?> </td> <td><?php echo $record->getNewvisits(); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $record->getVisits(); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $record->getPageviews(); ?> </td> <td><?php echo sec2time($record->getTimeonsite()); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $id++; ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="panel-footer text-right"> <?php echo $this->FormLink->back(COCKPIT);
$message = $message . "<br>" . $op_set_n_res2 . ": " . $tofew_res2; } $tofew_res3 = $res3 - $userdata['res3']; if ($tofew_res3 > 0) { $message = $message . "<br>" . $op_set_n_res3 . ": " . $tofew_res3; } $tofew_res4 = $res4 - $userdata['res4']; if ($tofew_res4 > 0) { $message = $message . "<br>" . $op_set_n_res4 . ": " . $tofew_res4; } } $message = $message . "<br><br><a href='" . $file . "?bid={$row_buildings['bid']}&action=remove&&cxid={$sid}'>{$building10}</a>"; } $size = $userdata[$row_buildings['tabless']]; $size_new = $userdata[$row_buildings['tabless']] + 1; $buildtime = sec2time($row_buildings['time'] * $size_new); $row_buildings['res1'] = $row_buildings['res1'] * ($userdata[$row_buildings['tabless']] + 1); $row_buildings['res2'] = $row_buildings['res2'] * ($userdata[$row_buildings['tabless']] + 1); $row_buildings['res3'] = $row_buildings['res3'] * ($userdata[$row_buildings['tabless']] + 1); $row_buildings['res4'] = $row_buildings['res4'] * ($userdata[$row_buildings['tabless']] + 1); $build_name = $row_buildings['name']; $build_description = $row_buildings['description']; if ($build_name == "") { $build_name = "<span class=\"redfont\">" . $buildingerror1 . "</span>"; } if ($build_description == "") { $build_description = "<span class=\"redfont\">" . $buildingerror1 . "</span>"; } if ($size_new == "") { $size = "<span class=\"redfont\">" . $buildingerror1 . "</span>"; }
function ftp_go() { global $list, $options, $FtpUpload, $FtpBytesTotal, $FtpChunkSize, $FtpTimeStart, $FtpUploadBytesSent, $FtpLastChunkTime, $FtpLast; require_once CLASS_DIR . "ftp.php"; $ftp = new ftp(); if (!$ftp->SetServer($_POST["host"], (int) $_POST["port"])) { $ftp->quit(); printf(lang(79), $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]); echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { if (!$ftp->connect()) { $ftp->quit(); echo "<br />"; printf(lang(79), $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]); echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { printf(lang(81), 'ftp://' . $_POST['host'] . ':' . $_POST['port']); if (!$ftp->login($_POST["login"], $_POST["password"])) { $ftp->quit(); echo "<br />"; echo lang(80); echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { //$ftp->Passive(FALSE); if (!$ftp->chdir($_POST["dir"])) { $ftp->quit(); echo "<br />"; printf(lang(159), $_POST['dir']); echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { ?> <br /> <div id="status"></div> <br /> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td></td> <td> <div class="progressouter"> <div style="width:298px"> <div id="progress" class="ftpprogress"></div> </div> </div> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" id="received">0 KB</td> <td align="center" id="percent">0%</td> <td align="right" id="speed">0 KB/s</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <script type="text/javascript">switchCell(3);</script> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST["files"]); $i++) { $file = $list[$_POST["files"][$i]]; echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(0,0,0);changeStatus(' . "'" . addslashes(basename($file["name"])) . "', '" . $file["size"] . "');</script>"; $FtpUpload = true; $FtpBytesTotal = filesize($file['name']); $FtpChunkSize = round($FtpBytesTotal / 333); $FtpTimeStart = getmicrotime(); $FtpUploadBytesSent = $FtpLastChunkTime = $FtpLast = 0; if ($ftp->put($file["name"], basename($file["name"]))) { $time = round(getmicrotime() - $FtpTimeStart); $speed = @round($FtpBytesTotal / 1024 / $time, 2); echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(100, ' . "'" . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($FtpBytesTotal) . "', " . $speed . ")</script>\r\n"; flush(); if (@$_POST["del_ok"] && !$options['disable_deleting']) { if (@unlink($file["name"])) { unset($list[$_POST["files"][$i]]); } } printf(lang(160), '<a href="ftp://' . $_POST["login"] . ':' . $_POST["password"] . '@' . $_POST["host"] . ':' . $_POST["port"] . $_POST["dir"] . (substr($_POST["dir"], -1) != '/' ? '/' : '') . basename($file["name"]) . '"><b>' . basename($file["name"]) . '</b></a>'); echo "<br />" . lang(161) . ": <b>" . sec2time($time) . "</b><br />" . lang(162) . ": <b>" . $speed . " KB/s</b><br /><br />"; } else { printf(lang(163), basename($file['name'])); echo "<br />"; } } $ftp->quit(); } } } } }
function getftpurl($host, $port, $url, $saveToFile = 0) { global $nn, $lastError, $PHP_SELF, $FtpBytesTotal, $FtpBytesReceived, $FtpTimeStart, $FtpChunkSize, $options; $ftp = new ftp(FALSE, FALSE); $server = "{$host}:{$port}"; if (empty($host) || empty($port) || !$ftp->SetServer($host, (int) $port)) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = sprintf(lang(79), $server); return FALSE; } else { if (!$ftp->connect()) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = sprintf(lang(79), $server); return FALSE; } else { if (!$ftp->login()) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = lang(80); return FALSE; } else { echo '<p>'; printf(lang(81), $server); echo '<br />'; //$ftp->Passive(FALSE); $tmp = explode("/", $url); $ftp_file = array_pop($tmp); $ftp_dir = implode('/', $tmp); $ftp->chdir($ftp_dir); $fileSize = $FtpBytesTotal = $ftp->filesize($ftp_file); $FtpChunkSize = round($fileSize / 333); if (strpos($saveToFile, '?') !== false) { $saveToFile = substr($saveToFile, 0, strpos($saveToFile, '?')); } if ($options['file_size_limit'] > 0) { if ($fileSize > $options['file_size_limit'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = lang(336) . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($options['file_size_limit'] * 1024 * 1024) . "."; return false; } } if (!empty($options['rename_prefix'])) { $File_Name = $options['rename_prefix'] . '_' . basename($saveToFile); $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } if (!empty($options['rename_suffix'])) { $ext = strrchr(basename($saveToFile), '.'); $before_ext = explode($ext, basename($saveToFile)); $File_Name = $before_ext[0] . '_' . $options['rename_suffix'] . $ext; $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } if ($options['rename_underscore']) { $File_Name = str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), '_', basename($saveToFile)); $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } $filetype = strrchr($saveToFile, '.'); if (is_array($options['forbidden_filetypes']) && in_array(strtolower($filetype), $options['forbidden_filetypes'])) { if ($options['forbidden_filetypes_block']) { html_error(sprintf(lang(82), $filetype)); } $saveToFile = str_replace($filetype, $options['rename_these_filetypes_to'], $saveToFile); } if (@file_exists($saveToFile) && $options['bw_save']) { // Skip in audl. if (isset($_GET['audl'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.nextlink();</script>'; } html_error(lang(99) . ': ' . link_for_file($saveToFile)); } elseif (@file_exists($saveToFile)) { $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . time() . '_' . basename($saveToFile); } printf(lang(83), basename($saveToFile), bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize)); echo "<br />"; require_once TEMPLATE_DIR . '/transloadui.php'; $FtpTimeStart = getmicrotime(); if ($ftp->get($ftp_file, $saveToFile)) { $ftp->quit(); $time = getmicrotime() - $FtpTimeStart; return array('time' => sec2time(round($time)), 'speed' => @round($FtpBytesTotal / 1024 / $time, 2), 'received' => TRUE, 'size' => bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize), 'bytesReceived' => $FtpBytesReceived, 'bytesTotal' => $FtpBytesTotal, 'file' => $saveToFile); } $ftp->quit(); return FALSE; } } } }
function storeIGCvalues() { $data_time = array(); $data_alt = array(); $data_speed = array(); $data_vario = array(); $data_takeoff_distance = array(); if (!$this->checkSanedFiles()) { return; } $filename = $this->getIGCFilename(2); $lines = @file($filename); if (!