コード例 #1
 function mnt_create_object($src_name, $args, $object_id, $object = '')
     $defaults = array('object_type' => '');
     $args = array_intersect_key($defaults, (array) $args);
     static $inserted_objects;
     if (!isset($inserted_objects)) {
         $inserted_objects = array();
     // so this filter doesn't get called by hook AND internally
     if (isset($inserted_objects[$src_name][$object_id])) {
     if (empty($object_type)) {
         if ($col_type = $GLOBALS['scoper']->data_sources->member_property($src_name, 'cols', 'type')) {
             $object_type = isset($object->{$col_type}) ? $object->{$col_type} : '';
     if (empty($object_type)) {
         if (!isset($object)) {
             $object = '';
         $object_type = cr_find_object_type($src_name, $object_id, $object);
     if ($object_type == 'revision') {
     $inserted_objects[$src_name][$object_id] = 1;
     if ('post' == $src_name) {
         $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object($object_type);
         if ($post_type_obj->hierarchical) {
コード例 #2
function scoper_mnt_save_object($src_name, $args, $object_id, $object = '')
    global $scoper, $scoper_admin;
    if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {
    // operations in this function only apply to main post save action, not revision save
    if ('post' == $src_name) {
        if (is_object($object) && !empty($object->post_type) && ('revision' == $object->post_type || 'auto-draft' == $object->post_status)) {
    static $saved_objects;
    if (!isset($saved_objects)) {
        $saved_objects = array();
    if (isset($saved_objects[$src_name][$object_id])) {
    $defaults = array('object_type' => '');
    $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
    if ('post' == $src_name) {
        global $wpdb;
        $is_new_object = !get_post_meta($object_id, '_scoper_custom', true) && !$wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->user2role2object_rs} WHERE scope = 'object' AND src_or_tx_name = 'post' AND obj_or_term_id = '{$object_id}'");
    } else {
        $is_new_object = true;
    // for other data sources, we have to assume object is new unless it has a role or restriction stored already.
    if (empty($object_type)) {
        $object_type = cr_find_object_type($src_name, $object_id);
    $saved_objects[$src_name][$object_id] = 1;
    // parent settings can affect the auto-assignment of propagating roles/restrictions
    $last_parent = 0;
    $set_parent = 0;
    if ($col_parent = $scoper->data_sources->member_property($src_name, 'cols', 'parent')) {
        if (in_array($GLOBALS['pagenow'], array('post.php', 'post-new.php', 'press-this.php'))) {
            if (isset($_POST[$col_parent])) {
                $set_parent = (int) $_POST[$col_parent];
        } else {
            if (isset($object->{$col_parent})) {
                // this should also work for handling regular WP edit form, but leaving existing code above until further testing
                $set_parent = $object->{$col_parent};
    // Determine whether this object is new (first time this RS filter has run for it, though the object may already be inserted into db)
    if ('post' == $src_name) {
        $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object($object_type);
        $last_parent = $object_id > 0 ? get_post_meta($object_id, '_scoper_last_parent', true) : '';
        if (is_numeric($last_parent)) {
            // not technically necessary, but an easy safeguard to avoid re-inheriting parent roles
            $is_new_object = false;
        if (isset($set_parent) && $set_parent != $last_parent && ($set_parent || $last_parent)) {
            update_post_meta($object_id, '_scoper_last_parent', (int) $set_parent);
    } else {
        // for other data sources, we have to assume object is new unless it has a role or restriction stored already.
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/filters-admin-save-custom_rs.php';
        $is_new_object = ScoperCustomAdminFiltersSave::log_object_save($src_name, $object_id, $is_new_object, $col_parent, $set_parent);
    // used here and in UI display to enumerate role definitions
    $role_defs = $scoper->role_defs->get_matching('rs', $src_name, $object_type);
    $role_handles = array_keys($role_defs);
    // Were roles / restrictions previously customized by direct edit?
    if ('post' == $src_name) {
        $roles_customized = $is_new_object ? false : get_post_meta($object_id, '_scoper_custom', true);
    } else {
        $roles_customized = false;
        if (!$is_new_object) {
            if ($custom_role_objects = (array) get_option("scoper_custom_{$src_name}")) {
                $roles_customized = isset($custom_role_objects[$object_id]);
    $new_role_settings = false;
    $new_restriction_settings = false;
    $use_csv_entry = array(constant('ROLE_BASIS_USER') => scoper_get_option('user_role_assignment_csv'));
    // Were roles / restrictions custom-edited just now?
    if (!defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST')) {
        // Now determine if roles/restrictions have changed since the edit form load
        foreach ($role_defs as $role_handle => $role_def) {
            $role_code = 'r' . array_search($role_handle, $role_handles);
            // make sure the role assignment UI for this role was actually reviewed
            if (!isset($_POST["last_objscope_{$role_code}"])) {
            // did user change roles?
