コード例 #1
     if (is_wp_error($challenge_response_passed)) {
         $error_message = $challenge_response_passed->get_error_message();
     } else {
         $error_message = (string) $challenge_response_passed;
     dgx_donate_debug_log('Form challenge-response failed:' . $error_message);
     die(esc_html__('Invalid response to challenge. Are you human?'));
 if ($sd4_mode == false) {
     // Save it all in a transient
     $transient_token = $post_data['SESSIONID'];
     set_transient($transient_token, $post_data, 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
     // 7 days
     dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using legacy mode');
 } else {
     seamless_donations_update_audit_option($session_id, $post_data);
     dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using guid/audit db mode');
 // more log data
 dgx_donate_debug_log('Name: ' . $post_data['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $post_data['LASTNAME']);
 dgx_donate_debug_log('Amount: ' . $post_data['AMOUNT']);
 dgx_donate_debug_log("Preparation complete. Entering PHP post code.");
 // new posting code
 // Build the PayPal query string
 $post_args = "?";
 $post_args .= "first_name=" . urlencode($post_data['FIRSTNAME']) . "&";
 $post_args .= "last_name=" . urlencode($post_data['LASTNAME']) . "&";
 $post_args .= "address1=" . urlencode($post_data['ADDRESS']) . "&";
 $post_args .= "address2=" . urlencode($post_data['ADDRESS2']) . "&";
 $post_args .= "city=" . urlencode($post_data['CITY']) . "&";
 $post_args .= "zip=" . urlencode($post_data['ZIP']) . "&";
コード例 #2
ファイル: payment.php プロジェクト: jesusmarket/jesusmarket
function seamless_donations_process_payment()
    // Log
    $paypal_server = get_option('dgx_donate_paypal_server');
    dgx_donate_debug_log('DONATION TRANSACTION STARTED');
    dgx_donate_debug_log('Processing mode: ' . $paypal_server);
    $php_version = phpversion();
    dgx_donate_debug_log("PHP Version: {$php_version}");
    dgx_donate_debug_log("Seamless Donations Version: " . dgx_donate_get_version());
    dgx_donate_debug_log("User browser: " . seamless_donations_get_browser_name());
    $http_ipn_url = plugins_url('/dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php', dirname(__FILE__));
    $https_ipn_url = plugins_url('/pay/paypalstd/ipn.php', dirname(__FILE__));
    $https_ipn_url = str_ireplace('http://', 'https://', $https_ipn_url);
    // force https check
    dgx_donate_debug_log('IPN (http): ' . $http_ipn_url);
    dgx_donate_debug_log('IPN (https): ' . $https_ipn_url);
    $nonce_bypass = get_option('dgx_donate_ignore_form_nonce');
    if ($nonce_bypass != '1') {
        $nonce = $_POST['nonce'];
        if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'dgx-donate-nonce')) {
            $nonce_error = 'Payment process nonce validation failure. ';
            $nonce_error .= 'Consider turning on Ignore Form Nonce Value in the Seamless Donations ';
            $nonce_error .= 'Settings tab under Host Compatibility Options.';
            die('Access Denied. See Seamless Donations log for details.');
        } else {
            dgx_donate_debug_log("Payment process nonce {$nonce} validated.");
    // todo: not getting session ID ***************************************************
    // todo: reattach the javascript verification code
    $sd4_mode = get_option('dgx_donate_start_in_sd4_mode');
    $session_id = $_POST['_dgx_donate_session_id'];
    dgx_donate_debug_log("Session ID retrieved from _POST: {$session_id}");
    // now attempt to retrieve session data to see if it already exists (which would trigger an error)
    if ($sd4_mode == false) {
        // use the old transient system
        $session_data = get_transient($session_id);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Looking for pre-existing session data (legacy transient mode): ' . $session_id);
    } else {
        // use the new guid/audit db system
        $session_data = seamless_donations_get_audit_option($session_id);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Looking for pre-existing session data (guid/audit db mode): ' . $session_id);
    if ($session_data !== false) {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Session data already exists, returning false');
    } else {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Duplicate session data not found. Payment process data assembly can proceed.');
        // Repack the POST
        $post_data = array();
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_redirect_url'])) {
            $post_data['REFERRINGURL'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_redirect_url'];
        } else {
            $post_data['REFERRINGURL'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_success_url'])) {
            $post_data['SUCCESSURL'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_success_url'];
        } else {
            $post_data['SUCCESSURL'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_session_id'])) {
            $post_data['SESSIONID'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_session_id'];
        } else {
            $post_data['SESSIONID'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_repeating'])) {