$lines) { return; } $i = 0; $day_offset = 0; $currentDate = 0; $prevDate = 0; // GUS begin $interval = 20; $lastSnap = -1; $normOrder = array(); // GUS end $limiter = max(1, intval(count($lines) / 8000)); // GUS in for limiter $li = 0; // GUS in for limiter foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (strlen($line) == 0) { continue; } if (strtoupper(substr($line, 0, 5)) == "HFDTE" || strtoupper(substr($line, 0, 5)) == "HPDTE") { // HFDTE170104 OR HPDTE310805 $dt = substr($line, 5, 6); $yr_last = substr($dt, 4, 2); // case of YY=0 (1 digit) HFDTE08070 if ($yr_last == "0") { $yr_last = "00"; } if ($yr_last > 80) { $yr = "19" . $yr_last; } else { $yr = "20" . $yr_last; } $prevDate = $currentDate; $currentDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($dt, 2, 2), substr($dt, 0, 2), $yr); //echo "DATE cahnge : $currentDate $prevDate <BR>"; if ($prevDate > 0 && $currentDate - $prevDate > 86400) { // more than one day break; } } if ($line[0] == 'B') { if (strlen($line) < 23) { continue; } // also check for bad points // 012345678901234567890123456789 // B1522144902558N00848090EV0058400000 if ($line[24] == 'V') { continue; } if ($li++ % $limiter) { continue; } // GUS in for limiter $thisPoint = new gpsPoint($line, $this->timezone); $thisPoint->gpsTime += $day_offset; // $goodPoints[$i]['time']=sec2Time($thisPoint->getTime(),1); $goodPoints[$i]['time'] = $thisPoint->getTime(); $goodPoints[$i]['lon'] = $thisPoint->lon; $goodPoints[$i]['lat'] = $thisPoint->lat; $goodPoints[$i]['alt'] = $thisPoint->getAlt(); $goodPoints[$i]['altV'] = $thisPoint->getAlt(true); // prefer vario Alt if ($i > 0) { $tmp = $lastPoint->calcDistance($thisPoint); $time_diff = $thisPoint->getTime() - $lastPoint->getTime(); if ($time_diff < 0 && $time_diff > -36000) { // if the time is less than 10 hours in the past we just ignore it continue; // GUS out: /*} else if ($time_diff < 0) { // CHANGING DAY , means the flight is at night array_pop($goodPoints); break;*/ } else { if ($time_diff > $this->max_allowed_time_gap * 4) { // found time gap array_pop($goodPoints); break; } } /* if ( ($lastPoint->getTime() - $thisPoint->getTime() ) > 3600 ) { // more than 1 hour $day_offset = 86400; // if time seems to have gone backwards, add a day $thisPoint->gpsTime += 86400; } else if ( ($lastPoint->getTime() - $thisPoint->getTime() ) > 0 ) { $lastPoint=new gpsPoint($line,$this->timezone); $lastPoint->gpsTime+=$day_offset; continue; } */ $deltaseconds = $thisPoint->getTime() - $lastPoint->getTime(); if ($deltaseconds < -85000) { $deltaseconds += 86400; } // GUS in if ($deltaseconds) { $speed = $deltaseconds ? $tmp * 3.6 / $deltaseconds : 0.0; /* in km/h */ $goodPoints[$i]['vario'] = ($thisPoint->getAlt() - $lastPoint->getAlt()) / $deltaseconds; } else { $speed = 0; $data_vario[$i] = 0; } $goodPoints[$i]['speed'] = $speed; $goodPoints[$i]['dis'] = $takeoffPoint->calcDistance($thisPoint) / 1000; } else { $goodPoints[$i]['speed'] = 0; $goodPoints[$i]['vario'] = 0; $takeoffPoint = new gpsPoint($line, $this->timezone); $goodPoints[$i]['dis'] = 0; } $lastPoint = new gpsPoint($line, $this->timezone); $lastPoint->gpsTime += $day_offset; // GUS begin $timeSnap = intval($lastPoint->getTime() / $interval) * $interval; if ($lastSnap != $timeSnap) { $lastSnap = $timeSnap; $normIndex[$lastSnap] = $goodPoints[$i]; $normOrder[] = $lastSnap; //DEBUG('IGC',1, "[time: $i] $line<br>"); } // GUS end $i++; } } $pointsNum = count($goodPoints); //echo "pointsNum : $pointsNum<br>"; $min_time = floor($goodPoints[0]['time'] / 60) * 60; $max_time = ceil($goodPoints[$pointsNum - 1]['time'] / 60) * 60; // echo "max / min time: $max_time $min_time<BR>"; $k = 0; // GUS begin $o = 0; for ($i = $min_time; $i != $max_time; $i += $interval) { if ($i >= 86400) { $i -= 86400; } $from = isset($normIndex[$i]) ? $o++ : $o; $normPoints[$k] = $normIndex[$normOrder[$from]]; $normPoints[$k]['timeText'] = sec2time($i); $normPoints[$k]['time'] = $i; $k++; } // GUS end /*$org_array_pos = 0; foreach($normPoints as $norm_array_pos=>$normPoint) { // for each point in the timeline $timeval=$normPoint['time']; if ( $goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['time'] >= $timeval && $org_array_pos< count($goodPoints) && !($org_array_pos==0 && $goodPoints[0]['time'] < $timeval) ) { $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['lon']=$goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['lon']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['lat']=$goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['lat']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['speed']=$goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['speed']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['vario']=$goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['vario']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['alt']=$goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['alt']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['altV']=$goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['altV']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['dis']=$goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['dis']; // if ($normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['alt']==0) $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['alt']="-"; while ($goodPoints[$org_array_pos]['time'] < $timeval + $interval && ($org_array_pos)< count($goodPoints) ) { $org_array_pos++; } } else if ( !isset($normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['lon']) ) { // GUS in if ($norm_array_pos ) { $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['lon']=$normPoints[$norm_array_pos-1]['lon']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['lat']=$normPoints[$norm_array_pos-1]['lat']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['speed']=$normPoints[$norm_array_pos-1]['speed']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['vario']=$normPoints[$norm_array_pos-1]['vario']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['alt']=$normPoints[$norm_array_pos-1]['alt']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['altV']=$normPoints[$norm_array_pos-1]['altV']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['dis']=$normPoints[$norm_array_pos-1]['dis']; } else { $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['lon']=$goodPoints[0]['lon']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['lat']=$goodPoints[0]['lat']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['speed']=$goodPoints[0]['speed']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['vario']=$goodPoints[0]['vario']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['alt']=$goodPoints[0]['alt']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['altV']=$goodPoints[0]['altV']; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['dis']=$goodPoints[0]['dis']; }*/ /* if ($org_array_pos>0) { $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['speed']="-"; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['vario']="-"; $normPoints[$norm_array_pos]['alt']="-"; } */ /* } } // end foreach*/ // now write it to file $outputBuffer = '$min_time=' . $min_time . ';$max_time=' . $max_time . ";\n\n\n"; // $jsOutput=""; foreach ($normPoints as $point) { $outputBuffer .= '$time=' . $point['time'] . '; $lat=' . $point['lat'] . '; $lon=' . $point['lon'] . '; $dis=' . $point['dis'] . '; $alt=' . $point['alt'] . '; $altV=' . $point['altV'] . '; $speed=' . $point['speed'] . '; $vario=' . $point['vario'] . ";\n"; $this_tm = $point['time'] - $min_time; //$jsOutput.=sprintf("lt[$this_tm]=%.6f;ln[$this_tm]=%.6f;d[$this_tm]=%d;a[$this_tm]=%d;s[$this_tm]=%0.1f;v[$this_tm]=%.2f;\n" // ,$point['lat'],-$point['lon'],$point['dis'],$point['alt'],$point['speed'],$point['vario']); } $path_igc = dirname($this->getPointsFilename(1)); if (!is_dir($path_igc)) { makeDir($path_igc, 0755); } // write saned js file // writeFile($this->getJsFilename(1),$jsOutput); // write saned IGC file writeFile($this->getPointsFilename(1), $outputBuffer); return 1; }
break; case "10": echo BackendTranslate::getLabel('oct'); break; case "11": echo BackendTranslate::getLabel('nov'); break; case "12": echo BackendTranslate::getLabel('dec'); break; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $record->getNewvisits() . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $record->getVisits() . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $record->getPageviews() . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . sec2time($record->getTimeonsite()) . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $id++; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="panel-footer text-right"> <?php echo $this->FormLink->back(COCKPIT); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div>
function getftpurl($host, $port, $url, $saveToFile = 0) { global $nn, $lastError, $PHP_SELF, $AUTH, $IS_FTP, $FtpBytesTotal, $FtpBytesReceived, $FtpTimeStart, $FtpChunkSize, $options; $ftp = new ftp(FALSE, FALSE); if (!$ftp->SetServer($host, (int) $port)) { $ftp->quit(); $server = $host . ':' . $port; $lastError = sprintf(lang(79), $server) . "<br />" . '<a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />'; return FALSE; } else { if (!$ftp->connect()) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = sprintf(lang(79), $server) . "<br />" . '<a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />'; return FALSE; } else { if (!$ftp->login($AUTH["ftp"]["login"], $AUTH["ftp"]["password"])) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = lang(80) . "<br />" . '<a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />'; return FALSE; } else { echo '<p>'; printf(lang(81), $host); echo '<br />'; //$ftp->Passive(FALSE); $tmp = explode("/", $url); $ftp_file = array_pop($tmp); $ftp_dir = implode("/", $tmp); $ftp->chdir($ftp_dir); $fileSize = $FtpBytesTotal = $ftp->filesize($ftp_file); $FtpChunkSize = round($fileSize / 333); list($saveToFile, $tmp) = explode('?', $saveToFile); if (!empty($options['rename_prefix'])) { $File_Name = $options['rename_prefix'] . '_' . basename($saveToFile); $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } if (!empty($options['rename_suffix'])) { $ext = strrchr(basename($saveToFile), "."); $before_ext = explode($ext, basename($saveToFile)); $File_Name = $before_ext[0] . '_' . $options['rename_suffix'] . $ext; $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } if ($options['rename_underscore']) { $File_Name = str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), '_', basename($saveToFile)); $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } $filetype = strrchr($saveToFile, "."); if (is_array($options['forbidden_filetypes']) && in_array(strtolower($filetype), $options['forbidden_filetypes'])) { if ($options['forbidden_filetypes_block']) { html_error(sprintf(lang(82), $filetype)); } else { $saveToFile = str_replace($filetype, $options['rename_these_filetypes_to'], $saveToFile); } } if (file_exists($saveToFile)) { $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . time() . "_" . basename($saveToFile); } printf(lang(83), $saveToFile, bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize)); echo "<br />"; ?