            if ($use_csv_entry[ROLE_BASIS_USER] && (!empty($_POST["{$role_code}u_csv"]) || !empty($_POST["p_{$role_code}u_csv"]))) {
                $new_role_settings = true;
            // even if CSV entry is enabled, user removal is via checkbox
            $compare_vars = array("{$role_code}u" => "last_{$role_code}u", "{$role_code}g" => "last_{$role_code}g");
            if ($col_parent) {
                $compare_vars["p_{$role_code}u"] = "last_p_{$role_code}u";
                $compare_vars["p_{$role_code}g"] = "last_p_{$role_code}g";
            foreach ($compare_vars as $var => $var_last) {
                $agents = isset($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : array();
                $last_agents = !empty($_POST[$var_last]) ? explode("~", $_POST[$var_last]) : array();
                if ($last_agents != $agents) {
                    $new_role_settings = true;
            // did user change restrictions?
            $compare_vars = array("objscope_{$role_code}" => "last_objscope_{$role_code}");
            if ($col_parent) {
                $compare_vars["objscope_children_{$role_code}"] = "last_objscope_children_{$role_code}";
            foreach ($compare_vars as $var => $var_last) {
                $val = isset($_POST[$var]) ? $_POST[$var] : 0;
                $last_val = isset($_POST[$var_last]) ? $_POST[$var_last] : 0;
                if ($val != $last_val) {
                    $new_role_settings = true;
                    // NOTE: We won't re-inherit roles/restrictions following parent change if roles OR restrictions have been manually set
                    $new_restriction_settings = true;
                    // track manual restriction changes separately due to file filtering implications
            if ($new_role_settings && $new_restriction_settings) {
        if ($new_role_settings && !$roles_customized) {
            $roles_customized = true;
            if ('post' == $src_name) {
                update_post_meta($object_id, '_scoper_custom', true);
            } else {
                $custom_role_objects[$object_id] = true;
                update_option("scoper_custom_{$src_name}", $custom_role_objects);
    // endif user-modified roles/restrictions weren't already saved
    // apply default roles for new object
    if ($is_new_object && !$roles_customized) {
        // NOTE: this means we won't apply default roles if any roles have been manually assigned to the new object
        scoper_inherit_parent_roles($object_id, OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, 0, $object_type);
    // Inherit parent roles / restrictions, but only if a new parent is set and roles haven't been manually edited for this object
    if (isset($set_parent) && $set_parent != $last_parent && !$roles_customized) {
        // clear previously propagated role assignments
        if (!$is_new_object) {
            $args = array('inherited_only' => true, 'clear_propagated' => true);
            ScoperAdminLib::clear_restrictions(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $args);
            ScoperAdminLib::clear_roles(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $args);
        // apply propagating roles, restrictions from selected parent
        if ($set_parent) {
            scoper_inherit_parent_roles($object_id, OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $set_parent, $object_type);
            scoper_inherit_parent_restrictions($object_id, OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $set_parent, $object_type);
    // endif new parent selection (or new object)
    // Roles/Restrictions were just edited manually, so store role settings (which may contain default roles even if no manual settings were made)
    if ($new_role_settings && !empty($_POST['rs_object_roles']) && (empty($_POST['action']) || 'autosave' != $_POST['action']) && !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST')) {
        $role_assigner = init_role_assigner();
        $require_blogwide_editor = scoper_get_option('role_admin_blogwide_editor_only');
        if (('admin' != $require_blogwide_editor || is_user_administrator_rs()) && ('admin_content' != $require_blogwide_editor || is_content_administrator_rs())) {
            if ($object_type && $scoper_admin->user_can_admin_object($src_name, $object_type, $object_id)) {
                // store any object role (read/write/admin access group) selections
                $role_bases = array();
                if (GROUP_ROLES_RS) {
                    $role_bases[] = ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS;
                if (USER_ROLES_RS) {
                    $role_bases[] = ROLE_BASIS_USER;
                $set_roles = array_fill_keys($role_bases, array());
                $set_restrictions = array();
                $default_restrictions = $scoper->get_default_restrictions(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS);
                foreach ($role_defs as $role_handle => $role_def) {
                    if (!isset($role_def->valid_scopes[OBJECT_SCOPE_RS])) {
                    $role_code = 'r' . array_search($role_handle, $role_handles);
                    // make sure the role assignment UI for this role was actually reviewed
                    if (!isset($_POST["last_objscope_{$role_code}"])) {
                    foreach ($role_bases as $role_basis) {
                        $id_prefix = $role_code . substr($role_basis, 0, 1);