            $post_data['REPEATING'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_repeating'];
        } else {
            $post_data['REPEATING'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_designated'])) {
            $post_data['DESIGNATED'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_designated'];
        } else {
            $post_data['DESIGNATED'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_designated_fund'])) {
            $post_data['DESIGNATEDFUND'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_designated_fund'];
        } else {
            $post_data['DESIGNATEDFUND'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_tribute_gift'])) {
            $post_data['TRIBUTEGIFT'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_tribute_gift'];
        } else {
            $post_data['TRIBUTEGIFT'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_memorial_gift'])) {
            $post_data['MEMORIALGIFT'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_memorial_gift'];
        } else {
            $post_data['MEMORIALGIFT'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_name'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREENAME'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_name'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREENAME'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honor_by_email'])) {
            $post_data['HONORBYEMAIL'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honor_by_email'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONORBYEMAIL'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_email'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREEEMAIL'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_email'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREEEMAIL'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_address'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREEADDRESS'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_address'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREEADDRESS'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_city'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREECITY'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_city'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREECITY'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_state'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREESTATE'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_state'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREESTATE'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_province'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREEPROVINCE'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_province'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREEPROVINCE'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_country'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREECOUNTRY'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_country'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREECOUNTRY'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_zip'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREEZIP'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_zip'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREEZIP'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_email_name'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREEEMAILNAME'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_email_name'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREEEMAILNAME'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_post_name'])) {
            $post_data['HONOREEPOSTNAME'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_honoree_post_name'];
        } else {
            $post_data['HONOREEPOSTNAME'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_first_name'])) {
            $post_data['FIRSTNAME'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_first_name'];
        } else {
            $post_data['FIRSTNAME'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_last_name'])) {
            $post_data['LASTNAME'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_last_name'];
        } else {
            $post_data['LASTNAME'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_phone'])) {
            $post_data['PHONE'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_phone'];
        } else {
            $post_data['PHONE'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_email'])) {
            $post_data['EMAIL'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_email'];
        } else {
            $post_data['EMAIL'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_add_to_mailing_list'])) {
            $post_data['ADDTOMAILINGLIST'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_add_to_mailing_list'];
        } else {
            $post_data['ADDTOMAILINGLIST'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_address'])) {
            $post_data['ADDRESS'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_address'];
        } else {
            $post_data['ADDRESS'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_address2'])) {
            $post_data['ADDRESS2'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_address2'];