> <br /> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 11px;"> <tr> <td></td> <td> <div class="progressouter"> <div id="progress" class="ftpprogress"> </div> </div> </td> <td></td> <tr> <tr> <td align="left" id="received">0 KB</td> <td align="center" id="percent">0%</td> <td align="right" id="speed">0 KB/s</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <div id="resume" align="center" style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 11px;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function pr(percent, received, speed){ document.getElementById("received").innerHTML = '<b>' + received + '</b>'; document.getElementById("percent").innerHTML = '<b>' + percent + '%</b>'; document.getElementById("progress").style.width = percent + '%'; document.getElementById("speed").innerHTML = '<b>' + speed + ' KB/s</b>'; document.title = 'Downloaded ' + percent + '%'; return true; } function mail(str, field) { document.getElementById("mailPart." + field).innerHTML = str; return true; } /* ]]> */ </script> <br /> <?php $FtpTimeStart = getmicrotime(); if ($ftp->get($ftp_file, $saveToFile)) { return array("time" => sec2time(round($time)), "speed" => @round($FtpBytesTotal / 1024 / (getmicrotime() - $FtpTimeStart), 2), "received" => TRUE, "size" => bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize), "bytesReceived" => $FtpBytesReceived, "bytesTotal" => $FtpBytesTotal, "file" => $saveToFile); } else { return FALSE; } $ftp->quit(); } } } }
"><div id="trafwaiting" align="left" style="display:none;"></div></div> <div style="padding-left:20px; margin-top: 0px;"> <span>Quota Traffic allowed. Currently traffic: <span id="cur_traffic"><b class="g" style="position:absolute;"><span id="trafshowresults" style="position:float:center;display:;"><?php $cur_trf = get_traffic(TRAFFIC_LST); echo bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($cur_trf[0]); ?> </span> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="<?php echo $ajax_serverfiles ? 'if(confirm(\'This will reset Current Traffic, proceed?\')){trafst();}' : 'alert(\'Ajax Disabled\');'; ?> ;"><small>reset</small></a></b></span></span> <div style="height:3px;"> </div> <div style="float:left;">The D-Day traffic quota will expired</div><br><div style="height:3px;"> </div> <div style="float:left;">Auto-Reset traffic. set to 0 or blank to disable. <?php if ($day_reset_trafic > 0) { echo "<small class='g'>remain: " . sec2time(timeremain_traffic($day_reset_trafic, $cur_trf[1])) . "</small>"; } ?> </div> <?php if ($ajax_serverfiles) { ?> <script type="text/javascript">function trafst() {document.trew.submit("posttraffic","trafwaiting","trafshowresults",""); }</script> <?php } ?> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdacc"><input type="checkbox" id="limited_edition" name="limited_edition" onClick="var displ=this.checked?'':'none';document.getElementById('limitauthip').style.display=displ;document.getElementById('limitauthip2').style.display=displ;"<?php
function geturl($host, $port, $url, $referer = 0, $cookie = 0, $post = 0, $saveToFile = 0, $proxy = 0, $pauth = 0, $auth = 0, $scheme = "http", $resume_from = 0, $XMLRequest = 0) { global $nn, $lastError, $Resume, $bytesReceived, $fs, $force_name, $options, $L, $visitors, $ada_acc; $scheme .= '://'; if ($post !== 0 && ($scheme == 'http://' || $scheme == 'https://')) { $method = 'POST'; $postdata = is_array($post) ? formpostdata($post) : $post; $length = strlen($postdata); $content_tl = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded{$nn}" . "Content-Length: {$length}{$nn}"; } else { $method = 'GET'; $content_tl = $postdata = ''; } $cookies = ''; if (!empty($cookie)) { if (is_array($cookie)) { if (count($cookie) > 0) { $cookies = 'Cookie: ' . CookiesToStr($cookie) . $nn; } } else { $cookies = 'Cookie: ' . trim($cookie) . $nn; } } $referer = $referer ? "Referer: {$referer}{$nn}" : ''; if ($scheme == 'https://') { $scheme = 'ssl://'; if ($port == 0 || $port == 80) { $port = 443; } } if ($proxy) { list($proxyHost, $proxyPort) = explode(':', $proxy, 2); $host = $host . ($port != 80 && ($scheme != 'ssl://' || $port != 443) ? ':' . $port : ''); $url = $scheme . $host . $url; } if ($scheme != 'ssl://') { $scheme = ''; } $http_auth = !empty($auth) ? "Authorization: Basic {$auth}{$nn}" : ''; $proxyauth = !empty($pauth) ? "Proxy-Authorization: Basic {$pauth}{$nn}" : ''; $request = array(); $request[] = $method . ' ' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $url) . ' HTTP/1.1'; $request[] = "Host: {$host}"; $request[] = 'User-Agent: Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.12'; $request[] = 'Accept: */*'; $request[] = 'Accept-Language: en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3'; $request[] = 'Accept-Charset: utf-8,windows-1251;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'; $request[] = 'Pragma: no-cache'; $request[] = 'Cache-Control: no-cache'; if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE) { $request[] = 'Range: bytes=' . $Resume['from'] . '-'; } if ($XMLRequest) { $request[] = 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest'; } $request = implode($nn, $request) . $nn . $http_auth . $proxyauth . $referer . $cookies . $content_tl . 'Connection: Close' . $nn . $nn . $postdata; if (isset($options['mip_enabled']) && $options['mip_enabled']) { $mip_action = "download"; echo "<p>Multi IP Enabled</b>...<br />\n"; if (file_exists(CLASS_DIR . "mip.php")) { @(include CLASS_DIR . "mip.php"); } } else { $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $hosts = (!empty($proxyHost) ? $scheme . $proxyHost : $scheme . $host) . ':' . (!empty($proxyPort) ? $proxyPort : $port); $fp = @stream_socket_client($hosts, $errno, $errstr, 120, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT); } if (!$fp) { $dis_host = !empty($proxyHost) ? $proxyHost : $host; $dis_port = !empty($proxyPort) ? $proxyPort : $port; html_error($L->sprintf($L->say['_couldnt_con_to'], $dis_host, $dis_port)); } if ($errno || $errstr) { $lastError = $errstr; return false; } if ($saveToFile) { if ($proxy) { echo '<p>' . $L->sprintf($L->say['_con_proxy'], $proxyHost, $proxyPort) . '<br />'; echo "GET: <b>" . $url . "</b>...<br />\n"; } else { echo "<p>"; echo $L->sprintf($L->say['_con_to'], $host, $port) . '<br />'; echo isset($options['mip_enabled']) && $options['mip_enabled'] ? "using IP: " . $mip_ip . "<br />\n" : ""; } } ######################################################################### fputs($fp, $request); fflush($fp); $timeStart = getmicrotime(); // Rewrote the get header function according to the proxy script // Also made sure it goes faster and I think 8192 is the best value for retrieving headers // Oops.. The previous function hooked up everything and now I'm returning it back to normal $llen = 0; $header = ''; do { $header .= fgets($fp, 16384); $len = strlen($header); if (!$header || $len == $llen) { $lastError = $L->say['_noheader']; return false; } $llen = $len; } while (strpos($header, $nn . $nn) === false); ######################################################################### if ($saveToFile) { if (!isset($_GET['dis_plug']) || $_GET['dis_plug'] != 'on') { $cbhost = strpos($host, ':') !== false ? substr($host, 0, strpos($host, ':')) : $host; // Remove the port that may be added when it's using proxy $chkhost = preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}$/', $cbhost) ? false : true; if (!empty($referer)) { $cbrefhost = str_ireplace('www.', '', cut_str($referer, 'Referer: ', "\r\n")); $cbrefhost = parse_url($cbrefhost, PHP_URL_HOST); $chkref = empty($cbrefhost) || preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}$/', $cbrefhost) ? false : ($chkhost && strtolower($cbhost) == strtolower($cbrefhost) ? false : true); } else { $chkref = false; } $found = false; if ($chkhost || $chkref) { foreach ($GLOBALS['host'] as $site => $file) { if ($chkhost && host_matches($site, $cbhost)) { $found = true; } elseif ($chkref && host_matches($site, $cbrefhost)) { $found = true; } if ($found) { if ($options['limitbyIP']) { if ($ada_acc) { global $premium_acc; if (preg_match('|^(?:.+\\.)?(.+\\..+)$|i', $cbhost, $prematch) || preg_match('|^(?:.+\\.)?(.+\\..+)$|i', $cbrefhost, $prematch)) { $prematch = str_replace('.', '_', $prematch[1]); if (!empty($premium_acc[$prematch])) { $fname = basename($saveToFile) . "." . rand(1, 1000); $limitedfile = $visitors->userip . $fname; $ret = mkdir($visitors->tmp_dir . $limitedfile, 0777); } } } } require_once HOST_DIR . 'DownloadClass.php'; require_once HOST_DIR . "download/{$file}"; $class = substr($file, 0, -4); $firstchar = substr($file, 0, 1); if ($firstchar > 0) { $class = "d{$class}"; } if (!class_exists($class) || !method_exists($class, 'CheckBack')) { break; } // is_callable(array($class , 'CheckBack')) $hostClass = new $class(false); $hostClass->CheckBack($header); break; } } unset($cbhost, $cbrefhost, $chkhost, $chkref, $found); } } if (preg_match('/^HTTP\\/1\\.