                        $for_entity_agent_ids = isset($_POST[$id_prefix]) ? $_POST[$id_prefix] : array();
                        $for_children_agent_ids = isset($_POST["p_{$id_prefix}"]) ? $_POST["p_{$id_prefix}"] : array();
                        // NOTE: restrict_roles, assign_roles functions validate current user roles before modifying assignments
                        // handle csv-entered agent names
                        if (!empty($use_csv_entry[$role_basis])) {
                            $csv_id = "{$id_prefix}_csv";
                            if ($csv_for_item = ScoperAdminLib::agent_ids_from_csv($csv_id, $role_basis)) {
                                $for_entity_agent_ids = array_merge($for_entity_agent_ids, $csv_for_item);
                            if ($csv_for_children = ScoperAdminLib::agent_ids_from_csv("p_{$csv_id}", $role_basis)) {
                                $for_children_agent_ids = array_merge($for_children_agent_ids, $csv_for_children);
                        $set_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] = array();
                        if ($for_both_agent_ids = array_intersect($for_entity_agent_ids, $for_children_agent_ids)) {
                            $set_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] = $set_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] + array_fill_keys($for_both_agent_ids, ASSIGN_FOR_BOTH_RS);
                        if ($for_entity_agent_ids = array_diff($for_entity_agent_ids, $for_children_agent_ids)) {
                            $set_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] = $set_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] + array_fill_keys($for_entity_agent_ids, ASSIGN_FOR_ENTITY_RS);
                        if ($for_children_agent_ids = array_diff($for_children_agent_ids, $for_entity_agent_ids)) {
                            $set_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] = $set_roles[$role_basis][$role_handle] + array_fill_keys($for_children_agent_ids, ASSIGN_FOR_CHILDREN_RS);
                    if (isset($default_restrictions[$src_name][$role_handle])) {
                        $max_scope = BLOG_SCOPE_RS;
                        $item_restrict = empty($_POST["objscope_{$role_code}"]);
                        $child_restrict = empty($_POST["objscope_children_{$role_code}"]);
                    } else {
                        $max_scope = OBJECT_SCOPE_RS;
                        $item_restrict = !empty($_POST["objscope_{$role_code}"]);
                        $child_restrict = !empty($_POST["objscope_children_{$role_code}"]);
                    $set_restrictions[$role_handle] = array('max_scope' => $max_scope, 'for_item' => $item_restrict, 'for_children' => $child_restrict);
                $args = array('implicit_removal' => true, 'object_type' => $object_type);
                // don't record first-time storage of default roles as custom settings
                if (!$new_role_settings) {
                    $args['is_auto_insertion'] = true;
                // Add or remove object role restrictions as needed (no DB update in nothing has changed)
                $role_assigner->restrict_roles(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $set_restrictions, $args);
                // Add or remove object role assignments as needed (no DB update if nothing has changed)
                foreach ($role_bases as $role_basis) {
                    $role_assigner->assign_roles(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, $src_name, $object_id, $set_roles[$role_basis], $role_basis, $args);
            // endif object type is known and user can admin this object
        // end if current user is an Administrator, or doesn't need to be
    //endif roles were manually edited by user (and not autosave)
    // if post status has changed to or from private (or is a new private post), flush htaccess file rules for file attachment filtering
    if (scoper_get_option('file_filtering')) {
        if ( $new_restriction_settings ) {
        	$maybe_flush_file_rules = true;
        } else {
        	$maybe_flush_file_rules = false;
        	global $scoper_admin_filters;
        	if ( isset( $scoper_admin_filters->last_post_status[$object_id] ) ) {
        		$new_status = ( isset($_POST['post_status']) ) ? $_POST['post_status'] : ''; // assume for now that XML-RPC will not modify post status
        		if ( $scoper_admin_filters->last_post_status[$object_id] != $new_status )
        			if ( ( 'private' == $new_status ) || ( 'private' == $scoper_admin_filters->last_post_status[$object_id] ) )
        				$maybe_flush_file_rules = true;
        	} elseif ( isset($_POST['post_status']) && ( 'private' == $_POST['post_status'] ) )
        		$maybe_flush_file_rules = true;	
        //if ( $maybe_flush_file_rules ) {
        global $wpdb;
        if (scoper_get_var("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'attachment' AND post_parent = '{$object_id}' LIMIT 1")) {
            // no need to flush file rules unless this post has at least one attachment
    if ('post' == $src_name && $post_type_obj->hierarchical) {
        $_post = get_post($object_id);
        if ('auto-draft' != $_post->post_status) {
    // need this to make metabox captions update in first refresh following edit & save
    if (is_admin() && isset($GLOBALS['scoper_admin_filters_item_ui'])) {
    // possible TODO: remove other conditional calls since we're doing it here on every save