        } else {
            $post_data['ADDRESS2'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_city'])) {
            $post_data['CITY'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_city'];
        } else {
            $post_data['CITY'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_state'])) {
            $post_data['STATE'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_state'];
        } else {
            $post_data['STATE'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_province'])) {
            $post_data['PROVINCE'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_province'];
        } else {
            $post_data['PROVINCE'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_country'])) {
            $post_data['COUNTRY'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_country'];
        } else {
            $post_data['COUNTRY'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_zip'])) {
            $post_data['ZIP'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_donor_zip'];
        } else {
            $post_data['ZIP'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_increase_to_cover'])) {
            $post_data['INCREASETOCOVER'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_increase_to_cover'];
        } else {
            $post_data['INCREASETOCOVER'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_anonymous'])) {
            $post_data['ANONYMOUS'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_anonymous'];
        } else {
            $post_data['ANONYMOUS'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_employer_match'])) {
            $post_data['EMPLOYERMATCH'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_employer_match'];
        } else {
            $post_data['EMPLOYERMATCH'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_employer_name'])) {
            $post_data['EMPLOYERNAME'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_employer_name'];
        } else {
            $post_data['EMPLOYERNAME'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_occupation'])) {
            $post_data['OCCUPATION'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_occupation'];
        } else {
            $post_data['OCCUPATION'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_uk_gift_aid'])) {
            $post_data['UKGIFTAID'] = $_POST['_dgx_donate_uk_gift_aid'];
        } else {
            $post_data['UKGIFTAID'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['nonce'])) {
            $post_data['NONCE'] = $_POST['nonce'];
        } else {
            $post_data['NONCE'] = '';
        // pull override data from hidden form (might be modified by users with callbacks)
        if (isset($_POST['business'])) {
            $post_data['BUSINESS'] = $_POST['business'];
        } else {
            $post_data['BUSINESS'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['return'])) {
            $post_data['RETURN'] = $_POST['return'];
        } else {
            $post_data['RETURN'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['notify_url'])) {
            $post_data['NOTIFY_URL'] = $_POST['notify_url'];
        } else {
            $post_data['NOTIFY_URL'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['item_name'])) {
            $post_data['ITEM_NAME'] = $_POST['item_name'];
        } else {
            $post_data['ITEM_NAME'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) {
            $post_data['CMD'] = $_POST['cmd'];
        } else {
            $post_data['CMD'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['p3'])) {
            $post_data['P3'] = $_POST['p3'];
        } else {
            $post_data['P3'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['t3'])) {
            $post_data['T3'] = $_POST['t3'];
        } else {
            $post_data['T3'] = '';
        if (isset($_POST['a3'])) {
            $post_data['A3'] = $_POST['a3'];
        } else {
            $post_data['A3'] = '';
        // Resolve the donation amount
        if (strcasecmp($_POST['_dgx_donate_amount'], "OTHER") == 0) {
            $post_data['AMOUNT'] = floatval($_POST['_dgx_donate_user_amount']);
        } else {
            $post_data['AMOUNT'] = floatval($_POST['_dgx_donate_amount']);
        if ($post_data['AMOUNT'] < 1.0) {
            $post_data['AMOUNT'] = 1.0;
        if ('US' == $post_data['HONOREECOUNTRY']) {
            $post_data['PROVINCE'] = '';
        } else {
            if ('CA' == $post_data['HONOREECOUNTRY']) {
                $post_data['HONOREESTATE'] = '';
            } else {
                $post_data['HONOREESTATE'] = '';
                $post_data['HONOREEPROVINCE'] = '';
        // If no country entered, pull in the default
        if ($post_data['COUNTRY'] == '') {
            $post_data['COUNTRY'] = get_option('dgx_donate_default_country');
        if ('US' == $post_data['COUNTRY']) {
            $post_data['PROVINCE'] = '';
        } else {
            if ('CA' == $post_data['COUNTRY']) {
                $post_data['STATE'] = '';
            } else {
                $post_data['STATE'] = '';
                $post_data['PROVINCE'] = '';
        $post_data['PAYMENTMETHOD'] = "PayPal";