[0|1] (\\d+) .*/', $header, $responsecode) && ($responsecode[1] == 404 || $responsecode[1] == 403)) { // Do some checking, please, at least tell them what error it was if ($responsecode[1] == 403) { $lastError = $L->say['_page_notfound']; } elseif ($responsecode[1] == 404) { $lastError = $L->say['_forbidden_access']; } else { // Weird, it shouldn't come here... $lastError = $L->say['_notfound_forbidden']; } return false; } $bytesTotal = trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Length:", "\n")); if ($options['maxlimitsize'] > 0) { if ($bytesTotal > $options['maxlimitsize'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_sorry_tobig'], bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesTotal), $options["maxlimitsize"]); return false; } } if ($options['minlimitsize'] > 0) { if ($bytesTotal < $options['minlimitsize'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_sorry_tosmall'], bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesTotal), $options["minlimitsize"]); return false; } } // check storage limit (it is in MB) if ($options['storage_limit'] > 0) { $serverfiles = calcUsedSpace(); if ($serverfiles + $bytesTotal > $options['storage_limit'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_sorry_insuficient_storage'], bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($serverfiles), $options["storage_limit"]); return false; } } if (stripos($header, "\nLocation: ") !== false && preg_match('/\\nLocation: ([^\\r\\n]+)/i', $header, $redir)) { $redirect = trim($redir[1]); $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_error_redirectto'], $redirect); return FALSE; } if (in_array(cut_str($header, "WWW-Authenticate: ", " "), array("Basic", "Digest"))) { $lastError = $L->say['_req_auth']; return FALSE; } //$ContentType = trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Type:", "\n")); if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE && stripos($header, "\nContent-Range: ") === false) { $lastError = stripos($header, '503 Limit Exceeded') !== false ? $L->say['_error_resume'] : $L->say['_error_noresume']; return FALSE; } if ($force_name) { $FileName = $force_name; $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $FileName; } else { $ContentDisposition = trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Disposition:", "\n")) . "\n"; if ($ContentDisposition && stripos($ContentDisposition, "filename=") !== false) { $FileName = trim(trim(trim(trim(trim(cut_str($ContentDisposition, "filename=", "\n")), "="), "?"), ";"), '"'); if (strpos($FileName, "/") !== false) { $FileName = basename($FileName); } if (preg_match("/UTF\\-8\\?B\\?(.*)\$/i", $FileName, $b64)) { $FileName = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]/", "_", base64_decode($b64[1])); } $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $FileName; } } if (!empty($options["add_ext_5city"]) || !empty($options['rename_suffix']) || !empty($options['rename_prefix']) || $options['rename_underscore']) { if (!empty($options["add_ext_5city"])) { $ext = str_replace(".", "", $options["add_ext_5city"]); $File_Name = basename($saveToFile) . "." . $options["add_ext_5city"]; } if (!empty($options['rename_prefix'])) { $File_Name = $options['rename_prefix'] . '_' . basename($saveToFile); } if (!empty($options['rename_suffix'])) { $ext = strrchr(basename($saveToFile), "."); $before_ext = explode($ext, basename($saveToFile)); $File_Name = $before_ext[0] . '_' . $options['rename_suffix'] . $ext; } if ($options['rename_underscore']) { $File_Name = str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), '_', basename($saveToFile)); } $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } $filetype = strrchr($saveToFile, "."); if (is_array($options['forbidden_filetypes']) && in_array(strtolower($filetype), $options['forbidden_filetypes'])) { if ($options['forbidden_filetypes_block']) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_forbid_filetype'], $filetype); return false; } else { $saveToFile = str_replace($filetype, $options['rename_these_filetypes_to'], $saveToFile); } } if (@file_exists($saveToFile) && $options['bw_save']) { html_error($L->say['_download'] . ': ' . link_for_file($saveToFile), 0); } if (@file_exists($saveToFile) && $Resume["use"] === TRUE) { $fs = @fopen($saveToFile, "ab"); if (!$fs) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_error_cantsave'], basename($saveToFile)) . '<br />' . $L->say['_error_trychmod'] . '<br /><a href="javascript:location.reload();">' . $L->say['_error_tryagain'] . '</a>'; return FALSE; } } else { if (@file_exists($saveToFile)) { $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . TIME_NOW . "_" . basename($saveToFile); } $fs = @fopen($saveToFile, "wb"); if (!$fs) { $secondName = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . str_replace(":", "", str_replace("?", "", basename($saveToFile))); $fs = @fopen($secondName, "wb"); if (!$fs) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_error_cantsave'], basename($saveToFile)) . '<br />' . $L->say['_error_trychmod'] . '<br /><a href="javascript:location.reload();">' . $L->say['_error_tryagain'] . '</a>'; return FALSE; } } } flock($fs, LOCK_EX); if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE && stripos($header, "\nContent-Range: ") !== false) { list($temp, $Resume['range']) = explode(' ', trim(cut_str($header, "\nContent-Range: ", "\n"))); list($Resume['range'], $fileSize) = explode('/', $Resume['range']); $fileSize = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize); } else { $fileSize = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesTotal); } $chunkSize = GetChunkSize($bytesTotal); $File_Name = basename($saveToFile); if (!empty($options["add_ext_5city"])) { $ext = "." . get_extension(basename($saveToFile)); $File_Name = str_replace($ext, "", basename($saveToFile)); } echo $L->sprintf($L->say['_saveprogres'], $File_Name, $ext, $fileSize) . '<br />'; //$scriptStarted = false; require_once TEMPLATE_DIR . 'transloadui.php'; if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE) { $received = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb(filesize($saveToFile)); $percent = round($Resume['from'] / ($bytesTotal + $Resume['from']) * 100, 2); echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(' . "'" . $percent . "', '" . $received . "', '0');</script>"; //$scriptStarted = true; flush(); } } else { $page = ""; } $time = $last = $lastChunkTime = 0; do { $data = @fread($fp, $saveToFile ? $chunkSize : 16384); // 16384 saw this value in Pear HTTP_Request2 package // (fix - szal) using this actually just causes massive cpu usage for large files, too much data is flushed to the browser!) if ($data == '') { break; } if ($saveToFile) { $bytesSaved = fwrite($fs, $data); if ($bytesSaved !== false && strlen($data) == $bytesSaved) { //if ($bytesSaved > - 1) { $bytesReceived += $bytesSaved; } else { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_error_imposible_record'], $saveToFile); unlink($saveToFile); return false; } if ($bytesReceived >= $bytesTotal) { $percent = 100; } else { $percent = @round(($bytesReceived + $Resume['from']) / ($bytesTotal + $Resume['from']) * 100, 2); } if ($bytesReceived > $last + $chunkSize) { $received = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesReceived + $Resume['from']); $time = getmicrotime() - $timeStart; $chunkTime = $time - $lastChunkTime; $chunkTime = $chunkTime ? $chunkTime : 1; $lastChunkTime = $time; $speed = @round($chunkSize / 1024 / $chunkTime, 2); /* if (!$scriptStarted) { echo('<script type="text/javascript">'); $scriptStarted = true; } */ echo "<script type='text/javascript'>pr('" . $percent . "', '" . $received . "', '" . $speed . "');</script>"; $last = $bytesReceived; } } else { $page .= $data; } } while (strlen($data) > 0); //echo('</script>'); if ($saveToFile) { flock($fs, LOCK_UN); fclose($fs); if ($bytesReceived <= 0) { $lastError = $L->say['_error_misc']; fclose($fp); return FALSE; } } fclose($fp); if ($saveToFile) { return array('time' => sec2time(round($time)), 'speed' => @round($bytesTotal / 1024 / (getmicrotime() - $timeStart), 2), 'received' => true, 'size' => $fileSize, 'bytesReceived' => $bytesReceived + $Resume['from'], 'bytesTotal' => $bytesTotal + $Resume['from'], 'file' => $saveToFile); } else { if (stripos($header, "\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked") !== false && function_exists('http_chunked_decode')) { $dechunked = http_chunked_decode($page); if ($dechunked !== false) { $page = $dechunked; } unset($dechunked); } $page = $header . $page; return $page; } }
