, 3);
        $out .= "<tr><td class=\"rowHead\">" . $row['playerDisplayName'] . "</td><td>" . $row['totalPoints'] . "</td><td>{$gamesPlayed}</td><td>{$ppg}</td></tr>";
    $out .= "</table>";
$sql = <<<SQL

\tSELECT playerDisplayName, statLine, atVS, totalPoints, opponentDisplayName, dateLine, schoolID
\tfrom fch_consolidated_results
\twhere playerID like "%{$query}%"
\tand season = "{$season}"