        // $_POST['dgx_donate_payment_method']
        $post_data['SDVERSION'] = dgx_donate_get_version();
        // Sanitize the data (remove leading, trailing spaces quotes, brackets)
        foreach ($post_data as $key => $value) {
            $temp = trim($value);
            $temp = str_replace("\"", "", $temp);
            $temp = strip_tags($temp);
            $post_data[$key] = $temp;
        // account for different permalink styles
        $success_url = $post_data['SUCCESSURL'];
        $qmark = strpos($success_url, '?');
        if ($qmark === false) {
            $success_url .= "?thanks=true";
        } else {
            $success_url .= "&thanks=true";
        $post_data['RETURN'] = $success_url;
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Success URL: {$success_url}");
        $post_data = apply_filters('seamless_donations_payment_post_data', $post_data);
        // insert extra validation for GoodByeCaptcha and any other validation
        $challenge_response_passed = apply_filters('seamless_donations_challenge_response_request', true, $post_data);
        if (true !== $challenge_response_passed) {
            if (is_wp_error($challenge_response_passed)) {
                $error_message = $challenge_response_passed->get_error_message();
            } else {
                $error_message = (string) $challenge_response_passed;
            dgx_donate_debug_log('Form challenge-response failed:' . $error_message);
            die(esc_html__('Invalid response to challenge. Are you human?'));
        if ($sd4_mode == false) {
            // Save it all in a transient
            $transient_token = $post_data['SESSIONID'];
            set_transient($transient_token, $post_data, 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
            // 7 days
            dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using legacy mode');
        } else {
            seamless_donations_update_audit_option($session_id, $post_data);
            dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using guid/audit db mode');
        // more log data
        $obscurify = get_option('dgx_donate_log_obscure_name');
        // false if not set
        if ($obscurify == '1') {
            // obscurify for privacy
            $donor_name = strtolower($post_data['FIRSTNAME'] . $post_data['LASTNAME']);
            $donor_name = seamless_donations_obscurify_string($donor_name, '*', false);
        } else {
            $donor_name = $post_data['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $post_data['LASTNAME'];
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Name: ' . $donor_name);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Amount: ' . $post_data['AMOUNT']);
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Preparation complete. Entering PHP post code.");
        // new posting code
        // Build the PayPal query string
        $post_args = "?";
        $post_args .= "first_name=" . urlencode($post_data['FIRSTNAME']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "last_name=" . urlencode($post_data['LASTNAME']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "address1=" . urlencode($post_data['ADDRESS']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "address2=" . urlencode($post_data['ADDRESS2']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "city=" . urlencode($post_data['CITY']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "zip=" . urlencode($post_data['ZIP']) . "&";
        if ('US' == $post_data['COUNTRY']) {
            $post_args .= "state=" . urlencode($post_data['STATE']) . "&";
        } else {
            if ('CA' == $post_data['COUNTRY']) {
                $post_args .= "state=" . urlencode($post_data['PROVINCE']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "country=" . urlencode($post_data['COUNTRY']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "email=" . urlencode($post_data['EMAIL']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "custom=" . urlencode($post_data['SESSIONID']) . "&";
        // fill in repeating data, overriding if necessary
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Checking for repeat. REPEAT value is [" . $post_data['REPEATING'] . "].");
        if ($post_data['REPEATING'] == '') {
            if ($post_data['CMD'] == '') {
                $post_data['CMD'] = '_donations';
            $post_args .= "amount=" . urlencode($post_data['AMOUNT']) . "&";
            $post_args .= "cmd=" . urlencode($post_data['CMD']) . "&";
        } else {
            if ($post_data['CMD'] == '') {
                $post_data['CMD'] = '_xclick-subscriptions';
            if ($post_data['P3'] == '') {
                $post_data['P3'] = '1';
            if ($post_data['T3'] == '') {
                $post_data['T3'] = 'M';
            $post_args .= "cmd=" . urlencode($post_data['CMD']) . "&";
            $post_args .= "p3=" . urlencode($post_data['P3']) . "&";
            // 1, M = monthly
            $post_args .= "t3=" . urlencode($post_data['T3']) . "&";
            $post_args .= "src=1&sra=1&";
            // repeat until cancelled, retry on failure
            $post_args .= "a3=" . urlencode($post_data['AMOUNT']) . "&";