function ftp_go() { global $list, $options, $L; require_once CLASS_DIR . "ftp.php"; $ftp = new ftp(); if (!$ftp->SetServer($_POST["host"], (int) $_POST["port"])) { $ftp->quit(); echo $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_establish_con'], $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]); echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { if (!$ftp->connect()) { $ftp->quit(); echo "<br />"; echo $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_establish_con'], $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]); echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { $L->sprintf($L->say['_con'], 'ftp://' . $_POST['host'] . ':' . $_POST['port']); if (!$ftp->login($_POST["login"], $_POST["password"])) { $ftp->quit(); echo "<br />"; echo $L->say['incorrect_userpass']; echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { //$ftp->Passive(FALSE); if (!$ftp->chdir($_POST["dir"])) { $ftp->quit(); echo "<br />"; echo $L->sprintf($L->say['_cant_locatefold'], $_POST['dir']); echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />'; } else { ?> <br /> <div id="status"></div> <br /> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td></td> <td> <div class="progressouter"> <div style="width:298px"> <div id="progress" class="ftpprogress"></div> </div> </div> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" id="received">0 KB</td> <td align="center" id="percent">0%</td> <td align="right" id="speed">0 KB/s</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST["files"]); $i++) { $file = $list[$_POST["files"][$i]]; echo '<script type="text/javascript">changeStatus(' . "'" . addslashes(basename($file["name"])) . "', '" . $file["size"] . "');</script>"; $FtpBytesTotal = filesize($file["name"]); $FtpTimeStart = getmicrotime(); if ($ftp->put($file["name"], basename($file["name"]))) { $time = round(getmicrotime() - $FtpTimeStart); $speed = @round($FtpBytesTotal / 1024 / $time, 2); echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(100, ' . "'" . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($FtpBytesTotal) . "', " . $speed . ")</script>\r\n"; flush(); if ($_POST["del_ok"] && !$options['disable_to']['act_del']) { if (@unlink($file["name"])) { unset($list[$_POST["files"][$i]]); } } echo $L->sprintf($L->say['_successupl'], '<a href="ftp://' . $_POST["login"] . ':' . $_POST["password"] . '@' . $_POST["host"] . ':' . $_POST["port"] . $_POST["dir"] . '/' . basename($file["name"]) . '"><b>' . basename($file["name"]) . '</b></a>'); echo "<br />" . $L->say['_time'] . ": <b>" . sec2time($time) . "</b><br />" . $L->say['_avg_spd'] . ": <b>" . $speed . " KB/s</b><br /><br />"; } else { echo $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_upl_file'], basename($file['name'])) . "<br />"; } } $ftp->quit(); } } } } }
function getftpurl($host, $port, $url, $saveToFile = 0) { global $nn, $lastError, $PHP_SELF, $FtpBytesTotal, $FtpBytesReceived, $FtpTimeStart, $FtpChunkSize, $options, $L; $ftp = new ftp(FALSE, FALSE); $server = "{$host}:{$port}"; if (empty($host) || empty($port) || !$ftp->SetServer($host, (int) $port)) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_establish_con'], $server) . "<br />" . '<a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />'; return FALSE; } else { if (!$ftp->connect()) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_establish_con'], $server) . "<br />" . '<a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />'; return FALSE; } else { if (!$ftp->login()) { $ftp->quit(); $lastError = $L->say['incorrect_userpass'] . "<br />" . '<a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />'; return FALSE; } else { echo '<p>'; $L->sprintf($L->say['_con'], $host); echo '<br />'; //$ftp->Passive(FALSE); $tmp = explode("/", $url); $ftp_file = array_pop($tmp); $ftp_dir = implode("/", $tmp); $ftp->chdir($ftp_dir); $fileSize = $FtpBytesTotal = $ftp->filesize($ftp_file); $FtpChunkSize = round($fileSize / 333); if (strpos($saveToFile, '?') !== false) { $saveToFile = substr($saveToFile, 0, strpos($saveToFile, '?')); } if ($options['maxlimitsize'] > 0) { if ($fileSize > $options['maxlimitsize'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_sorry_tobig'], bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize), $options["maxlimitsize"]); return false; } } if ($options['minlimitsize'] > 0) { if ($fileSize < $options['minlimitsize'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = $L->sprintf($L->say['_sorry_tosmall'], bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize), $options["minlimitsize"]); return false; } } if (!empty($options["add_ext_5city"]) || !empty($options['rename_suffix']) || !empty($options['rename_prefix']) || $options['rename_underscore']) { if (!empty($options["add_ext_5city"])) { $ext = str_replace(".", "", $options["add_ext_5city"]); $File_Name = basename($saveToFile) . "." . $options["add_ext_5city"]; } if (!empty($options['rename_prefix'])) { $File_Name = $options['rename_prefix'] . '_' . basename($saveToFile); } if (!empty($options['rename_suffix'])) { $ext = strrchr(basename($saveToFile), "."); $before_ext = explode($ext, basename($saveToFile)); $File_Name = $before_ext[0] . '_' . $options['rename_suffix'] . $ext; } if ($options['rename_underscore']) { $File_Name = str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), '_', basename($saveToFile)); } $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } $filetype = strrchr($saveToFile, "."); if (is_array($options['forbidden_filetypes']) && in_array(strtolower($filetype), $options['forbidden_filetypes'])) { if ($options['forbidden_filetypes_block']) { html_error($L->sprintf($L->say['_forbid_filetype'], $filetype)); } else { $saveToFile = str_replace($filetype, $options['rename_these_filetypes_to'], $saveToFile); } } if (file_exists($saveToFile)) { $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . time() . "_" . basename($saveToFile); } if (!empty($options["add_ext_5city"])) { $ext = "." . get_extension(basename($saveToFile)); $File_Name = str_replace($ext, "", basename($saveToFile)); } echo $L->sprintf($L->say['_saveprogres'], $saveToFile, $ext, bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize)) . "<br />"; require_once TEMPLATE_DIR . 'transloadui.php'; $FtpTimeStart = getmicrotime(); if ($ftp->get($ftp_file, $saveToFile)) { $ftp->quit(); $time = getmicrotime() - $FtpTimeStart; return array('time' => sec2time(round($time)), 'speed' => @round($FtpBytesTotal / 1024 / $time, 2), 'received' => TRUE, 'size' => bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize), 'bytesReceived' => $FtpBytesReceived, 'bytesTotal' => $FtpBytesTotal, 'file' => $saveToFile); } $ftp->quit(); return FALSE; } } } }
$result_explores = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_explore where race = " . $userdata['rassenid'] . " and (tabless !='' and tabless !='0' ) ORDER BY eid ASC"); while ($row_explores = $db->fetch_array($result_explores)) { if ($row_explores['required'] <= $userdata['build_explore']) { $size = $userdata[$row_explores['tabless']]; $size_new = $userdata[$row_explores['tabless']] + 1; $buildtime = sec2time($row_explores['time'] * $size_new); $res1 = $row_explores['res1'] * ($size + 1); $res2 = $row_explores['res2'] * ($size + 1); $res3 = $row_explores['res3'] * ($size + 1); $res4 = $row_explores['res4'] * ($size + 1); $anzeige_res1 = $op_set_n_res1 . ": " . $res1; $anzeige_res2 = $op_set_n_res2 . ": " . $res2; $anzeige_res3 = $op_set_n_res3 . ": " . $res3; $anzeige_res4 = $op_set_n_res4 . ": " . $res4; if (isset($show_bau) and $show_bau == 1) { $time_2_go = sec2time($requesttime); if ($userdata['eid'] == $row_explores['eid']) { $es_wird_gebaut = 1; $timer = time(); $cancelURL = "exploring.php?eid={$userdata['eid']}&action=del"; $message = make_timebanner($userdata['startexploretime'], $userdata['endexploretime'], $row_explores['eid'], "") . "<br><a href=\"{$cancelURL}\">" . $exploreabort . "</a>"; } else { $es_wird_gebaut = 1; $message = 'Es wird bereits geforscht! '; } } else { $message = "<a href=\"exploring.php?action=explore&eid={$row_explores['eid']}\">{$explore}</a>"; } $image = "\"" . $row_explores['explorePic'] . "\""; $new_found_inhalt = array($image, $row_explores['name'], $size, $row_explores['description'], $anzeige_res1, $anzeige_res2, $anzeige_res3, $anzeige_res4, $buildtime, $message); array_push($new_found, $new_found_inhalt);
</small><hr /> <?php echo $L->say['current_storage']; ?> <b class="g"><?php echo bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($serverfiles); ?> </b> <?php if ($options["storage_limit"] > 0) { echo '(Max: <b class="r">' . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($options["storage_limit"] * 1024 * 1024) . '</b>)'; } if ($options["limitbytraffic"]) { echo "<br />" . $L->say['current_traffic'] . " <b class='g'>" . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($traffic->total) . "</b> " . $L->say['of'] . " <span class=\"s\" title=\"" . $L->say['max_traffic'] . "\"><b>" . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($traffic->max) . "</b></span> " . ($traffic->expiredate ? $L->say['until'] . " <small><span class='g'>" . date("d-M-Y", $traffic->expiredate) . "</span></small>" : ""); if ($options["day_reset_trafic"] > 0) { echo "<br />" . $L->say['reset_traffic_remain'] . " <small class=\"s\">" . sec2time($traffic->timeremain()) . "</small>"; } } if ($options["limit_timework"]) { echo "<br />" . $L->say['_timework'] . ": <b class=\"s\">{$options["workstart"]}</b> " . $L->say['upto'] . " <b class=\"s\">{$options["workend"]}</b>"; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (is_array($deleted) && $deleted["count"] > 0) { ?> <tr><td colspan="2"> <div style="height:5px;"> </div><small class='subtitle'><?php echo $L->say['log_act'];