            $log_msg = "Enabling repeating donation, cmd=" . $post_data['CMD'];
            $log_msg .= ", p3=" . $post_data['P3'] . ", t3=" . $post_data['T3'];
            $log_msg .= ", a3=" . $post_data['AMOUNT'];
        $notify_url = plugins_url('/dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php', __FILE__);
        $paypal_email = get_option('dgx_donate_paypal_email');
        $currency_code = get_option('dgx_donate_currency');
        // fill in the rest of the form data, overriding if necessary
        if ($post_data['BUSINESS'] == '') {
            $post_data['BUSINESS'] = $paypal_email;
        if ($post_data['NOTIFY_URL'] == '') {
            $post_data['NOTIFY_URL'] = $notify_url;
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Computed RETURN value: '" . $post_data['RETURN'] . "'");
        $post_args .= "business=" . urlencode($post_data['BUSINESS']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "return=" . urlencode($post_data['RETURN']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "notify_url=" . urlencode($post_data['NOTIFY_URL']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "item_name=" . urlencode($post_data['ITEM_NAME']) . "&";
        $post_args .= "quantity=" . urlencode('1') . "&";
        $post_args .= "currency_code=" . urlencode($currency_code) . "&";
        $post_args .= "no_note=" . urlencode('1') . "&";
        if ($paypal_server == "SANDBOX") {
            $form_action = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
        } else {
            $form_action = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
        //	var_dump ( $post_args );
        //	die();
        // dgx_donate_debug_log ( "Post args: " . $post_args );
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Redirecting to PayPal... now!");
        wp_redirect($form_action . $post_args);
コード例 #3
function dgx_donate_paypalstd_ajax_checkout()
    // Log
    dgx_donate_debug_log('DONATION TRANSACTION STARTED');
    dgx_donate_debug_log('Test mode: B');
    $php_version = phpversion();
    dgx_donate_debug_log("PHP Version: {$php_version}");
    dgx_donate_debug_log("Seamless Donations Version: " . dgx_donate_get_version());
    dgx_donate_debug_log("User browser: " . seamless_donations_get_browser_name());
    dgx_donate_debug_log('IPN: ' . plugins_url('/dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php', __FILE__));
    $nonce = $_POST['nonce'];
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'dgx-donate-nonce')) {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Payment process nonce validation failure.');
        die('Access Denied.');
    } else {
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Payment process nonce {$nonce} validated.");
    $sd4_mode = get_option('dgx_donate_start_in_sd4_mode');
    $session_id = $_POST['sessionID'];
    dgx_donate_debug_log("Session ID retrieved from _POST: {$session_id}");
    // now attempt to retrieve session data to see if it already exists (which would trigger an error)
    if ($sd4_mode == false) {
        // use the old transient system
        $session_data = get_transient($session_id);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Looking for pre-existing session data (legacy transient mode): ' . $session_id);
    } else {
        // use the new guid/audit db system
        $session_data = seamless_donations_get_audit_option($session_id);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Looking for pre-existing session data (guid/audit db mode): ' . $session_id);
    if ($session_data !== false) {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Session data already exists, returning false');
    } else {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Duplicate session data not found. Payment process data assembly can proceed.');
        if ($_POST['honoreeCountry'] == 'US') {
            $_POST['honoreeProvince'] = '';
        } else {
            if ($_POST['honoreeCountry'] == 'CA') {
                $_POST['honoreeState'] = '';
            } else {
                if ($_POST['honoreeCountry'] == '') {
                    //default to US if country blank
                    $_POST['honoreeCountry'] = 'US';
                } else {
                    $_POST['honoreeState'] = '';
                    $_POST['honoreeProvince'] = '';
        if ($_POST['country'] == 'US') {
            $_POST['province'] = '';
        } else {
            if ('CA' == $_POST['country']) {
                $_POST['state'] = '';
            } else {
                if ($_POST['country'] == '') {
                    $_POST['country'] = 'US';
                } else {
                    $_POST['state'] = '';
                    $_POST['province'] = '';
        // Resolve the donation amount
        if (strcasecmp($_POST['donationAmount'], "OTHER") == 0) {
            $_POST['amount'] = floatval($_POST['userAmount']);
        } else {
            $_POST['amount'] = floatval($_POST['donationAmount']);
        if ($_POST['amount'] < 1.0) {
            $_POST['amount'] = 1.0;
        // Repack the POST
        $acceptedFields = apply_filters('seamless_donations_accepted_fields', array('referringUrl', 'sessionID', 'amount', 'repeating', 'designated', 'designatedFund', 'tributeGift', 'memorialGift', 'honoreeName', 'honoreeEmail', 'honoreeAddress', 'honoreeCity', 'honoreeState', 'honoreeProvince', 'honoreeCountry', 'honoreeZip', 'honoreeEmailName', 'honoreePostName', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'phone', 'email', 'addToMailingList', 'address', 'address2', 'city', 'state', 'province', 'country', 'zip', 'increaseToCover', 'anonymous', 'paymentMethod', 'employerMatch', 'employerName', 'occupation', 'ukGiftAid'));
        foreach ($acceptedFields as $key => $value) {
            $upper = strtoupper($value);
            $post_data[$upper] = $_POST[$value];
        $post_data['PAYMENTMETHOD'] = 'PayPal';
        // Sanitize the data (remove leading, trailing spaces quotes, brackets)
        foreach ($post_data as $key => $value) {
            $temp = trim($value);
            $temp = str_replace("\"", "", $temp);
            $temp = strip_tags($temp);
            $post_data[$key] = $temp;
        if ($sd4_mode == false) {
            // Save it all in a transient
            $transient_token = $post_data['SESSIONID'];
            // Capture the result of the transient update call
            $transient_status = set_transient($transient_token, $post_data, 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
            // 7 days
            // if transient could not be set, fail and die
            if ($transient_status === false) {
                $returnMessage = '1|Failed to save transient';
                echo $returnMessage;
            dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using legacy mode');
        } else {
            seamless_donations_update_audit_option($session_id, $post_data);
            dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using guid/audit db mode');
        // more log data
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Name: ' . $post_data['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $post_data['LASTNAME']);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Amount: ' . $post_data['AMOUNT']);
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Preparation complete. It is now up to PayPal to return data via IPN.");
        // Return success to AJAX caller as " code | message "
        // A return code of 0 indicates success, and the returnMessage is ignored
        // A return code of 1 indicates failure, and the returnMessage contains the error message
        $returnMessage = "0|SUCCESS";
        echo $returnMessage;
        // this is required to return a proper result
コード例 #4
function dgx_donate_paypalstd_ajax_checkout()
    // Log
    dgx_donate_debug_log('DONATION TRANSACTION STARTED');
    dgx_donate_debug_log('Test mode: B');
    $php_version = phpversion();
    dgx_donate_debug_log("PHP Version: {$php_version}");
    dgx_donate_debug_log("Seamless Donations Version: " . dgx_donate_get_version());
    dgx_donate_debug_log("User browser: " . seamless_donations_get_browser_name());
    dgx_donate_debug_log('IPN: ' . plugins_url('/dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php', __FILE__));
    $nonce = $_POST['nonce'];
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'dgx-donate-nonce')) {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Payment process nonce validation failure.');
        die('Access Denied.');
    } else {
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Payment process nonce {$nonce} validated.");
    $sd4_mode = get_option('dgx_donate_start_in_sd4_mode');
    $session_id = $_POST['sessionID'];
    dgx_donate_debug_log("Session ID retrieved from _POST: {$session_id}");
    // now attempt to retrieve session data to see if it already exists (which would trigger an error)
    if ($sd4_mode == false) {
        // use the old transient system
        $session_data = get_transient($session_id);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Looking for pre-existing session data (legacy transient mode): ' . $session_id);
    } else {
        // use the new guid/audit db system
        $session_data = seamless_donations_get_audit_option($session_id);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Looking for pre-existing session data (guid/audit db mode): ' . $session_id);
    if ($session_data !== false) {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Session data already exists, returning false');
    } else {
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Duplicate session data not found. Payment process data assembly can proceed.');
        // all of this no longer necessary for transfer to PayPal, just for storage in local audit table
        $referringUrl = $_POST['referringUrl'];
        $donationAmount = $_POST['donationAmount'];
        $userAmount = $_POST['userAmount'];
        $repeating = $_POST['repeating'];
        $designated = $_POST['designated'];
        $designatedFund = $_POST['designatedFund'];
        $tributeGift = $_POST['tributeGift'];
        $memorialGift = $_POST['memorialGift'];
        $honoreeName = $_POST['honoreeName'];
        $honorByEmail = $_POST['honorByEmail'];
        $honoreeEmail = $_POST['honoreeEmail'];
        $honoreeAddress = $_POST['honoreeAddress'];
        $honoreeCity = $_POST['honoreeCity'];
        $honoreeState = $_POST['honoreeState'];