function geturl($host, $port, $url, $referer = 0, $cookie = 0, $post = 0, $saveToFile = 0, $proxy = 0, $pauth = 0, $auth = 0, $scheme = "http", $resume_from = 0) { global $nn, $lastError, $PHP_SELF, $AUTH, $IS_FTP, $FtpBytesTotal, $FtpBytesReceived, $FtpTimeStart, $FtpChunkSize, $Resume, $bytesReceived, $fs, $force_name, $options; $scheme .= "://"; if ($post !== 0 && $scheme == "http://") { $method = "POST"; $postdata = formpostdata($post); $length = strlen($postdata); $content_tl = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" . $nn . "Content-Length: " . $length . $nn; } else { $method = "GET"; $postdata = ""; $content_tl = ""; } if ($cookie) { if (is_array($cookie)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($cookie); $i++) { $cookies .= "Cookie: " . $cookie[$i] . $nn; } } else { $cookies = "Cookie: " . $cookie . $nn; } } $referer = $referer ? "Referer: " . $referer . $nn : ""; if ($scheme == "https://") { $scheme = "ssl://"; $port = 443; } if ($proxy) { list($proxyHost, $proxyPort) = explode(":", $proxy); $url = $scheme . $host . ":" . $port . $url; $host = $host . ":" . $port; } if ($scheme != "ssl://") { $scheme = ""; } $http_auth = $auth ? "Authorization: Basic " . $auth . $nn : ""; $proxyauth = $pauth ? "Proxy-Authorization: Basic " . $pauth . $nn : ""; $request = $method . " " . str_replace(" ", "%20", $url) . " HTTP/1.1" . $nn . "Host: " . $host . $nn . "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/" . $nn . "Accept: */*" . $nn . "Accept-Language: en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3" . $nn . "Accept-Charset: utf-8,windows-1251;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" . $nn . "Pragma: no-cache" . $nn . "Cache-Control: no-cache" . $nn . ($Resume["use"] === TRUE ? "Range: bytes=" . $Resume["from"] . "-" . $nn : "") . $http_auth . $proxyauth . $referer . $cookies . "Connection: Close" . $nn . $content_tl . $nn . $postdata; $errno = 0; $errstr = ""; $hosts = ($proxyHost ? $scheme . $proxyHost : $scheme . $host) . ':' . ($proxyPort ? $proxyPort : $port); $fp = @stream_socket_client($hosts, $errno, $errstr, 120, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT); //$fp = @fsockopen($proxyHost ? $scheme.$proxyHost : $scheme.$host, $proxyPort ? $proxyPort : $port, $errno, $errstr, 15); if (!$fp) { $dis_host = $proxyHost ? $proxyHost : $host; $dis_port = $proxyPort ? $proxyPort : $port; html_error(sprintf(lang(88), $dis_host, $dis_port)); } if ($errno || $errstr) { $lastError = $errstr; return false; } if ($saveToFile) { if ($proxy) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(lang(89), $proxyHost, $proxyPort) . '<br />'; echo "GET: <b>" . $url . "</b>...<br />\n"; } else { echo "<p>"; printf(lang(90), $host, $port); echo "</p>"; } } ######################################################################### fputs($fp, $request); fflush($fp); $timeStart = getmicrotime(); // Rewrote the get header function according to the proxy script // Also made sure it goes faster and I think 8192 is the best value for retrieving headers // Oops.. The previous function hooked up everything and now I'm returning it back to normal do { $header .= fgets($fp, 16384); } while (strpos($header, $nn . $nn) === false); ######################################################################### if (!$header) { $lastError = lang(91); return false; } $responsecode = ""; preg_match('/^HTTP\\/1\\.0|1 ([0-9]+) .*/', $header, $responsecode); if (($responsecode[1] == 404 || $responsecode[1] == 403) && $saveToFile) { // Do some checking, please, at least tell them what error it was if ($responsecode[1] == 403) { $lastError = lang(92); } elseif ($responsecode[1] == 404) { $lastError = lang(93); } else { // Weird, it shouldn't come here... $lastError = lang(94); } return false; } if ($saveToFile) { //$bytesTotal = intval ( trim ( cut_str ( $header, "Content-Length:", "\n" ) ) ); $bytesTotal = trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Length:", "\n")); global $options; if ($options['file_size_limit'] > 0) { if ($bytesTotal > $options['file_size_limit'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = lang(336) . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($options['file_size_limit'] * 1024 * 1024) . "."; return false; } } if (stristr($host, "rapidshare") && $bytesTotal < 10000) { while (!feof($fp)) { $page_src .= fread($fp, 1024 * 8); } is_present($page_src, "is already in use with another ip", lang(100)); } if (stristr($host, "imageshack") && $bytesTotal < 15000) { while (!feof($fp)) { $page_src .= fread($fp, 1024 * 8); } is_present($page_src, "To avoid creation of corrupted zip files, you cannot create a zip on this torrent until it is done downloading"); } $redir = ""; if (trim(preg_match('/[^\\-]Location: *(.+)(\\r|\\n)+/i', $header, $redir))) { $redirect = $redir[1]; $lastError = sprintf(lang(95), $redirect); return FALSE; } if (in_array(cut_str($header, "WWW-Authenticate: ", " "), array("Basic", "Digest"))) { $lastError = lang(96); return FALSE; } $ContentType = trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Type:", "\n")); if (stristr($host, "rapidshare") && stristr($ContentType, "text/html") && stristr($header, "404 Not Found")) { unset($saveToFile); $NoDownload = TRUE; } elseif (stristr($host, "megaupload") && stristr($ContentType, "text/html")) { unset($saveToFile); $NoDownload = TRUE; } if ($Resume["use"] === TRUE && !stristr($header, "Content-Range:")) { if (stristr($header, "503 Limit Exceeded")) { $lastError = lang(97); } else { $lastError = lang(98); } return FALSE; } if ($force_name) { $FileName = $force_name; $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $FileName; } else { $ContentDisposition = trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Disposition:", "\n")) . "\n"; if ($ContentDisposition && stripos($ContentDisposition, "filename=") !== false) { $FileName = trim(trim(trim(trim(trim(cut_str($ContentDisposition, "filename=", "\n")), "="), "?"), ";"), '"'); if (strpos($FileName, "/") !== false) { $FileName = basename($FileName); } $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $FileName; } } if (!empty($options['rename_prefix'])) { $File_Name = $options['rename_prefix'] . '_' . basename($saveToFile); $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } if (!empty($options['rename_suffix'])) { $ext = strrchr(basename($saveToFile), "."); $before_ext = explode($ext, basename($saveToFile)); $File_Name = $before_ext[0] . '_' . $options['rename_suffix'] . $ext; $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } if ($options['rename_underscore']) { $File_Name = str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), '_', basename($saveToFile)); $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $File_Name; } $filetype = strrchr($saveToFile, "."); if (is_array($options['forbidden_filetypes']) && in_array(strtolower($filetype), $options['forbidden_filetypes'])) { if ($options['forbidden_filetypes_block']) { $lastError = sprintf(lang(82), $filetype); return false; } else { $saveToFile = str_replace($filetype, $options['rename_these_filetypes_to'], $saveToFile); } } if (@file_exists($saveToFile) && $options['bw_save']) { html_error(lang(99) . ': ' . link_for_file($saveToFile), 0); } if (@file_exists($saveToFile) && $Resume["use"] === TRUE) { $fs = @fopen($saveToFile, "ab"); if (!$fs) { $lastError = sprintf(lang(101), basename($saveToFile), dirname($saveToFile)) . '<br />' . lang(102) . '<br /><a href="javascript:location.reload();">' . lang(103) . '</a>'; return FALSE; } } else { if (@file_exists($saveToFile)) { $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . time() . "_" . basename($saveToFile); } $fs = @fopen($saveToFile, "wb"); if (!$fs) { $secondName = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . str_replace(":", "", str_replace("?", "", basename($saveToFile))); $fs = @fopen($secondName, "wb"); if (!$fs) { $lastError = sprintf(lang(101), basename($saveToFile), dirname($saveToFile)) . '<br />' . lang(102) . '<br /><a href="javascript:location.reload();">' . lang(103) . '</a>'; return FALSE; } } } flock($fs, LOCK_EX); if ($Resume["use"] === TRUE && stristr($header, "Content-Range:")) { list($temp, $Resume["range"]) = explode(" ", trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Range:", "\n"))); list($Resume["range"], $fileSize) = explode("/", $Resume["range"]); $fileSize = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize); } else { $fileSize = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesTotal); } $chunkSize = GetChunkSize($bytesTotal); echo lang(104) . ' <b>' . basename($saveToFile) . '</b>, ' . lang(56) . ' <b>' . $fileSize . '</b>...<br />'; //$scriptStarted = false; require TEMPLATE_DIR . '/transloadui.php'; if ($Resume["use"] === TRUE) { $received = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb(filesize($saveToFile)); $percent = round($Resume["from"] / ($bytesTotal + $Resume["from"]) * 100, 2); echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(' . "'" . $percent . "', '" . $received . "', '0');</script>"; //$scriptStarted = true; flush(); } } else { $page = $header; } do { $data = @fread($fp, $saveToFile ? $chunkSize : 16384); // 16384 saw this value in Pear HTTP_Request2 package // (fix - szal) using this actually just causes massive cpu usage for large files, too much data is flushed to the browser!) if ($data == '') { break; } if ($saveToFile) { $bytesSaved = fwrite($fs, $data); if ($bytesSaved > -1) { $bytesReceived += $bytesSaved; } else { $lastError = sprintf(lang(105), $saveToFile); return false; } if ($bytesReceived >= $bytesTotal) { $percent = 100; } else { $percent = @round(($bytesReceived + $Resume["from"]) / ($bytesTotal + $Resume["from"]) * 100, 2); } if ($bytesReceived > $last + $chunkSize) { $received = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesReceived + $Resume["from"]); $time = getmicrotime() - $timeStart; $chunkTime = $time - $lastChunkTime; $chunkTime = $chunkTime ? $chunkTime : 1; $lastChunkTime = $time; $speed = @round($chunkSize / 1024 / $chunkTime, 2); /*if (!$scriptStarted) { echo('<script type="text/javascript">'); $scriptStarted = true; }*/ echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(' . "'" . $percent . "', '" . $received . "', '" . $speed . "');</script>"; $last = $bytesReceived; } } else { $page .= $data; } } while (strlen($data) > 0); //echo('</script>'); if ($saveToFile) { flock($fs, LOCK_UN); fclose($fs); if ($bytesReceived <= 0) { $lastError = lang(106); fclose($fp); return FALSE; } } fclose($fp); if ($saveToFile) { return array("time" => sec2time(round($time)), "speed" => @round($bytesTotal / 1024 / (getmicrotime() - $timeStart), 2), "received" => true, "size" => $fileSize, "bytesReceived" => $bytesReceived + $Resume["from"], "bytesTotal" => $bytesTotal + $Resume["from"], "file" => $saveToFile); } else { if ($NoDownload) { if (stristr($host, "rapidshare")) { is_present($page, "You have reached the limit for Free users", lang(107), 0); is_present($page, "The download session has expired", lang(108), 0); is_present($page, "Wrong access code.", lang(109), 0); is_present($page, "You have entered a wrong code too many times", lang(110), 0); print $page; } elseif (stristr($host, "megaupload")) { is_present($page, "Download limit exceeded", lang(111), 0); print $page; } } else { return $page; } } }
function geturl($host, $port, $url, $referer = 0, $cookie = 0, $post = 0, $saveToFile = 0, $proxy = 0, $pauth = 0, $auth = 0, $scheme = 'http', $resume_from = 0, $XMLRequest = 0) { global $nn, $lastError, $Resume, $bytesReceived, $fp, $fs, $force_name, $options, $sFilters; $scheme = strtolower($scheme) . '://'; if ($post !== 0 && ($scheme == 'http://' || $scheme == 'https://')) { $method = 'POST'; $postdata = is_array($post) ? formpostdata($post) : $post; } else { $method = 'GET'; $postdata = ''; } if (!empty($cookie)) { if (is_array($cookie)) { $cookies = count($cookie) > 0 ? CookiesToStr($cookie) : 0; } else { $cookies = trim($cookie); } } if ($scheme == 'https://') { if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { html_error('You need to install/enable PHP\'s OpenSSL extension to support downloading via HTTPS.'); } $scheme = 'tls://'; if ($port == 0 || $port == 80) { $port = 443; } } if ($proxy) { list($proxyHost, $proxyPort) = explode(':', $proxy, 2); $host = $host . ($port != 80 && ($scheme != 'tls://' || $port != 443) ? ':' . $port : ''); $url = "{$scheme}{$host}{$url}"; } if ($scheme != 'tls://') { $scheme = ''; } $request = array(); $request[] = $method . ' ' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $url) . ' HTTP/1.1'; $request[] = "Host: {$host}"; $request[] = 'User-Agent: ' . rl_UserAgent; $request[] = 'Accept: */*'; $request[] = 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9'; $request[] = 'Accept-Charset: utf-8,windows-1251;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'; if (!empty($referer)) { $request[] = "Referer: {$referer}"; } if (!empty($cookies)) { $request[] = "Cookie: {$cookies}"; } $request[] = 'Pragma: no-cache'; $request[] = 'Cache-Control: no-cache'; // if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE) $request[] = 'Range: bytes=' . $Resume['from'] . '-'; if (!empty($auth)) { $request[] = "Authorization: Basic {$auth}"; } if (!empty($pauth)) { $request[] = "Proxy-Authorization: Basic {$pauth}"; } if ($method == 'POST') { if (!empty($referer) && stripos($referer, "\nContent-Type: ") === false) { $request[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } $request[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($postdata); } if ($XMLRequest) { $request[] = 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest'; } $request[] = 'Connection: Close'; $request = implode($nn, $request) . $nn . $nn . $postdata; $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $hosts = (!empty($proxyHost) ? $scheme . $proxyHost : $scheme . $host) . ':' . (!empty($proxyPort) ? $proxyPort : $port); $fp = @stream_socket_client($hosts, $errno, $errstr, 120, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT); //$fp = @fsockopen($proxyHost ? $scheme.$proxyHost : $scheme.$host, $proxyPort ? $proxyPort : $port, $errno, $errstr, 15); if (!$fp) { if (!function_exists('stream_socket_client')) { html_error('[ERROR] stream_socket_client() is disabled.'); } $dis_host = !empty($proxyHost) ? $proxyHost : $host; $dis_port = !empty($proxyPort) ? $proxyPort : $port; html_error(sprintf(lang(88), $dis_host, $dis_port)); } if ($errno || $errstr) { $lastError = $errstr; return false; } if ($saveToFile) { if ($proxy) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(lang(89), $proxyHost, $proxyPort) . '<br />'; echo 'GET: <b>' . $url . "</b>...<br />\n"; } else { echo '<p>' . sprintf(lang(90), $host, $port) . '</p>'; } } ######################################################################### fwrite($fp, $request); fflush($fp); $timeStart = microtime(true); // Rewrote the get header function according to the proxy script // Also made sure it goes faster and I think 8192 is the best value for retrieving headers // Oops.. The previous function hooked up everything and now I'm returning it back to normal $llen = 0; $header = ''; do { $header .= fgets($fp, 16384); $len = strlen($header); if (!$header || $len == $llen) { $lastError = lang(91); stream_socket_shutdown($fp, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR); fclose($fp); return false; } $llen = $len; } while (strpos($header, $nn . $nn) === false); // Array for active stream filters $sFilters = array(); if (stripos($header, "\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked") !== false && in_array('dechunk', stream_get_filters())) { // Add built-in dechunk filter $sFilters['dechunk'] = stream_filter_append($fp, 'dechunk', STREAM_FILTER_READ); if (!$sFilters['dechunk'] && $saveToFile) { html_error('Unknown error while initializing dechunk filter, cannot continue download.'); } } ######################################################################### if ($saveToFile) { if (!isset($_GET['dis_plug']) || $_GET['dis_plug'] != 'on') { $cbhost = strpos($host, ':') !== false ? substr($host, 0, strpos($host, ':')) : $host; // Remove the port that may be added when it's using proxy $chkhost = preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}$/', $cbhost) ? false : true; if (!empty($referer)) { $cbrefhost = stripos($referer, 'www.') === 0 ? substr($referer, 4) : $referer; $cbrefhost = parse_url($cbrefhost, PHP_URL_HOST); $chkref = empty($cbrefhost) || preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}$/', $cbrefhost) ? false : ($chkhost && strtolower($cbhost) == strtolower($cbrefhost) ? false : true); } else { $chkref = false; } $found = false; if ($chkhost || $chkref) { foreach ($GLOBALS['host'] as $site => $file) { if ($chkhost && host_matches($site, $cbhost)) { $found = true; break; } elseif ($chkref && host_matches($site, $cbrefhost)) { $found = true; break; } } } if ($found) { require_once HOST_DIR . 'DownloadClass.php'; require_once HOST_DIR . "download/{$file}"; $class = substr($file, 0, -4); $firstchar = substr($file, 0, 1); if ($firstchar > 0) { $class = "d{$class}"; } if (class_exists($class) && method_exists($class, 'CheckBack')) { // is_callable(array($class , 'CheckBack')) $hostClass = new $class(false); $hostClass->CheckBack($header); } } unset($cbhost, $cbrefhost, $chkhost, $chkref, $found); } if (preg_match('/^HTTP\\/1\\.[0|1] (\\d+) .*/', $header, $responsecode) && ($responsecode[1] == 404 || $responsecode[1] == 403)) { // Do some checking, please, at least tell them what error it was if ($responsecode[1] == 403) { $lastError = lang(92); } elseif ($responsecode[1] == 404) { $lastError = lang(93); } else { // Weird, it shouldn't come here... $lastError = lang(94); } return false; } //$bytesTotal = intval ( trim ( cut_str ( $header, "Content-Length:", "\n" ) ) ); $bytesTotal = trim(cut_str($header, "\nContent-Length: ", "\n")); global $options; if ($options['file_size_limit'] > 0 && $bytesTotal > $options['file_size_limit'] * 1024 * 1024) { $lastError = lang(336) . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($options['file_size_limit'] * 1024 * 1024) . '.'; return false; } if (stripos($header, "\nLocation: ") !== false && preg_match('/\\nLocation: ([^\\r\\n]+)/i', $header, $redir)) { $redirect = trim($redir[1]); $lastError = sprintf(lang(95), $redirect); return FALSE; } if (in_array(cut_str($header, "\nWWW-Authenticate: ", ' '), array('Basic', 'Digest'))) { $lastError = lang(96); return FALSE; } //$ContentType = trim (cut_str($header, "\nContent-Type:", "\n")); // Unused if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE && stripos($header, "\nContent-Range: ") === false) { $lastError = stripos($header, '503 Limit Exceeded') !== false ? lang(97) : lang(98); return FALSE; } if ($force_name) { $FileName = $force_name; } else { $ContentDisposition = cut_str($header, "\nContent-Disposition: ", "\n"); if (!empty($ContentDisposition) && stripos($ContentDisposition, 'filename') !== false) { if (preg_match("@filename\\*=UTF-8''((?:[\\w\\-\\.]|%[0-F]{2})+)@i", $ContentDisposition, $fn)) { $FileName = rawurldecode($fn[1]); } elseif (preg_match('@filename=\\"?([^\\r\\n\\"\\;]+)\\"?@i', $ContentDisposition, $fn)) { $FileName = $fn[1]; } else { $FileName = $saveToFile; } } else { $FileName = $saveToFile; } } $FileName = str_replace(array_merge(range(chr(0), chr(31)), str_split("<>:\"/|?