        $honoreeProvince = $_POST['honoreeProvince'];
        $honoreeCountry = $_POST['honoreeCountry'];
        if ('US' == $honoreeCountry) {
            $honoreeProvince = '';
        } else {
            if ('CA' == $honoreeCountry) {
                $honoreeState = '';
            } else {
                $honoreeState = '';
                $honoreeProvince = '';
        $honoreeZip = $_POST['honoreeZip'];
        $honoreeEmailName = $_POST['honoreeEmailName'];
        $honoreePostName = $_POST['honoreePostName'];
        $firstName = $_POST['firstName'];
        $lastName = $_POST['lastName'];
        $phone = $_POST['phone'];
        $email = $_POST['email'];
        $addToMailingList = $_POST['addToMailingList'];
        $address = $_POST['address'];
        $address2 = $_POST['address2'];
        $city = $_POST['city'];
        $state = $_POST['state'];
        $province = $_POST['province'];
        $country = $_POST['country'];
        if ('US' == $country) {
            $province = '';
        } else {
            if ('CA' == $country) {
                $state = '';
            } else {
                $state = '';
                $province = '';
        $zip = $_POST['zip'];
        $increaseToCover = $_POST['increaseToCover'];
        $anonymous = $_POST['anonymous'];
        $employerMatch = $_POST['employerMatch'];
        $employerName = $_POST['employerName'];
        $occupation = $_POST['occupation'];
        $ukGiftAid = $_POST['ukGiftAid'];
        // Resolve the donation amount
        if (strcasecmp($donationAmount, "OTHER") == 0) {
            $amount = floatval($userAmount);
        } else {
            $amount = floatval($donationAmount);
        if ($amount < 1.0) {
            $amount = 1.0;
        // Repack the POST
        $post_data = array();
        $post_data['REFERRINGURL'] = $referringUrl;
        $post_data['SESSIONID'] = $session_id;
        $post_data['AMOUNT'] = $amount;
        $post_data['REPEATING'] = $repeating;
        $post_data['DESIGNATED'] = $designated;
        $post_data['DESIGNATEDFUND'] = $designatedFund;
        $post_data['TRIBUTEGIFT'] = $tributeGift;
        $post_data['MEMORIALGIFT'] = $memorialGift;
        $post_data['HONOREENAME'] = $honoreeName;
        $post_data['HONORBYEMAIL'] = $honorByEmail;
        $post_data['HONOREEEMAIL'] = $honoreeEmail;
        $post_data['HONOREEADDRESS'] = $honoreeAddress;
        $post_data['HONOREECITY'] = $honoreeCity;
        $post_data['HONOREESTATE'] = $honoreeState;
        $post_data['HONOREEPROVINCE'] = $honoreeProvince;
        $post_data['HONOREECOUNTRY'] = $honoreeCountry;
        $post_data['HONOREEZIP'] = $honoreeZip;
        $post_data['HONOREEEMAILNAME'] = $honoreeEmailName;
        $post_data['HONOREEPOSTNAME'] = $honoreePostName;
        $post_data['FIRSTNAME'] = $firstName;
        $post_data['LASTNAME'] = $lastName;
        $post_data['PHONE'] = $phone;
        $post_data['EMAIL'] = $email;
        $post_data['ADDTOMAILINGLIST'] = $addToMailingList;
        $post_data['ADDRESS'] = $address;
        $post_data['ADDRESS2'] = $address2;
        $post_data['CITY'] = $city;
        $post_data['STATE'] = $state;
        $post_data['PROVINCE'] = $province;
        $post_data['COUNTRY'] = $country;
        $post_data['ZIP'] = $zip;
        $post_data['INCREASETOCOVER'] = $increaseToCover;
        $post_data['ANONYMOUS'] = $anonymous;
        $post_data['PAYMENTMETHOD'] = "PayPal";
        $post_data['EMPLOYERMATCH'] = $employerMatch;
        $post_data['EMPLOYERNAME'] = $employerName;
        $post_data['OCCUPATION'] = $occupation;
        $post_data['UKGIFTAID'] = $ukGiftAid;
        $post_data['SDVERSION'] = dgx_donate_get_version();
        // Sanitize the data (remove leading, trailing spaces quotes, brackets)
        foreach ($post_data as $key => $value) {
            $temp = trim($value);
            $temp = str_replace("\"", "", $temp);
            $temp = strip_tags($temp);
            $post_data[$key] = $temp;
        if ($sd4_mode == false) {
            // Save it all in a transient
            $transient_token = $post_data['SESSIONID'];
            set_transient($transient_token, $post_data, 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
            // 7 days
            dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using legacy mode');
        } else {
            seamless_donations_update_audit_option($session_id, $post_data);
            dgx_donate_debug_log('Saving transaction data using guid/audit db mode');
        // more log data
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Name: ' . $post_data['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $post_data['LASTNAME']);
        dgx_donate_debug_log('Amount: ' . $post_data['AMOUNT']);
        dgx_donate_debug_log("Preparation complete. It is now up to PayPal to return data via IPN.");
        // Return success to AJAX caller as " code | message "
        // A return code of 0 indicates success, and the returnMessage is ignored
        // A return code of 1 indicates failure, and the returnMessage contains the error message
        $returnMessage = "0|SUCCESS";
        echo $returnMessage;
        // this is required to return a proper result