*\\")), '', basename(trim($FileName))); if (!empty($options['rename_prefix'])) { $FileName = $options['rename_prefix'] . '_' . $FileName; } if (!empty($options['rename_suffix'])) { $ext = strrchr($FileName, '.'); $before_ext = explode($ext, $FileName); $FileName = $before_ext[0] . '_' . $options['rename_suffix'] . $ext; } if ($options['rename_underscore']) { $FileName = str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), '_', $FileName); } $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . $FileName; $filetype = strrchr($saveToFile, '.'); if (is_array($options['forbidden_filetypes']) && in_array(strtolower($filetype), $options['forbidden_filetypes'])) { if ($options['forbidden_filetypes_block']) { $lastError = sprintf(lang(82), $filetype); return false; } else { $saveToFile = str_replace($filetype, $options['rename_these_filetypes_to'], $saveToFile); } } if (@file_exists($saveToFile) && $options['bw_save']) { // Skip in audl. if (isset($_GET['audl'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.nextlink();</script>'; } html_error(lang(99) . ': ' . link_for_file($saveToFile)); } if (@file_exists($saveToFile) && $Resume['use'] === TRUE) { $fs = @fopen($saveToFile, 'ab'); if (!$fs) { $lastError = sprintf(lang(101), basename($saveToFile), dirname($saveToFile)) . '<br />' . lang(102) . '<br /><a href="javascript:location.reload();">' . lang(103) . '</a>'; return FALSE; } } else { if (@file_exists($saveToFile)) { $saveToFile = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . time() . '_' . basename($saveToFile); } $fs = @fopen($saveToFile, 'wb'); if (!$fs) { $secondName = dirname($saveToFile) . PATH_SPLITTER . str_replace(':', '', str_replace('?', '', basename($saveToFile))); $fs = @fopen($secondName, 'wb'); if (!$fs) { $lastError = sprintf(lang(101), basename($saveToFile), dirname($saveToFile)) . '<br />' . lang(102) . '<br /><a href="javascript:location.reload();">' . lang(103) . '</a>'; return FALSE; } } } flock($fs, LOCK_EX); if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE && stripos($header, "\nContent-Range: ") !== false) { list($temp, $Resume['range']) = explode(' ', trim(cut_str($header, "\nContent-Range: ", "\n"))); list($Resume['range'], $fileSize) = explode('/', $Resume['range']); $fileSize = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($fileSize); } else { $fileSize = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesTotal); } $chunkSize = GetChunkSize($bytesTotal); echo lang(104) . ' <b>' . basename($saveToFile) . '</b>, ' . lang(56) . " <b>{$fileSize}</b>...<br />"; //$scriptStarted = false; require_once TEMPLATE_DIR . '/transloadui.php'; if ($Resume['use'] === TRUE) { $received = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb(filesize($saveToFile)); $percent = round($Resume['from'] / ($bytesTotal + $Resume['from']) * 100, 2); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>pr('{$percent}', '{$received}', '0');</script>"; //$scriptStarted = true; flush(); } } else { $page = ''; } $time = $last = $lastChunkTime = 0; do { $data = @fread($fp, $saveToFile ? $chunkSize : 16384); // 16384 saw this value in Pear HTTP_Request2 package // (fix - szal) using this actually just causes massive cpu usage for large files, too much data is flushed to the browser!) if ($data == '') { break; } if ($saveToFile) { $bytesSaved = fwrite($fs, $data); if ($bytesSaved !== false && strlen($data) == $bytesSaved) { //if ($bytesSaved > - 1) { $bytesReceived += $bytesSaved; } else { $lastError = sprintf(lang(105), basename($saveToFile)); // unlink($saveToFile); return false; } if ($bytesReceived >= $bytesTotal) { $percent = 100; } else { $percent = @round(($bytesReceived + $Resume['from']) / ($bytesTotal + $Resume['from']) * 100, 2); } if ($bytesReceived > $last + $chunkSize) { $received = bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($bytesReceived + $Resume['from']); $time = microtime(true) - $timeStart; $chunkTime = $time - $lastChunkTime; $chunkTime = $chunkTime > 0 ? $chunkTime : 1; $lastChunkTime = $time; $speed = @round(($bytesReceived - $last) / 1024 / $chunkTime, 2); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>pr('{$percent}', '{$received}', '{$speed}');</script>"; $last = $bytesReceived; } if (!empty($bytesTotal) && $bytesReceived + $chunkSize > $bytesTotal) { $chunkSize = $bytesTotal - $bytesReceived; } } else { $page .= $data; } } while (!feof($fp) && strlen($data) > 0); if ($saveToFile) { flock($fs, LOCK_UN); fclose($fs); if ($bytesReceived <= 0) { $lastError = lang(106); stream_socket_shutdown($fp, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR); fclose($fp); return FALSE; } } stream_socket_shutdown($fp, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR); fclose($fp); if ($saveToFile) { return array('time' => sec2time(round($time)), 'speed' => @round($bytesTotal / 1024 / (microtime(true) - $timeStart), 2), 'received' => true, 'size' => $fileSize, 'bytesReceived' => $bytesReceived + $Resume['from'], 'bytesTotal' => $bytesTotal + $Resume['from'], 'file' => $saveToFile); } else { if (stripos($header, "\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked") !== false && empty($sFilters['dechunk']) && function_exists('http_chunked_decode')) { $dechunked = http_chunked_decode($page); if ($dechunked !== false) { $page = $dechunked; } unset($dechunked); } $page = $header . $page; return $page; } }
</ul></div></td> <td class="tdacc"> <div id="curtrafic" align="center" style="position:absolute;float:left;width:200px;padding-left:270px; margin-top:-10px;"><div id="trafwaiting" align="left" style="display:none;"></div></div> <div class="div_right_ndot"><ul> <li class="ndot"><span>Quota Traffic allowed. Currently traffic: <span id="cur_traffic"><b class="g" style="position:absolute;"><span id="trafshowresults"><?php echo bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($traffic->total); ?> </span> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="<?php echo $ajax_serverfiles ? 'if(confirm(\'This will reset Current Traffic, proceed?\')){trafst();}' : 'alert(\'Ajax Disabled\');'; ?> ;"><small>reset</small></a></b></span></span></li> <li class="ndot"><span>The D-Day traffic quota will expired</span></li> <li class="ndot"><span>Auto-Reset traffic. set to 0 or blank to disable. <?php if ($options['day_reset_trafic'] > 0) { echo "<small class='g'>remain: " . sec2time($traffic->timeremain()) . "</small>"; } ?> </span></li></ul> <?php if ($ajax_serverfiles) { ?> <script type="text/javascript">function trafst() {document.trew.submit("posttraffic","trafwaiting","trafshowresults",""); }</script> <?php } ?> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdacc"><input type="checkbox" id="opt_limited_edition" name="opt_limited_edition" value="1" /><label for="opt_limited_edition"> <b>Limit Authorize by IP</b></label></td>
while ($rowt = $db->fetch_array($resultt)) { } if ($row['res1'] <= 0) { $row['res1']++; } if ($row['res2'] <= 0) { $row['res2']++; } if ($row['res3'] <= 0) { $row['res3']++; } if ($row['res4'] <= 0) { $row['res4']++; } $numOfMans = $userdata[$row['tabless']]; $build_time = sec2time($row['stime']); $maxi = min(floor($userdata['res1'] / $row['res1']), floor($userdata['res2'] / $row['res2']), floor($userdata['res3'] / $row['res3']), floor($userdata['res4'] / $row['res4'])); $url = "\"build_deff.php?action=create&soid={$row['sid']}\""; $new_found_inhalt = array("\"" . $row['solpic'] . "\"", $row['name'], $row['description'], $op_set_n_res1 . ": " . $row['res1'], $op_set_n_res2 . ": " . $row['res2'], $op_set_n_res3 . ": " . $row['res3'], $op_set_n_res4 . ": " . $row['res4'], $build_time, $numOfMans, $url, $maxi, $row['AP'], $row['VP']); array_push($new_found, $new_found_inhalt); } } $tpl->assign('daten', $new_found); template_out('build_deff.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "create") { $num = intval($_POST['num']); $soid = intval($_GET['soid']); if ($num == 0 || $soid == 0 || $num < 0) { show_error('BUILD_DEFF_ERROR_1', $modul_name);
$tpl->assign('ali_news_show', $ali_news_text); $tpl->assign('ali_news_date', $change_date); } $userrace = get_race($userdata['rassenid']); $cur_res_reload_time = round($op_res_reload_time / 60); $production_res1 = $op_set_res1 + $userdata['res1mine'] * $op_mup_res1; $production_res2 = $op_set_res3 + $userdata['res2mine'] * $op_mup_res3; $production_res3 = $op_set_res2 + $userdata['res3mine'] * $op_mup_res2; $production_res4 = $op_set_res4 + $userdata['res4mine'] * $op_mup_res4; $next4ressources = $userdata['lastressources'] + $op_res_reload_time - time(); $allianzname = generate_allilink($userdata['allianzid']); $is_allianz = 0; if ($userdata['allianzid'] != 0) { $is_allianz = 1; } $tpl->assign('next4ressources', sec2time($next4ressources)); $tpl->assign('daten', $daten); $tpl->assign('cur_res_reload_time', $cur_res_reload_time); $tpl->assign('production_res1', $production_res1); $tpl->assign('production_res2', $production_res2); $tpl->assign('production_res3', $production_res3); $tpl->assign('production_res4', $production_res4); $tpl->assign('is_allianz', $is_allianz); $tpl->assign('M_USER_RACE', $userrace); $tpl->assign('M_LANDSIZE_MAX', $op_max_c_size); $tpl->assign('M_LANDSIZE', $userdata['size']); $tpl->assign('M_A_NAME', $allianzname); $tpl->assign('M_KOORDS', $userdata['x'] . ":" . $userdata['y']); $tpl->assign('M_C_NAME', $userdata['name']); $tpl->assign('M_POINTS', $userdata['points']); template_out('members.html', $modul_name);